DRAFT – Proposed Changes to Chapter 4 – Animals of the City of Plano Code of Ordinances
ORDINANCE NO.______________________
NOS. 94-12-16, 96-8-7, 99-8-11 CODIFIED AS CHAPTER 4, ANIMAL RE
e regulation and
on of animals; and
atistics there are
of wild animals of varying species living in
WHEREAS, many pets that become strays lose their tags and animals are abandoned
wit and
d to facilitate (1)
identification of
persons who abandon animals ; and
ates that nearly 70% of dogs involved
in attacks on hum
t or abandoned - that
have not been sterilized contribute substantially to the stray animal population; and
WHEREAS, sterilization for animals will decrease the stray and unwanted animal
population and will decrease aggressive behavior in dogs and cats; and
WHEREAS, the Centers for Disease Control, the United States Department of
Agriculture, and the American Veterinary Medical Association have all determined that chaining
or tethering is inhumane and creates dogs who are at a significantly greater risk to bite; and
WHEREAS, regulating the use of tethers will decrease the instances of inhumane
WHEREAS, there have been amendments to state laws regarding th
WHEREAS, according to American Veterinary Medical Association st
more than 150,000 domestic animals and thousands
no; and
, there has been a 26% increase in the last year in the number of anim
impounded by the Plano Animal Services; and
hout tags, making identification of the pet impossible in some circumstances;
WHEREAS, micro chips placed under the skin of the pet are easily rea
identification of the pet; (2) the reunion of the pet with its owner, and; (3) the
WHEREAS, the Centers for Disease Control estim
ans are not sterilized;
WHEREAS, animals - either strays or pets that have become los
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treatment and injury to dogs and thereby decrease the chances of aggressive behavior by dogs;
WHEREAS, nearly 600 people are injured in Plano by animal bites and scratches each
WHEREAS, the state of Texas has the highest rate of animal rabies in the country, with
969 osed in Plano in
ihood of persons
rs to expand the
doned and stray animals;
cal governments
nationwide spend more than $2 billion annually, to provide animal control services; and
ot designed to
large numbers of animals can create a health hazard as well as produce odors and
WHEREAS, regulating the number of animals that may be housed at a particular
sues for persons
HEREAS, the health and safety of animals and residents of the City is of great
importance to the City; and
iew of all things considered, including the recommendations of
staf C lth and safety of
ions of the Code
s of the Code of
Section I.
r; and
cases diagnosed in 2007, and four cases of rabies in animals were diagn
2008; and
WHEREAS, with the increased animal population there is greater likel
coming into contact with dangerous, rabid or stray animals; and
WHEREAS, the City is having to spend more than one million dolla
animal shelter since it is working above or near capacity to care for aban
WHEREAS, the City spends more than $1.5 million each year, and lo
WHEREAS, keeping a large number of animals in a location n
se that may create a nuisance for others in the area; and
location will enhance the health of the animals and decrease the nuisance is
living nearby; and
WHEREAS, upon rev
f, the City ouncil of the City of Plano deems it in the best interest of the hea
the citizens of the City of Plano to repeal the current Chapter 4, Animal Regulat
of Ordinances and to replace it by adopting a new Chapter 4, Animal Regulation
The City Council hereby repeals in its entirety Ordinance Nos. 94-12-16,
96-8-7, 99-8-11 currently codified as Chapter 4 Animal Regulations, of the City of Plano Code
of Ordinances, and adopts this new Chapter 4, Animal Regulations to read in its entirety as
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Th gs when used in
with one (1) or more of the
ne ter, sanitary conditions, or
protection from or twenty-four (24) or more
means any permanent facility or business that has custody
ed to, pet shops,
de veterinary or
gencies, wildlife
nt, exhibition or
ses, pony rides,
shall not include
sponsored by the Animal Services
Di s or less.
r animal fighting
to, instruments designed to be attached to the
leg of a bird, such as a knife,
Animal Housing Enclosures means any pen, kennel, dog-run, or other enclosure
op and designed to
segregate an animal to a smaller portion of a fenced-in yard or property. This term does
not include the term shelter as defined in this section.
Animal Services Facility means an establishment operated by the City for the
temporary confinement, safekeeping, and control of animals which come into the custody
of the City of Plano.
Animal Services Officer means a person designated by the City to represent and
Section 4-100. Definitions.
e following words, terms and phrases shall have the following meanin
this chapter:
Abandon means to fail to provide any animal
cessities of life including air, adequate food, potable wa
the heat, cold, or other elements of nature f
hours, or to leave in the custody of another person without their consent.
Adult animal means an animal that is four (4) months of age or ol
Animal Establishment
or control of animals within the City of Plano including, but not limit
boarding kennels, or animal auction facilities. This term does not inclu
medical facilities, research or other facilities licensed by government a
educational center, or zoological park.
Animal Exhibition means any temporary spectacle, display, eve
act featuring performing animals including, but not limited to, circu
animal exhibits, weight pull events, and petting zoos. Such exhibitions
resident or non-resident dog and cat shows which are
vision. For this definition, temporary shall mean lasting seven (7) day
Animal Fighting Paraphernalia means equipment that is used fo
purposes which includes, but is not limited
gaff, or other sharp instrument, or items used to train and
condition animals to fight, such as hanging devices or “bite sticks.”
en to the elements contained within the owner’s property limits
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act for the City in the impounding of animals, controlling of animals runn
enforcing the provisions
ing at large, and
of this chapter and all regulations relating to animals as
specially equipped or trained by a
ing criteria:
r by substantial
nd/or manner of
ises of the
lic area.
trained by some
ngth of not more
an six (6) feet.
-designated dog
irements of this
ordinance. This definition does not apply to an indigenous wild or feral
eans any facility where animals are regularly bought, sold, or traded to
th imals by private
feet, nails, coat,
Business day means a day during which the City of Plano Animal Shelter is open
fo City personnel.
injury means an injury characterized by bite or scratch wounds. This term
includes any type of injury that would cause a reasonably prudent person to seek
treatment from a medical professional or veterinarian without regard to whether the
Cat means a domesticated member of the feline family (Felis domesticus) other
than a lion, tiger, bobcat, jaguar, panther, leopard, cougar or other prohibited feline, or
any hybrid thereof.
City means the City of Plano.
City Enforcement Agent means the City of Plano Health Director, his authorized
authorized by state or federal law.
Assistance animal means any animal
recognized organization to assist a person with a disability who has satisfactorily
completed a specific course of training in the use of the animal.
At large means an animal that meets at least one (1) of the follow
Any animal not confined to the premises of the owne
physical means of restraint of sufficient height, strength, a
construction to preclude the animal from leaving the prem
owner or being able to come within six (6) feet of any pub
Any animal which is not physically and continually res
person by means of a tether of proper strength and of a le
This definition does not apply to an animal in any City
park so long as it is in compliance with all other requ
Auction m
e highest bidder. This definition does not apply to individual sales of an
Basic Grooming means maintaining the eyes, ears, beaks, hooves,
and skin of an animal.
r business and the lobby area is accessible to the public and staffed with
rson actually sought the treatment.
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representatives, any Animal Services Officer or law enforcement officer that is employed
and/or transfers
ers, clutches, or
reater) of any breeding animal during any
tw ose of breeding,
ilty; a finding of
ted means an animal that is considered to have a current anti-
rabies vaccination according to the Texas State Rabies Control Act, as amended, and the
aking board.
uman being that
ccurs in a place
enclosure on its
An animal that is at large and makes an unprovoked attack on a domestic
jury to, or the death of, the attacked
animal; or
k on a domestic
mal has already
made at least one unprovoked attack on a previous occasion.
Department means the City of Plano Health Department.
on may exercise
physical control over the animal in the event it should become necessary to do so to
Division means the City of Plano Animal Services Division of the Health
Dog means a domesticated member of the canine family (Canis familiaris), other
than a wolf, jackal, fox, dingo, coyote, or other prohibited canine, or any hybrid thereof.
Domestic Animal means any animal that may be kept as a pet or as livestock
within the City of Plano so long as all of the required provisions of this chapter are met,
the City of Plano.
Commercial Breeder means any owner who breeds animals
ownership of more than twelve (12) animals or more than two (2) litt
other groups of offspring (whichever is g
elve (12) consecutive month period to another person for the purp
show, personal pet, slaughter, or resale to a third person.
Conviction means: a finding of guilty after a trial; a plea of gu
deferred adjudication or disposition; or a plea of no contest.
Currently vaccina
minimum standards established by the appropriate state agency or rule-m
Dangerous animal means:
An animal that commits an unprovoked attack on a h
causes bodily injury, serious bodily injury, or death and o
other than an enclosure in which the animal was being kept and that was
reasonably certain to prevent the animal from leaving the
animal that causes serious bodily in
An animal that is at large and makes an unprovoked attac
animal that causes bodily injury and the attacking ani
Direct physical control means precautions in place so the pers
otect the animal, a human, or another animal from harm.
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ownership of said animal is not prohibited by any international, federal, l
an i
ocal or state law,
t is not a Wild Animal, as defined herein, including but not limited to the following
cally reach total
ept for falconry
mals – Any mammal commonly kept as pets or livestock including,
, cows, alpacas,
unbranded livestock, fowl, exotic livestock, or
ent in many female
Euthanasia means the termination of a domestic animal by a person using
Feral Animal means any un-owned, untamed animal living in the wild that will
no ered a domestic
Department and
his authorized designees.
Humane trap means any trap designed to capture an animal without injuring the
thod, such as microchipping, registration
tag, or tattoo, which can be used to readily trace the current ownership of an animal.
Impound means the placing of an animal in the City’s Animal Services Facility.
Inhumane Treatment of Animals means any treatment of an animal prohibited by
any provision of this chapter.
Intact means any animal that has not been sterilized.
Kennel means any lot, building, structure, enclosure, or premises where five (5) or
iman als:
Reptiles – Any non-venomous reptile that does not typi
lengths greater than eight (8) feet;
Birds – Any birds commonly kept as pets, or any bird k
purposes by a state and federally permitted falconer;
Fish – Any fish commonly kept as pets; or
but not limited to, dogs, cats, ferrets, rabbits, guinea pigs, ham
hedgehogs, rats, mice, chinchillas, sugar gliders, horses
and llamas.
Estray means any branded or
exotic fowl found running at large.
Estrus means a regular period of reproductive excitem
mammals, during which the animal seeks to mate.
ethods authorized by state law.
t voluntarily accept handling by humans despite usually being consid
Health Director means the Director of the City of Plano Health
Identification means any acceptable me
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more adult animals are kept and wherein any person engages in the business of boarding,
or other animals.
ses, consisting of
onsisting of all
bovine species; sheep, consisting of all ovine sp
l swine species.
Local Rabies Control Authority (LRCA) means the person designated by the
go Safety Code, as
means any bite, scratch, or other injury to a
n and/or causes
from the animal
into an
animal by means of a hypodermic-type syringe device. Each microchip shall contain a
e for purposes of
hip implant shall
eans of notifying
operating frequency that is
able to detect a microchip that has been implanted in an animal, and displays the number
pe that activates
requested), or a
nd notification, unless otherwise defined in this chapter, a requirement to
otification shall
Offer to Transfer Ownership means to offer to convey ownership rights, in
person, electronically, or by any other means, of an animal from one person to another by
any means including, but not limited to, auctioning, selling, giving away, delivering,
trading, or bartering.
Owner means any person, partnership, corporation, association or legal entity that
harbors, shelters, keeps, controls, manages, possesses or has whole or part interest in any
animal. The occupant, owner or head of household of any premises where an animal
breeding, buying, letting for hire, training for a fee, or selling dogs, cats,
Livestock means or includes, regardless of age, sex, or breed: hor
all equine species including mules, donkeys, and jackasses; cattle, c
ecies; llamas or alpacas; goats, consisting
of all caprine species; rabbits; chickens; and pigs or hogs, consisting of al
verning body of a municipality to enforce the Texas Health and
Local Rabies Control Incident (LRCI)
person caused by a warm-blooded animal that breaks the victim’s ski
them to bleed and could therefore allow the rabies virus to be transmitted
to the person.
