Wednesday, December 12,
Independent Service Operator Handbook
Walmart Retail Services
Version 12-09-2020
Legal Notification/Requirements
Walmart and ISO Handbook
1. Tenant, licensees and sublessee will be referred to as Independent Service Operator or ISO, in this
document and certain others from time to time but will retain all contractual privileges as Tenants
or Licensed Tenants and their Sublessees.
2. Nothing in this handbook supersedes, amends, alters, or otherwise changes any of the terms and
provisions of the lease agreement. In the event of a conflict between the terms and provisions of
this handbook and the terms and provisions of the lease agreement, the terms and provisions of
the lease agreement shall govern.
3. For the purposes of provisions falling under this section entitled “Legal Notification/Requirements,”
the term “Lease Agreement” shall mean the lease agreement(s) and/or contract(s) and /or license
agreement(s) in place from time to time between the applicable ISO and Walmart Stores, Inc. or its
affiliates or subsidiaries governing the operation of the ISO’s business within certain Walmart Stores.
4. Walmart Stores, Inc. is the Walmart under the terms of the lease and for purposes of this
documentation shall be referred to as store, stores, store manager, store management, store
management team. Walmart may from time to time, adjust verbiage to reflect common retail use, but
maintaining Walmart status.
Table of Contents
Walmart and ISO Handbook
Legal Notification/Requirements 2
Table of Contents 3
Welcome to Walmart 4-5
Walmart Contacts Form 6
ISO Contacts Form 7
General Guidelines 8-10
Standard Operating Guidelines 11-14
Restrictions on ISO’s Activities 15-16
Restriction on store Management 16-17
Maintenance 18-29
Risk Management 30-31
Food Operation 32-35
Banking Services 36-39
Welcome to Walmart
Welcome to Walmart
Walmart and ISO Handbook
This handbook was developed as reference material for ISOs and Walmart Store Management. Thank you for leasing space
with Walmart Stores, Inc.
ISO Orientation
ISO should familiarize itself and have its employees, agents,
sublessee and representatives familiarize themselves with this
handbook and the ISO’s obligations under the lease.
Please refer to for in-store Leasing contact
Front End Assistant Managers and ISOs should schedule a
touch base and shall meet a minimum of once per month.
Keeping the lines of communication open between the
management team and the ISO is fundamental to building a
good Walmart-ISO relationship. Front End Assistant
Managers shall be the primary contact at store level and will
be the responsible member of management who acts as a
liaison with the store’s ISOs. The Front-End Assistant Manager
will serve as the primary contact for all issues related to
occupancy of the premises.
Discussion should include topics such as: current
events, remodel disruptions, business results, what’s
working and what is not, where is help needed,
recruiting guidelines, seasonal staffing and cleaning
schedules. If a resolution is not being met within an
appropriate timeframe, the ISO should contact their
Corporate Offices, who will in turn contact Walmart
Retail Services.
Please email your lease manager directly
or visit the following site:
Automated Consumer Services
Business Support:
For all other inquiries or questions, please call the
Services Hotline at (479) 204-2125 or email
Walmart Contacts Form
Walmart and ISO Handbook
This form is made available for ISOs to have important contact information. Both Walmart and ISO will complete the Contact
Sheet, provide each other a copy. The ISO may choose to make the contact sheet available for their employees.
Walmart Store Number: Walmart Store address:
All stores are known by a store number, it is very important to identify your location
you are discussing issues with Walmart’s Home Office.
Store Manager:
Walmart Store phone:
Market Manager:
Market Manager’s office phone:
ISO Contacts Form
Walmart and ISO Handbook
Take a few moments to complete this form to give a copy to the Walmart Store Management and the Walmart phone operator.
Please update as managers change.
