Patron Registration
Symphony Workflows
1 Updated April 2023
Introduction 3
Basic Info tab 5
Privilege tab 7
Demographics tab 8
Addresses tab 10
Extended Info tab 15
SMS Notice Contact Info Tab 16
User Groups 17
K-12 Patron Registration 18
Basic Info tab 18
Privilege Tab 19
Demographics tab 19
Frequently Asked Questions 20
Are patrons required to obtain a new card if they move to your community from another community within
Can a patron who has a card from outside the SAILS network but within Massachusetts get a SAILS card? 21
2 Updated April 2023
This manual is intended primarily for public library staff members who are manually entering or
updating patron records. Academic and K-12 libraries are encouraged to use the patron load option
whereby student records are loaded into the system by SAILS staff members and students are
identified by student id. K-12 libraries that prefer to manually enter student records should follow
the abbreviated steps listed in the Student Record section.
IMPORTANT If you are deleting information from a field such as an email address don’t
use the backspace to remove the information. Use the Delete Row helper.
3 Updated April 2023
Step by Step Procedures
1. Search the system by name or phone number to see if the person already has a card.
2. If the patron does not have a record in the database, use the User Registration wizard.
4. Scan in the new patron barcode
5. Click on each tab as you enter the data and complete the required files. Do not click the
Register User button until the record is complete.
6. When you have finished entering patron information, review what you have entered, and
click the Register User button.
Important: When registering a patron or modifying a patron record, never enter a person’s
Social Security Number into any field.
4 Updated April 2023
Basic Info tab
First Name / Middle Name / Last Name / Suffix fields
Enter the appropriate part of the name in these fields as listed on their legal identification.
Here are some examples of how to enter names:
If the patron has no middle name enter Nmn in the Middle Name field.
If the patron is a Jr., III, etc., enter that designation in the Suffix field. If there is no
suffix, leave this field blank.
Enter prefixed names without spaces (for example: McDonald).
Eliminate punctuation marks (for example: OToole).
Enter hyphenated names as they are spelled without a hyphen (for example:
Preferred Name
This field contains the user’s preferred name or nickname, up to 25 characters in length.
Entering a preferred name in this field will also make it searchable in Workflows. Here are
some reasons you might want to enter a preferred name:
For patrons who are transgender and have not updated their legal name to their
preferred name.
For patrons who go by their middle name or some other name that is not their legal
In cases where you want to make a name searchable in the patron record to make it
easier to find the patron. For example, staff could enter both parts of a hyphenated
name to make both searchable.
Use Preferred Name
Select this box to display the user’s preferred name and it will replace the first name in
Workflows, Enterprise, patron notices, and other reports. You should only select this box if
the preferred name is the first name and should not select it if the only reason you entered the
preferred name was to make it searchable.
Optional. This field is used for titles such as Dr., Rev., Ms., Mr., etc.
Alt ID
The patron may request a unique Alternate ID to speed up logging into Enterprise and the
SAILS Mobile App.
Group ID
The group ID is an optional, free-text field that can be used to link all users belonging to a
named group such as a family or department. At a workstation, you can display a list of users
with the same group ID. This is not the same thing as User Groups which link patron
5 Updated April 2023
delinquencies. Typically public libraries enter a phone number.
This should default to your library. Otherwise, enter your library. This information is used by
the system to define the patron’s library of choice. It does not have to match where the patron
lives. It is the default pickup location although patrons may change the pickup location when
placing holds. Patrons with your library in this field will have priority when holds are being
IMPORTANT if you are updating a patron’s card that they had at another library they will
need to go into Enterprise and change their default pickup location. This is not done
Profile Name
This defaults to the Profile Name you selected in the popup screen earlier.
Charge History Rule
This defaults to NOHISTORY. Patrons may choose to maintain a list of items checked out.
These lists are viewable in Enterprise. You may update the patron’s record to ALLCHARGES
and patrons may opt into this service when they log into Enterprise.
IMPORTANT Charge history records cumulate for every checkout done by the patron. The
system does not have a limit and these histories are not automatically pruned or deleted.
Patrons with too many charge history records can experience delays at checkout or logging
into Enterprise. SAILS can selectively remove a patron’s charge history and provide a list of
titles prior to deletion.
6 Updated April 2023
Privilege tab
Privilege Expires
This defaults to an expiration date based on the patron profile.