Microchip Implant means a passive electronic device that is injected
unique and original number that is read by an electronic scanning devic
animal identification and recovery by the animal’s owners. The microc
be supplied with an exterior collar-type tag for purposes of an external m
others that the animal has been implanted with a microchip.
Microchip Reader means an electronic scanner with an
of the microchip to its operator. The microchip reader shall be of a ty
and displays the number of a microchip manufactured by multiple vendo
Notice means by personal service, certified mail (return receipt
written notice left at the entrance to the premise where the animal is harb
Notify a
notify the Division means to contact the Division at (972) 769-4360. N
be made immediately, but only as soon as can be done so safely.
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remains for seventy-two (72) hours or more shall be rebuttably presumed
of the animal, unless the animal has been reported to the Division as a s
occupant of any premises on which a dog or cat remains or customarily
owner for purposes of this chapter. If a person under the age of seve
owns an animal the parent, legal guardian, or the head of the househ
owner for purposes of this chapter. There ma
to be the owner
tray animal. An
returns to is an
nteen (17) years
old shall be the
y be more than one person responsible for
an ossession of the
owner to act on
3 of the Code of
ic grooming for
purposes of this
ides basic grooming is not a pet grooming facility.
Plano, or other
rcement agency, specifically trained or equipped to assist
use of any horse, pony, mule, donkey, or burro to provide
rides to, or to pull wagons containing, individuals other than the animals’ owners,
ip of an animal,
e owner that occurs on the
property of either the seller or buyer.
other animals in
pliance with all stipulations of a home
trol Authority. The quarantine period
for a dog, cat, or a domestic ferret for rabies observation is 240 hours from the date and
Releasing Agency means any public or private animal pound, shelter, or humane
organization. The term does not include an individual who occasionally renders humane
assistance or shelter in the individual’s home to a dog or cat.
Restrain means to control an animal by physical means.
Secure Enclosure means an animal housing enclosure that is located inside a
animal. This term shall include persons who are in temporary p
animal, including but not limited to pet sitters and trainers.
Owner’s Agent means a person who has been authorized by the
his behalf.
Person shall have the meaning assigned in chapter 1, section 1-
Ordinances. The term person shall include the term owner.
Pet Grooming Facility means an establishment that provides bas
domestic animals but does not routinely board animals for a fee. For the
chapter, a veterinary clinic that prov
Police Service Animal means an animal owned by the City of
governmental law enfo
rsonnel in a law enforcement capacity.
Pony Ride means the
whether gratuitously or for a fee.
Private Animal Sale means the individual transfer of ownersh
other than a wild animal, by a private owner to another privat
Quarantine means to confine and isolate from human beings and
a state-approved quarantine facility or in com
quarantine when allowed by the Local Rabies Con
time of the bite, scratch or other exposure, or as specified by state law or
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separate fenced area. The enclosure must be equipped with a lock and
entry of the general public, including children. It must prevent the escap
animal. It shall be clearly marked as containing a quarantined/dangerous
have an attached roof. It must have a concrete floor or have the sides bur
two (2) feet into the ground to prevent the animal from digging out. It m
minimum of five (5) feet from any fence
must prevent the
e or release of an
animal. It must
ied not less than
ust be located a
line that abuts adjacent property or a public
ar and provided in
Serious bodily injury means bodily injury that creates a substantial risk of death or
r impairment of
tructure that is capable of providing cover and protection from
the weather. At minimum, a shelter must have three sides, a top, a bottom and be
must be large enough so that the
an prevent the loss
Sterilized means an animal rendered incapable of reproduction.
uld uphold the
d by evidence on which the administrative
Tether means any leash, chain, cord, rope, or other means of restraining an animal
a fixed point so
animal from one
) month period
iction, or plea of
Unprovoked means that the animal was not hit, kicked, pulled, struck, pinched, or
squeezed by a person with an object or part of the person’s body, or otherwise teased or
tormented in any manner.
Vaccination means the inoculation of an animal with an anti-rabies vaccine that is
licensed by the United States Department of Agriculture for use in that species and which
is administered in accordance with the label’s directions and all state laws for the purpose
of immunizing the animal against rabies.
ea. It must conform with any additional requirements as established
writing to the owner by the Animal Services Division.
that causes death, serious permanent disfigurement, or protracted loss o
the function of any bodily member or organ.
Shelter means a s
adequately ventilated. It must have bedding material. It
imal can enter, stand, turn around, and lie down, but small enough to
of body heat during cold weather.
Substantial Evidence Rule means the reviewing court sho
administrative body’s ruling if it is supporte
body could reasonably base its decision.
or the act of chaining, tying, fastening or otherwise securing an animal to
that it can move or range only within certain limits.
Transfer Ownership means to convey ownership rights of an
person to another by any means.
Twelve (12) Consecutive Month Period means the twelve (12
immediately preceding the date of the most recent impoundment, conv
guilty or no contest.
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Veterinary Hospital means any establishment maintained and
licensed veterinarian for surg
operated by a
ery, diagnosis and treatment of diseases and injuries of
ated, regardless
ild state which,
characteristic(s), would constitute a danger to human life, property or domestic animals,
ral, or state law
ny reptile that
nd iguanas;
ougars, bobcats,
llos, kangaroos,
s, bats, foxes, skunks, cheetahs,
servals, caracals, hyenas, squirrels, wild rabbits, or non-human primates;
ny animal which
he Texas Rabies
Control Act;
t all of the state
and display wild or domestic animals for educational
Wildlife Rehabilitator means a person holding all current state and/or federal
ati e wild animal species in their possession
l habitat in
Zoological Park means a government-operated facility displaying or exhibiting
one or more species of non-domesticated animals.
Section 4-101. Enforcement, seizures and penalties.
(a) The Health Director shall be responsible for the enforcement of this
chapter unless otherwise provided by law or this chapter.
Wild Animal means any animal not normally considered domestic
of the state or duration of captivity, that can typically be found in a w
because of its size, vicious nature, potential disease threat, or other na
or any animal that is restricted from ownership by any international, fede
i c u i g, but not limited to, the following animals: n l d n
Reptiles: venomous reptiles, crocodiles, alligators, a
typically reaches a total length greater than eight (8) feet, a
Birds: emus, ostriches, or rheas;
Mammals: ocelots, lions, tigers, jaguars, leopards, c
wolves, dingoes, coyotes, jackals, elephants, armadi
wallabies, wallaroos, oppossums, beavers, porcupines, weasels, m
minks, badgers, pandas, bears, raccoon
Any species illegal to own under federal or state law, or a
is, or may be hereafter, listed as a “high risk” animal in t
Any hybrid of any animal classified as a Wild Animal.
Wildlife Educational Center means an organization that has me
and federal requirements to possess
permits needed to temporarily house the n v
with the goal of rehabilitating the animal(s) and releasing it back into its natura
accordance with all state and/or federal laws.
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( tation and upon
and punished as provided in section 1-4(b) of the Code of Ordinances of
( separate animal
arate offense.
( requirement of a
( t or order from a
competent jurisdiction to enforce this chapter.
(f) and impound an
warrant or court order under the following conditions:
cause to believe
ates a nuisance as described in section 4-300(a) (2)
d inhumanely as
cause to believe
When the City Enforcement Agent has probable cause to believe
servation under
d in this chapter;
(5) When the City Enforcement Agent has probable cause to believe
the animal meets the definition of a Dangerous Animal as defined
in this chapter;
(6) When the City Enforcement Agent has probable cause to believe
that the animal has been involved in a LRCI.
b) Any person violating this chapter may be issued a ci
conviction thereof, the person shall be deemed guilty of a m
the City of Plano.
c) Each twenty four (24) hour period of violation, and each
or condition in violation of this chapter, shall constitute a sep
d) For the purpose of proving violations of this chapter the
culpable mental state is expressly waived
e) City Enforcement Agents are authorized to seek a warran
court of
City Enforcement Agents shall have the power to seize
animal with a
(1) When the City Enforcement Agent has probable
the animal cre
of this chapter;
(2) When the City Enforcement Agent has probable cause to believ
the animal has been abandoned or is being treate
described in this chapter;
(3) When the City Enforcement Agent has probable
the animal has rabies or has been exposed to rabies
the animal is not being quarantined for rabies ob
appropriate conditions as define
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g) City Enforcement Agents shall have the power to seize
al without a warrant or court order, with probabl
( and impound an
e cause as set forth in
lowing conditions:
perty, in all cases;
is obtained; or
Agent reasonably believes there is
or death to the
and there is
e to obtain a warrant.
is not available
pt responsibility
( rs from the time
he disposition of
ter. If no hearing is requested the
imal shall be returned to its owner upon request from the owner.
( necessary force,
, to make lawful
r shall act as the Local Rabies Control Authority for the
f the Health Director position is vacant, then the Animal Services
n ol Authority.
(b) Any City Enforcement Agent shall have the authority to issue citations for
any violation of this chapter and any other power or duty stated within the
terms of this chapter.
Section 4-103. City exempt.
City facilities and operations are exempt from the requirements of this chapter.
4-101(f) (1-6), under the fol
(1) On public pro
On private property, if:
a. The consent of the resident or property owner
b. The City Enforcement
imminent danger of serious bodily injury
public, other animals, or the animal in question
insufficient tim
(3) Upon the request of a peace officer if the owner
and there is no one 18 years of age or older to acce
for the animal.
h) A City Enforcement Agent shall have forty-eight (48) hou
of the animal’s seizure to request a hearing to determine t
the animal in accordance with this chap
i) The City Enforcement Agent is authorized to use
including but not limited to breaking a vehicle’s window
seizures of animals pursuant to this chapter.
4-102. Duties.
(a) The Health Directo
City. I
Manager, or his designee, shall be the Local Rabies Co tr
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ordinance of the
ions; dangerous
mals; implanting microchips in animals;
d animals; local
uthority incidents; livestock capture.
his designee shall have the authority to reduce or waive
Sec. 4-2 In
(a) A person commits an offense if, either through his action or omission, he:
mal over five (5)
age, unless he is
ractice veterinary medicine in the State of Texas;
(2) Transfers ownership or otherwise physically removes from its
6) weeks old, or
eaned, except as advised by a
er ownership of
f at the Animal
any other business, on public property, or with
any other person that has not agreed to be responsible for the care
of the pet;
(6) Fails to reclaim any animal that he owns from the person who had
temporary possession of the animal;
(7) Fails to notify the Division when any motor vehicle that he is in
control of strikes an animal;
ction 4-104. Fees.
All fees for this chapter shall be reviewed, set and adopted by an
city council on a regular basis. The following is not intended to be an exhaustive
listing of fees. Fees shall be assessed for: annual registrat
animals; lost registration tag; permits for animal businesses; impounded anim
boarding of animals; sterilization of ani
adoption of animals; vaccination of animals; disposal of decease
rabies control a
The Health Director or
fees under this chapter.
00. humane treatment of animals.
