Configuration Database (ConfigDB) Guide
Service Manager
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Last updated: 3/28/2023
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Configuration Database (ConfigDB) Guide 2022.4
Copyright Notice 2
About this Guide 4
Using the Service and Asset Manager Configuration Database (ConfigDB) 4
Intended Audience 4
Document Organization 4
Related Documentation 5
How to ContactUs 5
About Logging into the Configuration Database 6
Workspaces thatAlreadyExist 7
Internal Use Only Workspaces 8
Workspaces Populated by the System ConfigurationWizard 9
Central Config API Authentication 10
Install/upgrade Ivanti Service Manager System Configuration Wizard 10
Disabling the Centralconfig API Key Feature 11
Impacted webconfig file list: 12
Custom Installation of SCW 13
Setting up the Teams Bot Integration 15
What the Powershell Script does? 15
Setting up the Central Config API Key 15
Executing the PowerShell Script 15
Troubleshooting 16
Workspaces thatCan Be Used 18
Configuring the Message Queue 18
Configuring the Message Queue Handler 19
Configuring Email 20
Viewing AllLogs 20
Working With Customer Contacts 21
Working With Tenants 23
Configuring ManualLoad Partitioning 27
Firebase Configuration for Mobile Push Notification 32
Creating a new Project in Firebase 32
Configure iOS and Android app in Firebase. 33
Apply iOS Certificate for iOS app 39
Configure Firebase in Config Database of ISM 41
Decommissioning FTP and File on Shared folder Integration 46
Steps to enable or disable the feature flag 46
Post Feature Configuration 47
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About this Guide
"Using the Service and Asset Manager Configuration Database (ConfigDB)" below
"Intended Audience" below
"Document Organization" below
"Related Documentation" on the next page
"How to ContactUs" on the next page
Using the Service and Asset Manager Configuration
Database (ConfigDB)
Use the Service and Asset Manager configurationdatabase (ConfigDB) for the following:
To manage different instances (such as production, staging, and UAT)of tenants.
To update your environment. The information in the ConfigDB is originally populated by the
SystemConfiguration Wizard, which is used when installing Service and Asset Manager.
This is the master configuration database for your Service and Asset Manager system. Do not
make any changes here, except in the few areas described in the 'Workspaces that Can Be
Used' section. Making unauthorized changes to the ConfigDB can lead to disastrous results
and may be unrecoverable. Use the ConfigDBwith extreme caution.
Intended Audience
The ConfigurationDatabase Guide for Service and Asset Manager Version 2022.4 is intended for
advanced on-premise Service and Asset Manager administrators and IvantiSoftware personnel.
Document Organization
This guide lists the workspaces in the ConfigDB and what, if any, tasks can be performed. This document
contains the following sections:
Information about logging in. See "About Logging into the Configuration Database" on page6.
Workspaces that are also available in the Service and Asset Manager Service Desk Console or
the Service and Asset Manager ConfigurationConsole. See "Workspaces thatAlreadyExist" on
Workspaces that are for internal use only. See "Internal Use Only Workspaces" on page8.
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Workspaces that are populated by the System ConfigurationWizard. Do not make any changes
to these workspaces. See "Workspaces Populated by the System ConfigurationWizard" on
Workspaces where you may make changes. See "Workspaces thatCan Be Used" on page18.
Related Documentation
Ivanti Service Manager has online help available within the application.
Additional documentation is available through
The Ivanti community website. You may need to request user access if you cannot log in.
Or through
The Ivanti Product Documentation website. Click the Service Manager tile to see a list of the
documents available.
How to ContactUs
To contact us about the documentation, or if you have any other questions or issues about Service and
Asset Manager, contact Ivanti Global Support services by logging an incident via Self Service at:
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About Logging into the Configuration
To use the Service and Asset Manager configuration database (called ConfigDB), you must log in first.
Only administrators can log into the ConfigDB.
By default, the system displays a drop-down menu allowing you to choose either ConfigDB (the Service
and Asset Manager configurationdatabase) or ISM (the Service and Asset Manager
Logging in to the ConfigDB
If you do not see the Application drop-down menu, you must configure Service and Asset Manager to
show it. For instructions on doing this, see the "Logging into Service and Asset Manager" section of the
Installation and Deployment Guide for Service and Asset Manager .
