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Supplement A
(Supplement to Access NY Health Care Application DOH-4220)
This Supplement must be completed if anyone who is applying is:
• Age 65 or older
• Certified blind or certified disabled (of any age)
• Not certified disabled but chronically ill
Institutionalized and applying for coverage of nursing home care.
This includes care in a hospital that is equivalent to nursing home care.
Note: If you are applying for the Medicare Savings Program (MSP) only, this Supplement does not need to be completed.
• Sections A through E must be completed and this Supplement must be signed.
If you or anyone in your household is applying for coverage of nursing home care, you must
also complete sections F through G.
A. Applicant and Spouse Information
Is a person named above:
Chronically ill?
Yes No
(Examples of chronically ill would be unable to work for at least 12 months because
of an illness or injury, or having an illness or disabling impairment that has lasted or
is expected to last for 12 months.)
Certified Blind by the Commission for the Blind and Visually Handicapped? Yes No
(If yes, send proof.)
Interested in applying for the MBI-WPD program if disabled and working? Yes No
The Medicaid Buy-In for Working People with Disabilities (MBI-WPD)
program offers Medicaid coverage to people who are disabled, working, and
at least 16 years old but not yet 65 years old. The program allows higher
income levels than the regular Medicaid program so working people with
disabilities can earn more and keep their Medicaid coverage.
1. Applicant(s) this Supplement is being completed for:
Legal Last Name Legal First Name MI
Social Security
Number Date of Birth
If Deceased, List
Date of Death
/ / / /
/ / / /
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If an applicant is living in a long-term care facility/nursing home, adult home, or assisted living facility,
provide the following information.
Name of Applicant who is in Facility Name of Facility Date Admitted
/ /
Telephone Number
( ) -
Street Address City State Zip Code
Applicant’s Previous Address City State Zip Code
If the above previous address was also a facility or adult home, list the address prior to admission below.
Applicant’s Second Previous Address City State Zip Code
2. Applicant’s Spouse: (if not listed above)
Legal Last Name Legal First Name MI
Maiden Name or Other Name Known By: Social Security Number Date of Birth
/ /
Street Address (if in a facility, list spouses address prior to being admitted to facility)
City State Zip Code
Is the applicant’s spouse living in a long-term care facility/nursing home?
Yes No
If yes, provide the following information:
Name of Facility Date Admitted
/ /
Telephone Number
( ) -
Street Address City State Zip Code
Is the applicant’s spouse deceased?
Yes No If yes, what is the date of death? ____ / ____ / ____
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B. What Care and Services are you Applying for? (check the box that applies)
You are applying for Medicaid coverage but not coverage of community-based long-term care services. You
may attest to the amount of your resources. You are not required to submit documentation of your resources
at this time. If a computer match shows something different than what you reported, you may be asked to
submit proof at a later date.
This coverage does not include nursing home care, home care or any of the community-based long-term care
services listed below.*
You are applying for coverage of community-based long-term care services. Documentation of the current
amount of your resources is required. However, you only need to submit documentation for certain resources
at this time. See “Documentation Requirements” below for a list of these resources.
This coverage includes the following services:*
Adult day health care
Limited licensed home care
Private duty nursing
Hospice in the community
Hospice residence program
Assisted living program
Consumer directed personal assistance program
If you are requesting coverage for community-based long-term care services or nursing home care, provide
documentation for the time period indicated above for all of the following resources, if applicable.
Life insurance policy; Burial agreement or fund;
Securities, stocks, bonds, and mutual funds; Trust document and accounts.
You do not need to send proof of any other resources at this time. This is because other resources may
be verified through computer matches. If the resources you report do not match our records or cannot be
verified through our records, we may ask you to submit proof of those other resources at a later date.
Certified Home Health Agency services
Residential treatment facility care
Personal emergency response services
Personal care services
Managed long-term care in the community
Waiver and other services provided through a
home and community-based waiver program
Note: Some examples of home and community-based programs that provide waiver and other services are
Traumatic Brain Injury Program and Nursing Home Transition and Diversion Program.