(1) Docks the tail or removes the dew claws of an ani
days of age, or crops the ears of an animal of any
licensed to p
mother any dog, cat, ferret, or rabbit less than six (
any other animal that is not yet w
licensed veterinarian;
(3) Dyes or otherwise artificially colors any animal;
(4) Displays, transfers ownership, or offers to transf
any dyed or otherwise artificially colored animal;
(5) Abandons any animal that they have possession o
Services Facility,
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(8) Euthanizes his own animal in a manner other than one defined in
cle or conveyance and
l to be placed or
r under conditions which may
f food
may cause bodily
imal to remain in its own filth;
, fleas, or other
rinarian or with
appropriate commercially available treatments;
bvious illness, or injury, or any
human without
e infestation or
er animal; is in
alia or training
r his care with
(17) Transfers ownership or offers to transfer ownership of any
chickens, ducklings, or rabbits younger than sixteen (16) weeks of
age in quantities of less than twelve (12) to a single purchaser;
(18) Mutilates any dead animal for reasons other than food preparation
or taxidermy. Dissection in compliance with medical or veterinary
research, medical or veterinary necropsy, and bona fide
educational use of dead animals shall not be considered mutilation;
this chapter;
(9) Carries or transports an animal in any vehi
fails to effectively restrain the animal so as to prevent the
from leaving or being accidentally thrown from the
(10) Places or confines an animal, or allows the anima
confined, in a motor vehicle or traile
endanger the health of the animal due to temperature, lack o
or water, or under other circumstances which
injury, serious bodily injury or death of the animal
(11) Causes, allows, or permits any an
(12) Owns any animal having an infestation of ticks
parasites which has not been treated by a vete
(13) Owns any animal having any o
communicable illness transmittable to animal or
having followed a proper treatment regimen for th
(14) Fails to provide basic grooming for any animal;
(15) Causes, allows, or trains any animal to fight anoth
possession of any animal fighting paraphern
(16) Fails to provide, at all times, any animal unde
adequate wholesome food, potable water, and shelte
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(19) Attaches a collar or harness to an animal that is
size so
of an inadequate
that it restricts the animal’s growth or causes damage to the
al and
er ownership of
tle with a carapace of less than four inches in length;
ressive reaction
( ed and the City
or a hearing to
nd to determine
al. The petition shall be filed within 48 hours
hour period the
urt is open for business. If a
al shall be returned to the owner
( l activities and
( ity, whether on
e trap, or who
ible for checking
animal while it is in the trap, and the notification to
checked at least
ritten permission
from the Division. It shall be the responsibility of the person setting the
trap to properly label the trap indicating the owner and the date permission
was obtained from the Division.
(b) All captured domesticated animals shall be turned over to the Division,
unless the animal is captured as part of a feral animal neutering program
that has obtained written permission from the Health Director to place
traps within the City. All captured wild animals shall be turned over to the
animal’s skin;
(20) Attaches a tether that is not appropriately sized for the anim
so heavy as to restrict or burden the animal’s move
(21) Displays, transfers ownership or offers to transf
any tur
(22) Teases or taunts any animal and provokes an agg
from an animal.
d) Animals seized pursuant to this section may be impound
Enforcement Agent may petition the municipal court f
determine whether the animal was inhumanely treated a
the disposition of the anim
of the seizure. If the court is not open during this 48
petition shall be filed the next day the co
hearing is not requested then the anim
upon request of the owner.
e) This section shall not be interpreted to restrict the lega
legitimate operations of rodeos, 4H Clubs, or FFA Clubs.
4-201. Placement and baiting of animal traps and poison.
a) Humane traps shall be used to trap animals within the C
public or private property. The person who places th
requests its placement by the Division, shall be respons
the trap, the care of the
the Division of any captured animal. All traps shall be
No traps shall be placed upon public property without w
C:\Documents and Settings\Melissap\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLK72\AS Ord Ch 4 Animals Draft.doc
Division, a Wildlife Educational Center, or state licensed Wildlife
ilitator as soon as possible.
g or placing and
ing of any steel jawed trap (commonly known as a "bear trap",
"wolf trap", “leg hold trap”, or "coyote trap"), any body hold trap
er trap designed
(2) Places any substance, article, or bait that has in any manner been
including anti-
an beings, birds,
harm animals;
lacing or placing
pping animals in any
ission by the
pply to a City
ritten permission
with a trap or
the Division.
( mination of rats,
rmin, or any animal deemed a nuisance by state law,
other commercially available means
n that person’s residence, property, accessory structure, or
aken to ensure that no
human, pet, or wild animal, other than the targeted species, comes into
contact with the traps, poisons, or other means and that does not violate
any other section of this chapter.
Section 4-202. Tethering animals.
(a) A person commits an offense if he tethers an animal to a stationary object
for any length of time except as allowed by subsections (b) and (c).
c) Offenses:
A person commits an offense if he:
(1) Places, or places and baits, or permits the placin
(commonly known as “connibear trap”), or any oth
to be lethal;
treated with any poisonous or toxic substance,
freeze, or any drug in any place accessible to hum
dogs, cats or other animals with the intent to kill or
(3) Places, or places and baits a trap or permits the p
and baiting of any trap designed for tra
highway, street, alley or other public place within the co
limits of the City unless specific written perm
Division has been granted. This subsection shall not a
Enforcement Agent or an agency working with w
from the Division from placing the traps on public
(4) Removes, alters, damages, or otherwise tampers
equipment belonging to or set out at the request of
d) This section shall not be interpreted to restrict the exter
mice, insects, other ve
through the use of traps, poisons, or
when used i
commercial establishment and in accordance with the
directions as long as reasonable precautions are t
C:\Documents and Settings\Melissap\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLK72\AS Ord Ch 4 Animals Draft.doc
( event, veterinary
or when needed
r animal shall be allowed
(2) The tether is attached to a properly fitting collar or harness and is
or prong-type
e used;
t or injury; and
side the person’s
perty if tethered
( a line that is strung between
enty (20) feet apart with a down line
gth is allowed as long as the requirements
d behind a fence
general public,
( quately sized for
ed in a sanitary
are not allowed to breed and odors
pliance with
d the following
must be at least
twenty (20) feet from any adjacent building, excluding any
building owned by the owner of the animals;
(2) Enclosures housing five (5) or more animals must be at least fifty
(50) feet from any adjacent building, excluding any building
owned by the owner of the animals;
(3) Enclosures used as an area for a dog to regularly eat, sleep, drink,
b) Restraint on the owner’s property or for a lawful animal
treatment, grooming, training, law enforcement activity,
to protect the safety or welfare of a person o
provided that all of the following conditions are met:
(1) The animal’s owner maintains continuous, direct physical control
of the animal throughout the period of restraint;
not wrapped around the animal’s neck. Choke
collars shall not b
(3) The tether is designed and placed in a manner to prevent
(4) The tether does not allow the animal to move out
property or come within ten (10) feet of public pro
outside a fenced area.
c) A “skyline” type aerial trolley consisting of
two fixed points that are at least tw
that is at least five (5) feet in len
of Section 4-202(b)(2-4) are met and the animal is enclose
of adequate size and strength capable of preventing the
including children, or other animals from entering the area
4-203. Animal housing enclosure requirements.
a) All animal housing enclosures must be securely built, ade
the kind, size, and number of animals housed, maintain
condition so that flies or mosquitoes
are not offensive to adjacent residences or businesses, in com
all other requirements of this chapter, City zoning laws, an
minimum standards:
(1) Enclosures housing fewer than five (5) animals
C:\Documents and Settings\Melissap\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLK72\AS Ord Ch 4 Animals Draft.doc
and/or eliminate must have at least one hundred (
100) square feet
space for each dog six months of age or older that is housed
so that the animals being housed are
/or bites
( an enclosure or
riteria set forth in this section.
animal enclosures shall meet the requirements of a secure
sure as set out in this chapter.
Section 4-300. Nuisances.
(a) of an animal and
of the following
ner’s property, or that carries
over to an adjacent property, that renders the ground, the water, the
r animal life or
to the senses or that is detrimental to the
(2) The animal to be at large as defined by this chapter;
eeding of flies,
(4) Breeding or causing to be bred any animal within the public view;
(5) Allowing any female animal in estrus to be on any public property,
or any private property not owned by the animal’s owner except to
transport said animal to a veterinarian for treatment or to a planned
breeding in compliance with all other provisions of this chapter.
there; and
(4) Enclosures shall be located
protected from inclement weather, harassment, stings and
from insects, and attacks by other animals.
b) A person commits an offense if he fails to provide
enclosures meeting the c
(c) Dangerous
A person commits an offense if the person is an owner
the person permits, or by insufficient control allows, any
to occur:
(1) Creation of any condition on the ow
air or the food hazardous or injurious to human o
health or that is offensive
public health;
(3) Creation of a condition conducive to the br
mosquitoes, ticks, fleas, or other pests;
C:\Documents and Settings\Melissap\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLK72\AS Ord Ch 4 Animals Draft.doc
b) A person commits an offense if the person is the owner of an anim
the person f
( al and
ails to immediately remove and dispose of any excreta the
( ner of an animal and
can be used to
( ns 4-300 (b) and
the owner of the
ime it defecated;
the presence of
or was otherwise
(3) The owner of the property or person in control of the property had
e property; or
enforcement activities.
( on 4-300(a)(2, 4
due to forces of
ing at the animal
owner's residence.
(f) 0(a) (2) in any
ity Enforcement Agent may
determine if the animal is
a continuing public nuisance. After the hearing, a municipal court judge
(1) Disposition of the animal as provided in Article IV of this chapter,
except that the animal may not be returned to the location where
the animal resided at the time of the nuisance action;
(2) Exclusion from the City limits of Plano of the animal; or
(3) Return of the animal to the owner.
animal produces.
c) A person commits an offense if the person is the ow
fails to visibly have in his possession materials that
immediately remove and dispose of any excreta the animal produces.
d) It is an affirmative defense to prosecution under subsectio
(c) that:
(1) The property was owned, leased, or controlled by
animal at the t
(2) The animal was an assistance animal and was in
that disabled person at the time it defecated
present on the property;
given prior consent for the animal to defecate on th
(4) The animal is a police canine being used in official law
e) It is an affirmative defense to prosecution under subsecti
and 5) if the owner can show that, the animal was at large
nature, fire, or the acts of a third party who was not resid
After the third conviction for violating subsection 4-30
twelve (12) consecutive month period, a C
petition a municipal court judge for a hearing to
may order the:
C:\Documents and Settings\Melissap\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLK72\AS Ord Ch 4 Animals Draft.doc
( mply with the
order within forty-eight (48) hours or within the time specified in the court
( oved from the City of Plano, the owner shall
Section 4-400. Impoundment.
ies: The City Enforcement Agent shall impound and
al that exhibits
antine shall be
Enforcement Agent shall impound an
he owner of the
when the owner is being lawfully evicted from his premises and
ge or older who
ay impound an
ngerous animal: The City Enforcement Agent shall follow the
als set forth in
Inhumane treatment: The City Enforcement Agent may impound
an animal if the City Enforcement Agent has probable cause to
believe the animal has been inhumanely treated as defined by this
chapter; or
(6) LRCI: The City Enforcement Agent may impound and quarantine
an animal the Agent has probable cause to believe has been
involved in a LRCI.
g) After an order in subsection (f) is issued, the owner shall co
h) If the animal is to be rem
provide the address to the Health Director in writing within
(72) hours of the order being issued.
(1) Rab
quarantine any animal that he has probable cause to believe was
exposed to or infected with rabies. Any anim
symptoms of the rabies disease during quar
(2) Owner’s absence: The City
animal at the request of a peace officer when t
animal has been arrested, hospitalized, is missing, has died, or
there is no person present eighteen (18) years of a
will assume responsibility for the animal;
(3) Animal at large: The City Enforcement Agent m
animal found to be at large;
(4) Da
procedures for impoundment of dangerous anim
Article IX of this chapter;
C:\Documents and Settings\Melissap\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLK72\AS Ord Ch 4 Animals Draft.doc
Section 4-401. Redemption of impounded animals.
In order for a person to redeem
an impounded animal he must meet the following
( f animals:
ent proof of an
e either a rabies
ation certificate issued by a licensed veterinarian or
current rabies
ho administered
a current
fee to have a
to the release of the animal.
e time of the
business days to
current rabies
rian, the rabies
t be given within the seven (7)
ss day period, the owner must provide a signed
statement from the veterinarian stating why the vaccine
the vaccine may
ven. The owner shall provide written proof of the
administering of the vaccination to a City Enforcement
Agent within forty-eight (48) hours.
