Property Manual
Revised March 2023
Table of Contents
Section 1: Abandoned Property
General Information ....................................................................................................................................... 1-1
Section 2: Towing Companies
Authorization and Removal with Law Enforcement...........................................................................2-1
Public Property ................................................................................................................................................2-1
Private Property .............................................................................................................................................. 2-1
Towing/Removal Requirements ................................................................................................................ 2-2
Authorization and Removal without Law Enforcement ................................................................... 2-3
Towing/Removal Requirements ................................................................................................................ 2-3
Tow Company Requirements/ for Titling ABVs .................................................................................. 2-4
Towing Company Abandoned Property Checklist .............................................................................2-7
Section 3: Private Landowner(s)
Private Landowner(s) Authorizing Removal of ABV’s .....................................................................3-1
Private Landowner(s) Requirements/Fees for Titling ABVs ...........................................................3-1
Landowner Abandoned Property Checklist ......................................................................................... 3-3
Section 4: Municipalities/Counties
Municipality/County Requirements/Fees for Titling ABVs ............................................................. 4-1
Municipalities/Counties Checklist .............................................................................................................4-2
Section 5: Abandoned Manufactured Homes
Landowner to Secure Lien Title on Abandoned Manufactured Home ........................................5-1
Notice to Homeowner ...................................................................................................................................5-2
Landowner to Secure Lien Title on Abandoned Manufactured Home Checklist .................... 5-3
Section 6: Unclaimed Vehicle
Salvage Pool or Salvage Dealer and Dismantler ..................................................................................6-1
Used Motor Vehicle Dealer ...........................................................................................................................6-1
Salvage Pool or Salvage Dealer and Dismantler Requirements/Fees for Titling an
Unclaimed Vehicle ........................................................................................................................................... 6-1
Fees ......................................................................................................................................................................6-2
Unclaimed Vehicle Checklist ........................................................................................................................ 6-3
Section 7: Internet Record Search
Obtaining Access to Department Records ............................................................................................ 7-1
Application Approval Notification ............................................................................................................. 7-1
Record Search System Login ..................................................................................................................... 7-2
Changing Your Password .............................................................................................................................. 7-2
Resetting Password ....................................................................................................................................... 7-2
Performing Record Search ........................................................................................................................... 7-3
Record Search Results .................................................................................................................................. 7-4
Record Search Results Not Found ........................................................................................................... 7-4
Account Administration Instructions ........................................................................................................ 7-5
Daily Email Notification ................................................................................................................................ 7-6
Adding Account Users ................................................................................................................................... 7-6
Resetting a User’s Password ...................................................................................................................... 7-6
Contacting the Department ......................................................................................................................... 7-6
Section 8: Miscellaneous Information
Selling ABVs for Destruction ...................................................................................................................... 8-1
Obtaining an Original Title Previously Title as Salvage ................................................................... 8-1
Stopping an ABV Title .................................................................................................................................. 8-2
Owners/Lienholders Right to Hearing ...................................................................................................8-2
Towing Charges Imposed ............................................................................................................................8-3
Personal Property within an ABV ............................................................................................................. 8-3
Tow Company Liability .................................................................................................................................8-3
Insurance Claims on ABVs ............................................................................................................................ 8-4
Record Retention Requirements ............................................................................................................... 8-4
Exhibit A .............................................................................................................................................................. 9-1
Exhibit B .............................................................................................................................................................. 9-3
Exhibit C .............................................................................................................................................................. 9-4
Exhibit D .............................................................................................................................................................. 9-5
Exhibit E .............................................................................................................................................................. 9-6
Exhibit F............................................................................................................................................................... 9-7
Table of Contents, cont.
Section 1 - Abandoned Property
This manual outlines the requirements that a towing company, landowner, or
municipality/county must follow in order to remove, title and/or sell abandoned property
Abandoned property (ABV) is defined as any unattended motor vehicle, trailer, ATV,
outboard motor, or vessel, whether or not operational, that is removed (or subject to
removal) from public or private property.
Abandoned Manufactured Home (MFGHM) is a MFGHM which is placed on real property
owned by another person under a rental agreement and is considered abandoned if the
property owner has reasonable belief that the homeowner has vacated the premises and
intends not to return; rent is due and has not been paid for 30 days; or the homeowner
has ignored the property owner’s notice of lien and abandonment.
A towing company is defined as any entity which tows, removes, or stores abandoned
An out-of-state ABV that is sold to a Missouri resident and is sold in accordance with
that state’s abandoned motor vehicle procedures must have a Vehicle Examination
Certificate (Form 551) completed by the Missouri State Highway Patrol (MSHP) or St.
Louis City/County Auto Theft Unit.
An unclaimed vehicle is a vehicle that has remained on a salvage pool, salvage dealer
and dismantler or used motor vehicle dealers premises for more than 45 days, when
the salvage poll or salvage dealer and dismantler took possession of the vehicle at the
request of an insurance company, when the insurance company did not purchase the
vehicle through the insurance claim process, or the used motor vehicle dealer took
possession of the vehicle at the request of a federal income tax exempt 501(c)(3)
organization and a negotiable title was not provided.
All out-of-state ABVs will be issued Missouri titles with a “Prior Salvage” brand
regardless of condition unless the inspection shows the vehicle in a junk condition, and
then a junking certificate will be issued.
General Information
Section 2 - Towing Companies
Any person who knowingly violates any provision of Sections 304.154 to 304.158, RSMo,
will be guilty of a “Class A” misdemeanor. Any violation of Section 304.158, RSMo, will
constitute a violation of the provision of Section 407.020, RSMo, which may result in the
revocation or suspension of the registration or license of the towing company.
