Abstract. Background/Aim: Tumour-associated macrophages
(TAMs) are highjacked M2-polarized macrophages that
especially promote pancreatic cancer growth. The aim of this
study was to identify an easy-to-use cell culture model suitable
for studying this interaction and macrophage polarization.
Materials and Methods: Co-cultures of two cell lines,
PDA6606 cells with RAW macrophages cells were used in
vitro and in ovo. Macrophages were analyzed by microscopy,
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and flow cytometry.
Results: By comparing chemically-induced M1 and M2
macrophages, a clear induction of the M2 phenotype of RAW
macrophages by PDA6606 pancreatic cancer cells was
observed in vitro. In ovo, PDA6606 cells and conditioned
media polarized macrophages to the M2 phenotype, which in
turn promoted tumour growth and angiogenesis via their
surface marker profiles and VEGF production. Conclusion:
PDA6606 pancreatic cancer cells expectantly and potently
induced M2 polarization of RAW264.7 macrophages. This
model may be used to study pancreatic cancer-macrophage
plasticity in e.g. drug research in vitro and in ovo.
Macrophages are cells with high plasticity that can adapt
their profile according to specific environmental stimuli (1-
3). Two extremes of macrophage activation continuum have
been designated: M1 and M2. The M1 phenotype can be
induced by IFNγ alone or combined with microbial products,
such as lipopolysaccharide (LPS). M1 cells release pro-
inflammatory cytokines, such as tumour necrosis factor alpha
(TNF-α), interleukin (IL)-12, and IL-23. They express high
levels of major histocompatibility complex (MHC)
molecules and inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS), and
can be cytotoxic against neoplastic cells (4). M2 or
‘alternatively activated macrophages are induced by e.g.
TH-2 type cytokines, such as IL-4, IL-10, and IL-13 (5).
These cells release anti-inflammatory cytokines, such as
IL-10, express high levels of arginase and scavenger receptor
A (including mannose receptor, CD206), have poor antigen-
presenting capability but enhanced debris clearance ability,
which is important for promotion of wound-healing and
angiogenesis (6).
Tumour-associated macrophages (TAMs) and M2
macrophages share tumour-promoting functions and surface
markers (7). Their presence is associated with poor prognosis
and survival of patients with several types of cancer (8). The
current understanding is that tumour cells highjack
macrophages and utilize their M2-associated properties to
fuel tumour growth. Hence, studying macrophage polarization
by tumour cells has been a heavily investigated research field
in the last decade (9-11). Two major points of investigation
are i) whether macrophage polarization can be reverted to e.g.
an M1 phenotype, and ii) how tumour cells are able to induce
the M2 phenotype in TAMs and use them for their benefit.
TAMs are especially important for fostering tumour
metastasis, which is responsible for the poor prognosis of
pancreatic cancer patients (12). Pancreatic cancer is a
malignancy that ranks 4th in terms of fatality among all
cancer types. Our previous research has shown the
importance of M2 macrophages in supporting tumour growth
in vitro and in vivo (13). In vivo depletion (efficacy of about
80%) of these macrophages resulted in abrogated tumour
growth and decreased blood vessel density within the tumour
microenvironment. The remaining tumour-resident
macrophages in both the non-depleted and depleted animals
were of the M2-phenotype. In vitro, a polarization towards
an M2 phenotype was observed in primary murine
*These Authors contributed equally to this work.
Correspondence to: Sander Bekeschus, ZIK plasmatis, Leibniz
Institute for Plasma Science and Technology (INP Greifswald),
Felix Hausdorff Str. 2, 17489 Greifswald, Germany. Tel: +49
38345543948, e-mail: sander.bekeschus@inp-greifswald.de
Key Words: Angiogenesis, M2 macrophages, tumour-associated
macrophages, VEGF.
