Core Beliefs, Rules and Assumptions Worksheet
1. Are you aware of any of your core beliefs? Try completing the following statements and
see if anything comes to mind.
I am:
The world is:
Others are:
2. Are you aware of any rules you live by?
I should/must:
I should/must not:
3. Are you aware of any assumptions you live by?
If [I do this] [this happens] [someone does this] [etc.]
4. Who were the most influential people in your life growing up? These could be your
parents, siblings, other relatives, teachers, role models, peers, or anyone else that had a big
influence on you, positive or negative.
What did you learn from these people about yourself, the world, and other people?
I am:
The world is:
Others are:
Did you form any rules or assumptions based on what you learned from these people?
I should/must:
I should/must not:
If [I do this] [this happens] [someone does this] [etc.]
5. What were my formative early life experiences? This can include things like how you were
parented, any abuse or neglect, successes or failures in school or sports, not fitting in at home
or in school, difficulty living up to your parents’ standards or the standards of your peer groups,
your familys place in society (perhaps influenced by race or socio-economic status).
What did you learn from these experiences about yourself, the world, and other people?
I am:
The world is:
Others are:
Did you form any rules or assumptions based on what you learned from these experiences?
I should/must:
I should/must not:
If [I do this] [this happens] [someone does this] [etc.]
6. List any people or experiences since childhood that have influenced how you see
yourself, the world, and other people:
What did you learn from these people/experiences about yourself, the world, and other people?
I am:
The world is:
Others are:
Did you form any rules or assumptions based on what you learned from these people?
I should/must:
I should/must not:
If [I do this] [this happens] [someone does this] [etc.]
7. Write down any thoughts you commonly have that begin with words like “I am …” or
“The world is …” or “Life is …” or Other people are …”:
8. Write down any common thoughts you have that begin, I should/ must …” or I
should/must not …”:
9. Write down any common thoughts you have in the form, If [I do this] [this happens]
[someone does this] [etc.], then …
Downward Arrow Technique
Situation and Thought:
If this is true, what does it say or mean
about me, the world, or other people?
If this is true, what does it say or mean
about me, the world, or other people?
If this is true, what does it say or mean
about me, the world, or other people?
If this is true, what does it say or mean
about me, the world, or other people?
If this is true, what does it say or mean
about me, the world, or other people?