Authored By:
GBR Contractor PSM Element
Blanchard Refining Company LLC
Galveston Bay Refinery
PSM Contractor Site Plan
Doc No.: RGD-PS-000020-GB
Rev No: 0
Doc Custodian:
GBR Supply Chain Manager
Refinery General Document
Approved By: Signature Page
Date Approved: 12/30/2019
Next Review Date: 12/30/2024
Effective Date: 12/30/2019
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Describe the GBR PSM Contractor Site Plan and the Contractor Process Safety
Management (PSM) Requirements at the Marathon Petroleum Company LP (MPC) dba
Blanchard Refining Company LLC (BRC) Galveston Bay Refinery (GBR).
The PSM Contractor Site Plan establishes a process for the prequalification of contractors
performing safety-sensitive services on behalf of Marathon Petroleum Company LP (MPC)
dba Blanchard Refining Company LLC (BRC), Galveston Bay Refinery (GBR). The process
defines the contractors and services governed by the Site Plan; measurable criteria
contractors are required to meet before work is awarded; a management system for
maintenance of contractor safety information and status; guidelines for use of a third-
party vetting firm; and a temporary exception process for required contractors that fail to
meet the prequalification criteria.
OSHA Process Safety Management of Highly Hazardous Chemicals Standard found at 29
CFR 1910.119 applies to companies that handle any of more than 130 specific toxins and
reactive chemicals in quantities equal to or greater than those listed in Appendix A of the
standard; it also includes flammable liquids and gases in quantities of 10,000 pounds or
more in a covered process. GBR is considered a PSM Facility. This PSM Contractor Site
Plan applies to all contractor personnel performing work for BRC at BRC owned, leased or
controlled locations or within BRC owned equipment (excluding work performed on BRC
equipment at non-BRC owned or non-controlled locations).
Printed copies of this document should not be retained more than 12 months. Any
revision to this document will be retained indefinitely.
This document supersedes GBR-HESS-PS 6.0,Rev.1.
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Title: PSM Contractor Site Plan
Rev No: 0
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References ........................................................................................................... 4
Refining References ......................................................................................... 4
Acronyms .......................................................................................................... 4
Definitions ......................................................................................................... 4
Roles and Responsibilities See Appendix A Roles & Responsibility Process
Map ...................................................................................................................... 8
Contractors Application .................................................................................. 8
Employer Responsibilities ................................................................................. 8
Covered Contractors .......................................................................................... 10
PSM / RMP Regulation ................................................................................... 10
Written Plan Required ..................................................................................... 11
Service Contract ............................................................................................. 11
Related Documents ........................................................................................ 12
Employer Responsibilities .................................................................................. 13
PSM / RMP Regulation ................................................................................... 13
Contractor Selection - General Requirements ................................................ 13
Contractor Written Program Exemption Review Requirements ...................... 14
Temporary Approval Process Contractor Selection. .................................... 15
Pre-Work Activity - Management of Contractors On-Site / Contractor Risk
Mitigation Tools.......................................................................................................... 17
Temporary Approval Process Pre-Work Activity ............................................. 21
Control of Unit Entry and Exit .......................................................................... 22
Injury Log ........................................................................................................ 22
Contractor Audits ............................................................................................ 22
Contract Employer Responsibilities .................................................................... 26
PSM/RMP Regulation ..................................................................................... 26
Contractor Responsibilities ............................................................................. 26
BRC Responsibility ......................................................................................... 27
Training .............................................................................................................. 27
Training Requirements .................................................................................... 27
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Contractor Training Table ............................................................................... 29
Appendix A: Contractor Field Verification Audit Checklist ............................................. 30
Approvals: ..................................................................................................................... 31
Revision History ............................................................................................................ 31
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Rev No: 0
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Refining References
The table below lists the Refining references used within this document.
Number Description
PSM-1070 Corporate HES&S Standards Process Safety Management
SAF 4004 Contractor Safety Management Standard
RSP-1306 Refining Standard Practice - PSM/RMP Contractors
The following acronyms are used within this document:
BRC Blanchard Refining Company
DCCHT DISA Contractor Consortium Hair Testing Program
EMR Worker’s Compensation Experience Modification Rate
GBR Blanchard Refining Company Galveston Bay Refinery
HAZCOM Hazard Communication
HF Acid - Hydrofluoric Acid
MOC Management of Change
MPC Marathon Petroleum Company LP
OMCC Oil Movements Control Center
PHA Process Hazard Analysis
PPE Personal Protective Equipment
PSM Process Safety Management
RMP Risk Management Plan
RSP Refining Standard Practice
SCTCSafety Council of Texas City
TWIC Transportation Worker Identification Credential
Component: Operating entities within Organizations (e.g. Robinson Refinery a
Component of Refining; Terminals a Component of MPLX Logistics & Storage;
Javelina Processing Facility a Component of MPLX Gathering & Processing;
Marathon Pipe Line - a Component of MPLX Logistics & Storage
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Common Evaluation Criteria (CEC): Safety performance criteria used to determine if
Contractors qualify to perform services at BRC, as outlined in SAF-4004, Appendix B
Common Evaluation Criteria.
Consultant: A non-BRC professional who provides professional or expert advice in a
particular area such as engineering, safety, training, management or any other
specialized fields. Once a Consultant performs Safety Sensitive work, as defined by this
Site Plan, they will be considered a Contractor and required to comply with this Site
Contractor: Any non-BRC entity providing labor, and/or services relating to the
construction, maintenance or operations on BRC owned, leased and/or controlled
property (third-party owned and BRC controlled work) and includes without limitation,
prime contractors as well as subcontractors. The term excludes Consultants, Couriers,
Marine Chemist, members of the public, Motor Carriers, public emergency services,
public utilities (including Water, Electric, Gas, Phone, Internet, Cable), Sales
Representatives, Tankermen, third-party right-of-way owners, Vendors, and Visitors.
Utilize the Contractor Decision Flowchart (Appendix E Contractor Decision Flowchart)
to assist in decisions (Motor Carriers & Tankerman have separate vetting processes).