Authorization and Removal with Law Enforcement:
Law enforcement may authorize a towing company to remove an ABV when:
Left on the right-of-way of any interstate/state highway or freeway in:
An urbanized area, left unattended for ten hours or after four hours if law
enforcement determines the ABV is a serious hazard to other motorists; or
Outside an urbanized area, left unattended for 24 hours or after four hours if
law enforcement determines the ABV is a serious hazard to other motorists.
Left on any highway or bridge that obstructs the normal movement of trac, and
there is no indication immediate removal of the ABV is being arranged;
Reported stolen or taken without consent of the owner;
The person operating the ABV is arrested, taken into custody, and/or unable to
arrange for timely removal;
The owner has outstanding trac/parking violations related to any other state law
or local ordinance;
Left unattended and is violating state law or local ordinance, at which signs are
posted giving notice of the law or where the violation causes a safety hazard;
Left on Missouri waters where it is obstructing the normal movement/trac, is
unattended for more than ten hours, or floating loose on the water; or
The person operating such property or vehicle eludes arrest for an alleged oense
for which the ocer would have taken the oender into custody.
The Missouri Department of Transportation (MoDOT) may immediately remove any
ABV (or its cargo) that is creating a trac hazard on any state highway (i.e. abandoned,
unattended, wrecked, burned, or partially dismantled property, spilled cargo or other
personal property).
Commercial motor vehicles (CMVs) not hauling waste designated as hazardous under
USC 49 5103(a), may only be moved after the owner (or their representative) has had a
reasonable opportunity to contact a towing company of their choosing.
Private Property
ABVs may be removed at the request of the owner, lessee, or property/security manager
of the private property when ABV is on his/her property without consent by contacting
any member of law enforcement within his or her jurisdiction. The law enforcement ocer
may authorize a towing company to remove the ABV when:
Left unattended for more than 48 hours;
After four hours a law enforcement ocer determines that the ABV is a serious
hazard to other motorists; or
It is a safety hazard or interferes with the use of the private property as determined
by a law enforcement ocer.
Public Property
Towing/Removal Requirements
with Law Enforcement
1. A completed and signed Crime Inquiry and Inspection Report/Authorization to Tow
(Form 4569), which must include:
The reason for the tow;
The site from which the vehicle was towed; and
Name of the authorizing agency.
If the tow was law enforcement authorized due to an accident, law enforcement
must complete Form 4569 within five days of the accident (if not completed at
the time of the tow).
Local/state/federal government agencies (excluding law enforcement) must
submit the completed Form 4569 to the Missouri State Highway Patrol (MSHP)
within two hours of the tow.
2. The law enforcement agency that authorizes the tow or was properly notified by a
government agency of the tow must:
Inquire with the National Crime Information Center (NCIC) and the statewide law
enforcement computer system to determine if the ABV was reported stolen;
Enter the ABV information in the Missouri Uniform Law Enforcement System
(MULES); and
Send written notification of the tow to the registered owner and any lienholder on
record, within five days of the tow, which includes:
A statement to indicate the property was towed;
Reason/grounds for removal/towing; and
The location at which the ABV is being stored.
NOTE: If a government agency authorized the tow of the ABV, written notification must
be sent by that government agency.
A copy of the written notification must be given to the operator of the storage
facility in which the ABV is stored.
3. Tow companies with online access to the Department’s records must check for owner
and lienholder information when an ABV has not been claimed within ten days of the
If an owner or lienholder cannot be located using the online record lookup, the tow
company must send a copy of the completed “No Record” screen from the search
(Exhibit B) and a copy of the Form 4569 to the Department.
Any towing company in possession of an ABV must notify the appropriate law
enforcement agency when the ABV remains unclaimed after ten days.
NOTE: If the ABV is not claimed after ten days and the tow company does not have
access to online records, the law enforcement agency must forward Form 4569 to the
Any local government agency may authorize the towing of motor vehicles from private
property for vehicles that are junk, scrapped, disassembled, or otherwise harmful to the
public health under local ordinance.
Authorization and Removal
without Law Enforcement:
Private Property
The owner, lessee, or property/security manager of the private property (must be a
fulltime employee of the business entity) may, when present, authorize an ABV be towed
without law enforcement for the following reasons:
A sign (not less than 17” X 22” in size) is displayed in plain view of all entrances to
the property. The sign must:
Contain lettering not less than one inch in height;
Prohibit public parking and indicate that unauthorized ABVs will be removed at
the owners expense;
Disclose the maximum fee for all charges related to towing and storage; and
Contain the telephone number of the local law enforcement agency or a 24hour
emergency hotline, which the owner of the ABV may call to receive information
regarding the location of the towed ABV.
The ABV is left unattended on owner-occupied residential property with four
residential units or less, the appropriate law enforcement agency has been notified,
and ten hours have elapsed since that notification; or
The ABV is left unattended on private property, the appropriate law enforcement
agency has been notified, and 96 hours has elapsed since that notification.
NOTE: A general agreement between a business/individual and a towing company to
tow vehicles at their discretion is not acceptable, except in the case of an ABV parked
within 15 feet of a fire hydrant or in a fire lane designated by a Fire Department or the
State Fire Marshall.