Business name:
Business phone number:
Business hours:
ISO owner name:
Contact phone:
On-site Manager:
Cell phone:
Assistant Managers:
Area Manager
ISO’s Corporate Offices phone:
ISO’s Customer Service phone:
Any questions about Walmart Retail Services that
cannot be addressed at store level please call:
Walmart Home
Office at 700 Walmart or 479-204-2125 or email
General Guidelines
General Guidelines
Walmart and ISO Handbook
Customer Complaints
Every ISO is expected to diligently and
in a timely manner, address and
resolve any complaints it receives from
ISO customer. ISO’s toll-free phone
number must be posted in a
professional manner in plain customer
view within the leased space for any
customer to call with a complaint or
problem. If Walmart receives any
complaints from ISO customers, they
will be forwarded to the ISO for
ISO Hours of Operation
ISO’s hours of operation are specified
within the lease. Unless otherwise
stated in the lease agreement all ISOs
must be open for business no later
than 10:00 a.m., Monday through
Saturday, or 1:00 p.m. on Sunday. For
specific details refer to the Master
Lease Agreement. As a guideline, if
the Walmart Store is open, the ISO
should have open business hours that
ISOs must clearly post their hours of
operation in a prominent location
and must be open during those
times. Failure to meet the minimum
required hours of operation can
result in a breach of the lease
between ISO and Walmart.
ISOs will have access to the building
during the store’s normal hours of
operation. ISOs may need building
ingress and egress before and after
normal Walmart business hours.
Please note that Walmart observes
extended store hours during the
Holiday periods. ISOs are welcome to
extend their operational hours during
this time without first obtaining the
consent of Walmart Retail Services.
Food services may be required to
open during certain events.
Walmart stores that are scheduled to have
a Grand Opening/Re- Grand Opening
ceremony requires the ISO to be staffed
and ready to open by 7:00 a.m. on the day
of the Grand Opening Ceremony. If a ISO
does not open on time, the ISO may have
to pay Walmart liquidated damages
specified in the lease. To determine if your
store will have a Grand Opening
ceremony, contact the Walmart Store
Manager or Project Manager.
Walmart Management should not recruit
any employees from the ISO, and the ISO
should not recruit associates from
This does not prevent either ISO or
Walmart from hiring an employee
from the other party when the
employees apply for a position on
their own behalf
General Guidelines
Walmart and ISO Handbook
Storage space must be within the ISO location, except for certain food ISOs.
*See Appendix I for food service storage requirements
Gift Certificates/Cards
There are no restrictions on the sale of ISO gift certificates or gift cards inside the ISO space.
Walmart is not required to extend any discount to ISO employees. The ISO is not required to extend a discount to
Walmart associates. However, ISOs may extend discounts to Walmart associates, providing the entire store associate
team or all Walmart associates are eligible for stated discount.
Gifts and Gratuities
Walmart associates may not encourage or accept gifts or gratuities. Gifts or gratuities include: tickets to
entertainment events, free services i.e., haircuts, phone repair, manicure, pedicure etc., kickbacks in the form of
money or merchandise “special” discounts given to one Walmart associate, discontinued or no longer used samples,
vendor paid trips, etc.
Compliance with Laws
As occupants of the Walmart store property, each of the ISO’s employees are subject to all laws, rules and regulations that
may be amended from time to time. Walmart will report any illegal activity witnessed or suspected by any Walmart
associate to the appropriate law enforcement authorities.
Standard Operating Guidelines
Standard Operating Guidelines
Walmart and ISO Handbook
ISOs, their Sublessee and the employees of each, must observe all standard operating guidelines Walmart establishes from time
to time in this handbook. Any specific exceptions to these procedures are covered in the Appendices.
Appearance/Work Attire
ISOs, their Sublessee, and the employees of each, are
required under the lease to conduct themselves, while in the
leased space, in a professional manner and consistent with
Walmart operations.
Name badges with company logo and first name of the ISO
employee are recommended and should be worn in plain
Merchandise may not be removed from the store or
brought into the leased premises without a valid receipt or
proof of purchase from Walmart pay.
Walmart Store Managers should review associate parking
locations with ISO Principals (generally at the far end of
Walmart parking lot with different color stripes); Americans
with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements are exceptions with
a valid parking permit. ISO employee must abide by
Walmart’s parking guidelines.
Important Notices
Should the ISO receive any local notices, (i.e. Health
Department, Fire Inspections, Town/Municipal Depts.) a
copy should be immediately given to the Walmart Store
Periodically, Fireworks sales are allowed and encouraged
on the parking lot of stores where and when permissible
by law. Fireworks sales are contracted through the
Home Office and will only be permitted by those
providers with which there is a contract in place.
