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The Qualitative Report Volume 11 Number 3 September 2006 474-498
Linking Research Questions to Mixed Methods Data Analysis
Anthony J. Onwuegbuzie
University of South Florida, Tampa Florida
Nancy L. Leech
University of Colorado at Denver and Health Sciences Center, Denver, Colorado
The purpose of this paper is to discuss the development of research
questions in mixed methods studies. First, we discuss the ways that the
goal of the study, the research objective(s), and the research purpose
shape the formation of research questions. Second, we compare and
contrast quantitative research questions and qualitative research
questions. Third, we describe how to write mixed methods research
questions, which we define as questions that embed quantitative and
qualitative research questions. Finally, we provide a framework for
linking research questions to mixed methods data analysis techniques. A
major goal of our framework is to illustrate that the development of
research questions and data analysis procedures in mixed method studies
should occur logically and sequentially. Key Words: Mixed Methods,
Quantitative Research Questions, Qualitative Research Questions, and
Mixed Methods Data Analysis
Setting the Scene
Conducting mixed methods research involves collecting, analyzing, and
interpreting quantitative and qualitative data in a single study or in a series of studies that
investigate the same underlying phenomenon. As noted by Johnson and Onwuegbuzie
(2004, p. 17), “its logic of inquiry includes the use of induction (or discovery of patterns),
deduction (testing of theories and hypotheses), and abduction (uncovering and relying on
the best of a set of explanations for understanding one’s results).” Because of its logical
and intuitive appeal, providing a bridge between the qualitative and quantitative
paradigms, an increasing number of researchers are utilizing mixed methods research to
undertake their studies.
As conceptualized by Collins, Onwuegbuzie, and Sutton (2006), mixed methods
research can be conceptualized as comprising the following 13 distinct steps:
1. determining the goal of the study
2. formulating the research objective(s),
3. determining the research/mixing rationale,
1 Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Southwest Educational Research Association, New Orleans,
LA, and February 9-12, 2005.
475 The Qualitative Report September 2006
4. determining the research/mixing purpose,
5. determining the research question(s),
6. selecting the sampling design
7. selecting the mixed methods research design,
8. collecting the data,
9. analyzing the data,
10. validating/legitimating the data,
11. interpreting the data,
12. writing the mixed methods research report, and
13. reformulating the research question(s).
This process is illustrated in Figure 1.
The Importance of Questions
Determining the research question(s) is an extremely important step in both the
quantitative research process and the qualitative research process because these questions
narrow the research objective and research purpose to specific questions that researchers
attempt to address in their studies (Creswell, 2005; Johnson & Christensen, 2004).
However, research questions are even more important in mixed methods research because
mixed methods researchers make use of the pragmatic method and system of philosophy.
As such, in mixed methods studies, research questions drive the methods used (Newman
& Benz, 1998; Tashakkori & Teddlie, 1998). Moreover, research questions in mixed
methods studies are vitally important because they, in large part, dictate the type of
research design used, the sample size and sampling scheme employed, and the type of
instruments administered as well as the data analysis techniques (i.e., statistical or
qualitative) used.
Anthony J. Onwuegbuzie and Nancy L. Leech 476
Figure 1. Steps in the mixed methods research process.
Write Research
Report (12)
Data (8)
Select Mixed
Design (7)
Determine the
Goal of the
Study (1)
Purpose(s) (4)
Question(s) (5)
Determine the
Objectives (2)
Design (6)
477 The Qualitative Report September 2006
Unfortunately, forming research questions is much more difficult in mixed
methods studies than in monomethod (i.e., quantitative or qualitative) investigations
because it involves the formation of both quantitative and qualitative research questions
within the same inquiry. Thus, it is surprising that an extensive review of the literature
revealed no guidance as to how to write research questions specifically in mixed methods
studies. The leading textbook in mixed methods research, Handbook of Mixed Methods in
Social and Behavioral Research (Tashakkori & Teddlie, 2003), covers virtually all
aspects of inquiry, including the research purpose (Newman, Ridenour, Newman, &
DeMarco, 2003), research designs (Creswell, Plano Clark, Guttmann, & Hanson, 2003;
Maxwell & Loomis, 2003), sampling (Kemper, Stringfield, & Teddlie, 2003), data
collection (Johnson & Turner, 2003), data analysis (Bazeley, 2003; Onwuegbuzie &
Teddlie, 2003), making inferences (Erzberger & Kelle, 2003; Miller, 2003), and report
writing (Sandelowski, 2003). However, this book does not provide any significant
discussion of research questions in mixed methods research. In fact, nowhere in this 768
page, 26-chapter edited book is the concept of mixed methods research question either
defined or described. In Chapter 11, written by Johnson and Turner, the authors state that
“authors of the previous chapters in this handbook have discussed many of the issues
surrounding mixed methods research, including…writing research questions” (p. 297).
Unfortunately, this is not the case. Interestingly, in Chapter 6 of the Handbook of Mixed
Methods in Social and Behavioral Research, written by Newman et al. (p. 168), the
authors reveal the following,
Our original goal in writing this chapter was to present a typology of
research questions. Pursuing that goal led us through several winding
pathways to an unintended end result: not a typology of research questions
but rather a typology of research purposes. [emphasis in original]
Other leading introductory-level research methodology textbook authors who devote
whole chapters to mixed methods research (e.g., Creswell, 2005; Johnson & Christensen,
2004) also are guilty of this important oversight.
With this in mind, the purpose of this paper is to discuss the development of
research questions in mixed methods studies. First, we discuss the role that the goal of the
study, the research objective(s), the research/mixing rationale, and research/mixing
purpose have on the formation of research questions. Second, we compare and contrast
quantitative research questions and qualitative research questions. Third, we describe
how to write mixed methods research questions, which we define as questions that embed
quantitative and qualitative research questions.