ANTICANCER RESEARCH 39: 2871-2882 (2019)
RAW 264.7 Macrophage Polarization by Pancreatic Cancer
Cells A Model for Studying Tumour-promoting Macrophages
Department of General, Visceral, Thoracic and Vascular Surgery,
Greifswald University Medical Centre, Greifswald, Germany;
ZIK plasmatis, Leibniz Institute for Plasma Science and Technology (INP Greifswald), Greifswald, Germany
macrophages upon co-culture with murine PDA6606
pancreatic cancer cells. Experiments using primary cells are
of high importance, but recent developments in biomedical
research calling for implementation of the 3-R principles
(animal replacement, refinement, and reduction) require
alternative models. Accordingly, the acquisition of the M2
phenotype by the murine macrophage cell line RAW264.7
upon co-culture with murine PDA6606 pancreatic cancer
cells was examined as a novel research tool for investigating
tumour-promoting macrophages.
Materials and Methods
Chemically-induced macrophage differentiation. Murine RAW264.7
(RAW) macrophages (ATCC TBI-71) were cultured in Roswell-
Park-Memorial-Institute medium (RPMI1640; Pan BioTech,
Aidenbach, Germany) supplemented with 10% fetal bovine serum
(Sigma, Taufkirchen, Germany) and 2% penicillin/streptomycin
(Pan-BioTech, Aidenbach, Germany). For differentiation, cells were
stimulated with M-CSF (20 ng/ml) for 48 h, followed by a 72-h
stimulation with either interferon (IFN) γ (0.3 μg/ml; Sigma,
Taufkirchen, Germany) to obtain M1 macrophages or IL4 (40
ng/ml) and IL13 (40 ng/ml; both from Sigma, Taufkirchen,
Germany) for M2 polarization. Together with non-stimulated (M0)
macrophages, these cells served as controls in several experiments.
PDA6606-induced macrophage differentiation
The murine pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma cell line PDA6606
(source: Prof. Tuveson, Cambridge, UK) was cultured in fully
supplemented RPMI1640. For co-culture with macrophages, varying
concentrations of PDA6606 were seeded in 6-well plates. After
overnight incubation, 1×10
macrophages were added, and assayed
at the indicated time points. For transwell-assays, macrophages were
not added directly to PDA6606 cultures but instead into a transwell
(Nunc, Roskilde, Denmark) for up to 72 h, physically separating the
two cell types from each other while allowing the exchange of
soluble mediators through the cell culture medium. In a third
setting, RAW264.7 macrophages were cultured for up to 72 h with
varying concentrations of supernatants of PDA6606 cells that were
obtained only after overnight culture, to minimize nutrient
depletion. The medium contained phenol-red and was still red-pink
after collection (data not shown). Cells were characterized by
microscopy and flow cytometry.
Microscopy. Brightfield images of 6-well plates were acquired with
a objective using an inverted microscope (Observer Z1; Zeiss,
Jena, Germany). Quantitative image analysis was performed using
Image J 1.8 to assess the size of macrophage cell clusters at 3 days
of culture (3d). For co-cultures with fluorescently-labelled
macrophages (stained with 1 μM cell trace red for 30 min prior
(ThermoFisher, Dreieich, Germany)), 1×10
RAW264.7 cells were
added to 1x104 PDA6606 pancreatic cancer cells grown in 96-well
plates and incubated overnight. The plate was imaged at different time
points using an Operetta CLS high content imaging device
(PerkinElmer, Hamburg, Germany), and overlay images were
retrieved using Harmony 4.8 software (PerkinElmer, Hamburg,
Germany). This software was used to quantitatively assess cluster size
in an algorithm-based manner at several incubation time points. In
principle, cell trace red-positive macrophages were segmented and
events <500 μm
(representing single cells or small clusters) were
excluded before the sum of the remaining area was calculated.