NOTE: Non-BRC entities that meet the generally-accepted definition of Consultant,
Sales Representative and/or Vendor, but perform, Safety Sensitive Services as defined
in this Site Plan shall be defined as Contractors, and shall be subject to this Site
Practice, Where such Consultants, Sales Representatives and/or Vendors defined as
Contractors do not meet the Common Evaluation Criteria, a Temporary Approval per
section 4.4 of this Site Plan is appropriate to allow specific risk mitigation tools to be
implemented for the specific hazards that the Contractor may encounter.
Contractor Risk Mitigation Tools: These are controls that when incorporated will
facilitate a higher level of Contractor performance and compliance with regulations and
Contractor Safety Management Team: A cross functional team of MPC employees
consisting of representatives from Corporate Safety, Refining - Safety, L&S - Safety,
G&P, Administrative Services HES, Supply Chain and the MPC Law Organization.
Covered Process: “Process” means any activity involving a hazardous chemical
including using, storing, manufacturing, handling, or moving such chemicals at the site,
or any combination of these activities. For purposes of this definition, any group of
vessels that are interconnected and separate vessels located in a way that could
involve a highly hazardous chemical in a potential release are considered a single
Facility: A BRC owned, leased, operated or controlled place where work is performed
(e.g., Refinery, Terminal, Pipeline, Dock). Facility shall include Process Safety
Management (PSM) covered facilities, as well as non-PSM covered facilities, unless
otherwise specified in this Site Plan.
Life Critical Activities: Activities, as defined by the Organization, that have a
significant potential for serious injury, illness or death resulting from failure to comply.
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Title: PSM Contractor Site Plan
Rev No: 0
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Organization: Organizational groups (e.g., Refining, Logistics & Storage (L&S),
Marketing, Gathering & Processing (G&P).
BRC Representative: Any employee (BRC or Contractor) with primary responsibility
for overseeing the completion of work being conducted by a Contractor and/or
interfacing with Contractor supervision or Contractor employees (e.g., Project Lead,
Ops Tech, Operator, BRC Supervisor, Directly Supervised Contractor (DSC) working on
behalf of BRC, BRC Safety Rep).
Safety Sensitive Services: Work performed at Facilities owned, leased, operated, or
controlled by BRC, that may affect personal & process safety including but not limited
Work performed on process equipment or within a process boundary;
Work that involves Life Critical Activities or other hazardous activities as defined
by the Organization.
NOTE: Utilize the Safety Sensitive Decision Flowchart (Appendix F Safety
Sensitive Decision Flowchart) or consult the appropriate Supply Chain / HES&S
Representative to assist in decisions.
Work performed by third-party contractor services on facilities or equipment
owned by business partners of BRC but located on BRC owned or controlled
property is excluded from this Standard (e.g., electrical substation, specialty gas
plant, pipeline station, communication equipment).
Safety Status Met: Designation assigned to a Contractor who meets or exceeds all of
the requirements of the Common Evaluation Criteria.
Safety Status Met-With Restrictions: Designation assigned to a contractor who
meets or exceeds the requirements of the Common Evaluation Criteria and is subject to
Work Restrictions due to waiver of one or more Safety Programs.
Safety Status Not Met: Designation assigned to a Contractor who does not meet all
of the requirements of the Common Evaluation Criteria.
Supplier: A person or entity that is the source for goods or services. A supplier could
provide goods or services to BRC or to a Vendor. Once a Supplier performs Safety
Sensitive Services, as defined by this Standard, they will be considered a Contractor
and required to comply with this Site Plan.
Temporary Approval (TA): A set of criteria outlined in Section 4.4 that provide for the
limited use of Contractors that do not meet the Common Evaluation Criteria. The
criteria must be indicated on Contractor Temporary Approval Form as one of the
Emergency Response: A Temporary Approval granted to a Contractor named as a
responder on one or more government-mandated list(s) of emergency-response
Contractors (e.g., Oil Spill Response Organization or “OSRO”). This TA applies only to
emergency response services during an active response. This Contractor cannot
perform other services (e.g., environmental services, vacuum truck services outside of
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an active response). All OSRO’s listed on government-mandated lists are required to
be approved by MPC’s third-party contractor vetting firm or under a TA. If an active
emergency response requires the use of a Contractor who is not approved by MPC’s
third party vetting firm or under a TA, they are allowed to be used until the emergency
response is over. After the emergency response is over the Contractor will start the
approval process through the third-party contractor vetting firm or a TA will be started
for their use in the future.
No History: A Temporary Approval granted to a Contractor because the criteria is not
available, because the Contactor is not in MPC’s third-party contractor vetting firm or is
in progress of submitting the Contractor Evaluation Criteria. New Contractor companies
that do not have three years of data will be evaluated on the data that is available. See
Appendix B Common Evaluation Criteria for additional details on possible “Overrides”.
Project Specific: A Temporary Approval granted for a Contractor to perform a
predetermined project specifically identified in the Temporary Approval form (e.g.,
installation of an electrical unit). Work outside the scope of the specified project
requires a separate Temporary Approval.
Contractor Specific: A Temporary Approval granted for a specific Contractor to
perform work specified in the Temporary Approval form (e.g., welding, security services,
and scaffolding).
Vendor: Is used to describe the person or entity that is paid for the goods provided,
rather than the manufacturer of the goods. A Vendor would provide their goods to BRC
or a Contractor. Once a Vendor performs Safety Sensitive Services, as defined by this
Standard, they will be considered a Contractor and required to comply with this
Work: Any physical task performed with tools or equipment by a contractor.
(Excluding: Consulting, data collecting, startup observations, etc.
Work Restriction: A restriction that prohibits a Contractor from performing work
activities (i.e., confined space entry, elevated work, lifting with a crane) that require
specific safety program(s) (i.e., confined space entry program, fall protection program,
lifting program). This is subject to an approved Contractor Safety Program Restriction
Request Form. (Appendix C Written Program Exemption Review Form or approved
Work Flow process.)
Written Program Exemption Review: A review of a Contractor exemption request for
a written program typically required MPC’s third party vetting firm. This review is
completed by the Contractor Safety team and applies across MPC.
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Title: PSM Contractor Site Plan
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Roles and Responsibilities See Appendix A Roles & Responsibility Process Map
Contractors Application
The following roles and responsibilities apply to the Application section of
Contractor Compliance:
GBR Supply Chain Manager or Designee
Develops and implements a written PSM program for Contractors and
o Operating a covered process, and
o Performing maintenance or repair, turnaround, major renovation,
installation, or specialty work on a covered process, and
o Working adjacent to covered processes.