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Workspaces thatAlreadyExist
The following workspaces found in the ConfigDB also exist in the Service and Asset Manager Console or
the Service and Asset Manager ConfigurationConsole. Therefore, they are not described in this
document. For information about these workspaces, see the Service and Asset Manager online help
within the application as well as at the Ivanti Product Documentation website. Click the "Service
Manager" tile to see a list of the documents available.
All Logs
Logging Configuration
FRSApplication Update Notes
IvantiRelease Package
IvantiRelease Project
IvantiTransaction Set
Public Key
Schedule Entry
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Internal Use Only Workspaces
The following workspaces in the ConfigDB contain information that you can view, but that you should
never change.These workspaces are only used by Ivanti for internal system use.
Do not change the values in any of these workspaces! Changing any values can lead to system
CMDBImport History
Feature Management
IMClient Agent Version
Installer Types
Logging Server Configuration
Remote Host Blocked List
Service Names
User Feature Settings
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Workspaces Populated by the System
The following workspaces found in the ConfigDB contain information that was populated based on
information entered in the System ConfigurationWizard when Service and Asset Manager was installed.
We recommend that you do not change any of the values in these workspaces.
For complete information about the SystemConfigurationWizard and the Service and Asset Manager
installation, see the Installation and Deployment Guide for Service and Asset Manager Version 2022.4
Database Servers
Log Operations Locations
Integration Services Configuration
Metrics Server
Report Server
Survey Information
Trusted IPAddresses
Web Servers
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Central Config API Authentication
APIs in the Central Config can be accessed only by known users by authenticating the API call. The API
Header will pass the API Key which will be authenticated and passed by the Central Config server. This
prevents un-authorised users from accessing the APIs.
Install/upgrade Ivanti Service Manager System
Configuration Wizard
On installing or upgrading the Service Manager System Configuration Wizard, the API Key is auto-
generated in the Central Config DB. This key is used to to authenticate the API calls to the Central
Config Server. However, the following should be monitored while installing/upgrading.
Verify the webconfig file
Once the installation/upgradation is complete, verify the webconfig file has the following:
In the config section:
<section name="CentralConfigApiKey"
type="System.Configuration.NameValueSectionHandler" />
In the new protected section:
<CentralConfigApiKey> <add key="CentralConfigApiKey" value="" />
Update for Teams Bot Service
If you have installed Teams Bot Service, update the CentralConfigApiKey value in appsetting file. from
C:\inetpub\TeamBotService/appsettings.json. Get the CentralConfigApiKey from the Central Config
DB table (Frs_data_api_key).
Updates if Service Manager System Configuration Wizard and Service Manager
Reporting Wizard are installed on different machines
If the Service Manager System Configuration Wizard and Service Manager Reporting Wizard are
installed on different machines, update the Centralconfig api key when installing the Reporting Wizard
as shown in the below image. Get the CentralConfigApiKey from the Central Config DB table (Frs_
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Updating the CentralConfigAPIKey
In case you wish to update/change the CentralConfigAPIKey, do so by following the below steps:
1. Stop all services that are referencing the centralconfig.
2. Log in to Service Manager with Admin credentials and open the Configuration console.
3. Select Security Controls > CentralCofigAPIKeyGroup and note down the description .
4. Delete the existing CentralConfigAPIKey and recreate a new key inside the
CentralConfigAPiKeyGroup as shown in the below image.
5. Once the Key is created in the CentralConfig tenants, re-run the System Configuration Wizard to
update the webconfig and appconfig files.
6. Restart your machine.
The CentralConfigAPIKey should be unique, duplicate/multiple keys will break the feature.
Disabling the Centralconfig API Key Feature
1. Log in to the application with Admin credentials and open the Configuration console.
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2. Select Security Controls > API Key and delete the CentralConfigAPIKey.
Ensure you Delete and not De-activate to disable.