Several hundred images were used for analysis. For
immunofluorescence, tumours were explanted and embedded in OCT
prior to conservation in liquid nitrogen. Tissue sections were
generated using a cryotome (ThermoFisher, Dreieich, Germany),
fixed (PFA 4%) and permeabilized (0.1% Triton X100), and nuclei
were counterstained with 4’,6-Diamidin-2-phenylindol (DAPI; Sigma,
Taufkirchen, Germany). Additionally, macrophages were labelled
either using an anti-CD11b antibody conjugated to Alexa Fluor 488
or using antibodies against CD206 (Alexa Fluor 488) or VEGF
(Alexa Fluor 647; all BioLegend, London, UK). Tissue sections were
mounted using vectashield mounting medium (VWR, Darmstadt,
ermany), and images were acquired by a fluorescence microscope
(BZ-9000; Keyance, Neu-Isenburg, Germany) and evaluated with BZ-
II-Analyser software (Keyence, Neu-Isenburg, Germany).
Flow cytometry. For determining the RAW264.7 polarization type,
multicolour flow cytometry was utilized. Cells were collected into
12×75 mm tubes (Sarstedt, Nuembrecht, Germany), washed, and
stained with monoclonal antibodies (depending on the assay) against
the following macrophage markers: Ly6C, CD206, F4/80, CD68,
CD11b, FcεR, CD115 (all from BioLegend, London, UK) or EGR2
(BioTechne, Wiesbaden, Germany). In some assays, intracellular
staining was performed against iNOS or arginase-1 (all from
BioLegend, London, UK) in cells that were fixed (fixation buffer,
BioLegend, London, UK) and permeabilized (permeabilization wash
buffer, BioLegend, London, UK). To distinguish RAW264.7
macrophages from PDA6606 pancreatic cancer cells in co-culture
samples or mixed-population tumours (see HET-CAM), CD11b was
used as a discriminating marker (data not shown). Data were
analysed on a Gallios or CytoFLEX S cytometer (Beckman-Coulter,
Krefeld, Germany). Data analysis was performed using Kaluza 2.1
software (Beckman-Coulter, Krefeld, Germany).
Chemokine/Cytokine analysis. For quantification of vascular
endothelial growth factor (VEGF), a commercially available ELISA
kit was utilized according to the manufacturers instructions
(BioLegend, London, UK), and absorption was measured on a
M200 multimode plate reader (Tecan, Maennedorf, Switzerland)
against a known standard. For screening of PDA6606 supernatants
for 13 different chemokines/cytokines, Legendplex assay
(BioLegend, London, UK) was utilized. This assay quantifies
analytes by flow cytometric quantification of beads carrying
antibodies targeted against a single analyte. A secondary,
fluorescently-labelled antibody visualizes the analyte if bound on
the primary antibody linked to the bead. Absolute quantification was
achieved using a standard curve of each analyte.
Hen’s egg test Chorion-Allantois-Membrane (HET-CAM-Model).
The HET-CAM is a model to investigate toxicity of drugs and their
effect on vascularization (14). The nervous system of chicken
embryos lacks pain perception until day 11 of ontogenesis. Hence,
experiments carried out on the carefully-opened CAM up to day 11
do not require permission of ethical committees, making this assay
a good alternative to traditional animal experiments. Previously, we
have adopted this assay to grow tumour cells on CAM called TUM-
CAM (15), as was also done in the present study. Briefly, eggs
(pathogen-free; Vakzine Lohmann, Cuxhaven, Germany) were
ANTICANCER RESEARCH 39: 2871-2882 (2019)
positioned in a horizontally in a hatching incubator (3C, 65%
humidity; Ehret, Mahlberg, Germany) where they were
automatically rotated hourly. After 6 days, the top of the eggs was
punctured with a sterile needle, sealed with leukosilk tape (BSN
medical, Hamburg, Germany), and put in a vertical position for
24 h. Then, eggs were carefully opened and a silicon ring (diameter
.5 cm) was placed on the CAM. Subsequently, either 2×10
RAW264.7 or PDA6606 cells were suspended in Matrigel (Corning,
Wiesbaden, Germany) and added into silicon rings embedded onto
the CAM. The RAW264.7 “tumours” served as a control to rule out
weight differences, because of the individual growth behaviour of
mixed-population (co-culture) tumours. For co-culture, 10
RAW264.7 and 1×10
PDA6606 cells were mixed at 1:1 ratio and
implanted into the silicon ring on CAM. Either non-stimulated
(naïve, M0) or pre-stimulated (M2 polarized) RAW264.7 cells were
used. To generate pre-stimulated macrophages, the cells were
cultured in vitro for 72 h in PDA6606 cell culture supernatants that
was diluted 1:2 with fresh culture medium. This procedure induced
a M2 macrophage phenotype. The defect in the eggshell was closed
with adhesive tape, and cells were grown for 72 h on the CAM.