Any city, town, or village may prohibit by ordinance, the storage of inoperable vehicles
or other vehicles deemed to constitute a public safety hazard. This does not apply to a
vehicle which is:
Completely enclosed within a locked building/fenced area and not visible from
adjacent public/private property; or
On the property of a business licensed as salvage, junk dealer, towing, or storage
facility provided the business is operated in compliance with its business license and
the property in compliance with applicable zoning ordinances.
Towing/Removal Requirements
without Law Enforcement
1. The owner, lessee, or property/security manager of private property that requests an
ABV be towed (without law enforcement authorization) must complete an
Abandoned Property Report (Form 4669) at the time of tow.
2. The Form 4669 will be considered a legal declaration subject to criminal penalty
pursuant to Section 575.060, RSMo.
3. A copy of Form 4669 must be delivered to the jurisdictional law enforcement agency
from which the ABV was towed within two hours if the tow was made from a location
displaying a sign (or delivered within 24 hours of the tow if no sign is displayed. A
towing company with online access may inquire to determine the owner and/or
lienholder of an ABV, in order to send written notification of the tow to both the
owner and lienholder within five working days of the tow.
4. The towing company must send written notification of the tow to the registered
owner and any lienholder, which includes:
A statement to indicate the property was towed;
Reason/grounds for removal/towing; and
The location at which the ABV is being stored.
A copy of the written notification must be given to the operator of the storage
facility in which the ABV is stored.
NOTE: If the towing company does not have online access to the Department’s
records, they may obtain the name of the owner/lienholder from the law
enforcement section of the Form 4669.
5. Any towing company in possession of an ABV must notify the appropriate law
enforcement agency when the ABV remains unclaimed after ten days.
NOTE: If the ABV is not claimed after ten days and the tow company does not
have access to the Department’s online records, the law enforcement agency must
forward Form 4669 to the Department.
Any towing company, without online access to Department records and in possession
of an ABV after ten (10) days must forward Form 4669 to the Department.
Tow Company Requirements for Titling ABVs
1. Copy of the online record search listing the owner/lienholder or copy of the
Department issued notification letter (Exhibit A), completed and signed. Eective
February 1, 2010, all owners and lienholders shown on the online record search
or Department notification record must be notified by certified mail. The record
search and notification letter may include owner and lienholder information from
the title, reject, notice of lien (NOL), or notice of sale (NOS) system.
If an owner or lienholder cannot be located using the online record lookup, the
tow company must send a copy of the completed “No Record” screen from the
Department of Revenue.
2. Properly completed title application in the towing company’s name and signed by
an authorized tow company agent, with applicable title type checked:
Application for Missouri Title and License (Form 108); or
Application for Missouri Boat/Vessel or Outboard Motor Title and Registration
(Form 93); or
Current or estimated mileage is required for vehicles with a model year 2011 or
newer that is less than twenty years old.
3. Appropriate inspection, required only if applying for original title:
Motor vehicles, a Vehicle Examination Certificate (Form 551) signed by the tow
company agent and completed by an authorized Missouri State Highway Patrol
Inspector or St. Louis City/County Auto Theft Unit.
Boats and outboard motors, a Boat, Vessel, or Outboard Motor Adavit of
Ownership and Inspection (Form 798) completed by the Missouri State Highway
Patrol (MSHP).
Trailers, (including boat trailers) may use an Application for Vehicle/Trailer
Identification Number Plate or Verification (Form 5062)
May be inspected by any law enforcement ocer unless the purpose is for a
new or replacement VIN in which case an authorized agent of the MSHP or St.
Louis City/County Auto Theft Unit must complete the inspection.
4. Notarized Abandoned Property Adavit (Form 4576).
5. A copy of the applicable tow report which includes:
License plate number and state of issuance;
Storage location of the towed property;
Tow company’s name/address/telephone number;
Date and reason for the tow;
Location from which property was towed;
Description of any damage to the property;
Dated law enforcement computer inquiry verification;
Odometer reading* (if available); and
Printed name and signature of the tow operator.
* If mileage cannot be obtained, note it is an estimate and include the reason for the
estimation (i.e., fire, inoperable digital dash).
6. Private/Public Property Tows Authorized by Law Enforcement or a Government
Agency must submit a Crime Inquiry and Inspection Report/Authorization to Tow
(Form 4569) or Vehicle Record (SHP-29F) (Exhibit C) completed by the
MSHP/MSWP which also includes:
The name of law enforcement agency authorizing the tow; and
The printed name and signature of the law enforcement ocer authorizing the tow.
7. Private Property Tows with Property Owner/Lessee Authorization (without law
enforcement) must provide an Abandoned Property Report (Form 4669) completed
by the property owner/lessee or agent, towing company, and law enforcement, which
also includes:
The printed name and signature of the property owner/lessee, agent, or security
The name/address/telephone number of the law enforcement agency notified of the
Date and time law enforcement was notified of the tow; and
Printed name and signature of law enforcement ocer completing Form 4669.
8. A copy of the Vehicle Owner/Lienholder Notification (Form 4577) sent by certified
mail to all owners/lienholders of the ABV. If returned, the towing company must
certify that a good faith eort to locate the owner/lienholder was made.
In order to comply with this requirement, Form 4576 may be completed and
submitted with the title application.
9. Proof of 30-day notification by certified mail to all owner(s) and lienholder(s). Proof of
notification by certified mail includes one of the following:
Legible copy of signed certified card;
Legible copy of the envelope that was returned to sender; or
Legible copy of the postal receipt showing the addressee’s name and address along
with a printout from the United States Post Oce’s USPS Tracking® web page,
indicating the certified letter was delivered or was returned to the sender.
