Operation, Management and Development Agreement
Airports Authority of India
Mumbai International Airport Private Limited
Mumbai Airport
APRIL, 2006
Mumbai International Airport Private Limited
Operation, Management and Development Agreement
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CHAPTER I.........................................................................................................................7
DEFINITIONS AND INTERPRETATION ........................................................................7
CHAPTER II......................................................................................................................18
SCOPE OF GRANT ..........................................................................................................18
CHAPTER III ....................................................................................................................28
CONDITIONS PRECEDENT ...........................................................................................28
CHAPTER IV ....................................................................................................................32
REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES..................................................................32
CHAPTER V .....................................................................................................................35
TRANSITION PHASE......................................................................................................35
CHAPTER VI ....................................................................................................................38
OPERATION SUPPORT ..................................................................................................38
CHAPTER VII...................................................................................................................41
ACCEPTANCE OF SITE/DISCLAIMER ........................................................................41
CHAPTER VIII .................................................................................................................43
CHAPTER IX ....................................................................................................................57
CHAPTER X .....................................................................................................................61
MONITORING AND INFORMATION ...........................................................................61
CHAPTER XI ....................................................................................................................64
FEES ..................................................................................................................................64
CHAPTER XII...................................................................................................................67
TARIFF AND REGULATION .........................................................................................67
CHAPTER XIII .................................................................................................................68
FINANCING ARRANGEMENTS & SECURITY ...........................................................68
CHAPTER XIV .................................................................................................................71
STEP IN RIGHTS OF AAI ...............................................................................................71
CHAPTER XV...................................................................................................................73
CHAPTER XVI .................................................................................................................74
FORCE MAJEURE ...........................................................................................................74
CHAPTER XVII................................................................................................................77
DEFAULT .........................................................................................................................77
CHAPTER XVIII...............................................................................................................83
TERM, EXPIRY & TRANSFER ......................................................................................83
CHAPTER XIX .................................................................................................................85
TRANSFER PROVISIONS...............................................................................................85
CHAPTER XX...................................................................................................................90
SCHEDULE 1....................................................................................................................98
DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS AND REQUIREMENTS ...........................................98
SCHEDULE 2..................................................................................................................101
SCHEDULE 3..................................................................................................................103
OBJECTIVE SERVICE QUALITY REQUIREMENTS................................................103
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SCHEDULE 4..................................................................................................................105
SUBJECTIVE SERVICE QUALITY REQUIREMENTS..............................................105
SCHEDULE 5..................................................................................................................106
AERONAUTICAL SERVICES ......................................................................................106
SCHEDULE 6..................................................................................................................108
NON-AERONAUTICAL SERVICES ............................................................................108
SCHEDULE 7..................................................................................................................110
MANDATORY CAPITAL PROJECTS .........................................................................110
SCHEDULE 8..................................................................................................................112
PRINCIPLES ...................................................................................................................112
SCHEDULE 9..................................................................................................................117
FORM OF SUBSTITUTION AGREEMENT.................................................................117
SCHEDULE 10................................................................................................................131
TRANSITION PLAN ......................................................................................................131
SCHEDULE 11................................................................................................................132
INSURANCE LIST .........................................................................................................132
SCHEDULE 12................................................................................................................134
CONTRACTING PROCEDURES..................................................................................134
SCHEDULE 13................................................................................................................135
ESCROW ACCOUNT AGREEMENT...........................................................................135
SCHEDULE 14................................................................................................................150
INITIAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN.................................................................................150
SCHEDULE 15................................................................................................................151
LIST OF EXPERTS.........................................................................................................151
SCHEDULE 16................................................................................................................152
ESSENTIAL SERVICES ................................................................................................152
SCHEDULE 17................................................................................................................153
FORM OF BID BOND....................................................................................................153
SCHEDULE 18................................................................................................................156
FORM OF PERFORMANCE BOND .............................................................................156
SCHEDULE 19*..............................................................................................................160
SCHEDULE 20................................................................................................................161
DISCLAIMER CERTIFICATE.......................................................................................161
SCHEDULE 21................................................................................................................165
DUTIES OF INDEPENDENT ENGINEER ...................................................................165
SCHEDULE 22................................................................................................................166
FORM OF BANK GUARANTEE (EQUITY COMMITMENT) ..................................166
SCHEDULE 23................................................................................................................169
DETAILS OF OPERATION SUPPORT COSTS ...........................................................169
SCHEDULE 24................................................................................................................170
LIST OF CLEARANCES................................................................................................170
SCHEDULE 25................................................................................................................171
DEMISED PREMISES....................................................................................................171
SCHEDULE 26................................................................................................................172
ENCROACHMENTS ......................................................................................................172
SCHEDULE 27................................................................................................................173
CARVED OUT ASSETS ................................................................................................173
SCHEDULE 28................................................................................................................174
EXISTING LEASES .......................................................................................................174
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SCHEDULE 29*..............................................................................................................178
SCHEDULE 30................................................................................................................179
SELECTION OF PANEL OF INDEPENDENT VALUERS .........................................179
Mumbai International Airport Private Limited
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This Operation, Management and Development Agreement (the “Agreement” or
OMDA”) made on this 4
day of April, 2006,
1. The Airports Authority of India acting through its Chairman (hereinafter
referred to as the “AAI”, which expression shall, unless repugnant to the context
or meaning thereof, include its successors and assigns) of the FIRST PART; and
2. Mumbai International Airport Private Limited, a company incorporated under
the Companies Act, 1956 having its registered office at Mumbai Airport, Mumbai
(hereinafter referred to as the “JVC”, which expression shall, unless repugnant to
the context or meaning thereof, include its successors and permitted assigns) of
AAI and JVC are hereinafter collectively referred to as “Parties” and individually as
(A) AAI is an authority established under the Airports Authority of India Act, 1994
(the “AAI Act”), which is responsible for the development, operation,
management and maintenance of airports in India.
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(B) AAI, in the interest of the better management of the Airport (as defined herein)
and/or overall public interest, is desirous of granting some of its functions, being
the functions of operating, maintaining, developing, designing, constructing,
upgrading, modernising, financing and managing the Airport to the JVC and for
this purpose to lease the premises constituting the Airport Site (as defined herein),
in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth herein.
(C) JVC is a company established, inter-alia with the objectives of operating,
maintaining, developing, designing, constructing, upgrading, modernising,
financing and managing the Airport (as defined herein).
(D) JVC is desirous and agreeable to undertake the function of operating, maintaining,
developing, designing, constructing, upgrading, modernising, financing and
managing the Airport (as defined herein) on and subject to the terms and
conditions set forth herein.
NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the respective covenants and agreements set
forth in this Agreement , sufficiency and adequacy of which is hereby acknowledged, and
intending to be legally bound hereby, the Parties agree as follows:
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1.1 Definitions
In this Agreement, unless the context otherwise requires:
“AAI Services” shall mean such services/ activities as performed by AAI
pursuant to CNS/ATM Agreement.
“Aeronautical Assets” shall mean those assets, which are necessary or required
for the performance of Aeronautical Services at the Airport and such other assets
as JVC procures in accordance with the provisions of the Project Agreements (or
otherwise on the written directions of the GOI/ AAI) for or in relation to,
provision of any Reserved Activities and shall specifically include all land,
property and structures thereon acquired or leased during the Term in relation to
such Aeronautical Assets.
“Aeronautical Services” shall have the meaning assigned hereto in Schedule 5
“Airport” means the Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport, as located on the
Airport Site.
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Airport Business” shall mean the business of operating, maintaining,
developing, designing, constructing, upgrading, modernising, financing and
managing the Airport, and providing Airport Services.
Aeronautical Charges” shall have the meaning assigned thereto in Article
“Airport Operator Agreement” means the service performance/ level agreement
to be entered into between the JVC and the Airport Operator based on the
principles annexed hereto as Schedule 8.
Airport Operator” or “Operator” means ACSA Global Limited, being the
Entity identified as such by the Consortium Members during the competitive
bidding procedure, who enters into an agreement with the JVC for provision of
such services as are contained in the Airport Operator Agreement.
“Airport Services” shall mean the services constituting Aeronautical Services,
and Non-Aeronautical Services
“Airport Site” shall mean the underlying land forming part of the Demised
Premises (as defined in the Lease Deed) agreed to be demised by AAI in
pursuance of this Agreement under the Lease Deed and all land acquired or leased
by the JVC during the Term in pursuance of this Agreement under the Lease Deed
or otherwise.
“Applicable Law” means any and all applicable laws including rules, direction,
regulations and notifications made thereunder and judgements of the Supreme
court of India as may be in force and effect in India during the subsistence of this
“Bid Bond” shall mean the bank guarantee of Rs. 50 Crores (as the same has
since been increased from Rs. 50 Crores to Rs. 500 Crores prior to the date
hereof) from a reputed Scheduled Commercial bank in India submitted by the
Consortium Members to the AAI during the competitive bidding procedure
undertaken by AAI for the purposes of the selection of the private participants in
the JVC in the form attached herewith as Schedule 17.
“BCAS” means the Bureau of Civil Aviation Security.
“Book Value” shall mean the written down value in the books of the JVC of a
specific asset or class of asset in accordance with depreciation rates as set forth in
the Indian Companies Act, 1956. In the event, the depreciation rates for certain
assets are not available in the aforesaid Act, then the depreciation rates as
provided in the Income Tax Act for such asset as converted to straight line method
from the written down value method will be considered. In the event, such rates
are not available in either of the Acts then depreciation rates as per generally
accepted Indian accounting standards may be considered.
“Business Plan” means the plan for the Airport Business, updated periodically
from time to time, that sets out how it is intended to operate, manage and develop
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the Airport over a planning horizon and will include financial projections for the
plan period.
Carved Out Assets” shall mean the assets set out in Schedule 27 hereunder;
“Chartered Accountancy Firm” shall mean a firm (either of Indian or foreign
origin) which is permitted by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India
(ICAI) to practice its services in India;
“Clearance” means any consent, licence, approval, permit, ruling, exemption, no
objection certificate or other authorisation or permission of whatsoever nature
which is required to be obtained from and/or granted by any Governmental
and any other governmental, quasi governmental, administrative, judicial,
public or statutory body, ministry, department, instrumentality, agency, authority, board,
bureau, corporation entrusted with, and carrying out, any statutory functions(s) or
required from time to time in connection with the performance of
obligations hereunder.
“CNS/ATM Agreement” shall mean the agreement for provision of CNS/ATM
Services to be entered into between the AAI and the JVC.
CNS/ATM Services” means Communication, Navigation and Surveillance and
Air Traffic Management Services as described in CNS/ ATM Agreement;
“Conditions Precedent” shall mean collectively the AAI Conditions Precedent,
the JVC Conditions Precedent and the Common Conditions Precedent.
“Consortium Members” shall mean (i) GVK Airport Holdings Pvt Ltd; (ii)
ACSA Global Limited; and (iii) Bid Services Division (Maritius) Ltd.
“Debt” means the quantum of outstanding principal payable to Lenders as of
Transfer Date, in respect of financial assistance provided by the Lenders on an
arms-length basis by way of loans, guarantees (to the extent invoked),
subscription to non-convertible debentures, subscription to convertible debentures
(to the extent not converted into equity) and other debt instruments secured by a
first charge (including parri passu charge) including loan agreements, notes,
bonds and other debt instruments, security agreements, and other documents
relating to the financing of capital expenditure for the development and
upgradation of the Transfer Assets pursuant to the terms hereof. It is clarified that
the following shall not constitute Debt: (i) debt repayments (principal, interest,
levies, charges, penal charges, penalties and/ or damages) payable prior to
Transfer Date, on which the JVC has defaulted; (ii) any working capital facilities
relating to Transfer Assets; (iii) any financial assistance of any nature whatsoever
relating to Non-Transfer Assets; and (iv) Sub-ordinate Debt.
“Development Standards and Requirements” mean the standards and
requirements set forth in Schedule 1 hereof.
“Dispute” shall mean any dispute, difference, question or controversy between
the Parties arising out of, in connection with or in relation to this Agreement.
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“Effective Date” means the date on which the Conditions Precedent have been
satisfied or waived according to the terms hereof.
“Encumbrance” means any mortgage, right of way, pledge, equitable interest,
prior assignment, conditional sales contract, hypothecation, right of others, claim,
security interest, title retention agreement, voting trust agreement, interest, option,
lien, charge, easement, encroachment or other condition, commitment, restriction
or limitation of any nature whatsoever, including any restriction on use, voting,
transfer, receipt of income or exercise of any other attribute of ownership. The
word “Encumber” shall be construed accordingly.
“Entity” means any person, body corporate, trust, partnership firm or other
association of persons/ individuals whether registered or not.
Environment Audit and Report” means the report covering the status of the
environmental condition at the Airport prepared by an independent expert in
accordance with Article 8.5.10(i) hereof.
“Environmental Management Strategy” shall mean the plan required to be
produced by the JVC under the provisions of Article 8.5.10 hereof setting out the
strategy and actions planned to address matters identified in the Environmental
Audit Report.
“Escrow Account” shall mean the escrow account established pursuant to/ under
the Escrow Agreement.
“Escrow Agreement” shall mean the escrow agreement to be entered into
between the AAI, the JVC and a bank in the form set forth in Schedule 13 hereof.
“Essential Assets” shall mean those assets which are necessary or required for the
performance of Essential Services;
“Essential Services” shall mean those Aeronautical Services and Non-
Aeronautical Services that are listed in Schedule 16 hereof and such other services
that are mutually agreed to be added to the schedule from time to time.
“Equity” shall mean the paid-up share (equity and preference) capital of the JVC
and shall include any Sub-ordinate Debt advanced by shareholders of the JVC to
the JVC, provided that the Lenders’ or their agent classifies such Sub-ordinate
Debt as equity and conveys the same by a written notice to the AAI; provided
however that notwithstanding the foregoing, any amounts that have been infused
in the JVC as paid-up share capital or Subordinate Debt would not be classified as
‘Equity’ to the extent that such amounts do not relate to Transfer Assets.
“Existing Assets” means the physical, tangible, intangible and other assets of
whatsoever nature existing at the Airport Site as on the date hereof except
working capital assets other than inventory, stores and spares.
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Existing Leases” shall mean the leases presently valid and subsisting for any
portion of the Airport, entered between the AAI and various third parties, details
of which are set out in Schedule 28 appended hereto;
“Evaluated Entities” shall mean (i) Airports Company South Africa Limited; (ii)
GVK Industries Limited; and (iii) The Bidvest Group Limited.
Fair Market Value” in relation to Transfer Date means the market value of the
entire asset less the market value of land prevailing as on the Transfer Date.
Financing Documents” means the documents executed by the JVC for raising
Financial Investor” shall mean any Qualified Institutional Buyer as defined in
the SEBI (Disclosure & Investor Protection) Guidelines, 2000 or any financially
regulated Entity in India involved in the business of banking, insurance, lending or
financing projects, as incorporated in India and who is not a Prime Member and/or
Evaluated Entity.
Force Majeure” shall mean events as described in Article 16.1.
Foreign Airlines” means a Foreign Entity that provides air transport services;
Foreign Entity” means any Entity other than an Indian Entity;
“General Employees” shall mean all the permanent employees of AAI who are
posted at the Airport as on the Effective Date, except those pertaining to Air
Traffic Control (“ATC”), Security (if any) and Communication, Navigation and
Surveillance (“CNS”) departments, and senior management staff above the
position of Deputy General Manager or equivalent.
“GOI” means the central government of India and any ministry, department, or
instrumentality of the central government which is under its control and performs
its sovereign functions.
“Good Industry Practice” means the exercise of that degree of skill, diligence
efficiency, reliability and prudence and those practices, methods, specifications
and standards of equipment, safety, services and performance, as may change
from time to time and which would reasonably and ordinarily be expected to be
used by a skilled and experienced international operator / contractor engaged in
designing, construction, operation and maintenance of a world class international
airport of a capacity similar to the capacity of the Airport.
“Governmental Authority” means the GOI and provincial, state or local
government in India and any political subdivision thereof.
“Group Entity” with respect to a specified Entity, means any other Entity
directly or indirectly controlling, controlled by or under common control with
such specified Entity; provided however, that, for purposes of this definition, the
terms “controlling”, “controlled by” or “under common control with” mean the
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possession, directly or indirectly, of the power to direct or cause the direction of
the management and policies of an Entity, whether through the ownership of
voting securities, by contract or otherwise, or the power to elect or appoint at least
50% of the directors, managers, partners or other individuals exercising similar
authority with respect to such Entity.
“IATA” shall mean International Air Transport Association.
“IATA Slot Allocation Guidelines” shall mean the slot allocation rules and
guidelines as followed by IATA members.
“ICAO” shall mean International Civil Aviation Organisation formed in
pursuance of the Chicago Convention or any successor thereof.
Independent Auditor” shall mean a Chartered Accountancy Firm appointed in
accordance with Article 11.2 hereof;
Independent Engineer” shall mean the independent engineer appointed in
accordance with Article 8.5.8 hereof.
Indian Entity” means any Entity incorporated/formed/domiciled (as the case
may be) in India.
“Initial Development Plan” shall mean the development plan for the
development of the Airport submitted by the Consortium Members forming the
JVC to the AAI during the competitive bidding process for modernisation and
development of the Airport, and annexed hereto as Schedule 14.
“Indian Defence Forces” shall mean the armed forces of India and para-military
forces of India.
Lease Deed” shall mean the lease deed to be entered into between the Parties for
the Demised Premises (as defined therein).
"Legacy Matters" shall mean those liabilities or obligations relating to the
Airport as pertaining directly to or arising out of actions or inactions during the
period prior to the Effective Date
“Lenders” means the financing institutions, banks, multilateral funding agencies
and similar bodies undertaking lending business or their trustees/ agents including
their successors and assignees, who have agreed to guarantee or provide finance to
the JVC under any of the Financing Documents for meeting costs of all or any
part of the development of the Transfer Assets as per the terms hereof.
“Major Development Plan” shall mean a plan prepared for each major
aeronautical or other development or groupings of developments which sets out
the detail of the proposed development which has been set out in broad terms in
the Master Plan and will include functional specification, design, drawings, costs,
financing plan, timetable for construction and capital budget.
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“Mandatory Capital Projects” means the development projects described in
Schedule 7 hereof.
“Master Plan” means the master plan for the development of the Airport,
evolved and prepared by the JVC in the manner set forth in the State Support
Agreement, which sets out the plans for the staged development of the full Airport
area, covering Aeronautical Services and Non-Aeronautical Services, and which is
for a twenty (20) year time horizon and which is updated and each such updation
is subject to review/ observations of and interaction with the GOI in the manner
described in the State Support Agreement.
“Material Adverse Effect” shall mean a material adverse effect on the business,
condition (financial or otherwise), liabilities, assets, operations (or the results of
operations) or prospects of the JVC or the Airport solely to the extent materially
frustrating or impairing either Party's ability to perform, discharge, receive and/or
assume the respective obligations, undertakings, rights and benefits ascribed to
such Party pursuant to the express terms under this Agreement.
“Net Present Value” with respect to any asset, shall mean the discounted value as
estimated on the date of valuation, of the free cash flows (reflecting the then
prevailing market value of the underlying land as on the valuation date) expected
to be generated by the said asset from the valuation date for the economic life or
life of such asset as intended under the current Master Plan whichever is lower,
assuming no residual value of the asset at the end of such economic life .
“Non-Aeronautical Assets” shall mean:
1. all assets required or necessary for the performance of Non-Aeronautical
Services at the Airport as listed in Part I of Schedule 6 and any other
services mutually agreed to be added to the Schedule 6 hereof as located at
the Airport (irrespective of whether they are owned by the JVC or any
third Entity); and
2. all assets required or necessary for the performance of Non-Aeronautical
Services at the Airport as listed in Part II of Schedule 6 hereof as located at
the Airport (irrespective of whether they are owned by the JVC or any
third Entity), to the extent such assets (a) are located within or form part of
any terminal building; (b) are conjoined to any other Aeronautical Assets,
asset included in paragraph (i) above and such assets are incapable of
independent access and independent existence; or (c) are predominantly
servicing/ catering any terminal complex/cargo complex
and shall specifically include all additional land (other than the Demised
Premises), property and structures thereon acquired or leased during the Term, in
relation to such Non-Aeronautical Assets.
Non-Aeronautical Services” shall mean such services as are listed in Part I and
Part II of Schedule 6 hereof.
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“Non-Transfer Assets” shall mean all assets required or necessary for the
performance of Non-Aeronautical Services as listed in Part II of Schedule 6 hereof
as located at the Airport Site (irrespective of whether they are owned by the JVC
or any third Entity), provided the same are not Non-Aeronautical Assets.
“Objective Service Quality Requirements” means the standards set forth in
Schedule 3 hereof.
OMDA Implementation Oversight Committeeshall have the meaning assigned
thereto in Article 8.5.9 hereof.
“Operations and Maintenance Standards and Requirements” means the
standards set forth in Schedule 2.
“Operation Support” shall have the meaning assigned thereto in Article 6.1.1
Operation Support Cost” means all annual costs incurred by AAI in relation to
the General Employees at the Airport including but not limited to the salary,
benefits, statutory payments, perks and contribution towards terminal benefits
accruing during the period of Operation Support. It is clarified that Operation
Support Cost shall include all employee benefits that have accrued during the
Operation Support Period but are payable after the expiry of the Operation
Support Period. It is further clarified that the Operation Support Cost would
specifically exclude any costs or expenses that have accrued prior to the
commencement of the Operation Support Period but are payable to General
Employees during the Operation Support Period.
“Operation Support Period” shall have the meaning assigned thereto in Article
6.1.1 hereof.
“Passenger Service Fees” shall mean the fees charged per embarking passenger
at the Airport as described in the State Support Agreement.
“Performance Bond” shall mean an unconditional and irrevocable bank
guarantee enforceable and encashable at New Delhi of a value and validity set
forth in Article 8.6 hereof in the form attached herewith as Schedule 18.
“Prime Member” shall mean (i) GVK Airport Holdings Pvt Ltd; (ii) ACSA
Global Limited; and (iii) Bid Services Division (Maritius) Ltd.
Project Agreements” shall mean the following agreements:
1. This Agreement;
2. The State Support Agreement;
3. Shareholders Agreement;
4. CNS-ATM Agreement;
5. Airport Operator Agreement;
6. State Government Support Agreement;
7. The Lease Deed;
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8. Substitution Agreement; and
9. Escrow Agreement.
and Project Agreement shall mean any one of them.
Rate of Inflation” for any Year, shall mean the average inflation rate (as
measured by the All India Consumer Price Index – Industrial Workers (“AICPI-
IW”)) for the immediately preceding Year .
“Regulatory Authority” means any independent regulatory authority set up/ to
be set up in India for the regulation of any aspect of airports.
“Relevant Authority” includes the GOI, AAI, DGCA, BCAS, Department of
Immigration & designated security agency of the Ministry of Home Affairs,
quarantine department of Ministry of Health and plant quarantine department of
Ministry of Agriculture, Meteorological department of Ministry of Science &
Technology, Regulatory Authority, if any, Department of Customs, the Ministry of
Finance or any other subdivision or instrumentality thereof, any local authority or
any other authority empowered by the Applicable Laws.
“Reserved Activities” shall mean customs, immigration, security at the Airport in
respect of Aeronautical Assets and related services only (and specifically
excluding areas removed from the vicinity of Aeronautical Assets), Health,
meteorology, plant and animal quarantine and CNS/ATM Services and other
statutory or sovereign functions, as per Applicable Law.
Retirement Compensation” shall mean the average ‘voluntary retirement
scheme’ (“VRS”) cost for all the General Employees other than those General
Employees who have accepted offers of employment made by the JVC under the
provisions of Article 6 hereof, as per the latest VRS of the AAI, if any, or, in the
absence of an AAI specific VRS, the highest VRS as applicable for the then
available profitable schedule A public sector undertakings.
Revenue” means all pre-tax gross revenue of JVC, excluding the following: (a)
payments made by JVC, if any, for the activities undertaken by Relevant
Authorities or payments received by JVC for provision of electricity, water,
sewerage, or analogous utilities to the extent of amounts paid for such utilities to
third party service providers; (b) insurance proceeds except insurance
indemnification for loss of revenue; (c) any amount that accrues to JVC from sale
of any capital assets or items; (d) payments and/or monies collected by JVC for
and on behalf of any governmental authorities under Applicable Law (e) any bad
debts written off provided these pertain to past revenues on which annual fee has
been paid to AAI. It is clarified that annual fee payable to AAI pursuant to Article
11 and Operational Support Cost payable to AAI shall not be deducted from
Scheduled Airlines” means those airlines that operate "Scheduled air transport
service" as defined under the Aircraft Rules, 1937;
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“Shareholders Agreement” means the shareholders agreement dated on or about
the date hereof entered into between the shareholders of JVC.
“Subjective Service Quality Requirements” mean the standards set forth in
Schedule 4 hereof.
“Substitution Agreement” shall mean the agreement to be entered into between
AAI, JVC and the Lenders in the form set forth in Schedule 9 hereof.
Surplus Account” shall have the meaning assigned thereto in the Escrow
“Stage 1” shall mean the period of development of the Airport commencing on
Effective Date and terminating on March 31, 2010.
“Stage 2” shall mean the period of development of the Airport commencing on
the expiry of Stage 1 and terminating on 31
March, 2015.
“Sub-ordinate Debt” shall mean any debt advanced to the JVC by the
shareholders of JVC.
“Term” shall have the meaning assigned thereto in Article 18 hereof.
“Transfer Assets” shall mean the following types of assets:
Aeronautical Assets; and
Non-Aeronautical Assets.
“Transfer Date” shall mean the date on which JVC transfers possession (and in
respect of such assets that are not owned by AAI, ownership and possession) of
the Transfer Assets and/ or Non-Transfer Assets, as the case may be, to AAI or its
nominee in accordance with the terms hereof, which shall be the date of
termination as per the relevant notice of termination issued by JVC or AAI, as the
case may be, or the date of expiry of this Agreement.
Transition Plan” shall mean the plan for transition of the Airport from AAI to
the JVC annexed hereto as Schedule 10.
“Upfront Fee” shall mean the amount payable by JVC to AAI pursuant to Article
Year” shall mean a period of 12 consecutive months ending on March 31 of any
year; provided however that the first Year shall mean the period commencing on
the Effective Date and ending on the immediately succeeding March 31 and the
last Year shall mean the period commencing April 1 and ending on the date of
expiry or termination hereof.
1.2 Interpretation
In this Agreement, unless the context otherwise requires:
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(i) A reference to the singular shall include a reference to the plural and vice-
versa; and a reference to any gender shall include a reference to the other
(ii) A reference to any Article, Clause, Appendix, Schedule, Attachment or
Annex shall be to an Article, Clause, Appendix, Schedule, Attachment or
Annex of this Agreement.
(iii) The Appendices, Schedules, Attachments and Annexes form an integral
part of this Agreement. In the event of any conflict between any provision
of the Articles and any provision of the Appendices, Schedules,
Attachments or Annexes, the provision of the Articles shall prevail.
(iv) Reference to any law or regulation having the force of law includes a
reference to that law or regulation as from time to time amended,
modified, supplemented extended or re-enacted.
(v) Any reference to time shall, except where the context otherwise requires,
be construed as a reference to the time in India. Any reference to the
calendar shall be construed as reference to the Gregorian calendar.
(vi) The headings of the Articles, Clauses, Appendices, Schedules,
Attachments and Annexes in this Agreement are inserted for convenience
of reference only and shall not affect the meaning or interpretation of this
(vii) The words “include” or “including” shall be deemed to be followed by
“without limitation” or “but not limited to” whether or not they are
followed by such phrases.
(viii) Unless the context otherwise requires, any period of time referred to shall
be deemed to expire at the end of the last date of such period.
(ix) If any provision in Article 1 is a substantive provision conferring rights or
imposing obligations on any Party, effect shall be given to it as if it were a
substantive provision in the body of this Agreement;
(x) The rule of construction, if any, that a contract should be interpreted
against the parties responsible for the drafting and preparation thereof,
shall not apply;
(xi) All references to agreements, documents or other instruments include
(subject to all relevant approvals) a reference to that agreement, document
or instrument as amended, supplemented, modified, substituted, novated or
assigned from time to time.
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2.1 Grant of Function
2.1.1 AAI hereby grants to the JVC, the exclusive right and authority during the Term
to undertake some of the functions of the AAI being the functions of operation,
maintenance, development, design, construction, upgradation, modernization,
finance and management of the Airport and to perform services and activities
constituting Aeronautical Services, and Non-Aeronautical Services (but excluding
Reserved Activities) at the Airport and the JVC hereby agrees to undertake the
functions of operation, maintenance, development, design, construction,
upgradation, modernization, finance and management of the Airport and at all
times keep in good repair and operating condition the Airport and to perform
services and activities constituting Aeronautical Services and Non-Aeronautical
Services (but excluding Reserved Activities) at the Airport, in accordance with
the terms and conditions of this Agreement (the “Grant”).
2.1.2 Without prejudice to the aforesaid, AAI recognizes the exclusive right of the JVC
during the Term, in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement,
(i) develop, finance, design, construct, modernize, operate, maintain, use and
regulate the use by third parties of the Airport;
(ii) enjoy complete and uninterrupted possession and control of the Airport
Site and the Existing Assets for the purpose of providing Aeronautical
Services and Non-Aeronautical Services;
(iii) determine, demand, collect, retain and appropriate charges from the users
of the Airport in accordance with Article 12 hereto; and
(iv) Contract and/or sub contract with third parties to undertake functions on
behalf of the JVC, and sub-lease and/or license the Demised Premises in
accordance with Article 8.5.7.
2.2 Sole Purpose of the JVC
2.2.1 The JVC having been set up for the sole purpose of exercising the rights and
observing and performing its obligations and liabilities under this Agreement, the
JVC or any of its subsidiaries shall not, except with the previous written consent
of AAI, be or become directly or indirectly engaged, concerned or interested in
any business other than as envisaged herein. Provided however that the JVC may
engage in developing, constructing, operating or maintaining a second airport
pursuant to exercise of the Right of First Refusal granted to the JVC under the
State Support Agreement.
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2.2.2 Reserved Activities
Notwithstanding Article 2.1 above, Reserved Activities shall unless otherwise
instructed in writing by AAI/ GOI, not be undertaken by the JVC. Nothing in this
Article 2.2 or in the definition of Reserved Activities shall prevent the AAI or
GOI from requiring the JVC to undertake any or all of the Reserved Activities on
such terms and conditions (including consideration for rendering such services) as
may be reasonably acceptable to both Parties, and include them in the list of
Aeronautical Services/ Non-Aeronautical Services.
2.2.3 Aeronautical Services, Non-Aeronautical Services and Essential Services
Subject to the foregoing and to Applicable Law, JVC shall undertake/provide
Aeronautical Services and Essential Services at the Airport Site. JVC may seek to
undertake/provide Non-Aeronautical Services at the Airport Site by including
them in the proposed (draft) Master Plan, provided however, if the same form a
part of the (final) Master Plan then the same shall be undertaken as provided in
this Agreement. JVC and AAI shall upon mutual agreement between the Parties
update the list of Non-Aeronautical Services to include such other activities, as
requested by AAI or JVC.
Notwithstanding anything contained in this Agreement, the JVC shall not
undertake any activities at the Airport Site other than Aeronautical Services, Non-
Aeronautical Services and Essential Services.
2.2.4 It is expressly understood by the Parties that JVC shall provide Non-Aeronautical
Services at the Airport as above, provided however that the land area utilized for
provision of Non- Transfer Assets shall not exceed ten percent (or such different
percentage as set forth in the master plan norms of the competent local authority
of Mumbai, as the same may change from time to time) of the total land area
constituting the Demised Premises. Provided however that the Non-Transfer
Assets, if any, that form part of the Carved-Out Assets and/or situated upon the
Existing Leases shall be taken into account while calculating the percentage of
total land area utilized for provision of Non-Transfer Assets.
2.3 Other Material Investments
Without prejudice to the generality of Article 2.2, the JVC shall not during the
Term, without the written consent of the AAI hold any shares, ownership
participation or any other ownership interest in any undertaking other than the
Provided that the JVC or its subsidiaries/ joint ventures may undertake treasury
operations in the ordinary course of business and may hold shares, ownership
participation or any other ownership interest in any undertaking specifically
incorporated/created for performing any Aeronautical Services, Non-Aeronautical
Services or Essential Services as contemplated under this Agreement or engaging
in designing, constructing, financing, operating, managing, developing or
maintaining a second airport pursuant to exercise of the Right of First Refusal
under the State Support Agreement.
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2.4 Employees / Agents
The JVC shall not require, permit or suffer any of its employees, concessionaire,
sub-concessionaire, partner, business associate, licensee, sub-licensee, sub-lessee,
contractor or agent to carry on any activity or business at, or in relation to, the
Airport or the Airport Site, which the JVC is prohibited from engaging in or
conducting under this Agreement.
2.5 JVC Ownership Structure
(a) The Parties hereto agree that the Prime Members of the JVC shall not transfer,
create any Encumbrance or deal with any equity shares in the JVC held by them
for the duration of five (5) years from the Effective Date. Provided however that
the Prime Members may transfer the shares held by them to a Financial Investor,
subject to the relevant Prime Member(s) continuing to hold at least 10% of the
issued and paid-up equity share capital in the JVC and the Prime Members
(collectively, as a group) continuing to hold at least 26% of the issued and paid-up
equity share capital in the JVC after any such transfer to any such Financial
Investor at any time during such aforesaid period. Provided further, that a Prime
member who has a corresponding Evaluated Entity, shall not transfer its shares in
the JVC to a Financial Investor, resulting in dilution of the Beneficial Ownership
of the Evaluated Entity in the JVC to below 10% and the sum of the Beneficial
Ownership in the JVC of all Evaluated Entities and direct shareholding of the
Prime Members (who have no corresponding Evaluated Entity, and whose own
qualifications have been considered for the purpose of evaluation during the
competitive bidding procedure undertaken by AAI for the purpose of selection of
the Consortium Members for the JVC) in the JVC collectively to below 26% of
the issued and paid-up equity share capital in the JVC. Provided still further that
in the event any equity shares (the “Transfer Shares”) in the JVC are so
transferred to any Financial Investor (the “Transferee Financial Investor”) by
any Prime Member(s) (the “Transferring Prime Member”), the Transferring
Prime Member(s) and the JVC shall procure that such Transferee Financial
Investor shall not, for a duration of five (5) years from the Effective Date, transfer
the whole or any portion of the Transfer Shares to any Entity other than another
Financial Investor, who in turn (and purchasers of the whole and any portion of
Transfer Shares from him) shall be bound by a similar restriction. It is clarified
that Financial Investor(s) who become shareholders in the JVC pursuant to this
Article 2.5(a) shall not, for a duration of five (5) years from the Effective Date,
transfer the whole or any portion of the Transfer Shares to any Entity other than
another Financial Investor.
(b) During the period commencing from the beginning of the 6
year and ending at
the end of the 7
year from the Effective Date the Prime Members may transfer,
create any Encumbrance or deal with any shares in the JVC held by them,
provided however that notwithstanding any such transfer, or creation of any such
Encumbrance or any such dealing, the relevant Prime Member continues to hold
at least 10% of the issued and paid-up share capital in the JVC and the Prime
Members (collectively, as a group) continue to hold 26% of the issued and paid-up
share capital in the JVC subsequent to any such transfer. Provided further, that a
Prime member who has a corresponding Evaluated Entity, shall not transfer,
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create any Encumbrance or deal with any shares in the JVC, resulting in dilution
of the Beneficial Ownership of the Evaluated Entity in the JVC to below 10% and
the sum of the Beneficial Ownership in the JVC of all Evaluated Entities and
direct shareholding of the Prime Members (who have no corresponding Evaluated
Entity, and whose own qualifications have been considered for the purpose of
evaluation during the competitive bidding procedure undertaken by AAI for the
purpose of selection of the Consortium Members for the JVC) in the JVC
collectively to below 26% of the issued and paid-up share capital in the JVC.
(c) After the expiry of seven (7) years from the Effective Date, the Prime Members
may, without the approval of the AAI, transfer, create any Encumbrance or deal
with any shares in the JVC held by them, provided however that notwithstanding
any such transfer, or creation of any such encumbrance or any such dealing, the
relevant Prime Member continues to hold at least 10% of the issued and paid-up
share capital in the JVC and the Prime Members (collectively, as a group)
continue to hold 26% of the issued and paid-up share capital in the JVC
subsequent to any such transfer. Provided further, that a Prime member who has a
corresponding Evaluated Entity, may transfer, create any Encumbrance or deal
with any shares in the JVC, provided that such transfer, creation of Encumbrance
or dealing does not result in dilution of the Beneficial Ownership of the Evaluated
Entity in the JVC to below 10% and the sum of the Beneficial Ownership in the
JVC of all Evaluated Entities and direct shareholding of the Prime Members (who
have no corresponding Evaluated Entity, and whose own qualifications have been
considered for the purpose of evaluation during the competitive bidding procedure
undertaken by AAI for the purpose of selection of the Consortium Members for
the JVC) in the JVC collectively to below 26% of the issued and paid-up share
capital in the JVC, without the prior approval of the AAI. After the expiry of
seven (7) years from Effective Date, shares of the JVC held by any Prime Member
(or its transferee shareholder or their subsequent transferee shareholder(s)) shall
not be transferred to any Entity (other than transfer permitted under the preceding
sentences of this Article 2.5(c)), save with the prior written permission of the AAI,
which permission shall be given unless AAI reasonably believes that the technical,
financial or operational capability of the JVC pursuant to such transfer of shares
(and consequent exit of the said Prime Member (or its transferee shareholder or
their subsequent transferee shareholder(s)) would be inferior than prior to such
transfer; save that if not approved or disapproved within 30 days it is deemed to
have been approved.