ISO will adhere to all other ISO guidelines. Signing
may be applied as approved by the Services Division
and within applicable city, County and municipality
Auto, RV and Boat Sales
Periodically, Auto, RV and Boat sales are allowed and
encouraged on the parking lot of stores where and when
permissible by law. These temporary events are
contracted through the Home Office and will only be
permitted by those providers with which there is a
contract in place.
Walmart and ISO Handbook
Standard Operating Guidelines
Alcohol Beverages/Illegal Drugs
Walmart has made a commitment to provide a drug and
alcohol-free workplace. The use, possession, sale, transfer,
acceptance, or purchase of illegal drugs at any time is
strictly prohibited. The use, possession of open containers,
personal sale, transfer, or acceptance of alcohol on
Walmart property is strictly prohibited. Walmart has the
right to remove from, or deny access to, our stores, anyone
on our property under the influence of alcohol, and/or
consuming alcohol on our property. Walmart may report
illegal activity to the appropriate law enforcement
ISO employees shall abide by Walmart’s smoking policies,
which follow, and which may be amended from time to
Walmart shopping areas are smoke-free environments.
Smoking and use of smokeless tobacco are permitted in
designated areas only. Most stores have a designated
covered smoking area.
Smoking is prohibited within 50 feet of all entrances and
exits and on all sidewalks in the immediate vicinity of the
Walmart store.
Each location must comply with local, municipal and
state laws/ordinances relative to smoking.
Walmart does not tolerate the use of profanity in its
stores inclusive of leased spaces.
Employees of the ISO are not allowed to address
Walmart associates at store meetings and speak to
anything regarding their ISO business. If an ISO would
like to share information with the associates, they
should convey the information to the FEASM who can
share with associates at regular store meetings.
Basic Cleanliness
The ISO is expected to maintain a clean space for their
employees and customers. Basic cleanliness should be
an observation point and discussed when the FEASM
and the ISO leader meet each month.
Walmart and ISO Handbook
Standard Operating Guidelines
Store deliveries may be accepted only through the
Walmart front doors unless specifically
communicated otherwise and must be coordinated
with the Walmart store management and scheduled
during normal operating hours. At no time, shall
parking be permitted on sidewalks, even in
connection with short-term loading or unloading of
ISO merchandise. **See Appendix I for food service.
Walmart will not inform ISO of any
investigations, trespass or prosecution
of ISO employees.
Walmart will not provide video of in store activity
unless expressly approved by Walmart Retail Services,
Asset Protection or ordered by a court subpoena.
Immediately notify Walmart Retail Services at 479-
204-2125 of court subpoenas.
ISO’s Advertising, Promotion, and Media Inquiries
ISO may use Walmart’s name only to the extent Walmart
Retail Services approves its use and only as a location
reference, contact 479-204-2125 or email
ISO may not promote their services within the store
using Walmart’s in-store public address system, unless
otherwise provided in the lease.
ISOs will operate behind the lease line at all times with
the exception of one sign that must have its base in
Contact with the lease line. ISO may not hang banners
or lighted signs outside of the leased premises, except as
provided in the lease agreement.
ISO’s promotions related to the leased premises must be
conducted in a professional manner by trained
ISO may not release or cause to be released any
statement to the press or otherwise containing
Walmart’s name or representing any relationship
whatsoever to Walmart, without the prior, written
approval of Walmart Retail Services, contact 479-
204-2125 or email [email protected]
Restrictions on ISO Activities & Store Management
Walmart and ISO Handbook
In addition to any easement, covenant or restriction
that affects or applies to the leased premises or the
common area, neither the ISO, nor its Sublessees,
Use the sidewalk adjacent to; or any other space
outside the leased premises, for display, sale, or any
other similar undertaking. **See Appendix I for food
Place merchandise, furniture, or equipment outside
the lease premises at any time without expressed
consent of Walmart Retail Services (contact 479-204-
2125 or email [email protected]
Use a loudspeaker system that may be heard
from outside the leased premises
Place or permit any radio, television, loudspeaker, or
amplifier on the roof, inside the leased premises, or
anywhere that the radio, television, loudspeaker, or
amplifier can be seen or heard from outside of the
leased premises
Solicit or distribute any handbills or other advertising
in the parking lot, store, or common areas, unless
otherwise protected by law.
Use the plumbing facilities of the leased
premises to dispose of any foreign
substances. The expense of any breakage,
stoppage, damage, or hazardous waste
resulting from a breach of this paragraph will
be the responsibility of the ISO.
