Direct Support Personnel Guide to eRSP
Getting and Signing into the Mobile App
1. Search for eRSP in your mobile app store
2. Select eRSP mobile connect and download it
3. Open your eRSP app and fill in the blank space before by
typing JayNolan
4. Make sure that tab “DSP” is clicked
5. Enter Username and Password (if you do not remember your
Username or Password, contact the eRSP Team at
6. Keep the “stay logged in” field switched on and hit “next”
You now have arrived at your home page.
Your Home Page
1. On your home page you will see the Daily Calendar-Scheduled Assignments,
which tells you if you have any active assignments that day
2. Additionally, four main buttons at the bottom of your app:
Direct Support Personnel Guide to eRSP
late alerts
See How to Navigate Your Homepage for more information on these four
navigation buttons.
Looking Up Your Schedule
1. Go to your eRSP homepage and scroll down to the center of your screen to
look at your daily calendar assignments
2. This will tell you the status of any assignments you may have on your
schedule, which you can navigate by scrolling either backwards (left) to see
past days’ assignments, or forward (right)to see any future assignments
3. If a supported individual’s name shows in dark teal, it means you are
assigned to support them at the time also listed on the date you have
Direct Support Personnel Guide to eRSP
scrolled to. Shifts highlighted in light teal are shifts you are currently clocked
in for. Shifts highlighted in bright green are shifts you successfully clocked in
and out for. If you see “no assignments” then you have no assignments on
that date.
Clocking In for Your Shift
1. When you wish to clock into a particular shift, simply click on the name of
the supported individual whose assignment you wish to clock into (these
assigned shifts will be in a dark teal color)
2. The next screen will have your supported individual’s basic information and
several action tabs
“info”- which gives you basic information you might need regarding
the individual you serve
“clock- where you will clock in and out for the shift
care notes - which is where any specific support needs would be
listed for the DSP to reference
“comments- which lets you leave a brief note about a particular shift
Direct Support Personnel Guide to eRSP
“attachments- which houses any important documents that the
individual you work with may need to access (such as a vaccine card,
3. Click on the “clock” action tab which will take you to your clock-in map
4. Look at the location listed under the map; if this address is different from
the location you are clocking in from, simply click on the address listed to
pull up any other locations pre-approved by your Supervisor to select the
address you wish to clock in from. If you are at a new location your
Supervisor hasn’t approved yet, clock in anyway and make a note of it in the
comments” section of your shift page
5. Hit “Clock In
You have now clocked in.*
Location Alert- Clocking in is based on authorized locations; if you are
clocking in at a location your Supervisor has not entered into the eRSP
system as an authorized clock-in location, the app will say “your time
has been recorded but it is not successful.” Your Supervisor will be able
to approve this on their end and use your original clock in time since it
was recorded. Be sure to communicate with your Supervisor if you will
be clocking in or out of a location you don’t typically use.
Late Alert- There is a grace period of 10 minutes when clocking in and
out for your shifts. If you are too early or too late in clocking in, the
app will say “your time has been recorded but it is not successful.
Your Supervisor will be able to approve this on their end and use your
original clock in time since it was recorded. If you are clocking in late
because you arrived on time but forgot to clock in, be sure to
communicate that with your Supervisor and they will be able to
approve your correct time.
Clocking Out for Your Shift
Direct Support Personnel Guide to eRSP
1. Use the same steps as the clock-in to get you to your assigned supported
individual’s page
6. Click the “Clock” action tab which will take you to your clock-in map
7. Look at the location listed under the map; if this address is different from
the location you are clocking out from, simply click on the address listed to
pull up any other locations pre-approved by your Supervisor to select the
address you wish to clock out from. If you are at a new location your
Supervisor hasnt approved yet, clock out anyway and make a note of it in
the comments section of your shift page
8. Hit “Clock Out
You have now clocked out.*
The same conditions for clocking in also apply to clocking out- if you
know about it then so should your Supervisor. Always communicate
any changes to your shift to your Supervisor as soon as you know
about themyour Supervisor should always know ahead of time if the
individual you are supporting needs to change the time or day, or if
there is a new location youd be clocking in/out for.
Unsuccessful Clock-In- If you had a location or late alert during clock-in
and your Supervisor hasn’t approved the clock-in before the end of
your shift, the app will still say “your time has been recorded but it is
not successful.This approval process replaces the need to turn in
timesheets later.
Navigating Your Homepage: Messages,
Broadcasts, and Late Alerts
On your home page you will see four buttons at the bottom of your app:
Direct Support Personnel Guide to eRSP
Home is your way of always navigating back to your
homepage (this can also be accomplished by clicking on
the 3 horizontal bars at the top of your app which open
up the main menu bar)
Messages in eRSP are like emails; you can send and
receive work-related messages to your Supervisor or
members of your circle and the app will give them an
instant notification of the message
a) Click on the envelope icon (which will have a number beside it if
you have any unread messages waiting in your inbox) to view or
send messages.
b) To send a message, click on the pencil icon on the bottom
righthand side of the screen
c) Type in the name of the person you wish to message (this will
likely usually be your Supervisor, whose name will auto-populate
as you type it)
d) Enter a short subject that gives a general idea of what the
message will entail
e) Type the message you wish to send (this should be anything that
pertains to work or your supported individual; for example, shift
time changes, shift location changes, questions about your
schedule, communications about your supported individual, etc)
f) After you are done with your message, click on the paper
airplane icon at the bottom right of the messages page to send
Broadcasts are sent out when a shift suddenly needs to
be covered and the Supervisor is attempting to see if
anyone else who is qualified to work with the supported
individual is free and able to take it
a) Click on the megaphone icon (which will have a number beside
it if you have any unread broadcasts) to view Broadcasts
Direct Support Personnel Guide to eRSP
b) If the shift broadcasted is one you can pick up then hit accept;
likewise, hit decline if you will not be picking up the shift
c) Everyone included in the Broadcast will be notified in real time
once a shift has been picked up and the Supervisor can make
the necessary changes to the schedule (your shift will then
show up in your Daily Schedule on your app as usual)
late alerts
Late alerts are reminders that you have a shift you are
late in either clocking in or out for. Dont stress when you
see a late alert-- these are meant to be helpful so that
you dont miss out on getting paid accurately
Protocols, Workflows, and What to Expect
Time Off requests will still be made via Paycom (both Sick
Time and Vacation)
Mileage will not change at this time and will still be
calculated using the Mileage Form
All work-related communications should be sent through
the messages in your eRSP app; they should not be sent
via text or phone call unless in the case of an emergency
(always use regular emergency protocol when a crisis
situation arises)
Supervisors will regularly be checking your shifts and
making any shift approvals that require authorization
(such as late alerts or location alerts) and this will replace
approving timesheets in Paycom at the end of the pay
Shifts can still be corrected any time before the pay
period ends, but only Supervisors and Managers will be
able to change your shift times so it isn’t a bad idea to
Direct Support Personnel Guide to eRSP
check in with your Supervisor if there are changes that
need to be made
Always reach out to both your Supervisors AND your eRSP
Support team for any eRSP questions. All shift-related
questions are still just handled between you and your