Impacted webconfig file list:
AppDomains Configiration Files
AppServer Web.config
WorkFlow WorkflowService.exe.config
Excalation EscalationService.exe.config
email EmailWindowsServiceapp.exe.config
bulkupload KMBulkUploadTool.exe.config
integrationserver IntegrationServiceHost.exe.config
systemconfigwizard ServerConfigurationWizard.exe.config
release tool ReleaseTool.exe.config
Frsloggingservice FRSLoggingService.exe.config
metric HEAT.MetricsServer.exe.config
message queue MessageQueueServiceHost.exe.config
License service LicenseServerWindowsService.exe.config
report provinising reportserver\ReportProvisioning.exe.config
Neurons appsettings
Teams Bot Service appsettings
DynamicWebServices web.config
OpsConsole web.config
FrsSurvey web.config
FrsSurveyProxy web.config
IM IMServer\IMServices\AssetProcessor\Web.config
IM IMServer\IMServices\DiscoProcessor\Web.config
IM IMServer\IMServices\DiscoUtils\Web.config
IM IMServer\IMServices\IMReadOnlyDataService\Web.config
IM IMServer\IMServices\TaskProcessor\Web.config
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IM IMServer\WebServices\ClientTransportProcessor\Web.config
reports C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSRS12.MSSQLSERVER\Reporting
Services \ReportServer\Web.config
Custom Installation of SCW
When customers try to install the Configuration Server in one machine and other components in
another machine, user has to copy the Central Config API Key from Configuration Server and update
the key in the Central Configuration Settings page as show in the following image.
Sample image of Custom Installation of SCW
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Setting up the Teams Bot Integration
For integrating Microsoft Teams with Ivanti Service Manager, on-premise users should first setup the
environment by downloading the package from Ivanti MarketPlace and executing PowerShell script.
What the Powershell Script does?
Creates the directory in the inetpub folder.
Creates a new application pool and sets item property for it.
Creates a new web application and sets item property for it.
Silently installs the required application, as in you might not get any prompts to proceed with
the installation.
Copies the required binaries to the destination folder.
Creates the appsetting.json once the ipaddress/machine name/local host name is provided.
Setting up the Central Config API Key
1. Log in to the CentralConfig > Configure Application > Security Controls > ApiKeys.
2. Find the CentralConfigApiKey as shown below and copy the value.
3. Paste the copied value in the appsettings.json file for the CentralConfigApiKey. For example,
Executing the PowerShell Script
1. Download the zip file to a relevant folder in your machine.
2. Extract the zip file.
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3. Open PowerShell as Administrator.
4. Go to the location where the PowerShell script is located, that is, the location where you
extracted the zip file.
5. Run the script - .\TeamsBot.ps1.
6. You will be prompted for the Appserver as well as the Central Config ipaddress/ Machine name/
localhost name. name/ localhost. Enter the appropriate Address/Machine name/localhost.
The configuration is done.
Incorrect ipaddress/machine name/local host name
If you provide incorrect IP address/machine name/local host name, open the Appsetting.json file from
the folder intepub >Teams Bot Service and replace the AppserverIPAddress with the correct one.
Example of the AppSetting.json file:
"http://$AppserverIPAddress/HEAT/ServiceApi/IPCMService.asmx"; "WorkflowURL"=
"http://$AppserverIPAddress/HEAT/ServiceApi/WorkflowService.asmx"; "ConfigURL"=
"http://$CentralConfigIPAddress/CentralConfig/ConfigServiceAPI.asmx"; "RetrieveTenantLogLevel_
ws_url"= "http=//$CentralConfigIPAddress/CentralConfig/RetrieveTenantLogLevel.ashx";
"EnableCentralLogging"= false; "LoggingService_ws_url"=
ng"; "ElapsedSecondsToFlushLog"= 60; "ItemSizeToFlushLog"= 1000;
"LogSettingCacheTimeoutInMinutes"= 5; "SendLogFileLocation"= "C:\logs";
"WriteLogFileLocation"= "C:\logs"; "SendLogWaitInterval"= 300; "WriteLogWaitInterval"= 300;
"EnableLogging"= true; "CacheTimeout"= "30"; "isOnPremise": false; ”CentralConfigApiKey”=”” }
Make sure that Boolean values (true/false) don't not have double quotes.
To know the execution policy list
Run the command - PS C: \Users\Administrator>Get-ExecutionPolicy - List
Sample image of the policy list
To set the execution policy
Once the PowerShell script is executed successfully, execute the command - Set-ExecutionPolicy
-ExecutionPolicy “PROVIDE PREVIOUS VALUE” -Scope LocalMachine to set the
execution policy.
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Sample image of setting execution policy
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Workspaces thatCan Be Used
There are very few workspaces in the ConfigDB that can be used by administrators. See the following
topics for information:
"Configuring the Message Queue" below
"Configuring the Message Queue Handler" on the next page
"Configuring Email" on page20
"Viewing AllLogs" on page20
"Working With Customer Contacts" on page21
"Working With Tenants" on page23
"Configuring ManualLoad Partitioning" on page27
Configuring the Message Queue
Use the Message Queue Configuration workspace to create and configure a message queue.
