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Benchmarking MongoDB multi-document transactions in a Benchmarking MongoDB multi-document transactions in a
sharded cluster sharded cluster
Tushar Panpaliya
San Jose State University
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Benchmarking MongoDB multi-document transactions in a sharded cluster
A Project
Presented to
The Faculty of the Department of Computer Science
San José State University
In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for the Degree
Master of Science
Tushar Panpaliya
May 2020
© 2020
Tushar Panpaliya
The Designated Project Committee Approves the Project Titled
Benchmarking MongoDB multi-document transactions in a sharded cluster
Tushar Panpaliya
May 2020
Dr. Suneuy Kim Department of Computer Science
Dr. Robert Chun Department of Computer Science
Dr. Thomas Austin Department of Computer Science
Benchmarking MongoDB multi-document transactions in a sharded cluster
by Tushar Panpaliya
Relational databases like Oracle, MySQL, and Microsoft SQL Server offer trans-
action processing as an integral part of their design. These databases have been a
primary choice among developers for business-critical workloads that need the highest
form of consistency. On the other hand, the distributed nature of NoSQL databases
makes them suitable for scenarios needing scalability, faster data access, and flexible
schema design. Recent developments in the NoSQL database community show that
NoSQL databases have started to incorporate transactions in their drivers to let users
work on business-critical scenarios without compromising the power of distributed
NoSQL features [1].
MongoDB is a leading document store that has supported single document
atomicity since its first version. Sharding is the key technique to support the horizontal
scalability in MongoDB. The latest version MongoDB 4.2 enables multi-document
transactions to run on sharded clusters, seeking both scalability and ACID multi-
documents. Transaction processing is a novel feature in MongoDB, and benchmarking
the performance of MongoDB multi-document transactions in sharded clusters can
encourage developers to use ACID transactions for business-critical workloads.
We have adapted pytpcc framework to conduct a series of benchmarking experi-
ments aiming at finding the impact of tunable consistency, database size, and design
choices on the multi-document transaction in MongoDB sharded clusters. We have
used TPC’s OLTP workload under a variety of experimental settings to measure
business throughput. To the best of our understanding, this is the first attempt
towards benchmarking MongoDB multi-document transactions in a sharded cluster.
I want to express my sincerest gratitude to my project advisor Dr. Suneuy Kim for
her consistent support and collaboration throughout this research project. I consider
myself extremely fortunate to have received an opportunity to work with someone as
passionate as her. She has been patient with me since the start of this project and
has given me valuable insights that helped me move in the right direction to achieve
my goals. I would not have been able to complete this project without her guidance.
I am also thankful to my committee members Dr. Thomas Austin and Dr. Robert
Chun, for providing their feedback and guidance. Finally, I want to thank my amazing
parents and helpful friends for their countless hours of support and encouragement
along the way.
1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
2 Related work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
3 MongoDB Sharding and Replication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
3.1 MongoDB Sharding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
3.2 MongoDB Replication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
3.3 MongoDB Tunable Consistency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
3.3.1 MongoDB read concern . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
3.3.2 MongoDB write concern . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
4 MongoDB multi-document transactions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
4.1 Efficient resource allocation through logical sessions . . . . . . . . 13
4.2 Improved read isolation using local snapshots . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
4.3 Enhanced synchronization of sharded replica using the hybrid clock 14
4.4 Update-structure of Wired tiger storage engine . . . . . . . . . . . 15
4.5 Durability supported by retryable writes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
4.6 Efficient reading mechanism using safe secondary reads . . . . . . 16
5 OLTP benchmarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
5.1 TPC-C benchmark . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
5.2 TPC-C schema design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
5.3 TPC-C Database Schema . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
5.4 TPC-C transactions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
5.4.1 New-Order . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
5.4.2 Payment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
5.4.3 Order-status . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
5.4.4 Delivery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
5.4.5 Stock-level . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
6 Pytpcc framework . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
6.1 Load Phase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
6.2 Execution Phase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
6.3 MongoDB driver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
6.4 Configurations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
6.5 Database Schema design for MongoDB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
6.5.1 Referenced schema of Pytpcc framework . . . . . . . . . . 27
6.5.2 Embedded schema of Pytpcc framework . . . . . . . . . . 27
7 Experiment and Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
7.1 Experiment setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
7.2 Experiment 1 - Impact of read-write consistency on throughput . 29
7.3 Experiment 2 - Impact of schema design on throughput . . . . . 32
Experiment 3 - Impact of sharding on throughput with various data
size . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
7.5 Experiment 4 - FindAndModify vs find+update . . . . . . . . . . 36
8 Conclusion and future work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
LIST OF REFERENCES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
A Referenced schema documents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
B Embedded schema documents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
C Sample benchmark output . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
1 MongoDB read concern [2] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
2 MongoDB write concern [3] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
3 Minimum percentage of different transaction type [4] . . . . . . . 21
4 Pytpcc configurations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
1 MongoDB sharding components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
2 MySQL vs. MongoDB transaction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
3 TPC-C database system heirarchy[4] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
4 TPC-C database system ER diagram [4] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
5 Pytpcc Activity diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
6 Pytpcc Referenced Schema . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
7 Pytpcc Embedded Schema . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
8 Impact of read-write consistency on throughput . . . . . . . . . . 30
9 Impact of schema design on throughput (Ref. Shard: Sharded
cluster with referenced schema, Emb. Shard: Sharded cluster with
embedded schema) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
10 Number of warehouses vs. Throughput . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
11 Number of warehouses vs. Threads for throughput saturation . . 35
12 FindAndModify vs. find+update . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
13 FindAndModify new-order code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Scalability is an essential feature of modern database systems. It enables applica-
tions to work with massive data without compromising the performance. Sharding in
NoSQL databases provides horizontal scalability by data distribution across multiple
nodes. It is useful for applications with fast data growth. System design in NoSQL
databases is centered around distributed architecture, fast data access, improved
performance, and scalability. As stated in the CAP theorem, every distributed system
needs to make a trade-off between consistency and availability in a partition tolerant
environment [
]. Some NoSQL databases offer higher consistency by compromising
availability while others choose eventual consistency.
Applications like System of Records (SOR) and Line of Business (LOB) are
types of systems that need support for atomic transactions with ACID guarantees [
Relational databases support durable transactions with the highest level of consistency
by incurring the cost of data availability and system scalability. NoSQL databases
follow a completely different approach and facilitate faster data access and scalable
systems to boost overall database performance. Application developers choose NoSQL
databases for performance gain but rely on RDBMS for business-critical scenarios.