NOTE: Submit legible copies of the proof of notification(s) listed above. Keep
the originals with your records. Tow companies are required to keep a file on
each abandoned vehicle for three years (see Record Retention Requirements on
page 8-4).
10. No title/processing fee or sales tax is due.
Tow Company Abandoned Property Checklist
Application for Missouri Title and License (Form 108) in Towing Company’s name
marked original, salvage, or junk.
Copy of the online record search or notice the Motor Vehicle Bureau issued to
the tow company informing the tower of the latest owner/lienholder information.
Abandoned Property Adavit (Form 4576) completed, signed, and notarized.
The Vehicle Owner and Lienholder Notification Letter (Form 4577) that was
mailed by certified mail to all owner(s) and lienholder(s).
Proof of 30-day notification by certified mail to all owner(s) and lienholder(s).
Proof of notification by certified mail.
NOTE: Submit legible copies of the proof of notification(s) listed above.
Keep the originals with your records. Tow companies are required to keep a file
on each abandoned vehicle for three years (see Record Retention Requirements
on page 8-4).
A legible copy of the signed tow report authorizing the tow. The Abandoned
Property Report (Form 4669), Crime Inquiry & Inspection Report (Form 4569),
or Missouri State Highway Patrol ocers may use tow report form SHP-29F
(Exhibit C).
Appropriate inspection - When applying for original title a Vehicle Examination
Certificate (Form 551) signed by the tow company agent and completed by an
authorized Missouri State Highway Patrol Inspector or St. Louis City/County
Auto Theft Unit is required.
Section 3 - Private Landowner(s)
Private Landowner(s) Authorizing Removal of Bays
ABVs may be towed at the request of the owner, lessee, or property/security manager of
the private property. See page 2-3 for requirements.
Private Landowner Requirements/Fees
for Titling ABVs
Private Landowners may request a title for ABVs left on their property without their
consent. Private landowners need to fill out the Form 5091 to find out who the previous
owner is before completing any further steps.
1. Properly completed title application in the landowners name:
Application for Missouri Title and License (Form 108); or
Application for Missouri Boat/Vessel or Outboard Motor Title and Registration (Form
2. A signed statement or General Adavit (Form 768) which contains the following:
The circumstances by which the ABV came into the landowner’s possession;
The landowner’s name;
Location of the ABV (physical street address and city);
Description of the ABV (include the year, make, and VIN/HIN); and
Retail/fair market value of the ABV.
3. Appropriate inspection, required only if applying for original title:
Motor vehicles - a Vehicle Examination Certificate (Form 551) signed by the owner
and completed by an authorized Missouri State Highway Patrol Inspector or St. Louis
City/County Auto Theft Unit.
Boats and Outboard Motors - a Boat, Vessel, or Outboard Motor Adavit of
Ownership and Inspection (Form 798) completed by the Missouri State Highway
Patrol (MSHP).
Trailers - (including boat trailers) may use an Application for Vehicle/Trailer
Identification Number Plate or Verification (Form 5062)
NOTE: May be inspected by any law enforcement ocer unless the purpose is for a
new or replacement VIN in which case an authorized agent of the MSHP or St. Louis
City/County Auto Theft Unit must complete the inspection.
Salvage Title on a Vehicle/ATV/Trailer (including boat trailers) - Vehicle Examination
Certificate (Form 551) completed by any law enforcement ocer and dated within
six months of application for title. For trailers, an Application For Vehicle/Trailer
Identification Number Plate or Verification (Form 5062) or Boat, Vessel, or Outboard
Motor Adavit of Ownership and Inspection (Form 798) may be used in lieu of
Form 551 and may be completed by any law enforcement ocer unless the purpose
is for a new or replacement VIN in which case an authorized agent of the MSHP or
St. Louis City/County Auto Theft Unit must complete the inspection.
Junking Certificate on a Vehicle/ATV/Trailer (including boat trailers) -
Application for Vehicle/Trailer Identification Number Plate or Verification (Form
5062) or Boat, Vessel, or Outboard Motor Adavit of Ownership and Inspection
(Form 798) completed by any law enforcement ocer unless the purpose is for a
new or replacement VIN in which case an authorized agent of the MSHP or St. Louis
City/County Auto Theft Unit must complete the inspection.
4. A copy of the 30-day Notice To Owner(s) and/or Lienholder(s) Regarding Abandoned
Vehicle, Boat, Motor, Trailer, and/or All-Terrain Vehicle(s) (Form 5227) sent by certified
mail to all owners/lienholders of the ABV. The letter must include that the vehicle
owner/lienholder has the right to protest the abandoned vehicle title in the circuit
court of the county where the abandoned property is located.
5. Proof of 30-day notification by certified mail to all owner(s) and lienholder(s). Proof of
notification by certified mail includes one of the following:
Legible copy of signed certified card.
Legible copy of the envelope that was returned to sender.
Legible copy of the postal receipt showing the addressee’s name and address along
with a printout from the United States Post Oce’s USPS Tracking® web page,
indicating the certified letter was delivered or was returned to the sender.
NOTE: Submit legible copies of the proof of notification(s) listed above. Keep the
originals with your records.
6. Applicable title and processing fee(s) and state/local tax, based upon fair market value
of ABV.
Junking Certificates are exempt from tax and title fees and require only the
processing fees.
Title penalties do not apply.
Landowner Abandoned Property Checklist
Application for Missouri Title and License (Form 108) in landowner’s name marked
original, salvage, or junk, or Application for Missouri Boat/Vessel or
Outboard Motor Title And Registration (Form 93).
