Jefferson Davis Middle School
Student Handbook
Shilene B. Singleton, Principal
Jefferson Davis Middle School
7050 Melvin Road
Jacksonville, Florida 32210
School Hours of Operation
School Day 9:10 a.m. 4:15 p.m.
From the Pen of the
Dear Parents and Students,
Welcome to the 2014-2015 school year! We are very pleased to welcome everyone, new and returning, to the Jefferson
Davis Middle School Family. Every staff member has been working hard to prepare for our students’ return, and excited
about the possibilities of the coming school year. Middle school is a vital bridge between elementary school and high
schoolit is also a period when young people, often for the first time in their lives, begin actively seeking a sense of
purpose and place. It is our job to provide them with these opportunities, while also keeping them engaged, challenged
and supported.
As the principal of Jefferson Davis Middle School, I want to welcome you to our school. I feel privileged to have the
opportunity to work with a highly qualified and dedicated faculty as well as hard working staff members. As you know,
the recently released Florida school grade was a disappointing realization of the label that will be attached to our beloved
school. It is clear that our recent report card scores are unsatisfactory. However, I do not believe that our school scores
reflect who we are currently as an educational institution or what opportunities we intend to provide to our students that
will prepare them for college and career readiness.
As we commence the 2014-2015 school year, we will be faced with new rigorous Florida Common Core Standards and a
new Florida Standards Assessment. We believe that all students can learn in a safe and nurturing environment. Therefore,
our teachers have been working throughout the summer in professional development work sessions preparing for the new
way of teaching. Our focus this year is to incorporate more academic rigor, reading, writing and discussions in our
instructional program to ensure that our students are prepared with the essential skills, strategies and knowledge they need
to fully maximize their potential and become successful. Our goal this year is to exceed our past year’s accomplishments
in all academic subjects. The accomplishment of our goals can be achieved only with your continued support. This
means that your student will have to take pride in his/her education and begin establishing goals he/she would like to
accomplish. In order to fulfill these expectations, your child’s attendance, focus, and willingness to learn must be of
primary importance on a daily basis.
Again, I look forward to serving our stakeholders throughout the 2014-2015 school year. This will be a difficult transition
for the majority of our students but with focus and commitment, they will meet or exceed the challenge. I know each of
you can make a personal commitment to achieving academic success--you will achieve more than you ever possibly
thought. Make it your personal mission to come prepared to school daily, transition to each class on time, to have a three
inch three ring binder, take Cornell Notes daily, write summaries each night, utilize interactive notebooks, read at least six
books on your reading level each quarter, and participate in tutoring sessions as needed. These are the expectations for
ALL students in ALL grade levels at Jefferson Davis Middle School. Please remember that I, my administrators, and
coaches have an open door policy and are here to help you achieve success and maximize your learning experience.
Together we are going to have a spectacular year!
Shilene B. Singleton, Principal
Mission and Vision Statements
Our mission and vision statements at Jefferson Davis and Duval County Public Schools drive what we do on a
daily basis.
Every student is inspired and prepared for success in college or a career, and life.
To provide educational excellence in every school, in every classroom, for every student, every day
Administrative Staff
Mrs. Shilene B. Singleton, Principal
Mrs. Nkoyo Ross, Assistant Principal
Mrs. Claire St. Amand, Assistant Principal
Mr. Tommy Silas, Dean of Student Services
Guidance Counselors
Ms. Rachel Bloomfield, Guidance Counselor
Support Service Staff
Ms. Jennifer Vander Voort, Principal Secretary
Ms. Wanda Duncan, Bookkeeper
Mrs. Cindy Cartwright, Data Entry-CRT
Ms. Adrienne Stewart, Office Assistant
Ms. Heidi Busher, Office Assistant
Officer Robert Gilsenan, School Resource Officer
Student Supervision/AM Program
Students may arrive on campus no earlier than 9:00 a.m. When students arrive to school, they must report to
their designated area as follows:
grade students will report to the cafeteria.
and 8
grade students will report to the gym.
Students will be released from their designated area to report to their 1
period class by administration and
security staff only.