Follow these steps:
1. Log in to the ConfigDB.
2. From the workspace selector bar, select Message Queue Configuration. The system displays
the Message Queue Configuration workspace.
3. Enter information into the fields.
Parameter Description
Polling Interval
Specifies how often to check the message queue. The default
value is 120.
Specifies the number of threads. The value depends on the
specifications (such as memory andCPU) of your system. The
default value is 250.
Specifies the interval for which to refresh the metadata
pertaining to the tenant, which is the amount of time for
which to retain the cache. After this amount of time, the
system purges the cache and reloads it. The default value is
4. Click Save.
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Configuring the Message Queue Handler
Use the Message Queue Handler workspace to configure the message queue handler.
Follow these steps:
1. Log in to the ConfigDB.
2. From the workspace selector bar, select Message Queue Handler. The system displays the
Message Queue Handler workspace.
3. Enter information into the fields.
Parameter Description
Name Name of the message queue handler web service.
The URL of the message queue handler web service to which
queued tasks are dispatched. An example is http://IP_
The name of the web method that is implemented as part of the handler
web service (which the message queue invokes to dispatch tasks). For
example, the Service and Asset ManagerXSLT email handler implements
a web method called HandleMessage.
NOTE:The name of the dispatch web method is case sensitive.
The maximum number of tasks that the message queue can dispatch to
a message queue handler.
Active Specifies if the message queue handler is on or off.
Specifies the order of this handler, in relation to any other
handlers that are defined.
Process Timeout
Interval (minutes)
Amount of time to wait for a response from the message queue handler
before logging an error or before retrying, if you have not exceeded the
number of attempts specified by the Max number of attempts
Include Data with
Specifies whether to include the data when this dispatch web method is
called. If you do not check this option, the message queue handler must
call the dispatch web method to get the data.
Max number of
The maximum number of times to resend the data before
logging an error.
Specifies whether to archive the message queue journal, which contains
the tasks that the message queue handler has processed. Use this
information for troubleshooting purposes. Enabled by default. 
Purge Archive Set to 30 days by default. The amount of days after which
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Parameter Description
after (days) the archive is purged.
Description A description of the message queue handler.
4. Click Save.
Configuring Email
Use the Email Configuration workspace to configure the inboxes for email.
Follow these steps:
1. Log in to the ConfigDB.
2. From the workspace selector bar, select EmailConfiguration. The system displays the Service
Provider Email Configuration workspace.
3. Enter information into the fields.
Field Description
The name of the message queue handler to use. This must be the same
name entered in the Name field in the Message Queue Handler
workspace. See "Configuring the Message Queue Handler" on the
previous page.
The amount of time, in seconds, after which email configuration changes
take affect.
4. Click Save.
Viewing AllLogs
If there are any problems with the ConfigDB, such as email issues or workflow errors, they are reported
in the logs. Review the logs to determine the underlying issue and to help resolve it.
"Setting the LogLevel" below
"Viewing the Logs" on the next page
Setting the LogLevel
You can set the amount and detail of information in the logs by adjusting the Log Level. You can do this
by going to the Logging Configuration workspace. See the Service and Asset Manager Online Help.
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Viewing the Logs
Follow these steps to view all of the logs associated with the ConfigDB:
1. Log in to the ConfigDB.
2. From the workspace selector bar, select All Logs. The system displays the LogsAll workspace
with the following information:
Field Description
Log Entry
A unique ID for this log entry.
Log Time The time at which the log entry was originally created on the server.
The time when the log was uploaded into the database.
The IPaddress of the service that generated the log, such as the workflow
The subsystem of the service that generated the log. (Each module has
predefined subsystems. For example, for the email server, polling is a
LoginId The login ID for the user who experienced the log event.
Tenant Id The tenant instance that is experiencing the log event.
Error Code The category of the error.An example is "trigger not found".
The role assigned to the user if the error is generated by a user. If the
error is generated by the system, this field is empty.
Host Name The machine that is reporting the error.
Internal thread ID. Not applicable.