A landowner statement or General Adavit (Form 768) completed and signed.
Proof of 30-day notification by certified mail to all owner(s) and lienholder(s).
Note: Submit legible copies of the proof of notification(s) listed above. Keep the
originals with your records.
A copy of the Notice To Owner(s) and/or Lienholder(s) Regarding Abandoned
Vehicle, Boat, Motor, Trailer, and/or All-Terrain Vehicle(s) (Form 5227) sent by
certified mail to all owners/lienholders of the ABV.
Title fee, processing fee and state/local taxes are due on the value of the vehicle
indicated on the landowners statement or general adavit for an original or
salvage title.
Junking Certificates are exempt from state/local tax and title fees and require only
the processing fee.
Section 4 - Municipalities/Counties
Abandoned Property Sold by Municipality or County
on an Abandoned Property Bill of Sale
1. Properly completed title application in the purchasers name, with the applicable title
type marked:
Application for Missouri Title and License (Form 108); or
Application for Missouri Boat/Vessel or Outboard Motor Title and Registration (Form
2. An Abandoned Property Bill of Sale (Form 4579) from the municipality or county who
sold the ABV, (must have filed a statement with the Department of Revenue certifying
that they have an ordinance regulating the sale of abandoned property) which indicates:
If the vehicle was sold for junk, salvage, or rebuilding;
Purchaser and sellers name and address;
Year, make, model, and VIN/HIN of ABV;
Date of sale and purchase price;
Odometer reading* (if applicable);
Printed name and signature of the buyer; and
Printed name and signature of the municipal/county clerk or deputy, stamped with
the ocial municipal/county seal.
*Municipality/county must provide odometer disclosure on vehicles with a model year of
2011 or newer that is less than twenty years old
3. Appropriate inspection, required only if applying for original title:
Motor vehicles, a Vehicle Examination Certificate (Form 551) signed by the owner
and completed by an authorized Missouri State Highway Patrol Inspector or St. Louis
City/County Auto Theft Unit.
Boats and outboard motors, a Boat, Vessel, or Outboard Motor Adavit of
Ownership and Inspection (Form 798) completed by the Missouri State Highway
Patrol (MSHP).
Trailers, (including boat trailers) may use an Application for Vehicle/Trailer
Identification Number Plate or Verification (Form 5062)
NOTE: May be inspected by any law enforcement ocer unless the purpose is for a
new or replacement VIN in which case an authorized agent of the MSHP or St. Louis
City/County Auto Theft Unit must complete the inspection.
4. Applicable title and processing fee(s) and state/local tax.
Junking Certificates are exempt from tax and title fees and require only the
processing fees.
Title penalties do not apply.
For a list of cities/counties with abandoned property ordinance refer to Exhibit F.
Vehicles Sold By Municipality or County on an
Abandoned Property Bill of Sale Checklist
Application for Missouri Title and License (Form 108) marked original, salvage, or
junk. The name(s) on the title application must match the purchaser’s name(s)
shown on the abandoned property bill of sale.
Application for Missouri Boat/Vessel or Outboard Motor Title And Registration
(Form 93).
The original Abandoned Property Bill of Sale. The bill of sale must include the
purchasers name and signature, sale price, date of sale, mileage, name and
signature of the city/county agent, and the city/county seal.
Title fee, taxes, and processing fee are due for an original or salvage title.
Junking Certificate only requires a processing fee.
Appropriate inspection, required only if applying for original title.
Section 5 - Abandoned Manufactured Homes
Landowner to Obtain a Lien Title on an
Abandoned Manufactured Home
Missouri law (Section 700.526, RSMo) allows the owner of the real property to secure a
lien on an abandoned manufactured home.
1. The lien shall be for unpaid rent against the manufactured home.
2. Landowner must provide a written notice to the manufactured homeowner and any
lienholder of record. Manufactured Home Lien Notification (Form 5328) must be mailed
to the manufactured homeowner and lienholder by certified mail.
Obtaining owner/lienholder information:
Subscribe to online inquiry for frequent record searches at dor.mo.gov/
One time record search - Request for Motor Vehicle/Driver License Records/
Personal Information (Form 5091).
3. Thirty days after mailing the notice (Form 5328) to the homeowner and lienholder by
certified mail complete an Application for Manufactured Home Lien Title, (Form 5329) and
submit to Motor Vehicle Bureau, PO Box 2076, Jeerson City, MO 65105-2076, with:
A copy of the 30-day notice Form 5328 which was previously mailed by certified
mail to the manufactured homeowner and lienholder;
Proof of 30-day notification by certified mail to all owner(s) and lienholder(s).
Proof of notification by certified mail includes one of the following:
Legible copy of signed certified card;
Legible copy of the envelope that was returned to sender; or
Legible copy of the postal receipt showing the addressee’s name and address
along with a printout from the United States Post Oce’s USPS Tracking®
web page, indicating the certified letter was delivered or was returned to the
A copy of the rental contract negotiated between the real property owner and the
manufactured homeowner;
A copy of any judgment of dismissal if the manufactured homeowner or lienholder
filed a petition to contest the lien; and
$16 ($10 title fee and $6 processing fee).
4. Upon receipt of all acceptable documentation, the landowner will be issued a lien title.
5. With the lien title the landowner must:
Begin proceedings to sell the manufactured home within 30 days;
The sale of the manufactured home shall only be held after giving the owner at least
20 days’ notice; and
The notice must substantially contain the following information:
1. Notice to the homeowner shall be given by one of the following methods:
Personal delivery;
Registered mail with return receipt requested; or
By publishing the notice not less than twice in a newspaper of general circulation
in the county in which the manufactured home is to be sold. The publication of
such notice shall not be less than 20 days prior to the date of the sale. See Section
700.527, RSMo, for additional details if no newspaper is published in the county.
