Michigan State University
Release of Information Authorization form
Student Name ____________________________________________ Student Number _____________________
I hereby authorize Michigan State University to release the following information from my education records:
to (provide name and address of person/agency to receive information): _____________________________________
for the purpose of:_______________________________________________________________________________
I understand that I have the right not to consent to the release of my education records and I have the right to inspect
and review such records upon request.
Time limit (consult with the department/office to determine the most appropriate option):
__________ I understand this consent is in effect this one instance; once this request is fulfilled, the consent will be
null and void. (Some offices will only accept this as an option for release)
__________ I understand this consent shall remain in effect until revoked by me, in writing, and delivered to
Michigan State University. However, any revocation shall not affect disclosures previously made by
Michigan State University prior to the receipt of any such written revocation.
___________________________________________________________ _____________________________
Student’s Signature Date
Information released to a third party pursuant to this authorization is subject to the confidentiality provisions provided
under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and may not be made available to any other party
without the written consent of the student.
Last updated: 10/2023
Michigan State University
Release of Information Authorization form
Instructions for Department/Unit
The student should provide the unit this form directly, either via hand-delivery or their MSU e-mail. The disclosing
unit is responsible for retention of this form in alignment with other MSU policies. The unit may have designated
specific individuals within the unit to release information from education records. This form allows the unit but does
not require the unit to disclose information contained within the specified records.
Instructions for Student
This completed form must be submitted by the student to the department that holds the record(s) the student is
authorizing to release. Departments may accept e-mailed copies from the student's official MSU e-mail address or
with a hand-delivered wet signature. The student should not provide the signed form to the third party; the
department will not accept it. A separate authorization must be completed for each department.
Instructions for Third Party
This form authorizes MSU officials to disclose information within the specified records, but it does not obligate
them to disclose. The student should provide the signed form directly to the department. Some departments may not
accept a durable release, and may require a new release for each new disclosure.
If you have questions regarding this form or for any other FERPA related issues, please contact the FERPA
Compliance Office at [email protected].
Last updated: 10/2023