(Optional) Reference Number.
(Optional) Comments to the AO.
Expenses - Non-Mileage
All claimed non-mileage expenses are accurate,
authorized, allowable; support official travel; and are
not duplicated in any part of the voucher (e.g., a
rental car reserved in DTS does not also appear as a
non-mileage expense.
The traveler used a GTCC to pay for official
reimbursable expenses, unless exempt under the
GTCC regulations.
For expenses paid in a foreign currency, the claim is
converted to dollars and the currency conversion rate
is provided and correct (not GTCC purchases).
Expenses - Mileage
All mileage expenses are accurate, authorized,
allowable, and are not duplicated elsewhere.
The traveler used DTOD for en route mileage claims
(From and To locations are listed), and reasonable
odometer mileage to official locations for in-and-
around mileage claims.
If POV was used, the daily commute mileage or cost
was subtracted.
Substantiating Documents
All required receipts (i.e., for expenses of $75 or
more) are attached, legible, match the amount of the
claim, fall within official travel dates, and support
official travel.
All other required documents are attached, are
legible, and support official travel.
The correct LOA is added. If multiple LOAs are used
they are displayed, and costs are correctly distributed
between them.
If the traveler’s transportation reimbursement
(constructed travel) is limited, the Calculated Trip
Cost in the Allowed column accurately reflects the
traveler’s reimbursement.
Review Financial Summary Screen
Expense Summary is correct.
Credit Summary is correct. If this is a negative
amount, notify the traveler of the debt.
Entitlement Summary displays the GTCC and
Personal amounts. Confirm split disbursement
amounts are reasonable and reflect an attempt to fully
pay the balance of the GTCC.
Pre-Audit Trip Screen
All justifications are sufficient, to meet compliance
and per local policy. When required, all reason codes
are present and are acceptable.
No advisory notice identifies a potential improper
payment (e.g., traveler’s document reflects a rental
car, but there is no fuel expense claimed).
Digital Signature Screen
The proper status stamp displays (APPROVED for
AOs) OR an allowable alternative (e.g., RETURNED).
Additional Comments contain all required data.
Common DFAS Post Payment (PPR) Audit
Top reasons for improper payments include:
Airfare - Paid with invalid or no receipt
Airfare - Not paid or paid incorrectly
Lodging - Paid with invalid or no receipt
Lodging - Not paid or paid incorrectly
Lodging Tax (CONUS) - Not paid or paid Incorrectly
Rental Car - Paid with invalid or no receipt
Rental Car - Unauthorized expense
Meals - Incorrect rate paid
T-ENTERED (NDEA) - No signed DD 1351-2 or SF
1164 attached or an incorrect format
Incomplete voucher - data missing or incorrect
Local travel - Not payable or paid incorrectly
Duplicate expense within a voucher
Duplicate voucher
Authorizing Official:
The Authorizing Official (AO) determines whether travel
is necessary and appropriate to the mission, ensures
that all expenses claimed by the traveler are valid, and
authorizes or approves the valid expenses IAW the
Joint Travel Regulations (JTR).
AOs should be familiar with the Improper Payments
Elimination and Recovery Act (2010) and DoDIG report
2016-127, which identify key concepts for ensuring
proper payments and preventing GTCC misuse.
For more information on approving travel documents,
see the AO Desktop Guide
We recommend AOs use this checklist when reviewing
travel documents for accuracy and completeness.
Except where indicated, it presents information in the
order shown on the Review Trip Authorization,
Voucher, and Local Voucher screens.
Authorization & Checklist
Trip Details
Trip type is correct (most common is Temporary
Duty Travel - Routine).
Trip purpose and description are correct.
Trip dates are correct.
The Conference/Event Name indicates the
name of a conference or “Not Applicable”.
If used, the Reference and Comments to the
AO are sufficient.
Trip Start, TDY Locations, and Trip End
All official locations are correct (e.g., if duty is at
a base, location entered isn’t a city).