Although frameworks exist for linking quantitative research questions (e.g.,
Leech, Barrett, & Morgan, 2005) and qualitative research questions (e.g., Leech &
Onwuegbuzie, 2005) to data analysis procedures, no such framework exists for mixed
methods studies. Thus, fourth, we provide a framework for linking research questions to
mixed methods data analysis techniques. In so doing, we utilize Onwuegbuzie and
Teddlie’s (2003) seven-stage conceptualization of the mixed methods data analysis
process. Finally, we outline the types of research questions that are pertinent for each of
these seven steps of the mixed methods data analysis process. A major goal of our
Anthony J. Onwuegbuzie and Nancy L. Leech 478
framework is to illustrate that the development of research questions and data analysis
procedures in mixed method studies should occur logically and sequentially.
Antecedents of Research Questions
In general, research questions reflect the problem that the researcher wants to
investigate. More specifically, research questions are interrogative statements that
represent “an extension of the statement of the purpose of the study in that it specifies
exactly the question that the researcher will attempt to answer” (Johnson & Christensen,
2004, p. 77). Research questions can be formulated based on theories, past research,
previous experience, or the practical need to make data-driven decisions in a work
environment. Thus, they serve as signposts for the reader, foreshadowing the specific
details of the study.
Research questions have several roles. In particular, they provide a framework for
conducting the study, helping the researcher to organize the research and giving it
relevance, direction, and coherence, thereby helping to keep the researcher focused
during the course of the investigation. Research questions also delimit the study,
revealing its boundaries. Additionally, research questions give rise to the type of data that
are eventually collected. As can be seen from Figure 1, research questions occupy a place
in the mixed methods research process that is central, interactive, emergent, and evolving.
Not only does the development of research questions occur at the fourth step of the
process, but these questions are re-evaluated during the data analysis (i.e., Step 9), data
legitimation (i.e., Step 10), and/or data interpretation (i.e., Step 11) steps. That is, any of
these steps might lead to the research questions being modified and/or to additional
research questions being addressed. Once the research report has been written (i.e., Step
12), the role of the research question does not end. Rather, this step leads to the research
question(s) being reformulated (Step 11), which, in turn, might lead to a reformulation of
the research goal (i.e., Step 1), research objective (i.e., Step 2), research/mixing rationale
(i.e., Step 3), and/or research/mixing purpose (i.e., Step 4). Alternatively, the research
goal, research objective, research/mixing rationale, and research/mixing purpose may
stay intact, in which case the reformulation of the research question directly leads to a
reformulation of the mixed methods sampling design (i.e., Step 6) and mixed methods
research design (i.e., Step 7).
Figure 1 also indicates that the goal of the study, research objective, research
mixing/rationale, and research/mixing purpose precede the research question(s).
Determining the goal of the study, which represents the first step of the mixed methods
research process, involves making a decision about what the overall, long-term aim of the
study is. Here, we can use Newman et al.’s (2003) framework. These authors identified
the following nine types of goals
: (a) predict; (b) add to the knowledge base; (c) have a
2 Newman et al. (2003) used the word purposes rather than goals to label these nine categories.
Unfortunately, the word “purpose” has many uses. Traditionally, this word has been used to denote the
direction or focus for the study (see for example, Creswell, 2005). Conversely, Newman et al. (2003)
conceptualize their typology of research purposes as representing “an iterative flow of ideas” (p. 184) that
maps the researcher’s thinking process. The terms “direction” and “focus” do not have the same meaning as
“ideas.” Thus, we believe that Newman et al.’s use of the term “research purpose” conflicts with its
traditional usage. Indeed, the word “ideas” represents a higher level of abstraction than do the terms
479 The Qualitative Report September 2006
personal, social, institutional, and/or organizational impact; (d) measure change; (e)
understand complex phenomena; (f) test new ideas; (g) generate new ideas; (h) inform
constituencies; and (i) examine the past
The research goal leads naturally to the research objective, the second step of the
mixed methods research process. In determining the research objective, the researcher
should determine which of the following five major standard research objectives are
pertinent for the quantitative and qualitative phases of the study: (a) exploration, (b)
description, (c) explanation, (d) prediction, and/or (e) influence (Johnson & Christensen,
2004). Specifically, exploration involves using primarily inductive methods to explore a
concept, construct, phenomenon, or situation in order to develop tentative hypotheses or
generalizations. Description involves identifying and describing the antecedents, nature,
and etiology of a phenomenon. Explanation represents developing theory for the purpose
of elucidating the relationship among concepts or phenomena and determining reasons
for occurrences of events. Prediction refers to using pre-existing knowledge or theory to
forecast what will occur at a later point in time. Finally, influence relates to the
manipulation of the setting or variable to produce a desired outcome. Both the qualitative
and quantitative phases of each mixed methods research study can be linked to one or
more of these five research objectives.
Once the research goal and objective(s) have been determined, the next step in the
mixed research process is to determine the research mixing/rationale. This not only
involves determining the rationale of the study (i.e., why the study is needed), but also
identifying the rationale for mixing quantitative and qualitative approaches. Collins et al.
(2006) have identified the following four major rationales for mixing quantitative and
qualitative approaches: participant enrichment (i.e., the mixing of quantitative and
qualitative techniques for the rationale of optimizing the sample; such as increasing the
number of participants), instrument fidelity (i.e., maximizing the appropriateness and/or
utility of the instruments used in the study, whether quantitative or qualitative; for e.g.,
via a pilot study), treatment integrity (i.e., mixing quantitative and qualitative techniques
in order to assess the fidelity of interventions, treatments, or programs), and significance
enhancement (i.e., mixing quantitative and qualitative techniques in order to maximize
researchers’ interpretations of data).
“direction” and “focus”---hence our relabeling of Newman et al.’s “research purpose” into the phrase
“research goal.”
