 (FA = Fall SP = Spring  = Summer) _______ ________
Last _______________________________________________ First ____________________________ Middle____________
List other names used on school records _____________________________________________________________
Street _________________________________________________________ City ____________________ State _______ Zip _______
Street _________________________________________________________ City ____________________ State _______ Zip _______
Home __ __ __ - __ __ __ - __ __ __ __ Cell __ __ __ - __ __ __ - __ __ __ __
 _____________________________________________________________________________________
___ ___ ___ - ___ ___ - ___ ___ ___ ___
For compliance purposes, the Community College System of New Hampshire and its Colleges collect names and social security numbers from all students aending the
college. For example, the Internal Revenue Code requires the college to produce a 1098-T tax form. The college’s use of social security numbers will be limited to legimate
educaonal purposes. The college will exercise due diligence to protect the student’s social security number and will not disclose it to anyone outside the college, except as
authorized by federal or state laws or applicable policies.
*   
 YesNo
American Indian/Alaskan Asian Black or African American
Nave Hawaiian/Pacic Islander White
* Answering quesons so marked is oponal. They are used for stascal purposes only; your responses will not aect the admission decision.
Ocial high school transcript even if you received a GED or HiSET
NOTE: It is your responsibility to request that ocial transcripts be mailed
directly to the NHTI Admissions Oce. Each program has addional, specic
admission requirements which are listed on the academic program pages
at nh.edu/academics/. Applicants are responsible for knowing these
requirements, any specic deadlines, and subming appropriate documents as
SAT or ACT scores (recommended but not required)
High School Equivalency Exam Scores (if applicable)
Prospecve Major/Degree Program checked
New Hampshire Residency secon completed by New Hampshire
residents only (see back of this applicaon)
Request for New England Regional Student Program completed and
signed by out-of-state New England residents only
Signature of Applicant
Complete all of the items listed at le under “All Applicants” AND
Ocial college transcripts requested (see Note at le)
 
Please supply proof of US permanent residency status.
 
Please supply copy of I-94.
 
See addional Internaonal Admission Requirements at
Send to: 
NHTIConcord’s Community College
31 College Drive • Concord, NH 03301-7412
Phone: (603) 230-4011 or 1-800-247-0179
Fax: (603) 230-9302
 YES NO  ______________________
 YES NO
 Permanent Resident Refugee or Asylee Internaonal Student
If you are an , complete this informaon below:
 _______________________________  _____________________________
(Applicaon for F-1 Student Visa), please include permanent address in your home country.
Please print your permanent address in your home country in proper mailing format:
Please indicate the person who should be contacted in medical emergencies:
NAME OF: (check one) Parent Guardian Spouse Other ______________________
Last ___________________________________________ First__________________________________________
Street ________________________________ City ___________________ State _________ Zip _____________
___ ___ ___ - ___ ___ ___ - ___ ___ ___ ___
___ ___ ___ - ___ ___ ___ - ___ ___ ___ ___
Yes No If yes, provide dates: _______________
Yes No Dates /Program: __________________
 Yes No (See Academic Amnesty at nh.edu/academics/requirements-policies/academic-amnesty)
 Yes No
If yes, to which New Hampshire Community College was the course(s) connected? ___________________________
School Name ____________________________________ Address _________________________________
City _______________________________________________ State ______________ Zip____________
High School Graduaon Date ________ / _________/ _________ or Year High School Equivalency Diploma Awarded _________________
 DATES ATTENDED DEGREE
Name _____________________________ City __________ State _____ _______________ _____________________
Name _____________________________ City __________ State _____ _______________ _____________________
Family/Friend Facebook Google HS Counselor College Fair NHTI Website
NHTI Mailing NHTI Alumni Newspaper Ad TV Ad Radio Ad Other _________________________
Yes No
Yes No
If yes, which VA educaon benet will you be using (Please check one):
Post 9/11 (CH33) Dependent (CH35) Reserve/Guardsman (CH 1606/07) Voc-Rehab (CH31) Acve Duty
Degree and Professional Cercate Programs
 If you are applying for either General Studies or Liberal Arts but you plan to
pursue another major here at NHTI, please indicate that intended major here:
* Begins in the Fall semester only. ** Begins in the Summer semester only.