March 05, 2024
All arriving and departing dates are correct.
If air or train is used:
Travel schedules are reasonable and support the
mission (e.g., no extra travel time without leave
indicated, no unauthorized circuitous travel).
Only authorized options are used (e.g., no
unauthorized premium class seating, flights are
City Pairs, or are properly justified on the Other
Auths and Pre Audits screen).
If a rental car is used:
Pick-up and drop-off locations, dates, and times
are reasonable and support the trip (e.g.,
required for daily transportation at the TDY).
The car is the least expensive compact car, or is
properly justified on the Other Auths and Pre
Audit screen.
If lodging is used:
Hotel check-in and check-out dates and times are
reasonable and support the trip (e.g., no
unauthorized days without leave indicated).
No exempted tax types are claimed, if travel is to a
tax-exempt state.
One of the following applies:
The traveler used the required lodging type.
The traveler provided a certificate of non-
availability (CNA) number when required by
the JTR and ILP.
The traveler adequately justified non-use of
the required lodging type.
One of the following applies:
The lodging rate is at or below the locality per
diem rate.
You authorized actual lodging.
The traveler will pay the extra cost, in excess
of the maximum allowable nightly lodging rate.
DTS correctly limited their lodging.
reimbursement, if ILP rules apply. See the
DoD ILP Guide for more on lodging rules.
Reservation Expenses and Other Expenses -
All reimbursable expenses are accurate, authorized,
allowable and not duplicated in any part of the trip.
All mileage allowances are accurate, authorized,
allowable, and not duplicated elsewhere in the
document. The traveler used the DTOD for en route
mileage, and reasonable odometer mileage to official
locations for in-and-around mileage.
Reservation Expenses and Other Expenses - Voucher
All claims are necessary for official travel.
Estimates are removed and costs updated to actuals.
Traveler paid for all official trip expenses with GTCC
unless a GTCC exception applies.
Traveler contacted the TMC to request a refund for
any unused or partially used tickets. Voucher displays
correct airfare total (minus the refund amount).
All required receipts (i.e., expenses of $75.00+ and all
lodging) are attached, legible, match the claimed
amount, fall within official travel dates (except
authorized early expenses like restricted airfare), and
support official travel.
The currency conversion rate is provided and correct
for all purchases using foreign currency (does not
apply to GTCC expenses).
Lodging taxes are claimed correctly (i.e., valid
CONUS taxes and fees are claimed separately from
daily lodging).
The lodging claim is properly divided between lodging
allowance and reimbursable expenses, and does not
include non-reimbursable expenses.
Substantiating Documents
If a Constructed Travel Worksheet is required, it is
attached, legible, and correctly filled out.
All other required documents (e.g., restricted airfare
checklist) are attached and legible.
If the voucher is T-Entered, a completed and signed
DD 1351-2 by the traveler is attached.
Per Diem
Each day reflects the appropriate allowances. If duty
conditions require changes to the standard allowances
(e.g., leave, field duty, provided meals, cross IDL-
travel), each day reflects the correct, adjusted amounts.
OCONUS valid lodging taxes and fees are included as
part of the daily lodging amount.
The correct LOA is added. If multiple LOAs are used
they are displayed, and costs are correctly
distributed between them.
If you limited the traveler’s transportation
reimbursement (constructed travel), the Allowed
column must accurately reflect the traveler’s
reimbursement limitation.
For partial payments, trip expenses are correctly
divided into 30-day increments with the proper
For an advance, the LOA is correct.
Review Financial Summary Screen
If Balance Due US is not $0.00, traveler has
been notified of the debt.
Confirm split disbursement amounts are
reasonable and reflect an attempt to fully pay the
balance of the traveler’s GTCC account.
Other Auths and Pre Audits Screen
All displayed Other Authorizations are
necessary and all essential Other
Authorizations are recorded.