Ensures that the written program covers Contractors and Subcontractors who
o could affect the containment of Highly Hazardous Chemicals or regulated
materials within the Covered Process, and
o could be affected by loss of containment of a Highly Hazardous Chemical
or Regulated Substance.
Ensures that Contractors working on or adjacent to a Covered Process are
governed by the appropriate Service Contract, either through a direct commercial
relationship with BRC, or as a Subcontractor to a Contractor with such a direct
commercial relationship.
Employer Responsibilities
The following roles and responsibilities have been defined for the PSM/RMP
Contractors PSM element.
GBR Supply Chain Manager or Designee
Develops and implements a written PSM program for Contractors and
Ensures that Contractors and Subcontractors working on or adjacent to a
Covered Process are governed by the appropriate Marathon Contract, either
through a direct commercial relationship with BRC, or as a Subcontractor to a
Contractor with such a direct commercial relationship.
Review Contractor and Subcontractor Safety Pre-Qualification information prior
to awarding work.
Utilize the applicable, established BRC Contractor Safety Pre-Qualification
Process to evaluate safety performance and programs of Contractors and
Subcontractors that perform work on or adjacent to a Covered Process prior to
the work commencing.
Implements the defined temporary approval process that provides for limited use
of Contractors and Subcontractors that do not meet the screening criteria, and
where an equally qualified contractor that meets the screening criteria; is capable
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of performing the work; and is prequalified, is not available.
Prior to commencement of work, provides Contractors and Subcontractors with
o the applicable GBR site-specific safety rules applicable to the scope of
work to be performed,
o the applicable provisions of the GBR emergency action plan, and
o any overview of process hazards related to the Contractor’s work and the
Covered Process.
Performs a Safety Audit of a representative number of Contractors and
Subcontractors performing work on or adjacent to Covered Processes as defined
in RSP-1306.
Note: The results of the periodic evaluation Safety Audit must be reviewed with
the Contractor/Subcontractor and follow-up performed to ensure that actions to
address deficiencies are completed.
GBR Safety Supervisor or Designee
Assists the GBR Supply Chain Manager to utilize the applicable, established
BRC Contractor Safety Pre-Qualification process to evaluate safety performance
and programs of Contractors and Subcontractors that perform work on or
adjacent to a Covered Process prior to the work commencing.
Assists the GBR Supply Chain Manager in reviewing Contractor and
Subcontractor Safety Pre-Qualification information prior to awarding work.
Assists Requesting Contractor and/or Subcontractor Coordinator in identification
of risk mitigation requirements for temporary approvals.
Utilize the applicable, established Marathon process to evaluate safety
performance and programs of Contractors and Subcontractors that perform work
on or adjacent to a covered process prior to the work commencing.
Establish a system or procedure to control the entrance, presence and exit of all
non-operating personnel including Contractor and Subcontractor employees,
visitors, and Marathon support personnel (e.g. Maintenance, Safety,
Environmental, Laboratory, etc.).
Establishes and maintains a log of Contractor and Subcontractor Injury and
Illnesses related to their work in Covered Process areas.
Note: The Contractor and/or Subcontractor will be responsible for providing the
information necessary to populate this log.
Periodically audits Contractors and Subcontractors to determine their
understanding of:
o the applicable Organizational or site-specific safety rules applicable to the
scope of work to be performed,
o the applicable provisions of the emergency action plan, and
o any general process hazards related to the contractors work prior to
commencing work.
Performs a Safety Audit of a representative number of Contractors and
Subcontractors performing work on or adjacent to covered processes as defined
in RSP-1306.
Note: The results of the periodic evaluation must be reviewed with the
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Permit Issuer (typically Site Operations personnel)
During the joint jobsite visit and during the permitting process, informs the
Contractor or Subcontractor employees of the known potential fire, explosion,
toxic release, or unique and process hazards related to the Contractor’s work
and the Process Area where the work is being permitted.
Informs the Contractors or Subcontractors of any unique emergency action plan
provisions of the Process Area where the work is being permitted.
GBR Contractor or Subcontractor Coordinator and Site Manager Requesting
Contractor or Subcontractor
Identifies any Contractor training requirements outside of those identified in the
Employer or Contractor sections of this document and communicates training
requirements to Contractor for completion of this training.
Ensures identification of risk mitigation requirements for temporary approvals,
and implementation in the field.
Manages assigned contractors in accordance with the Contractor Coordinator
“Roles & Responsibilities” as published by GBR’s Maintenance Department.
Covered Contractors
PSM / RMP Regulation
Contractors (h) [68.87]
(1)[a] Application. This paragraph [section] applies to contractors performing maintenance or
repair, turnaround, major renovation, or specialty work on or adjacent to a covered process. It
does not apply to contractors providing incidental services which do not influence process
safety, such as janitorial work, food and drink services, laundry, delivery or other supply
PSM Compliance Audits 29 CFR 1910.119(o)
[RMP Compliance Audits 40 CFR 68.79]
(1)[a] Employers [The owner or operator] shall certify that they have evaluated compliance with
the provisions of this section at least every three years to verify that the procedures and
practices developed under this standard are adequate and are being followed.
(2)[b] The compliance audit shall be conducted by at least one person knowledgeable in the
(3)[c] A report of the findings of the audit shall be developed.
(4)[d] The employer [owner or operator] shall promptly determine and document an appropriate
response to each of the findings of the compliance audit, and document that deficiencies have
been corrected.
(5)[e] Employers [The owner or operator] shall retain the two (2) most recent compliance audit
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Written Plan Required
This program serves as the written plan that meets the regulatory requirements for
Contractors that are:
operating a Covered Process,
o maintenance or repair,
o turnaround,
o major renovation,
o installation, or
o specialty work on a Covered Process; and
o working adjacent to Covered Processes.
This Contractor Site Plan includes applicable components of the Contractor Safety
Standard (SAF-4004).
Service Contract
GBR ensures the Contractors working on or adjacent to a Covered Process are
governed by the appropriate Service Contract, either through a direct commercial
relationship with BRC, or as a subcontractor to a Contractor with such direct commercial
BRC uses a suite of risk-based Model Form Contracts for procurement of onsite
services. When onboarding new Contractors that have not historically provided
services to BRC, Supply Chain shall determine the appropriate Model Form
Contract based on the services the Contractor is eligible to perform.