Microphotographs, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and single
cell analysis of tumours. At day 3 after implantation of cells, eggs
were put in egg-shaped, pre-warmed metal boxes and photographed
using a 10x magnification objective for resolution of vessel
structures. For MRI, eggs were cooled on ice for 5 min before data
acquisition to inhibit chicken movement. The CAM was scanned in
a high field 7.0 T MRI scanner for small animals (ClinScan, 7.0 T,
290 mT/m gradient strength; Bruker, Ettlingen, Germany) as
previously described (16). MRI scan analyses were performed in an
egg coil filled with ice (Bruker, Ettlingen, Germany) using a T2-
TSE (turbo spin echo) sequence. For tumour size assessment, high
resolution T2-weighted images of the horizontal plane were used.
Generated images were analysed using MIPAV (medical imaging
processing and visualisation; National Institutes of Health,
Bethesda, MD, USA). For single cell analysis via flow cytometry,
the tumours were explanted, weighted, disintegrated with surgical
scissors and digested in 95% accutase and 5% trypsin for 30 min at
37˚C. Afterwards, suspensions were passed through a 30 μm filter
and prepared for multicolour flow cytometry.
Statistical analyses. All experiments were independently repeated
2-4 times with several replicates each. Calculation of mean and
standard errors as well as graphing was performed using Prism 8.01
(Graphpad software, San Diego, CA, USA). Statistical comparison
between several groups was performed with one-way analysis of
variances (Anova). If all groups were tested against a single control
group, Dunnett’s post-hoc test was performed.
RAW264.7 M0 macrophages can be polarized into M1 or M2
macrophages. It is known that RAW264.7 (RAW)
macrophages can be polarized into M1 or M2 macrophages
(17). To establish the protocol and positive controls for
subsequent assays, RAW cells were differentiated using
various factors, as described in materials and methods. Three
days after incubation, flow cytometry revealed differences in
the expression of CD68, iNOS, and FcεR surface markers
among M0, M1, and M2 macrophages (Figure. 1a-c).
Specifically, M1 macrophages were positive for iNOS
whereas M2 macrophages were positive for FcεR compared
o M0 and M2 or M1 macrophages, respectively (Figure 1d-
f). CD68 was mainly expressed in M1 macrophages, whereas
its expression in M2 macrophages varied among different
assays in our study. Hence, CD68 did not serve as an ideal
marker to distinguish M1 and M2 from M0 macrophages.
Microscopy of all macrophage phenotypes revealed a
significant tendency of M2 macrophages to cluster together
(Figure 1g-i) as shown in the quantitative image analysis
(Figure 1j). Altogether, our results showed that different
macrophage types can be discriminated based on
morphological and marker expression patterns.
Co-culture of RAW macrophages with pancreatic cancer
cells induces the M2 phenotype. Next, co-cultures were setup
between RAW macrophages and PDA6606 (PDA) pancreatic
cancer cells. By using fluorescently-labelled macrophages,
the clustering phenotype (Figure 2a) of M2 macrophages was
reproduced (Figure 1j). The extent of clustering was
dependent on both the ratio of PDA:RAW cells (Figure 2b)
as well as the incubation time (Figure 2c). Clustering was
proportional to the PDA:RAW ratio and incubation time (up
to 72 h). Clustering was also observed in chemically-induced
M2 macrophages but not in non-stimulated M0 macrophages
(Figure 2c), serving as a positive and negative control,
respectively. To further confirm that PDA cells induced a M2
phenotype in macrophages, co-cultures (PDA:RAW ratio
3:1) were analyzed by flow cytometry at 72 h. Staining for
CD206 and arginase showed a subtle and prominent
increase, respectively, of RAW cells in the co-cultures
compared to RAW monocultures (Figure 2c, d). This was
concomitant with elevated numbers of macrophages upon co-
culture (Figure 2e).