(d) It is the intention of the Parties, that the JVC may, if its development funding
necessitates, procure, the listing of shares of the JVC on the Mumbai and/ or the
National stock exchange(s) at any time. Provided however that during the first
seven years from Effective Date, any public offer of shares in the JVC resulting in
dilution of the percentage holding of the Prime Members shall not be of such
number of shares as would dilute the shareholding of the Prime Members to below
10% and the shareholding of the Prime Members (collectively) to below 26% of
the issued and paid-up share capital of the JVC. Provided further, that a Prime
member who has a corresponding Evaluated Entity, shall not dilute the Beneficial
Ownership of the Evaluated Entity in the JVC to below 10% and the sum of the
Beneficial Ownership in the JVC of all Evaluated Entities and direct shareholding
of the Prime Members (who have no corresponding Evaluated Entity, and whose
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own qualifications have been considered for the purpose of evaluation during the
competitive bidding procedure undertaken by AAI for the purpose of selection of
the Consortium Members for the JVC) in the JVC collectively to below 26% of the
issued and paid-up share capital in the JVC. Any such listing shall be without
prejudice to the obligation of the shareholders of the JVC to maintain their
shareholding in the JVC in the manner contemplated in this Article 2.5.
(e) It is further the intention of the Parties that for duration of five (5) years from the
Effective Date, Evaluated Entities shall:
1. not transfer, create any Encumbrance or deal with any shares held by them
in their respective Prime Members.
Provided however that where an Evaluated Entity holds shares in its
respective Prime Member indirectly through one or more subsidiaries,
Evaluated Entities shall retain the same Beneficial Ownership (and not
create any Encumbrance thereof) in their respective Prime Member that
they held at the time of submission of the bid for the Airport by the
Consortium Members during the competitive bidding procedure
undertaken by AAI for the purpose of selection of the Consortium
Members for the JVC;
2. retain the same amount of Control over their respective Prime Member
that it had at the time of submission of the bid for the Airport by the
Consortium Members during the competitive bidding procedure
undertaken by AAI for the purpose of selection of the Consortium
Members for the JVC.
(f) During the period commencing from the beginning of the 6
year and ending at
the end of the 7
year from the Effective Date the Evaluated Entities may transfer,
create any Encumbrance or deal with any shares in their respective Prime Member
(or change their Beneficial Ownership in their respective Prime Member, as the
case may be), provided however that notwithstanding any such transfer, or
creation of any such Encumbrance or any such dealing:
1. the relevant Evaluated Entity continues to retain Beneficial Ownership of
at least 10% of the issued and paid-up share capital in the JVC;
2. the sum of the Beneficial Ownership in the JVC of all Evaluated Entities
and direct shareholding of the Prime Members (who have no
corresponding Evaluated Entity, and whose own qualifications have been
considered for the purpose of evaluation during the competitive bidding
procedure undertaken by AAI for the purpose of selection of the
Consortium Members for the JVC) in the JVC collectively is at least 26%
of the issued and paid-up share capital in the JVC
3. the relevant Evaluated Entity continues to retain Control over its respective
Prime Member
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(g) Notwithstanding the foregoing, during the first seven years from the Effective
Date, an Evaluated Entity may transfer its Beneficial Ownership in the JVC to a
Financial Investor; provided however that any such transfer to a Financial Investor
shall not be of such number of shares as would dilute the Beneficial Ownership of
the Evaluated Entity in the JVC to below 10% and the sum of the Beneficial
Ownership in the JVC of all Evaluated Entities and direct shareholding of the
Prime Members (who have no corresponding Evaluated Entity, and whose own
qualifications have been considered for the purpose of evaluation during the
competitive bidding procedure undertaken by AAI for the purpose of selection of
the Consortium Members for the JVC) in the JVC collectively to below 26% of
the issued and paid-up share capital in the JVC. Furthermore, the Evaluated Entity
shall continue to retain Control over their respective Prime Member that it had at
the time of submission of the bid for the Airport by the Consortium Members
during the competitive bidding procedure undertaken by AAI for the purpose of
selection of the Consortium Members for the JVC.
(h) After the expiry of seven (7) years from the Effective Date, the Beneficial
Ownership and Control of Evaluated Entities in their respective Prime Members
shall not be altered save with the prior written permission of the AAI, which
permission shall be given unless AAI reasonably believes that the technical,
financial or operational capability of the JVC pursuant to such transfer of shares
(and consequent exit of the said Evaluated Entity (or its transferee shareholder or
their subsequent transferee shareholder(s)) would be inferior than prior to such
transfer; save that if approval or disapproval is not provided within 30 days it is
deemed that approval has been provided.
(i) For the purposes of this Article 2.5:
(i) an Evaluated Entity’s “respective Prime Member” is the Prime Member
who has been ascribed the qualification of such Evaluated Entity for the
purpose of evaluation during the competitive bidding procedure
undertaken by AAI for the purpose of selection of the private participants
in the JVC.
(ii) An Evaluated Entity’s “Beneficial Ownership” in the JVC shall mean the
shareholding of the Evaluated Entity in its respective Prime Member
multiplied by the shareholding of the Prime Member in the JVC,
represented as a percentage; and
where the Evaluated Entity holds shares in the respective Prime Member
indirectly through one or more subsidiaries, then Beneficial Ownership
shall mean the shareholding of the Evaluated Entity in its subsidiary
multiplied by the shareholding of the subsidiary in its subsidiary or Prime
Member (and so on) multiplied by the shareholding of the Prime Member
in the JVC, represented as a percentage.
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As an illustration:
If an Evaluated Entity holds 60 % shares in a Prime Member who holds
30% shares in JVC, then such Evaluated Entity’s Beneficial Ownership in
JVC is:
0.60 * 0.30 = 0.18*100 = 18 %
If an Evaluated Entity holds 60 % shares in B who holds 80% shares in the
Prime Member who holds 30% shares in JVC, then such Evaluated
Entity’s Beneficial Ownership in JVC is:
0.60 * 0.80 * 0.30 = 0.144*100 =14.4%
Provided however that in the event the ‘respective Prime Member’ of an
Evaluated Entity is not a company, then the Beneficial Ownership of such
Evaluated Entity in the JVC shall be calculated by a method that achieves
the intent and has the same effect as the method used for the calculation of
the Beneficial Ownership of the Evaluated Entity in the JVC where
respective Prime Member of such Evaluated Entity is a company.
(iii) “Control” of an Entity means the possession, directly or indirectly, of the
power to direct or cause the direction of the management and policies of
an Entity, whether through the ownership of voting securities, by contract
or otherwise, or the power to elect or appoint at least 50% of the directors,
managers, partners or other individuals exercising similar authority with
respect to such Entity
(j) The Parties hereby agree and JVC shall accordingly procure that the Operator
shall remain the operator in relation to the Airport for the term of this Agreement.
Provided that the Operator may be changed with the prior consent of AAI after the
expiry of a period of seven (7) years from the Effective Date, such consent not to
be withheld if the Alternate Operator is acceptable in accordance with Clause (k)
below. It is hereby understood and agreed that the selection of the Alternate
Operator shall be subject to the political sensitivity of the GOI and GOI’s
approval would be an additional condition. Nothing in this Article shall prevent a
termination of the Airport Operator Agreement for breach of the obligations of the
Airport Operator as provided therein. Notwithstanding the foregoing, after the
expiry of a period of seven (7) years from the Effective Date, with the prior
consent of AAI, the JVC may itself become the Operator of the Airport provided
it satisfies the requirement of the Alternate Operator as set forth below
(k) Any alternate operator (the “Alternate Operator”) proposed to substitute the
Operator shall have the same or higher technical and financial capability and
expertise as the Operator. The JVC shall be entitled to select and propose to AAI
for its approval an Alternate Operator (the “Proposal”). The Proposal of the JVC
pursuant to this sub-clause (k) shall contain the particulars and information in
respect of the Alternate Operator, including the years of experience in a
comparable airport as the Airport, the latest audited balance sheet, details of the
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management and shareholding pattern. Without prejudice to the foregoing the
JVC agrees and undertakes to provide to AAI such further and other information
and such clarifications in respect of any data, particulars or information furnished
pursuant hereto as AAI may reasonably require. AAI shall convey its approval or
otherwise of such Proposal, in its sole discretion within 60 (sixty) days of (a) the
date of receipt of the Proposal by AAI, or (b) two weeks after the date when last
of further and other information and such clarifications in respect of any data,
particulars or information comprised in the Proposal, as have been requested by
AAI have been received, whichever is later. Provided however that AAI’s
disapproval of any Alternate Operator shall be reasoned. It is expressly agreed that
the Proposal shall be accompanied by an unconditional undertaking by the
Alternate Operator that it shall upon approval by AAI of the Proposal, observe,
comply, perform and fulfill the terms, conditions and covenants of the Airport
Operator Agreement which according to its terms are required to be observed,
complied with, performed and fulfilled by the Operator. Upon approval of the
Proposal by AAI, such Alternate Operator subject to GOI’s approval shall become
the Operator under the Airport Operator Agreement. Provided however that in the
event the AAI does not approve of the Proposal, then the JVC shall propose
another Entity as the Alternate Operator, and the procedure mentioned in this sub-
Clause (k) shall be repeated until a Proposal is approved by AAI. It is clarified
that until such time as an Alternate Operator meeting the approval of AAI is not
found by the JVC, the JVC shall cause the Operator to continue as the operator
under the Airport Operator Agreement.
(l) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary, the JVC hereby undertakes and agrees
that at no point during the Term of this Agreement:
(i) shall the aggregate Foreign Shareholding exceed forty-nine (49) percent of
the total issued and paid up capital of the JVC; and
For the purpose of this Clause, “Foreign Shareholding” shall mean the
aggregate of:
(a) the aggregate of the direct shareholding of all Foreign Entities; and
(b) the aggregate of the “Beneficial Foreign Ownership” in the JVC
of the Indian Entities. Such Beneficial Foreign Ownership shall
mean the shareholding of the Foreign Entity in an Indian Entity
multiplied by the shareholding of the Indian Entity in the JVC,
represented as a percentage; and where the Foreign Entity holds
shares in an Indian Entity (holding shares in the JVC) indirectly
through one or more Entities, then Beneficial Ownership shall
mean the shareholding of the Foreign Entity in the Entity
multiplied by the shareholding of the Entity in the Indian Entity
holding shares in the JVC (and so on) multiplied by the
shareholding of the Indian Entity (holding shares in the JVC) in the
JVC, represented as a percentage. Provided however, if the Indian
Entity is public listed company, any shares of such Indian Entity
held by foreign institutional investors shall not be included for the
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purposes of determining Beneficial Foreign Ownership as set out
As an illustration:
If a Foreign Entity holds 60 % shares in an Indian Entity who holds
30% shares in JVC, then such Foreign Entity’s Beneficial
Ownership in JVC is:
0.60 * 0.30 = 0.18*100 = 18 %
If a Foreign Entity holds 60 % shares in B (an Indian Entity) who
holds 80% shares in another Indian Entity who holds 30% shares in
JVC, then such Foreign Entity’s Beneficial Ownership in JVC is:
0.60 * 0.80 * 0.30 = 0.144*100 =14.4%
Provided however, no Foreign Airlines shall, at any time during the
Term, be allowed to hold any equity shares in the JVC; and
(ii) Shall the aggregate shareholding of Scheduled Airlines and their
respective Group Entities (other than such Group Entities that were airport
operators on the date of the issue of the Invitation to Register an
Expression of Interest and the Request for Proposal documents issued by
AAI during the competitive bidding procedure undertaken by AAI for the
purposes of the selection of the private participants in the JVC ) exceed ten
(10) percent of the total issued and paid up capital of the JVC.
(m) It is clarified that nothing contained in this Article 2.5 is intended to or shall be
construed to impose any limitation on the right of the AAI to change its
shareholding in the JVC in any manner, including, subject to the right of first
refusal under the Shareholders Agreement, to transfer shares to any Entity,
including to a competitor of any Prime Member and/ or the Airport Operator.
(n) Notwithstanding the foregoing, all transfers of shares in the JVC at any time shall
be subject to the relevant security and probity clearance requirements set forth by
AAI during the competitive bidding procedure undertaken by AAI for the
purposes of the selection of the private participants in the JVC.
2.6.1 In consideration of the Lease Rent, this Agreement and the covenants and
warranties on the part of the JVC herein, the AAI, in accordance with the AAI Act
and the terms and conditions set forth herein, hereby, agrees to demise to the JVC
under the Lease Deed, commencing from the Effective Date, all the land (along
with any buildings, constructions or immovable assets, if any, thereon) which is
described, delineated and shown in the Schedule 25 hereto, other than (i) any
lands (along with any buildings, constructions or immovable assets, if any,
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thereon) granted to any third party under any Existing Lease(s) constituting the
Airport on the date hereof; and (ii) any and all of the Carved Out Assets and the
underlying land together with any buildings, constructions or immovable assets
thereon, on an “as is where is basis” together with all Encumbrances thereto,
(hereinafter “Demised Premises”) to hold the said Demised Premises, together
with all and singular rights, liberties, privileges, easements and appurtenances
whatsoever to the said Demised Premises, hereditaments or premises or any part
thereof belonging to or in anyway appurtenant thereto or enjoyed therewith, for
the duration of the term hereof for the purposes permitted under this Agreement.
2.6.2 It is expressly clarified that the leasehold rights agreed to be granted hereunder
shall terminate forthwith upon the expiry or early termination of this Agreement
for any reason.
2.6.3 With respect to land underlying the Carved Out Assets, the Parties further agree
that if, at any time during the Term, the JVC requires the said land for providing
any Aeronautical Services or developing and/or constructing any Aeronautical
Assets, the Parties shall come together to negotiate in good faith the terms and
conditions on which the AAI shall lease to the JVC, and the JVC shall take on
lease from the AAI, the said land.
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3.1 Conditions Precedent
3.1.1 Conditions Precedent to be satisfied by the AAI
The obligations of the JVC hereunder are subject to the satisfaction by the AAI of
the following conditions precedent (“AAI Conditions Precedent”) unless any
such condition has been waived by the JVC as hereinafter provided:
(i) AAI shall have executed and delivered to the JVC a counterpart of the
Shareholders Agreement;
(ii) AAI shall have executed and delivered to the JVC a counterpart of the
CNS-ATM Agreement;
(iii) AAI shall have executed and delivered to the JVC a counterpart of the
Escrow Agreement;
(iv) AAI shall have provided to the JVC a list of all General Employees along
with details of their designations, salary and other employment related
costs as part of a schedule of the Operation Support Cost to AAI;
(v) AAI shall have provided a list of all existing contracts and agreements
between AAI or any Relevant Authority and any third party as relatable to
the Airport proposed to be transferred/ novated to JVC pursuant to Article
5.1 hereof;
(vi) AAI shall have obtained and furnished to the JVC a copy of the approval
of the GOI under Section 12 A (2) of the Airports Authority of India
(Amendment) Act, 2003, authorizing the AAI to make a lease of the
(vii) AAI shall have reviewed and commented on the Airport Operator
Agreement in accordance with Article 3.1.2 (v) below. Provided however
that AAI may offer comments to the Airport Operator Agreement only if it
does not contain and/or is inconsistent with the principles set forth in
Schedule 8 hereunder and for no other reason; and
(viii) AAI shall have executed and delivered to the JVC a counterpart of the
Lease Deed. Provided however that Parties agree that AAI shall execute
the Lease Deed only after all other conditions precedent mentioned in this
Chapter 3 have been fulfilled.
3.1.2 Conditions Precedent to be satisfied by JVC
The obligations of the AAI hereunder are subject to the satisfaction by JVC of the
following conditions precedent (“JVC Conditions Precedent”) unless any such
condition has been waived by the AAI as hereinafter provided:
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(i) The JVC shall deliver to the AAI the original copy of the Performance
Bond (in accordance with Article 8.6);
(ii) The JVC shall have executed and delivered to the AAI a counter part of
the CNS-ATM Agreement;
(iii) The JVC shall have executed and delivered to the AAI a counterpart of the
Escrow Agreement;
(iv) The Consortium Members shall have executed and delivered to the AAI,
the Shareholders Agreement and undertaken initial capitalisation of the
JVC in order to convert the same into a joint venture between AAI and the
Consortium Members;
(v) The JVC shall have executed and delivered to the AAI, the Airport
Operator Agreement, consistent with and containing all the principles set
forth in Schedule 8 hereunder:
In this regard, it is clarified that the Airport Operator Agreement, as
drafted, shall contain all the principles set forth in Schedule 8 hereunder
and shall have been commented on and reviewed by the AAI. The
procedure of obtaining AAI review/ comments on the draft Airport
Operator Agreement is as contained hereunder:
(a) Within 14 days from the date hereof, the draft Airport Operator
Agreement shall be presented to AAI.
(b) The AAI shall furnish its comments on the Airport Operator
Agreement within 14 days of receipt of the draft Airport Operator
(c) AAI shall convey the reasons of its comments to the JVC who shall
address the same in the revised draft of the Airport Operator
Agreement to be presented to the AAI within 14 days of receipt of
AAI’s reasons.
(d) Thereafter the procedure mentioned in Clauses (a), (b) and (c) shall
be repeated once again;
(vi) The JVC shall have paid the full Upfront Fee to AAI;
(vii) Upon satisfaction of condition precedent set forth in Article 3.2(iv), the
JVC and the Consortium Members shall have executed and delivered to
the AAI the Disclaimer Certificate in the form attached hereto as Schedule
20 hereof;
(viii) The Consortium Members shall have delivered to the AAI a bank
guarantee(s) (the “Equity Bank Guarantee”) from a scheduled
commercial bank in India in favour of JVC in the form enclosed in
Schedule 22, guaranteeing the equity commitment in the JVC of the
Consortium Members up to Rs. 500 Crores. The said Equity Bank
Guarantee shall be maintained until the entire amount of Rs 500 Crores is
infused by the Consortium Members as its equity contribution into the
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JVC, provided however that the value of the Equity Bank Guarantee may
be progressively reduced correspondingly as amounts are actually infused
by the Consortium Members into the JVC as equity. Within seven days of
receipt of the Equity Bank Guarantee, AAI would duly return the
commitment letters from the ultimate holding company of Consortium
Members and also return the joint and several undertaking with respect to
the equity commitment of the Consortium Members as received from the
Consortium Members during the competitive bidding procedure
undertaken by AAI for the purposes of the selection of the private
participants in the JVC. In the event AAI invokes the Equity Bank
Guarantee, the receivables there from shall be deposited into the Escrow
Account; and
(ix) The JVC shall have executed and delivered to the AAI a counter part of
the Lease Deed.
3.1.3 Conditions Precedent to be satisfied jointly by both the Parties
The obligations of the Parties are subject to the satisfaction of the following
conditions precedent (“Common Conditions Precedent”):
(i) JVC shall have entered into the State Government Support Agreement
with Government of Maharashtra;
(ii) JVC shall have entered into the State Support Agreement with GOI and
GOI shall have provided the guarantee thereunder; and
(iii) The JVC shall have received all Clearances then requisite for operation
and management of the Airport by the JVC as set forth in Schedule 24
hereof. AAI shall use all reasonable endeavours to grant such Clearances
as are within its power to grant, as soon as possible, subject to receipt of
the relevant application duly completed and in full compliance with
Applicable Law.
3.2 The JVC and AAI shall take reasonable steps to ensure expeditious fulfillment of
the JVC’s Condition Precedent and the AAI Conditions Precedent respectively
and jointly for expeditious fulfillment of the Common Conditions Precedent.
3.3 Non-fulfilment of Conditions Precedent
In the event that any of the conditions set forth in Articles 3.1.1, 3.1.2 or 3.1.3
have not been fulfilled within 3 months from the date of this Agreement, or such
later date as may be mutually agreed by the Parties, the JVC (in case of non-
fulfilment of any of the AAI Conditions Precedent), the AAI (in case of non-
fulfilment of any of the JVC Conditions Precedent) and any of the Parties (in case
of non-fulfilment of Common Conditions Precedent) may terminate this
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Provided however that in the event this Agreement is terminated by AAI for non-
fulfilment of the JVC Conditions Precedent, the AAI shall be entitled to encash
the Bid Bond/ Performance Bond (as the case may be).
Provided further that upon any such termination, each Party shall return to the
other Party, any monies (other than the termination payments mentioned above)
received from such Party prior to such termination.
Neither Party shall be entitled to terminate this Agreement for non-fulfillment of
the JVC Conditions Precedent, or the AAI Conditions Precedent, or the Common
Conditions Precedent, as the case may be, to the extent that such non-fulfillment is
the result and/or consequence of an event of Force Majeure.
3.4 Notwithstanding anything contained herein, it is expressly understood by the
Parties that prior to Effective Date, AAI shall provide to the JVC reasonable and
immediate access to the Airport in order to enable the JVC to prepare the Master
Plan and any Major Development Plans required in Stage 1.
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4.1 Representations and Warranties by JVC
The JVC hereby represents and warrants to the AAI that on the date hereof and as
on the Effective Date:
(a) the JVC is a private company limited by shares incorporated under the
laws of India and has been properly constituted and is in continuous
existence since incorporation;
(b) the JVC has the corporate power and authority and has taken all corporate
actions necessary to execute and deliver validly and to exercise its rights
and perform its obligations validly under this Agreement;
(c) the obligations of the JVC under this Agreement will be legally valid,
binding and enforceable obligations against the JVC in accordance with
the terms hereof;
(d) no proceedings against the JVC are pending or threatened, and no fact or
circumstance exists which may give rise to such proceedings that would
adversely affect the performance of its obligations under this Agreement;
(e) the JVC is a special purpose company incorporated only for the purpose of
operating, maintaining, developing, designing, constructing, upgrading,
modernising, financing and managing the Airport;
(f) the shareholding pattern of the JVC is as follows:
As on the date hereof:
S. No. Shareholder Percentage Shareholding
1. AAI 100 %
As of the Effective Date:
S. No. Shareholder Percentage Shareholding
1. ACSA Global Limited 10 %
2. GVK Airport Holdings Pvt Ltd 37 %
3. Bid Services Division (Maritius)
27 %
4. AAI 26 %
(g) the shareholding pattern of the Evaluated Entities in their respective Prime
Members is as follows:
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S. No. Prime Member Evaluated Entity Shareholding of
Evaluated Entity in
Prime Member
1. GVK Airport
Holdings Pvt Ltd
GVK Industries
2. ACSA Global
Airports Company
South Africa
3. Bid Services
(Mauritius) Ltd
The Bidvest Group
* The Bidvest Group Limited holds approximately 100% shares in Bid
Services Division (Pty) Limited, which in turn holds 100% of Bid Services
Division (Mauritius) Ltd
(h) no sums in cash or kind, have been paid or promised to, or accepted by any
person or will be paid to, or accepted by, any person or on its behalf by
way of fees, commission or otherwise to induce AAI to enter into this
Agreement, or to keep this Agreement in continuance, except as provided
for in this Agreement; and
(i) Neither it nor any of the Consortium Members have intentionally withheld
from the AAI, any material information or material document, whose non-
disclosure would have a material adverse effect or would have adversely
affected the evaluation or acceptance of the Evaluated Entities/ Prime
Members or the bid submitted by the Consortium Members.
4.2 Representations and Warranties by AAI
AAI hereby represents and warrants to the JVC that on the date hereof and as on
the Effective Date:
(a) the AAI has the right, power and authority and has taken all actions
necessary to execute this Agreement, exercise its rights and perform its
obligations, under this Agreement;
(b) the AAI has the right, power and authority to own the Existing Assets and
operate the Airport up to the Effective Date;
(c) The AAI has not intentionally withheld from the Consortium Members,
any material information or material document, whose non-disclosure
would have a Material Adverse Effect;
(d) the obligations of AAI under this Agreement will be legally valid, binding
and enforceable obligations against AAI in accordance with the terms
(e) It has good and valid title to the Demised Premises, and has power and
authority to grant a lease interest in respect thereto to the JVC; and
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(f) Upon the JVC paying the Lease Rent and performing the covenants herein,
AAI shall not at any time during the term hereof, interfere with peaceful
enjoyment of the Demised Premises by JVC, in accordance hereof.
4.3 Disclosure
In the event at any time after the date hereof, any event or circumstance comes to
the attention of either Party that renders any of its abovementioned representations
or warranties untrue or incorrect, then such Party shall immediately notify the
other Party of the same. Such notification shall not have the effect of remedying
any breach of the representation or warranty that has been found to be untrue or
incorrect or adversely affect or release any obligation of either Party under this
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5.1 Upon satisfaction or waiver, as the case may be, of the Conditions Precedent, on
and from the Effective Date, the rights and obligations associated with the
operation and management of the Airport would stand transferred to the JVC, who
shall be solely responsible and liable for the performance of all Aeronautical
Services, Essential Services and all other activities and services as presently
undertaken at the Airport (other than Reserved Activities). JVC shall perform
under all existing contracts and agreements between AAI or any Relevant
Authority and any third party as relatable to the Airport from the Effective Date,
as if JVC was an original party to such contracts and agreements instead of AAI
and towards this end shall perform all responsibilities, liabilities and obligations of
AAI at JVC’s risk and cost (including payment obligations to counter parties).
Provided however that in order to ensure smooth transfer of the Airport from the
AAI to the JVC, AAI shall during the Transition Phase provide assistance to the
JVC (on a best endeavour basis) in the manner provided hereinbelow.
5.2 Transition Phase
(a) The period commencing from Effective Date and terminating three (3)
months thereafter shall constitute the Transition Phase. Provided however
that in the event the activities proposed to be undertaken during the
Transition Phase have not been completed within the abovementioned
period of three (3) months, then the Transition Phase shall be extended by
an additional period of three (3) months, and in such event, the period
commencing from Effective Date and terminating six (6) months thereafter
shall constitute the Transition Phase.
(b) During the Transition Phase, the following activities shall take place:
(i) Existing Contracts: The JVC shall take best efforts, and AAI
shall render all reasonable assistance, to transfer / novate AAI
under all existing contracts and agreements between AAI and any
third party, as relatable to the Airport, with the JVC, on the
principle that such transfer / novation would release AAI of all
liabilities and obligations under such contracts or agreements as
arising from and after the Effective Date (except those pertaining to
Legacy Matters). The Parties, along with relevant third parties shall
execute necessary documentation or put in place necessary
arrangements for the aforesaid transfer / novation. The Parties
expressly agree that in respect of existing arrangements of Indian
Airlines Ltd. and Air India Ltd. for usage of land and/or building at
the Airport and Public Sector oil companies in respect of common
hydrant infrastructure for aircraft fuelling at the Airport, for which
no express written contract has been executed or presently exists,
such existing arrangements shall continue for a period of six (6)
months from the Effective Date and the JVC shall during such
period mutually agree with Indian Airlines Ltd., Air India Ltd. and
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Public Sector Oil companies in respect of such arrangements going
forward. Provided however that any third party contract that cannot
be specifically novated to the JVC for any reason whatsoever shall
be performed by the JVC (at its own risk and cost) for and on
behalf of AAI (as if the JVC was an original party to the said
contracts, in place of AAI). Provided further that JVC shall
indemnify and keep indemnified the AAI against any liability or
costs arising under such contracts (including, for the avoidance of
doubt, contracts relating to capital works-in-progress included in
the list of Mandatory Capital Projects), including specifically,
payments due to the counter-parties of such contracts or to any
other Entities pursuant to such contracts. Any benefits arising from
such contracts shall also vest with JVC. Nothing contained in this
Article 5.2 (b) (i) shall prejudice the payment obligation of the
JVC in respect of payments due from August 30, 2005 under
contracts for capital works-in-progress as contained in Article 5.2
(b) (ii) hereof.
(ii) Work in Progress: Parties expressly agree that from the Effective
Date, JVC shall be liable to perform all obligations of AAI
(including payment obligations) under all contracts and agreements
between AAI and any third party as existing on Effective Date.
Without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, from the
Effective Date, the JVC shall be liable for performance of all
works-in-progress at the Airport; provided however that
notwithstanding the foregoing and Article 3 hereof, JVC shall be
liable for making all payment in respect of all capital works-in-
progress at the Airport from August 30, 2005, which payment shall
be made by JVC to AAI within 15 (fifteen) days of Effective Date
on the basis of detailed separate accounts maintained by AAI in
this regard and furnished to JVC on Effective Date. It is clarified
that these capital works-in-progress are part of the Mandatory
Capital Projects to be undertaken by the JVC. Furthermore, AAI
hereby undertakes to provide to JVC, from time to time until
Effective Date, provisional accounts in respect of the
abovementioned capital works-in-progress.
In relation to the accounting treatment of capital works-in-progress,
the expenditure incurred by the JVC from Effective Date will
continue to be shown by the JVC in its books as capital work-in-
progress till such time the JVC completes the relevant capital
work-in-progress. The amount shown in the books of account of
the JVC will be restricted to the expenditure incurred by the JVC
on such works till the time of its completion. On the completion of
the capital works-in-progress, the JVC should transfer the same to
the concerned completed works assets. Further the JVC should also
provide depreciation on those portions of the completed assets.
(iii) It is expressly agreed that notwithstanding anything contained in
this Article 5, nothing contained in this Article 5 shall apply or
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relate to any contract entered into by AAI with any third Entity in
respect of or relating to the provision of CNS-ATM Services to be
provided by the AAI under the provisions of the CNS-ATM
(iv) Joint Committee: Immediately after the date hereof, the Parties
will constitute a joint committee for the duration of the Transition
Phase consisting of 3 representatives each of AAI and the JVC,
which joint committee shall be responsible for the overall
supervision of the Airport operations. Provided however, the JVC
shall have the responsibility of putting into place the Transition
Plan and operating, maintaining, developing, designing,
constructing, upgrading, modernising, financing and managing the
(v) List of Existing Assets: The JVC shall prepare a list of all Existing
Assets at the Airport and AAI and JVC shall mutually agree on the
(c) It is clarified that any actions of AAI during the Transition Phase pursuant
to this Article 5.2 shall be undertaken by AAI not in its personal capacity.
All benefits and burdens associated with the actions of the AAI pursuant to
this Article 5.2 shall be to the account of the JVC and not the AAI. To this
end, JVC shall indemnify and keep indemnified AAI, against any liability
or cost, arising on account of any reason whatsoever (except any liability
or cost arising due to gross negligence or willful default of the AAI), as
relatable to the Airport, during the Transition Phase. It is further clarified
that any portion of the charges (Aeronautical Charges and charges for
Non-Aeronautical Services) as may be collected by the AAI during the
Transition Phase shall be collected by AAI for and on behalf of the JVC
and shall be deposited by AAI into the Escrow Account.
5.3 At the end of the Transition Phase, JVC would operate and maintain the Airport
5.4 Notwithstanding anything contained herein, JVC shall be liable for making all
payment in respect of other capital works in addition to the abovementioned
capital works-in-progress, incurred by AAI at the Airport from August 30, 2005,
which payment shall be made by JVC to AAI within 15 (fifteen) days of Effective
Date on the basis of detailed separate accounts maintained by AAI in this regard
and furnished to JVC on Effective Date. Provided however that the above referred
amount in this Article 5.4 shall not in any event exceed Rs. 50,00,00,000/-
(Rupees Fifty Crore) in the aggregate (in respect of all such capital works until
Effective Date). Furthermore, AAI hereby undertakes to provide to JVC, from
time to time until Effective Date, provisional accounts in respect of the
abovementioned capital works.
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6.1 Operation Support
6.1.1 For a period of 3 (three) years from the Effective Date (herein referred to as the
Operation Support Period”), AAI shall provide operational support to the JVC
through the General Employees in the manner and subject to the terms provided
herein (such support is hereinafter referred to as “Operation Support”). The
estimated annual Operation Support Cost is Rs 95 Crores (Rupees Ninety Five
Crores), as per the break-up in Schedule 23.
6.1.2 (i) General Employees shall be retained at the Airport for the duration of the
Operation Support Period by the AAI and shall be dealt with in the manner
provided herein. In order to provide Operation Support, AAI shall procure
that the General Employees perform such functions and undertake such
duties, and in such capacities, as may be required by JVC, subject to
compliance with Applicable Law and the existing terms of employment of
such employees. For the limited purposes of provision of Operation
Support, the AAI shall act for and on behalf of the JVC and shall direct the
General Employees to undertake such functions and duties as may be
reasonably directed by JVC.
(ii) JVC may require AAI to take disciplinary action against / remove from the
Airport (or cause to be removed) any General Employee who:
(a) persistently fails to perform or undertake his duties and function in
accordance with instructions;
(b) persists in any misconduct or lack of care or carries out duties
incompetently or negligently; or
(c) persists in any conduct which affects, or which may reasonably be
expected to affect, JVC’s compliance with its obligations under this
Agreement (including, by way of example only, its obligations to
operate the Airport so as to achieve the standards set out in this
provided, in each case, the person’s acts or omissions would justify
disciplinary action under the terms of his employment with AAI. Upon
receipt of such complaint, AAI shall initiate proceedings against such
General Employee in accordance with its rules and regulations.
6.1.3 During the Operation Support Period or until the relevant General Employees
have joined the JVC, the JVC shall pay to the AAI, monthly Operation Support
Cost in relation to such General Employees (excluding (i) those General
Employees who have joined the JVC; and (ii) those who are no longer working at
the Airport). The JVC shall from time to time cause the Escrow Bank to make
payment of the monthly Operation Support Cost to AAI in advance on or prior to
the 7
day of each month by cheque drawn in favour of AAI. Notwithstanding
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anything contained herein, the JVC shall during the Operation Support Period be
liable to pay the monthly Operation Support Cost to AAI in advance on or prior to
the 7
day of each month. Upon JVC making such payment to the AAI, it shall
not be held responsible for non-payment of emoluments by AAI to the relevant
General Employees.
6.1.4 At any time during the Operation Support Period but not later than three (3)
months prior to the expiry of the Operation Support Period, the JVC shall make
offers (on terms that are no less attractive in terms of salary, position, etc, than the
current employment terms of such employees) of employment to the General
Employees that it wants to employ. Provided however that JVC shall be required
to make offers to a minimum of 60.00 % of the General Employees (as reduced
for retirements, transfers, death and any fractions to be rounded off to the nearest
whole number). Any offers already made and accepted during the Operation
Support Period will be counted for the purposes of such minimum number of
offers. The General Employees shall have the option of accepting or declining the
offers within one month. The General Employees accepting the employment
offers of the JVC, upon resigning from AAI, shall cease to be AAI employees
from the date of acceptance of the offer or completion of the Operation Support
Period, as applicable. The JVC shall be the new employer for these employees on
terms and conditions mutually agreed between the JVC and such employees.
Provided however that if less than 60.00% of the General Employees (as reduced
for retirements, transfers, resignations and death and any fractions to be rounded
off to the nearest whole number) accept the offers of employment made by the
JVC, then the JVC shall pay to AAI Retirement Compensation for such number of
General Employees as represent the difference between 60.00% of the General
Employees (as reduced for retirements, transfers, death and any fractions to be
rounded off to the nearest whole number) and the number of General Employees
accepting offers of employment made by JVC, including cumulatively the offers
made and accepted during the Operational Support Period.
6.1.5 While testing whether the terms and conditions offered to the General Employees
under the terms of Article 6.1.4 hereof, are no less attractive in terms of salary,
position, etc, than the current employment terms of such employees, a cost to
company basis comparison would be undertaken.
6.1.6 At any time during the Operation Support Period, if a General Employee is
transferred out of the Airport, then notwithstanding anything contained
hereinabove, from the date of the transfer, the JVC shall not be liable for making
payment of the monthly Operation Support Cost with respect to the said General
6.1.7 At the end of the Operation Support Period, the General Employees opting to
continue employment with AAI or those not receiving offers from JVC, shall
continue their employment with AAI and be deployed at establishments other than
the Airport.
6.1.8 It is expressly agreed by the Parties that during the Operation Support Period AAI
shall not be liable for any losses, costs, charges, expenses and damages caused to
the JVC or any third Entity as a result of any acts, deeds or things done or omitted
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to be done by any General Employee or as a result of failure or negligence on the
part of any General Employee to perform any of its obligations, or committing
breach of any of the terms and conditions of its employment contract or on the
failure of the General Employee to perform any of its statutory duties or failure or
negligence on the part of the General Employee to comply with any statutory
provision. Provided however that nothing contained herein shall apply in the case
of losses, costs, charges, expenses or damages caused as a result of instruction or
instigation by AAI to any General Employee.