(2) Microchip required
The owner shall pay a fee to have a microchip implanted into the
animal prior to release.
a) Conditions for redemption o
(1) Rabies vaccination required
a. For the purposes of this subsection, suffici
animal’s current rabies vaccination shall b
verbal or written confirmation of a
vaccination by the licensed veterinarian w
the vaccination.
b. If the owner cannot prove that the animal has
rabies vaccination, the owner shall pay a
rabies vaccination given prior
c. If a vaccination cannot be given at th
redemption the owner shall have seven (7)
provide written proof of obtaining a
vaccination to the City Enforcement Agent
d. If, in the opinion of a licensed veterina
vaccination should no
should be temporarily delayed and when
be gi
C:\Documents and Settings\Melissap\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLK72\AS Ord Ch 4 Animals Draft.doc
(3) Sterilization required
a. The owner shall submit proof of havi
sterilized within thirty (30) days of its rel
shall be a c
ng the animal
ease. The proof
ompleted sterilization certification form
that is signed by
an provide proof
imal has a current City license and rabies
ochip or visible
wing conditions
as registered with a national registry
og, working dog
club, local breed club, local all-breed club, or
a professionally trained assistance
3. The animal was at large due to forces of nature, fire,
s not residing at
n shall be construed as permitting
sterilized dogs and cats to run at large.
elve (12) month
animal sterilized
be waived. The
y a sterilization fee and any other applicable
fees prior to the animal being returned.
e. Any animal that is impounded a second time in any
consecutive twelve (12) month period shall be sterilized
prior to redemption by the owner. This subsection shall not
apply if the animal was at large due to forces of nature, fire,
or the acts of a third party who was not residing at the
animal owner’s residence.
provided by the Animal Services Facility
the sterilizing veterinarian.
b. Subsection a. shall not apply if the owner c
that the an
vaccination, and was identified by micr
identification, and one or more of the follo
were met:
1. The animal w
or was a sporting dog, livestock d
and the owner was a member of a national breed
sporting or hunting club; or
2. The animal was
or police service animal; or
or the acts of a third party who wa
the animal owner’s residence.
c. Nothing in this subsectio
d. Upon the animal’s first impound in any tw
period, and the owner chooses to have his
prior to redemption, his impound fee shall
owner shall pa
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(4) Payment of fees
The owner must pay all applicable fees before the animal is
chapter may not
be redeemed and may be placed with a Wildlife Rehabilitator or
ealth Director’s
de the proof of
rabies vaccination required in section 4-401(a) (1) (c. or d.).
de the proof of
(b) This section shall not apply if the animal was impounded:
r and a
g is pending or shall be pending to determine the disposition
As a dangerous animal as defined in this chapter and a hearing is
or shall be pending to determine the disposition of the
period has not
Section 4-402. Disposition of animals.
o means of traceable identification shall
be kept for not less than three (3) business days, unless earlier
reclaimed by the owner or euthanized as allowed by this chapter.
(2) Animals with any type of traceable identification shall be kept for
not less than ten (10) business days, or not less than three (3)
business days from the time the owner is notified, whichever is the
shorter time period, unless earlier reclaimed by the owner or
euthanized as allowed by this chapter.
(5) Wild animals
Impounded wild animals kept in violation of this
Wildlife Educational Center or euthanized at the H
(6) A person commits an offense if he fails to provi
(7) A person commits an offense if he fails to provi
sterilization required in section 4-401(a) (3) (a.).
(1) For being inhumanely treated as defined in this chapte
of the animal;
(3) For investigation of rabies and the quarantine
Time limits
(1) Impounded animals with n
C:\Documents and Settings\Melissap\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLK72\AS Ord Ch 4 Animals Draft.doc
(3) An animal impounded at the request of a peace of
by section 4-400(a)(2) of this chapter shall be kep
ficer as required
t for not less than
ten (10) business days unless earlier reclaimed by the owner or the
an animal voluntarily
(5) An impoundment period is not required for any wild animal.
egistered or unregistered, which appears
to be suffering from serious bodily injury or disease and which is
ecover or which
nger to humans
entification and
feral nature poses a
tial risk of bodily injury to the safety of Division staff may
(c) The D e expiration of
any re oundment period by any of the following methods.
a. or adoption dogs
the following
als to determine
on its health and
lth and age are adequate
for vaccination. However, an affirmative decision
shall not constitute a warranty of the health,
temperament, or age of the animal.
2. There will be an adoption fee for all dogs and cats
at an amount set by the Plano City Council. The fee
will include the cost of sterilization, vaccination,
implantation of a microchip, and licensing.
owner’s agent or euthanized as allowed by this chapter.
(4) An impoundment period is not required for
released to the Division by its owner.
Injured or diseased animals
(1) Any impounded animal, r
in great pain or suffering and probably will not r
appears to have an infectious disease which is a da
or to other animals may be euthanized.
(2) Any animal that is not displaying any type of id
which due to its extremely violent or
be euthanized.
ivision may dispose of impounded animals after th
quired imp
The Division shall be authorized to place f
or cats impounded by the City under
1. The Division shall evaluate all anim
if it is an adoption candidate, based
temperament, and if its hea
C:\Documents and Settings\Melissap\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLK72\AS Ord Ch 4 Animals Draft.doc
3. All animals adopted from the A
Facility shall be implanted with
nimal Services
a microchip,
vaccinated against rabies according to state
rinarian, there is
g the delay of
e animal must
the veterinarian
be delayed and
erformed. A
age of the animal if the animal is at least eight (8)
written proof of
forty-eight (48)
he sterilization
al has died.
he sterilization
rovide written
ntation to the Division stating that the animal is lost
or stolen and a copy of the police report, if any, of the theft.
ient, the letter shall be delivered not
er the date of the
describe the
nce and the date
y transfer ownership of the animal to a
releasing agency that has a signed Transfer Agreement for
Dogs and Cats on file with the Division provided that the
group sterilizes and microchips the animal prior to placing
it into an adoptive home.
b. The Division may temporarily place the animal in a foster
home that has a signed Foster Agreement for Dogs and
Cats on file with the Division;
guidelines, and sterilized.
4. If, in the opinion of a licensed vete
a legitimate health risk justifyin
sterilization, the person adopting th
provide a signed statement from
stating why the sterilization should
when the procedure may be p
legitimate health risk cannot be based solely on the
weeks old. The owner shall provide
the completed sterilization within
hours of the procedure.
b. If an adopted animal dies on or before t
completion date, the adopting person must provide written
documentation to the Division that the anim
c. If an adopted animal is lost or stolen before t
date, the adopting person must p
In order to be suffic
later than the seventh (7
) business day aft
animal's disappearance and shall
circumstances surrounding the disappeara
of disappearance.
(2) Transfer to releasing agency or foster care
a. The Division ma
C:\Documents and Settings\Melissap\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLK72\AS Ord Ch 4 Animals Draft.doc
(3) Euthanasia
The Division may euthanize the animal due to health,
temperament, space limitations, or as otherwise deemed necessary
( The choice of which of these options to use shall be made at the sole
law or a court
ommits an offense if he fails to provide the proof required in
r multiple pets.
An er a permit in this
section s either obtain a
permit o
( identially zoned
r more than ten (10) adult animals, no
or multi-family
5) adult animals,
h may be intact. No residence within the
or other group of
(b) y subsection (a)
e applicant shall
lication fee at the time of filing.
(c) The D llowing conditions are met:
(1) Inspection required – Applicants shall submit to an in-home
inspection by the City Enforcement Agent prior to the issuance of
a multi-pet permit. A permit shall not be issued if the inspection
a. That the requested number of animals cannot be maintained
without creating noise or odor nuisances;
by the Health Director.
discretion of the Division unless otherwise mandated by
(e) A person c
section 4-402(c) (1) (a.)(4.
Section 4-500. Permit required fo
y p son in possession of more animals than authorized without
hall have one year from the effective date of this ordinance to
r otherwise comply with this section.
a) Except as provided by this section, no single-family, res
property within the City shall harbo
more than four (4) of which may be intact. No duplex
residentially zoned property shall harbor more than five (
no more than one (1) of whic
City shall harbor more than one (1) litter, clutch,
offspring, whether whole or in part, at any time.
Any person desiring to keep more animals than allowed b
may apply with the Division for a multiple pet permit. Th
pay an app
ivision shall issue the permit if the fo
C:\Documents and Settings\Melissap\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLK72\AS Ord Ch 4 Animals Draft.doc
b. That the requested number of animals cannot be maintained
on 4-500 (a);
pliance with
roof of having a
tained additional
no enforcement
during the preceding twelve (12)
inspection. The
ble hours at their
applicant’s history.
( valid for one (1)
to the applicant
( f a multiple pet
ent Agent during
reasonable hours, to make his animals, premises, facilities, equipment, and
( multi-pet permit
ity Enforcement
(g) A person commits an offense if he harbors a greater number of animals
ple pet permit.
( e holder of a multiple pet permit
and harbors more animals than authorized in his permit.
Section 4-501. Revocation, denial and appeal.
(a) The Animal Services Manager may revoke a permit issued under section
4-500 or refuse to issue a permit if the permittee or applicant fails to meet
the standards required in section 4-500, refuses to permit inspections of
the premises, or violates any provision of this chapter.
in a healthy and sanitary environment;
c. The number of intact animals exceeds Secti
d. That any animal at the location is not in com
all provisions of this chapter.
(2) No inspection required – Applicants who provide p
current multiple pet permit, and who have not ob
animals since their last inspection, and have had
actions for violating this chapter
months, may be issued a permit by mail without
Division may require an inspection during reasona
discretion regardless of the
d) All multiple pet permits issued under this section shall be
year from the date of issuance, and shall be valid only as
and location for which it was originally issued.
e) A person commits an offense if the person is a holder o
permit and he refuses, upon request by a City Enforcem
any necessary registrations or permits available for inspec
f) A person commits an offense if the person is a holder of a
and he refuses to show his permit upon request by a C
than allowed in section 4-500(a) without obtaining a multi
h) A person commits an offense if he is th
C:\Documents and Settings\Melissap\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLK72\AS Ord Ch 4 Animals Draft.doc
( Health Director.
ys of receiving
Division. If no
, the denial or
nal. Upon receiving an appeal, the
at a time and place of his designation
ing received.
( sion of the Health Director shall be final.
ay reapply for a new permit under section 4-
nce the Texas State Rabies Control Act, as
am nd the standards established by the appropriate state agency or rule-making
bo as s within the City
of Plano
Section 4-601. Rabies tag and vaccination certificate.
( Control Act to
tag affixed to a
ted collar or harness at all times. The owner shall retain the
inspection upon
( riod of time as
the Texas State
Rabies Control Act.
( an animal and fails to
provide rabies vaccinations for the animal.
(d) A person commits an offense if he presents a rabies vaccination certificate
to a City Enforcement Agent for any animal other than the animal for
which the certificate was issued.
(e) A person commits an offense if he attaches a rabies tag to any animal’s
collar or harness other than the animal for which the tag was issued.
b) A denial or revocation of a permit may be appealed to the
The appeal must be made in writing within ten (10) da
written notice of the permit denial or revocation from the
appeal request is received within the ten-day period
revocation of the permit becomes fi
Health Director shall hold a hearing
within ten (10) days of the appeal be
c) The deci
(d) The permittee or applicant m
500 at any time.
Section 4-600. State regulations adopted.
The City of Plano hereby adopts by refere
ended, a
ard minimum standards for rabies control and quarantine provision
a) All animals that are required by the Texas State Rabies
have a rabies vaccination must have their current rabies
properly fit
rabies vaccination certificate and make it available for
request by a City Enforcement
b) Rabies vaccination certificates will be valid for a pe
determined by the issuing veterinarian in accordance with
c) A person commits an offense if he is the owner of
C:\Documents and Settings\Melissap\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLK72\AS Ord Ch 4 Animals Draft.doc
( mits an offense if he fails to display the rabies tag as
Se n tic disease.
( eterinarian who
ve, or suspected
avian influenza,
:H7, hantavirus,
-fever, rabies, Rocky Mountain
s, or any other
sible to humans,
( ctitioner having
the Division of
of persons or animals treated.
( as been involved in a
(d) A person commits an offense if he has knowledge of a local rabies control
t and fails to notify the Division within forty-eight (48) hours.