NoSQL systems have started embracing transactions to extend their use cases under
critical workloads that demand ACID guarantees.
NoSQL databases like Amazon DynamoDB and Microsoft Azure Cosmos DB
offer limited functionality for transaction processing. MongoDB is among the only few
NoSQL databases to offer fully compliant multi-document ACID transactions with
its all existing distributed system benefits. Multi-document transactions with ACID
guarantees are available in MongoDB driver version 4.2 across multiple operations,
collections, databases, and shards. Distributed transactions spanning across multiple
documents are useful for running a business-critical workload while working with
the horizontally scalable system. The multi-document transaction support enables
application developers to work with ACID transactions without losing any distributed
system benefits. Benchmarking multi-document transactions in the sharded cluster
can empower the system with massive data to run business-critical workloads without
compromising scaling benefits.
TPC-A and TPC-C benchmarks are typical OLTP (Online Transaction Process-
ing) benchmarks for relational database systems. These benchmarks run many small
transactions to exercise the complexities of a real-world e-commerce system. Since
NoSQL systems have started supporting transactions, benchmarking transactional
NoSQL systems interest both academia and industry [
]. Especially, there is not much
work done for benchmarking the multi-document transaction feature of MongoDB.
MongoDB’s research in [
], presents that TPC-C can be used for benchmarking
multi-document transactions. It uses a python framework named pytpcc that models
the TPC-C workload for MongoDB’s document-based schema design. Pytpcc is a
python-based open-source framework of the TPC-C OLTP benchmark for NoSQL
systems. It is a simulation of an e-commerce system for running transactions on a
backend database and has a MongoDB driver. Previous work [
] on evaluating trans-
action performance done by the MongoDB community involves running transactions
in a 3 node MongoDB 4.0 replication-based cluster along with pytpcc framework.
However, it does not consider sharding because transactions under the sharded cluster
were not available during that time.
Our research expands this idea to a distributed sharded MongoDB cluster. We
have extended pytpcc framework to work with MongoDB atlas sharded clusters. Our
experiments show that multi-document transactions can improve system performance
with scaling requirements while maintaining ACID guarantees. The multi-document
transaction being a novel feature to NoSQL systems, we believe our results can address
questions about transaction processing amongst developers and NoSQL community.
Related work
CouchDB supports multi-document transactions complying with ACID guarantee
in its driver version 6.5. It provides read committed isolation level that guarantees
every read performed gets the majority committed data [
]. Transactions in CouchDB
are tracked by smart clients to avoid reliance on 2 phase commit protocols. FaunaDB
is another NoSQL database that supports transactions across its data partitions. It
uses a RAFT-based consensus and Calvin storage engine that enables transaction
scheduling and replication [
]. FaundaDB transactions execute in 2 phases an
execution phase and a commit phase. Execute phase reads data from a snapshot, and
the commit phase parallelly resolves transaction writes across the data partitions.
Cloud data stores like Google Cloud Storage (GCS) and Windows Azure Storage
(WAS) provide the ability to store virtually unlimited data while supporting replication
and disaster recovery. These data stores offer high availability in a geographically
distributed cluster and provide single item durable consistency [
]. G-store is another
key-value data store that supports transactions but only within a group called key
groups [
]. Key groups store data, and the keys are cached on the local nodes
but can migrate from one group to another to improve efficiency and performance.
These data stores implement transaction processing logic within the data store itself.
Deuteronomy [
] supports ACID transactions by dividing the storage engine into a
transaction component (TC) and a data component (DC). These components function
as independent systems that work together to provide atomic operations in cloud-based
or local data stores. The ability of components to work independently enables these
systems to use heterogeneous data stores.
Systems like Percolator [
] implement the transaction logic inside the client
to enable multi-item transactions using a snapshot isolation technique. It relies
on a central timestamp called Timestamp Oracle (TO) and locking protocols to
support snapshot isolation. This approach works well for transactions in a single
data store but fails to address heterogeneous data stores due to its limiting ability to
address deadlocks scenarios [
]. ReTSO Reliable and efficient design for transaction
support is another architecture that uses a centralized system to implement a lock-free
snapshot isolation strategy [
]. It reduces the overhead of transaction concurrency
and improves throughput measured by concurrent transactions running per minute.
Yahoo Cloud Serving Benchmark (YCSB) is a tool that allows comparing the
performance of NoSQL systems [
]. Its key feature is that it can be easily extended
by defining new workloads. YCSB is often used to measure the raw performance of the
NoSQL system by stressing them under a variety of workloads. OLTP benchmarks,
on the other hand, work with many small transactions to measure the transaction
performance of the database systems. YCSB+T is an extension of the original
YCSB benchmark that allows running operations by wrapping them in transactions.
YCSB+T adds 2 novel blocks, a workload executor, and transaction API in the YCSB
client [
]. Operations are executed inside transactions in a closed economy workload
(CEW). The closed economy workload simulates an OLTP environment but has only
a minimal set of operations. The workload executor block executes the workload and
validates results by assigning an anomaly score to the workload execution.
YCSB+T uses a client-coordinated transaction protocol [
] across heterogeneous
data stores and relies on the datastore’s capabilities of single-item strong consistency,
adding user-defined data, and global read-only access. These features avoid the need
for a central coordinating system to enable transactions to work on multiple items
while maintaining ACID properties. The protocol works in 2 phases In phase one,
data items are first fetched from the respective data stores and then tagged with
a timestamp in the form of metadata. In phase two, the transaction commits and
updates a global variable called TSR that decides the fate of transactions. Concurrency
between transactions is assumed to be handled by the test-and-set ability of individual
data stores.
The transaction processing council’s TPC-C and TPC-A are a type of OLTP
benchmarks that offer multiple transaction types. TPC offers a set of detailed
guidelines for systems targeting transaction benchmarking in complex e-commerce
environments. These workloads are adopted by traditional relational databases to
benchmarks transaction performance to facilitate valuable insights about business-
critical scenarios. NoSQL database usage, on the other hand, has been limited to not
so critical use cases demanding performance gain. Transaction processing in NoSQL
databases is a new area; there is limited research done for benchmarking transactions.