3 It should be noted that epistemological stances or theoretical foundation choices might enter into the
decisions made about the goal of the study, which, ultimately, can affect the nature of the mixed methods
research questions composed. In particular, epistemological, ontological, axiological, methodological,
and/or rhetorical beliefs might drive the type of research questions that are addressed. For example, a
researcher with a stance that is subjectivist (i.e., epistemological belief) and relativist (ontological belief),
who believes in value-bound research (i.e., axiological beliefs), and who takes a dialectical, dialogical, or a
hermeneutical perspective (i.e., methodological belief) likely would pose different mixed methods research
questions (e.g., research questions that are more constructivist in nature versus research questions that
represent theory testing, respectively) than would a researcher with a stance that is objectivist (i.e.,
epistemological belief) and realist (ontological belief), who believes in value-free research (i.e., axiological
beliefs), and who utilizes deductive reasoning in which time- and context-free generalizations are desirable
and possible, and wherein real causes to social scientific outcomes can be determined reliably and validly
(i.e., methodological belief). For an in-depth discussion of epistemological, ontological, axiological,
methodological, and/or rhetorical differences among researchers, see for example, Guba and Lincoln
(2005), Johnson and Onwuegbuzie (2004), Johnson, Onwuegbuzie, and Turner (2005), and Risjord,
Moloney, and Dunbar (2001).
Anthony J. Onwuegbuzie and Nancy L. Leech 480
Alongside determining the research/mixing rationale, the researcher should
identify the research/mixing purpose, which is the next step in the mixed research
process. Collins et al. (2006) have identified 65 purposes for mixing quantitative and
qualitative approaches. Each of these purposes falls under one of the four major
rationales (i.e., participant enrichment, instrument fidelity, treatment integrity, and
significance enhancement). Also, we recommend that researchers use Greene, Caracelli,
and Graham’s (1989) framework. These authors identified the following five general
purposes of mixed-methods studies: (a) triangulation (i.e., seeking convergence and
corroboration of findings from different methods that study the same phenomenon); (b)
complementarity (i.e., seeking elaboration, illustration, enhancement, and clarification of
the results from one method with results from the other method); (c) initiation (i.e.,
discovering paradoxes and contradictions that lead to a re-framing of the research
question/questions); (d) development (i.e., using the results from one method to help
inform the other method); and (e) expansion (i.e., seeking to expand the breadth and
range of the investigation by using different methods for different inquiry components).
As documented by Greene et al., every mixed methods study can be classified as having
one or more of these five purposes. Identifying the research purpose helps the researcher
to develop appropriate research questions. For example, if the purpose of the research is
triangulation, then both the quantitative and qualitative set of research questions should
lead most likely to an investigation of the same outcome or phenomenon. If the purpose
of the research is initiation or development, then the quantitative research question should
be conditional on the qualitative research question, or vice versa.
Types of Research Questions
In mixed methods research studies, researchers typically must develop at least one
qualitative research question and at least one quantitative research question. Although
both quantitative research questions and qualitative research questions give direction and
focus to their respective components of the mixed methods study, they differ somewhat
with respect to their structures (Johnson & Christensen, 2004). These differences are
highlighted below.
Quantitative Research Questions
Quantitative research questions, unlike their qualitative counterparts, tend to be
very specific in nature. Moreover, most quantitative research questions fall into one of
three categories: (a) descriptive, (b) comparative, and (c) relationship.
This typology is
presented in Figure 2.
Descriptive questions simply seek to quantify responses on one or more variables.
These questions often can begin with the words “What is…” or “What are…” Examples
of a descriptive research question are “What are the reasons that graduate students give
for enrolling in a distance education course?” “What is the graduation rate of doctoral
4 In addition to being descriptive, correlational, and comparative, quantitative research questions also can
be historical. This occurs if the research question is written using the past tense. However, historical
questions are not included in our typology in Figure 2 because they are relatively rare in educational
481 The Qualitative Report September 2006
students in a distance education program?” and “What is the average grade point average
score of students enrolled in a doctoral-level distance education program?”
Comparative questions seek to compare two or more groups on some outcome
variable (i.e., dependent variable). These questions often use words such as “differ” and
“compare.” Comparative questions involving two groups usually can be written using the
following form: “What is the difference in ________ (dependent variable) between
________ (Group 1) and ________ (Group 2)?” This question can easily be extended for
three or more groups by replacing the word “between” with “among.” Examples of
comparative research questions for the two-group case include the following: “What is
the difference in attitudes towards mathematics between first-grade and third-grade
students?” and “What is the difference in levels of statistics anxiety between
undergraduate male and female students?” Comparative questions also can be causal in
nature such as the following: “What is the effect of cooperative learning techniques on
the academic achievement of middle school students?” Such causal questions are
implicitly comparative in nature (e.g., comparing middle school classes in which
cooperative learning techniques are used versus middle school classes in which
cooperative learning techniques are not used).
Figure 2. Typology of quantitative research questions.
How Many Variables Are
Being Examined?
One Two or More
Descriptive Question Are Two or More Groups
Being Compared?
Finally, relationship questions are concerned with trends between (or among) two
(or more) variables. These questions often use words such as “relate,” “relationship,”
“association,” and “trend.” Relationship questions involving two variables usually can be
written using the following form: “What is the relationship between ________
variable) and ________ (dependent variable) among ________
(population)?” This question can easily be extended for three or more variables by
replacing the word “between” with “among.” Examples of relationship research questions
include the following: “What is the relationship between age and job satisfaction among
registered nurses?” and “What is the relationship between parental educational levels and
levels of depression among high school students?” Thus, from the quantitative research
Anthony J. Onwuegbuzie and Nancy L. Leech 482
question, one can drive the quantitative research designs (i.e., historical, descriptive,
correlational, causal-comparative/quasi-experimental, experimental). This link from
research question to research design is illustrated in Figure 1.
Good quantitative questions should identify the population and dependent
variable(s), whether they represent descriptive, comparative, or relationship research
questions. If they represent comparative or relationship research questions, then the
independent variable(s) also should be identifiable. Researchers should avoid starting a
quantitative research question with the words, “Do,” “Does,” “Is,” or “Are” because they
motivate “yes/no” responses, which, in turn, place undue emphasis on null hypothesis
significance tests, possibly to the exclusion of indices of practical significance.
Unfortunately, many research methodology textbooks cannot avoid using this form of
quantitative research question.
