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Style Guide: Best Practices in Formatting
According to Colin Wheildon, author of Type & Layout: Are You Communicating or Just
Making Pretty Shapes, its possible that 75% of your readers attempting to access your
content (whether online, in print, or via email) will disregard what youre saying based
solely on the type of font you choose. Thats right75%!
Thats why its critically important to choose fonts that are clean and accessible and to
choose a layout that is visual but not busy. Dont try to pack too much into your
layout, or else you may run the risk of your message being lost.
First, lets look at the differences between a serif and sans serif font.
Serif fonts are more embellished, with small lines attached to the end of a stroke in a
letter or symbol. Popular serif fonts include Times New Roman, Georgia, and
Garamond. Many books, newspaper, and magazines use a serif font. In print
mediums, serif fonts are often easier to read.
Sans serif fonts dont have the added embellishments. These fonts are often used in
advertisements, and are generally easier to read. In print, sans serif fonts are often
used as a headline, whereas serif fonts are used for the body text. Popular sans serif
fonts include Helvetica, Arial, and Calibri.
There are some simple best practices in formatting print, online, and email
communications for your organization. These best practices will make your
information easier to understand and more accessible to the average reader.
When do I use a serif font like Times New Roman or Garamond?
For print items, its suggested to utilize serif fonts for brochures, donation letters in
the mail, etc. However, its still recommended to use sans serif fonts for your
headlines, subheadings, etc. Use at least a 12 or 14-point font. The larger your font
size, the easier your content is to read. For this particular paper, we have chosen a 14-
point font.
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When do I use a sans serif font like Arial or Calibri?
For online (like your website or email newsletters), sans serif is the way to go. As
mentioned above, use sans serif fonts for headlines and subheadings, too. A larger
font-size is also recommended for online readingwe recommend at least a 14-point
font. Arial font is a great choice for online readability!
Note: If youre going to have something that could be viewed either in print OR
online (like a PDF document uploaded onto your website, for example), we
recommend going with a sans serif font. When in doubt, sans serif is the best option!
Serif Fonts Sans Serif Fonts
Times New Roman
Check your readability.
Did you know that its possible to check the reading level of your content using the
program Microsoft Word?
In Microsoft Word, there is a way to check whats known as the Flesch-Kincaid
readability. Flesh-Kincaid was developed in the 1970s by the U.S. Navy. This formula
was first used by the Army to discover whether or not its technical manuals were easy
to read. Since then, its become a common requirement throughout the U.S. to have
legal documents (such as insurance policies) written at no higher than a 9
reading level.
We recommend making sure that all your materialswhether print, online, or
emailare readable for an 8
grade reading level. This will make your content easier
to read for a larger audience.
To check the reading level in Microsoft Word, youll need to first go into the
Microsoft Word program. This is the easiest way to check your readability, although it
may require you to copy and paste from other formats (like your website or an
electronic newsletter) into Microsoft Word to check the reading level.
Once youve opened the Microsoft Word program, click on the tools (or review)
button at the top of your screen. Then click on the spelling & grammar tab,
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followed by clicking on options. Youll want to select the proofing tab if it
doesnt automatically come up.
Under the subheading grammar, make sure that the tab for show readability
statistics is checked. See screen shot below:
With the show readability statistics option checked, you will get a report whenever
you perform a spell check in Microsoft Word. Once a spell check is performed, your
readability should automatically be included along with your word counts and
averages under the label readability. (See screen shot on the next page.)
Under the readability label there are three items to pay attention to. The first is
passive sentences. The lower this percentage the better (20% or less), because it
means youre writing in a much more clear and concise way. When we write in whats
called active voice, its easier for a reader to understand your content.
Then look at the Flesch Reading Ease. Texts that have a high Flesch Reading Ease
score are easier to read with shorter sentences and words. For the reading level were
trying to achieve (8
grade), your Flesch Reading Ease score should be of 60-70 or
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lower. A score of 60-70 means your content is easily understood by 13-15 year old
students and higher.
Finally, look at the Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level. This is a formula that determines
how many number of years of education are usually required to understand your text.
The score is given as a U.S. grade level, which allows you to easily judge the reading
level of your content. For instance, if your content is rated as a 7.5 on the Flesch-
Kincaid Grade Level index on Microsoft Word, this means the reading level of your
content is somewhere between 7
and 8
grade. As previously stated, 8
reading levela level commonly referred to as plain English”—is what were
shooting for.