MongoDB’s research in [
] suggests that the TPC-C benchmark can be adapted
to their document-based NoSQL database. Their research shows promising results but
is limited to replica set clusters. Other efforts in [
] suggest that YCSB client
can be modified to work with data stores with different data models provided each of
these data stored handle ACID guarantees at the individual database level.
MongoDB Sharding and Replication
MongoDB is a distributed document-based NoSQL database that enables
application developers to leverage the power of replication, high availability, indexing,
and sharding through its schema-less design architecture. MongoDB stores data in
JSON documents with support for arrays, nested objects that allow dynamic and
flexible schema. It uses powerful queries to enable users to filter and sort information
from documents. In this chapter, we describe MongoDB’s mechanism of horizontal
scaling and synchronization of data across multiple servers.
3.1 MongoDB Sharding
Sharding is MongoDB’s mechanism of scaling the cluster capacity to support the
deployment of large datasets and improve systems performance. When applications
work with huge data, single server capacity can get overwhelmed as the client stresses
the server with concurrent operations. There are two different ways of scaling a
system: vertical scaling and horizontal scaling. Vertical scaling increases system
capacity by adding more hardware components (e.g., RAM, CPU cores, disks) to a
single server system. Vertical scaling works well if the dataset has limited growth
over time. However, it is inefficient for handling a huge increase in data due to its
practical scaling limitations and associated scaling cost.
Horizontal scaling works by adding more commodity computers to the cluster
of multiple servers and then distributing the data across these servers. While an
individual server cannot handle the entire load, having multiple servers with moderate
capacity can work together by distributing the data to improve performance. These
servers can be added and removed as per systems need. This approach has higher
maintenance costs as compared to vertical scaling but provides more flexibility. Figure
1 depicts MongoDB sharding components
Figure 1: MongoDB sharding components
MongoDB supports horizontal scaling by breaking data into chunks and then
distributing them across multiple shards. Each shard can work as a replica set to
increase availability. A sharded cluster in MongoDB consists of three components
shard, mongos, and config server. A shard is a data-bearing component that contains
a part of system data in the form of chunks. Mongos acts as a middleware between
client and server and keeps track of which chunks belong to which shards. Config
servers store all the configuration settings about the sharded cluster.
3.2 MongoDB Replication
Replication is MongoDB’s mechanism of data synchronization to facilitate data
availability, disaster recovery, and data backups. MongoDB replica set consists of 2
or more nodes, where one of these nodes is primary, and others are secondaries. In a
replica set, write operations are first applied to the primary node and then recorded in
a capped collection named oplog. Each replica set member has its oplog that reflects
the current database state. Secondary nodes can asynchronously copy operations from
the primary’s oplog to synchronize themselves with the primary node.
The client can vary the durability of write operations using write concern. While
data writes are always applied to the primary node, data reads can happen from any
member of the replica set. MongoDB allows the client to read data using different
read concern values. Read and write concern has a direct implication on data
consistency and is explained in detail in the next section. In one of our experiments,
we discuss the impact of data consistency on system throughput.
3.3 MongoDB Tunable Consistency
MongoDB provides tunable consistency to the client via different read and write
concern values [
]. Read concern value specifies how durable data the application
wants to read and write concern determines the level of consistency by specifying how
many replicas should acknowledge the write operation to be successful.
3.3.1 MongoDB read concern
Read concern allows the client to set a level of consistency for read operations.
Internally MongoDB consults wired tiger storage engine to read data based on the
read concern value specified by the client. The default value for read concern in every
MongoDB operation is local. While each MongoDB operation can provide its read
concern, in case of multi-document transactions, only a transaction-level read concern
is used for all the reads that are part of the transaction [
]. It allows transactions to
work on consistent data. Table 1 shows available read concern values for MongoDB
operations and transactions. It also describes the level of consistency each option
read concern Description
to trans-
1 local
Reads most recent data from the
node but provides no guarantee
that data is majority committed
Yes Yes
2 available
Reads data from the node if avail-
able without guaranteeing it is
majority committed
Yes No
3 majority
Reads data that is majority com-
mitted across the cluster
No Yes
4 linearizable
Reads data from the cluster
guaranteeing that all the earlier
writes are majority committed
No No
5 snapshot
Reads data from a consistent
snapshot across the cluster
No Yes
Table 1: MongoDB read concern [2]
3.3.2 MongoDB write concern
When the client issues a write request to the server, MongoDB acknowledges a
successful write to the client after it receives the acknowledgments from the number
of replicas specified by the write consistency level. Write concern value decides the
degree of consistency for the written data. MongoDB allows either an integer value
between 1 to N (N = number of nodes) or majority for write concern. Table 2 shows
different write concern values available to MongoDB operations and transactions.
write concern Description
to trans-
1 1
Writes data to only one node
from cluster before returning
acknowledgement back to the
Yes Yes
2 majority
Writes data to more than half
data-bearing nodes before return-
ing acknowledgement back to the
No Yes
3 n
Writes data to all the data-
bearing node in the cluster before
sending acknowledgment back
the client
No Yes
Table 2: MongoDB write concern [3]
MongoDB multi-document transactions
MongoDB version 4.0 introduced multi-document transactions with Atomicity,
Consistency, Isolation, and Durability guarantees. ACID transactions are useful to
satisfy application developer needs for complex scenarios that need all-or-nothing execu-
tion while working on consistent data. MongoDB multi-document transactions follow
pretty much the same syntax as that of traditional relational database transactions.
Figure 2 shows a comparison between MySQL and MongoDB transactions.
Figure 2: MySQL vs. MongoDB transaction
The introduction of multi-document transactions amalgamates MongoDB’s
document-based model and distributed ACID guarantees. We now address the
design details of MongoDB multi-document transactions. These are essential features
that empower multi-document transactions to work with highly consistent data while
maintaining system integrity. MongoDB multi-document transactions are empowered
by the following features [6]. The rest of the chapter summarizes these features that
are considered to be crucial to understanding MongoDB multi-document transactions.
Efficient resource allocation through logical sessions
Improved read isolation using local snapshots
Enhanced synchronization of sharded replica using the hybrid clock
Update-structure of Wired tiger storage engine
Durability supported by retryable writes
Efficient reading mechanism using safe secondary reads
4.1 Efficient resource al location through logical sessions
In MongoDB (version 3.6+), every operation can be linked to a client session,
namely causally consistent sessions. A causally consistent session is represented by a
unique identifier denoted by lsid, which consists of a GUID (Globally Unique ID) and
a user id. It is associated with a client during its communication with a MongoDB
cluster. Every resource that is used by the client is attached to a unique session [
In multi-document MongoDB transactions, a single transaction can use multiple
resources before it runs to completion. A centralized system to manage these resources
can become a bottleneck of single-point failure and thus can be very inefficient.