Contractors executing the following BRC Model Form Contracts, or an approved
Non-Standard Contract of comparable terms and conditions, shall be required to
complete the requirements of an evaluation conducted by the authorized third-
party contractor vetting firm, regardless of services the Contractor will initially
provide to BRC:
o Major Services Contract;
o Emergency Response Services Contract;
o Environmental Services Contract;
o Engineering, Procurement, Construction and Construction Management
Contract; or
o Master Environmental Services Contract.
Contractors executing the following BRC Model Form Contracts, or without a
governing contract (i.e., services performed by traditional vendors or
consultants,) shall be required to complete the requirements of an evaluation
conducted by the authorized third-party contractor auditing firm if the services
they perform meet the definition of Safety Sensitive Services:
o Engineering and Procurement Contract;
o Engineering, Drafting & Consulting Contract; Standard Service Contract;
o Basic Service Contract; or
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o Engineering, Procurement & Construction (Project Specific).
Related Documents
The table below provides a list of documents that provide additional information
regarding Contractor safety, certain of which are expressly referenced in subsequent
sections of this Refining PSM Standard.
Document No. Title Document Custodian Purpose
SAF 4004
Contractor Safety
Management Standard
Corporate Health,
Environment, Safety &
To promote a safe
working environment
for Contractors and
Subcontractors and
MPC employees and to
improve Contractor
safety performance
Process Safety
Corporate HES&S
Defines MPC’s
minimum requirement
to comply with OSHA’s
Process Safety
Refining Standard
Practice - PSM/RMP
Refining HES&S
Defines the Site
Contractor PSM
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Employer Responsibilities
PSM / RMP Regulation
Employer [Owner or Operator] Responsibilities (2)[b]
(i)[1] The employer [owner or operator], when selecting a contractor, shall obtain and
evaluate information regarding the contract employer’s [contract owner or operator]
safety performance and programs.
(ii)[2] The employer [owner or operator] shall inform contract employers [contract owner
or operator] of the known potential fire, explosion, or toxic release hazards related to the
contractor’s work and the process.
(iii)[3] The employer [owner or operator] shall explain to contract employers [the contract
owner or operator] the applicable provisions of the emergency action plan required by
paragraph (n) of this section [subpart E of this part].
(iv)[4] The employer [owner or operator] shall develop and implement safe work
practices consistent with paragraph (f)(4) this section [§68.69(d) of this part], to control
the entrance, presence, and exit of contract employers [contract owner or operator] and
[contractor] employees in covered process areas.
(v)[5] The employer [owner or operator] shall periodically evaluate the performance of
contractor employers [the contract owner or operator] in fulfilling their obligations as
specified in paragraph (h)(3)[(c)] of this section.
(vi)[6] The employer shall maintain a contract employee injury and illness log related to
the contractor’s work in process areas. [This requirement is omitted from §68.87(b)]
Contractor Selection - General Requirements
In order to perform Safety Sensitive Services on-site at BRC owned, leased,
operated or controlled locations, Contractors shall successfully complete the
requirements of:
o An evaluation conducted by the authorized third-party contractor vetting
o an alternative evaluation process can be used if an Exemption to this
portion of the Site Practice has been approved per GEN-1001.
BRC will employ Common Evaluation Criteria to assist in evaluating Contractors
(see Appendix B: Common Evaluation Criteria). Contractors shall only be hired
for services they have been pre-qualified to perform.
If a contractor utilizes temporary workers, the temporary staffing agency is not
required to be approved by the third-party vetting firm.
BRC will consider results of the Deep Dive Audits, Incidents, Contractor
Scorecard, Behavior Based Safety Participation/Scantron Audits and any other
available information when choosing a Contractor.
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The Contractor Safety Management Team is responsible to review the Common
Evaluation Criteria and recommend changes as needed.
If changes are recommended to the Common Evaluation Criteria the Contractor
Safety Management Team will review the recommendations. Appropriate
recommendations will be submitted for approval and published upon approval.
The Contractor Safety Management Team in Findlay, Ohio may perform a
separate evaluation of Contractors facing severe legal, criminal or other unethical
MPC Supply Chain Organization in Findlay, Ohio is responsible for administering
a common database of Contractor information (Contractor Database) about
contracts, Contractors with the Safety Status Met designation and the work for
which they are approved.
o Supply Chain in Findlay, Ohio shall update the Contractor Database as
needed with approved Written Program Exemption Review Form
o Supply Chain in Findlay, Ohio shall update the Contractor Database as
needed with Temporary Approval information.
Contractors that meet all requirements of the Common Evaluation Criteria shall
be identified as Safety Status Met or Safety Status Met with Restrictions in the
Contractor Database.
Contractor Written Program Exemption Review Requirements
A Contractor may submit a Written Program Exemption Review through MPC’s
third party vetting firm to the Contractor Safety Management Team for waiver of
individual safety programs in cases where the Contractor will never perform
services that require those safety programs for any MPC Organization. These
waivers, if approved by the Contractor Safety Team, will be granted globally
across all MPC Organizations.
All completed Written Program Exemption Reviews shall be forwarded from the
Contractor Safety Management Team for review and final approval or rejection.
The Contractor Safety Management Team will recommend approval of the
Written Program Exemption Review Form to Corporate Safety only if the specific
Safety Program(s) required by the Work Type Matrix will not be utilized by the
Contractor at any time they perform services for any MPC Organization, including
o The Contractor Safety Management Team will meet monthly to discuss
Contractor Written Program Exemption Reviews received.
Waiver of individual safety program(s) will not be granted for project specific
tasks. A project specific TA could be utilized instead, since a waiver removes the
requirement for that Contractor across all MPC Components including BRC from
that point forward.
Contractors that meet all remaining requirements of the Common Evaluation
Criteria and have an approved Safety Program Restriction(s) Request Form will
be identified as Safety Status Met-With Restrictions in the Contractor Database.
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o Contractors identified as Safety Status Met-With Restrictions may perform
the services indicated with the exception of activities related to the safety
program(s) waived.
o Any safety program(s) that have been waived will be indicated as
Restrictions (Individual Safety Programs Waived) in MPC’s third party
vetting firm’s system along with the completed review form to document
If BRC is utilizing a Contractor and the Contractor is identified as Safety Status
Met-With Restrictions, BRC shall refer to the Safety Programs Waived section in
the Contractor Database and ensure work being completed will not require the
program that was waived (i.e., the restriction).