Secretory products of PDA6606 cells are sufficient to induce
M2 polarization in RAW macrophages. The next question
was whether direct cell-cell contact is necessary for PDA
cells to induce polarization of RAW cells into M2
macrophages. To this end, a transwell assay was setup where
both cell types were co-cultured inside one well but were
separated by a membrane that allows free diffusion of
soluble molecules but disallows physical interaction between
the cell types (Figure 3a). The expression levels of several
polarization markers were investigated on RAW cells
retrieved from co-cultures at 72 h by flow cytometry.
Increased expression of CD206 and FcεR, similar to that in
chemically-induced M2 macrophages, was observed. iNOS
expression was somewhat enhanced upon co-culture but this
was negligible on a relative scale considering the 200 fold
increase seen with chemically induced M1 macrophages.
These results suggested that direct cell-cell contact between
Khabipov et al: RAW264.7 Macrophage Polarization and Pancreatic Cancer
ANTICANCER RESEARCH 39: 2871-2882 (2019)
Figure 1. Differentiation of RAW macrophages. (a-c) Flow cytometric overlay charts of macrophage differentiation markers in non-stimulated and
stimulated cells at day 3 of culture; (d-f) quantitative analysis of surface marker expression in M0, M1, and M2 macrophages 3d; (g-i) microscopic
images (5×) of macrophage cultures at day 3 of culture, note the cluster formation in M2 macrophages; (j) quantitative analysis of cluster formation
at day 3 of culture. Data are from 2-3 independent experiments with several replicates. Scale bar is 100 μm.
Khabipov et al: RAW264.7 Macrophage Polarization and Pancreatic Cancer
Figure 2. Co-culture of RAW macrophages with pancreatic cancer cells reproduces the M2 phenotype. (a) Fluorescently-labelled macrophages in co-
culture with non-labelled PDA6606 cells imaged at various time points, note the cluster formation over time; (b) total cluster size at day 3 of culture
with different PDA-to-RAW ratios in co-culture; (c) cluster size of co-cultures (RAW+PDA at 1:3) over several days and cluster size of macrophages
and M2-stimulated macrophages (RAW) without PDA; (d) flow cytometry analysis of M2 surface markers CD206 and arginase in RAW mono and
RAW-PDA-co-cultures (at ratio 1:3) at day 3 of culture; (e) percentage of F4/80+ macrophages from all cells retrieved from co-cultures of RAW and
PDA (at ratio 1:3) on day 3 of culture. Data are from 2-3 independent experiments with several replicates. Scale bar is 50 μm.
ANTICANCER RESEARCH 39: 2871-2882 (2019)
Figure 3. Secretory products of PDA6606 cells are sufficient to induce M2 polarization in RAW macrophages. (a) Transwell co-culture of RAW
(sitting inside the transwell insert) and PDA (at well bottom) cells as well as M1 and M2 macrophages as control, and flow cytometry analysis of
RAW surface markers at day 3 of culture; (b) brightfield images (5×) of RAW macrophages cultured with PDA6606 supernatants (70%) at different
time points; (c) flow cytometry of M2 macrophage surface markers (normalized to unstimulated macrophages) of RAW cells incubated with
supernatants of PDA6606 cells for 3 days; (d) quantification of VEGF in supernatants of mono and co-cultures of RAW and PDA cells via ELISA;
(e) absolute concentrations of cytokines in PDA6606 supernatants at 18 h using multiplex bead-array. Data are from 2-3 independent experiments
with several replicates each. Scale bar is 100 μm. n.d.=None determined meaning the signal was below the kit-specific limit of detection.