6.2 Personnel
During the Transition Phase, JVC alongwith the Airport Operator shall put in
place, in a phased manner increasing numbers of senior management (employees
above the level of Deputy General Managers or equivalent of AAI on the date
hereof) to manage the Airport in conjunction with existing AAI senior
management (employees above the level of Deputy General Managers or
equivalent of AAI on the date hereof) at the Airport. During the Transition Phase,
AAI senior management would continue to manage the Airport in conjunction
with personnel of the JVC. JVC shall have the right to appoint its senior
management at the Airport. Consequently upon such appointments by the JVC,
AAI shall reduce (at no cost to JVC) the number of its senior management
(employees above the level of Deputy General Managers or equivalent of AAI on
the date hereof) located at the Airport, such that upon the expiry of the Transition
Phase, no such AAI senior management (employees above the level of Deputy
General Managers or equivalent of AAI on the date hereof) remain at the Airport.
It is expressly understood by the Parties that salary, benefits, statutory payments,
perks and contribution towards terminal benefits payable to the senior
management of the AAI for the duration of their deployment at the Airport during
the Transition Phase shall be paid by the JVC to the AAI.
Without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, the JVC shall engage the
experts listed in Schedule 15 hereof at the Airport for the duration mentioned
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7.1 Acceptance of Site
7.1.1 (i) For the purposes of this Agreement, the JVC shall be deemed to have:-
(a) inspected the Airport, and the Airport Site including the terminals
and all buildings thereat and its surroundings;
(b) satisfied itself as to the nature of the climatic, hydrological and
general physical conditions of the Airport, the nature of the ground
and subsoil , the form and nature of the Airport, and the nature of
the design, work and materials necessary for the performance of its
obligations under this Agreement.
(c) satisfied itself as to the means of communication with, access to
and accommodation on the Airport it may require or as may be
otherwise necessary for the performance of its obligations under
this Agreement;
(d) obtained for itself all necessary information as to the risks,
contingencies and all other circumstances which may influence or
affect the JVC and its rights and obligations hereunder and its other
rights and obligations under or pursuant to this Agreement.
(ii) JVC expressly acknowledges that it shall have no recourse against the AAI
in the event of any mistake made or misapprehension harboured by the
JVC in relation to any of the foregoing provisions of Article 7.1.1 (i) and
the AAI hereby expressly disclaims any liability in respect thereof.
7.1.2 JVC acknowledges that prior to the execution of this Agreement, it has, after a
complete and careful examination, made an independent evaluation of the Airport
as a whole and each of its facilities, buildings, assets, machinery, equipment,
personnel and know-how and has determined the nature and extent of the
difficulties, upgradations, inputs, costs, time, resources, risks and hazards that are
likely to arise or may be faced by it in the course of the performance of its
obligations under this Agreement and the extent and manner of modernisation
required. JVC further acknowledges that it shall have no recourse against the AAI
if it is, at a later date, found that the Demised Premises or any building or structure
thereon, is/are deficient in any manner whatsoever (the “Deficiency”). If a
Deficiency is found, the JVC hereby acknowledges and agrees that it shall, at its
own cost and at no cost to the AAI, take all appropriate measures to remedy the
7.1.3 JVC acknowledges and hereby accepts the difficulties, upgradations, inputs, costs,
time, resources, risks and hazards associated with the performance of its
obligations hereunder and hereby agrees that AAI shall not be liable for the same
in any manner whatsoever to JVC, other than as expressly provided in this
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7.1.4 The JVC shall not be entitled to make any claim against the AAI or any
Government Authority whether for rescission, in damages or otherwise on the
grounds of any misunderstanding or misapprehension in respect of incorrect or
insufficient information given to it by any Entity, whether or not in the
employment of the AAI or any Government Authority, nor, unless expressly
provided otherwise in this Agreement, shall the JVC be relieved from any
obligations or risks imposed on or undertaken by it in relation to the works or
otherwise on any such ground or on the ground that it did not or could not foresee
any matter which may, in fact, affect or have affected the performance of its
obligations hereunder.
7.1.5 It is clarified that all fossils, antiquities, structures and/or other remains or things
either of archaeological or of particular geological interest discovered at the
Airport Site or in the course of carrying out any work shall not be the property of
the JVC and JVC shall have no right or interest in such fossils, antiquities and
7.2 Deemed Knowledge and Disclaimer
7.2.1 Subject to the provisions of this Agreement, the JVC shall be fully and exclusively
responsible for, and shall bear the financial, technical, commercial, legal and other
risks in relation to the design, financing, modernization, construction, completion,
commissioning, maintenance, operation, management and development of the
Airport and all its other rights and obligations under or pursuant to this Agreement
regardless of whatever risks, contingencies, circumstances and/or hazards may be
encountered (foreseen or not foreseen) and notwithstanding any change(s) in any
of such risks, contingencies, circumstances and/or hazards on exceptional grounds
or otherwise and whether foreseen or not foreseen and none of the JVC shall have
any right whether express or implied to bring any claim against, or to recover any
compensation or other amount from, the AAI, GOI and/or any of their agencies
other than in respect of those matters in respect of which express provision is
made in this Agreement.
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8.1 General Obligations:
(i) JVC shall at all times comply with Applicable Law in the operation,
maintenance, development, design, construction, upgradation,
modernising, financing and management of the Airport. JVC shall operate,
maintain, develop, design, construct, upgrade, modernise, manage, and
keep in good operating repair and condition the Airport, in order to ensure
that the Airport at all times meets the requirements of an international
world class airport. The JVC shall further operate, maintain, develop,
design, construct, upgrade, modernise, and manage the Airport in
accordance with Good Industry Practice and, in accordance with the
Development Standards and Requirements; and Operation and
Maintenance Standards and Requirements and renew, replace and
upgrade to the extent reasonably necessary. All maintenance, repair and
other works shall be carried out in such a way as to minimise
inconvenience to users of the Airport.
(ii) JVC shall at all times, obtain and maintain all Clearances, including
registrations, licenses and permits (including immigration, temporary
residence, work and exit permits), which are required by Applicable Law
for the performance of its obligations hereunder.
(iii) The JVC will operate, maintain, develop, design, construct, upgrade,
modernize and manage the Airport during the Term with regard to safety
precautions, fire protection, security, transportation, delivery of goods,
materials, plant and equipment, control of pollution, maintenance of
competent personnel and labour and industrial relations and general
Airport Services including, without limitation, access to and on the
Airport, allocation of space for contractors’ and sub-contractors’ offices
and compounds and the restriction of access to the Airport to authorized
Entities only, ensuring at all times smooth operation of the Airport and
minimum interference with day to day running of the Airport and will
prepare and issue a manual of rules and regulations relating to the Airport
to be observed by all Entities having business upon the Airport and which
shall apply to all such Entities without discrimination. The JVC shall
provide such manual to the AAI who may require JVC to make reasonably
appropriate modifications in the said manual.
(iv) The JVC will ensure that all materials, equipment, machinery, etc installed
and/or used at the Airport including the constructions or repair of the
Airport will be of sound and merchantable quality, that all workmanship
shall be in accordance with Good Industry Practices applicable at the time
of installation, construction or repair and that each part of the construction
will be fit for the purpose for which it is required as stated in or as may be
reasonably inferred from the Master Plan and the Major Development
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(v) Neither the submission of any drawing or document under or pursuant to
any provision of this Agreement or otherwise, nor its approval or
disapproval, nor the raising of queries on, or the making of objections to or
the making of comments, suggestions or recommendations on the same by
the AAI shall prejudice or affect any of the JVC’s obligations or liabilities
in relation to design and construction, which shall not be relieved,
absolved or otherwise modified in any respect.
(vi) The JVC shall pay all taxes, levies, import duties, fees (including any
license fees) and other charges, dues, assessments or outgoings payable in
respect of the Demised Premises or the structures to be constructed thereon
or in respect of the materials stored therein which may be levied by any
Governmental Authority and any other governmental, quasi governmental,
administrative, judicial, public or statutory body, ministry, department,
instrumentality, agency, authority, board, bureau, corporation entrusted
with, and carrying out, any statutory functions(s) or commission.
8.2 Mandatory Capital Projects
8.2.1 The JVC shall, latest by March 31, 2010, commence, carry out and complete the
Mandatory Capital Projects set out under Schedule 7 at the times set forth therein
and in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth therein.
8.2.2 In the event that the JVC delays in commencement of construction of a Mandatory
Capital Project at the time set forth in Schedule 7 and no lawful explanation for
delay is provided by the JVC that is satisfactory to AAI (at its sole discretion),
AAI shall have the right to levy liquidated damages on the JVC equivalent to
0.5% (zero decimal five percent) of the estimated capital cost of the such
Mandatory Capital Project for each week (or part thereof) of delay in
commencement of construction of such Mandatory Capital Project.
8.2.3 AAI shall further have the right to levy liquidated damages on JVC at the same
rate in the event the time period for the completion of any Mandatory Capital
Project exceeds the time period for completion of such Mandatory Capital Project
as set out in Schedule 7, subject to the delay not being on account of delay in
commencement, in respect of which liquidated damages have been paid by JVC to
the AAI.
Provided however that the total liability of the JVC under this Article 8.2 for delay
in respect of a particular Mandatory Capital Project shall not exceed 10% (ten
percent) of the capital cost of the relevant Mandatory Capital Project.
8.2.4 Notwithstanding the foregoing, in the event the commencement of construction of
a particular Mandatory Capital Project has been delayed and liquidated damages
for such delay have been levied and paid according to Article 8.2.2 above, and
such Mandatory Capital Project has, notwithstanding the delay in commencement
in construction, been completed by the time it would have been completed had the
construction of the relevant Mandatory Capital Project been commenced on time,
as set forth in Schedule 7, then the liquidated damages that have been paid for
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delay in commencement of construction shall be returned by AAI to JVC without
any interest.
8.3 Master Plan
8.3.1 The JVC shall prepare a Master Plan for the Airport setting out the proposed
development for the entire Airport, planned over a 20 year time horizon. The
Master Plan shall include traffic forecasts for this period and link all planned
major development to these forecasts. The Master Plan shall be prepared in
accordance with and include the following:
(a) A statement of the overall development strategy and philosophy;
(b) The Development Planning Principles set forth in Schedule 1 hereof.
(c) Details of planned developments separately for each broad area, namely
commercial development, surface transport, terminal area, runway system,
environmental management (including aircraft noise);
(d) Details of traffic forecasts and provide the traffic trigger points for all
developments which are linked to traffic growth, indicating at what traffic
level the project will be commenced and finished;
(e) Vision of how the Airport and each of its precincts will look at the end of
20 years and at critical intermediate stages and the ultimate vision of the
Airport, at the end of the period when it reaches capacity;
(f) Report on the outcome of consultations with users, community, businesses
and the government
(g) Obstacle limitation surfaces for the airport and approach and takeoff areas
(h) Noise exposure contours for areas surrounding the Airport for the traffic
level forecast for the 20 year Master Plan period
(i) Such other matters that may be specified by the GOI .
Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Agreement, the Parties
hereby acknowledge and agree that nothing in this Article 8.3 shall be deemed to
be an approval by AAI of any Master Plan (or any part thereof) submitted by the
JVC in accordance with the aforesaid provisions, including but not limited to any
minimum projected traffic. It is expressly agreed that it shall be sole responsibility
and obligation of the JVC to ensure that the final Master Plan is in full compliance
with the requirements of this Agreement and is, additionally, in accordance with
the parameters set out in the State Support Agreement and nothing in this
Agreement shall, in any way, absolve the JVC of its obligation to ensure that the
final Master Plan is in accordance with the provisions of the OMDA and the State
Support Agreement or any other obligations under any of the Project Agreements.
8.3.2 The first Master Plan for the Airport must be consistent with the Initial
Development Plan and must incorporate the Mandatory Capital Projects. Any
significant deviations from the Initial Development Plan must be fully explained.
The Master Plan shall be made pursuant to full consultation with all major
stakeholders, including but not limited to airlines , passenger groups and GOI.
8.3.3 The Master Plan must demonstrate that it is consistent with the quality and service
performance standards as set out in this Agreement. The Master Plan must further
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demonstrate that the Airport development shall take place such that the Airport
Site is developed for the purposes of development and enhancement of Transfer
Assets (and within Transfer Assets, Aeronautical Assets shall be prioritised) and
that the Airport Site is not exploited for purely Non-Transfer Assets. The Master
Plan shall at all times envisage and ensure availability of land and space for
development and enhancement of Transfer Assets (and within Transfer Assets,
Aeronautical Assets shall be prioritised). Utilisation of land and space for Non-
Transfer Assets shall at all times be subject to development and enhancement of
Transfer Assets. In this regard, it is clarified that JVC shall ensure that sufficient
portions of the lands constituting the Airport Site, as may be required for the
development and enhancement of Transfer Assets, keeping in mind future traffic
growth, shall be reserved for Transfer Assets, and only the remaining lands
constituting the Airport Site shall be used for Non-Transfer Assets. The JVC shall
ensure that the Master Plan clearly demarcates those portions of the Airport Site
that are used and proposed to be used for the development of Aeronautical Assets,
Non-Aeronautical Assets, Transfer Assets and Non-Transfer Assets. The JVC
shall ensure that all developments at the Airport are in accordance with the Master
8.3.4 The Master Plan shall inter alia provide for identifiable traffic triggers for
undertaking specific capital expenditure projects and shall provide for traffic
linked capacity expansions
8.3.5 Notwithstanding the provisions of Article 3 above and subject to the Successful
Bidder being provided immediate access to the Airport, the JVC hereby
undertakes to submit the initial Master Plan to the AAI for its information, and to
the Ministry of Civil Aviation (“MCA”) for its review and comments before the
expiry of six (6) months from the date of execution of this Agreement, which
thereafter must be updated and resubmitted to the AAI for its information and to
the MCA for its review and comments periodically, every 10 years. Provided
however that the Master Plan shall be updated at shorter intervals, if the JVC finds
that the traffic growth is such as to require more frequent updates or for any other
reasonable reason, or at such intervals as may be notified by AAI or MCA in the
event the Airport reaches passenger capacity, cargo capacity and other capacity
8.3.6 In the event the JVC does not submit the initial Master Plan for the information of
the AAI and the comments of the MCA by the due date for submission thereof,
then AAI shall have the right to levy liquidated damages on the JVC at the rate of
Rs.25,00,000/- (Rupees Twenty Five Lakhs) for every day of delay, provided
however that the JVC’s total liability pursuant to this Article 8.3.6 shall not
exceed Rs. 25,00,00,000 (Rupees Twenty Five Crores). Provided further and it is
clarified that this Article 8.3.6 shall only become effective and be applicable after
Effective Date, such that while the liquidated damages shall be calculated for any
period of delay after the expiry of six (6) months from the date of execution of this
Agreement, the obligation to pay such liquidated damages shall arise only after
Effective Date.
8.3.7 The JVC shall develop the Airport in accordance with the then applicable Master
Plan. Where an existing Master Plan is in place, the JVC shall develop the Airport
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in accordance with that plan until a new Master Plan is approved. It is clarified
(a) All developments (Aeronautical Assets, Non-Aeronautical Assets,
Transfer Assets and Non-Transfer Assets) at the Airport shall be as per the
then existing Master Plan;
(b) No development (Aeronautical Assets, Non-Aeronautical Assets, Transfer
Assets or Non-Transfer Assets) that is not envisaged in the Master Plan
shall be allowed to be undertaken; and
(c) The Airport, inclusive of aeronautical and non-aeronautical developments,
Aeronautical Assets, Non-Aeronautical Assets, Transfer Assets and Non-
Transfer Assets shall at all times comply with the then existing Master
8.3.8 The Master Plan will incorporate target dates for construction of individual
facilities (the “Targets”) linked to traffic trigger points or otherwise. The JVC
shall ensure that each of the Targets is met fully and on time. To the extent not
already covered under Article 8.2.2, in the event that a project set out in the
approved Master Plan is not commenced at the designated traffic trigger or such
other trigger and there is no explanation provided by the JVC to AAI that is
satisfactory to AAI (at its sole discretion), AAI shall have the right to levy
liquidated damages on JVC equivalent to 0.5% of the estimated capital cost of the
project for each week the project is delayed, on the JVC. AAI shall further have
the right to levy liquidated damages on JVC at the same rate in the event the time
period for the completion of the project exceeds the time period of construction
set out in the Master Plan, subject to the delay not being on account of delay in
commencement, in respect of which liquidated damages have been paid by JVC to
the AAI. Provided however that in the event there is delay in commencement of a
project, and liquidated damages have been paid in respect of such delay, and in
spite of delay in commencement, the relevant project is completed within the time
period set forth in the Master Plan, then the liquidated damages already received
in respect of delay in commencement shall be returned by AAI to the JVC without
any interest. Provided further that the total liability of the JVC under this Article
8.3.8 for delay in respect of a particular project shall not exceed 10% of the capital
cost of the relevant project.
8.4 Major Development Plan
8.4.1 The JVC shall develop the Airport in accordance with the Master Plan. The JVC
must prepare a Major Development Plan for each major development or any
development, which is expected to have a capital cost in excess of Rupees
100,00,00,000/- (Rupees One Hundred Crores Only) and shall ensure that each
such major development is undertaken by contractors selected pursuant to a
competitive bidding process. The Major Development Plan must be in accordance
with the finalised Master Plan and, in the case of aeronautical developments, must
be the subject of full consultation with Airport users.
8.4.2 The JVC hereby agrees to submit each Major Development Plan to the AAI for its
information and MCA for its review and comments. The Major Development
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Plan must be submitted to the MCA for its review and comments as soon as it is
Provided, however that, notwithstanding Article 3 hereof, the JVC shall submit
the Major Development Plan(s) relating to the design, development and
construction of (i) terminal buildings; and (ii) parallel runways (if possible) at the
Airport, within six (6) months of the date hereof
8.5 Provision of Facilities and Services at Airport
8.5.1 Essential Services and Aeronautical Services
The JVC shall at all times provide at the Airport, Aeronautical Services, Non-
Aeronautical Services and Essential Services at the Airport for the Term.
8.5.2 VIP Lounge
The JVC shall provide and maintain at all times at the Airport (free of charge and
cost) a Government VIP Lounge for the use and comfort of designated guests and
personnel of GOI and the AAI as per the list of personnel eligible to use such
facilities as provided by the GOI/ AAI from time to time. The JVC shall in
addition provide and maintain at the Airport (free of charge and cost), a
ceremonial lounge adhering to existing principles of protocols and courtesies.
8.5.3 Indian Defence Forces and Military Activities
The JVC hereby undertakes and agrees that the Indian Defence Forces shall, at all
times have the right to use the Airport and all facilities at the Airport, free of
charge without any restriction or constraint of any nature whatsoever. Without
prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, the JVC’s obligations to the Indian
Defence Forces in respect, inter alia, of airspace allocation and closure, runway
usage at times of emergencies shall be as decided by GOI from time to time and
JVC’s obligations to the Indian Defence Forces in respect, inter alia, of airspace
allocation and closure, runway usage at times other than emergencies shall be
subject to mutual consultations, if any, between JVC and the GOI and as per
existing principles and operating procedures of the GOI, and shall be without any
relatable compensation to JVC. Provided however that the right of Indian Defence
Forces to airspace allocation and runway usage shall not be restricted on account
of lack or delay of notification or consultation by GOI. Provided still further that
JVC shall be relieved of its obligations to provide aeronautical services to civilian
aircrafts and related obligations to the extent that such obligations are affected by
emergency, exceptional or unusual use by the Indian Defence Forces of the
8.5.4 Slots
The JVC is responsible for the management and allocation of aircraft landing and
timetable slots at the Airport, for both domestic and international traffic. JVC shall
allocate slots at the Airport in consultation with airlines, in accordance with IATA
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Slot Allocation Guidelines as issued and updated from time to time in a fair,
reasonable and equitable manner.
8.5.5 Access
Subject to the provisions of this Agreement and subject to BCAS’ guidelines, JVC
shall have the right to grant access to all parts of the Airport Site to such Entities
as it shall determine.
8.5.6 Insurance
(i) Insurance during Term
During the Term, JVC shall effect and maintain at its own cost, at all times
the insurances set out in Schedule 11, the insurances required under the
Financing Documents and such additional insurances as JVC may
reasonably consider necessary or prudent in accordance with Good
Industry Practice. The insurance policies so procured shall mention AAI as
(ii) Policies
Within 15 (fifteen) days of receiving any insurance policy certificate in
respect of insurances required to be obtained and maintained under Article
8.5.6(i), JVC shall furnish to AAI, copies of such policy certificates, copies
of the insurance policies and evidence that the insurance premia have been
paid in respect of such insurance. No insurance shall be cancelled,
modified or allowed to expire or lapse until the expiration of at least forty-
five (45) days notice of such cancellation, modification or non-renewal,
has been provided by JVC to AAI.
(iii) Remedy for failure to insure
If JVC shall fail to effect and keep in force all insurances for which it is
responsible pursuant hereto, AAI shall have the option to keep in force any
such insurances, and pay such premia and recover the costs thereof from
(iv) Application of Insurance Proceeds
Subject to the Escrow Agreement, all insurance claims received by JVC
shall be applied for reconstruction of the Airport except for (i) insurance
proceeds unrelated to physical damage; and (ii) insurance proceeds
relating to business interruption, loss of profit or delay in start up.
Subject to the restriction on application of insurance proceeds, the Lenders
may be loss payees under all such policies of insurance.
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8.5.7 Contracts, Leases and Licenses
(i) Sub-Contracting, Sub-leasing and Licensing
(a) Any activity may be sub-contracted by the JVC, provided always
that notwithstanding the sub-contract, the JVC retains overall
management, responsibility, obligation and liability in relation to
the sub-contracted Airport Service. Any such subcontracting shall
not relieve the JVC from any of its obligations in respect of the
provision of such Airport Services under this Agreement. It is
clarified that JVC shall remain liable and responsible for any acts,
omissions or defaults of any sub-contractor, and shall indemnify
AAI in respect thereof. Provided however that any sub-contract
involving foreign manpower or materials shall be subject to the
political sensitivities of GOI.
(b) AAI hereby recognizes the right of JVC to sub-lease and license
any part (but not whole) of the Airport Site to third parties for the
purpose of performance of its obligations hereunder.
(c) Before entering into contracts or granting any sub-lease or license,
the JVC will:
(aa) comply with Applicable Laws including without limitation
(where applicable) the procedures for competitive bidding
in the field of public works concessions and in any case for
every contract whose value exceeds Rs. 50,00,00,000/-
(Rupees Fifty Crores Only) the JVC shall ensure that the
selection of the counter party is by way of a competitive
bidding procedure; and
(bb) inform AAI of the counter-party or parties to every
contract, sub-lessee or licensee (as the case may be) and
their shareholding pattern.
(d) Without prejudice to the foregoing, every contract entered into by
the JVC shall be on an arms-length basis (and comply with
contracting procedures set forth in Schedule 12), and shall contain
an express provision allowing the transfer of the rights and
obligations of the JVC under such contract to the AAI in the event
of termination or expiry hereof. Every contract (including any sub-
lease or license arrangement) entered into by the JVC shall contain
an express provision recognising the right of the AAI to acquire the
Transfer Assets and the Non-Transfer Assets (including reversion
of underlying land) in the manner provided herein, and contain an
undertaking by the counter-party (ies), licensee/ sub-lessees, or
owners of the relevant asset, as the case may be to transfer the
relevant Transfer Asset and/ or the Non-Transfer Asset (including
the reversion of the underlying land), as the case may be, upon the
exercise of such right by AAI. JVC shall further procure that any
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contracts entered into by any counter-party (ies), licensees/ sub-
lessees, as the case may be and relatable to any Transfer Asset and/
or the Non-Transfer Asset shall also recognise the right of the AAI
to acquire the Transfer Assets and the Non-Transfer Assets in the
manner provided herein, and contain an undertaking by the
counter-party (ies), sub-licensee, sub-sub-lessees, as the case may
be to transfer the relevant Transfer Asset and/ or the Non-Transfer
Asset, as the case may be, upon the exercise of such right by AAI.
(e) JVC shall ensure that any sub-contract, license or sub-lease granted
in relation to the Airport expires on the thirtieth (30
) anniversary
of Effective Date. JVC shall further procure that any contracts
entered into by any counter-party (ies), licensees/ sub-lessees, as
the case may be and relatable to the Airport shall also expire on the
thirtieth (30
) anniversary of Effective Date.
(f) The JVC shall prior to entering into or modifying any contract with
a Group Entity of the JVC or any of its shareholders (other than
AAI), inform AAI about the key terms of such contract and
disclose the draft contract to the AAI. In relation to such contracts,
AAI shall have the right to object to any key terms that it can
reasonably demonstrate are not equitable, are inconsistent with or
contrary to the letter or spirit of this Agreement or not on arms-
length, and the JVC shall address the reasonable concerns of AAI
prior to execution of such contracts. The JVC shall further ensure
that any contract with a Group Entity of the JVC or any of its
shareholders (other than AAI) shall only be entered into after the
board of directors of the JVC (the “Board”) duly approves such
contract itself and the same is not approved by any sub-committee
of the Board or by delegation to any person whatsoever. The Board
shall have the right to consider and comment on the terms and
conditions of such contracts and suggest modifications thereto. The
Board shall be entitled to seek a report on the terms of contracts
from the Independent Engineer. The Board shall approve any such
contract only if it is satisfied that the terms thereof are no less
favourable to the JVC than those which could have been obtained
from bona fide non-Group Entities/ non-shareholders on arms-
length commercial basis. The rights and obligations of the Board
hereunder shall be incorporated into the Articles of Association of
the JVC prior to Effective Date.
(ii) Management and Control
(a) Notwithstanding anything contained in Article 8.5.7 (i) above,
under no circumstances shall the JVC sub-contract the overall
operation and management of the Airport and the JVC shall at all
times exercise and be responsible for overall management control
and supervision of the Airport through its senior management staff,
irrespective of any sub-contracting of activities and/or services.
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The JVC shall further under no circumstance sub-lease or license
the whole Airport Site.
(b) The JVC shall establish fair, reasonable and objective criteria for
the grant of sub-contracts. In granting, and in determining whether
or not to grant, any sub-contract to any Entity, and in determining
whether to amend, waive, terminate or extend any such rights, the
JVC shall consistently comply with and apply such criteria.
(c) (i) Without prejudice to the generality of the other provisions
hereof, the JVC shall ensure that, within six (6) months
from Effective Date, at least two unrelated (non-Group)
Entities (of which one may be the JVC) are responsible for
provision of cargo handling services at the Airport so as
not to create a monopoly, or monopolistic arrangements and
one sub-contractor is not unfairly discriminated against in
comparison with any another sub-contractor. Until such
time this arrangement for cargo handling services is put in
place, JVC shall ensure that the then applicable charges for
cargo as levied by AAI shall be charged at the Airport.
(ii) The JVC shall be responsible for the provision of ground
handling services as per Applicable Law.
(d) Neither the JVC nor any sub-contractor shall:
(i) adopt, in relation to any activities carried on by it at the
Airport, any trade practice, or any pricing policy, which
unreasonably discriminates against any class of users of the
Airport or any particular user or which unfairly exploits its
bargaining position relative to users of the Airport generally
or which directly causes the adoption by any other Entity of
a practice which has a similar effect.
(ii) adopt, in relation to the granting of any sub-contracts, any
practice which:
(aa) unreasonably discriminates against Entities granted
any class of such rights, or any particular grantee of
such a right, or unfairly exploits its bargaining
position relative to the grantees of such rights
generally; or
(bb) unreasonably discriminates against any class of
Entities applying for such rights or any particular
applicant, or unreasonably limits the number of such
rights that are granted in the case of any particular
services or facilities.
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or which directly causes the adoption by any other Entity of
a practice, which has a similar effect.
It is hereby expressly acknowledged and agreed that the provisions of this
sub-clause (d) shall in no way be used or construed to limit or adversely
affect the ability of the JVC to offer discounts or customized packages for
high-volume users and other valued customers, or other incentive packages
as are normal and customary in the ordinary course of business of
maintaining, managing and operating the Airport and/or providing any
other Airport Services hereunder.
8.5.8 Independent Engineer
(i) Appointment of Independent Engineer
(a) A reputable concern of Independent Engineer shall be appointed
for the purpose of determining and ensuring compliance with
planning approvals and standards with respect to Airport
development and performing the duties mentioned in Schedule 21
(b) The procedure of the appointment of the Independent Engineer
shall be as follows:
AAI shall nominate a panel of six (6) engineers with expertise in
airport development supervision of direct relevance to the needs of
the assignment, with no conflict of interest to the JVC. The JVC
shall have the right to object to one or more of such nominees but
not in any circumstance exceeding three (3) nominees. AAI shall
appoint any one of the nominees to whom JVC has not objected, as
the Independent Engineer.
(c) AAI and the JVC shall equally bear all costs of, including costs
associated with the appointment of, the Independent Engineer.
(ii) Subject to the dispute resolution mechanism contained herein where a technical
issue arises in which the two parties have a different view, then either party can
nominate suitable technical experts to review the process in the same manner as
the appointment of an Independent Engineer and the other party selects one of
these experts. Each party would brief the expert in writing on the issue to be
addressed and would provide a copy of the briefing to the other party . The two
parties would agree with the expert on the time frame to review and report on the
matter. The cost of the review will be borne equally by the two Parties .
8.5.9 OMDA Implementation Oversight Committee
Notwithstanding Article 3 hereof, in order to perform its obligations hereunder,
AAI shall within 30 (thirty) days of the execution hereof create a separate
dedicated unit (the “OMDA Implementation Oversight Committee” or
“OIOC”) under the chairmanship of Secretary, MCA and such other members as
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the MCA may determine. The OIOC will be responsible for ensuring that the
Conditions Precedent as contemplated under this Agreement are duly met/fulfilled
and this Agreement becomes fully effective within three (3) months as provided
under Article 3 hereof. Further, the OIOC shall be the ‘single point of contact’ for
the JVC for all matters concerning this Agreement. The OOIC would meet as
often as may be required with representatives of the JVC and conduct a joint
review of emerging issues and concerns and keep an oversight of the development
of the Airport.
8.5.10 Environment Audit and Report
(i) The JVC shall, within six months of the Effective Date procure that an
independent expert undertakes a full environmental audit of the Airport
and provide a copy of such audit to AAI.
(ii) Based on the information from the environmental audit, the JVC shall,
within a further six months produce an Environmental Management
Strategy for the Airport, which sets out strategies and actions to manage
the environmental condition of the Airport and an environmental
monitoring program that assesses over time the environmental condition of
the Airport.
(iii) The JVC shall review annually, progress under the Environmental
Management Strategy and will from time to time update the said
Environmental Management Strategy. The JVC shall provide annual
reports in relation to progress under the Environmental Management
Strategy to AAI.
(iv) Prior to the termination of this Agreement, the JVC shall procure that an
independent expert undertakes a further environmental audit of the
Airport. JVC shall ensure that at termination the environmental condition
of the Airport meets all statutory and regulatory requirements.
(v) The independent expert undertaking the environment audit of the Airport
mentioned in sub-paragraphs (i) and (iv) above shall be appointed in the
following manner:
(a) The JVC shall nominate one or more Entities having appropriate
experience and qualifications to undertake the environment audit,
and shall notify AAI of the proposed independent expert, along
with the terms of reference of the said expert for the approval of
the AAI. The Parties hereby expressly agree that the independent
expert and the terms of reference of the audit shall be approved by
the AAI, prior to undertaking an environment audit.
(vi) The JVC and AAI will jointly bear all costs of, including costs associated
with the appointment of, the independent expert.
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8.5.11 Complaints Register
(i) JVC shall maintain a public relations office at the Airport where it shall
keep a register (the "Complaint Register") with access at all times for
recording of complaints by any person (the "Complainant"). Immediately,
after a complaint is registered, JVC shall give a receipt to the Complainant
stating the date and complaint number. Details of any complaint that
remains unaddressed after 30 days of lodgement thereof shall be
immediately uploaded on the JVC website (without disclosing the name or
details of the complainant).
(ii) The Complaint Register can either be in hard copy form or electronic form .
It shall have appropriate columns including the complaint number, date,
name and address of the Complainant, substance of the complaint and the
action taken by JVC. Information relating to the availability of and access
to the Complaint Register shall be prominently displayed by JVC at the
(iii) JVC shall inspect the Complaint Register every day and take prompt and
reasonable action for redressal of each complaint. The action taken shall be
briefly noted in the Complaint Register and a reply stating the particulars
thereof shall be sent by JVC to the Complainant under a certificate of
posting or by fax with confirmation of transmission.
(iv) To the extent that the complaints made by any Complainant relate to the
performance or otherwise of the Reserved Activities or of any airline or any
other Entity, JVC shall immediately notify the Relevant Authority, the
airline or such Entity about the same.
(v) Any means of notice, record-keeping or registration contemplated by this
Article 8.5.11 may be accomplished or effected by any more-efficient or
effective automated or modern systems, technologies or methods of
comparable or better accuracy and reliability.
8.6 Performance Bond
(a) The JVC shall furnish a Performance Bond in the form of a bank guarantee
from a reputed scheduled commercial bank in India with a minimum
validity of 12 months at a time for an amount of Rs. 500,00,00,000/-
(Rupees Five Hundred Crores) (escalating at the Rate of Inflation annually
after first anniversary of Effective Date) for the first five (5) Years after
Effective Date.
(b) Upon submission of the Performance Bond, AAI shall return/ release the
Bid Bond. The Performance Bond shall be rolled over periodically and
shall be renewed three (3) months prior to its expiry for a period until the
expiry of five (5) years after Effective Date.
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(c) The whole or part of the Performance Bond shall be encashable, inter alia,
in the following situations:
(i) Non completion of the Mandatory Capital Projects within the
agreed time frame;
(ii) Failure to make offers of employment in accordance with the terms
(iii) Non-compliance with Development Standards and Requirements,
Objective Service Quality Requirements and Subjective Service
Quality Requirements in accordance with the terms hereof;
(iv) Failure to provide adequate insurance in accordance with the terms
set forth in this Agreement (except where such insurance has been
obtained by AAI and AAI has been indemnified in respect of the
cost thereof);
(v) Failure to pay any liquidated damages hereunder for one (1) month
after the same become due and payable; and
(vi) Any other material breach / non-performance of / under this
(d) In the event any portion of the Performance Bond is en-cashed pursuant to
sub-clause (c) of this Article 8.6 then immediately following such
encashment, the JVC shall replenish the Performance Bond. In the event
the Performance Bond is not replenished within three (3) months of its
encashment, the AAI shall have the right to en-cash the entire Performance
Bond. Provided however that AAI shall not en-cash the replenished
Performance Bond twice for the same default for which the Performance
Bond was previously encashed.
(e) Any delay in invocation or non-invocation of the encashment of the
Performance Bond shall not be construed as a condonation of the breach or
default or waiver of the right to invoke or encash the Performance Bond in
the future.
8.7 Certification
Any certification of the commencement of construction or the completion of
Mandatory Capital Projects and / or facilities to be constructed under the Master
Plan, which is necessary for determining compliance by the JVC of its obligations
under this Agreement shall be performed by the Independent Engineer.
The Independent Engineer shall be obliged to complete its certification as soon as
reasonably practicable after being requested to do so by JVC and / or AAI.
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9.1 It is the intention of the Parties that the JVC shall operate, maintain, develop,
design, construct, upgrade, modernise, finance and manage the Airport to bring it
to and maintain it at a world class standard for major international airports in
terms of the quality of the facilities, airport management and the quality of service
provided to all airport users. Without prejudice to the generality of the forgoing,
the JVC shall undertake the following in order to establish mechanisms to review
and assess performance in respect to service delivery and management systems.
9.1.1 ISO9001: 2000 certification:
(a) Requirement:
The JVC will, within two years from the Effective Date achieve and
thereafter maintain throughout the Term ISO9001: 2000 certification (or
appropriate substitute certification in the event of ISO9001:2000
certification being discontinued) for all facilities relating to Aeronautical
Services of the Airport.
(b) Report:
The JVC shall provide to AAI, in a timely manner a copy of the ISO
9001:2000 certification.
(c) Default:
At any time after the expiry of two (2) Years after Effective Date, in the
event that the Airport has not achieved ISO 9001:2000 certification, the
JVC shall produce an action plan within 30 days that sets out how it will
address the deficiencies and these initiatives shall be immediately
Should the JVC fail to produce such an action plan within 30 days or if the
Airport (or any part thereof) continues not to achieve ISO 9001:2000
certification, for further 6 months from the date of submission of action
plan or fails to maintain the certification at any time during the Term after
having achieved certification, the JVC shall thereafter pay to the AAI
2.5% of the monthly Revenue (prior to default) for every month, that the
Airport does not achieve or maintain ISO 9001:2000 certification, as the
case may be, as liquidated damages provided however that the total
liquidated damages payable hereunder shall not exceed 15% of the
monthly Revenue (prior to default).
