Registering a financing statement for a limited time period
Registering a financing change statement to renew a registration for a
limited time period (for each year or part of a year in the period)
Registering a financing statement for infinity
Registering a financing change statement to renew a registration for infinity
Registering a financing change statement to effect a change in a registration
other than a change in the expiry date of the registration
Registering a financing change statement to effect a global change in
secured party information (for each registration affected by the change)
Printed form surcharge for registering a financing statement or financing
change statement that is submitted for registration to the Registry office in
printed form (in addition to the registration fee) - for each form
Registering a discharge statement
Conducting a search and issuing a printed search result
Conducting a search and transmitting the search result electronically
Providing a copy of any printed financing statement, financing change
statement, discharge statement or any registered prescribed form
Providing a copy of any printed registered document (other than a financing
statement, financing change statement, discharge statement or prescribed
form (for each page)
Certifying a printed copy of a registered financing statement, financing
change statement, discharge statement, prescribed form or other
Personal Property Registry Fees
Effective January 7, 2024
Providing a copy of a history of a registration
Providing under an agreement with the Registrar (on a volume or bulk basis)
a copy of registered data - for each registration day
Creating and assigning a party code