Regular Bell Schedule
Sixth, Seventh and Eighth Grades
Teacher Sign-In
Transition to Homeroom/First Block
9:15 Tardy Bell
9:15 to 9:25 Homeroom
9:25 to 10:55 Instructional Block
Lunch 11:00 to 11:30
Lunch 11:33 to 12:03
Lunch 12:06 to 12:36
Lunch 12:39 to 1:09
10:55 to 10:58
10:58 to 1:09 Instruction Block and
1:09 to 1:12
1:12 to 2:42 Instructional Block
2:42 to 2:45
2:45 to 4:15 Instructional Block
Released at 4:12 School Released at
Teacher Sign-Out
Duval County School Student Calendar 2014-2015
National Holidays
Labor Day September 1
Veteran’s Day November 11
Thanksgiving November 27-28
MLK Holiday January 19
President’s Day February 16
Memorial Day May 25
September 11, 25 March 12, 26
October 9, 23 April 9, 16
November 6, 20 May 21
December 11
January 9, 22
February 5, 19
Weather Days
November 10
& 26
December 1
& 19
January 2
Other Student Holidays
Winter Break December 22 January 1
Spring Break March 16- 20
Spring Holiday April 3
Planning Days
October 24
January 16
April 2
Supply List
Requested Materials
3 Ring Binder (3 Inch) 8 Tab Dividers 3 Composition Notebooks (ELA, Reading, Science)
3 x 5 Index Cards Flash Drive Graph Paper (1/4 inch Grid) 7
and 8
Highlighters Loose Leaf Notebook Paper Pencils and Pens
Post it Notes (6) Spiral Notebook Calculators (7
and 8
graders only)
Glue Sticks (2) Ear Buds (Used during Testing )
Grading Scale
100-90 A
89-80 B
79-70 C
69-60 D
59-0 F
All visitors MUST report to the main office upon entering the campus. Visitors must sign in via
computer in the main office in order to obtain a pass from the receptionist before entering the building.
Failure to obtain a pass will result in action determined by School Resource Officer.
Jefferson Davis Middle uses AVID (Advancement Via Individual Determination) strategies and
methodologies school-wide. AVID is a program designed to prepare students to succeed in high school and
college. ALL JDMS STUDENTS are REQUIRED to have a three ring three inch binder with eight tabs as
well as an interactive notebook for each core subject. Binders are a NON-NEGOTIABLE at Jefferson Davis.
Students are expected to bring their binder to school every day to each class. One binder allows everything to
be in one placeall content areas are included in this one binder.
Binder Consequences
Students are expected to enter into each core classroom with their binder. If a student doesn’t have his/her
binder, the following consequences will apply:
Offense Student sent to the House Administration Office and Parent Notified
Offense Parent Conference and Student Contract
Offense Student will participate in after school detention
*If a parent doesn’t have the funds, the student will be given a binder and a contract must be signed by
both parent and student.
Identification Badges
Students will be provided an ID on a lanyard that will denote which grade level he/she is enrolled. The student
is expected to wear the ID every day to school. If a student doesn’t have his/her ID, the following consequences
will apply:
Offense Warning: Student sent to the House Administration Office and required to purchase
a $1 wristband that is to be worn the remainder of the day
Offense Student contract signed by student, parent, and administrator and participate in
after school detention
Offense Student will be required to buy a new ID for $5.00
Offense Student will be written on a discipline referral for a 2.01 offense (as per the Student
Code of Conduct, “Failure to follow directions relating to safety and order in class,
school, school-sponsored activities or the school bus”)
*If student is unable to pay $1 for the wristband or $5.00 for the new ID, the fine will go on record and
need to be paid immediately. If the fine is not paid immediately, student will not be able to participate in
extracurricular activities, such as, athletic events, field trips, and/or ect.
Please Note
Compass Odyssey is No Longer Offered as Recovery each quarter!
As per the Pupil Progression Plan for DCPS, “when a student receives a D or F as a final grade in a course they
may retake the course and replace the grade in the annual GPA and credit calculation following state
forgiveness criteria.
A middle school student receiving a final grade of C, D or F in a high school course may retake the course and
replace the grade in the GPA and credit calculation following state forgiveness criteria.
Scholarship Warnings
Parent Notification:
As per the Pupil Progression Plan for DCPS, a teacher shall send home a written scholarship warning/progress
report that serves as written notification at any time during a grading period when it is apparent that a student
may fail or is doing unsatisfactory work that may lead to failure in any course. Electronic communications do
not meet this requirement. The student will be given the opportunity to complete Learning Recovery, and the
parents will be offered an opportunity for a conference with the teacher and/or principal/designee. A student
may not receive a grade of “F” if this procedure has not been followed.”
School Wide Strategies
WICOR Strategies Writing, Inquiry, Collaboration, Organization, Reading
Cornell Note Taking - is one method of taking notes, reviewing information and understanding by
students. Students will complete Summaries nightly for each class where Cornell Notes are taken which are
later used to effectively study for tests.
Quick Writes - a literacy strategy that is designed to give students the opportunity
to reflect upon their learning. Students will utilize 5 minutes of their instructional time to reflect their
understanding of the lesson.