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9.1.2 Objective Service Quality Requirements
(a) Requirement
The JVC shall within the time frame mentioned therein, achieve the
Objective Service Quality Requirements set out in Schedule 3.
(b) Report
The JVC shall on a quarterly basis, measure compliance of Objective
Service Quality Requirements in accordance with Schedule 3 and provide
compliance reports to AAI in a timely manner.
(c) Default
At any time after the JVC is obligated to achieve and maintain a particular
Objective Service Quality Requirement, in the event that the immediately
succeeding quarterly report show that the Airport (or any part thereof) is
rated below the respective Objective Service Quality Requirement, the
JVC will achieve the particular Objective Service Quality Requirement
within 30 days of the last submitted quarterly report.
Should the JVC fail to achieve the above, or if the Airport (or any part
thereof) continues to perform below the targets mentioned in Schedule 3,
the JVC shall pay to the AAI 0.5% of the monthly Revenue (prior to
default) for every month, that the standards are below any of the Objective
Service Quality Requirements, for each such performance area, as
liquidated damages provided however that the total liquidated damages
payable hereunder shall not exceed 1.5% of the monthly Revenue (prior to
9.1.3 Subjective Service Quality Requirements
(a) Requirement
(i) The JVC shall, commencing from the first anniversary of Effective
Date, and thereafter every quarter, participate in the IATA/ACI
AETRA passenger survey.
(ii) During the implementation of Stage 1 and Stage 2 of the Initial
Development Plan, as subsequently reflected in the Master Plan,
the JVC will seek to achieve steady improvements in performance
over time. Where there is a decline in performance between any
two consecutive surveys in this period, the JVC will provide a full
explanation and an action plan to seek to reverse the decline and
these initiatives shall be implemented immediately.
(iii) JVC shall ensure that, at the completion of the implementation of
Stage 2 as referred to above, the JVC achieves a rating of 3.75 in
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the IATA/ACI AETRA passenger survey or greater and maintains
the same throughout the Term.
(b) Report
After each quarterly IATA/ACI AETRA passenger survey the JVC shall
provide to AAI in a timely manner the results of each survey, together with
its analysis of the results and any proposed actions that it intends to take to
seek improvements in regard to the measures set out in Schedule 4.
(c) Default
The JVC shall at all times during the Term hereof make best endeavours to
ensure improvement of the Airport in the IATA/ACI AETRA passenger
surveys. After the completion of Stage 1, the Airport target rating shall be
3.5; provided however that after the completion of Stage 2, the Airport
target rating shall be 3.75. The target rating of 3.5 on the IATA/ACI
AETRA passenger surveys after the completion of Stage 1, and 3.75 after
the completion of Stage 2, as furnished in the report as per sub-clause (b)
above, is hereinafter referred to as “Target Rating”.
At any time after the completion of Stage 1 or Stage 2, in the event that
two successive quarterly IATA/ACI AETRA passenger surveys show that
the Airport is rated below the applicable Target Rating, then the JVC shall
pay to the AAI 2.5% of the monthly Revenue (prior to default) for every
month that the standards are below the Target Rating by more than 0.1
points and 1.25% of the monthly Revenue (prior to default) for every
month in the event the standards are below the Target Rating by less than
0.1 points, as liquidated damages; provided however that the maximum
period that liquidated damages shall be paid hereunder shall not exceed a
period of 6 months.
9.1.4 Development Standards and Requirements
(a) Requirement
It is the intention of the Parties to achieve a world-class airport with world-
class facilities. The design, construction modernization, upgradation and
operation of the Airport (including all Transfer Assets will comply with all
appropriate technical requirements as set out in international, national and
local standards and laws and in particular will comply with the
requirements set out in Schedule 1.
(b) Report
The JVC shall provide to the AAI in a timely manner full information and
report on each development that is completed in accordance with any
development plan and a quarterly report in respect of developments
completed or under progress for the entire Airport and on the results
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achieved for each completed development for each of the Development
Standards and Requirements measures.
(c) Default
(i) If after the review of such reports furnished by the JVC and
independent verification carried out by the Independent Engineer,
the Independent Engineer certifies that a particular development
under progress at the Airport (or any portion thereof) is below the
respective Development Standards and Requirement, which post
notification of AAI to JVC is not rectified prior to completion of
that development; or
(ii) the completion report of any development submitted by the JVC
shows that the development at the Airport (or any portion thereof)
is below the respective Development Standard and Requirement; or
(iii) two consecutive quarterly reports of various developments in
progress show that the Airport (or any portion thereof) is rated
below the respective Development Standard and Requirement,
In respect of any of the aforesaid default, the JVC shall pay to the AAI
2.5% of the monthly Revenue (prior to default) for every month that the
standards are below any of the Development Standards and Requirements
as liquidated damages provided however that the total liquidated damages
payable hereunder shall not exceed 15% of the monthly Revenue (prior to
9.1.5 In the event the JVC believes that some of the measures or targets mentioned in
any of Schedules 1, 2 or 3 should be revised or changed (as a result of
technological changes, or changes to business practices, rendering the existing
measures or targets redundant), it shall provide a full written explanation of its
proposals to AAI, which shall assess and finally reasonably decide whether any
changes should be made.
9.1.6 In the event the AAI believes that some of the measures or targets mentioned in
any of Schedules 1, 2 or 3 should be revised or changed for any reason, it shall
provide a full written explanation of its proposals to JVC, and the Parties shall
mutually consult with each other to determine if any changes to the said measures
or targets should be made.
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10.1 The JVC shall submit the following reports to the AAI on a regular basis:
(a) Monthly activity report (passenger traffic, aircraft movements, cargo, etc.)
(b) Other operating statistics as required by MCA, AAI, ICAO, IATA and
Relevant Authorities.
(c) Reports on various indicators of performance measurement as specified in
this Agreement
(d) Quarterly financial accounts
(e) Annual budget
(f) Latest update of Business Plan
(g) Annual maintenance program
(h) If so required by the AAI, the JVC shall deliver to the AAI the daily traffic
(i) Such other reports/ information (or analysis thereof) in relation to the
Airport operations that AAI may request from time to time.
10.2 Maintenance of Records
(a) The JVC shall maintain accurate, up-to-date and complete financial
records in accordance with the requirements of Applicable Laws and this
(b) The JVC shall maintain accurate, up-to-date and complete records relating
to the operation and maintenance of assets, which it owns or operates, and
operational performance of the Airport. Such requirements may reasonably
(but not retrospectively) be amended from time to time by the AAI in
order to take account of changed circumstances.
(c) The JVC shall make available and, if reasonably requested by the AAI,
provide copies of, on reasonable notice by the AAI and at reasonable
times, the records referred to in Article 10 for inspection by the AAI. The
AAI shall be entitled to appoint one or more authorised representatives to
check and take copies of any such records. The JVC shall provide the AAI
with such further information, explanations and other assistance as may be
reasonably required by the AAI or any of its authorised representatives for
the purpose of checking any of such records.
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(c) All records required to be maintained in accordance with this Article shall
be held for a period of five years from the date of creation of the relevant
records or until twenty four months after the expiry or earlier termination
of the Term, whichever is the later, provided that the JVC shall notify the
AAI before any such disposal and provide the AAI with a reasonable
opportunity to take delivery of such records. All such records may be
maintained in the electronic form provided such electronic form is duly
authenticated and admissible in evidence. It is expressly understood by the
Parties that this Article shall survive the termination or expiry of this
10.3 Provision of Accounts
The JVC shall, at the end of its accounting reference period, deliver to the AAI as
soon as reasonably practical after they are available but no later than the expiry of
the period provided under the Companies Act, 1956 for the finalisation of the
audited accounts, beginning with the first accounting reference period which ends
within the Term, copies of the annual report, audited profit and loss account,
balance sheet and cash flow statement for the JVC (and (if applicable) for any
subsidiary of the JVC) as at the end of and for that accounting reference period,
together with copies of all related director’s and auditor’s reports.
Each set of accounts delivered hereunder shall, save as stated in the notes thereto,
be prepared and audited in accordance with accounting principles and auditing
standards and practices generally accepted in India and consistently applied and in
accordance with all Applicable Laws and, together with those notes and subject to
any qualifications contained in any relevant auditor’s report, shall give a true and
fair view of the state of affairs and profits or loss for the period covered by such
accounts. Each set of accounts shall be prepared consistently in accordance with
the JVC’s normal accounting policies, details of which shall be supplied, on
request, to the AAI and any changes to which shall be notified to the AAI upon
submission of such accounts.
The JVC shall, in addition, deliver to the AAI unaudited profit and loss account
and balance sheet and cash flow statement for each reporting period as well as
management accounts for each month as soon as reasonably practical after they
are available. Each set of accounts shall be prepared consistently in accordance
with the JVC’s normal accounting policies, details of which shall be supplied, on
request, to the AAI and any changes to which shall be notified to the AAI on
submission of such accounts. The accounting reference period of the JVC shall be
a twelve month period
All accounts may also be maintained in the electronic form.
10.4 Changes in Business
The JVC shall inform the AAI of any material change or proposed material
change in the conduct or condition of the Airport Business, as soon as reasonably
practicable prior to (or, if it is not reasonably practicable prior to, as soon as
reasonably practicable after the occurrence of) any such change, (including the
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termination of any key contracts, any litigation or other dispute which may have a
Material Adverse Effect on the Airport Business and any material change in or
restructuring of the capitalisation or financing of the JVC).
10.5 Rights of Inspection
The AAI and its representatives shall be permitted to inspect at any time but with
reasonable prior intimation any part of the Airport Site or any of the assets at the
Airport and undertake any survey or other check in order to monitor compliance
with the JVC’s obligations under this Agreement, or check the quality of service
performance by the JVC or any Relevant Authority, or for any other reason
whatsoever, for which purpose the JVC shall grant such access or procure the
grant of such access (including to or from third parties) as they shall reasonably
require in connection therewith, provided that such persons shall not interfere with
the performance of the relevant works or give any instruction in relation thereto or
interfere with the carrying on of the Airport Services. If any such exercise reveals
that the JVC has not complied in any material respect with its obligations under
this Agreement, the costs of any such inspection shall be borne by the JVC.
10.6 Access to Management
The AAI shall be entitled to reasonable access, from time to time to the senior
management staff and other relevant officers and employees of the Airport
Business at reasonable times and following reasonable notice to the JVC.
10.7 Notification of Disputes
The JVC shall notify the AAI of any dispute that arises or is threatened against the
JVC and/or the Airport, the adverse outcome of which might have a Material
Adverse Effect on the JVC or the Airport, or any of the Airport Services.
10.8 Information Warranty
10.8.1 The JVC hereby warrants to the AAI that:
(a) each set of audited accounts provided/to be provided by the JVC under this
Agreement are and will be a true and fair state of the financial affairs and
condition of the JVC as for the period for which such accounts relate;
(b) each of Master Plan, Major Development Plan and Business Plan is and
will be prepared in good faith with proper care and diligence and
represents/ will represent fair, reasonable and complete information,
estimates and forecasts and has no/ would have no material omissions;
(c) all other information provided to the AAI under this Agreement is true,
accurate and complete in all material respects.
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11.1 In consideration of the aforementioned Grant, the JVC hereby agrees to make
the following payments to the AAI in the manner and at the times mentioned
11.1.1 Upfront Fee
The JVC shall pay to the AAI an upfront fee (the “Upfront Fee”) of Rs 150
Crores (Rupees one hundred and fifty Crores only) on or before the Effective
Date. It is mutually agreed that this Upfront Fee is non-refundable (except on
account of termination of this Agreement in accordance with Article 3.3 hereof)
and payable only once during the Term of this Agreement.
11.1.2 Annual Fee The JVC shall also pay to the AAI an annual fee (“AF”) for each Year during
the Term of this Agreement of the amount set forth below:
AF = 38.7 % of projected Revenue for the said Year
Where projected Revenue for each Year shall be as set forth in the Business
Plan. The AF shall be payable in twelve equal monthly instalments, each instalment
(hereinafter referred to as “Monthly AF” or “MAF”) to be paid on the first day
of each calendar month. The JVC shall from time to time cause the Escrow
Bank to make payment of the MAF to AAI in advance on or prior to the 7
of each month by cheque drawn in favour of AAI. If AAI does not receive the
payment of MAF due hereunder by the due date provided herein, the amount
owed shall bear interest for the period starting on and including the due date for
payment and ending on but excluding the date when payment is made calculated
at State Bank of India Prime Lending Rate + 10% p.a. Notwithstanding anything
contained herein, the JVC shall at all times be liable to pay the MAF in advance
on or prior to the 7
day of each month (i) In the event that in any quarter the actual Revenue exceeds the projected
Revenue, then JVC shall pay to AAI the additional AF attributable to such
difference between the actual quarterly Revenue and the projected
quarterly Revenue within 15 days of the commencement of the next
quarter; and
(ii) in the event that the projected Revenue in any quarter exceeds the actual
Revenue, then AAI shall pay to JVC such portion of the AF received as is
attributable to the difference between the projected Revenue and the actual
Revenue by way of an adjustment against the AF payable by the JVC to
AAI in the current quarter; provided further that in the event the actual
Revenue in any quarter is greater than 110% of the projected Revenue of
such quarter, the JVC shall pay to AAI interest for difference between the
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actual Revenue and the projected Revenue at the rate of State Bank of
India Prime Lending Rate plus 300bps in the following manner:
(i) interest of three (3) months on 1/
of the difference between the
projected Revenue and the actual Revenue;
(ii) interest of two (2) months on 1/3
of the difference between the
projected Revenue and the actual Revenue;
(iii) interest of one (1) month on 1/3
of the difference between the
projected Revenue and the actual Revenue.
It is clarified that if the projected quarterly Revenue is equal to or less than
110% of the actual quarterly Revenue, then no interest shall be payable;
interest shall only be payable on the difference between the actual
quarterly Revenue and the projected quarterly Revenue in the event the
actual quarterly Revenue is greater than 110% of the projected quarterly
Revenue. The applicable Revenue used for final verification/reconciliation of the AF shall
be the Revenue of the JVC as certified by the Independent Auditor every
11.2 Independent Auditor
(i) Appointment of Independent Auditor
(a) An Independent Auditor shall be appointed for the purposes
mentioned herein.
(b) The procedure of the appointment of the Independent Auditor shall
be as follows:
AAI shall nominate a panel of six (6) Chartered Accountancy
Firms to the JVC. The JVC shall have the right to object to one or
more of such nominees but not in any circumstance exceeding
three (3) nominees. AAI shall appoint any one of the nominees to
whom JVC has not objected, as the Independent Auditor.
(c) JVC and AAI shall bear equally all costs of, including costs
associated with the appointment of, the Independent Auditor.
11.3 Right of Inspection
The AAI and its representatives shall be permitted to inspect at any reasonable
time the books, records and other material kept by or on behalf of the JVC in
order to check or audit any information (including the calculation of Revenue)
supplied to the AAI under this Agreement. The JVC shall make available to the
AAI and its representatives such information and grant such access or procure the
grant of such access (including to or from third parties) as they shall reasonably
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require in connection therewith. If any such exercise reveals that information
previously supplied to the AAI was in any material respect inaccurate on the basis
of information available to the JVC at the time, the costs of any such exercise
shall be borne by the JVC.
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12.1 Tariff
12.1.1 For the purpose of this Agreement, the charges to be levied at the Airport by the
JVC for the provision of Aeronautical Services and consequent recovery of costs
relating to Aeronautical Assets shall be referred to as Aeronautical Charges.
12.1.2 The JVC shall at all times ensure that the Aeronautical Charges levied at the
Airport shall be as determined as per the provisions of the State Support
Agreement. It is hereby expressly clarified that any penalties or damages payable
by the JVC under any of the Project Agreements shall not form a part of the
Aeronautical Charges and not be passed on to the users of the Airport.
12.2 Charges for Non-Aeronautical Services
Subject to Applicable Law, the JVC shall be free to fix the charges for Non-
Aeronautical Services, subject to the provisions of the existing contracts and other
12.3 Charges for Essential Services
12.3.1 Notwithstanding the foregoing, those Aeronautical or Non-Aeronautical Services
that are also Essential Services, shall be provided free of charge to passengers.
12.4 Passenger Service Fees
12.4.1 The Passenger Service Fees shall be collected and disbursed in accordance with
the provisions of the State Support Agreement.
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13.1 Financing Arrangements and Security
(a) It is expressly understood that the JVC shall arrange for financing and/or
meeting all financing requirements through suitable debt and equity
contributions in order to comply with its obligations hereunder including
development of the Airport pursuant to the Master Plan and the Major
Development Plans.
(b) Security
(i) This Agreement shall not be assigned by the JVC. Provided
however that Lenders may be given a right of substitution by
execution of the Substitution Agreement. Provided further that at
any given time, the AAI shall enter into only one (1) Substitution
Agreement with one (1) lenders’ agent; such lenders’ agent being
an agent for one consortium of Lenders. The Lenders shall be free
to modify the composition of the consortium of Lenders. It is
further expressly clarified that lenders that provide financing for
Non-Transfer Assets shall not be given any right of step-in.
(ii) The JVC shall neither create nor permit to subsist any
Encumbrance or title defect over or otherwise transfer or dispose of
all or any of its rights and benefits under this Agreement or any
Project Agreements or the Transfer Assets. In this respect, the JVC
shall clearly demarcate and distinguish, in the Master Plan,
Transfer Assets and Non-Transfer Assets. Provided further, any
Encumbrance on the Non-Transfer Assets shall be subject to the
land usage restrictions set forth in the Master Plan and this
Agreement. Provided however that notwithstanding the foregoing,
the JVC shall within 60 days of the Effective Date create the first
mortgage on all the Transfer Assets (present and future) in favour
of AAI as security for payment of amounts due from JVC to AAI
under this Agreement.
(iii) Lenders may exercise the rights of step in or substitution as
provided in the Substitution Agreement provided that the person
substituting the JVC shall be deemed to be the JVC under this
Agreement and shall enjoy all rights and be responsible for all
obligations under this Agreement as if it were the JVC.
(iv) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this
Agreement, it is clarified that AAI may assign any of its rights and
benefits and / or obligations under this Agreement with 30 days
prior written notice to the JVC.
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(v) It is clarified that for the purpose of securing its borrowings for the
purpose of the Airport, JVC may encumber any assets including
Non-Transfer Assets, that it is not prohibited from encumbering
under the foregoing sections of this Article 13.1. Provided however
that the JVC may create a charge over its Revenue in favour of the
escrow agent appointed under the terms of the Escrow Agreement,
to be disbursed by such escrow agent as provided in the Escrow
Agreement. AAI has the right to require the JVC to create a charge
over its Revenue in favour of the escrow agent (to be held by such
escrow agent for and on behalf of the Lenders and the AAI)
appointed under the terms of the Escrow Agreement, to be
disbursed by such escrow agent as provided in the Escrow
(vi) The JVC shall not create an Encumbrance or title defect over the
Airport Site land, Transfer Assets and any of the underlying lands
corresponding to the Transfer or Non-Transfer Assets. Provided
however, the JVC shall have the right to create an Encumbrance
over the Non-Transfer Assets (other than underlying land).
(vii) Notwithstanding anything contained to the contrary in this
Agreement, any (i) shareholder in the JVC (including for the
avoidance of doubt any Prime Member) may create an
Encumbrance over the shares of the JVC in favour of Lenders, as
per the terms and conditions of the Financing Documents..
Provided however, upon invocation of the said Encumbrance the
Lenders shall necessarily transfer the said shares in the JVC to such
third party/ies as selected by the Lenders (and approved by AAI)
using the following criteria:
(a) the third party shall be capable of ensuring discharge by
JVC of its duties, obligations and liabilities under this
(b) the third party shall provide security/ comfort to the
satisfaction of Lenders for repayment by JVC of their dues;
(c) the third party shall have the capability and demonstrate its
ability to ensure the payment and discharge of dues of the
JVC to AAI under and in accordance with this Agreement;
(d) the third party shall have the experience and technical
capability parameters as set forth in this Agreement or
prescribed by AAI during the process of selection of the
private participant to the JVC or at any time thereafter in
respect of the JVC;
(e) the third party shall have not been in breach of any
agreement between the third party and AAI; and
(f) any other appropriate circumstance, whereby continuity in
the performance of the JVC’s obligations under this
Agreement is maintained and the security in favour of
Lenders under the Financing Documents is preserved.
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Provided further that that any transfer as above shall be subject to the
relevant security and probity clearance requirements set forth by AAI
during the competitive bidding procedure undertaken by AAI for the
purposes of the selection of the private participants in the JVC.
The JVC shall procure that the foregoing conditions are provided for in the
document creating the Encumbrance over its shares in favour of Lenders.
AAI shall apply the above criteria in the selection of the said third party/ies and
the AAI shall be entitled to refuse or delay its approval of such third party/ies only
in the event that it is not satisfied, acting reasonably, that the above foregoing
criteria will be satisfied by the third party/ies.
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14.1 Requisition of Airport in Emergency
(a) In the event of an emergency (as communicated by GOI, in writing
through AAI or otherwise, at its sole discretion), AAI, shall have the right,
to temporarily assume control of the Airport in place of the JVC in the
manner described in the State Support Agreement. During the period in
which AAI assumes control of the Airport, AAI shall be deemed to be the
JVC for the purpose of discharging the obligations of the JVC under this
Agreement for the limited period during which the Airport is under the
control of AAI. The duties and obligations of the JVC shall be suspended
during such period and AAI shall operate and maintain the Airport in
accordance with the provisions of this Agreement. Provided however,
within seven (7) days of cessation of the aforesaid emergency and any
effect thereof, or such longer time-period as may be reasonable taking into
account the nature of emergency, AAI shall hand the Airport (as it stands
on that date) back to the JVC to operate and manage the same in
accordance with the terms and conditions set out herein.
(b) Any charges in relation to provision of Aeronautical Services or Non-
Aeronautical Services levied and collected by AAI during such period
shall be held by AAI for and on behalf of the JVC and shall be given to the
JVC subject to the subsequent sub-paragraph (c) of this Article 14.1.
(c) The JVC shall reimburse and indemnify AAI (other than costs, expenses or
liabilities arising as a result of gross negligence or wilful default of the
AAI) for any and all costs and expenses incurred by AAI relatable to
operation and maintenance of the Airport, during the period of step-in,
which costs and expenses may be set-off by AAI from the amounts
payable by the AAI to JVC under paragraph (b) above.
(d) In the event, the period of step-in, exceeds three months, the same shall be
treated as an event of Force Majeure under Article 16.1 and dealt with
14.2 Interruption of Operation
(a) If following the Effective Date and otherwise than as a result of an event
of Force Majeure or pursuant to Article 14.1 (a) , JVC ceases or
substantially ceases the operation of the Airport for more than 12 hours, at
the request of either Party, AAI will meet with JVC to discuss and agree a
plan and the appointment of a joint operation and management committee
(and the terms and conditions upon which such committee is to be
appointed), to procure that operation of the Airport recommences as soon
as practicable. If AAI and JVC are unable to meet or to agree a plan and
appoint a joint operation and management committee within six (6) hours
of the expiry of the period referred to above, AAI shall be entitled, at the
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risk and cost of the JVC, to operate the Airport either itself or through a
nominee. It is expressly agreed that the AAI will be entitled to collect all
Aeronautical Charges (that are receivable by JVC on its own account)
applicable during such time and set them off against operation costs and
expenses incurred by AAI. It is further clarified that the JVC shall also
indemnify AAI for all costs, expenses and liabilities incurred by AAI
during the time the AAI or its nominee is operating the Airport (other than
costs, expenses or liabilities arising as a result of gross negligence or
wilful default of the AAI). If such Revenue as received by JVC is less than
the operation costs and expenses of AAI and indemnification amounts (if
any payable by JVC to AAI), then JVC shall forthwith pay such shortfall
amount to the AAI.
(b) Before the expiry of 48 hours from the time that AAI or its nominee
assumed control of the Airport under this Article 14.2, JVC shall produce
an action plan for rectifying the causes of the interruption that caused AAI
or its nominee to take-over the Airport and upon the production of an
action plan as acceptable to AAI, have the right to resume control and
operation of the Airport, whereupon AAI, shall be obligated to hand back
control and operation of the Airport to the JVC.
(c) If any time, within six (6) months of any interruption leading to AAI or its
nominee assuming control of the Airport, JVC once again ceases or
substantially ceases the operation of the Airport for more than 12 hours,
and AAI takes control of the Airport following the procedure mentioned in
Article 14.2 hereof, then AAI will be entitled to collect and retain all
Aeronautical Charges (that are receivable by JVC on its own account)
applicable during such time and in addition be entitled to all costs,
expenses and liabilities incurred by AAI during the time the AAI or its
nominee is operating the Airport (other than costs, expenses or liabilities
arising as a result of gross negligence or wilful default of the AAI). JVC
shall in this regard indemnify AAI for all costs, expenses and liabilities
incurred by AAI during the time the AAI or its nominee is operating the
Airport (other than costs, expenses or liabilities arising as a result of gross
negligence or wilful default of the AAI). The costs and expenses of AAI
and indemnification amounts (if any, payable to AAI by JVC) shall be
paid forthwith by JVC to AAI.
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15.1 Disputes
15.1.1 Amicable Settlement
The Parties shall use their respective reasonable endeavours to settle any Dispute
amicably. If a Dispute is not resolved within sixty (60) days after written notice
of a Dispute by one Party to the other Party then the provisions of Article 15.2
shall apply.
15.2 Arbitration
15.2.1 All Disputes arising under this Agreement, that remain unresolved pursuant to this
Article 15, shall be referred to a tribunal comprising three (3) arbitrators under the
(Indian) Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996. Each Party to the arbitration
shall appoint one arbitrator and the two arbitrators thus appointed shall choose the
third arbitrator who will act as a presiding arbitrator of the tribunal (together
forming the “Arbitral Tribunal”).
15.2.2 The decision(s) of the Arbitral Tribunal, shall be final and binding on the Parties.
15.2.3 The venue of arbitration shall be New Delhi.
15.2.4 This Article 15.2 shall survive the termination or expiry of this Agreement.
15.2.5 The governing law of the arbitration shall be the substantive laws of India.
15.3 Continue performance
While any Dispute under this Agreement is pending, including the
commencement and pendency of any Dispute referred to arbitration, the Parties
shall continue to perform all of their respective obligations under this Agreement
without prejudice to the final determination in accordance with the provisions
under this Article 15.
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16.1 Force Majeure
16.1.1 The JVC, or AAI, as the case may be, shall be entitled to suspend or excuse
performance of its respective obligations under this Agreement to the extent that
AAI or JVC, as the case may be, is unable to render such performance by an event
of Force Majeure (a "Force Majeure").
16.1.2 In this Agreement, “Force Majeure” means any event or circumstance or a
combination of events and circumstances, which satisfies all the following
(a) materially and adversely affects the performance of an obligation;
(b) are beyond the reasonable control of the affected Party;
(c) such Party could not have prevented or reasonably overcome with the
exercise of Good Industry Practice or reasonable skill and care;
(d) do not result from the negligence or misconduct of such Party or the failure
of such Party to perform its obligations hereunder; and
(e) (or any consequence of which), have an effect described in Article 16.1.1.
16.1.3 “Force Majeure” includes the following events and / or circumstances to the
extent that they, or their consequences satisfy the requirements set forth in Article
16.1.1 and Article 16.1.2:
(i) war (whether declared or undeclared), invasion, armed conflict or act of
foreign enemy in each case involving or directly affecting India;
(ii) revolution, riot, insurrection or other civil commotion, act of terrorism or
sabotage in each case within India;
(iii) nuclear explosion, radioactive or chemical contamination or ionizing
radiation directly affecting the Airport, unless the source or cause of the
explosion, contamination, radiation or hazardous thing is brought to or
near the Airport by the JVC or any affiliate of the JVC or any contractor or
sub-contractor of the JVC or any such affiliate or any of their respective
employees, servants or agents;
(iv) strikes, working to rule, go-slows and/or lockouts which are in each case
widespread, nationwide or political;
(v) any effect of the natural elements, including lighting, fire, earthquake,
unprecedented rains, tidal wave, flood, storm, cyclone, typhoon or tornado,
within India;
(vi) explosion (other than a nuclear explosion or an explosion resulting from an
act of war) within India;
(vii) epidemic or plague within India;
(viii) aircraft accident or breakdown;
(ix) Any period of step-in by AAI, under Article 14.1(d) exceeding a period of
three months; or
(x) any event or circumstances of a nature analogous to any events set forth in
paragraphs (i) to (viii) of this Article 16.1.3 above within India.
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16.1.4 Notwithstanding anything contained herein, a strike by General Employees at the
Airport shall be an event of Force Majeure.
16.1.5 Procedure for Force Majeure
(a) If a Party claims relief on account of a Force Majeure event, then the Party
claiming to be affected by the Force Majeure event shall, immediately on
becoming aware of the Force Majeure event, give notice of and describe in
detail: (i) the Force Majeure event(s) that has occurred;(ii) the
obligation(s) affected as described in Article 16.1; (iii) the dates of
commencement and estimated cessation of such event of Force Majeure
and (iv) the manner in which the Force Majeure event(s) affect the Party's
obligation(s) under this Agreement. No Party shall be able to suspend or
excuse the non-performance of its obligations hereunder unless such Party
has given the notice specified above.
(b) The affected Party shall have the right to suspend the performance of the
obligation(s)affected as described in Article 16.1 , upon delivery of the
notice of the occurrence of a Force Majeure event in accordance with sub-
clause (a) above.
(c) The time for performance by the affected Party of any obligation or
compliance by the affected Party with any time limit affected by Force
Majeure, and for the exercise of any right affected thereby, shall be
extended by the period during which such Force Majeure continues and by
such additional period thereafter as is necessary to enable the affected
Party to achieve the level of activity prevailing before the event of Force
(d) The Party receiving the claim for relief under Force Majeure shall, if it
wishes to dispute the claim, give a written notice of dispute to the Party
making the claim within 15 days of receiving the notice of claim. If the
notice of claim is not contested within 15 days as stated above, all the
Parties to this Agreement shall be deemed to have accepted the validity of
the claim. If any Party disputes a claim, the Parties shall follow the
procedures set forth in Article 15.
16.1.6 Mitigation
The Party claiming to be affected by an event of Force Majeure shall take all
reasonable steps to prevent, reduce to a minimum and mitigate the effect of such
event of Force Majeure.
16.1.7 Termination Due to Force Majeure
(a) If Force Majeure event continues for more than 365 days either Party shall
have the right to terminate this Agreement by giving a notice of
termination in respect thereof.
(b) In the event of any such termination, AAI shall-
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(i) acquire all of JVC’s rights, title and interests in and to the Transfer
Assets in the manner set out in Article 19, on payment within 6
months of Transfer Date of 100% of Debt in respect of the Transfer
Assets as recorded in the books of the JVC, as determined in
accordance with Article 19.6.
(ii) have the right but not the obligation to acquire all of JVC’s rights,
title and interests in and to all or any of the Non-Transfer Assets in
the manner set out in Article 19, on payment within 6 (six) months
of Transfer Date of Discounted Fair Value (Lower of Book Value
(as recorded in the books of the JVC) and the Net Present Value) of
such Non-Transfer Assets, as determined in accordance with
Article 19.6.
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17.1 AAI’s Events of Default
Each of the following events or circumstances, to the extent not caused by a
default of the JVC or Force Majeure, shall be considered for the purposes of this
Agreement as events of default of the AAI ("AAI’s Event of Default") which, if
not cured within the time period permitted, shall provide the JVC the right to
terminate this Agreement in accordance with Article 17.3:
(a) any breach of its obligations under this Agreement which has a Material
Adverse Effect and such breach is not remedied within 60 days of receipt
of written notice from the JVC specifying such breach and requiring the
AAI to remedy the same; provided that if such breach cannot be cured
within a period of 60 days after such notice with the exercise of reasonable
diligence, then such 60-day period shall be extended for an additional
period of 30 days so long as AAI is exercising reasonable diligence to cure
such breach;
(b) a breach of any representation or warranty by AAI which materially
adversely affects the JVC’s ability to perform its obligations under this
Agreement and such breach, if capable of being remedied, is not remedied
within 60 days of receipt of written notice from the JVC specifying such
breach and requiring the AAI to remedy the same; and
(c) AAI suspends the performance of its obligations for a period exceeding 30
consecutive days.
17.2 JVC Event of Default
Each of the following events or circumstances, to the extent not caused by a
default of the AAI or Force Majeure shall be considered for the purposes of this
Agreement as events of default of the JVC ("JVC Event of Default") which, if
not cured within the time period permitted, shall provide the AAI the right to
terminate this Agreement in accordance with Article 17.3:
(a) any material breach by the JVC of its obligations under this Agreement
and such breach is not remedied within 60 days of receipt of written notice
from the AAI specifying such breach and requiring the JVC to remedy the
same; provided that if such breach cannot be cured within a period of 60
days after such notice with the exercise of reasonable diligence, then such
60-day period shall be extended for an additional period of 30 days so long
as JVC is exercising reasonable diligence to cure such breach;
(b) a breach of any representation or warranty by the JVC which materially
adversely affects the AAI’s ability to perform its obligations under this
Agreement and such breach, if capable of being remedied, is not remedied
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within 30 days of receipt of written notice from the AAI specifying such
breach and requiring the JVC to remedy the same;
(c) suspension by the JVC of the performance of the obligations under this
Agreement for a period exceeding 30 consecutive days (except during the
subsistence of an event of Force Majeure);
(d) Failure by the JVC to operate and maintain the Airport in accordance with
the Applicable Laws, and such breach is not remedied within 30 days of
receipt of written notice from the AAI specifying such breach and
requiring the JVC to remedy the same;
(e) Non-achievement or non-maintenance of any of ISO9001: 2000
certification in violation of Article 9.1.1 for a period of 6 months following
the date that JVC first becomes liable to pay liquidated damages in respect
thereof under the provisions of Article 9.1.1(c). Provided however,
notwithstanding anything contained herein (including without limitation
Article 17.3 hereof), after the issue of the Notice of Intention to Terminate
(as defined hereinafter), if so issued, the JVC shall have a further period of
2 months to achieve the required certification, and if the same is achieved,
within the said period of 2 months, and additional damages of 2.5 % of the
monthly Revenue (prior to default) for each month of delay has also been
paid for such 2 month period, then AAI shall withdraw the relevant Notice
of Intention to Terminate and this JVC Event of Default shall be deemed
to have been cured;
(f) Continued breach of obligations under Objective Service Quality
Requirements, for a period of 3 months following the date that JVC first
becomes liable to pay liquidated damages in respect thereof under the
provisions of Article 9.1.2. Provided however, notwithstanding anything
contained herein (including without limitation Article 17.3 hereof), after
the issue of the Notice of Intention to Terminate (as defined hereinafter), if
so issued, the JVC shall have a further period of 2 months to achieve the
relevant target, and if the same is achieved, within the said period of 2
months, and additional damages of 0.5 % of the monthly Revenue (prior to
default) for each month of non-achievement of target has also been paid
for such 2 month period, then AAI shall withdraw the relevant Notice of
Intention to Terminate and this JVC Event of Default shall be deemed to
have been cured;
(g) Continued breach of obligations under Subjective Service Quality
Requirements for a period of 6 months following the date that JVC first
becomes liable to pay liquidated damages in respect thereof under the
provisions of Article 9.1.3. Provided however, notwithstanding anything
contained herein (including without limitation Article 17.3 hereof), after
the issue of the Notice of Intention to Terminate (as defined hereinafter), if
so issued, the JVC shall have a further period of 2 months to achieve the
Target Rating, and if the same is reached within the said period of 2
months, and additional liquidated damages as provided in Article 9.1.3
have also been paid for such 2 month period, then AAI shall withdraw the
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relevant Notice of Intention to Terminate and this JVC Event of Default
shall be deemed to have been cured;
(h) Continued breach of obligations under Development Standards and
Requirements for a period of 6 months following the date that JVC first
becomes liable to pay liquidated damages in respect thereof under the
provisions of Article 9.1.4. Provided however, notwithstanding anything
contained herein (including without limitation Article 17.3 hereof), after
the issue of the Notice of Intention to Terminate (as defined hereinafter), if
so issued, the JVC shall have a further period of 2 months to achieve the
relevant development standard, and if the same is achieved, within the said
period of 2 months, and additional damages of 2.5 % of the monthly
Revenue (prior to default) also been paid for such 2 month period, then
AAI shall withdraw the relevant Notice of Intention to Terminate and this
JVC Event of Default shall be deemed to have been cured;
(i) JVC, directly or indirectly, undertakes or performs either itself or through
concession, sub-concession, agency, lease, license or otherwise, any
activity other than activities provided for/ envisaged hereunder, and such
breach is not remedied within 30 days of receipt of written notice from the
AAI specifying such breach and requiring the JVC to remedy the same;
(j) failure by the JVC to make reasonable best efforts to approach counter-
parties to existing contracts of the AAI relatable to the Airport to get the
same novated/ transferred to itself in the manner described in Article 5.2
hereof and such breach is not remedied within 15 days of receipt of written
notice from the AAI specifying such breach and requiring the JVC to
remedy the same;
(k) material default by the JVC under any provisions of the Financing
Documents, except to the extent that the Lenders are: (a) willing to excuse
such default as certified by a written notice to the AAI; or (b) give the
JVC an opportunity to cure it;
(l) failure of JVC to maintain insurance(s) in respect of the Airport in
accordance with Article 8.5.6, which failure is not remedied within a
period of 60 days from the date of such failure;
(m) failure by the JVC to make any payment due hereunder within 30 days of
the due date in respect thereof;
(n) any breach of the terms of Article 8.5.7 hereof, which breach is not
remedied within a period of 60 days from the date of such breach;
(o) More than two (2) interruptions in any given 24 month period leading to
assumption of control of the Airport by the AAI in accordance with Article
14.2 hereof;
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(p) Non-adherence, violation, non-compliance, or breach of the Master Plan or
any Major Development Plan, which breach is not remedied within a
period of 60 days from the date of such breach;
(q) Failure to engage experts listed in Schedule 15 hereof at the Airport, which
failure is not remedied within a period of 60 days from the date of such
(r) Any transfer of shares or voting rights in any entity or change in Operator
in violation of Article 2.5;
(s) The JVC is ordered to be wound up by a court; the JVC files a petition for
voluntary winding up; or levy of an execution or restraint on the JVC’s
assets; or appointment of a provisional liquidator, administrator, trustee or
receiver of the whole or substantially whole of the undertaking of JVC by
a court of competent jurisdiction;
(t) The maximum liability for liquidated damages of 10% payable for delay in
commencement or completion of any Mandatory Capital Project as set
forth in Article 8.2 hereof is reached and the said default is unremedied.
