SP 363-G
Pesticide Recordkeeping Requirements
for Commercial and Licensed Applicators and Dealers
Darrell Hensley, Extension Assistant Professor
Gene Burgess, Professor Emeritus
Entomology and Plant Pathology
1. Private ApplicatorIn the law,
“Tennessee Application of Pesticide Act of
1978” and “Regulations Governing Use of
Restricted Use Pesticides,” a private
applicator is defined as an individual who
uses, supervises the use of, or buys any
pesticide that is classified as restricted use
for the purpose of producing an agricultural
commodity on property owned or rented by
the individual or the employer or (if applied
without compensation other than trading of
personal services between producers of
agricultural commodities) on the property of
another person. These may be farmers,
greenhouse operators and nursery operators.
2. Commercial Applicator — In the law,
“Regulations Governing Use of Restricted
Use Pesticides,” a commercial applicator is
defined as an individual who uses,
supervises the use of, buys or sells
restricted-use pesticides for the purpose or
for the use on any property other than as
defined under Private Applicator or
Licensed Commercial Pest Control
3. Licensed Applicator (Licensed
Commercial Pest Control Operator)
Under “Tennessee Application of Pesticides
Act,” this is defined as a person who
engages in custom application of pesticides
and who has demonstrated to the satisfaction
of the pest control licensing and advisory
board his or her qualifications to design and/or
direct pest control operations.
Commercial applications are affected by
several laws with regard to recordkeeping. One
is the “Food, Agriculture, Conservation and
Trade (FACT) Act” of 1990, commonly referred
to as the “1990 Farm Bill.” This law requires
private and commercially certified pesticide
applicators to keep records of restricted-use
chemicals they apply.
Commercial Applicators
There are two state laws that supersede the
1990 Farm Bill. One is “Regulations Governing
Use of Restricted Pesticides,” which contains the
rules for the “Tennessee Insecticide, Fungicide,
and Rodenticide Act (TIFRA).” In section 0080-
6-16-.05, these regulations state that commercial
applicators (not private applicators) shall keep
accurate records of restricted-use pesticides
used. These records must be maintained for a
period of two years and made available upon
request of the Tennessee Department of
These records must show the following:
(a) Pesticide used,
(b) Target pest,
(c) Crop, plant, house, business or building
pesticide is applied on or to and its
(d) Dosage rate,
(e) The landowner, producer or other
person employing the applicator,
(f) Date used and
(g) Amount of pesticide applied.
Federal Requirements
Licensed Applicators
(Licensed Commercial Pest Control
Another state law that requires
recordkeeping is the “Pest Control Operator
Regulations” of the “Tennessee Application of
Pesticides Act.” Section 0080-09-04-.09 of these
rules or regulations states that all commercial
pest control operators and commercial
applicators shall maintain true and accurate
records of both restricted and general use
pesticides. Such records shall be kept legibly or
electronically and shall be readily available for
departmental inspection for two years following
the pesticides’ use. Upon request by the
Tennessee Department of Agriculture, such
records shall be made available within 48 hours.
Records must document each of the
(a) Applicator’s first and last name(s) and
departmental assigned identification
(b) The pesticide used,
(c) The target pest(s),
(d) The crop, plant, house, business or
building onto or around which pesticide
is applied,
(e) Location where the pesticide is applied,
including physical address or Farm
Services number,
(f) Application rate,
(g) Percentage of mixed-use dilution and
quantity of pesticide used,
(h) Landowner or other person who
requested the custom application of
pesticide, and
(i) Date of service.
Section 0080-09-04-.08 of the TIFRA
requires every licensed pesticide dealer to
maintain records necessary to identify all
purchases of restricted-use pesticides.
These records must include the following:
(a) Date of the sale,
(b) Name and quantity of pesticide sold,
including each sale, and
(c) Name of the purchaser and purchaser’s
license, certification or private
applicator certification number.
These regulations do not require the use of a
standardized form. However, one has been
developed by UT Extension as Form 805 for the
convenience of commercial applicators. This
form has all the items required by Tennessee and
federal laws and the Worker Protection
Standards (WPS). There are also computer
programs available from private industries and
universities. The University of Tennessee has
developed an Excel spreadsheet for
recordkeeping. The spreadsheet is downloadable
from psep.utk.edu/Private-rk-form.xls.
(rev. 11/7/17)
Commercial Applicator Restricted-Use Pesticide Record Keeping Form*
Field ID / Location of treated area ____________________________________________________________________________________ /USDA
Land owner or person authorizing application __________________________________________________________________________ TDA
Site, Crop,
area treated
Size of area
Applicator’s name
& Certification
*The Federal pesticide recordkeeping regulations require all commercial applicators, both agricultural and non-agricultural, to furnish a copy of the data elements required by this regulation to the customer within 30 days
of the restricted use pesticide application. Also upon request by the Tennessee Department of Agriculture, such records shall be made available within 48 hours.
USDA = Information required for Federal Record Keeping Requirements for restricted-use pesticides and records must be maintained for two years.
TDA = Tennessee Department of Agriculture, ruling; T.C.A. §§ 0080-09-04-.09 requires additional information for commercial pest control operators and commercial applicators, such as; targeted pest(s), the name of the
landowner or person authorizing application.
= This hand/head symbol indicates Worker Protection Standard (WPS). All WPS information must be posted within 24 hours of the pesticide application or before entry occurs and area must remain posted for 30 days
after the end of the Restricted Entry Interval (REI). After this time, the records must be maintained for 2 years from the end of the REI. All other information must be recorded within 14 days of application. If you apply a tank
mix of pesticides with different REIs, write down the longest REI. NOTE: WPS agricultural-use pesticides may be general use or restricted-use pesticides.
**Spot Treatment: Spot treatments are especially useful in the control of noxious weeds. If you apply restricted use pesticides on the same day in a total area of less than 1/10 of an acre, you are required to record the
following: date of application including month, day, and year; brand or product name; EPA registration number; total amount of pesticide applied; location of the pesticide application, designated as "Spot application;" and
short description. The spot treatment provision excludes greenhouse and nursery applications.
SP 363-G(Rev) 12/17
500 E12-4613-00-002-18 18-0150
Programs in agriculture and natural resources, 4-H youth development, family and consumer sciences, and resource development. University of
Tennessee Institute of Agriculture, U.S. Department of Agriculture and county governments cooperating. UT Extension provides equal
opportunities in programs and employment.