You are institutionalized and applying for coverage of nursing home care. Documentation of your resources
for the past 60 months is required. However, you only need to submit documentation for certain resources at
this time. See “Documentation Requirements” below for a list of these resources.
* You may be eligible for short-term rehabilitation services. Short-term rehabilitation services include one
commencement/admission in a 12-month period of up to 29 consecutive days of nursing home care and/or
certified home health care.
C. Resources/Assets
List all resources currently owned by you and/or your spouse/parent(s), including custodial accounts.
Check the “NONE” box if you and/or your spouse/parent(s) do not own any of those resources.
If applying for coverage of nursing home care, also list any accounts CLOSED in the past 60 months; include the
balance at closing and provide an explanation of where the balance was transferred to or how it was spent. On a
separate sheet of paper, provide an explanation of each transaction of $2,000 or more.
Note: Medicaid retains the right to review all transactions made during the transfer look-back period.
1. Checking/Savings/Credit Union Accounts/Certificates of Deposits (CDs): NONE
Bank Name Account Number Name of Owner(s)
Closed Accounts
Date Closed
at Closing
$ / / $
$ / / $
$ / / $
$ / / $
$ / / $
$ / / $
$ / / $
$ / / $
$ / / $
2. Retirement Accounts (Deferred Compensation, IRA and/or Keogh): NONE
Institution Name Account Number Name of Owner(s) Pay Out
Closed Accounts
Date Closed
at Closing
Yes No
$ / / $
Yes No
$ / / $
Yes No
$ / / $
Yes No
$ / / $
3. Annuities, Stocks, Bonds, Mutual Funds: NONE
Name Account Number Name of Owner(s) Date Purchased
Closed Accounts
Date Closed
or Sold
at Closing
$ / / $
$ / / $
$ / / $
$ / / $
$ / / $
$ / / $
$ / / $
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4. Life Insurance Policies: NONE
Insurance Company Policy Number Name of Owner(s)
Cash Value
Face Value
Cancelled Policies
Cash Out
$ $ / / $
$ $ / / $
$ $ / / $
$ $ / / $
$ $ / / $
5. Burial Assets/Burial Contracts: (Include copies): NONE
a. Do you and/or your spouse have a pre-paid funeral agreement for you or anyone else in your family?
Yes No
b. Do you and/or your spouse have a burial space or plot for you or anyone else in your family?
Yes No
c. Do you and/or your spouse have money in a bank account set aside for a burial fund?
Yes No
If yes, in what account(s) is your and/or your spouses burial fund?
Bank Name and Account Number Name of Owner(s) Value
d. Do you have life insurance to be used as your burial fund?
Yes No
If yes, what is your policy number(s)?
If yes, is the full cash value to be used for your burial expenses?
Yes No
e. Does your spouse have life insurance to be used as a burial fund?
Yes No
If yes, what is the policy number(s)?
If yes, is the full cash value to be used for burial expenses?
Yes No
6. Trust Accounts: If you and/or your spouse created or are the beneficiary of a trust,
submit a copy of the trust, including the current schedule of trust assets. NONE
Name of Trust Grantor Trustee(s) Assets Beneficiary Income
$ $
$ $
$ $
7. Vehicle(s): List all cars, trucks and vans. List all recreational vehicles, including campers,
snowmobiles, boats and motorcycles. NONE
Name of Owner(s) Year/Make/Model Fair Market Value Amount Owed In use? Date Sold
Yes No
/ /
Yes No
/ /
Yes No
/ /
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8. List Any Other Resources:
Resource Type Name of Owner(s) Value
E. Real Property (other than your home)
D. Homestead
Rental Property Vacation Property Time Share Vacant Land Other Property Rights
(In or outside of New York State)
If yes, provide the following information:
Do you and/or your spouse own or have a legal interest in any other real property? (Check any that apply)
Yes No
Name and Address of Owner(s) Address of Property Type of Ownership (Check one) Equity value
Individual Joint tenancy Life estate
Individual Joint tenancy Life estate
Individual Joint tenancy Life estate
Individual Joint tenancy Life estate
1. Do you and/or your spouse own or have a legal interest in your home, including a life estate? Yes No
2. If you are in a medical facility and own your home, do you intend to return to your home?
Yes No
If no, is anyone living in the home?