Khabipov et al: RAW264.7 Macrophage Polarization and Pancreatic Cancer
Figure 4. RAW macrophages spur angiogenesis and growth of tumours implanted on the CAM of chicken eggs. (a) Angiogenesis and matrix
remodelling macroscopically observed in PDA and PDA-RAW tumours; (b) macroscopic size of PDA tumours increased with addition of RAW
macrophages, especially if pre-stimulated with supernatants of PDA cells (upper panel), quantification of tumour volume via MRI (lower panel);
(c) quantitative analysis of tumour volume and (d) tumour weight. Data are from 3-12 eggs.
ANTICANCER RESEARCH 39: 2871-2882 (2019)
Figure 5. RAW macrophages co-cultured with PDA cells on chicken embryos display an M2
phenotype. (a) Flow cytometry dot plots of macrophages, macrophages and PDA cells, PDA-
supernatant-stimulated macrophages, and PDA cells grown on chicken embryos; (b) ratio of
and F4/80
cells in different tissues; (c-g) flow cytometry analysis
of F4/80hi/CD11blow cells for several markers of macrophage polarization. Data are pooled from
tumours retrieved from three eggs per group. (h) and (i) are representative immunofluorescence
images of tissue sections retrieved from tumours (macrophages+PDA cells), scale bar is 100 μm.
RAW and PDA cells was not necessary for polarization of
M2 macrophages. To further support this notion, RAW
macrophages were incubated with cell culture supernatants
btained from PDA6606 cells. Again, cluster formation was
observed (Figure 3b), and flow cytometry confirmed the
upregulation of M2 markers on RAW macrophages (Figure
3c) in a concentration-dependent manner when cultured with
supernatants from PDA6606 cells. This effect was not
observed when RAW macrophages were incubated with
normal culture medium (served as normalization control=1).
To elucidate, which chemokines and/or cytokines and/or
growth factors were present in PDA6606 supernatants that
could potentially induce the phenotypic switch from M0 to
M2 macrophages, ELISA and multiplex bead array was
performed for quantification of 14 analytes in the cell culture
supernatant. High concentrations of VEGF (Figure 3d) were
observed in the supernatants of PDA monocultures and co-
cultures but not (or only at low levels) in RAW culture
supernatants. The fact that VEGF is a prominent anti-
inflammatory molecule, prompted us to screen for relevant
molecules that could potentially be responsible for
polarization of macrophages (Figure 3e). Significant levels
of MCP-1, KC, and anti-inflammatory TGFβ were identified
together with low levels of anti-inflammatory IL-10. In
summary, our results indicated that M0 to M2 polarization
of RAW264.7 macrophages was facilitated by secretory
products of PDA6606 pancreatic cancer cells, presumably
via a mix of anti-inflammatory chemokines, cytokines, and
growth factors.
PDA6606 cells educate RAW264.7 macrophages to spur
tumour growth and angiogenesis via M2 polarization. To
link our in vitro findings with functional consequences in a
living host, PDA6606 and/or RAW264.7 macrophages were
implanted onto CAMs of chicken embryos. Compared to
PDA6606 tumours implanted as monocultures, implantation
of co-cultures of PDA6606 cancer cells with RAW264.7
macrophages significantly spurred angiogenesis (Figure 4a).
This was macroscopically visible as an increased number of
thick blood vessels radially directed towards the co-culture
but not the monoculture tumour implants. In addition,
magnified images showed a denser vessel network at the
edge of co-culture implants compared to monoculture ones.
Moreover, matrix re-modelling, visible as grey areas, was
observed at the edges of tumours containing macrophages at
the tumour edges. This was also visible in RAW264.7 (data
not shown) but not PDA6606 monoculture tissue on the
CAM. In the latter case, the edges were abrupt and not
interacting intensively with the surrounding mesh, attributing
the finding of matrix remodelling to RAW cells. Comparing
the overall macroscopic size, co-culture tumours were also
larger although both mono- and co-culture tumours were
implanted at equally cell counts initially. Interestingly,
PDA6606 that were mixed with stimulated macrophages
(RAW264.7 cells cultured in 50% PDA-supernatant medium
to retrieve M2 macrophages) were even larger than co-
ulture tumours containing non-stimulated macrophages
(Figure 4b). This was underlined by the MRI results.