Qualitative Research Questions
Conversely, qualitative research questions are “open-ended, evolving, and non-
directional” (Creswell, 1998, p. 99). These questions tend to seek, to discover, to explore
a process, or describe experiences. They typically attempt to obtain insights into
particular educational, familial, and social processes and experiences that exist within a
specific location and context (Connolly, 1998). As such, qualitative research questions
typically describe, rather than relate variables or compare groups, avoiding the use of
words such as “affect,” “influence,” “compare,” and “relate.” More specifically,
qualitative research questions tend to address “what” and “how” questions. As noted by
Creswell (1998), qualitative research questions can take the form of grand tour questions
(i.e., representing broad or central questions) or specific subquestions. The latter can
comprise (a) issue subquestions, which address the major concerns and complexities to
be resolved (e.g., “What does it mean to teachers to win a teaching award?”) and (b)
topical subquestions, which arise from a need for information for the description of the
case (e.g., “What do qualitative researchers do?”).
As is the case for quantitative research questions, qualitative research questions
drive the research design (e.g., historical, case study, ethnography, phenomenology,
grounded theory, autoethnography). For example, a central research question such as
“How do gang leaders select gang members?” would indicate an ethnographic study. A
central research question such as “What are the constructions of survival and coping by
men who survive prostrate cancer?” would indicate a grounded theory study. A central
research question such as “What are the experiences of students diagnosed with attention
deficit hyperactivity disorder?” would indicate a phenomenological study. A central
research question such as “What are the implications of the No Child Left Behind Act on
high school principals from Duval County?” would indicate a case study. A central
research question such as “What events led to the Brown versus Board of Education
ruling?” would indicate a historical study. Finally, a central research question such as
“How has my attitude toward mixed methods research evolved as I completed my
doctoral program?” would indicate an autoethnographical study.
As is the case in quantitative research, qualitative research questions also can be
comparative in nature. As noted by Onwuegbuzie and Leech (2005), first, qualitative
researchers can compare study participants in a pairwise manner, leading to what they
483 The Qualitative Report September 2006
termed pairwise sampling designs. A research question that could lead to pairwise
sampling designs might be “To what extent are the experiences during breast cancer
treatment consistent across all study participants?”
Second, researchers also could compare two or more subgroups, culminating in
what they referred to as subgroup sampling designs. A research question that could lead
to subgroup sampling designs might be “To what extent are the perceptions of women
regarding the level of mentorship at graduate school similar for male and female graduate
students?” Third, qualitative researchers can compare two or more members of the same
subgroup, wherein one or more members of the subgroup represent a sub-sample of the
full sample. This would lead to what Onwuegbuzie and Leech (2005) called nested
sampling designs. For example, a qualitative researcher might be interested in comparing
the voices of key informants, who are selected from the overall set of research
participants, to the voices of the other non-informant sample members. A research
question that could lead to nested sampling designs in this instance might be “To what
extent are the voices of the key informants regarding their level of distrust of their local
politicians similar to the voices of the non-informant sample members?” Finally,
qualitative researchers can compare two or more subgroups that are extracted from
different levels of a study. For instance, a qualitative researcher might be interested in
comparing the perceptions of students regarding standardized tests to those of their
teacher(s). Such comparisons would lead to what these methodologists (Onwuegbuzie &
Leech, 2005) termed multilevel sampling designs. A research question that could lead to
multilevel sampling designs might be “To what extent are perceptions of students
regarding standardized tests similar to those of their teachers?”
Although comparative research questions could be specified before the qualitative
inquiry begins, most often, these questions emerge at some point during the study. This is
a major difference between quantitative and qualitative research: Research questions tend
to be developed a priori in quantitative research studies whereas research questions tend
to be developed either a posteriori or iteratively in qualitative research studies.
Mixed Methods Research Questions
Surprisingly, an extensive review of the research literature revealed no article in
which mixed methods research questions had been defined or described. Thus, what
follows appears to be a first attempt to provide such a discussion. Generally speaking,
mixed methods research questions are questions that embed both a quantitative research
question and a qualitative research question within the same question. That is, mixed
methods research questions combine or mix both the quantitative and qualitative research
questions. Moreover, a mixed methods research question necessitates that both
quantitative data and qualitative data be collected and analyzed either concurrently,
sequentially, or iteratively before the question is addressed.
Mixed Methods Research Questions for Descriptive Research Designs
Mixed methods research questions for concurrent designs. An example of a mixed
methods research question for concurrent mixed methods research designs is “What is the
relationship between graduate students’ levels of reading comprehension and their
Anthony J. Onwuegbuzie and Nancy L. Leech 484
perceptions of barriers that prevent them from reading empirical research articles?” In
order to answer this question information about both the levels of reading comprehension
(quantitative, independent variable) and the perceived barriers to reading empirical
research articles (qualitative, dependent variable) must be obtained. Specifically, levels of
reading comprehension would be gleaned from the quantitative component of the mixed
methods study, whereas perceived barriers to reading empirical research articles would be
extracted from the qualitative portion of the inquiry. For instance, in the quantitative
phase, a reading comprehension test could be administered to a relatively large sample of
graduate students. The quantitative research design then would be descriptive in nature,
assuming that no purely quantitative research questions were of interest. In the qualitative
phase, the same sample of students could be interviewed and asked about their
perceptions of barriers that prevent them from reading empirical research articles.
Alternatively, they could be asked to complete a survey containing one or more open-
ended questions that tap these perceptions. Either way, the qualitative research design
then would be phenomenological in nature. The overall mixed methods research design
would be concurrent because the quantitative phase of the study did not inform or drive
the qualitative phase or vice versa.