Temporary Approval Process Contractor Selection.
Contractors are to meet the common evaluation criteria prior to working at the
BRC facility.
If BRC determines it is necessary to use a Contractor that does not meet the
Common Evaluation Criteria for any reason, then the Contractor Temporary
Approval process must be utilized.
If it is not clear to BRC if a Temporary Approval is required, the Contractor Safety
Management Team in Findlay, Ohio shall be consulted.
The Contractor Safety Management Team in Findlay Ohio will evaluate if the
Contractor meets the CEC’s and provide a final determination. If the Contractor
Safety Management Team in Findlay, Ohio is reviewing whether a fatality is,
applicable and related to the type of service requested by MPC, they shall utilize
Appendix H Fatality Review Questions.
The Component (BRC) or Organization shall complete the Contractor Temporary
Approval Form (Appendix D Contractor Temporary Approval Form) or related
electronic workflow process. This requires written or electronic approval of the
Component’s Requesting Department Manager, Component and/or
Organizational HES&S Manager (depending on Organizational or Component
specific) and the Component General Manager and/or Organizational Manager of
the requesting organization. The Organization shall start and approve the
Temporary Approval if it is a refining wide Temporary Approval. An Organization
wide Temporary Approval needs to be approved by the Component for
acknowledgement. The Component shall approve the Temporary Approval when
being used at their location/project.
o The Component (BRC) or Organizational Manager has the authority to
delegate (continuous delegation, not just when out of the office)
Contractor Temporary Approval authority to one or more Direct Report
Managers within the Component (BRC) or Organizational structure other
than the HES&S Manager as that person is already required to sign all
Contractor Temporary Approval Forms.
Delegation of authority must be in writing to a named Direct Report
Manager. The written authorization shall be retained by the named
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If either the approving Managers change, new written approval
shall be made as necessary.
o A completed Contractor Temporary Approval Form or electronic process
shall include the following information:
o A thorough explanation of the Contractor’s scope of work and/or work
types allowed.
o The reasons for requesting a Temporary Approval.
o Details about the risk mitigation measures the Component will
perform/require to ensure adequate safety.
It is the Component’s (BRC’s) responsibility to ensure the risk-
mitigation measures are sufficient and complied with once the
Contractor is on-site to perform services. These would be in
addition to the requirements of section 4.1 of this Site Plan.
GBR’s Supply Chain Group will obtain signatures from a corporate
representative and a local representative on the Temporary
Approval form acknowledging they understand the risk mitigation
measures and how to complete those measures.
Multiple Components and/or Organizations may combine Contractor Temporary
Approvals for the same Contractor on one form provided each respective
Component (BRC) and/or Organizational HES&S Manager, and the requesting
Manager, signs the form.
In the event a Contractor is providing services on site (ongoing services) at the
time they become non-compliant with the Common Evaluation Criteria, a
Temporary Approval shall be implemented within thirty (30) calendar days from
the date of notification of the non-compliance if the Component (BRC) or
Organization wishes to continue utilizing that Contractor’s services for the
ongoing services.
NOTE: The intent of this thirty-day grace period for ongoing services is to
recognize that immediate termination of the Contractor might add significant risk
to MPC. A Temporary Approval is required prior to commencement of any new
services not ongoing at the time the Contractor becomes non-compliant.
Temporary Approvals must meet one of the four (4) authorized approval types
listed in the Contractor Temporary Approval Form:
o Project Specific for a defined scope of work.
o Contractor Specific for a specific company performing work.
o Emergency Response to authorize use of an emergency responder
o No History if the Contractor’s safety criteria are not available because
the Contractor is not in MPC’s third party vetting system or is in progress
of submitting the Contractor Evaluation Criteria.
The length of term for a Contractor Temporary Approval is dependent upon the
Qualification Criteria not met, as indicated on the Contractor Temporary Approval
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If the Common Evaluation Criteria are still not met upon expiration, the
Organization must complete a new Temporary Approval to cover the remainder
of the three (3) years or twelve (12) quarters for which the TA is required with
revised risk mitigation measures (if applicable).
Table 1 - Temporary Approval Terms
Criteria Not Met
1st Renewal
OSHA Willful Citation, Fatality
related to services provided and
third party vetting system, Health
& Safety Audit Score
6 Months 12 Months 18 Months 18 Months
OSHA Incident Rate and Experience
Modification Rate
12 Months 12 Months 12 Months 12 months
A copy of the Contractor Temporary Approval Form shall be sent to the Corporate
Safety Safety Professional and the Supply Chain representative of the requesting
component and organization.
Pre-Work Activity - Management of Contractors On-Site /
Contractor Risk Mitigation Tools
To facilitate compliance with federal, state, and industry regulations and with
MPC standards, Organizations shall, at a minimum, incorporate the following on-
site Contractor Risk Mitigation Tools. Required for all Contractors are the
o Ensure Contractors have the Safety Status Met or Safety Status Met with
Restrictions designation for work in the Contractor Database.
o Conduct site orientation training at MPC Operating Facilities (or authorized
Safety Councils) which shall include applicable provisions of the
emergency action plan.
o Periodically verify required regulatory training and other safety training of
Contractor employees to safely perform services (e.g., crane operator
certification, confined space entry attendant, fall protection, etc.). Also,
periodically verify Contractor employees are qualified (by training,
experience or certification) to perform the services to be provided to MPC
(e.g., electrician, welder, HVAC technician).
o Ensure Contractor employees are briefed on the hazards of the work to be
performed and mitigation measures (e.g., participate in a pre-job safety
meeting, tail-gate meeting, etc.).
o Ensure the Contractor is issued a work permit when required.
o Ensure Contractor job sites are audited by an MPC Representative
(frequency determined by Component) for life critical activities.
o Ensure all Contractors are provided with relevant Process Hazard
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Overview per PSM-1070. This requirement is only applicable to Process
Safety Management (PSM) and RMP facilities.