Provided however, notwithstanding anything contained herein (including
without limitation Article 17.3 hereof), after the issue of the Notice of
Intention to Terminate (as defined hereinafter), if so issued, the JVC shall
have a further period of 2 months to commence or complete, as the case
may be, the relevant Mandatory Capital Project, and if the same is
commenced or completed, as the case may be, within the said period of 2
months, and additional damages of 0.5 % of the estimated capital cost of
such Mandatory Capital Project for each week (or part thereof) of delay
has also been paid for such 2 month period notwithstanding the maximum
liability for liquidated damages, then AAI shall withdraw the relevant
Notice of Intention to Terminate and this JVC Event of Default shall be
deemed to have been cured;
(u) The maximum liability for liquidated damages of Rupees 25 Crores
payable for delay in submission of Master Plan as set forth in Article 8.3.6
hereof is reached and the said default is unremedied. Provided however,
notwithstanding anything contained herein (including without limitation
Article 17.3 hereof), after the issue of the Notice of Intention to Terminate
(as defined hereinafter), if so issued, the JVC shall have a further period of
2 months to submit the Master Plan, and if the same is submitted, within
the said period of 2 months, and additional damages of Rs. 25,00,000/-
(Rupees Twenty Five Lakhs) for each day of delay has also been paid for
such 2 month period notwithstanding the maximum liability for liquidated
damages, then AAI shall withdraw the relevant Notice of Intention to
Terminate and this JVC Event of Default shall be deemed to have been
(v) The maximum liability for liquidated damages of 10% payable for delay in
commencement of or construction of any facility mentioned in the Master
Plan as set forth in Article 8.3.8 hereof is reached and the said default is
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unremedied. Provided however, notwithstanding anything contained herein
(including without limitation Article 17.3 hereof), after the issue of the
Notice of Intention to Terminate (as defined hereinafter), if so issued, the
JVC shall have a further period of 2 months to commence or compete, as
the case may be, the relevant capital project, and if the same is commenced
or completed within the said period of 2 months, and additional damages
of 0.5 % of the estimated capital cost of such capital project for each week
(or part thereof) of delay has also been paid for such 2 month period
notwithstanding the maximum liability for liquidated damages, then AAI
shall withdraw the relevant Notice of Intention to Terminate and this JVC
Event of Default shall be deemed to have been cured; and
(w) Failure to replenish the Performance Bond to its full amount within three
(3) months after encashment of the entire Performance Bond pursuant to
Article 8.6 (d) hereof.
17.3 Consequences of Default
17.3.1 Termination Notice
(a) In the event of a JVC Default Event occurring AAI shall have the right to
submit a notice of its intention to terminate this Agreement (“Notice of
Intention to Terminate”). Immediately upon the issue by AAI of the
Notice of Intention to Terminate, the Lenders shall have the right to
nominate an Entity to replace the JVC and perform the JVC's obligations
hereunder (the "Substitute Entity"). The JVC shall procure that Lenders
shall notify AAI about whether they are exercising their right of
substitution within sixty (60) days of receipt of Notice of Intention to
Terminate, or the Lenders’ Notice of Default (as defined in the
Substitution Agreement). Any such Substitute Entity shall have the legal,
financial and technical capability reasonably necessary to perform the
obligations of the JVC in accordance with the terms of this Agreement.
(b) Any such Substitute Entity shall be nominated in accordance with the
procedure as set out in the Substitution Agreement.
(c) In the event:
(i) Lenders have chosen not to exercise their right of substitution, or
(ii) a Substitute Entity has not been nominated by the Lenders within
time period set forth in the Substitution Agreement; or
(iii) a nominated Substitute Entity/ alternate Substitute Entity has not
been approved by AAI within the time period set forth in the
Substitution Agreement; or
(iv) a selected Substitute Entity has not been able to remedy the breach
of the JVC leading to the Notice of Intention to Terminate within
time period set forth in the Substitution Agreement.
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then AAI or any entity designated by it shall have the right, but shall not be
required, to issue a notice to JVC terminating this Agreement. In the event
of AAI exercising such right of termination, AAI shall
(i) acquire all of JVC’s rights, title and interests in and to the Transfer
Assets in the manner set out in Article 19, on payment within 6
months of Transfer Date of 90% of Debt in respect of the Transfer
Assets as recorded in the books of the JVC, as determined in
accordance with Article 19.6.
(ii) have the right but not the obligation to acquire all of JVC’s rights,
title and interests in and to all or any of the Non-Transfer Assets in
the manner set out in Article 19, on payment within 6 months of
Transfer Date of Discounted Fair Value (Lower of Book Value as
recorded in the books of the JVC and the Net Present Value) of
such Non-Transfer Assets, as determined in accordance with
Article 19.6.
17.3.2 In the event of a AAI Default Event occurring, JVC shall have the right to notify
AAI that such an event has occurred and (if it is capable of remedy) requiring the
remedy of the same within a cure period of six (6) months. If, following the end
of the period stated in such notice the event giving rise to the AAI Default Event
has not been remedied, JVC shall have the right, but shall not be required, to
submit a notice of its intention to terminate this Agreement, within 30 days of
which, JVC shall have the right, but shall not be required, to issue a notice to AAI
terminating this Agreement. In the event of JVC exercising such right of
termination, AAI shall:
(a) acquire all of JVC’s rights, title and interests in and to the Transfer Assets
in the manner set out in Article 19, on payment within 6 months of
Transfer Date,
(i) 100% of the Debt relatable to Transfer Assets, as determined in
accordance with Article 19.6; and,
(ii) 120% of the subscribed and paid-up value of the Equity share
capital of the JVC relatable to the Transfer Assets, as determined in
accordance with Article 19.6.
(b) have the right but not the obligation to acquire all of JVC’s rights, title and
interests in and to all or any of the Non-Transfer Assets in the manner set
out in Article 19, on payment within 6 months of Transfer Date of Fair
Market Value of such Non-Transfer Assets, as determined in accordance
with Article 19.6.
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18.1 Term and Expiry
(a) Unless terminated earlier in accordance with Article 17.3 or Article 16.1.5,
or by mutual agreement between the Parties in writing, this Agreement
shall continue in full force and effect from commencement of the Effective
Date (except for Chapters 1, 3, 7, 15, 17 and Articles 4.3, 5.2(b)(i), 5.4,
8.3.5, 8.4.2, 8.5.9, 11.1.1, 13.1(b), 20.3.7 which will be binding on the
Parties as from the date of execution hereof) until the 30
anniversary of
the Effective Date.
(b) Prior to the expiry of 30 years from Effective Date, JVC shall have the
right to extend the Term hereof by a written notice for an additional term
of 30 years on the same terms and conditions as contained herein subject
to the following:
(i) No JVC Event of Default, has occurred during the preceding five
(5) years of the 25
year from the Effective Date; and
(ii) such right of extension being exercised prior to the 25
from the Effective Date, but not earlier than six (6) months from
the 25
anniversary from the Effective Date.
Provided however, if JVC Event of Default or any other default by JVC
triggering levy of liquidated damages occurs at any time from time of
exercise by JVC of right of extension until 30
anniversary of the
Effective Date then JVC right of extension of an additional term of 30
years shall lapse unless otherwise agreed by AAI.
(c) In the event this Agreement in not extended by an additional period of 30
years in the manner provided hereinabove, then the Agreement shall expire
on the 30
anniversary of the Effective Date and AAI or its nominee shall
acquire all of JVC’s rights, title and interests in and to the Transfer Assets
in the manner set forth in Article 19 on payment within 6 (six) months of
Transfer Date to JVC of:
(i) 120% of the subscribed and paid-up value of the Equity share
capital of the JVC relatable to the Transfer Assets, as determined in
accordance with Article 19.6; and
(ii) 100% of the Debt relatable to Transfer Assets, as determined in
accordance with Article 19.6.
In addition, AAI shall have the right but not the obligation to acquire all of
JVC’s rights, title and interests in and to all or any of the Non-Transfer
Assets in the manner set out in Article 19, on payment within 6(six)
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months of Transfer Date the Net Present Value of such Non-Transfer
Assets, as determined in accordance with Article 19.6.
(d) In the event this Agreement is extended by an additional period of 30 years
in the manner provided hereinabove, and this Agreement is not terminated
prior thereto, then the Agreement shall expire on the 60
anniversary of
the Effective Date and AAI or its nominee shall acquire all of JVC’s rights,
title and interests in and to the Transfer Assets in the manner set forth in
Article 19 on payment within 6 (six) months of Transfer Date to JVC of
100% of the Debt relatable to Transfer Assets as determined in accordance
with Article 19.6.
In addition, AAI shall have the right but not the obligation to acquire all of
JVC’s rights, title and interests in and to all or any of the Non-Transfer
Assets in the manner set out in Article 19, on payment within 6 (six)
months of Transfer Date the Net Present Value of such Non-Transfer
Assets, as determined in accordance with Article 19.6.
(e) The total duration of the validity of this Agreement from the Effective
Date for an initial period of 30 years, and if extended by an additional
period of 30 years, then such 60 years, unless terminated earlier in
accordance with the terms hereof, shall be the Term hereof.
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19.1 Transfer of Transfer Assets
19.1.1 Upon termination of this Agreement and consequent obligation of AAI to acquire
the Transfer Assets under Articles 17.3 and 16.1.5 hereof, or expiry of the Term,
the JVC shall ensure that on the Transfer Date the interest of JVC in:
(i) all movable property, stocks, materials, vehicles and spares relatable to
Transfer Assets shall be transferred to AAI or its nominee, clear of any
Encumbrances and with good title;
(ii) all immovable property, assets, structures, buildings, edifices, court- areas,
ways, walls, compounds relatable to Transfer Assets shall be transferred to
AAI or its nominee, clear of any Encumbrances and with good title (other
than any encroachments existing on the date hereof, except to the extent
such encroachments have been removed after Effective Date;
(iii) the rights and obligations under or pursuant to all contracts relatable to
Transfer Assets and other arrangements entered into in accordance with the
provisions of this Agreement between JVC and any third party shall (in
consideration of AAI’s assumption of the obligations under or pursuant to
the contracts and other arrangements) be vested in AAI or its nominee,
clear of any Encumbrance and with good title; and
(iv) the rights and obligations under or pursuant to all other contracts and
arrangements, assets, property and rights relatable to Transfer Assets shall
(in consideration of AAI’s assumption of the obligations under or pursuant
to the contracts, arrangements, assets, property and rights) be vested in
AAI or its nominee, clear of any Encumbrance and with good title .
(v) Notwithstanding anything contained in Article 19.1.1 (ii) and (iii), prior to
any transfer of the Airport, AAI shall have the right to conduct a due
diligence of the contracts and agreements, the rights and obligations of
which it is assuming and shall not be bound to assume the rights and
obligations of contracts that, in the sole opinion of AAI are unreasonably
onerous, and would be considered onerous at the time that the contracts
were entered into. In relation to all such contracts that are not transferred
to AAI, no third Entity, including the counter-party of such contract shall
have any right, license title, interest, benefit, claim or demand against or
over any Transfer Asset and such Transfer Asset shall be transferred to
AAI or its nominee, clear of any Encumbrance and with good title.
19.1.2 Furthermore, notwithstanding anything contained in this Article 19.1, no liability
(accrued or contingent) of JVC or relating to the Airport arising on account of
actions or inactions prior to the Transfer Date shall be assumed or transferred to
AAI or its nominees. AAI or its nominees shall only be liable for liabilities in
relation to the Airport arising pursuant to the Transfer Date. In the event of any
such liability being assumed or transferred to AAI or its nominee or any
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Encumbrance existing on any of the Transfer Assets, the quantum of such liability
and/or amount corresponding to such Encumbrance, shall be reduced from the
amount payable by AAI to JVC in respect of the transfer of Transfer Assets.
19.1.3 Without prejudice to the foregoing, JVC agrees to indemnify and keep
indemnified the AAI from and against all actions, proceedings, losses, damages,
liabilities, claims, costs and expenses whatsoever which may be sustained or
suffered by the AAI as a result of any actions or omissions of the JVC prior to the
transfer of the Transfer Assets. It is expressly understood by the Parties that this
Article shall survive the termination or expiry of this Agreement.
19.2 Transfer of Non-Transfer Assets
19.2.1 On exercise of the right (at its sole discretion) of AAI to acquire any or all the
Non-Transfer Assets under Articles 17.3 and 16.1.5 hereof or expiry of the Term,
the JVC shall ensure that on or before the Transfer Date the interest of JVC in:
(i) all movable property, stocks, materials, vehicles and spares relatable to
such Non-Transfer Assets as are selected by AAI shall be transferred to
AAI or its nominee, clear of any Encumbrances and with good title ;
(ii) all immovable property, assets, structures, buildings, edifices, court- areas,
ways, walls, compounds relatable to such Non-Transfer Assets as are
selected by AAI shall be transferred to AAI or its nominee, clear of any
Encumbrances and with good title (other than any encroachments existing
on the date hereof except to the extent such encroachments have been
removed after Effective Date);
(iii) the rights and obligations under or pursuant to all contracts relatable to
such Non-Transfer Assets as are selected by AAI and other arrangements
entered into in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement between
JVC and any third party shall (in consideration of AAI’s assumption of the
obligations under or pursuant to the contracts and other arrangements) be
vested in AAI or its nominee, clear of any Encumbrance and with good
title ; and
(iv) the rights and obligations under or pursuant to all other contracts and
arrangements, assets, property and rights relatable to such Non-Transfer
Assets as are selected by AAI shall (in consideration of AAI’s assumption
of the obligations under or pursuant to the contracts, arrangements, assets,
property and rights) be vested in AAI or its nominee, clear of any
Encumbrance and with good title .
(v) Notwithstanding anything contained in Article 19.2.1 (ii) and (iii), prior to
any transfer of the Airport, AAI shall have the right to conduct a due
diligence of the contracts and agreements, the rights and obligations of
which it is assuming and shall not be bound to assume the rights and
obligations of contracts that, in the sole opinion of AAI are unreasonably
onerous, and would be considered onerous at the time that the contracts
were entered into. In relation to all such contracts that are not transferred
to AAI, no third Entity, including the counter-party of such contract shall
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have any right, license title, interest, benefit, claim or demand against or
over any Non-Transfer Asset.
19.2.2 Furthermore, notwithstanding anything contained in this Article, no liability
(accrued or contingent) of JVC or relating to the Airport arising on account of
actions or inactions prior to the Transfer Date shall be assumed or transferred to
AAI or its nominees. AAI or its nominees shall only be liable for liabilities in
relation to the Airport arising pursuant to the Transfer Date. In the event of any
such liability being assumed or transferred to AAI or its nominee or any
Encumbrance existing on any Non-Transfer Assets, the quantum of such liability
and/or amount corresponding to such Encumbrance, shall be reduced from the
amount payable by AAI to JVC in respect of the transfer of any Non-Transfer
19.2.3 Without prejudice to the foregoing, JVC agrees to indemnify and keep
indemnified the AAI from and against all actions, proceedings, losses, damages,
liabilities, claims, costs and expenses whatsoever which may be sustained or
suffered by the AAI as a result of any actions or omissions of the JVC prior to the
transfer of any Non-Transfer Assets. It is expressly understood by the Parties that
this Article shall survive the termination or expiry of this Agreement.
19.2.4 It is expressly clarified that in the event the AAI elects not to purchase from the
JVC any and/or all Non-Transfer Assets, then the Parties shall enter into a lease
deed (“Lease Agreement”) in relation to such Non-Transfer Assets and the
underlying land together with all assets, buildings, fixtures, all or any singular
rights, liberties, privileges, easements and appurtenances whatsoever to the such
Non-Transfer Assets on such commercial terms and conditions as may be
mutually agreeable. Provided however, the terms and conditions of the Lease
Agreement shall not be inferior to terms and conditions for leases entered into for
comparable immovable property. Any stamp duty, registration charges or other
fees, taxes or charges of any kind whatsoever pertaining to the Lease Agreement
and execution thereof shall be borne by the JVC. Provided further, in the event the
Parties do not, for whatsoever reason, agree on the terms and conditions of such
Lease Agreement within six (6) months of the expiry or early termination of this
Agreement, the JVC shall have the right to remove the relevant Non-Transfer
Assets and hereby undertakes to vacate the underlying land upon which the
relevant Non-Transfer Assets are built and such Non-Transfer Assets (as not
removed) shall thereafter accrue to the underlying land with all rights thereto or
benefits therefrom accruing to the AAI.
19.3.1 JVC shall in accordance with Good Industry Practice ensure that all property,
assets, rights and other items (constituting Transfer Assets and such Non-Transfer
Assets as are selected by AAI, as the case may be) which are vested in or
transferred to AAI shall be in good working order and in a good state of repair and
that the Airport is transferred to AAI as a going concern in good operating order.
For this purpose, the Parties shall appoint an Independent Engineer to conduct an
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audit of the assets being transferred. In the event any of assets which are vested in
or transferred to AAI are not fit for purpose/ in a good state of repair/ as would be
expected of an international world class airport having the proposed Target Rating
as set forth in this Agreement, as certified by such Independent Engineer, then the
cost or capital expenditure required to be incurred to bring it to good state of
repair of all such assets shall be payable by the JVC to the AAI, and the same may
be deducted from any transfer payment payable by AAI to JVC.
19.3.2 In order to procure the foregoing, in addition to complying with the provisions of
Article 8.5.7 hereof, JVC shall procure that in the event any third Entity has any
proprietary interest in any Transfer Asset and/ or Non-Transfer Asset (the “Owner
Entity”), the arrangements/ agreements entered into by the JVC or another third
Entity with such Owner Entity explicitly recognise the right of AAI to acquire the
said Transfer Asset and/or Non-Transfer Asset as the case may be, in accordance
with the terms hereof, and contain an undertaking from such Owner Entity to
transfer the relevant Transfer Asset and/or Non-Transfer Asset as the case may be,
to AAI in accordance with the terms hereof.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, in the event AAI acquires any working capital
assets pursuant to the terms hereof, and the value thereof is not included in the
transfer payment of the relevant asset relatable to such working capital asset being
acquired, then AAI shall pay for such working capital asset on the basis of
valuation by the independent valuer appointed in accordance with Article 19.6.
19.4 Pre-termination obligations
Expiry or termination of this Agreement shall be without prejudice to all rights
and obligations then having accrued to AAI and/or JVC (or which may thereafter
accrue in respect of any act or omission prior to such expiry or termination) and
without prejudice to those provisions which expressly provide for continuing
obligations or which are required to give effect to such expiry or termination or
the consequences of such expiry or termination.
19.5 Other rights of termination
The Parties’ rights to terminate this Agreement shall be limited to those expressly
set out in this Agreement.
19.6 Payment of Transfer Amounts
(a) Following any exercise of the right of AAI to acquire the Transfer Assets
and/ or the Non-Transfer Assets, as the case may be, for any reason
whatsoever, in the manner provided herein, commencing from Transfer
Date, AAI shall procure an audit of the books of JVC by an independent
valuer, mutually selected by the Parties from a panel of five chartered
accountancy firms proposed by the President of the Institute of Chartered
Accountants of India, to determine, the Debt, the subscribed and paid-up
Equity capital of the JVC, Net Present Value, the Discounted Fair Value,
as the case may be, of the relevant assets that are being transferred. The
Fair Market Value of the Non-Transfer Assets will be determined by two
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valuers, one each to be appointed by the AAI and JVC, out of an agreed
panel of valuers selected as per criteria laid down in Schedule 30 of this
Agreement. The methodology of the valuation shall be determination of
market value of the entire asset less the value of land prevailing as on the
Transfer Date and the net amount so arrived at shall be deemed to be the
Fair Market Value of the Non Transfer Asset. Provided however, damages
and/or default compensation (if any) payable by the JVC shall not be
considered for capitalization in the JVC’s books while computing the
transfer amounts.
(b) While determining the Fair Market Value, Net Present Value, as the case
may be, of the relevant assets being transferred, as the case may be, the
independent valuer(s) shall ensure that appropriate deductions are made to
provide for any residual value attributed to the Existing Assets. It is
clarified that any upgradation and /or modernization made to any Existing
Asset by the JVC will not, to the extent of such upgradation and / or
modernization as reflected in the books of the JVC, be deducted under this
Article 19.6.
(c) Following such audit, and the determination of the relevant transfer
payment by the independent valuer(s), the AAI shall make the relevant
transfer payment (“Transfer Payments”) to the JVC. The Transfer
Payments shall be made as soon as possible after the audit, but at any rate,
within 6 (six) months from the Transfer Date.
19.7 Transfer costs and taxes, if applicable, for the transfer of the Airport consequent to
termination of this Agreement shall be borne by:
(a) the JVC in the event of termination due to a JVC Event of Default or Force
Majeure; and
(b) the AAI in the event of termination due to an AAI Event of Default or
following expiry hereof.
19.8 It is clarified that any payment for transfer of Transfer Assets and/or Non-Transfer
Assets to be made by AAI under this Agreement, shall be reduced by and adjusted
for, (i) any amounts due and payable by the JVC to the AAI; (ii) any insurance
monies received by JVC or due and payable to JVC in respect of claims (for the
relevant Transfer Assets/ Non-Transfer Assets being transferred) made and
received or receivable since the occurrence of the AAI Event of Default/ JVC’s
Event of Default/ event of Force Majeure which led to termination of this
Agreement, as the case may be; and (iii) any sums of money that would have been
received as insurance proceeds in respect of claims that could have been made
since the occurrence of the AAI Event of Default/ JVC’s Event of Default/ event
of Force Majeure which led to termination of this Agreement, as the case may be
(for the relevant Transfer Assets/ Non-Transfer Assets being transferred) had the
JVC obtained the insurances required under Article8.5.6 hereof. Provided
however that subject to the Escrow Agreement, any receivables under political
risk insurance, if taken, shall be first applied for settling the dues of the Lenders.
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20.1 Indemnification
20.1.1 The JVC hereby agrees and undertakes that from the Effective Date and during
the Term and thereafter, it shall indemnify and keep indemnified and otherwise
save harmless, AAI, its agents and employees, from and against all claims,
demands made against and / or loss caused and / or damages suffered and / or
cost, charges / expenses incurred or put to and / or penalty levied and / or any
claim due to injury to or death of any person and / or loss or damage caused or
suffered to property owned or belonging to AAI, its agents and employees or third
party as a result of any acts, deeds or thing done or omitted to be done by JVC or
as a result of failure on the part of JVC to perform any of its obligations under this
Agreement or on the JVC committing breach of any of the terms and conditions of
this Agreement or on the failure of the JVC to perform any of its statutory duty
and / or obligations or failure or negligence on the part of JVC to comply with any
statutory provisions or as a consequence of any notice, show cause notice, action,
suit or proceedings, given, initiated, filed or commenced by any third party or
Government Authority or as a result of any failure or negligence or default of JVC
or its contractor(s) and / or sub-contractors and / or invitees as the case may be, in
connection with or arising out of this Agreement and / or arising out of or in
connection with JVC’s use and occupation of Airport Site and / or Airport and/or
the provision of Airport Services.
20.1.2 It is expressly understood by the Parties that this Article shall survive the
termination or expiry hereof.
20.1.3 AAI hereby agrees and undertakes that during the Term it shall indemnify and
keep indemnified and otherwise save harmless, JVC its agents and employees,
from and against all claims, demands made against and / or loss caused and / or
damages suffered and / or cost, charges / expenses incurred or put to and / or
penalty levied and / or any claim due to any actions or omission of AAI in relation
to the Legacy Matters prior to Effective Date, including pre transfer environment
conditions as identified in the Environment Audit and Report including liabilities
that may be identified subsequently. Provided however that the AAI shall not be
liable for any claim which is less than Rs 10 million and their aggregate liability
for all valid claims agreed or determined (excluding related interest and
enforcement costs) shall equal or exceed Rs 100 million in which case the AAI
shall be liable for the entire amount.
20.1.4 It is hereby expressly agreed that AAI shall not be liable to indemnify JVC, its
agents or employees, in respect of any claims, demands made against and / or loss
caused and / or damages suffered and / or cost, charges / expenses incurred or put
to and / or penalty levied and / or any claim due to any actions or omission of AAI
other than gross negligence and wilful default by AAI, its employees, agents and
sub-contactors in relation to the Airport after the Effective Date.
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20.2 Procedure in Case of Third Party Claims
20.2.1 In the event of any demand or claim by any third Entity against a Party hereof,
which claim or demand would be payable by a Party at first instance (the
Payee”), but would sought to be claimed from the other Party hereof (the
Indemnifier”) pursuant to Article 20.1 above, then the Payee shall without
undue delay from becoming aware of the matter notify the Indemnifier of such
matter in writing, describing the potential claim in reasonable detail and, to the
extent possible, state the estimated amount of such claim.
20.2.2 Furthermore, the Payee shall make available to the Indemnifier a copy of the third
party claim or demand and give the Indemnifier the opportunity to defend the
Payee against such claim, employing their own counsel at their sole costs, expense
and risk. The Indemnifier, at its own cost, shall have the right to defend the claim
by all appropriate proceedings and shall have the sole right to direct and control
such defence. In particular, without limitation, the Indemnifier may (i) participate
in and direct all negotiations and correspondence with the third party, (ii) appoint
and instruct counsel acting, if necessary, in the name of the Payee (with all costs
and expenses to be borne by the Indemnifier), and (iii) require that the claim be
litigated or settled in accordance with the Indemnifier's instructions. The
Indemnifier shall conduct such proceedings in good faith and take into account the
interest of the Payee. As long as the Indemnifier is defending a claim, the Payee
shall provide or cause to be provided to the Indemnifier or its representatives any
information reasonably requested by it and/or them relating to such claim, and
Payee shall otherwise cooperate with the Indemnifier and its representatives in
good faith in order to contest effectively such claim. The Indemnifier shall inform
the Payee in writing without undue delay of all developments and events relating
to such claim, and the Payee shall be entitled, at its expense, to employ its own
counsel and to attend all conferences, meetings and proceedings relating to such
20.2.3 If the Indemnifier does not assume control of a defence of a specific claim, the
Payee may assume full control of such defence and such proceedings. If requested
by the Payee, the Indemnifier shall cooperate in good faith with the Payee in order
to contest effectively such claim. The Indemnifier shall be entitled, at its expense,
to employ its own counsel and to attend all conferences, meetings and proceedings
relating to such claim.
20.2.4 In no event shall the Payee be entitled to acknowledge or settle a claim or permit
any such acknowledgement or settlement without the Indemnifier's prior written
consent, insofar as an indemnification is sought in respect of such claim from the
20.3 Miscellaneous
20.3.1 Amendments
No amendment or waiver of any provision of this Agreement, nor consent to any
departure by any of the Parties therefrom, shall in any event be effective unless
the same shall be in writing and signed by the Parties hereto and then such waiver
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or consent shall be effective only in the specific instance and for the specific
purpose for which it is given.
20.3.2 Agreement to Override Other Agreements; Conflicts
(a) This Agreement supersedes all previous agreements or arrangements
between the Parties, including any memoranda of understanding entered
into in respect of the contents hereof and represents the entire
understanding between the Parties in relation thereto.
(b) In the event of a conflict between the terms of this Agreement and those of
any other Project Agreement, the terms of this Agreement shall prevail.
20.3.3 No Waiver; Remedies
No failure on the part of any Party to exercise, and no delay in exercising, any
right, power or privilege hereunder shall operate as a waiver thereof or a consent
thereto; nor shall any single or partial exercise of any such right, power or
privilege preclude any other of further exercise thereof or the exercise of any other
right, power or privilege. The remedies herein provided are cumulative and not
exclusive of any remedies provided by applicable law.
20.3.4 Severance of Terms
If any provisions of this Agreement are declared to be invalid, unenforceable or
illegal by any competent arbitral tribunal or court, such invalidity,
unenforceability or illegality shall not prejudice or affect the remaining provisions
of this Agreement which shall continue in full force and effect and in such event,
the Parties shall endeavour in good faith to forthwith agree upon a legally
enforceable substitute provision as will most closely correspond to the legal and
economic contents of the unenforceable provision.
20.3.5 Language
All notices, certificates, correspondence or other communications under or in
connection with this Agreement, any other Project Agreement or the Project shall
be in English
20.3.6 Notices
Any notice to be given hereunder shall be in writing and shall either be delivered
personally or sent by registered post, telex, facsimile transmission, electronic mail
or other means of telecommunication in permanent written form. The addresses
and numbers for service of notice shall be given to the parties at their respective
addresses set forth below:
In case of JVC:
Mumbai International Airport Pvt. Ltd.,
CSI Airport, Mumbai.
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Attention: Mr. G.V. Sanjay Reddy
Fax No: +91-40-2790 2665
In case of AAI:
Airports Authority of India,
Rajiv Gandhi Bhawan,
New Delhi110 003.
Attention: Chairman
Fax No: +91-11-24641088
or such other address, telex number, or facsimile number as may be notified by
that Party to any other Party from time to time, and shall be deemed to have been
made or delivered (i) in the case of any communication made by letter, when
delivered by hand, by recognized international courier or by mail (registered,
return receipt requested) at that address and (ii) in the case of any communication
made by telex or facsimile, when transmitted properly addressed to such telex
number or facsimile number. In case any Party changes its address,
communication numbers, or directed attention as set forth above, it shall notify the
other Parties in writing prior to the adoption thereof.
20.3.7 Governing Law
This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws
of India.
20.3.8 Original Document
This Agreement is made in two (2) original copies, each having the same contents
and the Parties have read and thoroughly understand the contents hereof and have
hereby affixed their respective signatures and seals before witnesses.
20.3.9 Confidentiality
Neither the JVC nor the AAI shall, unless otherwise agreed (which agreement
may be on such general or specific terms as the parties may determine), disclose
to any third party (other than its directors, officers, employees, consultants,
lenders, agents, or the selectee under the Substitution Agreement, to the extent
required or incidental to the performance of its obligations under the Project
Agreements) any information which is the property of the other party to this
Agreement or which otherwise relates to its business, secrets, dealings,
transactions or affairs unless, and to the extent that, such disclosure:
(a) is reasonably required for the exercise or performance by either Party of its
rights or obligations under this Agreement; or
(b) is required pursuant to any relevant statutory or regulatory requirements or
duties or any relevant terms of the Applicable Laws or in the public
interest; or
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(c) relates to information which is already in the public domain, other than as
a result of breach of this Article by the party seeking to make such
provided that, in the case of any disclosure in accordance herewith, the Party
disclosing such information shall, so far as reasonably practicable, impose on the
third party receiving such information such obligations as may be appropriate to
maintain its confidentiality.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, copies of this Agreement may be made available
by the JVC to any third Entity in exchange of reasonable copying and related out-
of-pocket expenses.
20.3.10 Assignment
(i) By JVC
Save and except otherwise permitted by this Agreement, the JVC shall not
assign, transfer, mortgage, charge, sub-let, deal with, sub-contract, sub-
license or otherwise grant rights in or over all or any of the rights, or all or
any of its obligations or liabilities under this Agreement.
(ii) By AAI
Without thereby implying any restriction on the AAI otherwise assigning,
transferring, dealing with or granting rights in or over all or any of its
rights or obligations under this Agreement, it is expressly recognized that,
without requiring the consent of the JVC:
(i) the AAI may assign the benefit of or create any other encumbrance
upon all or any of its rights hereunder; and
(ii) the AAI may assign and transfer all or any of its rights and
obligations under this Agreement subject to the AAI guaranteeing
to procure full and complete observance and performance of all
such obligations by the assignee (such guarantee to be in a form
reasonably acceptable to the JVC).
20.3.11 Waiver of Immunity
AAI hereby agrees that the execution, delivery and performance by it of this
Agreement constitute private and commercial acts rather than public or
governmental acts and accordingly, no immunity from proceedings brought
against it or its assets in relation to this Agreement shall be claimed on the ground
that the execution, delivery and performance by it of this Agreement constitute
public or governmental acts.
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20.3.12 Change in Law
(a) It is expressly clarified that any event or occurrence after the last date of
submission of a binding offer that may constitute a ‘change in law’ or
alleged ‘change in law’ shall not be a ground for any alteration or
amendment to any term hereof or of any rights and obligations flowing
from this Agreement. The rights and obligations hereunder shall not be
prejudiced by any event that may constitute a ‘change in law’ or an
analogous event or circumstance. Parties expressly acknowledge that
‘change in law’ relief, if any, is contained and dealt with under the terms of
the State Support Agreement and no relief on account thereof is available
under this Agreement.
(b) Notwithstanding the foregoing, Parties hereby expressly confirm that this
document is entered into on the basis and assumption that the Airport and
the JVC are not qualified to avail the benefits available under Section
10(23)(g) and Section 80 IA of the Indian Income Tax Act, 1961 (each of
the benefits under Section 10(23)(g) and Section 80(IA) of the Indian
Income Tax Act, 1961 are individually referred to as “Benefit” and
collectively as the “Benefits”), and that the Benefits are not available to
them. Accordingly, in the event at any time one or both of the Benefits do
become available, or are found to have been available, and as a result of
which, the JVC incurs an increase in net after tax return or other financial
gain or benefit, the JVC shall notify AAI and pay to AAI an amount that
would put the JVC in the same financial position it would have, had the
Benefits not been available as aforesaid.
20.3.13 Time is of the Essence
Time shall be of the essence of this Agreement, both as regards the dates,
periods or times of day mentioned and as regards any dates, periods or times of
day, which may be substituted for them in accordance with this Agreement.
20.3.14 Parties hereby acknowledge that the liquidated damages stipulated herein
represent a genuine pre-estimate of the damages that would be suffered by the
AAI as a result of the breach of the JVC to which the said liquidated damages
20.3.15 In consideration of the grant of the rights hereunder to JVC, AAI shall have the
right to nominate one (1) Director on the Board of the JVC at all times, who
shall not be liable to retire by rotation.
20.3.16 Name
JVC shall throughout the Term retain (consistent with Applicable Laws)
Chattrapati Shivaji International Airport as the name of the Airport. The name of
the Airport shall be modified and / or changed, as instructed by AAI only.
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The JVC may, with the consent of the AAI, which consent shall not be
unreasonably withheld, display its name and sign at an appropriate place at the
20.3.17 Total Liability
Notwithstanding anything contained herein the total liability of the AAI under
this Agreement (including environmental liability or liability resulting from
future litigations arising from Legacy Matters)) shall not exceed Rs. 50 Crores
(Rupees Fifty Crores) (the “Total Liability Cap”). Provided however, the Total
Liability Cap shall not include: (i) payment for transfer of Transfer Assets
and/or Non-Transfer Assets; (ii) liability in relation to any litigation relating to
Legacy Matters already commenced prior to Effective Date; and / or (iii) any
contractual liability (present or future) of the AAI in relation to the Legacy
20.3.18 Survival
Articles 1, 15, 19, 20.3 (except sub-clauses 20.3.9, 20.3.12, 20.3.16, 20.3.19)
shall continue to bind the Parties notwithstanding the termination or expiry of
this Agreement.
20.3.19 AAI hereby agrees that prior to issuing any “No-Objection Certificate”, for any
construction in the vicinity of the Airport, it shall consult with the JVC
regarding whether the JVC has any objection to such construction. AAI hereby
agrees not to issue any “No-Objection Certificate” for any construction in the
vicinity of the Airport, which has been objected to by the JVC. Provided
however that the JVC shall not have the right to object to any construction that
does not impact the ability of the JVC to carry on its operations or its ability to
comply with its Master Plan and ultimate vision of the Airport and complies
with the relevant ICAO Standards.