Mixed methods research questions for sequential designs. Alternatively, the above
mixed methods research question could have been reframed as the following, “What is
the difference in perceived barriers to reading empirical research articles between
graduate students with low levels of reading comprehension and those with high levels of
reading comprehension?” Here, the quantitative research component would still generate
the independent variable (i.e., levels of reading comprehension), and the qualitative
research element would still generate the dependent variable (i.e., phenomenon), namely
perceived barriers to reading empirical research articles. The quantitative research design
then would be descriptive in nature and the qualitative research design most likely would
be phenomenological. However, the overall mixed methods research design most likely
would be sequential instead of concurrent because the quantitative phase of the study
would inform the qualitative phase. That is, the researcher would administer a test of
reading comprehension, rank these comprehension scores, and then purposively select
(i.e., extreme sampling; Miles & Huberman, 1994; Patton, 1990) students who attained
scores that were in the top third and bottom third, say, of the score distribution. These
students would then be interviewed and asked about their perceptions of barriers that
prevent them from reading empirical research articles, or they could be asked to complete
a survey containing one or more open-ended questions that tap these perceptions. The
overall mixed methods research design also could be concurrent if the students’ levels of
reading comprehension (i.e., low versus high) were known before the mixed methods
study began.
Mixed Methods Research Questions for Causal-Comparative Research Designs
A mixed methods question also could be designed such that it embeds a
quantitative research question that leads to a causal-comparative/quasi-experimental
research design. For instance, a researcher could pose the following mixed methods
research question, “What is the difference in perceived atmosphere of classroom between
male and female graduate students enrolled in a statistics course?” Such a question would
485 The Qualitative Report September 2006
generate a causal-comparative research design for the quantitative phase, in which the
researcher would purposively select male and female students enrolled in the statistics
course. These students would then be interviewed and asked about their perceptions of
the classroom climate, or they could be asked to complete a survey containing one or
more open-ended questions that tap these perceptions. The perceptions of the male
graduate students would then be compared to the perceptions of the female graduate
students. The overall mixed methods research design would be concurrent in nature. In
the reading comprehension example presented earlier, if the students’ levels of reading
comprehension (i.e., low versus high) were known before the mixed methods study
begun, then the quantitative research design would be causal-comparative. Similarly, the
following mixed methods research question would lead to a quasi-experimental design
for the quantitative phase of the inquiry, “What is the difference in experiences in
graduate school between students who are assigned a mentor at the beginning of their
graduate program and those who are not assigned a mentor?” Here, the qualitative phase
could be represented by a case study research design, a phenomenological research
design, an ethnographic research design, or a grounded theory research design.
Mixed Methods Research Questions for Experimental Research Designs
A mixed methods question also could be designed such that it embeds a
quantitative research question that leads to an experimental research design. For example,
a researcher could pose the following mixed methods research question, “What side
effects do the new medication for depression cause among adolescents?” In order to
address such a question, the researcher would randomize study participants into either the
experimental group (i.e., receives depression medication) or control group (i.e., receives
placebo). These participants would then be interviewed and asked the side effects that
they experienced. These experiences for the experimental group would then be compared
to the experiences for the control group. The overall mixed methods research design
would be concurrent in nature. Here, the qualitative phase could be represented by a case
study research design, a phenomenological research design, an ethnographic research
design, or a grounded theory research design.
Mixed Methods Research Questions for Qualitative Comparative Designs
Mixed methods question also could be designed such that it embeds a qualitative
research question that involves comparison (i.e., pairwise sampling designs, subgroup
sampling designs, nested sampling designs, multilevel sampling designs). For example, a
researcher could pose the following mixed methods research question, “What is the
difference in levels of statistics performance between freshmen whose negative
experiences while enrolled in the statistics course were extreme and freshmen whose
negative experiences while enrolled in the statistics course were not extreme?” In order to
address such a question, the researcher would use qualitative techniques (e.g., interviews,
focus groups, observations) to examine the experiences of freshmen enrolled in a
statistics course. On finding that the negative experiences of some of the study
participants are extreme, relative to other members of the class, the researcher then might
decide to compare statistically scores on the final statistics examination between these
Anthony J. Onwuegbuzie and Nancy L. Leech 486
two sets of students. The overall mixed methods research design would be sequential in
nature. Here, the qualitative phase could be represented by a case study research design, a
phenomenological research design, an ethnographic research design, or a grounded
theory research design. The quantitative research phase would represent a descriptive,
correlational, or causal-comparative research design.
Alternatively, a researcher could pose the following mixed methods research
question, “What are the characteristics of participants who do not fit the emergent
theory?” In order to address such a question, the researcher would use qualitative
techniques (e.g., interviews, focus groups, observations) to collect and analyze qualitative
data until theoretical saturation is reached. From the emergent theory, the researcher may
find that some cases do not fit (i.e., negative cases). The researcher then might decide to
compare negative cases and non-negative cases with respect to one or more sets of
existing quantitative scores, or collect new quantitative data and compare these two
groups with regard to these data. The overall mixed methods research design would be
sequential in nature. Here, the qualitative phase could be represented by a case study
research design, a phenomenological research design, an ethnographic research design, or
a grounded theory research design. The quantitative research phase would represent a
descriptive, correlational, or causal-comparative research design.
Most Compatible Mixed Methods Research Questions
The quantitative and qualitative research questions are most aligned or compatible
with respect to underlying paradigm and methods used when both questions are open-
ended and non-directional in nature, and they both seek to discover, explore, or describe a
particular participant(s), setting, context, location, event, incident, activity, experience,
process, and/or document. In such instances, the quantitative research question leads to a
descriptive research design, whereas the qualitative research question can lead to any of
the qualitative research designs (e.g., historical, case study, ethnography,
phenomenology, grounded theory, autoethnography). For example, a mixed methods
research question such as “What are the implications of the No Child Left Behind Act on
parents?” could lead to a descriptive research design for the quantitative component of
the study and a case study design, ethnographic design, phenomenological design, or
grounded theory design for the qualitative portion of the investigation. Alternatively, the
overall design could be a (collective) case study that subsumes a mixed methods research
Linking Research Questions to Mixed Methods Data Analysis Techniques
Quantitative Research Questions
One of the greatest difficulties that students and beginning researchers face when
conducting research is attempting to link research questions to quantitative data analyses.