General Studies
Liberal Arts
Visual Arts
Accounng Business Administraon
Dental Assisng*
(Professional Cercate)
Dental Hygiene*
Diagnosc Medical Sonography*
(Professional Cercate)
Health Science
Health Science with a Concentraon
in Nutrion and Wellness
Nursing (RN)*
Nursing LPN to RN Compleon Opon**
Orthopaedic Technology*
Paramedic Emergency Medicine*
Radiaon Therapy*
Radiologic Technology*
Hospitality and Tourism
Recreaon and Leisure Studies
Sports Management
Addicon Counseling
Criminal Jusce
Human Service
Paralegal Studies
Early Care & Educaon for Young
Children with Disabilies
Early Childhood Educaon
Educaon Degree
Environmental Sciences
Landscape and Environmental Design
Sustainable Agriculture
Animaon and Graphic Game
Computer Engineering Technology
Informaon Technology - Networking
Informaon Technology - Soware
Advanced Manufacturing Process
Animaon and Graphic Game
Architectural Engineering
Civil Engineering Technology
Computer Engineering Technology
Electronic Engineering Technology
Industrial Design Technology
Manufacturing Engineering
Mechanical Engineering Technology
Robocs and Automaon
Engineering Technology Degree
Cercate Programs
Most NHTI Cercate Programs are nancial aid eligible (Those that are not nancial
aid eligible are marked with +). If you intend to apply for nancial aid for one of these
programs now or in the future, YOU MUST submit an ocial, nal high school transcript,
or the equivalent documentaon that demonstrates high school compleon, to the NHTI
Admissions Oce.
Mindful Communicaons
Accounng (Basic)
Accounng (Advanced)
Sports Management
Computed Tomography (CT)
Legal Nurse Consultant
Orthopaedic Technology*
Radiaon Therapy*
Digital Communicaons
Event/Conference Management
Hotel Administraon
Recreaon and Leisure Studies
Sports Management
Travel and Tourism
Wedding Planning Management
Advanced Human Service+
Human Service+
Paralegal Studies
Substance Use Disorder Treatment
(SUD Tx)+
Career and Technical Educaon
Alternave Cercaon
Early Childhood Educaon
Early Childhood Educaon (Advanced)
Early Childhood Educaon Entry Level
English Speakers of Other Languages
Special Educaon
Young Children with Ausm and
Environmental Science
Landscape Design Sustainable Agriculture Technology
Advanced Soware Development+
Entry Level Soware Development+
Game Development Programming
IT Entry Level Networking+
IT Hardware and Soware+
IT Microso Servers+
IT Network Associate+
IT Security+
IT Soware Development
IT Tech Support
IT Virtualizaon+
IT VoIP (Voice Over IP)+
Advanced Manufacturing Processes*
Applied Career Fundamentals for
Advanced Manufacturing
Building Inspector and Plans
Computer Aided Design/
Architectural Concentraon
Computer Technology programming
Electronic Technology
Game Development Programming
Degree Programs
Addicon Counseling
Business Administraon
Criminal Jusce
Early Childhood Educaon
General Studies
Hospitality and Tourism Management
Liberal Arts
Cercate Programs
Accounng (Basic)
Accounng (Advanced)
Early Childhood Educaon
Early Childhood Educaon (Advanced)
Event and Conference Management
Hotel Administraon
Medical Coding
Special Educaon
Substance Use Disorder Treatment (SUD Tx)
Travel and Tourism
Wedding Planning Management
The New Hampshire Dual Admissions Program in conjuncon with the University System of New Hampshire allows a student to enroll at NHTI, and be admied into one of the
University System of New Hampshire Instuons (Granite State College, Keene State College, Plymouth State University, University of New Hampshire - Durham or University of
New Hampshire - Manchester) at the same me. Students must meet with an NHTI advisor to review Dual Admission eligibility requirements and complete a Dual Admission
Advising Contract. By selecng Yes, I am requesng enrollment in the NH Dual Admission Program between NHTI, Concord’s Community College and the University System of New
Hampshire. I understand that acceptance into the USNH instuon is conngent upon meeng eligibility requirements and subming any required Dual Admission documents.