( potential disease
ithin twenty-four
( cause to believe
Agent has probable
cause to believe has been involved in a local rabies control incident, shall
ed according to
state law and rules. The seizure of animals for quarantine shall be
pursuant to section 4-101 of this chapter.
(b) Upon request by the owner, a home quarantine maybe allowed if the
Health Director determines all state requirements for a home quarantine
are met and the owner complies with all of the following requirements:
(1) Isolates the animal from all people and pets other than those that
f) A person com
required by this section.
ctio 4-602. Notification of local rabies control incidents or zoono
a) Any licensed veterinarian or technician working for a v
diagnoses, examines, or treats any animal diagnosed to ha
to have, rabies, a non-natural infection of anthrax,
brucellosis, campylobacteriosis, Escherichia coli 0157
Lyme Disease, monkeypox, plague, Q
Spotted Fever, Salmonellosis, Tularemia, West Nile viru
zoonotic encephalitis, or other zoonotic diseases transmis
shall immediately report their findings to the Division.
b) Any physician or other medical or veterinary pra
knowledge of a local rabies control incident shall notify
the names, addresses and phone numbers
c) Any person owning or possessing an animal which h
local rabies control incident, or any other person having knowledge of the
local rabies control incident, shall notify the Division.
e) A person commits an offense if he has knowledge of any
as listed in this section and fails to notify the Division w
(24) hours.
4-603. Quarantine.
a) Any animal that a City Enforcement Agent has probable
was exposed to or is infected with rabies, or that the
be placed under quarantine. Animals shall be quarantin
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lived with the biting animal at the quarantining residence prior to
) Agrees to allow a City Enforcement Agent to inspect the animal
arantine period;
f the animal escapes
rson or animal,
n of illness;
ling at all times
times for evacuation of waste material. During
ot more than six
physical control
nce or dwelling
ss prior written approval to
e animal is
egisters and implants a microchip in the animal in compliance
with this chapter; and
arantine period
of this chapter is
( uspected and the
nably imminent,
e a quarantine
oring dogs, cats
fine them for the
time as may be specified in the quarantine proclamation. Upon the
publication of the proclamation by local newspapers, persons owning or
harboring animals addressed by the proclamation shall confine them to
premises unless they are effectively muzzled and under the control of an
adult person by a tether not more than six (6) feet in length. After
publication of the proclamation, an animal found to be in violation of the
order or at large may be impounded or destroyed by a City Enforcement
Agent if such agent is unable, with reasonable effort, to apprehend the
the local rabies control incident;
and residence at any reasonable time during the qu
3) Agrees to contact the Division immediately i(
from the residence, dies, attacks any other pe
exhibits any change in behavior, or exhibits any sig
(4) Confines the animal inside a residence or dwel
other than
evacuation, the animal shall be kept on a tether n
(6) feet in length and must remain under the direct
of an adult at all times;
(5) Agrees to keep the animal at the approved reside
throughout the quarantine period unle
move the animal is obtained from the Health Direc
(6) Agrees to keep the animal under quarantine until th
cleared by the Health Director;
(7) R
(8) Agrees to immediately turn the animal over to a
rabies quarantine facility for the duration of the qu
as ordered by the Health Director if any section
c) Should a potential outbreak of rabies within the City be s
danger to the public safety from rabid animals be reaso
the Health Director is hereby authorized to issu
proclamation, ordering persons owning, keeping, or harb
or other warm-blooded animals to muzzle the same or con
C:\Documents and Settings\Melissap\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLK72\AS Ord Ch 4 Animals Draft.doc
animal for impoundment.
d) A person commits an offense if the person fails or refuse
comply with the Health Director’s order to quarantine
residence or present for quarantine or testing
( s to immediately
at the owner’s
at a state approved rabies
bies control incident.
A of this ordinance
s of the animal’s
( er must have the
imal affixed to a properly fitted collar or
(b) within the City
( forms and tags furnished by the Health
Director and shall be issued subject to the provisions of this chapter.
( animal that is not
( d annually.
affixes a City registration tag to any
r or harness other than the animal for which it was issued.
(g) A person commits an offense if he is the owner of a dog, cat, or ferret over
does not have a
current a City registration tag for the animal.
Section 4-800. Permit required for animal establishments and commercial breeders.
An animal establishment, grooming facility, commercial breeder, wildlife
quarantine facility, any animal that the Health Director has probable cause
to believe has been involved in a local ra
ction 4-700. Registration Tag Required.
nimals with a current registration in place on the effective date
hall be required to comply with this section upon renewal
a) All dogs, cats, and ferrets four (4) months of age or old
City registration tag for that an
harness at all times.
Subsection 4-700 (a) does not apply to animals temporarily
for a period not to exceed fourteen (14) days.
c) Registration tags shall be on
d) The Division shall not issue a registration tag to an
currently vaccinated against rabies.
e) Registration tags shall be renewe
(f) A person commits an offense if he
animal’s colla
the age of four (4) months within the City of Plano and
C:\Documents and Settings\Melissap\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLK72\AS Ord Ch 4 Animals Draft.doc
education center or wildlife rehabilitator who is in operation bef
date of this ordinance shall have 180 day
ore the effective
s from the effective date of this
( or to become a
for an Animal
ishment or Commercial Breeder Permit. A permit shall be issued if
the following
easily accessible
(2) Fresh water shall be available to all animals at all times. Containers
water containers
ced, or weighted
(3) The ambient temperature in the animal housing areas is maintained
and humidity in
healthful for the
e ventilation is
nporous material
aning and disinfecting. Each cage and enclosure is of
e room to stand,
ge and enclosure
Each cage and
be kept isolated
t all animals are
ies’ needs. The
daily feeding records shall be maintained or posted in a readily
accessible location. All veterinarians’ orders must be in writing
and kept on record and available for inspection during the Animal
Establishment’s or commercial breeder’s regular business hours.
In general, all animals under six (6) months of age are to be fed at
least two (2) times per twenty four (24) hour period, or as advised
by a veterinarian, and all other animals must be fed at least one (1)
time per twenty four (24) hour period, or as advised by a
rdinance to obtain the necessary permits and registrations.
a) Persons wishing to operate an animal establishment
commercial breeder within the City of Plano must apply
the requisite fee is paid and the applicant meets
(1) Cold and hot water and appropriate disinf
chemicals for washing and disinfecting cages are
to all parts of the animal housing areas;
are to be cleaned and disinfected each day. All
shall be removable for cleaning and mounted, pla
so the animal cannot turn them over;
between 60-79°F at all times. The temperature
individual cages are maintained at levels that are
species of animals being housed and adequat
maintained in all animal housing areas;
(4) All cages and enclosures are constructed of a no
for easy cle
sufficient size that at minimum the animal will hav
turn, and lie down in a natural position. Each ca
is thoroughly cleaned and disinfected each day.
enclosure is locked or otherwise secured to prevent the escape of
any animal being kept. Injured or ill animals shall
from healthy animals;
(5) Daily feeding records are maintained to ensure tha
fed a proper and nutritious diet specific to the spec
C:\Documents and Settings\Melissap\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLK72\AS Ord Ch 4 Animals Draft.doc
veterinarian. Food for each animal shall be serve
so constructed or mounted that the animal cannot r
and be of the type that are removable for clean
feeding dishes are acceptable for one-time use on
do not require daily feedings are exem
d in a clean dish
eadily tip it over
ing. Disposable
ly. Animals that
pt from the daily feeding
ined and the
upright without
read their wings
rea. Each bird
izontal to other
e for the species
iently ventilated.
ler birds. There
e to the birds at all
asily accessible
over or
defile their contents. Injured, diseased, or dead birds shall be
ealthy birds;
needs of each
es cleaned and
(9) All dogs, cats, and ferrets four (4) months of age or older have
proof of being currently vaccinated against rabies;
(10) Written procedures are in place to notify the Division of any local
rabies control incident as required by Section 4-602 of this chapter;
requirement; however, feeding records shall be mainta
animal shall be kept in a healthful body condition;
(6) Each bird must have sufficient room to stand
touching the top of their housing area and to sp
fully without touching the side of their housing a
shall have access to a perch that is placed hor
perches in the same cage and is of adequate siz
being housed. The housing area must be suffic
Large birds shall have separate cages from smal
shall be clean water and suitable food availabl
times and all troughs or other receptacles must be e
to the birds and placed so that the birds cannot turn them
immediately removed from housing areas holding h
(7) There is sufficient clean, dry bedding to meet
individual animal;
(8) All animals are fed and watered, and all cag
disinfected every day including Sundays and holid
C:\Documents and Settings\Melissap\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLK72\AS Ord Ch 4 Animals Draft.doc
b) A person commits an offense if he transfers ownership or
ownership of any anim
( offers to transfer
al without first obtaining an Animal Establishment
is chapter.
( of an Animal
a permit issued
ion, to make his
ed to service the
ent, and any necessary registrations, veterinary records,
regular business
ction may occur
has a permit issued under this section
4-800(a). Each
Se tion
( ed under section
ant fails to meet
nspections of
( Health Director.
ade in writing within ten (10) days of receiving
written notice of the permit denial or revocation from the Division. If no
the ten-day period, the denial or
g an appeal, the
irector shall hold a hearing at a time and place of his designation
within ten (10) days of the appeal being received. Based upon the
recorded evidence of the hearing, the Health Director shall make a final
(c) The decision of the Health Director shall be final.
(d) The permittee or applicant may reapply for a new permit under section 4-
800 at any time.
or Commercial Breeder Permit.
(1) It is an affirmative defense to subsection 4-800(b) if the transfer
was a private sale of the animal as authorized by th
c) A person commits an offense if he is the owner
Establishment or Commercial Breeding Service and has
under this section and refuses, upon request by the Divis
animals, the portion of the premises that house or are us
animals, equipm
feeding logs or permits available for inspection during
hours. If there are no set business hours, then the inspe
during reasonable hours.
(d) A person commits an offense if he
and fails to meet the conditions set forth in section
separate condition that is not met shall constitute a separate of
4-801. Revocation, denial and appeal. c
a) The Animal Services Manager may revoke a permit issu
4-800 or refuse to issue a permit if the permittee or applic
the standards required in section 4-800, refuses to permit i
the premises, or violates this chapter in any other way.
b) A denial or revocation of a permit may be appealed to the
The appeal must be m
appeal request is received within
revocation of the permit becomes final. Upon receivin
Health D
C:\Documents and Settings\Melissap\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLK72\AS Ord Ch 4 Animals Draft.doc
Se n
( property owner
imal exhibition
ance or display
on and housing
permit shall be issued for an exhibition period of not more than seven (7)
omplies with the
g conditions:
clean and free of
containers shall
imal cannot turn
housing areas is
maintained between 60-79°F at all times. The temperature in
healthful for the
e ventilation is
rs, the exhibition
at index exceeds
(4) All cages and enclosures are constructed of a nonporous material
d enclosure is of
e room to stand,
e and enclosure
Each cage and
(5) Daily feeding records are maintained to ensure that all animals are
fed a proper and nutritious diet specific to the species’ needs. The
daily feeding records shall be maintained or posted in a readily
accessible location. All veterinarians’ orders must be in writing
and kept on record and available for inspection during the Animal
Exhibition’s regular business hours. In general, all animals under
six (6) months of age are to be fed at least two (2) times per twenty
four (24) hour period, or as advised by a veterinarian, and all other
ctio 4-802. Permit required for animal exhibition.
a) The presenter or owner of the animal exhibition, or the
where the exhibit is to take place must apply for an an
permit at least thirty (30) business days before the perform
and provide exact dates, times, locations, transportati
arrangements, and animals involved in each performance or display. A
days if the animal exhibition pays the required fee and c
(1) All cages or other animal housing areas are kept
(2) Fresh water is available to all animals at all times. Containers are
to be cleaned and disinfected each day. All water
be removable for cleaning and mounted so the an
them over;
(3) If indoors, the ambient temperature in the animal
individual cages is maintained at a level that is
species of animals being housed and adequat
maintained in all animal housing areas. If outdoo
must immediately be halted if at any time the he
for easy cleaning and disinfecting. Each cage an
sufficient size that at minimum the animal will hav
turn, and lie down in a natural position. Each cag
is thoroughly cleaned and disinfected each day.