20.3.20 The liquidated damages payable by JVC to AAI under this Agreement shall be
paid on demand without demur.
20.3.21 Parties recognise that under the terms of the State Support Agreement, the GOI
has agreed to furnish a guarantee to the JVC guaranteeing certain Transfer
Payments according and subject to the terms thereof. The form of the said
guarantee requires the JVC to furnish to the GOI, along with demands
thereunder, a certificate from the JVC and signed by the AAI stating that the
claimed amount remains unpaid from AAI, is correctly computed and is
undisputed. AAI hereby undertakes not to unreasonably withhold counter-
signing such certificate.
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IN WITNESS WHEREOF this Agreement has been executed by the duly authorized
representatives of the Parties hereto on the day and year first above written.
For and on behalf of Airports Authority of
Signed by ____________________
Witnessed by:
For and on behalf of Mumbai International
Airport Private Limited:
Signed by ____________________
Witnessed by:
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The design of all airport facilities is to comply with all appropriate technical
requirements, including the following:
Move to common user terminals
Use of swing gates to economise on number of gates
Incorporate reservation for rail link
Maximum aeronautical capacity for the airport area
All facilities capable of 24 hour operations
All plans incorporate mandatory capital projects
Runways and taxiways must be designed to ICAO Code F standards
Ability to close the cross runway to accommodate terminal development
Assess a close spaced parallel runway, south of Runway 0927
Aprons must be based on the type of service and projected long-term critical
aircraft size
Common user terminals
Minimise office accommodation within terminals
Separate international and domestic terminal processes with linkage and island
Provide international standard range of retail and other passenger services
Facilities to be designed to IATA level of service standard C for the 30th busy
hour in the design year. The design year shall be subject to detailed analysis in
the Master Plan and for the purposes of the first Master Plan shall be as provided
for in the Mandatory Capital Projects
Terminal design must be capable of incremental expansion with minimum impact
on current operations
Terminal planning criteria to be in accordance with recommendations contained in
the IATA Airport Development Reference Manual – 9th Edition, January 2004
and as amended from time to time
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Surface Access:
Existing access roads to international and domestic terminals to be retained and
expanded for growth in traffic
A separate access road is to be provided to each of the passenger terminals and the
cargo / aviation support areas
Protect for a future public transit link
1. DGCA Guidelines for issue of an Aerodrome Licence:
Director General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) Aeronautical Information Circular
No. 22/1992 provides standards that must be complied with in order that an
aerodrome shall receive an aerodrome licence.
2. Layout of Aerodrome and Provisions of essential facilitation prescribed under
ICAO Annex 14 – Aerodromes:
Volume 1 Aerodrome Design and Operations – Fourth Edition, 2004
International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) – International Standards and
Recommended Practices, Aerodromes, Annex 14 to the Convention on
International Civil Aviation. Volume 1 Aerodrome Design and Operations –
Fourth Edition, 2004.
3. ICAO Aerodrome Design Manual (Doc 9157)
4. Airport Services Manual (Doc 9137)
5. Fire Safety
Conform to US National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) standard on Airport
Terminal Buildings, Fuelling Ramp drainage and loading Walkways.
6. IATA Airport Development Reference Manual: Design of Airport Facilities
Conform with best practice as set out in International Air Transport Association
(IATA) Airport Development Reference Manual, 9
Edition, January 2004
7. National Building Code (India)
Confirm to the National Building Code (NBC), which sets out safety and
durability aspects to be incorporated into building structure.
8. Indian Standard Codes
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Confirm to the relevant code for the specific aspect of development. The Indian
Standard Codes are a comprehensive range of Standards and practices as per
Bureau of Indian Standards, to be adopted in all aspects of design and construction
in India.
9. Statutory Agency Requirements
Meet all requirements of the statutory agencies, including Directorate General of
Civil Aviation (DGCA), Bureau of Civil Aviation Security, Ministry of Defense,
Customs and Immigration authorities, Ministry of Environment & Forests,
Pollution Control Board.
10. Applicable Laws:
Adhere to all conditions, regulations, measures and all requirements of whatever
kind imposed by local bye-laws and other applicable Central, State and Local
Government laws.
11. In respect of quality standards with regard to any facility at the Airport, the
benchmarking will be the prevailing quality standards as observed in the top five
international airports in the Asian region (as ranked on AETRA or analogous
rating) of a similar scale and size.
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The operation and maintenance of the Airport will at all times be in compliance
with the following:
(i) Ensure that the runway, taxiway, apron and approach are operated and are
maintained in accordance with the relevant provisions contained in the
relevant ICAO Annexes and Documents as appropriate for aircraft
operation at the Airport and are available for aircraft operation;
(ii) Ensure that the strips, shoulders, stop way and Runway End Safety Area
(“RESA”) for runway and strips and shoulders for taxiways and isolation
bays etc. are operated and maintained in accordance with the relevant
provisions contained in the relevant ICAO Annexes and Documents as
appropriate for aircraft operation;
(iii) Ensure that the obstacle limitation surfaces of the Airport and approach
and take-off area shall be maintained free from obstructions or the
obstructions shall be limited to the permissible limits in accordance with
the relevant provisions contained in the relevant ICAO Annexes and
(iv) Ensure that the appropriate category of rescue and fire fighting services
shall be made available and maintained in accordance with the relevant
provisions contained in the relevant ICAO Annexes and Documents;
(v) Ensure that appropriate arrangements are in place at the Airport to prevent
bird/animal nuisance in and around the operational area;
(vi) Ensure that suitable contingency arrangements are in place at the Airport
to deal with the following events:
removal of disabled aircraft from the runway;
bomb threat to aircraft or the Airport;
aircraft accidents in and around the vicinity of the Airport;
non-scheduled aircraft forced to land at the Airport;
fires at the Airport;
natural calamities and disasters;
strikes at the Airport;
unlawful interference with civil aviation.
(vii) Ensure that emergency alarm bells have been installed to link the facility
to the emergency services (fire, medical and police) and to the Airport
(viii) Provide AAI with such access to the Airport for its personnel, vehicles and
agents as AAI reasonably requires for the performance of the AAI
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(ix) Provide AAI with a continuous supply of electrical power and water
sufficient to enable it to perform the AAI Services and AAI shall
reimburse JVC the costs it incurs in procuring such services;
(x) To the extent that AAI determines that, as a result of the expansion of the
Airport, additional standby supplies of electrical power are required at the
Airport, AAI shall notify JVC of its additional requirements and the
Parties shall meet to discuss and seek to reach agreement regarding the
additional standby supply required by AAI;
(xi) Provides AAI and/or its personnel with such information as they
reasonably require for the performance of the AAI Services;
(xii) Make the office accommodation and the facility available at all times to
AAI personnel and agents of AAI deployed at the Airport in the provision
of the AAI Services wherever and whenever required, at terms and
conditions applicable to GOI agencies;
(xiii) At its cost, maintain the airfield lighting system, the main and standby
power supply systems in accordance with the relevant standards prescribed
in the relevant ICAO Annexes and Documents;
(xiv) Ensure that its employees and agents report, in accordance with the
operating reporting procedure, any failure or defects in the airfield lighting
system and the non-availability of any JVC equipment/facility to AAI in
the provision of AAI Services as soon as they become aware of such
failure or defect;
(xv) The JVC shall at all times maintain and upgrade the JVC equipment in the
provision of AAI Services in accordance with ICAO Annexes and
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Target Target to be
achieved within
number of years
from the
Effective Date of
the OMDA
Minimum connect
Domestic/International: 60 minutes
International/ International: 45 minutes
3 years
Handling of
100% of complaints responded to within 2
working days
1 year
Response to phone
5% of calls answered within 20 seconds 1 year
Availability of
Flight Information
98% available 1.5 years
98% available 1.5 years
Lifts, escalators
98% available 2 years
Repair completion
95% of high priority complaints within 4 hours,
95% of others within 24 hours
1 year
Baggage trolleys 100% availability 1 year
Cleanliness Achieve a satisfactory cleanliness rating for
95% of all inspections
1 year
Availability of
wheel chairs
100% of time within 5 minutes
0.5 year
Assistance for the
100% of time within 5 minutes 1 year
Check in Maximum queuing
5 minutes for business class
20 minutes for economy
2 years
Waiting time in
95% of passengers wait less than 10 minutes
2 years
CIQ Checking time in
95% of passengers wait less than 20 minutes
95% of passengers wait less than 10 minutes
2 years
5 years
Time for bag
delivery from
aircraft arrival
Domestic- First bag 10 minutes, last bag 30
minutes from on blocks time
International-First bag 15 minutes, last bag 40
minutes from on blocks time.
5 years
3 years
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arrival process
Time taken from
aircraft arrival to
95% of passengers take less than 45 minutes 5 years
% passengers
served by
boarding bridges
International - 90 % of annual passengers
Domestic - 90 % of annual passengers
travelling on A/C B737/A320 or larger unless
not required by Airlines.
5 years
Delays to
Average annual delay per aircraft: 4 minutes or
better based on provision of International
Standard ATC procedures and equipment as per
CNS/ATM agreement.
5 years
Car parking Average time
taken to find
parking space
95% of drivers take less than 5 minutes 5 years
Average time to
depart airport from
parking space
95% of drivers take less than 5 minutes 5 years
Taxis Maximum waiting
95% of passengers wait less than 5 minutes
95% of passengers wait less than 3 minutes
1 year
5 years
Gate Lounges Seating
Seats for 80% of gate lounge population 5 years
Average dwell
For imports, maximum processing time of 24
2 years
For exports, maximum processing time of 24
2 years
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The items set out below are assessed as being under the reasonable control or influence of
the JVC and will be used to compute the rating achieved as set out in Section 9.1.3:
1. Navigational Items
- Ease of finding way through the
airport / Sign posting
- Flight Information Screens
- Walking distances
2. Connectivity Items
- Ease of making connections with
other flights
- Ground transportation to / from
3. Service Facilities
- Availability of baggage carts
- Restaurant / eating facilities
- Shopping facilities
- Business facilities
- Washrooms
- Parking facilities
4. Value for money
- Restaurant / eating facilities
- Shopping facilities
Parking facilities
5. Service Delivery
Courtesy, helpfulness of airport
- Comfortable waiting / gate areas
- Speed of baggage delivery service
6. Environmental factors
- Cleanliness of terminal
- Ambience of the airport
7. Airline factors
- Waiting time at check-in
- Efficiency of check-in
- Courtesy, helpfulness of check-in
- Business / Executive lounges
The rating of the Airport as per IATA/ ACI
AETRA Passenger survey for the purposes
of the Subjective Service Quality
Requirements shall be a number between
one (1) to five (5) arrived at on the basis of
the abovementioned 7 (seven) parameters.
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“Aeronautical Services” means the provision of the following facilities and services:
1. provision of flight operation assistance and crew support systems;
2. ensuring the safe and secure operation of the Airport, excluding national security
3. the movement and parking of aircraft and control facilities;
4. general maintenance and upkeep of the Airport;
5. the maintenance facilities and the control of them and hangarage of aircraft;
6. flight information display screens;
7. rescue and fire fighting services;
8. management and administration of personnel employed at the Airport;
9. the movement of staff and passengers and their inter-change between all modes of
transport at the Airport;
10. operation and maintenance of passenger boarding and disembarking systems,
including vehicles to perform remote boarding; and
11. any other services deemed to be necessary for the safe and efficient operation of
the Airport.
A more detailed list of the above facilities and services would include the following:
12. Aerodrome control services
13. Airfield
14. Airfield lighting
15. Air Taxi Services
16. Airside and landside access roads and forecourts including writing, traffic signals,
signage and monitoring
17. Common hydrant infrastructure for aircraft fuelling services by authorised
18. Apron and aircraft parking area
19. Apron control and allocation of aircraft stands
20. Arrivals concourses and meeting areas
21. Baggage systems including outbound and reclaim
22. Bird scaring
23. Check-in concourses
24. Cleaning, heating, lighting and air conditioning public areas
25. Customs and immigration halls
26. Emergency services
27. Facilities for the disabled and other special needs people
28. Fire service
29. Flight information and public-address systems
30. Foul and surface water drainage
31. Guidance systems and marshalling
32. Information desks
33. Inter-terminal transit systems
34. Lifts, escalators and passenger conveyors
35. Loading bridges
36. Lost property
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37. Passenger and hand baggage search
38. Piers and gate rooms
39. Policing and general security
40. Prayer Rooms
41. Infrastructure/ Facilities for Post Offices
42. Infrastructure/ Facilities for Public telephones
43. Infrastructure/ Facilities for Banks
44. Infrastructure/ Facilities for Bureaux de Change
45. Runways
46. Signage
47. Staff search
48. Taxiways
49. Toilets and nursing mothers rooms
50. Waste and refuse treatment and disposal
51. X-Ray service for carry on and checked-in luggage
52. VIP / special lounges
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“Non-Aeronautical Services” shall mean the following facilities and services (including
Part I and Part II):
Part I
1. Aircraft cleaning services
2. Airline Lounges
3. Cargo handling
4. Cargo terminals
5. General aviation services (other than those used for commercial air transport
services ferrying passengers or cargo or a combination of both)
6. Ground handling services
7. Hangars
8. Heavy maintenance services for aircrafts
9. Observation terrace
Part II
10. Banks / ATM*
11. Bureaux de Change*
12. Business Centre*
13. Conference Centre*
14. Duty free sales
15. Flight catering services
16. Freight consolidators/forwarders or agents
17. General retail shops*
18. Hotels and Motels
19. Hotel reservation services
20. Line maintenance services
21. Locker rental
22. Logistic Centers*
23. Messenger services
24. Porter service
25. Restaurants, bars and other refreshment facilities
26. Special Assistance Services
27. Tourist information services
28. Travel agency
29. Vehicle fuelling services
30. Vehicle rental
31. Vehicle parking
32. Vending machines
33. Warehouses*
34. Welcoming services
35. Other activities related to passenger services at the Airport, if the same is a Non-
Aeronautical Asset.
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* These activities/ services can only be undertaken/ provided, if the same are located
within the terminal complex/cargo complex and are primarily meant for catering the
needs of passengers, air traffic services and air transport services.
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Mumbai Airport
Mandatory Capital Projects to be completed within 2 years and by year 31/03/2010
Name of Project
Date of commencement Completion
1. New high speed exit taxiways From
Runway 09/27.
Not later than 15 months
from the date of signing of
24 months
2. Intl. Cargo Terminal.
-do- -do-
3. Int’l car park expansion.
-do- 24 months
4. New International terminal access
road (develop existing road system).
-do- -do-
5. Realign domestic terminal access
-do- 24 months
6. Realign Taxiway B1 to Code F offset
dimension from Runway 09/27.
-do- -do-
7. Modify international stand-off
Not later than 15 months
from the date of signing of
24 months
8. Domestic apron expansion.
-do- -do-
9. International terminal expansion
March 2010
10. New domestic terminal.
-do- -do-
11. International Apron expansion.
-do- -do-
12. New domestic terminal car park.
-do- -do-
Works in Progress/Planned to be completed by JVC
13. International remote parking bays (4
nos). Estimated cost Rs.17.11 Crores
June 2004 January 2006
14. International remote parking bays (3
nos.). Estimated cost Rs.17.05 Crores
June 2005 September 2006
15. Link taxiway to new hangar area.
Estimated cost Rs.9.46 Crores
June 2004 February 2006
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16. Part Parallel Taxiway to Rwy 14/32.
Estimated cost Rs.17.26 Crores
August 2004 March 2006
17 Extension and Modification of
terminal 1 B. Estimated cost Rs.85.66
December 2004 Sept’2005
18. Resurfacing of Secondary Runway.
Date to be indicated by the
Within 24 months
from the date of
signing of OMDA..
19 Modification to existing Bridge.
-do- -do-
20 Crash Fire Tenders.
-do- -do-
21. Extend taxiway B3 to Runway 27 end
-do- -do-
22 Rapid exit taxiways.
-do- -do-
23 Provision of in-line X-ray baggage
scanning system.
-do- -do-
24 Additional remote domestic parking
bays to provide for peak stand demand
prior to completion of major terminal
-do- -do-
25 Modification and extension of
terminal 2-B including widening of
flyover of terminal–II and
modification of car park, provision of
walkways, escalators etc.
-do- -do-
26 Upgrade general aesthetics of all
-do- -do-
27 Upgrade signage within all terminals.
-do- -do-
28 Upgrade flight information and PA
-do- -do-
29 Improve passenger amenities and
services within all terminals.
-do- -do-
30 Upgrade retail offering within all
-do- -do-
31 Public information displays in all
-do- -do-
32 T1 (A/B) and T2 (A/B/C) traffic
improvement scheme.
-do- -do-
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Form of Airport Operator Agreement (AOA)
The Joint Venture Company is required to enter into an AOA with the Airport Operator
(AO), who is a member of the consortium (nominated if more than one AO are in the
consortium) which contractually sets out the role, responsibilities, accountabilities and
financial arrangements between the AO and the JVC.
It is not the intention of AAI to unduly constrain or dictate the form of the agreement to
be entered into between the two parties. However, AAI has certain concerns that it wishes
to ensure and addressed in the AOA entered into between the two parties. These are set
out in a series of broad principles alongwith details (as mentioned below) which it
requires the AOA to adhere to.
The AOA must necessarily include, inter-alia, the following scope of services for
the AO:
1. Operation and maintenance of aeronautical and non-aeronautical assets
2. Operation and management of terminals including passenger facilities
3. Maintenance and operation of airport utilities
4. Compliance with safety requirements
Keeping in view the above broad principles, the AOA will ensure that the AO
undertakes the operation, maintenance and management of the airport to meet the
requisite performance standards so as to ensure performance by the JVC of its
obligations (in particular, satisfying the Objective Service Quality Requirements
and Subjective Service Quality Requirements as described under the OMDA). In
other words, the level and quality of performance standards for the services should
be at least as high as the level and quality of performance standards that the JVC
is obligated to maintain under the OMDA. In doing so, the AO will also
recommend appropriate policy formulation for the overall management, operation
and development of the airport. Besides this, the AO will also ensure transfer of
know how to JVC through training programmes and such other appropriate
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Term of AOA
The term of the AOA must be for a minimum term of seven (7) years from the
Effective Date of OMDA with any change of AO subject to the approval of the
Scope of Services provided
The AOA must clearly and completely set out the services to be provided by the
AO to the JVC. At the least, the services to be provided by the AO must
necessarily cover the following:
1. Commitment of experienced and skilled group of senior staff (including
number & disciplines) for the preparation of Master Plan
2. Review the Master Plan and, where appropriate suggest alternatives, or the
re-timing of projects, that will satisfy growth in air travel demand, and
respond to stakeholder interests and concerns. Support JVC in revisions
and updates to the Master Plan in response to changes in the airports’
environment and satisfy the requirements of all regulatory agencies.
3. Commitment of experienced and skilled group of senior staff (including
number & disciplines) with experience in multiple runway configuration
and airside development, experience in major terminal development
involving combined international and domestic terminal complexes and
experience in airport planning of similar sized airports with similar traffic
4. Commitment of experienced and skilled group of senior staff for
Operational and Management of the airport in various critical airport
related functions including without limitation the following :
Aeronautical operations
Terminal operations
Cargo operations
Terminal retail
Car parking
Slot management
Environmental management
Stakeholder relations
Traffic and route development
5. Implementation of interim measures to provide temporary additional
capacity and improve level of service both in terminals and airfields
6. Implementing immediate improvement strategy with initiatives in respect
of both management and capital expenditure nature, which can be
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undertaken to speedily deliver demonstrable improvements in performance
particularly in service quality to airlines, passengers and cargo operators
7. Implementation of solutions to maximize capacity for airfield and terminal
on a constrained site
8. Implementation of solutions to prolong life of airport assets
9. Implementation of development plan with no significant impact on day-to-
day airfield operations
10. Implementation of Transition Plan to the extent it relates to operation and
management of the airport
11. Implementation of Stakeholder Management Strategy which would
include identifying the key stakeholders, their relevant issues and
management of those issues
12. Implementation of Environment Management Plan
13. Implementation of business plan to improve passenger and cargo flows
and service quality and subsequently link to implementation of major
airport developments
14. Assistance in implementation of HR Plan with special emphasis on task of
integrating AAI employees into the JVC in the first three years. In this
regard, the AO will assist in evolving a proper senior management
structure for the JVC with appropriate job descriptions for such personnel.
The AO will also assist in recruitment of such senior managers as required
and will identify and implement appropriate training policies/
15. Institute a system for the continuous review of each major aspect of
airports’ operation. The AO will examine the results of such reviews,
recommend changes and report the same to JVC.
16. The major aspects of the aforesaid review and update will include :
Conforming of operating manual in accordance with the requirements
of DGCA and also to ensure that the airport is operated in accordance
with the standards specified under the OMDA.
Airport maintenance manual.
Safety manual, implementation of programmes updates (crash, fire &
rescue services, emergency communication systems etc.)
Operational performance including customer service standards and
where appropriate the AO should recommend initiatives and
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programmes to JVC to improve passenger processing and efficiency of
airside operation.
17. Assist the JVC as may be necessary in the negotiation of agreements
between JVC and airport tenants, maintenance contractors and other
service providers.
18. Assist in effective design development, contract document preparation and
tendering of facilities and infrastructure projects.
19. Provide operational management support for important development
programmes such that airport operations continue to function properly and
efficiently during facility and infrastructure development work
Reporting Requirements
The AO and the JVC will establish suitable reporting arrangements by which the
AO can, on a regular basis, report on its performance against agreed performance
measures and on its discharge of its responsibilities. In this context, the AO will
present a summary report of assessment, monitoring and services provided to the
JVC for each year of operation. This report shall be available at the 31st of March
at the latest following each year of operation. In addition to its regular reporting
the AO will report on an exceptions basis immediately any relevant, material
matter arises which are of significance to the airport.
Agreement on Provision of Additional Consultancy Services
Each year the JVC and the AO must agree on the additional consultancy services
(over and above what is stated under para 2 above) that will be provided by the
AO. This agreement will set out the nature of the services, the personnel who will
work on the task, the estimated cost involved, the required outputs and the
targeted outcomes. At suitable times during the year and at the end of the year
there will be a review of performance against the agreement.
Financial remuneration
The fundamental principle is that the main financial return to the AO may be
derived from its equity participation. However, it is recognized that in undertaking
its functions in an efficient and effective manner that some part of its
remuneration will come from the AOA.
The financial returns to the AO through the AOA should occur on two basis and
be subject to the approach set out below:
Return for the provision of services
Any service provided should be on a fee for service basis and not on a fixed
fee. Further any additional services as stated in para 4 provided by AO should
be the subject of the annual agreement between the JVC and the AO, which
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sets out such services and fees. These services should be remunerated on the
basis of agreed rate.
Performance based fee
A second, performance based fee can be provided for, which must be linked to
measurable performance and outcomes achieved. The fee may be expressed
as a percentage of any one parameter such as profit, EBIT, EBITDA or
revenue, provided however that in such event the AO must comply with the
requirement to have generated demonstrable value add.
There must also be a clear linkage between the performance based fee and the
outcomes achieved for service quality.
Default and Termination Provisions
The AOA should set out what constitutes events of default under the Agreement
and what is the basis for termination of the agreement. In the event that there is or
is likely to occur, in the reasonable opinion and assessment of the JVC an event
of default or a termination event, this must be fully communicated without delay
to AAI. Default should lead to suitable financial penalties.
Intellectual Property
The AO makes fully available all intellectual property that it may have relevant to
the operation, management and development of airports without any charge.
Any intellectual property developed at the airport will become the property of the
JVC who will provide the AO with a non exclusive license to use that intellectual
Assignment of the role of AO can only occur with the express approval of the
JVC, such approval not to be given without the concurrence of the AAI.
Performance Guarantee
The AOA should contain an express provision requiring the AO to submit an
unconditional and irrevocable performance bank guarantee from a scheduled
commercial bank enforceable and encashable at New Delhi of Rs. 3000,000,000
(Rupees Three Hundred Crore) in favour of the JVC (but encashable by AAI)
valid for the duration of the AOA.
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Substitution Agreement
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THIS SUBSTITUTION AGREEMENT (this “Agreement”) is made at Mumbai on this
the _______ day of______ 2006.
1. The Airports Authority of India acting through its Chairman (hereinafter
referred to as the “AAI”, which expression shall, unless repugnant to the context
or meaning thereof, include its successors and assigns) of the FIRST PART; and
2. [ ], a company incorporated under the Companies Act, 1956 having its
registered office at [ ] (hereinafter referred to as the “JVC”, which expression
shall, unless repugnant to the context or meaning thereof, include its successors
and permitted assigns) of the SECOND PART.
3. [ ] having its registered office at in its capacity as Lenders Agent acting for and
on behalf of the Lenders listed in Schedule 1 hereto and such Lenders’ successors
and assigns in terms of the Financing Documents (hereinafter referred to as the
Lenders Agent”, which expression shall, unless repugnant to the context or
meaning thereof, include the trustee or the trustees for the time being) of the
(AAI, the JVC and the Lenders Agent are hereinafter collectively referred to as
the “Parties” and individually are hereinafter referred to as “Party”).
(A) The AAI and the JVC have entered into an Operation, Management and
Development Agreement dated [ ] (the “OMDA”) pursuant to which the JVC
is obligated to operate, maintain, develop, design, construct, upgrade, modernise,
finance and manage the Airport on the terms and subject to the conditions set forth
(B) With a view to help facilitate obtaining of financing for development of Transfer
Assets at the Airport by the JVC so as to enable the JVC to operate, maintain,
develop, design, construct, upgrade, modernise, finance and manage the Transfer
Assets at the Airport pursuant to and in accordance with the OMDA, the Parties
have agreed that on certain defaults by the JVC, the Lenders shall have the right to
substitute the JVC by a Selectee on the terms, and subject to the conditions and
covenants mentioned herein below.
NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing and the respective covenants and
agreements set forth in this Agreement the Parties agree as follows:
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1.1 Definitions
For the purpose of this Agreement, the following terms shall have the
meaning hereinafter respectively assigned to them:
Financing Documents” means the documents executed by the JVC for raising
Debt, from time to time.
Financing Event of Default” means occurrence of any of the following events:
(i) A default in payment by the JVC to all or any of the Lenders under the
Financing Documents of any six installments (in case the installments are
payable monthly) and two installment (in case the installments are payable
quarterly), either of principal or interest or both, or any other amounts, due
and payable by it in accordance with the Financing Documents.
(ii) Any event of default under or breach of any of the terms of any of the
Financing Documents which in the sole opinion of the Lenders Agent is
material or major and which may seriously affect the ability of the JVC to
meet its payment obligations to the Lenders under the Financing
JVC Event of Default” shall have the meaning assigned thereto in the OMDA.
Lenders” shall mean the lenders listed in Schedule 1 hereto and such Lenders’
successors and assigns in terms of the Financing Documents.
Lenders Certificate” shall have the meaning ascribed thereto in Article 2.2(b).
Lenders Dues” means the aggregate of all monies owed by the JVC to the
Lenders under the Financing Documents and all accrued interest, additional
interest, liquidated damages, commitment fees, commission, prepayment
premium, costs, charges and other monies.
Lenders Notice of Default” shall have the meaning ascribed thereto in Article
New Entity” means an entity proposed by the Lenders in a Proposal.
Notice of Intention to Terminate” shall have the meaning assigned thereto in
the OMDA.
Proposal” shall have the meaning ascribed thereto in Article 3.1(iii).
Selectee” means, subject to Article 3.3, a New Entity proposed by the Lenders
pursuant to this Agreement and approved by AAI in accordance with this
Agreement for substituting the JVC under the OMDA.
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Substitution” is the process of replacement of a Selectee in place of the JVC by
undertaking the following activities:
(i) grant to the Selectee the right to operate, maintain, develop, design,
construct, upgrade, modernise, finance and manage the Airport under and
in accordance with on the terms and conditions set forth in the OMDA for
the remainder of the Term, by the novation of the OMDA in favour of the
(ii) grant to the Selectee a leasehold interest over the Airport Site together with
all assets, buildings, fixtures, runways, all or any singular rights, liberties,
privileges, easements and appurtenances whatsoever to the said Airport
Site for the remainder of the Term by the novation of the Lease Deed in
favour of the Selectee;
(iii) novation of the CNS-ATM Agreement, the State Government Support
Agreement, the State Support Agreement, contracts and any other
agreements needing to be novated for the purpose of operating the Airport
in favour of the Selectee; and
(iv) the execution of a new Substitution Agreement with the Selectee for the
residual period of Term on the same terms and conditions as hereof;
(v) transfer by the JVC of all assets owned by the JVC to the Selectee;
(vi) grant by the AAI to the Selectee of all approvals, clearances and
permissions within the AAI’s power and necessary for operating the
Airport in accordance with the OMDA, provided duly completed
application in accordance with Applicable Law is submitted to the AAI.
Substitution Notice” means the notice given by the Lenders Agent pursuant to
Article 2.2 (d) of this Agreement.
1.2 The words and expressions beginning with or in capital letters used in this
Agreement not defined herein and defined in the OMDA, shall have, unless
repugnant to the context, the meaning respectively assigned to them in the
1.3 Interpretation
In this Agreement, unless the context otherwise requires, the interpretation rules
as mentioned in Article 1.2 of the OMDA shall apply.
2.1 In accordance with the terms hereof and upon the occurrence of the events
specified herein, AAI hereby irrevocably agrees to substitute the JVC by a
Selectee (selected by the Lenders and approved by AAI in accordance with the
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provisions of this Agreement) by way of Substitution for the purpose of securing
the payment of the Lenders Dues.
2.2 (a) The Lenders Agent may notify by a notice in writing to the JVC, with a
copy thereof simultaneously to AAI, about the occurrence of a Financing
Event of Default and requiring the JVC to remedy and cure such default
within 30 (thirty) days from the date of delivery of such notice (the
Lenders’ Notice of Default”). The Lenders’ Notice of Default shall be
accompanied by the Lenders Certificate (as defined hereinafter). Provided
however that in the event the Lenders Agent elects to issue a Lenders
Notice of Default, than a copy thereof shall be given to AAI.
(b) The Lenders Certificate” is a certificate under the hands of an
authorised officer of the Lenders Agent certifying —
(i) the occurrence of an Financing Event of Default; and
(ii) the value of Lenders Dues.
The Lenders Certificate shall be conclusive evidence of the occurrence of
such Financing Event of Default in so far as the AAI is concerned. Such
Lenders Certificate shall be final, conclusive and binding upon the AAI for
the purposes of occurrence of Financing Event of Default only, but not in
relation to the Lenders Dues or quantum of Debt.
(c) In the event of a JVC Event of Default leading to issuance of Notice of
Intention to Terminate by AAI under the OMDA, the AAI shall
immediately upon issue of such notice give a copy of the same to the
Lenders’ Agent.
(d) The Lenders shall be entitled to nominate a third party for the purposes of
(i) If after sixty (60) days from the date of delivery of the Lenders’
Notice of Default, the Financing Event of Default has not been
cured, or remedied or revoked in accordance with the Financing
Documents; or
(ii) Immediately upon issue of Notice of Intention to Terminate by the
AAI to the JVC.
The Lenders shall notify to AAI about whether they are exercising their
right of substitution within sixty (60) days of receipt of Notice of Intention
to Terminate, or issuance of the Lenders’ Notice of Default, as the case
may be.
In such event, the Lenders Agent may, without prejudice to any other right
or remedy available to the Lenders under the Financing Document, notify
AAI and the JVC on behalf of all the Lenders about the Lenders decision
to invite, negotiate and procure offers, either through private negotiations
or public auction or process of tendering from third parties for the
purposes of Substitution, subject to the prior written approval of such third
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party by AAI, which approval the AAI may refuse or delay only on the
grounds set out in Article 2.3 below (the “Substitution Notice”)..
2.3 The Lenders Agent and AAI shall apply the following criteria in the selection of a
third party for the purposes of Substitution and the AAI shall be entitled to refuse
or delay its approval only in the event that it is not satisfied, acting reasonably,
that the following criteria will be satisfied by the third party following
(i) the third party shall be capable of discharging the duties, obligations and
liabilities of the JVC under the OMDA and shall have appropriate
financial and legal capability;
(ii) the third party shall provide security/ comfort to the satisfaction of Lenders
for repayment of the Lenders Dues;
(iii) the third party shall have the capability and shall unconditionally consent
to assume the liability for the payment and discharge of dues of the JVC to
AAI under and in accordance with the OMDA;
(iv) the third party shall have the experience and technical capability
parameters as set forth in the OMDA or prescribed by AAI during the
process of selection of the JVC or at any time thereafter in respect of the
(v) the third party shall have not been in material breach of any agreement
between the third party and AAI;
(vi) the third party satisfies the relevant security and probity clearance
requirements set forth by AAI during the competitive bidding procedure
undertaken by AAI for the purposes of the selection of the private
participants in the JVC, or other analogous applicable requirements under
Applicable Law, if any; and
(vii) any other appropriate circumstance, whereby continuity in the
performance of the JVC’s obligations under the OMDA is maintained and
the security in favour of Lenders under the Financing Documents is
(viii) considering its political sensitivities, the GOI approves the third party.
3.1 The following modalities shall be applicable to any replacement of the JVC by the
Selectee pursuant to this Agreement:
(i) The Lenders Agent may invite, negotiate or procure offers either through
private negotiations or public auction or process of tender or otherwise for
the purposes of Substitution;
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(ii) The Lenders Agent shall on behalf of the Lenders propose to AAI pursuant
to sub-clause (iii) below, the name of a New Entity for acceptance and
shall apply as necessary to AAI for undertaking Substitution.
(iii) The Lenders Agent on behalf of the Lenders shall be entitled, within a
period of one hundred and eighty (180) days from the date of delivery to
AAI of the Substitution Notice pursuant to Article 2.2 (d) above, to select
and propose to AAI for its approval a New Entity (the “Proposal”). The
Proposal of the Lenders Agent pursuant to this sub-clause (iii) shall
contain the particulars and information in respect of the New Entity, the
Lenders Dues and other data and information, all as prescribed in Schedule
2 hereto. Without prejudice to the foregoing, the Lenders Agent agrees and
undertakes to provide to AAI such further and other information and such
clarifications in respect of any data, particulars or information furnished
by the Lenders Agent (the “Additional Information”) as AAI may
reasonably require provided that such request(s) is/ are made by AAI
within 30 days of receipt of the Proposal/ Additional Information. AAI
shall convey its approval or otherwise of such Proposal, within 30 (thirty)
days of the later of (a) the date of receipt of the Proposal by AAI, or (b) the
date when last of the Additional Information is received by AAI. Provided
however that if within 30 (thirty) days of receipt of the Proposal, or the
Additional Information as the case may be the AAI has not responded
thereto, with its approval/ disapproval or with a request for further
information, then the Proposal and the New Entity shall be deemed to have
been approved. AAI shall be under an obligation to give reasons for
rejection of any Proposal. Provided however that the AAI may only
withhold its approval of the Proposal on grounds that the New Entity does
not meet any of the criteria specified in Article 2.3 (i) – (vii). It is
expressly agreed that the Proposal shall be accompanied by an
unconditional undertaking of the New Entity that it shall upon approval by
AAI of the Proposal execute necessary documentation to effectuate the
Substitution and shall be liable for and shall assume, discharge and pay the
Lenders Dues in such manner as may be acceptable to the Lenders. Upon
approval of the Proposal the New Entity proposed shall become the
Selectee hereunder.
Provided however that in the event the AAI does not approve of the
Proposal, then subject to Articles 3.3 and 3.4 below, the Lenders Agent
shall, within 30 (thirty) days of receipt of AAI’s disapproval, use its
reasonable endeavours to present another Proposal in respect of another
New Entity and the procedure maintained in this Article 3.1(iii) shall be
repeated until the expiry of the 120 days period in Article 3.3 below.
(iv) AAI shall, upon its satisfaction of the eligibility of the Selectee, on request
by the Lenders Agent and in accordance with the provisions of this
Agreement and subject to the provisions of sub-clause (v) below proceed
to undertake the Substitution.
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(v) The Substitution shall be subject to the Selectee obtaining requisite Indian
Government approvals, clearances and permission necessary for operating
the Airport under and in accordance with the OMDA and grant to the AAI
of shareholding in the Selectee in accordance with Article 3.8 hereof.
(vi) The decision of the Lenders and AAI in the selection of the Selectee shall
be final and binding on the JVC and shall be deemed to have been made
with the concurrence of the JVC but without prejudice to the JVC’s rights
under the Project Agreements and under Applicable Law. The JVC hereby
expressly waives all rights to object to or challenge such selection of the
Selectee on any ground whatsoever.
(vii) All actions of the Lenders Agent hereunder shall be deemed to be on and
behalf of, expressly authorized by, the Lenders, and be binding upon them.