3. Double-click any log entry to view the log details.
4. To refresh the data, click Refresh.
Working With Customer Contacts
This section contains the following topics:
"About this Workspace" on the next page
"Viewing Customer Contacts" on the next page
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"Adding a Customer Contact" below
"Editing a Customer Contact" on the next page
"Deleting a Customer Contact" on the next page
About this Workspace
This workspace is for deployments with multi-tenant configurations.
You can add, edit, or delete a primary contact for a particular tenant. This is the person you contact for
all communications regarding the particular tenant.
This information is also listed in the Account Information workspace in the Service and Asset Manager
Viewing Customer Contacts
Follow these steps to view information associated with customer contacts:
1. Log in to the ConfigDB.
2. From the workspace selector bar, select Customer Contacts. The system displays the Contacts
workspace with the following information:
Field Description
LoginID The login ID for the customer contact.
Full Name The full name of the customer contact.
PrimaryEmail The primary email address for the customer contact.
Primary Phone The primary phone number for the customer contact.
3. Double-click any entry to view the details.
4. To refresh the data, click the refresh icon.
Adding a Customer Contact
1. Log in to the ConfigDB.
2. From the workspace selector bar, select Customer Contacts. The system displays the Contacts
3. Click New Contacts. The system displays the Contacts page.
4. Enter information into the fields.
5. Click Save.
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Editing a Customer Contact
1. Log in to the ConfigDB.
2. From the workspace selector bar, select Customer Contacts. The system displays the Contacts
3. Double-click the entry to edit.
4. Change the entry.
5. Click Save.
Deleting a Customer Contact
1. Log in to the ConfigDB.
2. From the workspace selector bar, select Customer Contacts. The system displays the Contacts
3. Highlight the entry to delete.
4. If there are dependencies on other items, the system display a confirmation message. Click
Working With Tenants
"About the Tenants Workspace" below
"Resetting the Cache for a Tenant" on the next page
"Adding a Certificate to a Tenant" on the next page
"Capturing Discovery Messages for Debugging" on page25
"Configuring Attachment Options" on page25
"Setting Production Metadata to Read-Only" on page26
"Setting the LoginURL" on page26
"Setting the Alternate LoginURL (Vanity URL) for an MSP" on page27
"Working With Tenants" above
About the Tenants Workspace
The information on this page is populated by the SystemConfigurationWizard.
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Although there is a lot of information in this workspace, you should only do the following
tasks from within this workspace:
Reset the cache for a tenant. See "Resetting the Cache for a Tenant" below.
Add a certificate. If you want to use SAML authentication, you must upload a certificate and
password so that end users can download it. See "Adding a Certificate to a Tenant" below.
Capture audit files from ISM Discovery, to help with troubleshooting. See "Capturing Discovery
Messages for Debugging" on the next page.
Configure how users attach files. See "Configuring Attachment Options" on the next page.
Set metadata to read-only. See "Setting Production Metadata to Read-Only" on page26.
Set the login URL. See "Setting the LoginURL" on page26.
Resetting the Cache for a Tenant
Service and Asset Manager caches information about each tenant in the ConfigDB. Because of this,
changes to the tenant, such as updating the status, database information, and so on, are not
immediately reflected in the corresponding tenant. This can lead to situations where Service and Asset
Manager allows a user to log into a tenant, even though the status of the corresponding tenant in the
ConfigDB is set to closed.
To manually reset the cache for a specific tenant, do the following:
1. Log in to the ConfigDB.
2. From the workspace selector bar, select Tenants. The system displays the Tenants workspace.
3. Highlight the tenant to reset the cache for.
4. Click Reset Tenant Cache.
Adding a Certificate to a Tenant
If your implementation includes multiple tenants, the certificate should be for the domain and
not the specific tenant. For example, the certificate for Cloud tenants is for *, not for
a specific tenant such as
1. Log in to the ConfigDB.
2. From the workspace selector bar, select Tenants. The system displays the Tenants workspace.
3. Double-click the tenant for which to add a certificate.
4. ClickAdd Certificate.
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5. Navigate to the certificate location. Highlight it and clickOpen.
6. Enter the password for the certificate in the Certificate Password field.
7. Click Save.
Capturing Discovery Messages for Debugging
Perform the following procedure if you are using Discovery and you need to capture the audit files sent
to the server from the Discovery client agents. After you capture the audit files, you can review them in a
debug environment to find out more details about the problem. The logging can be very long, so be
careful about using this feature. For more information, see the Service and Asset Manager online help.