The causally consistent sessions, on the other hand, provide much more flexibility.
These sessions facilitate resource-intensive processes involved with multi-document
transactions such as resource tagging, garbage collection, and resource cancellation.
4.2 Improved read i solation using local snapshots
MongoDB runs queries on the server by acquiring a lock on the documents. Each
query yields after a periodic interval to make sure a single operation does not hold a
resource for too long. A query on the MongoDB server is processed by fetching data
before the query starts and then periodically saving data and locks related to that
query at the time of yielding. The server erases the old state of data for the query
and acquires a new state when the query resumes its execution the next time. Local
snapshots provide server an ability to retain all the data and locks when the query
yields [22].
Local snapshots are essential in the context of multi-document transactions
because they provide an ability to keep track of all the resources used by a transaction.
They offer transaction an ability to work on data from a given point in time. It is
a vital feature to guarantee the atomicity of the transaction. When a transaction
starts within a logical session, the client needs to use read concern “snapshot” to use
consistent data until the transaction commits or aborts [6].
4.3 Enhanced synchronization of sharded replica using the hybrid clock
In MongoDB distributed cluster, local clocks for each shard tracks the oplog
entries to provide order. Ordering is achieved by recording the logical timestamp of
each durable write operation. Secondaries fetch these ordered entries and replay them
to synchronize themselves with primary nodes state. Multiple shards with individual
local clocks suffer a considerable cost of synchronization in providing consistent data
to multi-document transactions.
A hybrid clock approach helps to solve this problem by combining the operations
count and system time to create a special type of timestamp called a hybrid
timestamp. This timestamp is then exchanged in the cluster through the gossip
protocol. When a node receives a message containing this timestamp, it updates
its local timestamp with the received timestamp if it is later than its timestamp
]. The hybrid timestamp is hashed using the private key of primary nodes for
tamper prevention. The hybrid clock helps multi-document transactions to work on
synchronized data spanning across multiple shards. It is crucial because, in most
scenarios, multi-document transactions access data across multiple shards.
4.4 Update-structure of Wired tiger storage engine
Wired tiger is the default storage engine of MongoDB that stores data in a
key-value tree structure. It comes with a mechanism to maintain point-in-time data
for the transaction snapshots. The storage engine maintains an update-structure and
adds a key-value entry to this structure every time a permanent change is made. The
key-value entry holds the timestamp of the update, state of data, and a pointer to the
next update-structure for that same data. These update-structures help MongoDB
transactions to query data at a specific point in time and re-synchronize in case of
rollbacks [24].
The storage engine’s ability to provide point-in-time data and handle multi-
version concurrency control enables multi-document transactions to reduce data locks.
Wired-tiger update structure also facilitates snapshot retention and data rollbacks in
failure cases.
4.5 Durability supported by retryable writes
In MongoDB, when a client performs a write operation, the server has the
responsibility of writing the update on to the database and sending an acknowledgment
back to the client. Acknowledgment is sent back based on the write concern value
provided by the client. If any of the replicas involved with this write operation does
not acknowledge this write due to node failure or a network failure, MongoDB cannot
acknowledge the client. In this situation, the client may resubmit the same write
request considering the previous write failed. If the previous write operation happens
to make to the replica, the first and the second writes conflict, and a dirty write
situation can arise.
Retryable write gives the server an ability to retry a failed write automatically.
The primary node in the cluster maintains a special type of table called the transaction
table. The table contains a list of logical session ids, transaction id, and a pointer to
an oplog entry where the operation is recorded. When a write request comes to the
primary node, it checks if the transaction id is already present in the table, if found
the server identifies it as a retryable write.
In the case of multi-document transactions, commit and abort operation are
retryable by default [
]. Transactions maintain their atomicity by retrying the entire
transaction in case of any failure.
4.6 Efficient reading mechanism using safe secondary reads
In a sharded cluster, chunk migration between shards happens as a part of load
balancing across nodes. The load balancing process first identifies the chunks to
migrate and then copies those chunks from source shard to destination shard and then
deletes the data from source shard. A special type of routing table at primaries of
shard identifies and filters out documents that are in the middle of migration. While
this works for queries when routed to primaries of shards, reads from secondaries can
read inconsistent data as they are unaware of the migrating documents.
A safe secondary reads mechanism addresses this issue by copying the routing
table to secondary nodes [
]. Replication of routing tables on secondary nodes helps
to make secondaries aware of chunk migration. The addition of safe secondary reads
helps multi-document transactions read data consistently from the cluster using read
concern local or majority.
OLTP benchmarks
Online transaction processing (OLTP) is a type of information processing that
supports transaction-based data manipulation for a database system. It is usually
associated with applications like online-banking, e-commerce, airline reservations,
manufacturing, and shipping systems. OLTP benchmarks, such as TPC-C, TATP,
SmallBank, and SEATS, are most concerned with the atomicity of the database
operations to support concurrent insert, update and delete operation in the system
]. The main goal of these benchmarks is to provide a real-world client-server
system where a large group of users can perform essential transactions in a distributed
decentralized database system. Data in OLTP workloads reflects real-life business
interactions in an organization.
The database schema for TPC-C is based on an RDBMS table-based structure.
We choose the TPC-C benchmark to measure the performance of multi-document
transactions as it is an industry-standard OLTP benchmark. It’s complex warehouse-
centric design, and heavy update transactions make it suitable for transaction
benchmarking in MongoDB.