Comments under Other Authorizations are
sufficient, per local policy.
All justifications are sufficient, to meet
compliance and per local policy. When required,
all reason codes are present and are acceptable.
No advisory notice identifies a potential improper
payment (e.g., traveler’s document reflects a
rental car, but there is no fuel expense claimed).
Digital Signature Screen
The valid status stamp is displayed either your
default stamp (APPROVED for AOs) OR an
allowable alternative (e.g., RETURNED).
Additional Comments contain all required data.
Local Voucher Checklist
Trip Details
Document Name is correct.
Local Voucher dates are correct.
Attending a Conference/Event. If yes,
Conference or Event is identified.
1. Choose the Name of the person you want to delegate
your signature authority to.
2. Select Delegate Authority to confirm your decision.
3. Close the window to exit the screen.
Remove Signature Authority
When you return to work, be sure to remove your delegated
authority as soon as possible.
1. On the DTS Dashboard, select Administration >
Delegate Authority. The Delegate Authority screen
2. Select Remove Authority. A pop-up appears, asking
you to confirm that you want to stop delegating your
approval authority to that individual.
3. Select Remove Authority to stop delegating your
signature authority.
4. Close the window to exit the screen.
AO Responsibilities & Helpful Tips
AOs who work in DTS must be appointed as Certifying
Officers in accordance with DoD FMR, Volume 5, Chapter
5. As an AO, you may be held pecuniarily liable for
erroneous payments resulting from the negligent
performance of your duties.
AO responsibilities include but not limited to:
Only authorize travel that is necessary for the mission
and payments that are accurate, authorized, and
Approve all amendments initiated by a CBA Specialist
for CBA reconciliation.
Follow the rules for a restricted airfare use and when
required complete the proper approval form and
attach it to the authorization.
Process all requests for premium class travel outside
DTS IAW Component directives. If approved, ensure a
copy of the premium class approval is attached to the
travel document as a substantiating record.
Ensure leave days are properly reflected in document
(when leave is approved) to reduce overpayment risk.
Verify long term travel (e.g., trips greater than 45
days) documents contain SPPs to lesson GTCC
AO Helpful Tips:
Under Trips Awaiting Action use the download
icon to generate a report for documents requiring
action. You can save My TAA Queue list to your pc.
Follow the JTR and your organization’s local business
rules for complete guidance regarding all document
types (authorizations, vouchers, and local travel).
If a TDY is cancelled, curtailed, interrupted due to
official purposes, or for other reasons beyond the
traveler’s control then the AO may authorize or
approve reimbursement of non-refundable deposits,
prepaid rent, late and early departure fees, or
cancellation fees limited to the remaining lodging and
tax expenses that would have been paid. See the
Review and Approve Travel
Documents: AO Instructions
The review and approval process begins when a DTS
authorization, voucher, or local voucher routes to you
for review or approval. DTS emails you when a new
travel document is in your queue. This trifold will assist
Routing Officials who review and approve travel
documents in the Defense Travel System (DTS).
The Joint Travel Regulations (JTR) specifically identify
what you can approve, and do so with the full force of
the law behind them.
Review and Approve Travel
1. On the DTS Dashboard, select Trips Awaiting
Action. The Trips Awaiting Action screen opens
showing a card for each document. Note: You can
select the Sort By menu to manage the document
2. Select the button in the lower right corner of the
card for the document you want to review. The
Review Trip screen opens.
March 05, 2024
Review Trip Details
Carefully review the entire contents on the Review Trip
screen for travel compliance. Where necessary:
Select Go to <module> links to see information that is
not listed on the Review Trip screen.
Verify the traveler used the transportation type most
advantageous to the Government to meet the mission.
If not, follow the JTR for reimbursement policy.
Be sure to access the Enter Expenses screen, and
thoroughly verify the entered expenses.