Absolute quantification of tumour volume calculated by MRI
revealed a significant increase in co-culture tumours with
stimulated macrophages compared to all other groups (Figure
4c). This finding was supported by the measurement of the
absolute weight of the tumours (Figure 4d). To characterize
the phenotype of macrophages within these different
conditions, some of the tumours were digested to retrieve
single cell suspensions for subsequent flow cytometric
analysis. Because this protocol is prone to loss of cells, we
had to pool the three tumours (replicates) into a single
sample (containing all events of the three replicates) to
retrieve sufficient cell numbers per condition and provide
robust statistics. Nonetheless, we were able to clearly
identify RAW264.7 cells via the expression of CD11b and
also of F4/80 (Figure 5a). For subsequent quantification of
phenotypic marker molecules, the geometric mean
fluorescent intensity (gMFI) was used (Figure 5c g) as it is
less prone to outliers (that occur more likely in samples with
lower cell numbers) compared to the MFI. Comparing the
ratios of F4/80
over F4/80
RAW264.7 cells, the co-
culture tumours with non-stimulated tumours were found to
be increased (Figure 5b). However, the F4/80 expression in
the F4/80
population was much lower in this sample
compared to the other two (Figure 5a), possibly pointing to
only a number of cells maturing into F4/80
For the subsequent marker analysis, only the F4/80
population was considered to be true macrophages, and gated
on. The results regarding CD206 (Figure 5d) and FcεR
(Figure 5e) corroborated our in vitro findings indicating
increased expression of these markers in RAW macrophages
upon co-culture with PDA6606 cells or incubation with their
supernatants. The expression pattern of CD115 was distinct
in each treatment group (Figure 5c). iNOS expression was
also slightly increased (Figure 5f); however, we feel that this
is insignificant keeping in mind that M1 macrophages
express iNOS up to 200-fold above that of M0 macrophages
(Figure 3a). A small but consistent increase in the expression
of Ly6C was seen in the co-culture tumours compared to the
mono-cultures (Figure 5g). These data illustrated not only
the ability of (polarized) macrophages to spur angiogenesis
but also the potency of tumour-conditioned macrophages
(here referred to as M2, but generally also referred to as
tumour-promoting or tumour-associated macrophages) to
significantly spur tumour growth. This was supported by
immunofluorescence indicating that CD11b+ macrophages
not only induced formation of blood vessels (Figure 5h) but
also seemed to cluster in ovo while releasing pro-angiogenic
VEGF (Figure 5i).
Khabipov et al: RAW264.7 Macrophage Polarization and Pancreatic Cancer
Macrophages are described as cells with high plasticity and
ifferentiation potential (18). As tumour associated
macrophages with M2 properties (19), they play an
important role in tumour progression and metastasis
development in several cancerous diseases (20-22), such as
pancreatic carcinoma (23-25). Our previous findings (13) as
well as other studies (26, 27) have shown the ability of
PDA6606 pancreatic carcinoma cells to alter macrophage
differentiation to their favour. Differentiation into the pro-
tumour M2 subtype has been shown both in vitro and in vivo.
Furthermore, M2 macrophages have been shown to influence
tumour progression by promoting angiogenesis (28-30) and
matrix remodelling (31). Hence, there is a need to study
induction of tumour-promoting macrophage phenotype and
their plasticity. In this study, we have used for the first time
an in vitro and in ovo model system to study the interaction
of macrophages and pancreatic cancer cells that may present
a suitable addition to traditional rodent model systems or
primary cells obtained from rodents.
