Products / Eligibility USCurrent Products
Eligibility and Product Guidelines
This document contains the following information regarding, product eligibility guidelines, product type
descriptions, insurance class descriptions and product term descriptions. Select the corresponding link below
to learn more:
Eligibility Guidelines
Face Amount Limits
Insurance Class
Insurance Products (Term Definitions)
Freedom Accumulation Benefit (APDA)
Eligibility Guidelines:
TermNow Custom Advantage
Rapid Issue Eligibility Guidelines:
Applications will be underwritten using an
automated and streamlined underwriting process
that utilizes one or more electronic data reports
(MIB, MVR, Rx History) vs. Oral fluid testing.
We will notify the writing agent via e-mail if we are
able to approve the coverage immediately or if we
will require additional time to review. If additional
underwriting is required, use POL’s Life Manager
system to monitor the application throughout the
underwriting process.
The following items will delay immediate approval
of coverage:
TINs / Tax ID Numbers or Invalid SSNs
Invalid Driver License numbers
Age and Amount Tele-underwriting
Replacement Application NY
Prior or Active Primerica insurance coverage
COD Applications (medical questions that
trigger a COD warning / submission)
Traditional Underwriting Guidelines:
Applications will be underwritten using traditional
underwriting requirements, including a paramedical
exam and Blood / Urine testing.
The Home Office will coordinate the ordering and
collection of underwriting requirements. Please use
the POL’s Life Manager system to monitor the
application throughout the underwriting process.
Products / Eligibility USCurrent Products
TermNow Custom Advantage
Apps submitted outside of service hours of
Monday Saturday, 7am Midnight EST
Face Amount Limits:
TermNow Custom Advantage
18 45 $15,000* - $250,000 18 45 >= $150,000
46 50 $15,000* - $200,000 46 50 >= $100,000
51+ $15,000* - $100000 51+ >= $50,000
*Minimum face amount for Preferred class is $150,000
Insurance Class:
Insurance Class selection within the application does not represent a guarantee that the policy will be issued
using the selected class. The final insurance class will be determined once the underwriting process is
TermNow Custom Advantage
Non-Tobacco / Non-Nicotine:
Applicant has not used tobacco / nicotine within the
past 12 months.
Preferred / Preferred Plus:
Minimum coverage amount is 150 units and no
tobacco/nicotine use within the past five years.
Please refer to the rate class quick guide, preferred
plus and preferred columns to determine if the
applicant may qualify, subject to underwriting
requirement review.
Important! While you may quote Preferred Plus,
applications will be submitted as Preferred. The
premium collected at submission will be Preferred
rate. The final insurance class will be determined
Products / Eligibility USCurrent Products
TermNow Custom Advantage
once the underwriting process is complete.
Additional premiums may be required upon deliver if
underwriting determines that the applicant is not
eligible for Preferred Plus.
Tobacco / Nicotine:
Applicant has used tobacco / nicotine within the past
12 months
Non-Tobacco / Non-Nicotine:
Applicant has not used Tobacco / Nicotine within the
past 12 months.
Tobacco / Nicotine:
Applicant has used Tobacco / Nicotine within the
past 12 months
Insurance Products: (TOP)
Term Features
35 Year
Clients age 18-45 years old (nearest birthday) are eligible to apply for our 35 year level face amount
term policies or riders which provide coverage until age 95, when these policies and riders expire.
After 35 years, if the insured is under age 70, premiums increase every 5 years until age 70. For all
insureds, beginning at age 70 premiums increase annually. Premiums are guaranteed for an initial
period of 20
30 Year
Clients age 18-50 years old (nearest birthday) are eligible to apply for our 30 year level face amount
term policies or riders which provide coverage until age 95, when these policies and riders expire.
After 30 years, if the insured is under age 70, premiums increase every 5 years until age 70. For all
insureds, beginning at age 70 premiums increase annually. Premiums are guaranteed for an initial
period of 20
20 Year
Clients age 18-60 years old (nearest birthday) are eligible to apply for our 20 year level face amount
term policies or riders which provide coverage until age 95, when these policies and riders expire.
After 20 years, if the insured is under age 70, premiums increase every 5 years until age 70. For all
insureds, beginning at age 70 premiums increase annually. Premiums are guaranteed for an initial
period of 20 years.
15 Year
Clients age 18-65 years old (nearest birthday) are eligible to apply for our 15 year level face amount
term policies or riders which provide coverage until age 95, when these policies and riders expire.
After 15 years, if the insured is under age 70, premiums increase every 5 years until age 70. For all
insureds, beginning at age 70 premiums increase annually. Premiums are guaranteed for an initial
period of 15 years.
10 Year
Clients age 18-70 years old (nearest birthday) are eligible to apply for our 10 year level face amount
term policies or riders which provide coverage until age 95, when these policies and riders expire.
Products / Eligibility USCurrent Products
Term Features
After 10 years, if the insured is under age 70, premiums increase every 5 years until age 70. For all
insureds, beginning at age 70 premiums increase annually. Premiums are guaranteed for an initial
period of 10 years.
Freedom Accumulation Benefit (APDA):
Policy owners may prepay premiums under the terms of this rider. If a policy is in jeopardy of lapsing, any advance
premium paid will be used to pay the premium. Owners earn interest on the advance premium balance.
The minimum premium prepayment is based on the selected Premium Mode: Monthly: $10; Quarterly: $25; Semi-annual:
$50; Annual: $100. If a payment, adjusted for the Premium Mode, does not meet the minimum, it is increased to the
minimum required.
The maximum premium prepayment is $5,000 annually for US and Canada (with exceptions for some US states). If a
payment, adjusted for the Premium Mode, exceeds the maximum, it is decreased to the maximum allowed.
Exceptions: For CA, the maximum is $5,000 or ten times the annual Total Policy Premium whichever is less. For GA,
MD, NH, NM, SC, and WA: the maximum is $5,000 or two times the annual Total Policy Premium whichever is less. For
PA, if an annual payment greater than $5,000 is preferred, contact Policy Owner Services.