2. The proceeds from the sale are to be distributed in the following order:
To the satisfaction of the real property owner for past-due rent and reimbursement
of actual and necessary expenses incurred in obtaining the lien and lien title
(including attorney fees);
The excess, if any, shall be paid to the homeowner; and
If the homeowner cannot be located, the excess shall be deposited with the county
treasurer in the county where the home was sold.
Notice to the Homeowner
Landowner to Secure Lien Title on an
Abandoned Manufactured Home Checklist
Application for Manufactured Home Lien Title (Form 5329). The name(s) on the
application must match the name(s) shown on the rental agreement.
Copy of the Manufactured Home Lien Notification (Form 5328) that was mailed by
certified mail.
Proof of 30-day notification by certified mail to all owner(s) and lienholder(s).
Proof of notification by certified mail includes one of the following:
Legible copy of signed certified card;
Legible copy of the envelope that was returned to sender; or
Legible copy of the postal receipt showing the addressee’s name and address
along with a printout from the United States Post Oce’s USPS Tracking®
web page, indicating the certified letter was delivered or was returned to the
$16 ($10 title fee and $6 processing fee).
Copy of signed rental agreement; and
Copy of any judgment of dismissal if the manufactured homeowner or lienholder
filed petition to contest the lien.
Section 6 - Unclaimed Vehicle
Salvage Pool or Salvage Dealer and Dismantler
Missouri Law section 301.193 RSMo, allows for a salvage pool or salvage dealer and
dismantler that takes possession of a vehicle at the request of tan insurer, when the insurer
does not purchase the vehicle through the claims adjustment process, to apply for a
salvage title or junking certificate if the vehicle remains unclaimed on their premises for
more than 45 days.
Used Motor Vehicle Dealer
A licensed used motor vehicle dealer may apply for a salvage title or junking certificate for
an unclaimed vehicle when the dealer takes possession of the vehicle at the request of an
organization exempt from federal income taxation under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal
Revenue Code when the organization does not provide the dealer with a negotiable title.
To be eligible to apply for a salvage title or junking certificate:
The salvage pool or salvage dealer and dismantler takes possession of the vehicle at
the request on an insurance company
The insurer does not purchase the vehicle through the claims adjustment process
The salvage pool or salvage dealer and dismantler must notify all vehicle owners
and lien holders by certified mail of their intent to apply for a title unless the owner
or lien holder removes the vehicle from the premises within 45 days
The vehicle remains unclaimed for more than 45 days on the salvage pool or salvage
dealer and dismantlers premises.
Vehicles currently titled or registered out of state must include an inspection of
the vehicle’s identification number (VIN) and a current odometer reading (ID/
OD). An ID/OD inspection.
Salvage Pool or Salvage Dealer and Dismantler
Requirements/Fees for Titling an Unclaimed Vehicle
1. Application for Salvage Title or Junking Certificate for an Unclaimed Motor Vehicle -
Salvage Pool or Salvage Dealer and Dismantler (Form 5825) marked salvage or junk; or
Application for Missouri Title and License (Form 108);
NOTE: Current or estimated mileage is required for vehicles model year 2011 and newer
that are less than twenty years old. (If mileage is unobtainable write in an estimated
mileage and a statement at the bottom of the application indicating mileage is an
2. Completed General Adavit (Form 768) including the following information:
Description of the vehicle including year, make, model, and VIN;
Name and address of insurer involved;
Current location of the vehicle including street address, city, state, and ZIP code;
Fair market value of vehicle; and
Statement explaining the circumstances by which the vehicle came into the salvage
pool or salvage dealer and dismantlers possession.
3. Copy of the 45-day notice (Form 5824 or similar notification) sent by certified mail to
all owners and lienholders;
Legible copy of signed certified card.
Legible copy of the envelope that was returned to sender.
Legible copy of the postal receipt showing the addressee’s name and address along
with a printout from the United States Post Oce’s USPS Tracking® web page,
indicating the certified letter was delivered or was returned to the sender.
NOTE: Submit legible copies of the proof of notification(s) listed above. Keep the originals
with your records.
4. The appropriate vehicle inspection if the vehicle is not currently titled in Missouri:
A Vehicle Examination Certificate (Form 551) completed by the Missouri State
Highway Patrol (MSHP) or a law enforcement ocer authorized by the Department
of Revenue and MSHP that is dated within six months of application for title; or
An Application For Vehicle/Trailer Identification Number Plate or Verification (Form
5062) may be completed for a title for a trailer in lieu of Form 551 by any law.
enforcement ocer unless the purpose is for a new or replacement VIN, in which
case an authorized agent of the MSHP or St. Louis City or County Auto Theft Unit
must complete the inspection.
State and local taxes (salvage title only);
• $8.50 title fee (salvage title only); and
• $6 processing fee.
Title penalties are not assessed.
Unclaimed Vehicle Checklist
Application for Salvage Title or Junking Certificate for an Unclaimed Motor Vehicle -
Used Motor Vehicle Dealer (Form 5826); or
Application For Missouri Title and License (Form 108)
General Adavit (Form 768)
A copy of the Notification letter (Form 5824)
Proof of 45-day notification by certified mail to all owners and lienholder.