QAR - help students realize that the answers they seek are related to the type of question that is asked; it
encourages them to be strategic about their search for answers.
Binder See above.
Fluency Probes weekly assessments of basic math and reading skills.
7 Habits of Good Readers- Reading strategies to improve students’ reading and comprehension skills.
School Discipline Plan
Our goal at Jefferson Davis Middle School is to promote academic excellence and personal growth in a
safe and orderly environment through CHAMPs and Foundations. Teachers and staff will enforce the following
school-wide discipline plan:
Incentive Rewards
Rewards are school-wide, by team, or by individual teacher. Incentives will be used to applaud the efforts of
students who are modeling the appropriate behavior(s).
School-Wide Consequences
Teacher Warning with use of CHAMPs Student Sheet and documented parent contact
Team Conference with documentation
Time out in another teacher’s classroom with student completing CHAMPs Sheet
Referral to House Administrator
After School Detention
Out of School Suspension
In School Suspension
Discipline Policy
*Students who, as per the Student Code of Conduct, cause “disruption in the classroom” and “fail to follow
directions relating to the safety and order in class” must be given a time out to another classroom to complete
the CHAMPs Classroom Activity Student Sheet PRIOR to a referral being written.*
*The Student Intervention Checklist must be completed by the teacher(s) prior to a referral being written.*
*If a referral is written regarding the disruption in the classroom or the failure to follow directions, the completed
CHAMPs Student Sheet, Student Intervention Checklist, and Parent Conference Form MUST be attached to the
Class I Offense:
- 3
Offenses: Teacher/Student/Administrator and/or Parent/Teacher Conference; ISSP; Detention
Offense: ISSP
& More Offenses: ISSP or OSS
Class II Offenses:
Disciplinary actions will include the use of teacher/student conferences, parental contact/conferences, behavior
contract, Restorative Justice; ASD, Out of School Suspension (OSS) for up to 10 days depending on infraction
and as outlined in the revised DCPS Code of Student Conduct Handbook.
Zero Tolerance Policy/ Subsequent Offenses:
Fighting, harassment, battery, bullying, throwing food in the cafeteria, profanity toward school board
employees, and vandalism of school board property will result in, but not limited to, the suspension for one (1)
to five (5) days or OSS. If an alternative program is recommended, the proper documentation will be sent to the
Hearing Office for review and the student will be suspended for 10 days and/ or suspended pending the hearing
with the Hearing Officer. (See pages 14-16 of the Student Code of Conduct.) Student name added to NO GO
All class III and IV offenses will be handled as outlined in the Duval County Student Code of Conduct.
Every student will receive a copy of the Student Code of Conduct which outlines behavioral expectations.
1 Fight
1 Class III Offense
3 Class II Offenses
3 Binder Offenses
Non Conformity to the Newly Adopted Uniform Policy
5 Tardies
Students who are on the NO GO LIST are not allowed to attend any school dances or extracurricular
activities for the nine weeks.
Starts over each nine weeks.
*If a student owes fines for overdue books, ID’s, wristbands, etc then students are not allowed to
participate in any extracurricular activities, such as, field trips and block parties.
Each day that a student is absent from class, the automated attendance caller will notify parents by phone of
their child’s absence from class or school.
The following causes are acceptable excuses for being absent:
a) Illness or injury of the student;
b) Serious illness or death in the student’s family;
c) Inclement weather;
d) Official religious holiday of a religious sect or for religious instruction;
e) Participation in an academic class or school program such as study trips, competitions, etc.;
f) Insurmountable conditions as determined by the school principal, district, or school personnel; and,
g) A bus failure or irregular schedule which causes the absence or tardiness of a student who is eligible for
and regularly transported by the District.
Students should bring a note and leave it with their 1
period teacher. Students without a note will be marked
Cafeteria Policy
We aim to make the cafeteria a safe and clean environment where students interact with courtesy and respect.
Responsible Cafeteria Behavior:
Students will keep hands, feet, and objects to themselves
Students will remain seated at their assigned table
Students will not horseplay, throw food, etc.