At graduate school, students learn to conduct an array of descriptive and inferential
analyses. Indeed, in the United States, virtually all students are required to take at least
one statistics course as a necessary part of their degree programs (Mundfrom, Shaw,
Thomas, Young, & Moore, 2003; Onwuegbuzie & Wilson, 2003). Students who take one
487 The Qualitative Report September 2006
course are generally exposed to the most common descriptive analysis techniques
including learning how to compute measures of central tendency (e.g., mean, median,
mode), measures of variability/dispersion (range, standard deviation), measures of
position/location (e.g., percentile rank, z-score), and measures of distributional shape
(i.e., skewness, kurtosis). In addition, as documented by Mundfrom et al., in these
introductory statistics courses, students learn how to perform the most basic inferential
analyses that represent the lowest members of the general linear model (Cohen, 1968;
Henson, 2000; Knapp, 1978), such as correlation coefficient, t-tests, one-way analyses of
variance (ANOVA), and simple linear regression. Students who enroll in a second
statistics course usually are exposed to other major univariate statistical procedures such
as factorial ANOVA, analysis of covariance (ANCOVA), and multiple regression.
Students who enroll in a third course tend to learn how to utilize multivariate procedures
such as multiple analyses of variance (MANOVA) and descriptive/predictive
discriminant analyses. Subsequent statistics courses tend to be specialized such as a
course in structural equation modeling (SEM) and hierarchical liner modeling (HLM).
Even students who successfully complete several courses in statistics find it
difficult to determine the most appropriate statistical analysis to conduct, given the
research question. This difficulty occurs because (a) statistics courses tend to be taught as
a series of routine steps, instead of a holistic, comprehensive, integrative, and reflective
process (Kerlinger, 1960; Newman & Benz, 1998; Onwuegbuzie & Leech, 2003a); (b)
some statistics instructors promote various inaccurate and misleading "mythologies"
about the nature of research (Daniel, 1997; Kerlinger); and (c) there has been an
increasing proportion of statistics instructors who are unqualified to teach statistics
courses (Onwuegbuzie & Leech, 2003b). Further, virtually all research methodology
textbook authors (e.g., Ary, Jacobs, & Razavieh, 2002; Creswell, 2005; Fraenkel &
Wallen, 2003; Gall, Borg, & Gall, 2003; Gay & Airasian, 2003; Johnson & Christensen,
2004; McMillan & Schumacher, 2001; Wallen & Fraenkel, 2001) present their
discussions of statistical analyses in separate chapters from their discussions of research
design. As such, in these statistics analysis chapters, there tends to be little or no
reference to research questions, giving the impression that statistical analyses occur in a
vacuum. Thus, for the remainder of this section, we will discuss the major links between
research questions and statistical analyses.
In quantitative research, numbers are used to provide information about our
world. However, contrary to the beliefs of logical positivists, numbers do not naturally
exist, waiting to be discovered, rather they represent social constructs. That is,
researchers turn data into numbers, and by imposing structure of the number system on
the data they bring structure to empirical data (Punch, 1999). Yet, the structure that they
impose is socially constructed (e.g., use of
= .05 instead of
= .06). Thus, researchers
are not compelled to represent empirical data with numbers. This only should occur if
using such numeric structure provides useful information.
As noted by Punch (1999), the following two types of operations produce
numbers: counting and scaling. Counting involves determining the frequency of things
(e.g., individuals, events, incidents, activities, experiences). When researchers count they
do so with respect to some component of interest, which helps to give meaning to the
counting. Conversely, scaling involves measuring a trait of interest along an artificial
(i.e., constructed) continuum or scale, such that different places along that continuum
Anthony J. Onwuegbuzie and Nancy L. Leech 488
represent different amounts of this trait. These two types of number-producing operations
lay at the foundation of all descriptive and inferential statistical analyses.
As described earlier, quantitative research questions usually represent one of the
following three types: descriptive, correlational, or comparative. Knowledge of the type
of quantitative research question can help researchers select an appropriate statistical
analysis. Although data can be coded in a way that any member of the general linear
model (GLM) family (e.g., multiple regression) can be used to undertake an analysis that
can be conducted by a GLM member that is lower down the chain (e.g., t-test),
interpretations are facilitated when the selected GLM member is at the same level as the
data type. Thus, for example, when comparing three racial groups (e.g., African
American, White, Hispanic) on a quantitative dependent variable that represents an
interval-scaled or ratio-scaled measure, such as income, researchers should find it easier
to interpret the results of an ANOVA than to interpret the results of a multiple regression
analysis, in which income was the dependent variable and race was the independent
variable in the model. Indeed, in this particular example, an inexperienced researcher
might inadvertently forget to transform the independent variable (i.e., race) into an
appropriate form (i.e., dummy code) and thus obtain spurious findings.
Descriptive research questions
When the quantitative research question is descriptive in nature, the researcher
should select from the arsenal of descriptive statistics (i.e., measures of central tendency,
measures of variability/dispersion, measures of position/location). For example, a
question such as “What is the drop out rate among ninth graders?” would necessitate that
a proportion (i.e., measure of central tendency) be computed.
Correlational research questions
When the quantitative research question is correlational, then one of the
correlational analyses would be most appropriate. Correlational analyses include the
following: correlation coefficient (if there is only one independent variable and one
dependent variable both lying on a continuum), regression (if there are at least two
independent variables that are continuous and/or dichotomous and one dependent
variable that lies on a continuum), discriminant analysis or logistic regression (if there are
at least two independent variables and one dependent variable that is categorical), and
canonical correlation analysis (if there are at least two independent variables and at least
two dependent variables, both sets of variables either are continuous and/or
dichotomous). It should be noted that in order for any of these analyses to be justified the
model assumptions should be met. Also, it should be noted that this list is not exhaustive.