For each expense, select Details link to view Info,
Notes, and any attached documents (e.g., receipts,
CTW). Note: View single attachments or view all files
by using the Download all attachments icon.
Key Items for Authorizations:
Use the AO Checklist (Trifold) or defined local
process for the specific requirements you need to look
out for when approving travel documents.
Ensure the traveler followed the JTR and ILP on
Government Quarters use. If the trip requires a
certificate of non-availability (CNA) number, be sure it
is accessible in the document.
If lodging requires cancellation, verify the lodging
provider supplied the cancellation confirmation number
and it is accessible in the document.
Key Items for Vouchers:
Select the View GTCC Transactions icon to see
charges to the traveler’s IBA.
Confirm traveler contacted the TMC to request a
refund for any unused or partially used tickets, and
credit posted to the GTCC. Ensure correct airfare total
(minus the refund amount) displays in the voucher.
Verify an accurate lodging receipt is included and
receipts for any individual expenses of $75.00 or
Ensure entered expenses are valid and match the
attached receipts.
Confirm the right method of reimbursement (MOR) is
reflected for each entered expense (e.g., per diem is
GTCC, if a cardholder).
Check the Entitlement Summary page for the GTCC
and Personal amounts. Confirm split disbursement
amounts are reasonable and reflect an attempt to fully
pay the balance of the GTCC.
When using a NDEA to process the voucher, verify
the traveler completed and signed the DD 1351-2 and
it’s attached. DTS prohibits signing and approving
when T-Entered vouchers are missing the required
documentation. The missing receipt or DD 1351-2
data appears as an audit fail on the Digital Signature
Review Other Auths & PreAudits
1. Select Other Auths and Pre-Audits on the Progress
2. Carefully view the travel document’s Other
Authorizations, Pre-Audit Flags, and Advisories.
Note: Other Authorizations require Comments, while Pre-
Audits require Justifications and at times Reason Codes.
Sign and Submit
1. Select the Sign and Submit on the Progress Bar. The
Digital Signature window appears. It provides details
for Document History and the Document Status.
2. Ensure your default stamp (e.g., APPROVED for AOs)
appears in the Document Status field.
Note: If the travel document contains any errors, the best
practice is to select RETURNED, so the traveler can fix
them. Be aware, DTS requires you to enter a comment,
when you return a trip.
3. Select Submit Completed Document. A Confirm
Submission statement appears.
4. Select Confirm and Continue. The Confirmation
window opens and document routing begins when
If unsuccessful, DTS provides the reasons why.
Note: Organizations must enter annual or quarterly
targets into the DTS Budget Tool before travel begins.
DTS uses the Budget Tool to track travel funds for the
Fiscal Year (FY). When the FDTA loads the available
funds is based upon your local business rules.
Note: The most common reason that the AO can’t
approve a trip is not enough funds in the DTS Budget
or the LOA on the document does not exist in the DTA
Maintenance Tool with a corresponding budget Item.
If you receive an error regarding the Budget or a
LOA, contact the FDTA or BDTA (a DTA with
permission level 3) for assistant to resolve the
Other errors preventing approval could be:
Voucher is missing required documentation (e.g.,
receipts or DD 1351-2).
POS ACK not received on the authorization
prevents the voucher approval.
Once the necessary corrections occur, review the trip
and approve per travel compliance.
To exit the window, select Go To Homepage at the
bottom of the screen.
Delegate Signature Authority
You can delegate your signature authority to another
Routing Official when you are away from the office
(local business rules permitting). This ensures that
someone reviews or approves travel documents while
you are away.
The person delegated to perform your duties must meet
all requirements (e.g., permission levels, appointment
letters, training) for the role, but they do not need to be
on the routing list.
When you delegate your signature authority, DTS
routes the travel document to you and the person to
whom you delegated authority.
To delegate your Signature Authority:
1. On the DTS Dashboard, select Administration >
Delegate Authority. The Delegate Authority
screen opens.