5.1 TPC-C benchmark
TPC-C benchmark consists of multiple transactions that simulate complicated
e-commerce system operations. Transactions in the TPC-C benchmark workload are a
mix of read and heavy update operations. The purpose of this benchmark is to provide
standard guidelines for systems and a set of diverse operations that can simulate an
OLTP application irrespective of underlying hardware configurations. It differs from
other benchmarks that are limited to specific machines or an operating system. The
overall performance of the system is a measure of the number of new orders processed,
which is committed transactions per minute denoted by tpmC. With its pervasive mix
of read-write operations and the complexity of the transactions, the throughput is
also considered business throughput. The following factors characterize the TPC-C
Concurrent execution of transactions with varying complexity
A mechanism to stress the system with multiple clients using its 5 different
transactions that exhibit varying read-write load on the database
Real-time as well as queued execution mode
An ability to defer execution of transactions by queuing them lets the benchmark
simulate realistic transaction events
A diverse system with a variety of relationships and attributes
A table structure designed with a set of complex attributes and the relationship
between entities
Transaction integrity through ACID
A Strongly consistent table-based design that maintains atomicity, consistency,
integrity, and durability of transactions
5.2 TPC-C schema design
TPC-C benchmark is composed of a variety of complex operations designed for
portraying a real-world e-commerce system activity [
]. These operations need a
schema design that can support non-uniform data access while working on data with a
variety of relationship and sizes. TPC-C benchmark simulates realistic transaction in
an e-commerce system that uses geographically distributed regional warehouses. The
number of warehouses determines the total data size. Each warehouse stocks 100,000
items and has the responsibility of facilitating sales activities in 10 sales districts.
Each of these districts is home to 3000 customers. Figure 3 explains TPC-C’s system
Figure 3: TPC-C database system heirarchy[4]
5.3 TPC-C Database Schema
The TPC-C database consists of the following nine tables:
1. Warehouse
- The warehouse table stores information about each warehouse on
the system.
2. District The district table stores sales information of a district.
3. Customer - Customer table stores customer’s personal and sales information.
4. History - History table stores past order information of customers.
5. New order
- New order table stores order information about every new order
6. Order - Order table stores order information about each order.
7. Order line
- The order line table contains information about each item in the
8. Item - Item table represents an instance of stock and stores its information.
9. Stock
- Stock table stores information about each item at all the districts and
ER diagram in figure 4 shows the relationship between the 9 tables in the database
Figure 4: TPC-C database system ER diagram [4]
5.4 TPC-C transactions
TPC-C benchmark runs 5 different transactions of varying complexity, as pre-
sented in Table 3. A framework adapting TPC-C should support transaction execution
in real-time as well as deferred mode via queuing. The ability to execute the trans-
action in these modes gives the framework an ability to exercise transactions with
varying read-write distribution. The workload is expected to maintain a minimum
percentage of each transaction type over the run duration.
Transaction type Minimum percentage
1 Order-status 4 %
2 Delivery 4 %
3 Stock-level 4 %
4 Payment 43 %
5 New-Order No Minimum
Table 3: Minimum percentage of different transaction type [4]
5.4.1 New-Order
This transaction simulates an order placement scenario as a single atomic
database transaction. TPC-C benchmark uses the number of new orders processed
per minute for performance measurement. It is designed to put the system under
variable load to reflect a real order placing scenario in a production system. The
transaction is implemented in a way that one percent of all the new orders contain an
order item that produces a data entry error at the chosen warehouse and thus needs
to be imported from another warehouse. If an order contains items imported from
some warehouse, it is considered remote order. Otherwise, it is considered a local order.
5.4.2 Payment
This transaction updates payment-related data for a randomly chosen customer.
It involves updating customer’s balance, district payment information, and warehouse
payment statistics. It is relatively light weighted as compared to other transactions.
In these transactions, customers can be chosen by their last name to perform
non-primary key access.
5.4.3 Order-status
Order-status transaction checks the status of the customer’s last-placed order.
It is a read-only transaction with a shallow frequency. It also retrieves customer
information by a non-primary key access strategy.
5.4.4 Delivery
Delivery transaction runs in a deferred mode. It involves processing up to 10
orders in a batch and delivering them. It works via queuing requests and then
executing in a batch.
5.4.5 Stock-level
It is a read-only transaction that checks if recently sold items are below the user
threshold in the warehouse. It involves a heavy read-load on the system and has a
shallow frequency.
Pytpcc framework
Pytpcc is an open source python based TPC-C OLTP framework designed for
NoSQL databases. It was first developed by students from brown university and
then adapted by MongoDB for benchmarking multi-document transaction in 2019
]. The framework is extensively designed to support writing new NoSQL drivers
with ease. A new driver can be added by extending frameworks abstract driver
( and implementing functions to load data and run workload specific
to the database system. Pytpcc has drivers for various NoSQL databases, including
MongoDB, Cassandra, HBase, CouchDB, and Redis. The framework is divided into
below 3 packages
1. Driver
-- This package contains driver implementations for different NoSQL
2. Runtime
-- This package contains classes used for loading the data and executing
the workload.
3. Util -- This package contains utility classes used by the benchmark.
The framework executes the benchmark in two phases a loading phase and an
execution phase.
6.1 Load Phase
In load phase database is populated based on the configuration options provided
to the driver class. If –no-load option is used in the configuration, then the load phase
is skipped; otherwise, the driver’s loadStart() function is executed, which prepares the
driver to start loading. Next, a random number of tuples and a table name is sent to
the drivers loadTuples() function to populate the table. loadTuples() can be called
multiple times and runs until all the tuples are loaded. Once all the data is populated
loadFinish() function notifies the controller that loading is finished.
6.2 Execution Phase
In the execution phase, the workload runs a randomly chosen transaction on the
data. Once a transaction type is chosen, the associated method is called that runs
a set of operations as a single transaction. There are two optional functions in this
phase that can be used to prepare and commit the transaction. The activity diagram
in Figure 5 shows a sample pytpcc benchmark execution.
Figure 5: Pytpcc Activity diagram
6.3 MongoDB driver
MongoDB driver for pytpcc was improved by a team at MongoDB to
benchmark transaction performance [
]. It extends the abstract driver and
implements its function for the MongoDB database. The driver implements a load
and execute phase for multi-document transactions. It also supports providing
configuration parameters to the driver from both a configuration file and command line.
6.4 Configurations
This section describes the configuration options available in the framework.
These configurations allow the client to provide a custom setting to the workload.
Below is the list of available options and their interpretation.
6.5 Database Schema design for MongoDB
In traditional relational databases, tables are normalized to eliminate various
anomalies caused by duplicate data. Therefore, join operations plays a crucial role
in gathering relevant data from the normalized table. However, join operations
inherently clashes with clustered environments. In distributed NoSQL databases such
as MongoDB, it is costly to join normalized data distributed over multiple servers in a
cluster. Therefore, data are denormalized for queries to find the required data ideally
in one place at the cost of data duplication. In MongoDB, data can be modeled in two
different ways: embedding and referencing. Embedding supports nested documents
and considered the right choice when documents exhibit a one-to-many relationship.
Referencing models data with references between documents and useful for hierarchical
data sets.