The Lenders Agent hereby confirms that he is authorised to receive
payment of compensation, payment to cure default and any other
payments, consideration for transfer in accordance with the Substitution
Notice and the Financing Documents and give valid discharge on behalf of
all Lenders.
3.2 The JVC hereby irrevocably agrees and waives any right to challenge the Lender’s
decision to apply to AAI for Substitution as aforesaid and neither the JVC nor
AAI shall be entitled to prevent the Lenders Agent from proceeding to seek such a
Substitution of the JVC by Selectee as hereinbefore provided.
3.3 Notwithstanding anything contained in Article 3.1 above, where no suitable New
Entity as acceptable to AAI can be found by the Lenders Agent within a period of
one hundred and twenty (120) days from receipt of the first Proposal under Article
3.1, then AAI shall have the right to propose a nominee for the purposes of
3.4 (i) If AAI proposes to substitute the JVC by any other person (“AAI
Nominee”), it shall take into account the criteria specified in Article 2.3
and the Lender’s Dues while considering offers from such persons and
shall include a suitable condition as agreed to by the Lenders Agent on
behalf of the Lenders for payment or take over of such dues by such AAI
Nominee to the extent agreed by the Lenders Agent in the event of a
Substitution by such AAI Nominee. The AAI Nominee shall similarly be
bound to execute all necessary documentation to effectuate Substitution.
(ii) Notwithstanding anything contained in Article 3.3 and this Article 3.4,
AAI shall not be required to take over at any time during the currency of
or, upon termination or expiry of the OMDA for any reason whatsoever,
the liabilities representing the Lender’s Dues, save and except to the extent
of Transfer Payments due and payable upon such termination/ expiry
under the OMDA. In such an event AAI’s obligation shall be limited to
assumption of such liabilities and payments of dues as AAI has agreed to
under the OMDA.
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3.5 Nothing contained herein shall mean or be interpreted as provision of any
guarantee or surety by AAI and it is expressly agreed that AAI has not provided
any surety, guarantee or counter guarantee, whether directly or indirectly, for the
recovery of any portion of the Lenders Dues.
3.6 In the event of a Substitution, an additional cure period of one hundred and eight
(180) days shall be provided to enable the Selectee/AAI Nominee to cure any
breach or default subsisting on the day of such Substitution.
It is clarified that if the nature of the default would take a longer time to remedy,
the Selectee must agree on an appropriate timetable and remedy program with
AAI. The remedy period will then be extended to match that timetable.
3.7 If the Selectee fails to cure such breech or default or make such payment of the
Lenders Dues within such period, then the Lenders Agent shall have the right by
providing a notice to require AAI to terminate the OMDA and require the
termination value to be determined under Article 17.3.1 (c) of the OMDA
3.8 The Parties herein expressly agree to execute such agreements as may be
necessary to give effect to the Substitution as contemplated herein. The Selectee
shall further expressly undertake to grant to the AAI a right to acquire / subscribe
to the same percentage shareholding in the Selectee (if it is selected in the manner
provided herein) as the AAI has in the JVC on the date of Substitution, if so
desired by AAI, on such terms and condition as set forth in the Shareholders
4.1 The Lenders’ Agent and the JVC expressly agree that upon the issuance of a
Lenders’ Notice of Default or Notice of Intention to Terminate and the
applicable cure period for the same has expired without the notice/s being
withdrawn/cured, notwithstanding the process of Substitution having been
initiated as provided in Article 2 herein, the AAI shall have the right but not the
obligation to take over the operation and maintenance of the Airport and operate
and maintain the same in accordance with Good Industry Practice, at the risk
and cost of the JVC until operation pursuant to Substitution under this
Agreement or curing of such event of default, whichever is earlier.
4.2 The Lenders’ Agent recognizes that AAI shall be entitled to issue a Notice of
Intention to Terminate in accordance with the terms of the OMDA.
4.3 The Parties hereby expressly agree that nothing contained in this Agreement
shall restrict the ability of AAI to exercise any of its rights under any of the
Project Agreements.
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5.1 AAI and JVC hereby agree, and confirm that without prejudice to any other
right or remedy, AAI shall deposit all Transfer Payments under the OMDA into
the Escrow Account and the Lenders shall be entitled to receive the same
without any further reference to or consent of the JVC towards the satisfaction
of and to the extent of the Lenders Dues. The Lenders and AAI shall be entitled
to appropriation amongst themselves in the proportion of amounts due to them as
Lenders Dues and under the OMDA respectively any consideration received for
the Substitution as hereinabove provided from the Selectee. Any excess amounts
after the payment for amounts due to the Lenders and AAI shall be paid to the
5.2 The JVC hereby nominates, constitutes and appoints the Lenders Agent as its
constituted attorney for doing all acts, deeds and things as may be required to be
done for the substitution of the JVC by the Selectee pursuant hereto and for
receiving consideration for discharge of the Lenders’ Dues pursuant to Article 5.1
5.3 The JVC hereby expressly authorises payment of sums by AAI on account of
Transfer Payments into the Escrow Account and the Lenders Agent to draw the
same therefrom for and on behalf of the Lenders notwithstanding the pendency of
any dispute or objection or claim that the JVC may have against the Lenders
and/or AAI. The deposit by AAI into the Escrow Account and payment to the
Lenders directly or through the Lenders Agent in accordance with this Agreement,
made or caused to be made by AAI shall constitute a valid discharge of its
obligation of the payment thereof to the JVC. All such payments shall stand
charged to the Lenders under the Financing Documents and shall be receivable by
the Lenders Agent from the Escrow Account on behalf of the Lenders to the
exclusion of any receiver or liquidator appointed.
6.1 Intentionally Omitted
6.2 The Parties hereto expressly represent and warrant that they are duly empowered
to sign and execute this Agreement and the Lenders Agent is duly and fully
authorised by each of the Lenders to enter into this Agreement on their behalf.
6.3 Notices under this Agreement shall be sent to the Addresses first hereinabove
mentioned. Any change in the address of any Party shall be duly notified by a
registered post acknowledgement due and delivered to the other Parties.
6.4 The expressions “AAI”, the “JVC”, the “Lenders” and the “Lenders Agent” herein
used shall unless there be anything repugnant to the subject or context include
their respective successors, legal representatives, administrators and permitted
6.5 This Agreement shall not be affected by reorganisation of any Lender, Lenders
Agent or AAI and the successor in interest of such Lender, Lenders Agent or AAI
shall have the benefit of this Agreement.
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6.6 No amendment, variation or modification to this Agreement shall be valid and
effectual unless made in writing and executed by the duly authorised
representatives of all the Parties hereto.
6.7 All stamp duties or other imposts and charges as are applicable on this Agreement
or on amendment of the OMDA or execution of new OMDA for the purpose of
Substitution as aforesaid shall be borne by and be to the account of the Selectee.
In the event of the Lenders making such payment for the time being, it shall be
deemed to be a part of the Lenders Dues.
6.8 The Parties hereby expressly agree that for the purpose of giving full and proper
effect to this Agreement, the OMDA and this Agreement shall be read together
and construed harmoniously. The terms of the OMDA shall prevail in the event of
any inconsistency with this Agreement.
6.9 The consultation, recommendation or approval of the Lenders Agent under this
Agreement shall always be taken as consultation, recommendation or approval of
every concerned Lender and each such Lender shall be bound by the same and
hereby waives its right to question or dispute the same.
6.10 As between the JVC and the Lenders, this Agreement shall be in addition to and
shall not be in derogation of the terms of the Financing Documents.
6.11 It shall not be necessary for the Lenders or the Lenders Agent to enforce or
exhaust any other remedy available to them before invoking the provisions of this
6.12 This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with Indian
law and, subject to Article 6.13 below, the courts at New Delhi shall have
jurisdiction over all matters arising out of or relating to this Agreement
6.13 All Disputes arising under this Agreement, shall be referred to a tribunal
comprising three (3) arbitrators under the (Indian) Arbitration and Conciliation
Act, 1996. Each of the respondents and the claimants shall appoint one (1)
arbitrator and the two (2) arbitrators thus appointed shall choose the third
arbitrator who will act as a presiding arbitrator of the tribunal (together forming
the “Arbitral Tribunal”). The decision(s) of the Arbitral Tribunal, shall be final
and binding on the Parties. The venue of arbitration shall be New Delhi. This
Article 6.13 shall survive the termination or expiry of this Agreement. The
governing law of the arbitration shall be the substantive laws of India.
BY: ____________________
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BY: ____________________
BY: ____________________
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[List to be provided as per the Financing Documents when signed]
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1. Insurance to be effected from the Effective Date
1.1 Subject to Applicable Law, JVC must at its own cost and expense ensure that the
insurances specified in this paragraph are effected from the Effective Date and are
maintained in full force for the remainder of the Term.
(a) Insurances in respect of “all risks” as customarily covered by such
insurance policies for physical loss or damage to the Airport
(including all assets thereon, including but not limited to
Aeronautical Assets, Non-Aeronautical Assets and Existing Assets)
and all or any structures (including temporary structures), plant
(including hired in plant) and equipment including computer
equipment and vehicles on the Airport, to their full rebuilding or
replacement cost (including allowance for professional fees and
removal of debris costs), increased from time to time as necessary to
maintain such full rebuilding or replacement cost.
(b) Business interruption insurance to indemnify JVC in respect of
JVC’s revenues for a period of not less than six (6) months if any of
the property insured under paragraph 1.1.1 is lost or destroyed or
damaged by any of the risks insured under paragraph 1.1.1 which
causes interruption to or interference with Aeronautical Services or
Non-Aeronautical Services.
(c) Insurance in respect of any legal liability of JVC and any of its
agents, servants, employees and contractors, any third party, aircraft
operator, user of the Airport or otherwise, or liability of such persons
in respect of loss or damage arising out of the construction,
maintenance, operation and/or management of the Airport, including
death or bodily injury or disease, loss of or damage to property,
including resultant loss of use, to such amounts as would be effected
by a prudent operator of airports of the size and with characteristics
comparable to the Airport and in each case which does not self-insure
(except for any customary deductibles).
(d) Any legal liability of JVC in respect of loss or damage as a result of
the death and/or personal injury suffered by an employee of JVC or
any person for whom JVC is responsible.
1.2 All insurances effected and maintained pursuant to this Schedule 11 are to
include provision for self insurance by deductibles equivalent to the minimum
deductibles which are customary from time to time and may include and such
exclusions or exceptions which are customary to that type of policy and size of
risk covered by the policy from time to time.
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2 Additional Insurances
2.1 JVC must ensure that each policy taken out pursuant to paragraphs 1.1.1 to 1.1.4
is increased or decreased from time to time to such amounts (and with such
deductibles) as would be effected by a prudent operator of airports of the size and
with characteristics comparable to the Airport, and in each case which does not
self-insure (except for any customary deductibles) and stipulates other
requirements or amendments to insurances, wider cover for insurances or
additional insurances as become customary.
2.2 Without prejudice to the other provisions of this Schedule, JVC must, throughout
the Term:
2.2.1 from time to time effect and maintain in full force those insurances which it is
required to have by any Applicable Law or by the terms of any contract entered
into by it in respect of the Airport; and
2.2.2 use best efforts to effect and maintain in full force those insurances which it is
required to have by the terms of any other contract to which it is at any time a
2.3 JVC must at any time effect such other insurances in addition to or supplementing
those referred to elsewhere in this Schedule as it may think fit. JVC must notify
AAI of any such additional or supplementary insurances.
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No shareholder of the JVC (nor any of its Group Entities) that has an interest in
the contract can be involved in the design of the contract, or the contracting
process or decision-making.
Where a shareholder of the JVC (or any of its Group Entities) intends to tender for
the contract, an independent probity auditor must be appointed to review and
monitor the tender to ensure a complete arms length arrangement. It is clarified
that the independent probity auditor shall not be a Group Entity of the JVC or any
of its shareholders. JVC shall agree to the appropriate terms of reference and the
selection procedure of the independent probity auditor as laid down by AAI.
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as the Company
as Escrow Bank
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THIS ESCROW ACCOUNT AGREEMENT (the "Agreement") is made at New Delhi
on ___________, by and amongst:
1. [•], [a company incorporated in India under the Companies Act, 1956 / a banking
company registered under the Banking Regulation Act, 1949], with its registered
office at [•] (hereinafter referred to as the “Escrow Bank” which expression shall,
unless it be repugnant to the subject or context thereof, include its successors and
permitted assigns) of the FIRST PART;
2. [•], a company incorporated under the Companies Act, 1956 and having its
registered office at [•] (hereinafter referred to as the “Company” or the “JVC”,
which expression shall, unless it be repugnant to the subject or context thereof,
include its successors and permitted assigns) of the SECOND PART; and
3. The Airports Authority of India, constituted under the Airports Authority of India
Act, 1994, having its principal office at ________________________, acting
through its Chairman (hereinafter referred to as “AAI”, which expression shall,
unless repugnant to the context or meaning thereof, include its successors and
assigns) of the THIRD PART.
The Escrow Bank, the Company and AAI are hereinafter collectively referred to as the
“Parties” and individually as the “Party”.
(a) AAI is an authority established under the Airports Authority of India Act, 1994,
responsible for the development, management, operation and maintenance of
airports in India.
(b) The Company is a joint venture between AAI and certain private entities,
established, inter-alia with the objectives of promoting, establishing, developing,
designing, managing, financing, operating and maintaining the Airport (as defined
(c) AAI and the Company have entered into an Operation, Management and
Development Agreement dated [ ] (hereinafter referred to as “OMDA”), whereby
AAI has granted to the Company the right to undertake the Project (as defined
hereunder), and the Company has agreed to undertake the Project on the terms and
conditions contained therein.
(d) Under the terms of the OMDA, it has been stipulated that all Receivables (as
defined hereunder) of the Company shall be deposited by the Company into an
escrow account and disseminated therefrom in a particular priority order.
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(e) This Agreement sets forth the detailed mandates, terms and conditions and
operating procedures for such escrow account.
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises contained herein, the Parties
hereto agree as follows:
1. Definitions
1.1 For the purposes of this Agreement, unless the context otherwise requires,
capitalised terms shall have the meaning set forth hereunder.
“AAI Fee” for any Month, shall mean the amounts payable by the JVC to the
AAI under the terms of the OMDA, as certified by the AAI in a certificate to be
submitted by the AAI to the Escrow Bank by the 1
of the preceding Month and
as revised by AAI during the course of the preceding Month. Provided however
for the first month after Effective Date, the applicable AAI Fee shall be as
provided by AAI to the Escrow Bank simultaneously with the execution hereof.
“Authorised Investments” means investment in securities rated at least AAA by
CRISIL or with equivalent ratings by CARE/ICRA or fixed deposits in banks with
at least a AAA rating by CRISIL or equivalent rating by ICRA/CARE
“Beneficial Parties” means collectively the Company, and AAI and “Beneficial
Party” refers individually to each of them;
“Business Day” means any day of the week (excluding Saturdays, Sundays and
public holidays) on which banks in New Delhi are generally open for business;
“Dispute” shall mean any dispute, difference, question or controversy between
the Parties arising out of, in connection with or in relation to this Agreement.
Event of Default” shall mean an event of default of the JVC under the OMDA,
as certified by the AAI in a written notice in this regard to the Escrow Bank.
Month” shall mean a calendar month.
“Priority Cash-flow Application” shall have the meaning ascribed to the term in
Section 3.5(B)(a) hereunder;
“Project” means the operation, maintenance, development, design, construction,
upgradation, modernization, financing and management of the Airport;
“Receivables” means any and all cash flows and cash realizations of the JVC
accruing from or in relation to the Airport from any source, including all proceeds
from any draw-downs under its loan agreements, any equity funding received by
the JVC, refund of taxes, any and all monies due or to become due to the JVC
from any source including from any performance bonds, letters of credit and
instruments of a similar nature and proceeds from any insurance contracts;
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“Statutory Dues” for any Month, shall mean the Tax liability of the JVC for such
Month, as certified by a third party tax consultant in a certificate to be procured
and submitted by the Company to the Escrow Bank by the 1
day of the preceding
Month, and as revised by such third party tax consultant during the course of the
preceding Month.
Tax” shall mean the taxes, duties, charges, cess, levies and other such analogous
payments due under Applicable Law.
Other capitalised terms used herein (and not defined herein) but defined under the
OMDA shall have the meaning ascribed to the term under the OMDA.
1.2 In this Agreement, unless the context otherwise requires, the rules of
interpretation and construction as mentioned in Article 1.2 of the OMDA shall
2. Establishment of Escrow Account and Declaration of Trust
2.1 Establishment of the Accounts
The Company and the Escrow Bank confirm that the Escrow Bank has
established, in the name of the Company at the Escrow Bank’s New Delhi branch,
an account titled the “Escrow Account”. The Escrow Account shall have the
following sub accounts, maintained, controlled and operated by the Escrow Bank
for the purposes of this Agreement, namely:
(a) a sub account maintained, controlled and operated by the Escrow Bank,
titled the “Receivables Account”;
(b) a sub account maintained, controlled and operated by the Escrow Bank,
titled the “Proceeds Account” which shall have the following sub
(i) a sub-account maintained, controlled and operated by the Escrow
Bank, titled the “Statutory Dues Account;
(ii) a sub-account maintained, controlled and operated by the Escrow
Bank, titled the “AAI Fee Account; and
(iii) a sub-account maintained, controlled and operated by the Escrow
Bank, titled the “Surplus Account”.
2.2 Declaration of Trust
The Company hereby settles in trust with the Escrow Bank a sum of Rs 100
(Rupees Hundred) for the benefit of the Beneficial Parties. The Company further
declares that all the legal right, title and interest in and to the trust, the
Receivables, the Escrow Account, the monies therein and the Authorised
Investments including any document of title in relation thereto made from the
Escrow Account shall be vested in the Escrow Bank and held for the benefit of the
Beneficial Parties in accordance with the terms of this Agreement and their
respective interests are provided for herein. The Escrow Bank hereby accepts the
abovementioned amount of Rs. 100 in the trust hereby declared upon the terms
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and conditions set forth in this Agreement and acknowledges that any amounts
deposited in the Escrow Account from time to time shall be held in trust for the
benefit of the Beneficial Parties in accordance with the terms and conditions of
this Agreement. No Entity other than the Beneficial Parties shall have any rights
hereunder as the beneficiaries of or as third party beneficiaries under this
2.3 General Right of Withdrawal
The Escrow Bank shall not make any transfer or withdrawal other than in
accordance with this Agreement, unless the Escrow Bank has received the prior
written instructions of the Beneficial Parties authorising such use.
3. The Escrow Account
The Escrow Account shall comprise of the following sub-accounts:
3.1 Receivables Account
(A) Deposits to the Receivables Account
The Company hereby undertakes that it shall deposit into the Receivables
Account all its Receivables immediately upon receipt thereof.
(B) Withdrawals from the Receivables Account
Immediately on receipt of monies into the Receivables Account, the
Escrow Bank shall withdraw such monies and deposit the same into the
Proceeds Account.
3.2 Proceeds Account
The Proceeds Account shall be established by the Escrow Bank at its New Delhi
branch in the name of the Company.
(A) Deposits into the Proceeds Account
(i) The Escrow Bank shall in accordance with Section 3.1 of this
Agreement, immediately on such deposit, transfer monies
deposited in the Receivables Account, into the Proceeds Account.
(B) Withdrawals from the Proceeds Account
(a) As long as there is no Event of Default, on any date, the Escrow
Bank shall withdraw amounts deposited in the Proceeds Account
only towards the following purposes and in the following order of
priority (hereinafter the “Priority Cash-flow Application”):
(i) to pay amounts into the Statutory Dues Account such that
by no later than the last day of any Month the amounts so
transferred in that Month are equal to the monthly Statutory
Dues for the following Month.
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(ii) to pay amounts into the AAI Fee Account such that by no
later than the last day of any Month the amounts so
transferred in that Month are equal to the monthly AAI Fee
for the following Month.
(iii) To pay amounts other than AAI Fee, if any, payable by the
JVC to AAI under the OMDA, as notified in writing by
AAI to the Escrow Bank.
(iv) to pay any and all balance amounts into the Surplus
(b) It is hereby expressly clarified that if, in any Month, the funds
available in the Proceeds Account for transfer to any sub-account
in accordance with Section 3.2(B)(a) are insufficient to pay the
amount required to be paid in each of the sub-accounts in
accordance with Section 3.2(B)(a), then the Escrow Bank shall
transfer funds to the relevant sub-account in accordance with the
Priority Cash-flow Application.
3.3 Statutory Dues Account
The Statutory Dues Account shall be established by the Escrow Bank at New
Delhi in the name of the Company.
(A) Withdrawals from the Statutory Dues Account
On the deposit of any amounts in the Statutory Dues Account in
accordance with Section 3.2(B)(a)(i), the Escrow Bank shall withdraw
amounts from the Statutory Dues Account as are required by the Company
to make payments of Statutory Dues as required under Applicable Law.
3.4 AAI Fee Account
The AAI Fee Account shall be established by the Escrow Bank at New Delhi in
the name of Company.
(A) Withdrawals from the AAI Fee Account
On the deposit of any amounts in the AAI Fee Account in accordance with
Section 3.2(B)(a)(ii), the Escrow Bank shall withdraw amounts from the
AAI Fee Account as are required by the AAI
3.5 Surplus Account
The Surplus Account shall be established by the Escrow Bank in the name of the
(A) Withdrawals from the Surplus Account
The Escrow Bank shall pay, from time to time, to the Company, within
three (3) days of receiving directions in this regard from the Company,
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such amounts from the Surplus Account as the Company may direct.
Provided however, in the event of the Escrow Bank receiving directions
from the Lenders or their agent/ trustee, then the Escrow Bank shall follow
the instructions of the Lenders (or their agents/ trustee) in relation to the
Surplus Account and amounts therein.
4. Authorised Investments
4.1 Power to Invest
(i) So long as the Escrow Bank is not notified of an Event of Default, the
Escrow Bank shall, from the amounts standing to the credit of the
Escrow Account (and any sub-accounts thereunder), invest in
Authorised Investments as provided in this Agreement (“Permitted
Investment”) and in each case with respect to those amounts next
anticipated to be transferred or withdrawn, the Permitted Investment in
relation thereof, shall have a scheduled maturity no later than such next
anticipated cash withdrawal or transfer from such Account in
accordance with this Agreement.
(ii) Upon the occurrence and during the continuance of an Event of
Default, investment of such funds and reinvestment shall be made in
Authorised Investments with the consent of AAI.
(iii) Section 20 of the Indian Trusts Act, 1882 shall not apply to
investments of amounts in the Escrow Account in Authorised
5. Escrow Bank provisions
5.1 Escrow Bank and the Beneficial Parties
(a) The Beneficial Parties hereby appoint the Escrow Bank for benefit of the
Beneficial Parties in connection herewith, and authorise the Escrow Bank to
exercise such rights, powers, authorities and discretions as are specifically
delegated to the Escrow Bank by the terms hereof together with all such rights,
powers, authorities and discretions as are reasonably incidental hereto, and the
Escrow Bank accepts such appointment pursuant to the terms hereof.
(b) The JVC hereby agree to pay to the Escrow Bank, fees of Rs. [ ] per [ ] as
consideration for acting as the Escrow Bank hereunder.
5.2 Obligations of the Escrow Bank
The Escrow Bank:
(a) undertakes to perform only such duties as are specifically set forth to be
performed in this Agreement, in accordance with the terms and conditions
contained herein, and further undertakes to act in good faith and without
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(b) may, in the absence of bad faith or gross negligence on its part, rely as to
any matters of fact which might reasonably be expected to be within the
knowledge of the Company upon a certificate signed by or on behalf of the
(c) may, in the absence of bad faith or gross negligence on its part, rely upon
the authenticity of any communication or documents believed by it to be
(d) shall, within five (5) Business Days after receipt, deliver a copy to AAI of
any notice or document received by the Escrow Bank (in its capacity as the
Escrow Bank) from the Company or any other Entity;
(e) Shall, within five (5) Business Days after receipt, deliver a copy to the
Company of any notice or document received by the Escrow Bank (in its
capacity as the Escrow Bank) from AAI or any Entity in connection
herewith; and
(f) Shall within seven (7) Business Days prior to any date on which any
payment is due to a Beneficial Party in accordance with the terms and
conditions of this Agreement, provide notice to AAI of any anticipated
shortfall in the Escrow Account (or any account thereunder) for making
any payments due in accordance with the terms and conditions of this
6. Term and Termination
6.1 This Agreement shall, unless terminated earlier by the mutual consent of the
Parties or otherwise in accordance with the provisions of this Section by written
notice from the Beneficial Parties to the Escrow Bank, remain in full force and
effect for the duration of the OMDA.
6.2 AAI may, after consultation with the Company, at any time may remove the
Escrow Bank, with or without cause, and appoint a successor Escrow Bank by
written notice of such action to the Company, the Escrow Bank and the successor
Escrow Bank.
Provided however that AAI shall not be required to consult with the Company (as
required above) if an Event of Default has occurred and is subsisting.
6.3 If, at any time, the Escrow Bank or any of its associates, shall become a Beneficial
Party and after such time there is an Event of Default, the Escrow Bank shall
resign as Escrow Bank immediately upon the occurrence of such Event of Default,
if in the sole judgement of the other Beneficial Parties (which, for this purpose,
shall not include the Escrow Bank), there shall be, or be reasonably likely that
there will arise, any conflict in or impediment to the Escrow Bank’s performance
as Escrow Bank under this Agreement.
6.4 The Escrow Bank shall be entitled to terminate its services under this Agreement
if the Company/AAI fails to comply with any of its material obligations owed to
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the Escrow Bank under this Agreement and fails to remedy the failure within
sixty (60) days after receipt of notice thereof from the Escrow Bank to the
Company, provided however, AAI has arranged for the appointment of a
successor Escrow Bank and arrangements are made for the transfer of amounts
deposited in the Escrow Account (including any sub-accounts thereof) to new
accounts established with successor Escrow Bank.
6.5 (i) Any successor Escrow Bank appointed as provided in accordance with this
Section 6 shall execute, acknowledge and deliver to, and for the benefit of,
the Beneficial Parties and to its predecessor Escrow Bank an instrument
accepting such appointment, and thereupon the resignation or removal of
the predecessor Escrow Bank shall become effective and such successor
Escrow Bank, without any further act, deed or conveyance, shall become
vested with all the rights, powers, duties and obligations of its predecessor
hereunder, as if it was originally named as Escrow Bank;
(ii) provided that on the written request of the Beneficial Parties or of the
successor Escrow Bank, the Escrow Bank ceasing to act shall take such
steps or actions as are required of it by the Beneficial Parties, including
without limitation the execution and delivery of an instrument or
instruments transferring and assigning to such successor Escrow Bank
(without obligation to indemnify such successor) all the rights and powers
of the Escrow Bank so ceasing to act, delivery to the Beneficial Parties all
documents, instruments, etc. relating to its obligations under this
(iii) Upon the reasonable request of any such successor Escrow Bank, the
Beneficial Parties shall execute any and all instruments in writing in order
more fully and certainly to vest in and confer to such successor Escrow
Bank all such rights and powers.
6.6 Any corporation into which the Escrow Bank may be merged or converted or with
which it may be consolidated or any corporation resulting from any merger,
conversion or consolidation to which the Escrow Bank shall be a party, or any
corporation succeeding to the corporate Escrow Bank’s rights or business or
either, shall, subject to approval of AAI, be the successor of the Escrow Bank with
all rights, benefits, obligations and duties as were originally available and
provided for to the transferor Escrow Bank in relation to the merger, conversion or
consolidation proceedings or process.
6.7 Books and Records
6.7.1 The Escrow Bank shall be responsible for maintaining a correct and complete
record of all transactions, deposits, withdrawals or transfer of funds relating to the
Escrow Account (and all sub-accounts thereof).
6.7.2 AAI shall have unrestricted access to review such books and records of the
Escrow Bank in relation to the Escrow Account subject to restrictions in law. The
Company irrevocably grants AAI access to review the books and records of the
Escrow Account and irrevocably waives any right of confidentiality, which may
exist in respect of such books and records.
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6.8 Determination of Amount and Events
(a) The Escrow Bank shall be entitled to rely as to the following matters
exclusively upon the following documents (insofar as the same are
delivered to the Escrow Bank):
(i) with respect to occurrences of Events of Default, the relevant notice
of AAI of an Event of Default.
(b) The Escrow Bank may with the consent of AAI for all purposes rely on a
certificate, signed by an authorised officer of the Company as to any fact
or matter, the manner of ascertainment of which, is not specifically
provided for herein.
6.9 Statement of Authorised Investments
Upon the request of AAI, and in any event, not later than five (5) Business Days
after the end of any calendar Month, the Escrow Bank shall deliver to the
Beneficial Parties a schedule of investments acquired or disposed of during that
Month in such detail as AAI may reasonably require.
6.10 Confidentiality
The Escrow Bank agrees to keep all information (“Information”) (including the
terms and conditions of this Agreement and/or any and all of the Project
Agreements) made available (whether before or after the date of this Agreement)
by any of the Parties to the Escrow Bank concerning the Company or the Project,
confidential, and hereby undertakes and covenants not to communicate any
Information, or allow any Information to be communicated to any third party
(a) in connection with any proceedings arising out of or in connection with
this Agreement to the extent that such party may consider it necessary to
protect its interest or the interests of the Escrow Bank; or
(b) required to do so by an order of a court of competent jurisdiction whether
or not in pursuance of any procedure for discovering documents; or
(c) pursuant to any Applicable Law in accordance with which such party is
required to act; or
(d) to its auditors for the purposes of enabling the auditors to complete an
audit of the Escrow Bank or to its legal advisers when seeking bona fide
legal advice in connection with this Agreement; or
(e) in circumstances where the relevant Information has been published or
announced by the Company and/or any other Beneficial Party in
conditions free from confidentiality or has otherwise entered the public
domain without default on the part of the relevant Party; or
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(f) the Information was obtained by such Escrow Bank from an independent
or third party source who was not in breach of any confidentiality
obligations with the Beneficial Parties.
6.11 Not Acting in Individual Capacity
In accepting the trusts hereby created, the Escrow Bank acts solely in its capacity
as a Escrow Bank and not in its individual capacity and all Entities having any
claim against the Escrow Bank by reason of the transactions contemplated by the
Project Agreements shall look only to the Company for payment or satisfaction
thereof, save and except as provided in this Agreement, other than as a result of
its wilful misconduct or gross negligence.
6.12 Indemnity
The Company shall indemnify the Escrow Bank for any and all liabilities,
obligations, losses, damages, penalties, actions, judgments, suits, costs, expenses,
claims or disbursements of any kind or nature whatsoever which may be imposed
upon, incurred by or asserted against the Escrow Bank in any way in connection
with or arising out of the negotiation, preservation or enforcement of any rights
under, or in carrying out its duties under this Agreement (other than those
incurred on account of gross negligence or willful default on the part of the
Escrow Bank).
7. Representations and warranties of the Escrow Bank and the Company
Each of the Escrow Bank and the Company represent and warrant that it is duly
organised and validly existing under the laws of India with power to enter into this
Agreement and to exercise its rights and perform its obligations hereunder and has
taken all corporate and other actions required for the execution of this Agreement
and the performance of its obligations hereunder. The Escrow Bank represents
and warrants that it shall hold all funds in the Escrow Account in trust for the
benefit of the Beneficial Parties in accordance with the provisions of this
Agreement and further represents and warrants that it has obtained all approvals,
permits and other clearances required for the execution of this Agreement and the
performance of its obligations hereunder.
8. Miscellaneous
8.1 Restriction on Assignment
Save as provided in Section 6, the Company and the Escrow Bank, shall not
assign or transfer any part of their respective rights or obligations under this
Agreement without the prior consent of AAI. It is expressly agreed between the
Parties that nothing in this Section 8.1 shall prevent AAI from assigning, novating
or transferring its rights, benefits and obligations under this Agreement to any
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8.2 Notices
8.2.1 All notices shall be sent to a Party hereto at its address and contact number
specified in Schedule A appended hereto, or at such other address and contact
number as is designated by such Party in a written notice to the other Parties
8.2.2 All such notices and communications shall be effective (i) if sent by telex, when
sent (with the correct answerback), (ii) if sent by telecopier, when sent (on receipt
of a confirmation to the correct telecopier number), (iii) if sent by person, when
delivered, (iv) if sent by courier, (a) one Business Day after deposit with an
overnight courier if for inland delivery and (b) five Business Days after deposit
with an international courier if for overseas delivery and (c) if sent by registered
letter when the registered letter would, in the ordinary course of post, be delivered
whether actually delivered or not.
8.2.3 An original of each notice and communication sent by telex or telecopy shall be
dispatched by person, overnight courier (if for inland delivery) or international
courier (if for overseas delivery) and, if such person or courier service is not
available, by registered airmail (or, if for inland delivery, registered first class
mail) with postage prepaid, provided that the effective date of any such notice
shall be determined in accordance with Section 8.2.2, as the case may be, without
regard to the dispatch of such original.
8.3 No Waivers; Remedies
No failure on the part of any Party to exercise, and no delay in exercising, any
right, power or privilege hereunder shall operate as a waiver thereof or a consent
thereto; nor shall any single or partial exercise of any such right, power or
privilege preclude any other of further exercise thereof or the exercise of any other
right, power or privilege. The remedies herein provided are cumulative and not
exclusive of any remedies provided by Applicable Law.
8.4 Severability
Any provision of this Agreement that is prohibited or unenforceable in any
jurisdiction shall, as to such jurisdiction, be ineffective to the extent of prohibition
or unenforceability but that shall not invalidate the remaining provisions of this
Agreement or affect such provision in any other jurisdiction.
8.5 Amendments or Waiver
No amendment or waiver of any provision of this Agreement, nor consent to any
departure by any of the Parties therefrom, shall in any event be effective unless
the same shall be in writing and signed by the Parties hereto and then such waiver
or consent shall be effective only in the specific instance and for the specific
purpose for which given.
8.6 Governing Law
This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws
of India.
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8.7 Dispute Settlement
8.7.1 The Parties shall use their respective reasonable endeavours to settle any Dispute
amicably. If a Dispute is not resolved within thirty (30) days after written notice
of a Dispute by one Party (or a group or Parties) (the “Claimant(s)”) to the other
Party (or group of Parties) (the “Respondent(s)”) then the provisions of Section
8.7.2 to Section 8.7.7 shall apply.
8.7.2 Any and all Disputes arising out of, or in relation to, this Agreement or the
interpretation or construction of any provisions herein, which are not settled
amicably by the Parties pursuant to Section 8.8.1 hereinabove, shall be finally
settled, as per the provisions set out herein, by arbitration in accordance with the
Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996.
8.7.3 Any Dispute shall be referred to an arbitral tribunal consisting of three (3)
arbitrators (hereinafter “Arbitral Tribunal”). The Claimant(s) and the
Respondent(s) shall each appoint one (1) arbitrator to the Arbitral Tribunal and the
two arbitrators thus appointed shall choose the third arbitrator, who shall also act
as the presiding arbitrator of the Arbitral Tribunal.
8.7.4 The decision(s) of the Arbitral Tribunal, supported by reasons for such decision
shall be final and binding on the Parties.
8.7.5 The venue of arbitration shall be New Delhi.
8.7.6 The governing law of the arbitration shall be the substantive laws of India.
8.7.7 This Article 8.7 shall survive the termination or expiry of this Agreement.
8.8 Regulatory Approvals
The Company shall procure and shall thereafter maintain and comply with all
regulatory approvals required for it to establish and operate the Escrow Account.
8.9 Notification of Balances
Within seven (7) days following the end of each calendar Month, the Escrow
Bank shall notify AAI of the respective balances in the Escrow Account
(including balances in each of the sub-accounts thereunder) as on the last Business
Day (of the Month).
8.10 Additional Rights
Any rights conferred on the Parities pursuant to this Agreement shall be in
addition to and not in substitution for or in derogation of any other rights and
remedies which the Parties may at any time have under the Project Agreements or
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IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Company has caused its Common Seal to be affixed
hereto and to a duplicate hereof on the date first above written and the Escrow Bank and
AAI have caused the same to be executed by the hand of an authorised official.
The signature of the authorised
representative of the [COMPANY] has
been affixed pursuant to the resolution of
its Board of Directors dated the ______ day
_______________________, which has
hereunto been affixed in the presence of
Shri ________, and Shri _______,
Directors who have signed these presents in
token thereof and countersigned by
__________, the authorised officer /
Company Secretary
[ESCROW BANK] by the hand of
its authorised official.
the hand of
____________________________ its
authorised official.
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Name of Party:
Tele No:
Fax No:
Name of Party:
Tele No:
Fax No:
Tele No:
Fax No:
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1. G. V. Sanjay Reddy;
2. RamaMurty Yadavalli;
3. C. Venkata Ramana;
4. Cornelius Muller;
5. Francois Swanepoel;
6. Henk de Lange;
7. Robert Edwin Gurr; and
8. Akshaye Babu.
As suitably substituted by JVC with relevant experts from time to time.
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Passenger Baggage Handling; and
Drinking water.