1. Log in to the ConfigDB.
2. From the workspace selector bar, select Tenants. The system displays the Tenants workspace.
3. Double-click the tenant to configure logging for.
4. CheckLog Failed IMMessage.
5. Click Save.
Configuring Attachment Options
Perform the following procedure to configure how attachments are saved. You may need to change the
format for storing files if users regularly store very large files, such as system log files. After you
configure this, when a user saves an attachment to a record, the attachment is stored in the location
that you specified here. For information about saving attachments as a file stream, see
We recommend that for system data, such as icons and images, you select Database for the
Attachment Save Type field.
1. Log in to the ConfigDB.
2. From the workspace selector bar, select Tenants. The system displays the Tenants workspace.
3. Double-click the tenant for which to configure attachment options.
4. For the Attachment Save Type field, select a type:Database,FILESTREAM, File system,
Amazon S3, or Azure Blob.
5. For the Attachment Path field, enter the default path where attachments are saved.
6. Click Save.
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Setting Production Metadata to Read-Only
If a user makes a change to the metadata in the production instance of the tenant, such as when
configuring a workflow for a request offering, but does not make the same change in the UAT or
staging instance of the tenant and then pushes the data from the UAT or Staging instance of the tenant
to the production instance of the tenant, the data becomes corrupt and the workflow fails.
To avoid this, set the metadata on the production instance of the tenant to read-only. Follow these
1. Log in to the ConfigDB.
2. From the workspace selector bar, select Tenants. The system displays the Tenants workspace.
3. Double-click the tenant for which to set the production metadata to read-only.
4. Check Is ProductionMetadata Read-only.
5. Click Save.
If a user tries to edit the workflow for a request offering, the system displays a message stating that the
production metadata is read only and cannot be edited. See "Working with Request Offerings" in the
Service and Asset Manager online help for more information.
Setting the LoginURL
Set the login URL in the following scenarios:
When configuring Service and Asset Manager Active Directory authentication using Windows
Integrated Security (WIS). This feature allows users to access Service and Asset Manager
without entering their user name and password. This procedure is only valid for the on-
premises version of Service and Asset Manager.
When configuring the Service and Asset Manageron-premises URL for mobile users.
Follow these steps:
1. Log in to the ConfigDB.
2. From the workspace selector bar, select Tenants. The system displays the Tenants workspace.
3. Double-click the tenant for which to set the login URL.
4. In the Login Url field, enter the URL where users go to log in.
5. ClickSave.
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Setting the Alternate LoginURL (Vanity URL) for an MSP
Besides setting the loginURL as described above, you can also specify an alternate login URL, also
known as a vanity URL, for a Managed Service Provider (MSP).
Follow these steps:
1. Log in to the ConfigDB.
2. From the workspace selector bar, select Tenants. The system displays the Tenants workspace.
3. Double-click the tenant for which to set the alternate login URL (vanity URL).
4. At the bottom, click the Alternate Login URL tab.
5. Click New TenantUrlAlias. The system displays the New TenantUrlAlias dialog box.
6. In the Url field, enter the alternate login URL (vanity URL).
7. ClickSave.
Configuring ManualLoad Partitioning
"About Manual Load Partitioning" below
"Configuring the Workflow Service Configuration File" on the next page
"Assigning Tenants to the Workflow or Email Service" on page29
"Viewing the Results of the Manual Load Partitioning" on page29
About Manual Load Partitioning
Use the Service Server workspace to configure the manual load partitioning feature. The manual load
partitioning feature allows you to allocate the load between workflow or email service instances based
on your knowledge of the tenant load and server capacity.
If you do not use the manual load partitioning feature, the workflow or email service load balancing
automatically balances the tenants among the participating workflow or email service instances. This
guarantees that the tenants are balanced evenly among the servers. However, this creates race
conditions among the service instances when starting up and subscribing to events, which can lead to
workflow or email subscription failure and deadlock issues.
When you start up the services, the workflow and email services retrieve the list of assigned tenants. The
services only process the tasks for the assigned tenants. The system updates the list of assigned tenants
in predefined time intervals. If the list of tenants is empty, the system falls back to the default behavior
of processing all of the tenants.
Workflow Load Balancing Flowchart
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Email Load Balancing Flowchart
Configuring the Workflow Service Configuration File
For the email service, all load partitioning is done manually.