TPC-C is a benchmark developed for relational database systems, and therefore,
Configuration Value Interpretation
1 config string
Used to provide a configuration file for the
driver. If no configuration is provided, default
configurations from the drivers are used
2 warehouses integer
Used to set the number of warehouses to be
used in the workload
3 duration seconds
Represents the number of seconds for which
the workload should be executed
4 denormalize boolean
If this option is set to true, the system uses
an embedded schema design. By default, this
value is set to false that represents referenced
schema design
5 no-load boolean
Used to skips the loading phase. The frame-
work starts executing the workload on already
populated data
6 no-execute boolean Used to skip the execution phase
7 debug boolean Used to print log messages to console
8 scale-factor float
Used to scale the system size. If a value greater
than 1 is used, it will scale down the database
by that factor
9 clientprocs integer
Represents the number of concurrent clients
to be used for the workload
10 clients string
Represents ssh client to be used for running
the workload
11 uri string
Used to specify MongoDB atlas connection
12 print-config boolean
Used to print the default configurations of the
13 ddl string
This option enables the user to provide a file
for the TPC-C data definition language
14 findAndModify boolean
Uses findAndModigy atomic queries instead of
find and update
Table 4: Pytpcc configurations
tables are normalized in the TPC-C database. Pytpcc framework provides both
normalized and denormalized schema for the same data set. The following section
presents details about referenced and embedded schema design in pytpcc.
6.5.1 Referenced schema of Pytpcc framework
In the case of referenced schema design, each table is considered as a separate
collection. All the insert, update, and delete operations are done on a single document
at a time. This design is a direct extension of a normalized relational database schema.
Figure 6 depicts the schema and a sample document based on referencing. A Complete
document for the referenced schema is available in Appendix A.
Figure 6: Pytpcc Referenced Schema
6.5.2 Embedded schema of Pytpcc framework
In embedded schema design, information related to a given customer is embedded
in the customer document itself. This related information includes customer orders,
order lines for each order, and history. MongoDB suggests embedding as the preferred
denormalization method. Figure 7 depicts the schema and a sample document based
on referencing. A Complete document for embdedded schema is available in Appendix
Figure 7: Pytpcc Embedded Schema
Experiment and Results
This chapter presents the benchmarking experiments conducted to evaluate
the performance of multi-document transactions in MongoDB sharded clusters. It
also covers our analysis of the experimental results. The data gathered from these
experiments address the following topics
Impact of read and write consistency levels on the performance of multi-document
transactions running in a sharded cluster
Impact of sharding on system scalability
Schema design preferences for OLTP applications running on a sharded cluster
Impact of data size on the overall throughput in a sharded cluster
Impact of atomic findAndUpdate operation on systems performance
7.1 Experiment setup
We performed all the experiments on a c5n.4xlarge instance on AWS with
ubuntu 16.4 LTS (HVM) installed as a client and MongoDB atlas M40 cluster as a
server. M40 cluster tier comes with a server setup consisting of 16GB RAM, 80GB
of storage, and 4 vCPU. It supports network performance bandwidth of 10 Gigabit
with up to 6000 connections. We choose AWS as a background resource provider for
the atlas server. MongoDB atlas enabled us to create clusters with ease and modify
configuration based on the need. The Client machine setup involved cloning pytpcc
framework and installing pymongo, dnspython, execnet, and argparse libraries.
7.2 Experiment 1 - Impact of read-write consistency on throughput
MongoDB provides the user with an option to tune the consistency level by
configuring read and write concern values in the client code. This experiment is to see
Figure 8: Impact of read-write consistency on throughput
the impact of read and write consistency level on the throughput of multi-document
transactions. In MongoDB, transaction read_concern can be set to local, majority, or
snapshot where snapshot provides the most consistent data for read operations of
multi-document transactions running across the shards. write_concern can be set
to any numeric value between 1 to N, where N represents the number of nodes in
the cluster. We performed this experiment on systems with 1, 3, 6, and 9 shards
for testing scalability. First, each cluster was populated with 100 warehouses data,
and then the benchmark was executed for 10 minutes by increasing the number of
concurrent clients until throughput saturated. tpmC reading was recorded for each
experiment. Figure 8 shows throughput saturation points for various read-write
consistency settings over the number of shards in the cluster.
Observation 1
In figure 8, orange line (read_concern = local, w:1) and gray
line (read_concern = snapshot, w:1) show that read concern does not affect the
throughput much when write concern value is set to its lowest (w:1).
w:1 provides the lowest durability for write operations and acknowledges
to the client as soon as data is written to a single node. During the workload
execution, most transactions are aborted at commit time due to non-durable write
operations. Snapshot read concern also does not increase throughput due to the write
inconsistencies at the commit time.
Observation 2
An increase in the write concern value increased systems
In MongoDB multi-document transactions, data is written to the nodes
at commit time, which saves latency in replicating individual writes of the transaction
as and when they happen. This reduction in latency improves systems throughput.
When transactions execute with strongly consistent write concern, at commit time, all
the writes are guaranteed to persist on the disk. The consistent state of the database
boosts overall transaction throughput.
Observation 3
In Figure 8, yellow-line (read_concern = local, w: majority) and
the blue line(read_concern = snapshot, w: majority) shows that, read concern
has a significant impact on the throughput when majority write concern is used.
In cases when w: majority is used, writes are guaranteed to persist
on the majority of the nodes. While read concern = local reads the most recent
data available to the server, it does not provide any guarantee that the data that is
being read is consistent. On the other hand, read_concern = snapshot provides a
guarantee that the read data is consistent across shards. This improves the number
of successfully committing transactions and therefore resulting in improved throughput.
Result Analysis
- Results obtained from this experiment show us that multi-
document transactions in sharded clusters need a reliable write consistency for
optimal performance. Snapshot reads across shards are an essential addition to
multi-document transactions and can guarantee the highest level of consistency
without compromising throughput. Sharding scales the transaction throughput with
consistent read and write concern.
7.3 Experiment 2 - Impact of schema design on throughput
This experiment tests impact of the design choice on the system’s overall through-
put. We performed this experiment in an M40 sharded cluster with 3 shards and
populated the database with 100 warehouses in both referenced and embedded schema
design. Benchmark was executed for a fixed duration of 10 minutes by increasing the
number of concurrent clients.