enclosure is locked or otherwise secured to prevent the escape of
any animal being kept;
C:\Documents and Settings\Melissap\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLK72\AS Ord Ch 4 Animals Draft.doc
animals must be fed at least one (1) time per twen
period, or as advised by a veterinarian. Food for e
be served in a clean dish so constructed or mounte
cannot readily tip it over and be of the type that a
cleaning. Disposable feeding dishes are accepta
use only. Animals that do not require daily feed
ty four (24) hour
ach animal shall
d that the animal
re removable for
ble for one-time
ings are exempt
m the daily feeding requirement; however, feeding records shall
healthful body
upright without
ead their wings
. Each bird shall
other perches in
s being housed.
he housing area
old or
rate cages from
hall be clean water and suitable food
available to the birds at all times and all troughs or other
d placed so that
cannot turn them over or defile their contents. Injured,
removed from
(7) There is sufficient clean, dry bedding to meet needs of each
es cleaned and
ing Sundays and
e or older have
(10) Animals being used to give rides or doing other work are in good
physical condition, including their hooves or feet, and given not
less than a thirty (30) minute break for each three (3) hours
(11) All areas used by the exhibitor are thoroughly cleaned and all
wastes are properly disposed of at the conclusion of the exhibition;
be maintained and the animal shall be kept in a
(6) Each bird must have sufficient room to stand
touching the top of their housing area and to spr
fully without touching a side of their housing area
have access to a perch that is placed horizontal to
the same cage and is of adequate size for the specie
The housing area must be sufficiently ventilated. T
must be cleaned every day and disinfected when birds are s
otherwise transferred. Large birds shall have sepa
smaller birds. There s
receptacles must be easily accessible to the birds an
the birds
diseased, or dead birds shall be immediately
housing areas holding healthy birds;
individual animal;
(8) All animals are fed and watered, and all cag
disinfected every day during the exhibition, includ
(9) All dogs, cats, and ferrets four (4) months of ag
proof of being currently vaccinated against rabies;
C:\Documents and Settings\Melissap\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLK72\AS Ord Ch 4 Animals Draft.doc
(12) Written procedures are in place to notify the Division of any local
2 of this chapter;
(13) The animal exhibition is divided into three distinct areas that are
he exception of
th entrances and exits to
shall be designed so that there is a single
ea. The permit
traffic to prevent
ilitate education.
otifying visitors
y are not to eat,
drink, smoke, place their hands in their mouth, or use bottles or
ing that senior
ersons who are
an increased risk
and should take extra precautions to protect
sition area;
be possessed,
al areas. The
orage or holding
(17) Exit transition areas must be designed to facilitate hand washing.
Signs shall be posted instructing visitors to wash their hands and
illustrating proper hand-washing techniques. An appropriate
number of hand washing stations shall be present in the exit
transitional area. Hand washing stations must be accessible for all
visitors, including children and persons with disabilities. Hand
washing stations shall comply with all local, state, and federal
waste water restrictions and requirements. A staff member must
rabies control incident as required by Section 4-60
separated by barriers:
a. Non-animal areas - where animals, with t
service animals, are not permitted;
b. Transition areas - located at bo
animal areas; and
c. Animal areas - where animal contact is pos
(14) The animal exhibition
entrance transition area leading to the animal area and a
exit transition area leading out of the animal ar
holder shall be responsible for controlling visitor
overcrowding in any of these areas;
(15) Entrance transition areas must be designed to fac
Signs shall be posted at all entry transition areas n
that they are entering an animal area and that the
pacifiers while in the animal area. Signs warn
citizens, pregnant women, young children, and p
immunocompromised or mentally impaired are at
of disease or illness
themselves shall also be posted in the entrance tran
(16) Strollers, food, and beverages are allowed to
prepared, served, or consumed only in non-anim
animal exhibition permit applicant must provide st
areas for these items for visitors;
C:\Documents and Settings\Melissap\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLK72\AS Ord Ch 4 Animals Draft.doc
be positioned in the exit transition area at all times to encourage
or both animals
s animal food or
strollers, food,
nt in the animal
hall be removed
s for its removal
public access.
rrhea, vomiting,
e removed from
exhibited at any
t are required by state law to have a rabies
vaccination must have the appropriate documentation stating that
g exhibited must
sed veterinarian
( displayed in any
City, unless the
s chapter.
(c) A person commits an offense if he owns, manages, or represents an animal
by the Division
ours, to make his animals, that portion of his premises
pment, and any
its available for
(d) A person commits an offense if he owns, manages or operates an animal
( es, or represents
ction and fails to
h animal or condition in violation
of this chapter shall constitute a separate offense.
Section 4-803. Revocation, denial and appeal.
(a) The Animal Services Manager may revoke a permit issued under section
4-802 or refuse to issue a permit if the permittee or applicant fails to meet
the standards required in section 4-802, refuses to permit inspections of
the premises, or violates this chapter in any other way.
hand washing;
(18) Animal areas must provide adequate ventilation f
and people. Visitors may not be allowed to acces
water sources. Toys, pacifiers, baby bottles,
beverages, or tobacco products may not be prese
area at any time. All manure and soiled bedding s
immediately and all animal waste and specific tool
must be stored in designated areas restricted from
Animals exhibiting any sign of illness, such as dia
nasal discharge, or malaise, shall immediately b
the animal area. No pregnant animals may be
time. All animals tha
this requirement has been met. All animals bein
have a health certificate that was issued by a licen
within the last twelve (12) months.
b) Any wild animal, as defined in this chapter, may not be
Animal Exhibition or otherwise possessed within the
possession is specifically allowed by another section of thi
exhibition that requires a permit refuses, upon request
during business h
used to house or service the animals, facilities, equi
necessary registrations, records, feeding logs or perm
exhibition without a per
e) A person commits an offense if he owns, operate, manag
an animal exhibition and has a permit issued under this se
maintain the conditions in 4-802(a). Eac
C:\Documents and Settings\Melissap\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLK72\AS Ord Ch 4 Animals Draft.doc
( Health Director.
ys of receiving
Division. If no
, the denial or
an appeal, the
f his designation
Based upon the
recorded evidence of the hearing, the Health Director shall make a final
an accelerated hearing date and the
(c) ion of the Health Director shall be final.
(d) The permittee or applicant may reapply for a permit under section 4-802 at
Section 4-804. Permit required
( in the City of
permit shall be
ts the following
chemicals for
, and grooming
sily accessible to all parts of the animal housing areas;
intained between
ividual cages is
ies and breed of
ntilation is maintained in all
(3) All cages and enclosures are constructed of a nonporous material
for easy cleaning and disinfecting. Each cage and enclosure is of
sufficient size that at minimum the animal will have room to stand,
turn, and lie down in a natural position. Each cage and enclosure
is thoroughly cleaned and disinfected after each use;
(4) When necessary, there is sufficient clean, dry bedding to meet
needs of each individual animal;
b) A denial or revocation of a permit may be appealed to the
The appeal must be made in writing within ten (10) da
written notice of the permit denial or revocation from the
appeal request is received within the ten-day period
revocation of the permit becomes final. Upon receiving
Health Director shall hold a hearing at a time and place o
within ten (10) days of the appeal being received.
ruling. The appellant may request
Health Director shall grant the request if scheduling perm
The decis
any time.
for pet grooming facilities.
a) Persons wishing to operate a Pet Grooming Facility with
Plano must apply for a pet grooming facility permit. A
issued if the requisite fee is paid, and the applicant mee
(1) Cold and hot water and appropriate
disinfection/sanitizing of cages, grooming tables
utensils is ea
(2) The temperature in the animal housing areas is ma
60-79°F at all times. The temperature in ind
maintained at a level that is healthful for the spec
animals being housed and adequate ve
animal housing areas;
C:\Documents and Settings\Melissap\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLK72\AS Ord Ch 4 Animals Draft.doc
(5) All animals held overnight must be fed and watere
d, and all cages
ousing animals cleaned every day including Sundays and
(6) Written procedures are in place to notify the Division of any local
2 of this chapter.
( represents a Pet
n request by the
at portion of the
use or service the animals, facilities, equipment, and
logs or permits
compliance with
4-804(a). Each
r shall constitute a separate
( r operates a Pet
Section 4-805. Revocation, denial and appeal.
( ed under section
ant fails to meet
it inspections of
( Director. The
eceiving written
or revocation from the Division. If no appeal
ay period, the denial or revocation of
the permit becomes final. Upon receiving an appeal, the Health Director
shall hold a hearing at a time and place of his designation within ten (10)
days of the appeal being received. Based upon the recorded evidence of
the hearing, the Health Director shall make a final ruling. The appellant
may request an accelerated hearing date and the Health Director shall
grant the request if scheduling permits.
(c) The decision of the Health Director shall be final.
rabies control incident as required by Section 4-60
b) A person commits an offense if he owns, manages, or
Grooming Facility that requires a permit and refuses, upo
Division during business hours, to make his animals, th
premises used to ho
any necessary registrations, veterinary records, feeding
available for inspection for the purpose of ascertaining
the provisions of this chapter.
A person commits an offense if he holds a permit under this section and
fails to comply with the requirements set forth in section
animal or condition in violation of this chapte
d) A person commits an offense if he owns, manages o
Grooming Facility without the permit required by this sect
a) The Animal Services Manager may revoke a permit issu
4-804 or refuse to issue a permit if the permittee or applic
the standards required in section 4-804, refuses to perm
the premises, or violates this chapter in any other way.
b) A denial or revocation may be appealed to the Health
appeal must be made in writing within ten (10) days of r
notice of the permit denial
request is received within the ten-d
C:\Documents and Settings\Melissap\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLK72\AS Ord Ch 4 Animals Draft.doc
( ittee or applicant may reapply for a new permit under section 4-
Se n
( btain a Wildlife
all comply with
Director shall require the owner or operator of the Center to present proof
permits prior to
(b) al Centers shall obtain written permission
wild animal and
eet all housing requirements set forth by the Health Director for the
( er is a non-profit
( e owns, operates or manages a Center
n request by the
service the animals, facilities, equipment, and any necessary registrations
for inspection during the establishment’s regular
business hours or at any other reasonable hour.
anages a Center
without a permit.
its Required.
A l Establishment,
An onal Center and
fai display a copy of the current permit in a public area at all
Section 4-808. Wildlife Rehabilitators.
(a) All Wildlife Rehabilitators, as defined herein, shall register as a Wildlife
Rehabilitator with the Division and shall comply with any and all
applicable federal state and local regulations regarding the handling and
release of wildlife.
d) The perm
804 at any time.
ctio 4-806. Wildlife Educational Centers.
a) A Wildlife Educational Center, as defined herein, shall o
Educational Center permit from the Health Director and sh
any and all applicable local, federal and state regulations. The Health
that the Center has all the required federal and state
issuing the permit.
Permitted Wildlife Education
from the Health Director to keep any non-indigenous
shall m
purposes of safely housing the animal.
c) The Health Director shall waive the permit fee if the Cent
d) A person commits an offense if h
which has a permit issued by the City and he refuses, upo
Division, to make his animals, the portion of his premises used to house or
or permits available
(e) A person commits an offense if he owns, operates or m
Section 4-807. Display of Perm
person commits an offense if he holds a permit for an Anima
imal Exhibition, Pet Grooming Facility, or Wildlife Educati
ls to prominently
C:\Documents and Settings\Melissap\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLK72\AS Ord Ch 4 Animals Draft.doc
(b) ife Rehabilitator
his animals, the
ervice animals,
tions or permits
available for inspection during business hours. If there are no regular
sonable hours.
mits an offense if he operates as a Wildlife Rehabilitator
and fails to register with the Division.