Flow cytometry was used to analyse intra-tumour
RAW264.7 macrophages in ovo following their isolation from
PDA6606 tumours and staining for the macrophage-specific
antigen CD11b. This method also allowed us to compare the
differentiation status of in ovo-stimulated RAW264.7 cells with
that of RAW264.7 cells stimulated in vitro using established
methods such as supernatant assay, trans-well assay, and co-
cultivation with cancer cells. Our results indicated that
differentiation to M2 macrophages was positively correlated
with the intensity of their interaction with PDA6606 cells.
However, as in previous studies (32-34), cell-to-cell contact
was not found to be a prerequisite for the induction of the M2
phenotype. In this study, high levels of VEGF were found in
PDA cell culture supernatants. As a functional consequence,
both pre-stimulated as well as non-stimulated macrophages,
increased angiogenesis and matrix re-modelling in co-culture
tumours in ovo, which is a typical trait of TAMs of the M2
subtype (30, 35, 36). Yet, angiogenesis in PDA tumours was
considerably less prominent, ruling out the possibility that
VEGF released by PDA6606 is responsible for the increased
angiogenesis. It is possible that VEGF released by PDA cells
is part of a feed-back loop that exists between PDA and
macrophages. Moreover, only pre-stimulated macrophages
significantly increased tumour weight in comparison to PDA
monoculture tumours, while naive macrophages did not.
Similar results have been obtained by a group using tumour
educated macrophages in a murine in vivo model (37).
Unfortunately, polarization of macrophages was not tested in
that study. It is known that tumour growth is limited by a finite
supply of oxygen and nutrients caused by insufficient
vascularization. Our hypothesis is that pre-stimulated (M2)
RAW macrophages were able to accelerate angiogenesis and
therefore nutrient supply, leading to increased tumour growth.
By contrast, tumour cells implanted as co-cultures with non-
stimulated (M0) macrophages first needed to polarize
macrophages, which then in a second step would accelerate
tumour growth via increasing vascularization and inducing
matrix re-modelling. However, this idea could not be tested in
our model as the assay lasts only for few days on CAM before
the embryos need to be euthanized. The importance of TAMs
is underlined by current efforts to target M2 into M1
macrophage polarization in a neo-adjuvant clinical setting (38-
40). This may even help preventing extensive peritoneal
metastasis, which is also supported by M2 macrophages (41).
Next to numerous potential targets reported throughout the
literature, chemokine secretion by tumour cells including
CCL3, CCL4, CCL22 (42), and potentially CCL2 as observed
in this and other studies (43-45), may serve as an additional
therapeutic avenue.
A more technical finding of our study was that the
clustering of RAW264.7 cells is a morphological correlate of
M2 differentiation. Clustering has not been described as an
M2 “trait”, yet and may be an additional and simple method
to recognize differentiation processes in RAW264.7
populations. The universality of this finding needs to be
confirmed in further morphological and molecular studies
using other monocyte/macrophage cell lines and cancer cells,
as well as primary cells. Our findings may be useful for
groups frequently using RAW264.7 cells to study
macrophage plasticity and differentiation (46-48).
Our study showed the suitability of the PDA6606 pancreatic
cancer cells and RAW264.7 macrophages co-culture
approach to study the differentiation of macrophages towards
the M2 phenotype and their role in tumour promotion.
Furthermore, the presented in ovo HET-CAM/TUM-CAM
assay is a rapid approach, that is not limited by ethical
concerns, used to test the functional consequences of
macrophage polarization in the context of living systems.
Conflicts of Interest
There are no conflicts of interest to declare regarding this study.
Authors’ Contributions
LIP and SB designed the study; AK and AK performed the
experiments; AK, AK, KRL, EF and SB analysed the data; SB
prepared the draft; all Authors reviewed the manuscript.
Technical support by Christine Hackbarth, Antje Janetzko, and Felix
Nießner is gratefully acknowledged. SB received financial support
ANTICANCER RESEARCH 39: 2871-2882 (2019)
by the Federal German Ministry of Education and Research, grant
number 03Z22DN11.
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Received April 9, 2019
Revised May 6, 2019
Accepted May 15, 2019
ANTICANCER RESEARCH 39: 2871-2882 (2019)