Prior to work beginning and being granted facility access;
o As identified below Contractor and Subcontractor employees must meet
specific GBR plant entry requirements.
o As identified below GBR provides all Contractors, Subcontractors and
directly supervised Contractors with applicable PSM information.
o All Contractor/Subcontractor personnel requiring unescorted access at
GBR must undergo a “First Advantage”, “S2 Verify”, or DISA graded
background check. Affected personnel must achieve a grade of 00-02 to
be eligible to work on GBR property. Those employees having a grade of
03-07 will not be allowed to work. All exceptions to the background check
program must be approved by the requesting BRC Department Manager
and the BRC ES&S Manager, or their designee. The First Advantage/S2
Verify/DISA Background Check must be in Completed status before the
Safety Council of Texas City (SCTC) will allow the
Contractor/Subcontractor employee to complete the GBR Site Specific
Training Course. The Safety Council of Texas City (SCTC) will facilitate
the background check program on GBR’s behalf.
Contractor/Subcontractor personnel working on the GBR East/West
Plant docks, on GBR Bay Plant Docks, in Oil Movements Control
Center (OMCC) in GBR’s Security Operations Center (SOC), GBR
East/West Tank Farm, and GBR Bay Plant South Tank Farm are
required to have a valid TWIC card.
All Contractor/Subcontractor personnel planning to perform work at
GBR must successfully complete the ARSC Basic Plus or Basic
Refresher class prior to plant entry. These classes must be
completed on an annual basis. These classes are provided
through the Safety Council of Texas City (SCTC), are class room
training and require successful completion (70% minimum) of a 50-
question comprehensive exam. Basic Plus & Basic Refresher
training provides an overview of:
Process Safety Management (PSM)
General Employee Safety
Hazard Communication and Chemical Safety (including
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Respiratory Protection
Hearing Conservation
Electrical Safety
Fall Protection
Excavation, Trenching & Shoring
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Job Hazard Analysis (JHA) / Job Safety Analysis (JSA)
Emergency Action Plan
Fire Prevention
o All Contractor/Subcontractor personnel planning to perform work at GBR
must successfully complete the GBR Site Specific training class prior to
plant entry. This class must be completed on an annual basis. This class
is provided through the Safety Council of Texas City (SCTC). GBR Site
Specific Training is computer-based training consisting of 3 modules and
each requires successful completion (80% minimum) of a CBT exam.
Topics covered include:
GBR Site Specific Bundled Course
Contractor Safety Practices and Policies (CBT)
o GBR Goal
o Entering Refinery
o Entering Process Units
o Plant Emergencies
o Incident/Injury Management
o Safety Audits
Life Critical Safety
o Safe Work Permit
o Energy Isolation
o Hot Work/Fire watch
o Confined Space Entry
o Fall Protection
o Alky 3 HF
Personal Protective Equipment
General Policies
Hazard Communication Program
Galveston Bay Refinery Life Critical Safety (CBT)
Safe Work Permits
Job Safety Analysis (JSA)
Rigging & Lifting
Energy Isolation & Blinding
Fall Protection
Alky PPE
Hot Work
Confined Space Entry
Security and Environmental (CBT)
o Entering Facility
o ID Badge, Personal ID and TWIC
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o Drug & Alcohol Policy
o Weapons
o Unauthorized Photography
o Explosives
o Suspicious Activity
o Emergency Events
o Emergency Notifications and Evacuation
o Site Inspection
o Restricted Areas
o Security Training
o DHS/USCG Site Inspection
o GBR Environmental Policy
o Waste Ownership
o Labeling of Waste Containers
o Satellite Accumulation Areas
o Universal Wastes
o Spent Process Filters
o Miscellaneous Environmental Issues
o Painting/Abrasive Blasting
o Environmental Incident Reporting
GBR Expectations Review (Face-to-Face)
The expectations upon entering the Refinery
How to properly enter the Process Units
How to respond to Plant Emergency/Muster Points
How to properly report an injury or near miss
Requirement for Working Safely
Responsible Care
Site Expectations, Pledge and Safety Commitments
Galveston Bay Refinery HF Alky 3 (07GBRHF, Contractor
Workers take this when needed)
Hazards & Exposure
Safe Work Practices
Job Cleanup Work Location
Material Standards
Leak Detection & Reporting
Applicable provisions of the emergency action plan are communicated through
the Safe Work Permitting process, Joint Jobsite Visits, and the GBR Site Specific
Training conducted at the Safety Council of Texas City.
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Known potential fire, explosion, toxic release, or unique hazards related to the
Contractor’s work and the Covered Process is communicated through the Safe
Work Permitting process, Joint Jobsite Visits, and the GBR Site Specific Training
conducted at the Safety Council of Texas City.
Access to process hazard analyses (PHAs) and all other information developed
under the regulations to employees of Contractors and Subcontractors as
Provide any relevant PSM information with contract employees who are directly
involved in other elements of Process Safety Management when the information
relates directly to their work responsibilities.
Pre-job safety meetings are conducted through Joint Jobsite Visits (JJSV’s) with
the Contractor(s) to review the safety aspects of the work to be performed in a
Covered Process.
Access to applicable GBR Contractor Safety Rules and related attachments are
made available to contractors via and can be
accessed via this link GBR Contractor Safety. (User name is GBR and
password is Lonestar)
Note: Subcontractors may be informed directly, or through the employing
Contractor. GBR Supply Chain must be informed of all subcontractors needing
access to the site.
All Contractor/Subcontractor companies with employees working in GBR must be
members of the DISA Contractor Consortium Hair Testing (DCCHT) Program for
drug and alcohol testing. Initial pre-access requires hair follicle, urinalysis and
breathalyzer testing. All Contractor personnel working in positions must appear in
the DISA Database with a “green light” Active Status. To maintain a “green
light” Active Status, all random drug tests must be completed. MPC requires
random tests for urinalysis and breathalyzer testing. MPC does NOT require
random hair follicle testing.
Temporary Approval Process Pre-Work Activity
Contractor and Subcontractor employees must meet all GBR plant access Pre-
Work requirements prior to being granted access to the facility. Specifically,
access requirements for; First Advantage/S2 Verify Background Check, SCTC
Basic Plus Training, SCTC GBR Site Specific Training, DISA Drug Testing.