Place on any floor a load that exceeds the load
per square foot that the floor was designed to
carry. ISO may only install, operate, and maintain
heavy equipment in the leased premises if
installed in such a manner as to achieve a
proper distribution of weight.
Operate Walmart power equipment such
as walkie stackers, scissor lifts, balers and
ISO employees are not allowed at any
time in the back room of the store or in
the associate lounge unless approved and
escorted by Walmart Management.
Restrictions on ISO Activities & Store Management
Walmart and ISO Handbook
Unreasonably interfere with Walmart’s business or the
business of another ISO of Walmart or act in
such a way that reasonably may be expected to
injure Walmart’s business relationship. This includes,
but is not limited to, acting in any way which
diminishes the access to or the visibility of any
portion of the Store or any other ISO’s Premises or
that impedes the free circulation of customer traffic
within the Store.
Receive, retain, or store in the premises any
Controlled Substances except for any Controlled
Substances included in an emergency medical kit.
Within the leased premises, receive, retain, store, or
use any firearm, tear gas, or any item like a firearm,
tear gas, or dye pack.
Utilize the Walmart Game Play / game room
change machines to exchange bills for
Use the leased premises to conduct illegal business or
for illegal purposes.
Change locks without immediate notification to
Walmart Store manager. ISOs must provide store
management with a key to ISO space to be used in
Allow chairs and tables outside leased premises after 7:00
a.m. of any business day.
In addition to any easement, covenant or restriction that affects
or applies to the leased premises or common area, Store
Management may not:
Unreasonably interfere with ISOs’ business or act in such a
way that reasonably may be expected to injure ISOs business
relationship including, but not limited to, acting in any way
which diminishes the access to or the visibility of any portion
of the store or any other ISO premises or that impedes the
free circulation of customer traffic within the Store for
example block window(s), line of sight or special queuing
without approval of Walmart Retail Services.
Give direction to ISOs regarding their employees.
Use vacant or empty ISO space for, but not
limited to: merchandising, store shops,
clearance, storage, pallet drops, training rooms
or an office without expressed, written approval
of Walmart Retail Services.
Restrictions on ISO Activities & Store Management
Walmart and ISO Handbook
Create local bulkhead signing; all structural
signing and banners must be approved by
Walmart Retail Services.
Sign contracts or give written or verbal approval
for use of empty ISO space or parking lot events
that may be in direct or indirect competition of any
existing or prospective ISOs without expressed,
written approval from Walmart Retail Services.
ISO must provide a key to the Store Manager in
order for the store to have access to the lease
space in case of emergency. ISO key will be in a
secured location such as the store safe with
limited access.
Store management must immediately make
vacant empty ISO space available for temporary
ISO or for scoping for new ISO.
For questions contact Walmart Retail Services at
(479) 204-2125 or email [email protected]
Block bank ISO spaces, including ATMs with carts,
merchandise or pallets that would activate bank alarms or
impeded 24-hour access.
Clean, move, adjust, block or impede immediate or ADA
access to any licensed ISO kiosk including, but not limited
to: crane games, bulk candy, rides, coffee machines, Red
Box, key machines, Eco ATMs, ATMs, entertainment or
service offerings delivered through a vending, automated or
self-assist kiosk or machine.
Place water dispensers, merchandise, temporary tables, local
merchants, signs, charity events or third party providers from
other divisions/departments within 10’ in front of or within 5’
to the sides of leased spaces including windows that may
block or potentially block access, visibility, ingress, egress, ISO
marketing, hours of operations signs, windows or ISO walls.
(Ice machines and certain other units, such as soda machines
may be an exception to this rule, if the units are drawn on the
original floor plan as part of the overall store design).
Walmart and ISO Handbook
Maintenance Guide
Refer to ISO Handbook to
determine who is responsible
(Walmart or ISO)see page 21.