In referenced schema design, the system is populated with a separate document
for each customer, order, order line, and history. Orders that belong to a customer
are referenced by customer id in order document. Each order line is represented by a
separate document and contains a reference to the order that it belongs to. Figure 6
of Chapter 6 depicts the database schema and sample document.
In embedded schema design, all the orders belonging to a customer are embedded
in the customer document. The customer document is also embedded with an array of
past orders that belongs to the customer. Figure 7 of Chapter 6 depicts the database
schema and sample document.
Figure 9: Impact of schema design on throughput (Ref. Shard: Sharded cluster with
referenced schema, Emb. Shard: Sharded cluster with embedded schema)
Observation 1
As seen in Figure 9, embedded schema improved throughput by
approximately 12% as compared to the referenced schema.
For a new order transaction, an average of 10 order lines are chosen
for each order. Embedded schema design accesses fewer documents as compared to
referenced schema design and therefore increasing overall throughout.
Observation 2
The throughput of the system saturated at 350 concurrent clients.
In experiment 1, when we worked with 100 warehouse data in the
M40 cluster, the system throughput also saturated at 350 concurrent clients, and
we observed that this saturation point increases with adding more shards in the system.
Result Analysis
Results obtained from this experiment show that multi-document
transactions, when used with document embedding design approach, can guarantee
ACID properties for the transaction with improved performance.
7.4 Experiment 3 - Impact of sharding on throughput with various data
This experiment is focused on finding the impact of sharding on the throughput
of multi-document transactions. We varied the data size of the system in a 3 shard
M40 cluster by changing the number of warehouses in the system. We start with a
system having 1 warehouse and increase the number of warehouses till 500 under the
same cluster settings. We stress the system by the increasing number of concurrent
clients to reach throughput saturation. The graph in Figure 10 shows the throughput
measured from an unsharded and sharded replica set while varying data size
Figure 10: Number of warehouses vs. Throughput
Figure 11: Number of warehouses vs. Threads for throughput saturation
Observation 1
- For a small data size (warehouse < 5), a sharded replica set
exhibits less throughput as compared to an unsharded replica set for the same data.
When sharding is used in system with less data, it becomes an
overhead. Larger data size benefits from sharding because of more resources and data
distribution therefore improves the throughput.
Observation 2
Figure 10 and 11 shows that sharded replica set scaled throughput
to 250 warehouses with 370 clients as compared to 100 warehouses of an unsharded
replica set with 300 clients.
Sharded replica set scales the system horizontally and thus allowing
more concurrent clients to work on data as compared to an unshdarded replica set.
The difference between the number of concurrent clients operating on the data in
both cases is directly proportional to the relative throughput obtained.
Result Analysis
- Results from experiment 3 suggest that MongoDB sharding can
improve throughput, working with huge data while complying with ACID guarantees
for the multi-document transactions.
7.5 Experiment 4 - FindAndModify vs find+update
Pytpcc provides a findAndModify configuration option that replaces a combination
of “find and update” queries with a single “find and modify” query. FindAndModify
updates the document that matches query criteria and gives a similar result as that of
separate select and update queries [
]. In the new-order transaction, district update
code can make use of findAndModify query, and we perform this experiment to check
the impact of using findAndModify on the throughput. We used this configuration
option for the referenced schema in an M40 cluster with 100 warehouses and executed
the workload to see its impact on the throughput. Figure 12 shows the relative
comparison between select+update and findAndModify.
Figure 12: FindAndModify vs. find+update
Observation 1
FindAndModify option increases throughput for a sharded cluster
saturating with 350 clients.
In new-order transactions, FindAndModify option reduces the number
of queries for updating district information. The code snippet in Figure 13 shows the
new-order transaction with FindAndModify configuration. It reduces the number
of round trips to the database for the transaction, resulting in reduced latency and
increased throughput.
Figure 13: FindAndModify new-order code
Result Analysis
- Results from this experiment show us that MongoDB’s powerful
atomic updates like findAndModify() reduce the number of a round-trip to the database
for a given query, which subsequently reduces individual operation latency in the
multi-document transaction to boost the performance.
Conclusion and future work
MongoDB multi-document transaction is a novel feature, and with ongoing
developments, it has the potential to be used for business-critical scenarios. Our
experiments in benchmarking multi-document transactions in the sharded cluster using
industry-standard benchmark like TPC-C gave us valuable insights about read-write
consistency, system scalability, and schema design choices for MongoDB.
The work our this research is wholly based on driver version 4.2 of the MongoDB
community database. Use cases that require creating new collections, modifying
system databases, and oplog of size more than 16 MB are currently excluded from
MongoDB multi-document transactions. MongoDB is expected to add these features
in its future driver version to encourage developers to use MongoDB transactions.
This research can provide valuable guidelines to the NoSQL community and can be
further extended with recent developments in the MongoDB driver.