All exceptions must have executed temporary waivers as follows:
o A process to either defer or waive The First Advantage/S2 Verify
Background Check is in place and may be accessed through GBR’s
Supply Chain Department or GBR’s Security Department. The
Background Check Waiver document must be fully executed by the
applicable Department Manager and ES&S Manager. Once executed, a
copy should be provided to the Supply Chain Department and the original
should be provided to the Security Department. Once the executed
document is received, Security will notify the (SCTC) Safety Council of
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Texas City so the contract employee can complete the GBR Site Specific
training. SCTC will verify that the background is in ordered status prior to
allowing GBR Site Specific Training.
o There is no waiver process in place for Basic Plus or GBR Site Specific
Training. In extreme circumstances this training can be provided at GBR
in lieu of the SCTC. This can be done either by a GBR HES Professional
or allowing contract employees to watch the site visitor video. This
change must be prior approved by the ES&S Manager and documented
on an approved Temporary Approval Form.
o A process to waive the DISA Drug Testing requirement is in place during
Major Turnarounds, Unexpected Outages, or other critical work activities
once approved by GBR’s ES&S Manager. This may be accessed through
GBR’s Supply Chain Department. Once executed, a copy should be
provided to the Supply Chain Department, Security; and the original
should be provided to the ES&S Department.
Control of Unit Entry and Exit
GBR has established a system for controlling and documenting entrance,
presence and exit of all non-operating personnel, including
o Contractor and Subcontractor employees,
o Visitors, and
o MPC support personnel (e.g., Maintenance, Safety, Environmental,
Laboratory, etc.).
o GBR’s Refinery Safety Rule for controlling and documenting entrance,
presence and exit of all non-operating personnel may be accessed at
Operating Area Sign In and Sign Out
Injury Log
GBR has established and maintains a log documenting all injuries and illnesses
of Contractor and Subcontractor employees performing work in Covered Process
Contractors and Subcontractors are responsible for providing the information
necessary to populate and update the log.
Contractor Audits
GBR has established the following Contractor performance assessment requirements,
consisting of full program audits and field verification audits, as more completely
described herein.
Full Program Audits:
o GBR will periodically perform (at least annually) an evaluation (“Full
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Program Audit”) of a representative number of Contractors and
Subcontractors performing work on or adjacent to Covered Processes.
Contractors and Subcontractor eligible for this Full Program Audit
must include those performing on-going maintenance services,
turnaround services, major renovation, installation, and/or specialty
services on-site at PSM covered facilities.
GBR shall perform a Full Program Audit of each nested (resident)
Contractor at least once every three (3) years.
The Full Program Audit may, at the discretion of MPC, be
conducted at the PSM covered facility and/or at Contractor offices.
The Full Program Audit may, at the discretion of MPC, be
conducted by MPC personnel, or by a third-party auditor.
o The periodic Full Program Audit will include an assessment that the
Contractor/Subcontractor is fulfilling their responsibilities required by the
PSM regulation. Specifically, this assessment is to confirm that:
Contract employees are being trained on applicable work practices
necessary to safely perform their job (e.g., safe work practices,
safety procedures, task procedures),
Contract employees are instructed on known potential fire,
explosion, and toxic hazards (if not included in training provided by
the site PSM covered facility),
Proper training documentation has been developed and is
available, and
The Contractor has implemented a program to assure that their
employees follow safety rules and conducts periodic
audits/evaluations to confirm that employees are following safety
o The Contractor has advised the Refinery of any unique hazards
associated with their work.
o The periodic Full Program Audit will include confirmation that applicable
criteria used in the Contractor Safety Pre-Qualification Process are utilized
by Contractor during performance of services.
The Full Program Audit will include Contractor/Subcontractor safety
program conformance while conducting work at GBR.
If the written safety programs of the Contractor are evaluated
during screening process, then the evaluation Full Program Audit
may include confirmation that Contractor employees are trained on
the written safety programs.
o The results of each periodic Full Program Audit must be:
reviewed with the Contractor or Subcontractor,
tracked to closure if there are significant recommendations, and
documented and retained per the applicable BRC records retention
The Contractor or Subcontractor must respond to the audit findings
in a prompt and timely manner. The auditor will provide a due date
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for the responses. If a Contractor or Subcontractor cannot meet the
due date, they must document and communicate the reasons why
they are unable to comply, and they must provide a date when they
will be able to comply.
o GBR Supply Chain will be involved during the audit discussions and they
will attend the final audit review meeting.
Field Verification Audits:
o Except as otherwise provided herein, GBR has implemented a process
with the intent to conduct and document at least one (1) audit of routine,
ongoing safety requirements (Field Verification Audit) of every Contractor
performing work on or adjacent to Covered Processes on at least an
annual basis.
The Field Verification Audit will ensure that the Contractor /
Subcontractor is conducting their work safely and in compliance
with applicable PSM and other OSHA regulations as well as GBR
safety procedures and rules.
Field Verification Audits shall be conducted by a qualified GBR
employee or contract employee including, but not limited to
Operators, Maintenance Coordinators, Safety Professionals, PSM
Coordinators, and/or Contract third-party auditor.
Field Verification Audits shall be documented in writing by the
person conducting the audit. It is recommended that the audit is
conducted using a “checklist format” substantially in the form of
Appendix A: Contractor Field Verification Audit Checklist.
Field Verification Audits shall include verification of the regulatory
and skill training for a sample of the contractor crew onsite.
Verification of regulatory and skill training will require up-to-date
training documentation provided by the Contractor Company. GBR
shall retain completed Field Verification Audit Checklist and
documentation supporting the regulatory and skill training in
compliance with records retention guidelines.
Tier 1 PSM Audit:
o GBR has established a Tier 1 audit schedule to ensure that programs are
in place to identify areas for improvement and meet PSM/RMP
requirements. The scope of Tier 1 audits will be determined by HES
professionals or other facility management. This level of audit will utilize
simple checklists developed by or under the supervision of HES
professionals and is performed by facility personnel in the form of
Contractors Audit Form.
Tier 1 Audit Protocols shall be conducted by element teams and
consist of audit team lead and appropriate number of team
members knowledgeable in the regulatory requirements and proper
auditing techniques.
