**Hungerford Technologies LLC
CoreNexa App on Desktops
Hungerford Technologies is proud to announce CoreNexa App for desktop
How to log into the website
Website: https://pbx.hungerford.tech/
o Make sure to use CHROME as your browser
o Username: Enter your company email address
o Passcode: Select Forget Your Password
You will then receive an email to reset your password
Once you reset your password you will be directed the below screen
Select Download Now
The below screen should appear
Outbound Call
Select the Dial Pad icon or the Handset icon
Once you select the Dial Pad, the phone key pad will appear
Enter the phone number or Extension you wish to dial
Click on the Phone icon from the Dial Pad to initiate the call
Once active on a call you will see: Mute, Hold, Conference, Transfer, End Call
Incoming Call
When you receive a call you will see the call information in the upper right corner
o Caller ID will show the internal extension or the incoming caller ID
Hover over the RINGING and click on the phone to ACCEPT the call
Once active on a call you will see: Mute, Hold, Conference, Transfer, End Call
Calling Options
o Mutes local audio during calls and conferences
o Turn on Mute
While active on a call, click on the Mute icon to enable
To turn off Mute, select the Mute icon (Red)
o Places a caller on hold, caller will hear call waiting music
o Place a call on hold
While active on a call, select the Hold icon
Call on Hold will appear next to the caller ID
Press Hold again to resume the call
o Abiltiy to add an additional caller to an active call (3-way calling)
o Conference in a user
On a active call the Conference icon
Original caller will be hold
Enter the phone number or extension
Select Add Call
On the Upper right hand corner select 1+
Click on the Merge icon
o Additional Conference settings
Hang up Current Call and Pick the new one
Swap Calls
Puts one caller on hold and answer the other call
Hang Up
Drops the current call
Transfer Options
o Transfer (Blind Transfer)
Transfer call without warning the called contact
On a live call, select the Transfer icon
Select Transfer
Add Contact or enter Extension
Press Add Call to complete
o Attended Transfer
Transfer the call and notify the transferred party
On a live call, select the Transfer icon
Click on Attendant Transfer
Add Contact or enter Extension
When 3
party answers select Complete Transfer
o Select the End call icon to cancel the transfer
o Move To Mobile
Transfer the call to Mobile App (must be logged in)
Select Transfer
Click Mobile
The call will start ringing your mobile app
Answer the call on your mobile app (you must be signed into the App)
o Move To Desk Phone
Transfer the call to your Desk Phone
Select Transfer
Click desk phone
The call will start ringing your desk phone
Answer the call on your desk phone
o Transfer call directly to a Mailbox
On a live call, select the Transfer icon
Click on Transfer
Enter the Extension and * (star) - example 100*
Press Add Call to complete
End Call
o Hangs up the current call
Tool Bar Functions:
Home screen with Calling and Meeting
o Starting a Chat
Select the Messages icon on the left tool bar
Select the down arrow and select Chat
Select Community Chats or Direct Message
Type the name (s) of employee in the To: section
Select the Arrow icon or press Enter on your keyboard
Start typing and then ENTER to send your chat
Direct Message
Select the Plus sign (+) icon for a Direct Message
Search for Contact
Community Chat
Allows you to send a Message to your ALL Users of your hosted phone
o Message Notification
Message icon will identify the number of unread messages
o Displays Favorites, Online, and Offline.
o This shows presence of UC users
o Does not display presence of desk phone users
Listen to your Voicemails
o Select the Voicemail Icon
o Select the voicemail message you wish to listen too
o Play, Download or Delete the vm
Voicemail notifications
o Message icon will identify the number of unread messages
Accessing Voice Mailbox options
o Dial * + mailbox extension number
o Example: *100
o Enter VM Pin
Select the History Icon to view call History
Lower left of the screen
Click on the Visit our Help Page
Voicemail Options:
Mailbox Menu
Follow the Accessing Voice Mailbox options steps
o Enter 1: New / Old message
o * Asterisk: rewind
o fast forward
o Enter 2: To change folders (do not use)
o Enter 3: Advance Option:
o 5. To leave a message for another user
o Press 1 to enter an extension
o Press 2 to use the directory
o * To return to main menu
o Enter 0: Mailbox Options (Greetings see steps below Voicemail Greetings)
o 1. Record unavailable message
o 2. Record busy message
o 3. Record name
o 4. Record temporary greeting
o 5. Change password
o Enter *: To Return to main menu
o Enter #: To Exit
Voicemail Greetings
o Unavailable Message
This is the message users will hear if you do not answer your phone, a message
is directly transferred to your voice mail, or you have not recorded a Busy
Unavailable Message is also the option you will need to record if you have any
General Mailboxes.
o Busy Message
This is the message that callers will hear if you are on the phone or your DND
(do not disturb) is active. If you do not record a Busy message, caller will hear
your Unavailable message.
o Name Message
You will want to record your Name if you have an Auto Attendant with dial by
name as an option).
o Temporary Greeting
This is the message users will hear if you are out of the office or on vacation.
After the tone, please record your temporary greeting, then press #
o Press 1 to accept this recording
o This message has now been saved
o Press 2 to listen to your temporary greeting
o Press 3 to re-record your temporary greeting
After you have accepted your recording, you will hear:
There is a Temporary Greeting that overrides your Standard Greeting
(unavailable message)
The next time you access your voice mail you will need to access Voice Mail
Options (0)
You will hear:
there is a temporary greeting that overrides your standard greeting
This will loop back to Option 0 (Mailbox Options).
If you choose Option 4 (Temporary Greeting), then you will hear:
Press 1 to record a Temporary greeting.
Press 2 to erase your Temporary greeting
If you Erase your temporary greeting it defaults to your Unavailable and Busy
Access the Admin Portal
Click on the Grid icon or Apps (Applications) on the left toolbar
Select Automation Manager
A new tab will appear
Reference our Admin Guide for managing the pbx settings
Other Applications:
Mobile Download
Click on the Grid icon or Apps (Applications) on the left
Select Mobile Download
This will give you direct links for the Apple App Store and Google Play Store
Download the desired app
Login into the app
o Use the QR code from 2. Log into Corenexa Mobile
o The app will give you the option
Desktop Download
Click on the Grid icon or Apps (Applications) on the left
Select Desktop Download
A new tab will appear
Select the correct installer
Run the installer
Accept the default options
Other ways to download the desktop App
Select Download in upper right corner
A new tab will appear
Select the correct installer
Run the installer
Accept the default options