For the workflow service, you can select either manual or automatic (default). To select manual load
partitioning for the workflow service, do the following:
1. Navigate to the workflow binary folder and open the file called WorkflowApp.config with a
text editor.
2. Find the key called EnableLoadPartitioning and set it to false.
3. Save the file.
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Assigning Tenants to the Workflow or Email Service
When you configure workflow or email service servers, ensure that at least one server is defined as the
"catch all" server. A "catch all" server manages all of the live tenants, even if it does not have any
tenants associated with it. Each host should have at least one "catch all" server. This server processes
workflow and email events for all tenants.
For each server, you must enable either the email service, the workflow service, or both. If you do not
enable a service on the server but the service is running, the service gets an empty tenant list and it runs
as a "catch all" server.
If a service instance crashes or stops, the system deletes the partition details from the database and no
other instance will pick these tenants except for the "catch all" server.
1. Log in to the ConfigDB.
2. From the workspace selector bar, click More....
3. Select Service Server. The system displays the Service Server workspace.
4. Click New Service Server.
5. Enter the host name in the Host Name field.
6. If the email service will run on this server, check Is Email Service Enabled.
7. If the workflow service will run on this server, check Is Workflow Service Enabled.
8. If the server is a catch all server, check Is CatchAll.
9. If the server is not a catch all server, do the following:
a. Click the Tenants tab.
b. Click Link.
c. Highlight a tenant from the list and clickSelect.
10. Click Save.
Viewing the Results of the Manual Load Partitioning
You can view the results of the manual load partitioning in one of two ways:
Viewing the INFO log for a service. See "Setting the Log Level for the Workflow or Email Service"
below and "Viewing the Workflow or Email Manual Load Partitioning" on the next page.
Viewing a report of the load partitioning throughMicrosoft SQL. See "Viewing a Report of the
Manual Load Partitioning" on the next page.
Setting the Log Level for the Workflow or Email Service
To configure the logs, do the following:
1. Log in to the ConfigDB.
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2. Open the Logging Configuration workspace.
3. Open the WorkflowService service.
4. Change the value of the Log Level field to INFO.
5. Open the EmailService service.
6. Change the value of the Log Level field to INFO.
7. ClickSave.
Viewing the Workflow or Email Manual Load Partitioning
After you configure the logs, to view the results, do the following:
1. Log into the ConfigDB.
2. Open the Logs workspace.
3. Use a saved search to show all logs with a service name of WorkflowService or a service name
of EmailService.
Logs Saved Search
4. Verify that the tenants listed under the current assigned tenant list match the linked tenants for
this server.
Viewing a Report of the Manual Load Partitioning
The workflow or email service retrieves the assigned tenants and updates the Frs_ops_workflow_
heart_beat and Frs_ops_workflow_partition tables in the ConfigDB.
Before you begin, start the workflow or email service. Keep the current session.
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Run the following query in Microsoft SQL on the ConfigDB to see the details of the services that are
assigned to each tenant:
SELECT ServiceType, HostName, InstanceNumber, TenantId
FROM Frs_ops_workflow_heart_beat heartbeat
JOIN Frs_ops_workflow_partition partition
ON heartbeat.ServiceId = partition.ServiceId
The following is an example of the partitioning details:
Service Type Host Name Instance Number Tenant ID
Workflow Engine CA-L02552 1
ConfigDB, ITSM_7_Daily_Build
Email Engine CA-L02552 1
ConfigDB, ITSM_7_Daily_Build
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Firebase Configuration for Mobile Push
A new workspace - FCM Configuration is added to ConfigDB. The following are its sections:
Project Id: Project Id of the firebase which we going to configure in future step. This Id is used
by the server to send the push notification.
Server Key: Unique key that is present inside the firebase project. This key is used by the Server
to send the push notification.
Client configuration for Android: json configuration which is used by android mobile to
generate FCM token. This configuration will be present in Firebase project we need to add in
config Database
Client configuration for iOS: Configuration which used by iOS device to generate FCM token.