(a) display, transfer ownership or offer to
) months of age
ently vaccinated
against rabies.
(b) the Division, may
provided that the following conditions are
plied with;
(2) All displayed animals are sterilized;
age have been
icrochip; and
ed, including the
the microchip
ization for each
(c) A person commits an offense if he advertises, displays, transfers
ownership, or offers to transfer ownership of more than one (1) litter,
clutch, or other group of offspring per twelve (12) month period to another
person for the purpose of breeding, show, personal pet, or resale to a third
person, without first obtaining a Commercial Breeder permit, unless the
owner or person is a governmental agency acting in an official capacity or
a releasing agency acting in accordance with all other provisions of this
A person commits an offense if he is a registered Wildl
and he refuses, upon request by the Division, to make
portion of his premises that is used to house or s
facilities, equipment, and any necessary registra
business hours, then the inspection may occur during rea
(c) A person com
4-809. Private Animal Sales.
No owner or person shall advertise,
transfer ownership of any dog, cat, or ferret over four (4
that is not sterilized, implanted with a microchip, and curr
A releasing agency, with written permission from
transfer ownership of animals
(1) All other provisions of this chapter are com
(3) All displayed animals over three months of
vaccinated against rabies in accordance with this ch
(4) All displayed animals have been implanted with a m
(5) The agency keeps a record for each animal adopt
contact information of each new owner and
information and proof of vaccination and steril
animal adopted.
C:\Documents and Settings\Melissap\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLK72\AS Ord Ch 4 Animals Draft.doc
( plays, transfers
any live animal on any
( splays, transfers
wnership, or offers to transfer ownership of any live animal on any
ty that is not owned or leased by the person displaying the
( over the age of
l is a dangerous
nt evidence of
ealth Director or his designee shall
less the matter is
by agreement of all parties prior to the hearing. To be
t the
(1) Name, address and telephone number of complainant(s) and other
it resides, and, if
e owner of the
ch the complaint is
the incident or incidents which
inant to believe the animal is a dangerous animal;
escription of the
was sought and
(4) Any other facts that the complainant believes to be important.
Section 4-901. Impoundment pending hearing.
(a) Prior to the hearing the animal shall be boarded at the owner’s expense at
the Animal Services Facility, or any other state approved quarantine
facility, pending the outcome of the hearing. If the animal that is the
d) A person commits an offense if he advertises, dis
ownership, or offers to transfer ownership of
public property without written permission from the Divisi
e) A person commits an offense if he advertises, di
private proper
4-900. Complaints.
a) Upon receipt of a sworn, written complaint by any person
eighteen (18) charging that a particular domestic anima
animal as defined in this chapter, the City Enforcement Agent sh
investigate the complaint, and if there is sufficie
dangerousness, a hearing before the H
be held to determine whether the animal is dangerous, un
considered valid, the sworn, written complaints shall contain at leas
following information:
(2) A description of the animal and the address where
known, the name and telephone number of th
(3) A statement describing the facts upon whi
based including: a description of
cause the compla
the date, time and location of the incident; a d
injuries sustained and whether medical assistance
the outcome of that treatment;
C:\Documents and Settings\Melissap\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLK72\AS Ord Ch 4 Animals Draft.doc
subject of the hearing was already impounded for being an animal at large,
the hearing.
(b) A person commits an offense if he interferes with the lawful seizure of an
( on commits an offense if he harbors, hides, transports, or secures
preventing its
( operates or manages a
y, and he fails to
leases it to any
or the animal’s whereabouts.
Subsection (d) shall not apply if the person operating or managing
ission from the
Section 4-902. Hearing.
( Animal shall be
f the complaint,
re of the animal, whichever occurs later.
( Director or his
ants by certified
t the hearing all
ence on the issue of
whether the animal is dangerous.
( l is a Dangerous
t dangerous and
fter all impound
ector shall have the
authority to refund, reduce, or waive any fees incurred to the owner.
(d) For the Health Director to deem the animal dangerous he must find that
the animal meets the definition of a Dangerous Animal as listed in Section
4-100 of this chapter and that the destruction, removal, or registration of
the animal is necessary to preserve the public health, safety, and welfare.
If the animal is determined to be dangerous, the Health Director or his
designee shall order that the owner comply with one of the following:
the animal shall remain impounded until the conclusion of
animal by a City Enforcement Agent.
c) A pers
the transport for any animal for the purpose of
d) A person commits an offense if the person
quarantine facility other than the Animal Services Facilit
properly confine the animal as to prevent its escape, re
person; or not be able to account f
the quarantine facility first obtains written perm
Health Director to release the animal;
a) The hearing to determine if an animal is a Dangerous
conducted within twenty (20) business days after receipt o
impoundment, or seizu
b) Notice of the hearing shall be provided by the Health
designee to the owner of the animal and the complain
mail, return receipt requested or by personal service. A
parties shall be given opportunity to present evid
c) Upon conclusion of a hearing to determine if an anima
Animal, the Health Director may find that the animal is no
order that it be promptly returned to its owner’s custody a
and board fees have been paid. The Health Dir
C:\Documents and Settings\Melissap\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLK72\AS Ord Ch 4 Animals Draft.doc
(1) Euthanasia of the dangerous animal:
a. shall be ordered if the Health Director determines the
animal caused the death or serious bodily injury of a
determines the
c. may be ordered if the Health Director determines the
d caused serious
ordered if the Health Director determines the
animal was outside its enclosure or yard and caused bodily
has made at least one (1)
al or person on a
ity limits.
the owner must
h Director, in writing, the destination address
of where the animal is to reside and proof that the owner has
ervices in that area.
proof of having a microchip
pla Health Director and make
available at the Animal Services Facility the animal for scanning
e removes the animal
al; or
2. Provide proof of the implanting of the microchip; or
3. Make the animal available for scanning.
b. A person commits an offense if he removes the animal
from a state approved quarantine facility prior to complying
with the notice requirements in subsection 4-902(d) (2).
b. may be ordered if the Health Director
animal caused bodily injury to a person;
animal was outside its enclosure or yard an
bodily injury or death to another animal;
d. may be
injury to another animal and
unprovoked attack against an anim
previous occasion;
e. the owner of the animal may elect euthanas
(2) Removal of the dangerous animal from within the C
Prior to the release of the animal from quarantine
provide to the Healt
alerted the agency responsible for animal s
Additionally, the owner shall furnish
im nted into the animal to the
so the City can verify the code.
a. A person commits an offense if h
from the City under this section and fails to
1. Implant a microchip in the anim
C:\Documents and Settings\Melissap\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLK72\AS Ord Ch 4 Animals Draft.doc
(3) Return to the owner as a registered Dangerous A
owner demonstrates com
nimal once the
pliance with this chapter and the
howing financial
undred and fifty
mages resulting
l causing bodily
bodily injury or death to a person or another
ept on file at the
providing the name
s of the animal; the address where
d at least two (2) color
photographs that clearly identify the Dangerous Animal;
e. Posting signs giving notice of a Dangerous Animal in the
al is confined.
t both the front
r letters not less
o (2) inches high, stating “DANGEROUS ANIMAL
t yellow collar
visible at fifty (50) feet in normal daylight and attaching a
Division to the
e animal can be
g. Implanting a microchip into the animal and registering it
for life with the Division and a recognized national
h. Providing written notice of the animal’s designation as
dangerous to the owner or landlord of the property where
the animal will be kept;
following requirements:
a. Obtaining liability insurance coverage or s
responsibility in an amount of at least two h
thousand dollars ($250,000.00) to cover da
from an attack by the Dangerous Anima
injury, serious
animal. A certificate of insurance or other evidence of
meeting the above requirements shall be k
Animal Services Facility;
b. Registering with the City of Plano by
and address of the owner; the breed, age, sex, color and any
other identifying mark
the animal is to be kept; an
c. Having proof of animal sterilization;
d. Constructing a secure enclosure for the ani
area or on the premises in which the anim
The signs shall be conspicuously posted a
and rear property entrances and shall bea
than tw
f. Providing the animal with a fluorescen
fluorescent orange tag provided by the
collar that is worn at all times so that th
easily identi
C:\Documents and Settings\Melissap\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLK72\AS Ord Ch 4 Animals Draft.doc
i. Paying the appropriate Dangerous Animal annual permit
o remain in any
zoned property.
rch, patio, or in
allow the animal
, no Dangerous
mal may be kept in a house or structure when the
from exiting the
e outside of the
less the animal
by a person of
strain the animal
als shall not be
h as trees, posts,
must be securely
ury to the animal
but shall prevent
the animal from biting other animals or human beings.
(e) claration of the
conditions as set
r fails to provide proof of meeting all
of the requirements, the animal may be euthanized on the sixteenth (16
the owner of a permitted
Dangerous Animal and refuses, upon request by the Division, to make
ecessary permits
(g) A person commits an offense if he is the owner of a Dangerous Animal
and he fails to comply with the requirements in 4-902(d) (3).
(h) No domestic animal may be declared a Dangerous Animal if:
(1) The threat, injury, or damage was sustained by a person who at the
time was committing a willful trespass or other tort upon the
j. No Dangerous Animal shall be allowed t
duplex or in any multi-family, residentially
No Dangerous Animal may be kept on a po
any part of a house or structure that would
to exit of its own volition. In addition
windows are open or when screen windows or screen doors
are the only obstacle preventing the animal
structure; and
k. The owner shall not allow the animal to b
owner’s residence or its secure enclosure un
is under continuous direct physical control
competent mental and physical ability to re
under all circumstances. Dangerous Anim
tethered to inanimate objects, suc
buildings, etc., for any length of time. A Dangerous
Animal that is outside its secure enclosure
fitted with a muzzle that will not cause inj
nor interfere with its vision or respiration
The owner shall have fifteen (15) days from the de
animal as dangerous to comply with all of the required
forth by this chapter. If the owne
(f) A person commits an offense if he is
his animal, premises, facilities, equipment, and any n
available for inspection at any reasonable time.
C:\Documents and Settings\Melissap\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLK72\AS Ord Ch 4 Animals Draft.doc
premises occupied by the owner of the animal;
(2) The person was teasing, tormenting, abusing, or assaulting the
animal or has in the past been observed to have teased, tormented,
mit a
) The animal attacked was at large at the time of the incident, unless
e of the incident
provoked attack
ast one (1) previous
injury or died
as a result of the injuries it sustained during the attack.
e incident was
g, tormenting, abusing, or attacking the alleged Dangerous
s not a domestic animal;
rson within the
ty of the animal from an unjustified attack or
animal’s breed,
Section 4-903. Dangerous Animal: escape, death or subsequent attack.
(a) In the event that a registered Dangerous Animal escapes its enclosure or
attacks a human being or another animal, the owner of the Dangerous
Animal shall notify the Division. Additionally, the owner shall provide
written documentation of the incident to the Health Director within one (1)
business day of becoming aware of the escape or attack. The written
documentation may be delivered by hand, U.S. mail or email.
(1) A person commits an offense if he fails to provide notice.
abused, or assaulted the animal;
(3) The person attacked was committing or attempting to com
the attacking animal was also at large at the tim
a. The attacking animal has committed an un
on another person or animal on at le
occasion; or
b. The animal attacked suffered serious bodily
(5) The animal attacked or killed at the time of th
Animal or if the animal attacked wa
(6) The animal was protecting or defending a pe
immediate vicini
(7) The animal was injured and responding to pain; or
(8) The complaint filed against it is based solely on the
size, or physical appearance.
C:\Documents and Settings\Melissap\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLK72\AS Ord Ch 4 Animals Draft.doc
ommits an offense if he fails to provide written
( the owner must
sed veterinarian
l of its body. If
a licensed veterinarian, the owner shall
to the Division
e identity of the
chip scanning.
(2) A person commits an offense if he fails to provide verification of
Section al.
(a) Prior to transferring ownership, offering to transfer ownership, or
tered Dangerous
r shall notify the
on shall include
( son who resides
uired to provide
with all provisions of this
revious owner’s
the owner must
( mmits an offense if he transfers ownership without complying
with the requirements of this section.