IMPORTANT If you are updating a patron’s record that was created using the Online User
Registration form the expiration date must be updated. The recommended method for doing
this is using the Renew Privilege wizard after the record has been updated. If the record isn’t
completely updated you may receive a message that the patron has reached the limit of
charges allowed.
This is a number that Symphony Workflows automatically generates. Change the patron’s
PIN to be the last four digits of their phone number. You must enter the override code, which
is SAILS. Always tell the patron what their PIN is.
All new patron records have a status of OK.
Claims Returned
Leave this field blank. This number is automatically incremented every time a patron has a
claimed returned item. You can manually change this using the override of SAILS.
Web Auth ID
Disregard this field.
BLUEcloud Staff ID
Disregard this field.
7 Updated April 2023
Demographics tab
It is very important that information recorded in this field is entered correctly so that
Symphony Workflows will be able to keep accurate circulation statistics. If you enter an
incomplete record into the system, your monthly and annual transactions statistics will be
User cat1
Please refer to your individual library’s list of codes to know what to enter into this field.
User cat2
Select the city or town where the patron RESIDES. It is very important that this agrees with
the patron’s Zip Code. This must be updated if the patron has moved to a new community.
There are two special cases:
Enter MASS for a patron who lives outside the SAILS area but within
Enter NOMASS for a patron who lives from outside of Massachusetts. Consult your
library’s policies because NOMASS patrons may be charged a registration fee. Local
NOMASS profiles must be used if there is no fee. Those patrons are then limited to
your library. See the Circulation Policy Manual to view the complete policy regarding
out of state borrowers.
User cat3
User cat 3 lists five options to choose from the drop down list. Select the patron’s preferred
contact method.
EMAIL system generated email.
SMS patron will receive a text message to a phone, for
holds and overdues, not bills. Bills will still be printed.
VOICE patron will receive a system generated phone
call for holds and overdues. Bills will still be printed.
NONE patron is opting out. The library may choose to
contact them at the local level if they wish. The system will
not contact them for holds and overdues. Bills will still be
UPDATE patron record needs to be updated to indicate
a contact method. (When registering a patron for the first
time this should not be used.)
8 Updated April 2023
User cat4
User cat4 lists 5 options to choose from the drop down list. These offer special patron statuses
that might affect borrowing privileges or notice generation
CERT patron lives in a community that shares a zip code with a decertified
community. For example Buzzards Bay could be either Wareham or Bourne.
DECERT patron has a mailing address in certified community but actually lives in a
decertified community
POBOX patron has a mailing address in a decertified community but actually lives
in a certified community.
UND Undeliverable. (When registering a patron for the first time this option should
not be used.)
VISITOR Part time resident from certified community
User cat5
INTERNET Optional to indicate patron has permission to use public Internet
NOFAVS Patron does not wish to receive Favorites email notices. This is separate
from the New Titles Alerts it is a holdover from an e-Catalog option that is not
supported in Enterprise.
User cat6– cat12 not currently in use
Do not enter anything in this field.
Birth Date
This is the most important piece of information that, together with a patron’s name, identifies
a patron. Use the gadget to enter the date.
All public library patrons must supply their month and day of birth. Network policy does
not require that a patron provide his or her year of birth although this is preferred.
If the patron wants to supply their year of birth, select the month, day and year.
If the patron refuses to supply their year of birth, select the month and day, and select
the year 1900.
This field can be used to track statistics based on the patron’s primary language. If the
network were to ever send multilingual HTML notices, this field could be used to
determine which notices should be sent.
Addresses tab
9 Updated April 2023
Symphony Workflows sends notices and bills using the information entered into the Primary
address. Symphony Workflows defaults to a Primary address or Address 1. You can also
select Address 2.
Although this is not a requirement, SAILS recommends that for a patron who has two
addresses, you enter the temporary address information into the Address 1 fields and the
permanent address information into the Address 2 fields; either way is acceptable. Please ask
your circulation manager what is customary for your library.
If you want email to go to what is listed in Address 1, then select the Address 1
Primary radio button.
If you want email to go to what is listed in Address 2, then select the Address 2
Primary radio button.
Do not use Address 3.
If the post office returns a notice or bill to your library with no forwarding address, add
UNDELIVERABLE to the Street field. It is important that it be entered all in capital letters.
Be sure to update USERCAT4 to UND at the same time.
Enter the patron’s street address. According to United States Postal Service examples, do not
use punctuation such as periods and commas.