The following steps should be performed for Mobile Push Notification to work:
Creating a new Project in Firebase console
Configure iOS and Android app in Firebase
Apply iOS Certificate for iOS app
Configure Firebase in config Database of ISM
Creating a new Project in Firebase
1. Navigate to to create a new project. Since Firebase is from google,
you need to sign into your Gmail account so the Firebase project is associated with your Gmail
2. Navigate to and click Go to console on the top right corner of the page.
3. Click the Create a project tile (for new Users) or Add Project (for existing users) in the firebase.
4. Enter the project name, select the I accept the firebase terms check box and click Continue.
5. Disable Google Analytics and click Create Project.
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Configure iOS and Android app in Firebase.
In this step, you will create iOS and Android app in the firebase project.
1. Navigate to the newly created project.
2. Click on the Android icon to create new Android app.
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3. Enter the name of the package - it should always be” in the Android Package
name and enter any name in App Nickname. Ensure the package name is right and click on
Register app.
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Click on download google.service.json which is json configuration for Android. Download this file and
click Next.
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4. Skip Step 3 by clicking on Next (Add Firebase SDK)
5. Click Continue to the console.
If you see Run your app to verify installation” step then you can click on “Skip this step
and then click Continue to console.
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6. Once all these steps are completed, you have the Android app ready in the firebase project.
7. Now, do the same for iOS.
8. Click on Add app again in the firebase project and select iOS.
9. Specify the same package name in the iOS bundle ID, enter the App nickname
and click on Register app.
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10. Click on Download GoogleServiceInfo.plist which contains the configuration for iOS device.
and click Next.
11. Skip Step 3 by clicking on Next – (Add Firebase SDK).
12. Skip Step 4 by clicking on Next – (Add Initialisation code).
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13. Click Continue to Console in step 5.
If you see Run your app to verify installation step, click Skip this step and then click Continue
to console.
Once these steps are completed, you have iOS and Android app configuration is ready in the firebase.
Apply iOS Certificate for iOS app
Ivanti will provide the APNs Certificate for iOS app. You can find the certificate at Ivanti Market Place.
1. Click the Setting button from top left and click on Project settings.
2. Click the Cloud Messaging tab.
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3. Scroll down to the APNS Certificate section and click the Upload button.
4. Upload the APNs Certificate with password.
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Configure Firebase in Config Database of ISM
1. Navigate to Project settings from the main page of Firebase Project.
2. Navigate Cloud Messaging Copy the Sender ID.
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3. Go to ISM CentralConfig, open FCM Configuration workspace and paste Sender ID which is
copied to the Project ID in workspace.
4. Copy the Server Key from Cloud Messaging tab.
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5. Paste the Server Key in FCM Configuration workspace.
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6. Copy the entire content from google-service.json which is downloaded from Step – 3 and
paste in the Client Configuration for Android.
7. Finally, you need to add the iOS FCM configuration in config DB. Copy the entire content from
GoogleService-Info.plist which is downloaded in step-3 and paste it in the Client
Configuration for iOS and Save.
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Decommissioning FTP and File on Shared
folder Integration
Currently, ITSM customers can import data from FTP and Shared Path locations. Since these sources
pose a security threat to the cloud environment, restrictions are added to the use of these options.
These restrictions are feature flagged which can enable or disable the options available to an end user
either while importing or exporting data to ITSM.
Both FTP and File on Shared Folder controls are disabled using the feature flag from
2022.3 on wards. These feature flags can be turned off by the Cloud Ops in the Config
DB under Feature Management workspace.
The feature flag is not turned off to make sure both FTP and File on Shared Folder
controls are still available and customer can migrate to Secure FTP without impacting
their automation. However, it would be temporary.
It's highly recommended to move your file upload related automation from FTP and
File on Shared Folder location to Secure FTP on priority. Refer SecureFTP configuration
documentation further.
Steps to enable or disable the feature flag
Navigate to the Feature Management Business Object in the Config DB and search for your tenant
1. Once you open the feature, set the State as Unconditionally ON to enable the feature.
Feature flag on
2. Set the State as Disable or Trial Completed, this disables the feature.
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Feature flag off
Post Feature Configuration
1. From the Configuration console navigate to Data Import Connections under Integration
2. Click Add new and select the Connection Type field.
When the feature is enabled - in the Connection Type field drop-down list, FTP and File
on Shared Folder options are available.
When the feature is disabled - in the Connection Type field drop-down list, FTP and File
on Shared Folder options are not available.
3. Similarly, the Location field in the Data Export Connections,
When the feature is enabled, the Location will show FTP and Secure FTP.
When the feature is disabled, the Location will show only Secure FTP.
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