Food Service Partners refer to
Food Service Appendix
If Walmart is responsible
notify Store Management and
submit a maintenance request
using the instructions starting
on the following page
if it is an emergency or if you
cannot access the self-serve
maintenance portal. IF the
store manager makes the
request, please request the
work order # for your records
Facilities Maintenance
Team engaged and will
provide Store Manager
with ETA within 72 hours
Request ETA from the
Store Manager
Technician will
resolve issue
Escalation- If the issue is
not resolved within the
provided ETA contact
you business’ lease
Walmart and ISO Handbook
Maintenance Guide
Walmart and ISO Handbook
Walmart and ISO Handbook
Walmart and ISO Handbook
Maintenance Guide
Walmart and ISO Handbook
Maintenance Guide
Walmart and ISO Handbook
Maintenance Guide
Walmart and ISO Handbook
*If Store Management is unable to be reached or work order is not created after MULTIPLE requests escalate to Walmart Retail Services Call
Maintenance item
Reference guidance / direction / dept. /
Walmart ATM
Walmart Retail Services Hotline 479-204-2125
Party ATM
Phone # is listed on the front of Machine
Same as Walmart
Dining area only
- Store Manager / Walmart Retail
Services Hotline 479-204-2125
Different than Walmart
Food Service Dining Area
Food Service Dining area only
Other areas
Fire Sprinkler/Alarms
WM Installed
ISO Installed or Modified
Same as Walmart X
*If Walmart floors have been changed from tile to concrete
the ISO becomes responsible for their own floor
Different than Walmart
WM installed
ISO Installed or Modified
Bank-Flow problems are ISO responsibility. Proper
operation of Walmart original equipment is WM
Maintenance Guide
Walmart and ISO Handbook
Maintenance item
Reference guidance / direction / dept. / number
Kiosks (Temporary)
700-WALMART or 479-204-2125
Minute Key
Fast Key
TNT Fireworks
700-WALMART or 479-204-2125
Automotive Sales Event
700-WALMART or 479-204-2125
Portraits International
700-WALMART or 479-204-2125
NEN Amusement
Namco Amusement
SAW Amusement
Rug Doctor
Quick Tag
Mini Melts
Rubi Coffee
Break room snack vending
700-WALMART or 479-204-2125
Picture That!
700-WALMART or 479-204-2125
AmeriGas Propane
700-WALMART or 479-204-2125
Blue Rhino Propane
700-WALMART or 479-204-2125
Ruby Tuesday
700-WALMART or 479-204-2125
700-WALMART or 479-204-2125
Hilton Head
700-WALMART or 479-204-2125
Maintenance Guide
Walmart and ISO Handbook
Maintenance item
Reference guidance / direction / dept. / number
Same as Walmart
Different than Walmart
WM Installed
ISO Installed or Modified
Pest Control
Hazardous Waste
Grease Traps
Unless otherwise noted in lease
In-line grease trap installed by ISO
Main water line
Trash Disposal
Roof Leaks
Security gate
Maintenance Guide
Walmart and ISO Handbook
Risk Management
Walmart and ISO Handbook
Walmart takes every precaution to prevent accidents. ISOs must
also take responsibility for their safety and for the safety of its
customers, employees and associates. Below are some of the
guidelines Walmart uses to aid in accident prevention:
Stacking merchandise in a stable manner to avoid falling
merchandise incidents.
Cleaning up any spill immediately to avoid slip and fall
incidents. Use caution cones where appropriate.
Help to prevent falls be alert for trip hazards such as cords
or paper on the floor.
Keeping aisles and exits clear of boxes, merchandise,
shopping carts and unattended ladders to minimize hazards
on the sales floor and the back room.
ISO should review ceiling tile for maintenance issues on a
regular and recurring schedule.
ISO Active Shooter Training
ISOs are responsible for ensuring their employees have annual active
shooter training consistent with the Avoid Deny Defend
that can be found online at
. All ISO
employees working within a Walmart store must have such training
within 30 days of hire and annually thereafter.
In Case of Emergency
ISOs should familiarize themselves with the
store's emergency procedures flip charts.
Attached below is the link to those codes and
ISOs should meet with Walmart store management to
acquaint themselves with store emergency procedures and
ISOs are responsible for ensuring their employees
understand Walmart’s emergency procedures and
codes. The safety of customers, employees, and
associates is a priority in any emergency. Certain
Situations may require evacuation of the building
which will be announced on the public
announcement (PA) system.
When a facility is scheduled to close due to natural or
man-made disaster, the facility manager will notify
leased space managers and collect emergency contact
information. Any request for rent abatement will follow
lease guidelines.