Use the following abbreviations exactly as they appear below:
Abbreviation (enter as it appears below in
upper case with no punctuation)
Word (do not
10 Updated April 2023
When the patron provides a post office box number and a street address, make sure that the
place where the patron wants the mail delivered appears on the line immediately above the
City/State line and that the ZIP Code or ZIP+4 code corresponds to that address.
For example, if the person has both a street address and a post office box and s/he wants mail
delivered to the P.O. Box:
enter the street address in the first street field, and
enter the post office box in the street field above the City/State field.
Always abbreviate Post Office Box as P.O. Box (with no spaces in P.O.).
11 Updated April 2023
Enter the City/State using this format:
City or town (comma) (space) state
Always use the standard 2-digit postal abbreviations for states. Never use Mass. or spell out
the name of the state.
Here are some examples of correct spacing:
Correct: New[space]Bedford,[space]MA
Example: New Bedford, MA
Incorrect: New[space]Bedford,MA
Example: New Bedford,MA
Enter the 5-digit or 9-digit zip code.
Use PHONE1 to indicate the patron’s primary phone number regardless of what kind of phone it is.
The automated calls use this field to contact patrons for patrons who opt in for this service.
Enter the phone number as all numbers. Don’t put in a character to separate area code.
Put two spaces after the phone number then indicate which method of contact they use. Use the
same language found in the Usercat 3 field EMAIL, SMS, VOICE. This is not used by the system to
generate notices but is merely informational for staff.
Homephone Optional
Enter the patron’s home telephone number using this format:
Area code (hyphen) 3 digits (hyphen) 4 digits. For example, 508-555-1212. You must
enter the patron’s area code.
Do not enter NOEMAIL after the telephone number.
If the patron uses their cell phone for their home phone, enter it into the
Homephone field.
Workphone Optional
Use the format for Home Phone above for entering this information. If the patron has an
extension, enter “EXT” after the phone number followed by the extension number.
12 Updated April 2023
It is extremely important that email addresses be entered into the EMAIL field correctly; not
doing so has resulted in server troubles because the email field is what is read when email
notices are sent.
Note: If the patron does not want to receive email of any kind, then do not enter an email
A valid email address has a user name, an "@" sign, and a domain (such as “”).
For example, [email protected]g is the email address of a person with the username "kjs" who
has an account with "".
Here are some requirements on the entering of the email address.
You can never have the following in an email address:
two @ signs
just text with no @ sign
comma (",").
The only special characters allowed in an email address are:
@ (at sign)
. (period)
_ (underscore)
- (hyphen)
Examples of typos that have been found in the EMAIL field include:
queenof the,
This is what they should have looked like:
13 Updated April 2023
If the patron is changing their email address, ask them to write it out for you to copy.
14 Updated April 2023
Extended Info tab
If you enter a note or a comment into the Note or Comment field, it will appear in the Notes
pop-up in Display User or Modify User. Notes and Comments are for other staff members to
see, and can include information such as “Signed Internet form 7/1/09 Taunton” or
“Library card found in library 10/1/16 Midboro.”
IMPORTANT Every note or comment must be dated. Include your library’s code. If a
comment or note is no longer relevant it should be deleted. Use the Delete Row Helper.
15 Updated April 2023
SMS Notice Contact Info Tab
This is a tab in the patron’s record and must be filled out in order to have our patrons receive SMS
(text) notices. Usercat3 of SMS and a phone number in PHONE1 is not enough to enable the service
for a patron.
Tab may appear blank when opened the first time for a patron.
1. Click the button that looks like a sheet of paper to add a phone line to receive SMS notification.
Label Enter the name of the person the phone belongs to.
Phone Number Enter only the numbers
Overdue Notice Place a check mark
Hold Notice Place a check mark
Manual Message - optional
2. Click Save when the record has been updated.
*Note: If patrons are to receive sms notices, you must put checkmarks in the Hold and Overdue
options. We won’t be generating other notices via this method.
16 Updated April 2023
User Groups
Library staff can create a family card, also known as a user group in Symphony WorkFlows, and can
assign patrons to that family card. Library directors must contact SAILS before using this feature.
The advantage of the family card is that you can view all bills of a group at one time and that when
you go to pay the bills, Symphony WorkFlows presents them all in one place.
It is up to the library director and circulation staff (along with the patron, if the library wishes) to
decide who is linked and who is not linked. For example, it might be a benefit to the library to link
the members of a family or of a local institution/group to ensure payment by someone in the group if
one member tends to run up a bill.