Appropriate inspection required
Title fees, processing fees, and state and local taxes are due (if applicable)
Section 7 - Internet Record Search
Obtaining Access to Department Records
To obtain access to the Department’s records online you must:
1. Visit the Missouri Department of Revenue’s website at
2. Click on the link Request for Security Access Code (Form 4678) to obtain an application
to apply for a security access code and print the form.
3. Click on the link Application for Online Account (Form 5017) to obtain an application to
apply for an online access account and print the form.
4. Complete all forms and submit to the addresses indicated on the forms.
1. Upon approval of the security access, the Department will send written notification
informing the applicant of the security access code number.
2. Upon approval of the online access, the Department will send the following email to the
Application Approval Notification
NOTE: Due to programming restrictions, online access is currently via the Department’s
Notice of Lien System.
1. To perform record searches, log in to https://dors.mo.gov/dmv/nol/loginLink.do.
Record Search System Login
1. Enter your current password in the
“Old Password” field;
2. Press the “Tab” key;
3. Enter your new password;
4. Press the “Tab” key again;
5. Re-enter your new password; and
6. Click on “Submit”.
Changing Your Password
Resetting Password
If a user forgets their password he/she must contact the account administrator to reset the
password. See Resetting User’s Password on page 7-6.
If the administrator forgets his/her password he/she must contact the Department at
573-526-3669, Option 7.
2. First time users:
Enter your “User Id” and
Password” as indicated in the
email confirmation message the
Department of Revenue sent to
you previously.
You will then be directed to
change your password.
The next time you login, enter your
User Id and your new password.
Click on “Submit”.
1. Click “Record Lookup” on the left hand side of the screen.
Performing Record Search
2. Enter your security access code (DPPA number) assigned to you by the Department
and click “Submit”.
3. Select a vehicle type. Enter the title/control number or the make, year, and VIN/HIN.
Click “Perform Lookup”.
If available, the screen will indicate the latest owner/lienholder in the Department’s
records. This screen must be printed, as outlined in titling requirements.
Record Search Results
If “No Record” is found, you must sign and submit a printed “Record Lookup Results
screen (Exhibit B) with the tow report to the Department of Revenue for further research.
Record Search Results Not Found
NOTE: No license plate or other registration information is available online.
1. After logging into the record lookup system, click on “Update Institution Information”.
2. Change the required information and click on “Submit”.
Account Administration Instruction
3. You will receive a confirmation by email to inform you that the changes were made (see
Jon Wayne Auto
All users and the account administrator(s) will receive a daily email screen, which provides
a listing of the record searches performed each day.
Daily Email Notification
1. After logging into the record lookup system, click on “User Management”.
Only the account’s administrator has access to add/delete users.
2. From the drop down table, select which user you want to delete or change. To add a
new user, select “New User” from the table and click “Edit User”.
3. Enter all user information requested above. Click “Submit” after all information is
The information that you add/change will allow the user to perform record lookups.
You can activate or disable the user’s access or reset the user’s password from this
NOTE: The “Reset Password” box must be checked when adding a new user.
Adding Account Users
To reset a user’s password, place a check mark in “Reset Password” box and click
Submit”. The user’s newly generated password will be received via email.
Resetting a User’s Password
1. After logging into the system, click “Contact DOR”;
2. Select the type of assistance needed from the drop-down table and enter any
comments in the email content space; and
3. Click “Submit Email” and a screen will display indicating the message was sent
successfully. The appropriate sta member will respond to you.
Contacting the Department
Section 8 - Miscellaneous Information
Selling ABVs for Destruction
A towing company must comply with the notification requirements outlined in Section 2.
The notification must indicate that any ABV remaining unredeemed after 30 days may be
sold as scrap property.
The ABV may be sold to a scrap metal operator or a licensed salvage dealer for
destruction on a Bill of Sale (BOS) that states the same, provided that no satisfactory
arrangements have been made with the towing company for continued storage, and the
owner/lienholder has not requested a hearing.
The towing company will forward a copy of the BOS provided to the scrap metal operator
or licensed salvage dealer to the Department within two weeks of the date of sale.
1. Properly completed title application in the owners name, marked “Original”:
Application for Missouri Title and License (Form 108); or
Application for Missouri Boat/Vessel or Outboard Motor Title and Registration
(Form 93).
2. Appropriate inspection, required only if applying for original title:
Motor vehicles, a Vehicle Examination Certificate (Form 551) signed by the owner
and completed by an authorized Missouri State Highway Patrol Inspector or St.
Louis City/County Auto Theft Unit.
Boats and outboard motors, a Boat, Vessel, or Outboard Motor Adavit of
Ownership and Inspection (Form 798) completed by the Missouri State Highway
Patrol (MSHP).
Trailers, (including boat trailers) may use an Application for Vehicle/Trailer
Identification Number Plate or Verification (Form 5062)
May be inspected by any law enforcement ocer unless the purpose is for a new or
replacement VIN in which case an authorized agent of the MSHP or St. Louis City/
County Auto Theft Unit must complete the inspection.
Information provided on the inspection will determine if the title is branded “Prior
3. The outstanding salvage title.
4. Appropriate title fee, processing fee, and any taxes that may be due.
Obtaining an Original Title
Previously Titled as Salvage
1. The Department may recall a title which was issued in error with the approval of the
Division Director and/or Department Director.