Comparative research questions
When the quantitative research question is comparative, then an analysis is
needed that allows the direct comparison of groups. All of the above procedures are
particularly pertinent here, such as the following: t-test (if there is one independent
variable with exactly two levels and one dependent variable that lies on a continuum),
489 The Qualitative Report September 2006
ANOVA (if there is one independent variable with three or more levels and one
dependent variable that lies on a continuum; or two or more categorical independent
variables and one dependent variable that lies on a continuum), analysis of covariance
(ANCOVA) (if there is one independent variable with exactly two levels, one dependent
variable that lies on a continuum, and one covariate that lies on a continuum; or two or
more categorical independent variables, one dependent variable that lies on a continuum,
and one covariate that lies on a continuum), MANOVA (if there is one independent
variable with three or more levels and two or more dependent variables that all lie on a
continuum; or two or more categorical independent variables and two dependent
variables that both lie on a continuum), and multiple analysis of covariance
(MANCOVA) (if there is one independent variable with three or more levels, two or
more dependent variables that all lie on a continuum, and one covariate that lies on a
continuum; or two or more categorical independent variables, two or more dependent
variables that all lie on a continuum, and one covariate that lies on a continuum). Again,
it should be noted that the model assumptions of any of these analyses must hold to
justify use, and that this list is not exhaustive.
Qualitative Research Questions
As much as researchers have difficulty matching research questions to appropriate
data analytical procedures in quantitative research, it could be argued that the situation is
even more problematic in qualitative research. As contended by Leech and Onwuegbuzie
In qualitative research, discussion of analysis clearly is not as
common as is the case for quantitative research. In fact, many schools
of education offer only one qualitative research course (Leech &
Goodwin, 2004), and the one course offered commonly does not include
much information about data analysis. With such little focus on
analysis, we believe many qualitative researchers believe that there is only
one way to analyze qualitative data, through the method of constant
comparative or constant comparison analysis (Glaser & Strauss, 1967).
For example, recently, in an informal poll of school of education faculty at
a large university one question was, "how can qualitative data be
analyzed?" More than 80% of the participants responded with "constant
comparison analysis" (Leech, 2004). We contend that using a one-size-
fits-all approach (i.e., constant comparison analysis) to analyzing
qualitative data, at least sometimes, will lead to interpretations that are not
consistent with the underlying data-thereby affecting legitimation via
components such as interpretive validity and theoretical validity
(Maxwell, 1992, 2005).
One way this incorrect assumption that constant comparative analysis
is the only available qualitative data analysis tool is promoted is
through textbooks. There are many texts available to understand
qualitative research (e.g., Eisner, 1998; Glesne & Peshkin, 1992) and
Anthony J. Onwuegbuzie and Nancy L. Leech 490
how to write about qualitative research (e.g., Emerson, Fretz, & Shaw,
1995; Richardson & St. Pierre, 2005; Wolcott, 2001). Yet, the majority of
available texts for qualitative research include at most only one chapter, if
any, on data analysis (e.g., Berg, 2004; Bogdan & Biklen, 2003; Creswell,
1998; Schram, 2003; Shank, 2002)...Many other leading qualitative
research textbooks (e.g., Lincoln & Guba, 1985; Maxwell, 1996) also do
not provide explicit details as to how to analyze qualitative data.
One text, Miles and Huberman (1994), does focus on qualitative data
analyses. Since then, several more textbooks dealing with qualitative
data analyses have been published. However, many of these textbooks
focus on one data analysis technique (e.g., discourse analysis;
Phillips & Jorgensen, 2002). Thus, these books do not provide a
comprehensive treatment of qualitative data analysis techniques; therefore,
several textbooks have to be included by qualitative research instructors in
order for their students to be exposed to a repertoire of analytical tools.
As such, we believe many...researchers do not realize that there are many
tools available for analyzing qualitative data.... (pp. 10-12)
Subsequently, Leech and Onwuegbuzie (in press) described several qualitative data
analysis techniques, including the following: method of constant comparison, keywords-
in-context, word count, classical content analysis, domain analysis, taxonomic analysis,
and componential analysis. In addition to these qualitative data analyses there is a class of
data analytical tools known as cross-case analyses (cf. Miles & Huberman, 1994). A
cross-case analysis involves analyzing data across the cases (Schwandt, 2001). Moreover,
it represents a thematic analysis across cases (Creswell, 1998). Cross-case analytical
techniques include the following: partially ordered meta matrix, conceptually ordered
displays, case-ordered descriptive meta-matrix, case-ordered effects matrix, case-ordered
predictor-variable matrix, and causal networks. We recommend that qualitative
researchers familiarize themselves with as many of these procedures as possible.
Unfortunately, it is not possible to match each qualitative research question to its
most appropriate data analysis tool. This is because the same qualitative research
question can be analyzed in multiple ways. Indeed, Leech and Onwuegbuzie (in press)
recommend that researchers analyze their data using at least two procedures in order to
triangulate their findings and interpretations (i.e., data-analysis triangulation).
Nevertheless, one general rule can be proffered, specifically, qualitative researchers who
are interested in addressing comparative research questions, as outlined earlier, should, at
some point, utilize one or more of the cross-case analytical techniques.
Mixed Methods Research Questions
Onwuegbuzie and Teddlie (2003) conceptualized that when analyzing quantitative
and qualitative data within a mixed methods framework, researchers undergo at least
some of the following seven stages: (a) data reduction, (b) data display, (c) data
transformation, (d) data correlation, (e) data consolidation, (f) data comparison, and (g)
491 The Qualitative Report September 2006
data integration. This seven-stage model is presented in Figure 3. According to
Onwuegbuzie and Teddlie, data reduction involves reducing the dimensionality of the
qualitative data (e.g., via exploratory thematic analysis, memoing) and quantitative data
(e.g., via descriptive statistics, exploratory factor analysis, cluster analysis). Data display
involves describing pictorially the qualitative data (e.g., matrices, charts, graphs,
networks, lists, rubrics, and Venn diagrams) and quantitative data (e.g., tables, graphs).