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B.G. No. _______________________________________ dated
This Deed of Guarantee (“Bid Bond”) executed at ______________ by
________________ (Name of Bank) having its Head/Registered office at
_______________________________ (hereinafter referred to as “the Guarantor”) which
expression shall unless it be repugnant to the subject or context thereof include its
executors, administrators, successors and assigns;
In favour of
The Airports Authority of India (hereinafter called “AAI”), having its office at
__________________________________________, which expression shall unless it be
repugnant to the subject or context thereof include its executors, administrators,
successors and assigns:
Whereas M/s. _____________________, a [Entity]
[registered under provisions of the
Companies Act, 1956 having its registered office]
at ________________ (hereinafter
called “the Applicant”) which expression shall unless it be repugnant to the subject or
context therefor include its executors, administrators, successors and assigns, has bid for
the Restructuring and Modernisation of the Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport
(hereinafter referred to as “the Project”)
Whereas in terms of the Request for Proposal Document dated April 01, 2005 (hereinafter
referred to as “RFP Document”) the Applicant is required to furnish to the AAI an
unconditional and irrevocable bank guarantee for an amount of Rs. 50 Crores (Rs
500,000,000 only) or Rs. 500 crores (Rs. 5000,000,000 only), as the case may be, as Bid
Bond and the Guarantor has at the request of the Applicant agreed to provide such
Guarantee being these presents:
Now this deed witnesseth that in consideration of the premises, We,
____________________________the Guarantor hereby declare, undertake and agree as
a) We as primary obligor shall unconditionally and irrevocably pay to the AAI,
without demur, an amount not exceeding Rs. 50 Crores (Rupees 500,000,000
only) or Rs. 500 crores (Rs. 5000,000,000 only), as the case may be, within 5 days
of receipt of a written demand from the AAI stating that the Bid Bond has been
invoked and forfeited upon the Applicant being declared and notified by AAI as a
Successful Bidder and the Applicant not fulfilling the requirements as per terms of
the RFP Document. Any such demand made on us by the AAI shall be conclusive
and absolute as regards to the invocation and the forfeiture of the Bid Bond and
Type of Entity as appropriate
Registration details
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the amount due and payable under this Guarantee. We expressly acknowledge that
this Guarantee may be invoked multiple times.
b) The above payment shall be made by us without any reference to the Applicant or
any other person and irrespective of whether the claim of the AAI is disputed by
the Applicant or not.
c) This Guarantee shall remain in full force for a period of _______________
months from (date) _______ or for such extended period as may be mutually
agreed between the AAI and the Applicant and shall continue to be enforceable
till all amounts under this Guarantee are paid.
d) In order to give full effect to this Guarantee, the AAI shall be entitled to treat the
Guarantor as the principal debtor and the obligations of the Guarantor shall not be
affected by any variations in the terms and conditions of the RFP Document or
other documents or by extension of time of performance of any obligations by the
Applicant or any postponement for any time of the powers exercisable by the AAI
against the Applicant or forebear or enforce any of the terms and conditions
relating to non-compliance of the RFP Document by the Applicant and we shall
not be relieved from our obligations by reason of any variation or extension being
granted to the Applicant or forbearance or omission on the part of the AAI or any
indulgence by the AAI to the Applicant to give such matter or thing whatsoever
which under the law relating to sureties would but for this provision have effect of
so relieving us.
e) This Guarantee shall be irrevocable and shall remain in full force and effect until
all our obligations under this Guarantee are duly discharged.
f) Any payment made hereunder shall be made free and clear of and without
deduction for, or on account of, any present or future charges, fees, commissions,
deductions or whatsoever and by whom ever imposed.
g) The Guarantor has power and authority to validly execute and issue this Guarantee
and the undersigned is duly authorised to execute and deliver this Guarantee
pursuant to the power granted under ___________ and its obligations under this
Guarantee will be legally valid and binding and enforceable against it.
h) Notices.
Any demand certificate, notice or any other communication under this Guarantee
shall be (i) in writing and (ii) faxed or sent by person, or overnight courier at the
following addresses:
All such Demand Certificates, notices and communications shall be effective (i) if
sent by fax, when sent (with the correct answerback), (ii) if sent by person, when
delivered, (iii) if sent by courier one (1) Business Day after deposit with an
Bidder to ensure that the Bid Bond is valid for the Bid Period as per the RFP
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overnight courier, and (iv) if sent by registered letter when the registered letter
would, in the ordinary course of post, be delivered whether actually delivered or
i) This Guarantee is subject to the laws of India. Any suit, action, or other
proceedings arising out of this Guarantee or the subject matter hereof shall be
subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of courts of New Delhi, India. .
In Witness whereof the Guarantor has set its hands hereunto on the day, month
and year first hereinabove written.
Signed and Delivered by ______________
Bank by the hand of Shri ______________
Its ___________________ and authorised official.
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Dated [•]
Subject: Performance Bank Guarantee
This PERFORMANCE BANK GUARANTEE (hereinafter the “Guarantee”) is made at
[New Delhi] on the [] day of [] 2005
A. JVC, a company incorporated under the Companies Act, 1956 having its
registered office at [•] (hereinafter referred to as the “JVC”, which expression
shall, unless repugnant to the context or meaning thereof, include its successors
and permitted assigns) has entered into an Operations, Management and
Development Agreement dated [•] (hereinafter such agreement, as amended and
supplemented, referred to as the “OMDA”) with Airports Authority of India
(hereinafter referred to as “AAI”, which expression shall, unless repugnant to the
context or meaning thereof, include its successors and assigns) for undertaking the
project of operating, maintaining, developing, designing, constructing, upgrading,
modernising, financing and managing the Airport.
B. As per the terms and conditions of the OMDA, the JVC is obliged to furnish to
AAI an irrevocable, unconditional and automatic revolving bank guarantee from a
scheduled commercial bank in India, of a value and validity as set forth hereunder.
C. [•] having its registered office at [•] and a branch office at [New Delhi], India,
(hereinafter referred to as the “Bank”, which expression shall unless repugnant to
the context or meaning thereof be deemed to mean and include its successors),
being a schedule commercial bank in India, has at the request of the JVC, agreed
to issue this performance bank guarantee, in accordance with the terms and
conditions set forth hereunder, in favour of AAI.
NOW THEREFORE, the Bank hereby undertakes the pecuniary responsibility of the
JVC to the AAI for the due performance of the OMDA and hereby issues in favour of the
AAI this irrevocable and unconditional performance and payment bank guarantee
(hereinafter referred to as the “Guarantee”) on behalf of the JVC.
1. The Bank for the purpose hereof unconditionally and irrevocably undertakes to
pay to the AAI without any demur, reservation, caveat, protest or recourse;
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immediately on receipt of first written demand from the AAI, a sum or sums (by
way of one or more claims) without the AAI needing to prove or to show to the
Bank grounds or reasons for such demand for the sum specified therein and
notwithstanding any dispute or difference between the AAI and the JVC in respect
of the performance of the OMDA or moneys payable by JVC to the AAI or any
matter whatsoever.
2. The Bank acknowledges that this Guarantee may be invoked more that once and
each one of such demands by the AAI of the amounts payable by the Bank to the
AAI shall be final, binding and conclusive evidence in respect of the amounts
payable by the JVC to the AAI.
3. The Bank hereby waives the necessity for the AAI from demanding the aforesaid
amount or any part thereof from the JVC and also waives any right that the Bank
may have of first requiring the AAI to pursue its legal remedies against the JVC,
before presenting any written demand to the Bank for payment under this
4. The Bank further unconditionally agrees with the AAI that the AAI shall be at
liberty, without the Bank’s consent and without affecting in any manner the
Bank’s obligation under this Guarantee, from time to time to:
(i) vary and/or modify any of the terms and conditions of the OMDA,
(ii) extend and / or postpone the time for performance of the obligations of the
JVC under the OMDA, or
(iii) forbear or enforce any of the rights exercisable by the AAI against the JVC
under the terms and conditions of the OMDA.
and the Bank shall not be relieved from its liability by reason of any such act or
omission on the part of the AAI or any indulgence by the AAI to the JVC or other
thing whatsoever which under the law relating to sureties would, but for this
provision, have the effect of relieving the Bank of its obligations under this
5. The Bank’s obligations under this Guarantee shall not be reduced by reason of any
partial performance of the OMDA. The Bank’s obligations shall not be reduced by
the failure by AAI to timely pay or perform any of its obligations under the
6. Any payment made hereunder shall be made free and clear of and without
deduction for, or on account of, any present or future charges, fees, commissions,
deductions whatsoever and by whom ever imposed.
7. This Guarantee shall be a continuing bank guarantee and shall not be discharged
by the change in constitution of any member of the JVC and the Guarantee shall
not be affected or discharged by the liquidation, winding up, bankruptcy,
reorganization, dissolution of insolvency of the JVC or any member of the JVC or
any other circumstances whatsoever.
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8. This Guarantee shall have a minimum validity of at least twelve (12) months and
shall be rolled over and renewed at least three (3) months prior to its expiry so as
to keep it valid until the expiry or early termination of the OMDA, whichever is
earlier. Provided however that in the event the Bank does not renew the Guarantee
three (3) months prior to its expiry in the manner provided above, the AAI shall,
irrespective of due performance of other terms of the OMDA by the JVC, have the
right to encash the entire amount of the Guarantee in one or more demands. This
Guarantee shall remain valid and subsisting until released by AAI in writing.
9. This Guarantee shall be in addition to and not in substitution or in derogation of
any other security held by the AAI to secure the performance of the obligations of
the JVC under the OMDA.
10. The Bank agrees that the AAI at its option shall be entitled to enforce this
Guarantee against the Bank, as a principal debtor in the first instance without
proceeding at the first instance against the JVC or any other security/ guarantee
that AAI may have.
11. The quantum of the Guarantee shall be Rs. 500,00,00,000/- (Rupees Five Hundred
Crores only)
during the first five (5) years after the Effective Date of the OMDA
(such amount being the “Full Amount” of the Guarantee). In the event any
portion of the Guarantee is en-cashed pursuant hereto, then immediately following
such encashment, the Bank shall replenish the Guarantee to its Full Amount. In
the event the Guarantee is not replenished to its Full Amount within three (3)
months of its encashment in any part, the AAI shall have the right to en-cash the
entire Guarantee.
12. This Guarantee is subject to the laws of India. Any suit, action, or other
proceedings arising out of this Guarantee or the subject matter hereof shall be
subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of courts of New Delhi, India.
13. Capitalised terms not otherwise defined herein shall have their respective
meanings given to such terms as set forth in the OMDA.
14. The Bank has power and authority to validily to execute and issue this Guarantee
and the undersigned is duly authorised to execute and deliver this Guarantee
pursuant to the power granted under ___________ and its obligations under this
Guarantee will be legally valid and binding and enforceable against the Bank.
15 Notices.
Any demand certificate, notice or any other communication under this Guarantee
shall be (i) in writing and (ii) faxed or sent by person, or overnight courier at the
following addresses:
escalating as provided in the OMDA.
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All such Demand Certificates, notices and communications shall be effective (i) if
sent by fax, when sent (with the correct answerback), (ii) if sent by person, when
delivered, (iii) if sent by courier one (1) Business Day after deposit with an
overnight courier, and (iv) if sent by registered letter when the registered letter
would, in the ordinary course of post, be delivered whether actually delivered or
In witness whereof the Bank, through its authorized officer, has set its hand and stamp on
this ____ day of ____ 2005.
In presence of (1)
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[to be given by the JVC and each Consortium Member in favour of AAI]
This Disclaimer Certificate is made on this __________ day of __________, 2005
1. [•], a company incorporated under the Companies Act, 1956 and having its
registered office at [•] (the “JVC”); and
2. Each of the Entities listed in Annexure I hereof (collectively the “Consortium
Members” and individually a “Consortium Member”).
In favour of:
3. The Airports Authority of India, constituted under the Airports Authority of India
Act, 1994, having its principal office at ________________________, acting
through its Chairman (the “AAI”).
A. AAI is an authority established under the Airports Authority of India Act, 1994,
responsible for the development, operation and maintenance of airports in India.
B. The JVC is a joint venture between AAI and the Consortium Members,
established, inter-alia with the objectives of promoting, establishing, developing,
financing, operating and maintaining the Chattarpati Shivaji International Airport
(the “Airport”).
C. AAI and the JVC have entered into an Operation, Management and Development
Agreement dated [ ] (hereinafter referred to as “OMDA”).
NOW, THEREFORE for good and valuable consideration, the receipt, sufficiency and
adequacy of which is hereby acknowledged, and intending to be legally bound hereby, the
JVC and each Consortium Member hereby confirms, declares and acknowledges the
1. that it has read and understood the terms of the OMDA individually and
2. That capitalised terms not defined herein but defined in the OMDA shall, unless
the context otherwise requires, have the meaning assigned thereto in the OMDA.
3. That it has:-
(a) inspected the Airport, and the Airport Site including the terminals and all
buildings thereat and its surroundings;
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(b) satisfied itself as to the nature of the climatic, hydrological and general
physical conditions of the Airport, the nature of the ground and subsoil,
the form and nature of the Airport, and the nature of the design, work and
materials, workmanship, technical know-how and managerial skills
necessary for the performance of the JVC’s obligations under the OMDA
presently and during its currency.
(c) satisfied themselves as to the means of communication with, access to
and accommodation on the Airport it may require or as may be otherwise
necessary for the performance of its obligations under the OMDA;
(d) obtained all necessary information as to the risks, contingencies and all
other circumstances which may influence or affect it or the JVC and its
rights and obligations under the OMDA.
(ii) The Consortium Members expressly acknowledge that they have taken all due
diligence shall have no recourse against the AAI in the event of any mistake made
or misapprehension harboured by any of them in relation to any of the foregoing
provisions of Article 3 (i) above and the AAI’s liability in respect thereof, if any,
is waived.
4. Each of the Consortium Members and the JVC acknowledges that prior to the
execution of the OMDA, they have, after a complete and careful examination,
made an independent evaluation of the Airport as a whole and each of its facilities,
buildings, assets, machinery, equipment, personnel and know-how and have
determined the nature and extent of the difficulties, upgradations, inputs, costs,
time, resources, risks and hazards that are likely to arise or may be faced by the
JVC in the course of the performance of its obligations under the OMDA and the
extent and manner of modernisation required now or from time to time during the
currency of the OMDA.
5. Each of the Consortium Members and the JVC acknowledges and hereby accepts
the difficulties, upgradations, inputs, costs, time, resources, risks and hazards
associated with the performance of the JVC’s obligations the OMDA and hereby
agrees that AAI shall not be liable for the same in any manner whatsoever to JVC,
other than as expressly provided in the OMDA.
6. The Consortium Members and the JVC bind themselves that they shall not be
entitled to make any claim against the AAI or any Government Authority whether
for rescission, in damages or otherwise on the grounds of any misunderstanding or
misapprehension in respect of incorrect or insufficient information given to them
by any Entity, whether or not in the employ of the AAI or any Government
Authority, nor, unless expressly provided otherwise in the OMDA, shall the JVC
be relieved from any obligations or risks imposed on or undertaken by it under the
OMDA on any such ground or on the ground that it did not or could not foresee
any matter which may, in fact, affect or have affected the performance of its
obligations under the OMDA.
7. Subject to the provisions of the OMDA, the JVC and the Consortium Members
declare that the JVC shall be fully and exclusively responsible for, and shall bear
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the financial, technical, commercial, legal and other risks in relation to the design,
financing, modernization, construction, completion, commissioning, maintenance,
operation, management and development of the Airport and all its other rights and
obligations under or pursuant to the OMDA regardless of whatever risks,
contingencies, circumstances and/or hazards may be encountered (foreseen or not
foreseen) and notwithstanding any change(s) in any of such risks, contingencies,
circumstances and/or hazards on exceptional grounds or otherwise and whether
foreseen or not foreseen and none of the JVC or any Consortium Member shall
have any right whether express or implied to bring any claim against, or to recover
any compensation or other amount from, the AAI, GOI and/or any of their
agencies other than in respect of those matters in respect of which express
provision is made in the OMDA.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, each of the Consortium Members and the JVC have caused
their respective duly authorized representatives to execute this Disclaimer Certificate on
the day and year first above written.
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The scope of duties of Independent Engineer is:
(a) to review all designs, drawings, specifications and procurement documents to
assess compliance with:
(i) Finalised Major Development Plan (if applicable)
(ii) Development Standards and Requirements as detailed in Schedule 1 and
with the finalised Major Development Plan
(b) to review ‘benchmarking’ exercise carried out by JVC for the project
specifications and cost against national and international airport projects of similar
scope and nature so as to avoid padding of costs and/ or gold plating.
(c) to review development reports submitted by the JVC to assess compliance of
works undertaken in relation to the Development Standards and Requirements as
detailed in Schedule 1 and with the approved Major Development Plan. In this
regard, the Independent Engineer shall ensure that
(i) owners requirements, Master Plan requirements, specifications and design
parameters in any agreement or agreed through OMDA mechanism have
been fully addressed/ complied with.
(ii) Quantity are reasonable
(iii) Reasonable and fair time for completion of projects (excepting Mandatory
Capital Projects/ Stage-I projects) has been given
(d) to review the award of any contract in relation to any and all aspects of design,
construction, completion, commission and development of the Airport or any
other commercial contract to any Group Entities of the JVC.
(e) to perform any other duties as would be deemed necessary and specified in his
appointment letter.
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(To be provided by the consortium members, as appropriate and relevant)
B.G. No. _______________________________________ dated ______________.
This Deed of Guarantee (“Equity Bank Guarantee” or “Guarantee”) executed at
______________ by ________________ (Name of Bank) having its Head/Registered
office at _______________________________ (hereinafter referred to as “the
Guarantor”) which expression shall unless it be repugnant to the subject or context
thereof include its executors, administrators, successors and assigns;
In favour of
The [JVC] (hereinafter called “JVC”), having its office at
__________________________________________, which expression shall unless it be
repugnant to the subject or context thereof include its executors, administrators,
successors and assigns:
Whereas M/s. _____________________, a [Entity]
[registered under provisions of the
Companies Act, 1956 having its registered office]
at ________________ (hereinafter
called “the Applicant”) which expression shall unless it be repugnant to the subject or
context thereof include its executors, administrators, successors and assigns, has bid for
the Restructuring and Modernisation of the Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport
(hereinafter referred to as “the Project”)
Whereas in terms of the Request for Proposal Document dated 1
April, 2005 (hereinafter
referred to as “RFP Document”) and subsequent clarifications thereto the Applicant is
required to furnish to the AAI unconditional and irrevocable bank guarantee for an
amount of Rs. [______]
Crores (Rs ____________
only), as Equity Bank Guarantee
and the Guarantor has at the request of the Applicant agreed to provide such Guarantee
being these presents:
Now this deed witnesseth that in consideration of the premises, We,
____________________________ (the “Guarantor”) hereby declare, undertake and agree
as follows:
(a) We as primary obligor unconditionally and irrevocably undertake to pay to the
AAI/ JVC without demur reservation caveat, protest or recourse, an amount not
Type of Entity as appropriate
Registration details
Insert amount as applicable. This would be the higher of Rs. 500 Crores or the amount
required for equity in the first seven years after Effective Date, as set forth in the
financing plan as submitted by the Successful Bidders per of the RFP requirement (as
updated for, inter alia, the actual Annual Fee payable, traffic forecasts, and tariff
Insert amount in words as applicable
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exceeding Rs. [______]
Crores (Rs __________
only), within 5 days of
receipt of a written demand (such demand to be made by JVC or the Airports
Authority of India (the “AAI”) (it being expressly understood and agreed that AAI
shall have the right and authority to invoke and make demands under this
Guarantee for and on behalf of JVC) only after expiry of the last date of receipt of
equity subscription as per the terms of the equity issue by the JVC) from the JVC
or the AAI stating that the Equity Bank Guarantee has been invoked (without the
AAI or the JVC needing to prove or to share grounds or reasons for such demand)
and forfeited upon the Applicant not subscribing to its share of equity capital call
being made by the JVC on any date post the Effective Date of the OMDA. Any
such demand made on us by the AAI or the JVC shall be final, binding and
conclusive evidence and absolute as regards to the invocation and the forfeiture of
the Equity Bank Guarantee and the amount due and payable under this Equity
Bank Guarantee. We expressly acknowledge that this Equity Bank Guarantee may
be invoked more than once.
(b) The above payment shall be made by us without any reference to the Applicant or
any other person and irrespective of whether the claim of the JVC or AAI is
disputed by the Applicant or not. It is clarified that multiple draw downs may be
made by the JVC/ AAI hereunder.
(c) This Equity Bank Guarantee shall have a minimum validity of at least twelve (12)
months and shall be rolled over and renewed at least three (3) months prior to its
expiry so as to keep it valid until released by AAI in writing. Provided however
that in the event this Equity Bank Guarantee is not renewed three (3) months prior
to its expiry in the manner provided above, AAI or JVC shall have the right to
encash the entire amount of this Guarantee. This Equity Bank Guarantee shall
remain in full force for a period of 1 year
from (date) _______
or for such
extended period as may be mutually agreed between the AAI and the Applicant
and shall continue to be enforceable till all amounts under this Guarantee are paid.
(d) The value of this Equity Bank Guarantee may be progressively reduced
correspondingly as any amounts are infused by the Applicant into the JVC as
(e) In order to give full effect to this Equity Bank Guarantee, the JVC / AAI shall be
entitled to treat the Guarantor as the principal debtor and the obligations of the
Guarantor shall not be affected by any variations in the terms and conditions of
the RFP Document or other documents or by extension of time of performance of
any obligations by the Applicant or any postponement for any time of the powers
exercisable by the JVC / AAI against the Applicant or forebear once to or enforce
any of the terms and conditions relating to non-compliance of the RFP Document
by the Applicant and we shall not be relieved from our obligations by reason of
Insert amount as applicable
Insert amount in words as applicable
Annual guarantee rolled over for a period of upto 7 years from the Effective Date or
upto the date of equity capitalization, whichever is later. The rolling over to happen one
month prior to expiry of period of guarantee
Insert Bid Date
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any variation or extension being granted to the Applicant or forbearance or
omission on the part of the AAI / JVC or any indulgence by the AAI or JVC to the
Applicant to give such matter or thing whatsoever which under the law relating to
sureties would but for this provision have effect of so relieving us.
(f) Any payment made hereunder shall be made free and clear of and without
deduction for, or on account of, any present or future charges, fees, commissions,
deductions whatsoever and by whom ever imposed.
(g) This Guarantee shall be irrevocable and shall remain in full force and effect until
all our obligations under this Guarantee are duly discharged.
(h) The Guarantor has power and authority to validly to execute and issue this
Guarantee and the undersigned is duly authorised to execute and deliver this
Guarantee pursuant to the power granted under ___________ and its obligations
under this Guarantee will be legally valid and binding and enforceable against it.
(i) Notices.
Any demand certificate, notice or any other communication under this Guarantee
shall be (i) in writing and (ii) faxed or sent by person, or overnight courier at the
following addresses:
All such Demand Certificates, notices and communications shall be effective (i) if
sent by fax, when sent (with the correct answerback), (ii) if sent by person, when
delivered, (iii) if sent by courier one (1) Business Day after deposit with an
overnight courier, and (iv) if sent by registered letter when the registered letter
would, in the ordinary course of post, be delivered whether actually delivered or
(j) This Guarantee is subject to the laws of India. Any suit, action, or other
proceedings arising out of this Guarantee or the subject matter hereof shall be
subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of courts of New Delhi, India.
In Witness whereof the Guarantor has set its hands hereunto on the day, month
and year first hereinabove written.
Signed and Delivered by ______________
Bank by the hand of Shri ______________
Its ___________________ and authorised official.
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The estimated operation support cost for CSI Airport, Mumbai for three
years is as under:
Year Operation Support Cost
2006-07 Rs. 95 Crores
2007-08 Rs.118 Crores
2008-09 Rs. 126 Crores
The above estimates are based on the current pay scales and allowances and do not
1. Revision of pay and allowances due from 01.01.2007.
2. Taxes like Fringe Benefits tax implemented by Finance Act 2005, Service
Tax etc.
3 Effect on any employee welfare scheme which may be implemented by
AAI during the operation support period.
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JVC is required to obtain the following Clearances:
Custodianship for Import/Export and Transhipment goods and Cargo
Registration under Contract Labour Act
Any and all other clearances as required to commence operation.
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(Map Demarcating Demised Premises Enclosed)
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Details of the Carved out Assets
Mumbai Airport
Assets/Leases Area of Land
(Sq Metres)
1. New ATC Tower 12,045.50
2. The NAD staff colony of AAI 2,02,919.44
3. Lease of land to Hotel Leela Venture 27,000.00
4. All retail fuel outlets which are outside the airport
operational boundary.
5. Convention Centre 64,749.60
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LIST OF EXISTING LEASES: Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport
Land lease arrangements
Land allotted to foreign and domestic private airlines
S. No. Name of Agency Area (m
) Purpose Agreement Period
1 M/s. Jet Airways 451+(1400
Parking of ramp equipment 05-12-96 to 04-12-97
10524 Maintenance of ground support
equipment and engineering
15-12-99 to 14-12-04
391 Paved area for cargo shed 01-12-00 to 01-12-01
4390 Parking space 30-06-99 to 29-06-02
1261 Parking space for ramp
11-03-99 to 28-02-02
237.45 Bellman hangar 10-12-98 to 09-12-01
1136 Open area at old airport 14-08-98 to 13-08-01
554 Open area at old airport 14-08-98 to 13-08-01
11850 Construction of hangar 15-10-01 to 14-10-11
1889 Open area at old airport 01-12-00 to 30-11-01
2 M/s Sahara Airways 953 Parking space for ramp
From 15-09-99 on temporary
3 M/s. Visa Airways 120 For porta cabin 17-01-02 to 28-09-03
4 M/s. Air Deccan 422 Open paved land for ground
support parking
30-12-03 to 29-12-06
5 M/s. Cathay Pacific 1000 Open paved land for ground
support parking
01-04-01 to 31-03-04
300 ULD parking 04-04-91 to 31-03-03
6 M/s Air France 300 Open paved land for ground
support parking
18-04-91 to 13-09-93
7 M/s Gulf Air 200 Open paved land for ground
support parking
15-04-91 to 31-03-03
8 M/s Lufthansa
250 Open paved land for ground
support parking
11-04-91 to 31-03-00
9 M/s Kuwait Airways 800 Open paved land for ground
support parking
04-04-91 to 31-03-99
1.1.2 Land allotted to Air India and Indian Airlines
Sr. No. Name of Agency Area (m
) Purpose Agreement Due date
1 Air India 342563 Offices, hangars and roads N.A.
3600 Old airport additional land for apron /
10-04-00 to 09-04-10
78646 1st Housing Colony 14-05-55 to 15-05-90
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Sr. No. Name of Agency Area (m
) Purpose Agreement Due date
43839 2
Housing Colony 22-02-64 to 23-02-99
17400 Ramp operation office and workshop
for first line maintenance
01-06-79 to 01-07-84
8365 Cargo Warehouse at NITC 02-11-82 to 02-11-87
8600 Additional area cargo warehouse at
03-11-83 to 02-11-88
9996 Transport workshop and GSD
parking at NITC
03-10-83 to 12-10-89
27000 Land for cab/cat and cabin stores 31-05-82 to 30-05-87
24000 Wing hangar and annex engineering
complex NITC
01-01-81 to 01-01-86
1260 ROFS offices at NITC 15-05-80 to 15-05-85
943 Car parking near ROFS building at
14-02-82 to 31-05-85
1177 Car parking behind ROFS building at
09-04-84 to 08-04-89
3680 Construction of electrical sub-station
a Terminal 2
09-04-84 to 09-04-89
3680 Centralized kitchen at T2 16-02-84 to 15-02-89
8763 Expansion of GSD facilities on the
north side of transport workshop
01-07-88 to 30-06-93
5000 Additional land for wing hangar at T2 09-04-84 to 09-04-89
7350 West side of 747 wing hangar at T2 26-08-85 to 25-08-90
5820 Land on the west side of wing hangar
at T2
07-07-88 to 18-12-94
5900 Land on the north side hanger at T2 18-11-93 to 17-11-98
5353 Land on the west side hangar at T2 01-04-90 to 31-03-95
17100 Land for aircraft parking and run up
adjacent to wing
01-12-88 to 31-11-93
102.8 Snacketeria and rest room under
flyover at T2
03-02-81 to 21-10-86
156 Additional land under flyover for
construction of transport movement
office at T2
13-11-85 to 12-11-90
8480 Land along with remote parking bays
for parking of ULDs dollies & trollies
02-04-85 to 01-04-93
4000 Parking of ground support equipment
at T2
05-12-80 to 05-12-85
1855 Parking of Air India vehicles in front
of Module II CSIA
09-03-86 to 08-03-81
1426 CMC building near AAI canteen at
Terminal 1B
01-07-83 to 01-07-88
200 Paved land at T2 04-04-91 to 03-04-96
2 Indian Airlines 26184.3 Undeveloped land area in NEC Up to 27-08-94
1743.5 Developed land at new engineering
26-01-92 to 25-01-02
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Sr. No. Name of Agency Area (m
) Purpose Agreement Due date
11312.5 Engine run up bay 26-01-92 to 25-01-02
16998.67 Undeveloped land other side at
connecting Runway 14 - 32
27-08-94 to 25-01-22
277.16 Developed land for construction of
movement control block near base
engineering building
01-04-78 to 14-01-85
2699.70 Developed land at cargo warehouse 01-04-78 to 14-01-85
19156.70 Transport hanger 01-04-1986 to 01-04-16
550.0 Access to transport hangar 01-04-1986 to 01-04-16
73987.73 1
IAC staff quarter 01-06-64 to 07-01-99
439.80 IAC sports club 01-12-70 to 31-07-80
19389.00 2
IAC staff quarter 03-12-82 to 02-12-92
1464.65 Developed land for parking space for
Airbus ground support equipment
03-03-78 to 23-01-95
1415.00 Ground support department canteen 21-07-92 to 23-07-95
7483.00 Parking ground support and ULD
From 06-11-00
185.0 Unauthorized parking of ground
support equipment
11283.67 Developed land near NDTC N.A.
800.00 Paved land near line maintenance
building for parking and ground
support equipment
From 1991
51743 Land at NEC 28-08-84 to 27-08-93
1.1.4 Land allotted for hangar construction
Sr. No. Name of Agency Area (m
) Purpose Agreement Period
1 Taj 3172.00 Construction of hangar on BOT basis 11-11-03 to 10-11-18
2 Essar 2646.00 Construction of hangar on BOT basis 22-04-04 to 21-04-19
3 Reliance 2701.00 Construction of hangar on BOT basis 12-03-04 to 11-03-19
1.1.6 Land for other agencies
Sr. No. Name of Agency Area in Sq.M. Purpose Agreement Period
1 Sahar Hospitality
Pvt. Ltd.
30047.12 Land for hotel 5-6-03 to 4-6-31
2 Chefair (HCI) 14000 Flight kitchen 01-01-01 to 31-12-29
3 Oberoi 22000 Flight kitchen 1-12-82 to 31-12-12
4 A.S. Irani 290 Cafeteria 01-04-02 to 31-03-05
5 Ambassador 15000 Flight kitchen 20-5-87 to 20-5-17
5658 Flight kitchen 12-01-83 to 20-05-87
6 Bharat Hotel 700 For approach to hotel 15-03-01 to 14-03-05
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7 Lloyd Steel
3105 As per arbitration award 06-10-94 to 05-10-95
8 Taj Air Caterers 2955 As per arbitration award 03-01-05 to 02-01-06
9 Sahar Police Stn 1858 Police station 10-10-82 to 10-10-12
10 Globe Ground 2000 For ground support parking 19-06-02 to 18-06-03
11 DGCA 556 Quarters at Chakala 27-11-92 to 26-11-02
12 MTNL 650 RLU exchange 08-03-89 to 07-03-94
13 BDDS 3605 For office and residence 23-07-92 to 22-07-22
14 Cambatta 2440
Ground support parking near CCR
Ground support parking near Cargo
21-07-95 to 30-09-98
From 13-02-02
15 P&T 5800 Post and telegraph sorting office 22-05-87 to 21-05-17
423 Post and telegraph sorting office 06-02-84 to 17-02-99
4557 Post and telegraph sorting office 17-02-69 to 16-02-99
575 Post and telegraph sorting office 24-02-94 to 16-02-99
16 Blue Dart 768 + 760.8 Offices and ground support parking 08-10-99 to 30-06-04
17 Indian Navy 21998 Construction of hangar 04-03-92 to 03-03-22
18 Mahanagar Gas 806 Laying cable through AAI land 10-2-02 to 9-2-05
19 Indian Air Force 14164.5 For hangar on nominal charge of Re
1 per sq.m. per annum
16-06-84 to 15-06-14
22562 Exchange of land From 01-02-83
22953 Exchange of land From 09-07-84
20 Indian Oil
2700 Retail outlets (Terminal 2near
Ambassador flight kitchen) M/s Intel
19-05-82 to 18-05-92
371.75 Land adjacent to bays 15 and 16 21-09-79 to 20-09-81
1170 Petrol pump opposite Centaur Hotel 01-09-81 to 31-08-86
2600 Petrol pump opposite BSES at Sahar 13-08-90 to 12-08-95
7748.32 Aviation related services 01-09-86 to 31-08-91
38890 Retail outlets fuel station 28-02-80 to 27-02-10
21 H.P.C.L. 22488 Retail outlets fuel station 19-08-91 to 18-08-01
22 B.P.C.L. 2937.59 Aviation related services 01-01-87 to 21-12-89
700 Parking of tankers 01-10-91 to 01-10-01
1925 Aviation fuel services 22-12-84 to 21-12-89
1.1.8 Land for Government Departments
Sr. No. Name of Agency Area in Sq. M Purpose Agreement Period
1. BEST 30 Proposed BEST chowky 20-05-00 to 19-05-02
2. Reliance Energy 5000 Receiving station Sahar 21-12-79 to 21-12-09
2185 Receiving station opposite Sahara
Hospitality Private Limited
02-06-92 to 02-06-02
3. BCAS 104 Dog kennel From 06-06-86
Mumbai International Airport Private Limited
Operation, Management and Development Agreement
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Mumbai International Airport Private Limited
Operation, Management and Development Agreement
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1 Selection of Independent Valuer
1.1 The AAI shall invite bids from Valuers registered under the Wealth Tax Act, and
consulting engineering firms or bodies corporate to undertake and perform the
valuation of Transfer Assets to determine Fair Market Value thereof. The
provisions of Part II of the Standard Bidding Documents for Consultancy
Assignments: Time Based (Volume V) issued by the Ministry of Finance, GOI in
July, 1997 shall apply, mutatis mutandis, for invitation of bids and evaluation
1.2 Pursuant to the technical and financial evaluation of the bids received, the AAI
shall shortlist eligible firms. The order of priority as among the shortlisted firms
shall be determined on the basis of financial bids and the lowest financial bid shall
rank first; provided that the firms ranked second, third, fourth and fifth on the
basis of their financial bids shall be given an opportunity by the AAI to match the
lowest financial bid and in the event that they or such of them as agree to match
the lowest financial bid, and if any of the said short listed eligible firms does not
agree to match the financial bid of the firm ranked first, the next in order of
priority e.g. sixth and so on shall be given the opportunity to match the financial
bid of the firm ranked first. The four firms which match the financial bid of the
firm ranked first shall be deemed to constitute the panel of approved Independent
1.3 Based on the criteria specified in Paragraph 1.2 of this Schedule 30, a panel of
five firms shall be constituted.
1.4 The AAI shall convey the details of the aforesaid panel of firms to the JVC for
scrutiny and comments, if any. The JVC shall be entitled to scrutinise the relevant
records of the AAI to ascertain whether the selection of firms has been undertaken
in accordance with the prescribed procedure and shall send its comments, if any,
to the AAI within 15 (fifteen) days of receiving the details of the aforesaid panel.
Upon receipt of such comments, if any, the AAI shall, after considering all
relevant factors, finalise and constitute a panel of 3 (three) firms, and convey its
decision to the JVC.
2 Fee and expenses
The Independent Valuers shall be paid the fees and expenses as setforth in the
lowest financial bid of eligible firms on the basis of which the panel is constituted
and not any other basis. The fees and expenses of the Independent Valuers shall
be payable by AAI by deduction from the proceeds of the consideration payable
for the Transfer Assets pursuant to the Agreement.
Mumbai International Airport Private Limited
Operation, Management and Development Agreement
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3 Constitution of fresh panel
Not later than six months before the expiry of the Term of the Agreement or upon
its earlier Termination, whichever is earlier, the AAI shall prepare a panel of firms
in accordance with the criteria set forth in this Schedule 30; provided that the AAI
may at any time prepare a fresh panel with prior written consent of the JVC.
4 Appointment of Government entity as Independent Valuers.
Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Schedule, the AAI may
in its discretion appoint a Government-owned entity on the panel of Independent
Valuers provided that such entity shall be a body corporate having as its primary
function the provision of consulting, advisory and supervisory services for civil
construction projects.