Risk Management
Walmart and ISO Handbook
Customer/Associate/ISO Injury
ISOs are responsible for all accidents that occur within the
leased premises and must immediately report any such
accident to Walmart store management. Walmart
Management will respond to accidents that occur within
the Walmart store outside of leased spaces.
Fire extinguishers
Fire extinguishers will be supplied and inspected by
Walmart. Each ISO space must have their own dedicated
extinguisher unless there is one within 75’ of their space.
Hazardous Waste
The ISO has important obligations to comply with all
federal, state, and local laws, orders, rules, directives and
regulations in the operation of the ISO’s business on their
premises. Compliance with all laws includes proper
handling of hazardous materials and proper management
and disposal of hazardous waste generated by the ISO.
Walmart is not responsible for the management or disposal
of the ISO’s hazardous waste. However, to assist our ISO’s,
you may contact the individual store management to
obtain the information on the hazardous waste hauler in
your area that is used by Walmart to pick-up and dispose
of any hazardous waste.
If it’s determined that alterations to the property are
necessary for compliance, there may be certain requirements
ISO may need to follow including but not limited to,
requirements under the lease, and city code requirements. It
is the ISO’s responsibility to follow these requirements. ISO’s
their customers and their vendors may not dispose of
hazardous waste in Walmart’s compactor or garbage
dumpsters. You should be aware that improper disposal of
hazardous waste may subject you to criminal prosecution or
civil penalties. In addition, if Walmart learns of violation of
any laws, including improper management or disposal of
hazardous waste, it will be considered a default under the
terms of the Master Shopping Center Lease Agreement and
grounds for termination of the lease and may affect your
future ability to do business with Walmart.
Trash Disposal
If ISO is authorized to dispose of trash under the lease,
disposal should be coordinated with Walmart store
management, as the compactor must always be locked.
Although ISO may be permitted to dispose of trash in the
compactor, ISO’s are not allowed to operate the equipment
unless 18 years of age or older. Trash should not be left
unattended in the back of the store. Additional containers
may be required at ISO’s expense.
Appendix I
For Food Services ISOs Only
Food Service - Operations
Walmart and ISO Handbook
Food product sampling is permitted. Please Coordinate all
activities with store management this should take place
within the leased space or on trays at the Walmart
entrances, provided customer traffic is not blocked. Each
ISO must comply with Store Manager direction.
Store Fundraisers
The store is allowed to have fundraisers involving local food
providers with expressed written approval from Walmart
Retail Services. It is recommended store management
involve the Foodservice ISO as often as possible with in-
store fundraisers.
The branded food service can usually be assigned 16 linear
feet of storage in the rear of the store with appropriate
approvals through store management and the Walmart
Retail Services corporate office contact.
The Food ISO must accept deliveries through the Walmart
receiving department. Walmart will use best efforts to notify
ISO when a delivery arrives. Delivery times must be
coordinated with Walmart store management and be
scheduled during normal operating hours.
Bulk CO2
Bulk CO2 is approved in the stores; however, the ISO
must use the approved vendor NuCO2.
ISO is responsible for acting upon anyone loitering in
their restaurants.
Food Service - Operations
Walmart and ISO Handbook
Customer Service
Walmart associates are not allowed to obtain/expect free
drink refills from the food service ISOs and should not take
napkins, condiments, utensils, etc. from the food service
ISO unless food is purchased within their establishment.
Associates also should not use the food service dining
room as a break room if they have not purchased food
Customer Service Phone Number
The food service ISO is required to post a phone number
in the leased space for Customer Service calls. A 1-800
number is preferred
Food Service – Maintenance
Walmart and ISO Handbook
Pest Control
In addition to all regular pest control services provided by
Walmart’s pest control provider, it will be the responsibility
of the pest control provider to:
Supply and maintain an adequate insect control
device in the dining area of the restaurant.
There should be a minimum of one insect control
device per service area and one insect control device in
the dining area of the restaurant.
The pest control provider will supply any additional
lights as determined by the pest provider.
Walmart’s pest control provider will also provide a
monthly pest service and supply a separate report for
the food service area. This report will include all pest
control services provided and recommendations for
corrective action that need to be taken as a
preventative measure. The pest control report will be
shared with store operations. Walmart will do their best
to not interrupt the ISOs business; however the ISO
should allow the pest control provider access as
Grease Interceptors
Walmart will maintain the grease interceptors, unless
otherwise provided for in the Lease.