Tier 1 Audit Protocols shall review 25% of current
contractor/subcontractor companies performing work on or adjacent
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to Covered Processes at least once during each calendar year to
verify proper approval to work on site. The 25% should include as
Randomly select 2 subcontractors
Randomly select 1 contractor that has been on site for less
than a year
Randomly select from the remaining contractors to get to
Of the selected contractors/subcontractors, 3
contractors/subcontractors will be audited, interviewed, and
observed to ensure contract/subcontract workers are adequately
trained in, but not limited to:
Potential fire, explosion, and/or toxic hazards related to their
work and the process
Site-specific safety rules
Applicable regulatory and skill training records are up-to-date
Is the contractor evaluating his or her own HES/PSM
Evidence contract employees have been trained in the
facility’s emergency response plan
Are contractors aware of and complying with the control of
entrance procedure
GBR shall retain its Tier 1 PSM/RMP Tier 1 audit reports, findings
and supporting documentation with record retention guidelines.
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Contract Employer Responsibilities
PSM/RMP Regulation
Contract Employer [Contract Owner or Operator] Responsibilities (3)[c]
(i)[1] The contract employer [contract owner or operator] shall assure that each contract
employee is trained in the work practices necessary to safely perform his/her job.
(ii)[2] The contract employer [owner or operator] shall assure that each contract
employee is instructed in the known potential fire, explosion, or toxic release hazards
related to his/her job and the process, and the applicable provisions of the emergency
action plan.
(iii)[3] The contract employer [contract owner or operator] shall document that each
contract employee has received and understood the training required by this paragraph
[section]. The contract employer [contract owner or operator] shall prepare a record
which contains the identity of the contract employee, the date of training, and the means
used to verify that the employee understood the training.
(iv)[4] The contract employer [contract owner or operator] shall assure that each
contract employee follows the safety rules of the facility [stationary source] including the
safe work practices required by (f)(4) of this section [§68.69(d) of this part].
(v)[5] The contract employer [contract owner or operator] shall advise the employer
[contract owner or operator] of any unique hazards presented by the contract
employer’s [contract owner’s or operator’s] work, or of any hazards found by the
contract employer’s [contract owner’s or operator’s] work.
Contractor Responsibilities
Contractor firms shall adhere to the following contractor responsibilities:
Train each Contractor and Subcontractor employee in the safe work practices
and site-specific safety rules necessary to perform his or her job prior to such
employees beginning work on or adjacent to a Covered Process.
Instruct each Contractor and Subcontractor employee in the known potential fire,
explosion, toxic release, or unique hazards related to his or her job and the
process, and the applicable provisions of the applicable emergency action plan.
Document that each Contractor and Subcontractor employee has received and
understood the required training. Documentation of the training shall include the
identity of the contract employee, the date of the training, and the means used to
verify that the training was understood.
Assure that each Contractor and Subcontractor employee follows the safety rules
of the facility for which they are providing services, including the safe work
Advise appropriate GBR personnel of any unique hazards presented by the
contract employer’s work, or of any hazards identified or discovered during
performance of contract employer’s work.
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Provide access to Contractor and Subcontractor employee training records,
safety programs, etc.
Before commencing any work, Contractor is required to visit the GBR Contractor
Safety Website to obtain an updated copy of the Galveston Bay Refinery Safety
Rules and Procedures (User Name is GBR and Password is Lonestar).
Contractor is required to provide an updated copy of the Galveston Bay Refinery
Safety Rules and Procedures and attachments related to the work that will be
performed to its employees & subcontractors and to ensure that its employees &
subcontractors are trained and knowledgeable of the information provided
therein. Training materials and training records for all contractor employees on
the Galveston Bay Refinery Safety Rules & Procedures related to the work they
perform will be audited.
BRC Responsibility
BRC is prepared to support Contractors and Subcontractors working on-site by
maintaining a process to ensure that:
all known fire, explosion, toxic release and unique hazards have been
communicated to Contractor and Subcontractor employers, and
site specific safety rules and GBR safe work procedures have been
communicated to all Contractor and Subcontractor employers.
Training Requirements
The following training for those affected by this standard is required by roles listed in the
table below:
Role Training Subject
HES&S Managers and Division
Managers or Refining HES&S Manager
and Refining Senior Vice President
Requirements of the Temporary Approval program
and their role and responsibilities when signing and
authorizing Contractor and Subcontractor
temporary approvals.
All employees who procure services
from, coordinate or otherwise utilize
Contractors and Subcontractors
General awareness training on the requirements of
this standard.
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Supply Chain personnel
Roles and responsibilities of implementing the
Contractor / Subcontractor Safety Pre-Qualification
Safety personnel
Trained on the roles and responsibilities of the
Contractor/Subcontractor Pre-qualification and
Safety Audit Process.
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Contractor Training Table
The table below sets forth certain Contractor training requirements, by Contractor
Contractor Category
Site Specific
(if applicable
to job roles)
ESS Training
Involved in short work
visits (1 day or less) to a
process area and report
to contract company
Involved in longer work
visit (1 day or greater) to
a process area and
report to contract
company supervision.
Resident or longer-term
professionals that report
to MPC Supervision
Resident or longer term
administrative or clerical
support staff that report
to MPC Supervision
Contract Operators that
report directly to MPC
Contract Craftsmen that
report directly to MPC
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Appendix A: Contractor Field Verification Audit Checklist
A.1 Checklist
The following is the Contractor Field Verification Audit Checklist (RSP-1306-
CKLST).Reference: For the most up-to-date working copy of this checklist, go to
Contractor Field Verification Audit Checklist.
Sampline of crew being audited (pick 3-4). List name and GBR Badge Number of each person below:
Badge Number
Work Permits
Based on Interviews with Contractors and Supervisors:
Confined Space
GLOVES (if required)
(if required)
GOGGLES (if required)
FALL PROTECTION (if required)
(if required)
RESPIRATOR (if required)
Permit Type:
Personal Protective Equipment
Hot Work
Marathon Petroleum Corporation
Contractor Field Verification Audit Checklist
Permit #:
MPC Coordinator:
Work Description:
Yes - Contractor is in compliance
No - Contractor is out of compliance
NA - Not Mandated for the job
Blanchard Refining Company LLC
Galveston Bay Refinery
Title: PSM Contractor Site Plan
Rev No: 0
Printed 9/28/2020 RGD-PS-000020-GB.docx Page 31 of 31
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Revision History
Description of Change Written by
0 Original Issue. J Smith GBR Staff 12/30/2019 12/30/2019