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Referenced schema documents
2 " C_ID ": 1,
3 " C_D_ID ": 1,
4 " C_W_ID ": 1,
5 " C_FIRST " : " John " ,
6 " C_MIDDLE ": " Chris ",
7 " C_LAST ": " Doe " ,
8 " C_STREET_ 1" : " 2nd Market Street ",
9 " C_STREET_ 2" : " 1st San carlos " ,
10 " C_CITY ": " San Jose ",
11 " C_STATE " : " CA ",
12 " C_ZIP ": "174 42" ,
13 " C_PHONE " : " 123 45678 90" ,
14 " C_SINCE " : ISODate (" 20 19 -11 -18 ") ,
15 " C_CREDIT ": " GC ",
16 " C_CREDIT_LIM ": 5000 0,
17 " C_DISCOUNT " : 0 .4208 ,
18 " C_BALANCE ": 1000 0,
19 " C_YTD_PAYMENT ": 10 ,
20 " C_PAYMENT_CNT ": 1,
21 " C_DELIVERY_ CNT ": 0,
22 " C_DATA ": " Test customer data ",
23 }
1 ORDER : {
2 " O_ID ": 2452,
3 " O_C_ID ": 1,
4 " O_D_ID ": 1,
5 " O_W_ID ": 1,
6 " O_ENTRY_D ": ISODate (" 20 19 -11 -18 ") ,
7 " O_CARRIER_ID ": NumberLong (0 ),
8 " O_OL_CNT ": 13,
9 " O_ALL_LOCAL ": 1,
10 }
2 " OL_O_ID " : 3 675 ,
3 " OL_D_ID " : 1 ,
4 " OL_W_ID " : 1 ,
5 " OL_NUMBER ": 2452 ,
6 " OL_I_ID " : 6 715 8,
7 " OL_SUPPLY_W _ID ": 1,
8 " OL_DELIVERY_D ": null ,
9 " OL_QUANTITY ": 5,
10 " OL_AMOUNT ": 354. 67,
11 " OL_DIST_INFO ": " Santa clara county "
12 }
2 " H_C_ID ": 2,
3 " H_C_D_ID ": 1,
4 " H_C_W_ID ": 1,
5 " H_D_ID ": 1,
6 " H_W_ID ": 1,
7 " H_DATE ": ISODate (" 201 9 -1 1-18") ,
8 " H_AMOUNT ": 355. 85,
9 " H_DATA ": " Sample history data "
10 }
Embedded schema documents
2 " C_ID ": 1,
3 " C_D_ID ": 1,
4 " C_W_ID ": 1,
5 " C_FIRST " : " John " ,
6 " C_MIDDLE ": " Chris ",
7 " C_LAST ": " Doe " ,
8 " C_STREET_ 1" : " 2nd Market Street ",
9 " C_STREET_ 2" : " 1st San carlos " ,
10 " C_CITY ": " San Jose ",
11 " C_STATE " : " CA ",
12 " C_ZIP ": "174 42" ,
13 " C_PHONE " : " 123 45678 90" ,
14 " C_SINCE " : ISODate (" 20 19 -11 -18 ") ,
15 " C_CREDIT ": " GC ",
16 " C_CREDIT_LIM ": 5000 0,
17 " C_DISCOUNT " : 0 .4208 ,
18 " C_BALANCE ": 1000 0,
19 " C_YTD_PAYMENT ": 10 ,
20 " C_PAYMENT_CNT ": 1,
21 " C_DELIVERY_ CNT ": 0,
22 " C_DATA ": " Test customer data ",
23 " ORDERS ":
24 [
25 {
26 " O_ENTRY_D ": ISODate (" 20 19 -11 -18 ") ,
27 " O_CARRIER_ID ": NumberLong (0 ),
28 " O_OL_CNT ": 13,
29 " O_ALL_LOCAL ": 1,
30 " ORDER_LINE " :
31 [
32 {
33 " OL_NUMBER ": 2452 ,
34 " OL_I_ID " : 6 715 8,
35 " OL_SUPPLY_W _ID ": 1,
36 " OL_DELIVERY_D ": null ,
37 " OL_QUANTITY ": 5,
38 " OL_AMOUNT ": 354. 67,
39 " OL_DIST_INFO ": " Santa clara county "
40 }
41 ]
42 }
43 ]
45 [
46 {
47 " H_D_ID ": 1,
48 " H_W_ID ": 1,
49 " H_DATE ": ISODate (" 201 9 -1 1-18T0 7"),
50 " H_AMOUNT ": 355. 85,
51 " H_DATA ": " Sample history data ",
52 }
53 ]
54 }
Sample benchmark output
ubuntu@ip-172-31-7-168: /pytpcc: sudo python3 mongodb --no-
load --duration 300 --warehouses 100 --clientprocs 200 –debug
1 {debug : True , scalefactor : 1, warehouses : 100,
print_config : False , no_execute : False , clientprocs
: 200, no_load : True , stop_on_error : False ,
config : None , system : mongodb , ddl : / home /
ubuntu / pytpcc / tpcc .sql , reset : False , duration : 6 0
1 {
2 ORDER_STATUS : 1249 2,
3 NEW_ORDER : 1 42620 ,
4 PAYMENT : 1 33307 ,
5 STOCK_LEVEL : 1 2175,
6 DELIVERY : 1251 2
7 }
1 {
2 total : 31 3106,
3 tpmc : 142 62.36 258 98995 34,
4 write_concern : majority ,
6 total : 1 2512,
7 latency : {
8 p90: 337. 731 59980773 926 ,
9 min : 117. 760 18142 700 195,
10 p75: 275. 557 51800537 11,
11 p99: 1434 .93 79539489 746 ,
12 p95: 396. 090 50750732 42,
13 max : 6966 .09 47322 845 46,
14 p50: 225. 854 63523864 746
15 },
16 retries_txn_total : 892
17 },
18 batch_writes : True ,
19 NEW_ORDER : {
20 total : 1 42620 ,
21 latency : {
22 p90: 151. 658 05816650 39,
23 min : 15.3 441 42913 818 36,
24 p75: 57.9 733 84857177 734 ,
25 p99: 680. 890 56015014 65,
26 p95: 347. 495 31745910 645 ,
27 max : 1005 5.9 12494 659 424,
28 p50: 36.0 267 16232299 805
29 },
30 retries_txn_total : 1837 2
31 },
33 total : 1 2492,
34 latency : {
35 p90: 21.3 701 72500610 35,
36 min : 7.78 937 33978 271 48,
37 p75: 16.1 831 37893676 758 ,
38 p99: 77.5 117 87414550 78,
39 p95: 26.8 716 81213378 906 ,
40 max : 5207 .82 51838 684 08,
41 p50: 13.1 373 40545654 297
42 }
43 },
44 causal : False ,
45 aborts : 543,
46 read_concern : local ,
47 threads : 2 00,
48 find_and_modify : False ,
49 read_preference : primary ,
50 warehouses : 10 ,
51 date : 20 20 -03 -11 0 1:3 3:04 ,
52 denorm : False ,
54 total : 1 2175,
55 latency : {
56 p90: 17.2 109 60388183 594 ,
57 min : 7.08 746 91009 521 48,
58 p75: 13.4 925 84228515 625 ,
59 p99: 35.0 694 65637207 03,
60 p95: 21.4 433 67004394 53,
61 max : 5094 .25 37784 576 42,
62 p50: 11.3 120 07904052 734
63 }
64 },
65 retry_writes : False ,
66 PAYMENT : {
67 total : 1 2512,
68 latency : {
69 p90: 2893 .80 26428222 656 ,
70 min : 9.44 900 51269 531 25,
71 p75: 1064 .23 21109771 729 ,
72 p99: 1070 2.0 51639556 885 ,
73 p95: 4633 .89 06288146 97,
74 max : 6010 9.3 02282 333 374,
75 p50: 149. 300 57525634 766
76 },
77 },
78 all_in_one_txn : False ,
79 txn : True ,
80 duration : 600. 016 62611 961 365,
81 total_retries : 1 547 70
82 }