Yes No
Who is living in the home?
How is this person related to you and/or your spouse?
If you and/or your spouse’s child (of any age) is living in the home, is the child disabled?
Yes No
Note: If there is a legal impediment that prevents you from selling this property, the property
is not counted in determining Medicaid eligibility. Send proof of legal impediment.
3. Equity Value in Home:
If you own your home, what is the equity value in your home? $
Note: Equity value is the fair market value less any outstanding liens, mortgages, etc.
STOP HERE unless you or anyone in your household is institutionalized and applying for coverage of nursing
home care. However, Section I of this document MUST be signed.
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1. Transfers
a. In the last 60 months, did you, your spouse, or someone on your behalf transfer, change
ownership in, give away, or sell any assets, including your home or other real property?
Yes No
b. In the last 60 months, have you or your spouse created or transferred any assets
into or out of a trust?
Yes No
If you answered yes to either of the questions above, explain the transfer(s) below.
Attach additional sheets of paper, if needed.
Description of Asset (including income) Date of Transfer Transferred to Whom Amount of Transfer
c. Are you in the process of selling property? Yes No
d. In the last 60 months, did you, your spouse or someone on your behalf, change the deed or the
ownership of any real property, including creating a life estate?
Yes No
If yes, when?
e. If you purchased a life estate in another persons home, did you live in the home for at least one
year after you purchased the life estate?
Yes No
f. In the last 60 months, did you, your spouse, or someone on your behalf purchase a mortgage, loan,
or promissory note?
Yes No
If yes, when?
g. In the last 60 months, did you, your spouse, or someone on your behalf purchase or change
an annuity?
Yes No
If yes, when?
2. Have you, your spouse, or someone acting on your behalf given a deposit to any health care or
residential facility, such as a nursing home, assisted living facility, continuing care retirement
community or life care community?
Yes No
If yes, send copy of agreement.
F. Asset Transfers
G. Tax Returns
Did you and/or your spouse file U.S. income tax returns in the last four years? Yes No
If yes, send complete copies of these returns including all schedules and attachments.
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H. Important Information
Liens on Real Property
Upon receipt of Medicaid, a lien may be filed and a recovery may be made against your real property under certain
circumstances if you are in a medical institution and not expected to return home. Medicaid paid on your behalf may
be recovered from persons who had legal responsibility for your support at the time medical services were obtained.
Medicaid may also recover the cost of services and premiums incorrectly paid.
Transfer of Assets
Federal and State laws provide that an individual may be found ineligible for nursing facility services for a period of time
if an individual or an individual’s spouse transfers an asset for less than fair market value within the look-back period. The
look-back period is the 60 months immediately prior to the date an individual is both institutionalized and has applied for
As a condition of Medicaid coverage for nursing facility services, applicants are required to disclose a description
of any interest the individual or the individuals spouse has in an annuity. This disclosure is required regardless of
whether the annuity is irrevocable or a countable resource.
In addition to the purchase of an annuity, certain transactions made to an annuity by the applicant or the applicant’s
spouse within the look-back period, may be treated as a transfer unless:
The State is named the remainder beneficiary in the first position for at least the amount of Medicaid paid
on behalf of the annuitant; or
The State is named in the second position after a community spouse or minor or disabled child, or in the first
position if such spouse or representative of such child disposes of any such remainder for less than fair
market value.
If documentation is not submitted verifying that the State has been named remainder beneficiary, you may be
ineligible for coverage of nursing facility services.
If the annuity is a countable resource at the time of application, you/your spouse are not required to name the State
as remainder beneficiary.
I. Certification and Authorization
I certify under penalty of perjury, that the information on this form is correct and complete to the best of my
knowledge. I understand that I must report any changes in this information within 10 days of the change.
If eligibility depends on the amount of my and my spouse’s resources, by signing this application we authorize
verification of our resources with financial institutions for the purpose of determining eligibility. Both spouses must
sign below. This authorization will end if my application for Medicaid is denied, or I am no longer eligible for Medicaid,
or I/we revoke this authorization in a written statement to my local Department of Social Services.
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