1. Enter a name for the family card in the Group Name field. Use the telephone number as a
family card name. By entering a name here, you are creating the new family card.
2. If the family card already exists, search for it by using the gadget.
3. Select L or NL (for linked or not linked) from the Responsibility Policy drop-down list.
4. Do not check any of the check boxes.
17 Updated April 2023
K-12 Patron Registration
Basic Info tab
First Name / Middle Name / Last Name / Suffix fields
Enter the appropriate part of the name in these fields.
Preferred Name
This field contains the user’s preferred name or nickname, up to 25 characters in length.
Entering a preferred name in this field will also make it searchable in Workflows. Here are
some reasons you might want to enter a preferred name:
For patrons who are transgender and have not updated their legal name to their
preferred name.
For patrons who go by their middle name or some other name that is not their legal
In cases where you want to make a name searchable in the patron record to make it
easier to find the patron. For example, staff could enter both components of a
hyphenated name to make both searchable.
Use Preferred Name
Select this box to display the user’s preferred name and replace the first name in Workflows,
Enterprise, patron notices, and other reports. You should only select this box if the preferred
name is the first name and should not select it if the only reason you entered the preferred
name was to make it searchable.
Here are some examples of how to enter names:
If the patron has no middle name enter Nmn in the Middle Name field.
If the patron is a Jr., III, etc., enter that designation in the Suffix field. If there is no
suffix, leave this field blank.
Enter prefixed names without spaces (for example: McDonald).
Eliminate punctuation marks (for example: OToole).
Enter hyphenated names as they are spelled without a hyphen (for example:
Alt ID Optional
You may enter the Student ID in this field. This field must be unique so contact SAILS before
entering information in this field.
Group ID Optional
You may enter the student’s home room in this field
18 Updated April 2023
This should default to your library.
Profile Name
This defaults to the Profile Name you selected in the popup screen earlier. You will only see
profiles in use in your school.
Charge History Rule
This defaults to NOHISTORY. Contact SAILS staff if you want to track students’ reading
Privilege Tab
Privilege Expires
This defaults to an expiration date based on the patron profile. SAILS staff updates
expiration date based on the year in which the student will be leaving the school or school
district. Do not change the expiration.
This is a number that Symphony Workflows automatically generates. Schools typically assign
9999 as the pin although some institutions have different guidelines. You must enter the
override code, which is SAILS. Always tell the patron what their PIN is.
All new patron records have a status of OK.
Claims Returned
Leave this field blank. This number is automatically incremented every time a patron has a
claimed returned item. You can manually change this using the override of SAILS.
Web Auth ID
Disregard this field.
BLUEcloud Staff ID
Disregard this field.
Demographics tab
User Cat1
Enter the current grade for the student. You will only see grades appropriate for your
You do not have to enter any other information in the student records.
Addresses Folder - Contact SAILS if you wish to send notices via email or text message
19 Updated April 2023
Zip Code
Enter the student’s homeroom in this field. Be consistent in how this is entered. We can run
end of term reports for you sorted by homeroom based on this field.
Frequently Asked Questions
Are patrons required to obtain a new card if they move to your community
from another community within SAILS?
It is recommended that patrons receive a new card with a barcode issued by your
1. Have the patron fill out a new registration form.
2. Search for the patron record, or if the patron has the old card, scan in that barcode,
and review their existing patron record. Make updates as needed in Modify User.
Pay particular attention to:
Basic Tab
Name we often see people with a new last name
Profile are they older and need to be changed out of JUV or YA?
Library change to your library
Demographics Tab
User Cat1 change to match one of your library’s UserCat1 entries
User Cat2 verify the city or town that they now live in
Extended Info
Are there old messages which may now be cleaned up? If so, take the opportunity to
do so.
If you don't change the Library in the Basic Tab, your library’s copies won't be held
for this patron first.
Can a patron who has a card from outside the SAILS network but within
Massachusetts get a SAILS card?
Yes. Do the following:
1. Have the patron complete the standard patron registration form.
2. Verify the patron’s home address using whatever means of identification normally
used for residents.
20 Updated April 2023
3. Create a new user record using the barcode from the patron’s home library card.
4. Select MASS in User cat2.
5. If the person does not have a library card at their home library or their library does
not use barcodes, issue a SAILS card.
21 Updated April 2023