2. An applicant may stop an application for ABV title if the Department is notified prior
to title issuance by calling the Department and requesting the application be stopped;
however, a written statement to that eect must be mailed to:
Missouri Department of Revenue
Motor Vehicle Bureau
PO Box 2076
Jeerson City, MO 65105-2076
3. The notified owner or lienholder may stop the abandoned property title prior to
issuance by filing a petition in court (see rights to a hearing below) or making
agreements with the applicant to claim the property.
4. The ABV title will not be voided if the stop request is received after the title has been
Stopping an ABV Title
An ABV owner/lienholder may file a petition with the Associate Circuit Court in the county
where the ABV is stored to determine if the ABV was wrongfully taken or withheld from
the owner. The petition must:
Be filed within ten days following receipt of the notification from the towing
company; and
Name the towing company/landowner among the defendants (petition may also
name the agency that ordered the tow or the owner/agent of the private property
from which the ABV was removed).
A copy of the petition must be served to the Director, although the Director is not a party
to such petition.
The Director will not issue a title or a junking certificate on the ABV until the petition
is finally decided.
Upon filing a petition and posting a bond with the Associate Circuit Court, the owner/
lienholder may have the ABV released.
The bond may be in the form of cash, a surety bond, or other adequate security
equal to the amount of the charges for towing and storage.
Upon posting of the bond and/or the payment of the applicable fees, the court shall issue
an order directing the towing company to release the ABV.
At the time of release, the owner/lienholder must provide a receipt to the towing company
listing any claims for loss/damage to the ABV or the personal property within the ABV.
Owner/Lienholders Right to a Hearing
Any municipality/county may enact ordinances specifying maximum reasonable towing,
storage, and other charges that can be imposed by towing/storage companies within their
A towing company may only assess reasonable storage charges for ABVs towed without
the consent of the owner. Reasonable storage charges will not exceed the charges for
vehicles that have been towed with the consent of the owner.
A towing company may charge no more than one-half the regular towing rate if the owner
claims the ABV before it is actually towed from private property. The regular rate may be
charged only after the ABV has been removed.
An owner who believes the ABV was wrongfully towed or wrongfully withheld from the
owner has the right to a hearing.
Towing Charges Imposed
The towing company is not required to release personal property within the ABV to the
owner until reasonable or agreed to charges for recovery, transportation, or safekeeping
have been paid or satisfactory arrangements for payment are agreed upon.
The towing/storage company must either release the personal property to the owner
or provide an itemized receipt for the contents after allowing the owner to inspect the
The towing/storage company is liable for the condition and safe return of the personal
Any medication prescribed by a physician must be released to the owner upon request.
Personal Property within ABVs
The towing company is not liable for any damage caused by removal of an ABV from
public property when the removal is properly authorized, except for damage caused by
A towing company that lawfully removes an ABV from private property with the written
authorization of the landowner/agent (who is present at the time of the removal) is not
responsible in any situation relating to the authorization of the removal. The towing
company is responsible for:
Any damage caused by the towing company to the ABV during transit or storage;
Removal of property, other than the property specified by the landowner/agent.
Damages may be recovered by the owner of the ABV from the landowner/towing
Tow Company Liability
company if any damages to the ABV resulted prior to or during the removal of the
Except for the removal of ABVs authorized by a law enforcement agency, a towing
company must not remove ABVs from private property without first obtaining written
authorization from the property owner/agent.
All written authorizations must be kept on file for at least one year.
General authorization to tow at the towing company’s discretion is not acceptable,
except in the case of ABVs unlawfully parked within 15 feet of a fire hydrant or in a
fire lane designated by a Fire Department or the State Fire Marshall.
A towing company that fails to obtain written authorization from the property owner/
agent will be liable to the owner of the ABV for four times the amount of the towing and
storage charges, in addition to any applicable criminal penalties that may apply.
If an ABV is insured and the insurer pays a total loss claim to the owner for the ABV,
the insurer or lienholder must remove the property from the storage facility or make
arrangements to transfer title to the towing company. Such transfer of title (subject to
agreement) will completely satisfy all claims for towing and storage. The ABV must be
removed or title transferred to the towing company within 30 days of the date that the
insurer paid a total loss claim or is notified of the location of the ABV, whichever is the
later event. Upon request, the insurer of the ABV must supply the towing company with:
The name, address, and phone number of the insurance company and the insured;
A statement regarding which party is responsible for the payment of towing/storage
charges under the insurance policy.
Insurance Claims on ABVs
If an ABV is insured and the insurer pays a total loss claim to the owner for the ABV,
the insurer or lienholder must remove the property from the storage facility or make
arrangements to transfer title to the towing company. Such transfer of title (subject to
agreement) will completely satisfy all claims for towing and storage. The ABV must be
removed or title transferred to the towing company within 30 days of the date that the
insurer paid a total loss claim or is notified of the location of the ABV, whichever is the
later event. Upon request, the insurer of the ABV must supply the towing company with:
The name, address, and phone number of the insurance company and the insured;
A statement regarding which party is responsible for the payment of towing/storage
charges under the insurance policy.
In addition, the towing company must retain for three years the following for ABVs sold on
a BOS (for destruction purposes only):
Year, make, vehicle identification number (VIN), and date of sale;
Name of the purchasing scrap metal operator or licensed salvage dealer; and
Record Retention Requirements
Copies of all notification letters sent to the owners/lienholders and/or drivers.
A towing company will not remove an ABV from private property without written
authorization from the property owner, except when authorized by a law enforcement
The towing company must retain all written authorizations for at least one year from
the date of authorization.
Exhibit A
Exhibit B
Exhibit C
Exhibit D
John Doe
301 W High St
Jeerson City, MO 65105
Exhibit E
Exhibit F