YES, I am interested. NO, I am not interested.
(See nh.edu/student-resources/bursar)
Month and Year student
moved to New Hampshire ________________________________ OR I have always lived in New Hampshire
Month Year
The In-State Tuion Program allows for out-of-state students whose town or city borders are within or conguous to a 50-mile radius of the NHTI
campus to receive in-state tuion. Eecve Fall 2017.
I am a resident of ______________________________________________________________________ and request to be considered for ISTP50.
Town/City State
(See nh.edu/student-resources/bursar)
The New England Regional Student Program enables a resident of a New England state to enroll in a public college or university in the six state
region at reduced rates for certain degree programs if:
• The program is not available in the home state public instuons; and/or
The out-of-state public instuon is nearer to the students residence than the in-state instuon that oers a similar program.
I am a resident of _____________________________________________________________________ and request to be considered for NERSP.
Town/City State
The informaon provided by the applicant on this admission applicaon form shall be held condenal to the extent determined by
Federal law and NHTI policy. NHTIConcord’s Community College, reserves the right to deny admission to any applicant, who, in the judgment of
College ocials, does not qualify for admission. NHTI also reserves the right to require withdrawal of a student who does not sasfy the ideals of
cizenship, character, or scholarship.
In accordance with the terms and condions set forth in its publicaons, and if accepted, I agree to abide by the rules and regulaons set
forth in the publicaons and in the student handbook.
I also agree that NHTI has permission to use any College-sponsored pictures in which any likeness appears.
Signature of Applicant ________________________________________________ Date _______________________
Signature of Parent or Legal Guardian
(if student is under 18 years old) ________________________________________ Date _______________________
NHTI is commied to creang and maintaining a posive and producve learning environment for students, a professional seng for its employees, and a community
atmosphere grounded in mutual respect, dignity, and integrity. In light of these objecves, NHTI prohibits all manner of discriminaon in the administraon of its
employment programs and pracces on the basis of unlawful criteria including race, color, religion, naonal or ethnic origin, age, sex, sexual orientaon, marital status,
disability, gender identy or expression, genec informaon, and veteran status, as dened under applicable law. This statement is a reecon of the mission of NHTI and
refers to, but is not limited to, the provisions of the following laws, as amended: Title VI and VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended; The Age Discriminaon Act of
1967 (ADEA); Title IX of the Educaon Amendment of 1972; Secon 504 of the Rehabilitaon Act of 1973; The Americans with Disabilies Act of 1990 (ADA); Secon 402 of
the Vietnam Era Veteran’s Readjustment Assistance Act of 1974; NH Law Against Discriminaon (RSA 354-A); Genec Informaon Nondiscriminaon Act of 2008
Inquiries regarding discriminaon may be directed to Laura Pantano, NHTI Title IX and Civil Rights/Equity Coordinator, SC229 Student Center, NHTI, Concord’s
Community College, 31 College Drive, Concord, NH 03301-7412, (603) 271-6484 x4128; Email: nh[email protected]; or Sara A. Sawyer, Director of Human Resources for
the Community College System of NH, 26 College Drive, Concord, NH 03301, 603-230-3503. Inquiries may also be directed to the US Department of Educaon, Oce of Civil
Rights, 8th Floor, 5 Post Oce Square, Boston, MA, 02109-4557, 617-223-9662, FAX: 617-223-9669, TDD:617-223-9695, or Email: [email protected]; the NH Commission
for Human Rights, 2 Chenell Drive, Concord, NH 03301, 603-271-2767, FAX: 603-271-6339; and/or the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, JFK Federal Building,
475 Government Center, Boston, MA, 02203, 617-565-3200 or 1-800-669-4000, FAX: 617-565-3196, TTY: 617-565-3204 or 1-800-669-6820.
NHTIConcord’s Community College is one of seven colleges
in the Community College System of New Hampshire.