Here is a screenshot of the readability of this handout. Youll notice that we have met
all the requirements outlined above.
This is a simple test you can do for any brochures, publications, website information,
email newsletters, and more. Just remember that if you are checking the readability of
content on the web, youll have to copy and paste it into Microsoft Word first.
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Avoid putting text on colorful backgrounds that make it difficult to read.
While colorful backgrounds make great visuals, putting text over these images make
the information harder to read.
The website has some great templates available to help you overlay
text on colorful backgrounds that look clean and professional. This easy-to-use
website has some great templates available that make design simple and easy for
everyone. While some of the designs cost money to use, many of them are free.
Keep it simple. White space is your friend.
When trying to design a project or brochure, its easy for us to get carried away. This
is especially true when learning new programs. However, keep in mind that simpler is
usually better. More extravagant designs tend to make your content less readable.
Filling up white space with color can distract from your content.
Understand how people view your website and electronic newsletters.
Believe it or not, theres a science to how people view websites online. Website
visitors absorb content in a matter of seconds, and will view the page from left to
More important items should be placed toward the top of your page. This is a great
place for a logo or a donate button. Studies have shown that the left half of your page
is the most important.
The second-most viewed portion is the bottom of the page. This is a great place for a
call to action. Smaller chunks of information are best, and easier for a reader to digest.
Break up your content into short paragraphs, provide headings, use bullets, and create
numbered lists.
You should have lots of white space as a key element to your web design. This gives
the eyes a chance to rest between blocks of information.
Surprisingly, web banners are not terribly effective. These banners are embedded
usually at the top of a webpage. They may have scrolling graphics and text on them,
with the intention to attract more traffic and clicks.
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Eye tracking studies have shown that web banners are almost universally ignored. So
if the most important information on your website is contained in a series of web
banners, theres a good chance that no one is clicking on it.
Another element is to include pictures of people. Experts agree that people visiting
your website like to look at someone else they can identify with.
You can purchase stock photos of people from or if you dont have any other photo options.
Be sure that the pictures you use are inclusive of everyone your agency serves. This
includes people of color; older adults; men; younger people and children; lesbian, gay,
bisexual or transgender people and/or couples; and others.
For your considerationthis paper was written in 14-point font. It is written in an
grade reading level to make it easier to read. The body text is written in
Garamond serif font; the headings and subheadings are written in Calibri sans
serif font
This project was supported by Grant No. 2008-TA-AX-K043 awarded by the Office on Violence Against Women,
U.S. Department of Justice. The opinions, findings, conclusions, and recommendations expressed in this publication
are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Department of Justice, Office on Violence Against
Distribution Rights: This tool may be reprinted in its entirety or excerpted with proper
acknowledgement to the author, but may not be altered or sold for profit.
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Canva makes design simple for everyone. Create designs for Web or print: blog
graphics, presentations, Facebook covers, flyers, posters, invitations and so
much more. While some of the designs cost money to use, many of them are
iStock is an online, royalty free stock photography provider offering millions of
photos, illustrations, clip art, videos and audio tracks. Some of the content
available on iStock is free. Users can purchase images and/or video, which can
then be used in brochures, publications, websites, and more without having to
worry about infringing on copyrights.
Like iStock, Shutterstock provides royalty free stock photography, stock
footage, stock music, and editing tools. Some of the content available on
Shutterstock is free, and users can sign up and get free content every week.
Users can purchase images and/or videos, which can then be used in
brochures, publications, websites, and more without having to worry about
infringing on copyrights.
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Ciotti, Gregory. "7 Marketing Lessons from Eye-Tracking Studies." Kissmetrics
Blog, n.d. Web. 07 July 2016. <
Nielsen, Jakob. "F-Shaped Pattern for Reading Web Content." Nielsen
Norman Group, 17 Apr. 2006. Web. 07 July 2016.
Patel, Neil. "8 Powerful Takeaways from Eye Tracking Studies." Quick Sprout,
16 Apr. 2014. Web. 07 July 2016.
Puri, Ritika. "Usability Lessons from Website Eye Tracking Studies." The Daily
Egg. N.p., 08 Nov. 2012. Web. 07 July 2016.