Section 4-905. Violations of conditions by owner of a registered Dangerous Animal.
(a) In the event that any owner of a registered Dangerous Animal violates any
provision of this chapter, court order or lawful order of the Health
Director, the animal may be immediately seized and impounded by a City
Enforcement Agent.
(2) A person c
b) In the event that a registered Dangerous Animal dies,
present the body of the animal to the Division or a licen
for verification by microchip identification before disposa
the owner presents the animal to
provide written verification of the microchip reading
within three (3) business days of the sc
(1) A person commits an offense if he fails to have th
dead animal verified by micro
the scanning as required by this subsection.
4-904. Transferring ownership of registered Dangerous Anim
otherwise moving or offering to move in any way a regis
Animal, either inside or outside the City limits, the owne
Health Director in writing of his intention. The notificati
the name and address of the proposed new owner of the anim
b) If ownership of the animal is being transferred to a per
within the City limits of Plano, the new owner will be req
proof to the Health Director of complying
chapter before the animal can be moved from the p
(c) If the animal is being moved outside the City limits,
provide, in writing to the Health Director, proof that the new owner ha
alerted the agency responsible for animal services in that a
d) A person co
C:\Documents and Settings\Melissap\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLK72\AS Ord Ch 4 Animals Draft.doc
( ediately if the
a human being or another animal.
( or violating any
ith safety, and the Dangerous
ng attacked, the
willful trespass,
er of the animal.
s an exception to the seizure of the animal under this section if the
cure enclosure
ay be appealed
unicipal Court.
notice of appeal
ealth Director’s
er of the Health
pounded at the
state approved
all furnish the
urt with all reports, memoranda, and other tangible evidence received
by the Health Director as well as a summary of the evidence presented and the
f receiving notice of
appeal from the appellant. r
d tation to affirm,
m rt shall be made
b f the reviewing
Section 4-907. Animals deemed dangerous by other jurisdictions.
(a) The owner of an animal that has been determined to be dangerous by
another jurisdiction, under guidelines similar to those in this chapter, is
prohibited from bringing the animal into the City. Any animal that is
brought into the City in violation of this section shall immediately be
turned over to a City Enforcement Agent. On the sixteenth (16
) day, the
b) The registered Dangerous Animal shall be seized imm
animal bites, injures, or attacks
c) A Dangerous Animal hearing shall be held.
d) If the seizure or impoundment of a Dangerous Animal f
provision of this chapter cannot be made w
Animal is putting people or other animals at risk of bei
animal may be destroyed without prior notice to the owne
It is an exception to the seizure of the animal under this section if the
person attacked or injured was at the time committing a
crime or other tort upon the premises occupied by the own
(f) It i
animal which was injured was inside the fence line or se
area maintained by the owner of the registered Dangerous A
ction 4-906. Appeal.
Orders of the Health Director pertaining to a Dangerous Animal m
to a court of competent jurisdiction, including the Plano M
Appeals to the court shall be made by the owner filing a written
with the court not later than the fifth (5
) day after the date the H
order was entered. During the pendency of the appeal, the ord
Director shall be suspended, and the animal shall remain im
owner’s expense at the Animal Services Facility or other
quarantine facility for observation. The Health Director sh
reviewing co
Health Director’s findings within five (5) business days o
The reviewing court shall have fifteen (15) calenda
ays from the receipt of the notice of appeal and the documen
odify, or reverse the decision. The decision of the reviewing cou
y the application of the substantial evidence rule. Decisions o
ourt shall be final.
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impounded animal may be considered abandoned and
authorized in this chapter. The owner may elect to imm
the an
disposed of as
ediately remove
imal from the City and shall comply with the notice requirements of
nse if he is the owner of an animal that
be dangerous by another jurisdiction and
n that states the
all animals deemed dangerous. The Dangerous
tures shall be included as well as any other
information deemed pertinent. The list shall be available at the Animal Services
s webpage.
Section 00
( ts an offense if he possesses any wild animal within the
ollowing exceptions:
a governmental
lso in possession
te and federal permits to possess the animal and
r federal
habilitator in possession of an indigenous
wild animal who holds all necessary state and federal permits to
possess the animal and is in compliance with all restrictions of the
state and/or federal permits.
(b) For the purposes of this chapter, the Health Director shall make the
determination of whether any animal in question is a domestic animal or a
wild animal and whether any wild animal is indigenous pursuant to the
definitions in section 4-100 of this chapter.
this chapter.
(1) A person commits an offe
has been determined to
brings such animal into the City lim
ction 4-908. Listing of registered Dangerous Animals.
The Health Director shall publish a list available to any citize
identifying information of
Animal’s address, description, and pic
Facility and on the City’
4-10 . Keeping wild animals.
a) A person commi
City of Plano, with the f
(1) A governmental agency or entity performing
(2) A zoological park;
(3) A permitted Wildlife Educational Center that is a
of all necessary sta
is in compliance with all restrictions of the state and/o
permits; or
(4) A registered Wildlife Re
C:\Documents and Settings\Melissap\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLK72\AS Ord Ch 4 Animals Draft.doc
( se if he is aware of a wild animal in the City of
to notify the Division.
Se n
( person commits an offense if he transfers ownership or offers to transfer
provision of this
( from giving ill,
abilitator or to a
er. This section shall not be
trict a permitted Wildlife Educational Center from
transferring wild animals to another educational center, zoological park, or
(a) eir hives, or any
bees may be kept if all of
at least ten (10)
feet from the hive and not less than eight (8) feet in height that
change the flight path of the bees as they leave the hives;
(3) There is an adequate source of water within twenty (20) feet of all
ive body. Each
days after it is
(5) Each hive must be re-queened at least once every twenty-four (24)
months; and
(6) The owner notifies the City Enforcement Agent, in writing, of the
location and number of hives in his possession. Additionally, the
owner shall keep purchase receipts and written records of the exact
dates he re-queens each hive for at least two (2) years.
c) A person commits an offen
Plano and fails
ctio 4-1001. Sale of wild animals.
a) A
ownership of any wild animal, unless allowed by another
b) This section shall not be interpreted to restrict a person
injured, or orphaned wildlife to a registered Wildlife Reh
permitted Wildlife Educational Cent
interpreted to res
other facility capable of legally caring for the animal.
-1002. Bee-keeping. 4
A person commits an offense if he keeps or allows bees, th
abandoned hives within the City limits. Honey
the following conditions are met:
(1) All hives shall be surrounded by barriers placed
(2) There shall be no more than three (3) hives per City
(4) There may be maintained one nucleus for each two (2) colonies.
The nucleus shall not exceed one ten-frame h
nucleus shall be disposed of within sixty (60)
C:\Documents and Settings\Melissap\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLK72\AS Ord Ch 4 Animals Draft.doc
( sesses bees and
is bees, premises,
e for inspection during reasonable hours.
Se n
( person commits an offense if he keeps livestock within the corporate
g ordinances of
(b) pens or enclosed
are offensive to
( anure and other
from becoming
( ces any falconry
ritten permission
granted for the
( its prior to the
within the City
of this chapter.
( al Centers, school agricultural
ns, and fair grounds, when hogs or swine are kept therein for exhibition
or veterinary treatment purposes, are exempt from this section provided
ilities meet the
inance, and are
from creating a nuisance for
any surrounding businesses or residences.
Section 4-1004. Estray.
(a) A person commits an offense if he is the owner of livestock and allows an
estray to be unattended upon any public street, alley, thoroughfare or upon
the property of another in the corporate City limits of Plano.
b) A person commits an offense if he owns, harbors, or pos
refuses, upon request by the Division, to make h
facilities, or equipment availabl
ctio 4-1003. Keeping livestock; nuisance conditions.
a) A
limits of the City, except in conformance with the zonin
the City.
A person commits an offense if he keeps livestock in
areas in such a manner as to create odors or noise which
other persons living nearby.
c) A person commits an offense if he fails to dispose of m
excrement in such a manner as to prevent the odor
offensive or causing unhealthy conditions to persons.
d) A person commits an offense if he engages in or practi
activities on any public land without obtaining prior w
from the Health Director. Permission may only be
purposes of controlling and removing avian species deemed a nuisance.
e) Any hog or swine being legally kept within the City lim
effective date of this ordinance shall be allowed to remain
so long as the owner complies with all other requirements
f) Veterinary hospitals, Wildlife Education
that all pens, barns, stables, or other housing fac
requirements of the City building code and zoning ord
maintained in such a way as to prevent them
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Se n
( n at-large animal,
person, on his property without
( A person commits an offense if he prevents, interferes with, obstructs, or
t who is in the
local or federal
( y lawful order of
ed by the Agent during the enforcement of
makes a claim of ownership for an
ws is false.
( violation of City
w that he knows is false.
Se tion 02
(a) A person commits an offense if the person transfers ownership, or offers
lly present at an
raffle, auction, or other competition; or
(b) This section shall not be interpreted to restrict any livestock from being
offered for sale at a public auction house or livestock show or barn,
provided that the sale does not otherwise violate any other section of this
chapter or any other state, local or federal law.
(c) Subsection (a) shall not apply if the prize or inducement offered was a gift
certificate or other document that could be exchanged for a live animal on
a subsequent date and time.
ctio 4-1100. Retention of animals at large.
a) A person commits an offense if the person confines a
other than one already owned by the
notifying the Division of the confinement within twenty-four (24) hours.
4-1101. Interference; Filing of False Claims or Reports.
gives false information to any City Enforcement Agen
lawful discharge of his duties under this chapter, state,
b) A person commits an offense if he fails to comply with an
a City Enforcement Agent issu
this chapter, state, local or federal laws.
(c) A person commits an offense if he
animal that he kno
d) A person commits an offense if he makes a report of a
ordinance or state, local or federal la
c 4-11 . Inducement prohibited.
to transfer ownership, of any live animal which is physica
event or business as a prize or as an inducement:
(1) to enter any contest, game,
(2) to enter into a business agreement.
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Se n
( or other vehicle
animals or fowl in a residential
cle is creating odors, gases or fumes
onable sensibilities.
Section 4-1104. Slaughtering of animals within public view.
in an area that is
Section II
ctio 4-1103. Parking of vehicles used to transport animals.
a) A person commits an offense if he parks a truck, trailer,
that is used for the hauling of livestock,
area of the City of Plano and the vehi
that are offensive to a person of reas
(a) A person commits an offense if he slaughters an animal
open to the view of the general public.”
. All provisions of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Plano, codified or
unc ed, and all other
d, not in conflict
Section III.
odified, in conflict with the provisions of this Ordinance are hereby repeal
provisions of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Plano, codified or uncodifie
with the provisions of this Ordinance shall remain in full force and effect.
It is hereby declared to be the intention of the City Council that the
sec rable, and if any
utional or invalid
t affect any
tions, paragraphs, sentences, clauses, and phrases of this Ordinance are seve
phrase, clause, sentence, or section of this Ordinance shall be declared unconstit
by any court of competent jurisdiction, such unconstitutionality or invalidity shall no
other remaining phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph or section of this Ordinance.
Section IV. The repeal of any Ordinance or part of Ordinances eff
enactment of this Ordinance shall not be construed as abandoning any action no
or by virtue of such Ordinance or as discontinuing, abating, modifying or alte
accruing or
ectuated by the
w pending under
ring any penalty
to accrue, or as affecting any rights of the municipality under any section or
pro e
Section V.
visions at th time of passage of this ordinance.
Any person, firm or corporation found to be violating any term or
provision of this Ordinance, shall be subject to a fine in accordance with Section 1-4(b) of the
City Code of Ordinances for each offense. Every day a violation continues shall constitute a
separate offense.
Section VI. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its passage and
publication as required by law.
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DULY PASSED AND APPROVED this the _________ day of __________________, 2009.
Pat Evans, MAYOR
Diane C. Wetherbee, CITY ATTORNEY
Diane Zucco, CITY SE