This is followed (optionally) by the data transformation stage, wherein quantitative data
are converted into narrative data that can be analyzed qualitatively (i.e., qualitized;
Tashakkori & Teddlie, 1998) and/or qualitative data are converted into numerical codes
that can be represented statistically (i.e., quantitized; Tashakkori & Teddlie, 1998). Data
correlation involves quantitative data being correlated with qualitized data or qualitative
data being correlated with quantitized data. This is followed by data consolidation,
wherein both quantitative and qualitative data are combined to create new or consolidated
variables or data sets. The next stage, data comparison involves comparing data from the
qualitative and quantitative data sources. Data integration is the final stage, whereby both
quantitative and qualitative data are integrated into either a coherent whole or two
separate sets (i.e., qualitative and quantitative) of coherent wholes.
Anthony J. Onwuegbuzie and Nancy L. Leech 492
Figure 3. Steps in the mixed methods data analysis process.
Final Report
Single Data
Data Type
Select Mixed
Design (5)
Interpret Data
Note: Circles represent steps (1-11) in
the mixed research process;
Rectangles represent steps in the
mixed data analysis process;
Triangles represent components
the goal of
study (1)
Figure 4 provides a framework for linking mixed methods research questions to
the appropriate steps of Onwuegbuzie and Teddlie’s (2003) mixed methods data analysis
process. For example, for the mixed research question for descriptive research designs
presented earlier, namely, “What is the relationship between graduate students’ levels of
reading comprehension and their perceptions of barriers that prevent them from reading
empirical research articles?,” for each student, each emergent barrier (i.e., presence
versus. absence) could be correlated with the corresponding reading comprehension score
to yield a series of point-biserial correlations. Onwuegbuzie and Teddlie refer to this as
data correlation, which is the fourth step of their seven-step mixed methods data-analytic
493 The Qualitative Report September 2006
Figure 4. Relationships among research questions, research design, and mixed methods
data analyses.
Type of Quantitative
and Qualitative
Research Question
QUANT = Descriptive,
Correlational, or Causal-
QUAL = Flexible
Data Integration
QUANT = Descriptive, Causal-
Comparative, or Experimental
QUAL = Flexible
Data Comparison
QUAN or QUAL is Dominant or
Design is Monomethod
QUANT = Descriptive
QUAL = Flexible
QUANT = Descriptive
QUAL = Flexible
Data Reduction
Data Display
Data Transformation
Data Correlation
Data Consolidation
QUANT = Quantitative; QUAL = Qualitative; FLEXIBLE = Any of the major qualitative
research designs (e.g., case study, phenomenology, grounded theory)
Stage in the Mixed Methods
Data Analysis Process
As noted previously, for the mixed research question that embedded a descriptive
research question, namely, “What is the difference in perceived barriers to reading
empirical research articles between graduate students with low levels of reading
comprehension and those with high levels of reading comprehension?” the researcher
could administer a test of reading comprehension, rank these scores, purposively select
the highest- and lowest-scoring students, and then compare their perceptions of barriers
that prevent them from reading empirical research articles. In this case because the
themes (i.e., perceived barriers) emerging from students with lowest levels of reading
comprehension would be compared to those with the highest levels, rather than
necessitating data correlation, the mixed methods data analysis would be what
Anthony J. Onwuegbuzie and Nancy L. Leech 494
Onwuegbuzie and Teddlie (2003) termed as data comparison, which is the sixth step in
their seven-step model. Even if the students’ levels of reading comprehension (i.e., low
versus high) were known before the mixed methods study began, the mixed methods data
analysis stage would still represent data comparison.
Figure 4 also shows that when the mixed methods research question embeds a
quantitative correlational research question, then the quantitative research design would
be descriptive, and the qualitative research design could be one of several types (e.g.,
case study, ethnography, phenomenology, grounded theory), which would lead to data
comparison being the appropriate mixed methods data analysis procedure. Further, if the
mixed methods research question embeds either a quantitative or qualitative comparative
research question, then the quantitative research design would be descriptive, and the
appropriate mixed methods data analysis stage would be data comparison. Thus, using
this figure, researchers could determine when it is most appropriate to use each of the
seven mixed methods data analysis techniques, given the mixed methods research
Although in recent years, there has been an increase in the number of
methodological articles, book chapters, and books devoted to mixed methods research to
date, these published works have been devoid of any discussion of research questions.
Thus, the purpose of this article was to take the lead in this area. First, we discussed the
role that the goal of the study, the research objective(s), and the research purpose have on
the formation of research questions in mixed methods studies. Second, we compared and
contrasted quantitative research questions and qualitative research questions. Third, we
described how to write mixed methods research questions, which we defined as questions
that embed quantitative and qualitative research questions. Finally, we provided a
framework for linking research questions to mixed methods data analysis techniques.
Specifically, we outlined the types of research questions that are pertinent for each of the
seven steps of the mixed methods data analysis process. A major goal of our framework
is to illustrate that the development of research questions and data analysis procedures in
mixed method studies should occur logically and sequentially.
An important tenet of mixed methods studies is that the research questions drive
the methods used (Newman & Benz, 1998; Tashakkori & Teddlie, 1998). It is therefore
surprising that little or no guidance has been provided as to how the research question
drives the data analytic procedures in mixed methods research. Thus, we hope that our
present framework represents a first small step in this direction.
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Author Note
Correspondence should be addressed to Anthony J. Onwuegbuzie, Department of
Educational Measurement and Research, College of Education, University of South
Florida, 4202 East Fowler Avenue, EDU 162, Tampa, FL, 33620-7750; E-Mail:
[email protected] or to Nancy L. Leech, University of Colorado at Denver and
Health Sciences Center, School of Education, Campus Box 106, PO Box 173364,
Denver, Colorado 80217; E-Mail: nancy.leech@cudenver.edu
Copyright 2006: Anthony J. Onwuegbuzie, Nancy L. Leech, and Nova
Southeastern University
Anthony J. Onwuegbuzie and Nancy L. Leech 498
Article Citation
Onwuegbuzie, A. J., & Leech, N. L. (2006). Linking research questions to mixed
methods data analysis procedures. The Qualitative Report, 11(3), 474-498.
Retrieved [Insert date], from http://www.nova.edu/ssss/QR/QR11-