Water Heater
The ISO must pay for the cost and repair of the water
heater if it is specific to the ISO space. If the ISO is
receiving hot water that is shared by Walmart,
Walmart must maintain the water heater and provide
the ISO with water that is 140 degrees.
Equipment Maintenance
The ISO will maintain all equipment including regular
maintenance of exhaust fans, stacks and duct
cleaning. The ISO may use their preferred company to
perform this service. If roof vent maintenance is
required, the ISO will obtain approval from Walmart
store management and Asset Protection Associate
BEFORE going onto the roof. Only Walmart approved
contractors can perform maintenance on the roof.
Appendix II
Banking Services ISOs Only
Financial Institution Requirements
Walmart and ISO Handbook
Special Events:
The Financial Institution (FI) may offer or participate in
periodic activities that promote their business or participate
in a Store event, or Local charity. Please coordinate these
events with Store Management and/or Walmart Retail
Services. Such events should not involve the offering of
food products unless previously approved by Walmart
Retail Services. Walmart may have agreements with 3
Parties where the offering of food items by the FI may cause
conflicts. To avoid the possibility of a lease default, please
pre-approve any activity that may involve a food offering.
Operating Hours:
Typically, the FI is required to operate no less than 50-
hours a week over 6-days a week. There may be special
exceptions approved by Walmart Retail Services. The
specific branch hours of operations should be clearly
posted within the Branch at all times. In addition, the ISO is
to clearly post an after-hours contact number that
Customers may use to address questions.
Holiday Hours:
The FI may observe Federally recognized Banking
Holidays as established by the FDIC, OCC, or NCUA. The
FI should remain open per the scheduled hours of
operation unless otherwise pre-approved by the Home
Office Leasing Team.
Vendor Access:
Walmart understands that the FI may have secure areas
in the branch that house sensitive equipment and/or
information. Walmart may, from time to time, need
access to areas of the building for maintenance or
repairs that may coincide with these secure areas. ISO
lease includes language both parties will abide by.
Walmart will make efforts to contact the ISO of such
events in advance. If Walmart fails to do so, and the ISO
deems access to these areas would constitute a business
risk, ISO may elect to deny access to any 3
Vendor requesting access pending confirmation or
approval by Walmart Retail Services. Exceptions to this
include any emergency or incident that, if otherwise
unacted upon, would cause damage to the building or
injury to customers or associates.
Financial Institution Requirements
Walmart and ISO Handbook
ATM Access Store Managers:
The FI in your Store is bound by ADA Compliance
guidelines as they pertain to ATM access. If the ATM is not
locked behind a security gate, it is likely that the ATM is
available 24-hours a day, 7-days a week. If so, please ensure
that Store Associates do not encroach on the ATM access
by placing carts, buggies, merchandise, or other materials
in front of or adjacent to the ATM even after banking
hours. Hindering access to the ATM may expose the FI to
ADA Compliance violations. Further, many FI’s have security
systems that are triggered after hours if the area around
the ATM or within the space is encroached after-hours.
Avoiding this area will help prevent the unnecessary need
to respond to security inquiries triggered by such actions
Customer Queuing:
The ISO is required to operate within the confines of the
leased space at all times, which includes space for
Customer queuing. Peak service days may require
heightened focus on queuing lines to ensure proper
customer flow within the Store. Depending on Store and
Branch needs, the Branch Manager may coordinate with
Store Management to create temporary queuing lanes.
This should only occur as an exception and only as
needed. The goal would be to retain enough spacing
between the ISO space and store registers to ensure
appropriate Customer flow within the Store. Below is a
sample design for consideration. The use of temporary
stanchions can be used to provide queuing.
Sample Solution:
Walmart and ISO Handbook
Financial Institution Requirements
Walmart is responsible for providing bulk capacity of HVAC
service to the ISO space. As part of the Branch design, the
Financial Institution should consider the specific needs of the
space and properly design the airflow. Walmart will install one (1)
thermostat in or near the space to properly control the
temperature to the teller and common areas. If equipment
rooms, etc. need modified capacity or special airflow needs, this
should be accounted for in the space design. Walmart is not
responsible for space or airflow designs or for HVAC capacity
changes after the fact.