Coming to Lunch:
Students must be escorted to the cafeteria by the teacher at the designated time in a single file line
Students will enter the cafeteria with their class and be seated at the assigned table by the teacher
Lunch Area/Lunch Line:
Students will use good manners
Students will stand in single file line
Students will purchase/receive all food items (entrée, snack, drink, etc.) during one trip
Students will not get up from their assigned table once food items have been received until picked up
from cafeteria by the teacher
Dismissal from Cafeteria:
Students will clean up their own areas
Students will politely pass trash to the end of the table to be placed in the nearest trash receptacle
Students will remain seated at their assigned table for teacher pick up
Students will not enter restroom without adult permission/supervision or a hall pass
Students will not remove any food or drink from the cafeteria
Hallway Policy
To maintain safety and order during the change of classes, every student must:
go directly to class when the bell rings, do not gather with friends
manage his/her time for personal matters (restroom, water) within the allotted time
talk in a moderate tone of voice
not horseplay in the hallway
use profane language in the hallway
not run in the hallway
not ask for hall passes the first and last fifteen minutes of each class and last thirty minutes of the school
Tardy Policy
Tardies are handled by the students’ instructional team members. Teachers follow the tardy progression
plan (located below). Students who are tardy after 10:05 a.m. should report to their House Administrator’s
office upon arrival. Teachers should dismiss students in a timely manner so that the students can avoid being
late to their next class. Any student who is less than five (5) minutes late to class is classified as TARDY.
Any student who is more than five (5) minutes late to class is classified as SKIPPING. Administration
conducts tardy sweeps on a regular basis to make sure students are getting to class in a timely manner.
Warning by instructor.
Warning by instructor, parent contacted by instructor, and/or after school
1 day of ISSP, referral to Truancy Officer, or use of tardy monitoring sheet.
2-3 days of ISSP, referral to Truancy Officer or use of tardy monitoring
On the day assigned to After School Detention, reporting late to ASD or not following the ASD
rules will result in the student receiving an out-of-school suspension.
Truancy Office
The procedure for handling attendance cases according to the state and district laws are as follows:
1. On or before three unexcused absences, the HOUSE ADMINISTRATOR’S SECRETARY must make
telephone calls and/or send letters to the home to identify the reason for the absences.
2. After five unexcused absences within a month or ten unexcused absences within 90 days, the GUIDANCE
COUNSELOR will notify the Attendance Intervention Team (AIT) to schedule a conference with the
parent/guardian and the student. The AIT should be made up of at least three school personnel. The school
attendance social worker for Jefferson Davis Middle will be notified so that he/she may be present. If the
parent/guardian does not attend the mandatory meeting, they must be given one other opportunity to
reschedule. If a parent/guardian does not attend the rescheduled meeting, a completed attendance referral
form will be sent to the district office. The student’s attendance will be monitored by the guidance
counselor and the attendance social worker assigned to Jefferson Davis.
Academic Integrity
Personal pride and integrity are essential to our dedication to academic excellence and are fundamental
elements of the Student Statement of Commitment. Cheating, including plagiarism, will not be tolerated. A
Jeff Davis student should not give, receive, or use unauthorized assistance on any assignment, nor should he/she
tolerate these actions by others. Any student with reason to believe such violation has or will occur is obligated
to report it to a teacher or an administrator. The following behaviors will be penalized:
1. Collusion (when one student knowingly allows his/her work to be submitted by another student for
assessment), this includes cheating on homework, class work, quizzes, and tests.
2. Plagiarism (the submission for assessment of the unacknowledged work, thoughts, or ideas of another
person as the student’s own). If plagiarism is suspected, it is always the burden of the student to prove
that his/her work is not plagiarized. Proof consists of producing notes, as well as resources used.
3. Malpractice (using materials, such as notes, prompts, etc., other than the student’s own intellectual
mastery of the course content to take a quiz or test)
Behaviors relating to any type of cheating will result in the following:
1. All students involved will earn a grade of zero for the work.
2. The incident will be recorded and documentation will be placed in the student’s file.
3. The teacher will write a disciplinary referral to the assistant principal, contact the parent and the
appropriate guidance counselor.
Make-Up Work
As per the DCPS Student Code of Conduct, Make-up work shall be allowed for each day of absence.
The make-up work must be made-up within a specific time period equaling one-day make-up per one-day
absence, counting from the first day the student returns to school. Each student shall receive full credit for such
Students who are absent shall receive a grade of zero (0) for work missed for the day(s) in which the
absence(s) occur. Students shall be responsible for making up missed work for each absence. Students shall
receive appropriate grades for the make-up work to replace the zero (0). The make-up work must be made-up
within a specific time period equaling one-day make-up per one-day absence, counting from the first day the
student returns to school.
Guidance Services
Two school guidance counselors are available for students and parents. The counselors are responsible
for conducting many group activities, classroom guidance activities, and individual sessions with students.
Students can make a request to visit a guidance counselor by obtaining a pass from their teacher or they
can be referred by their teacher on a guidance referral or administrator.
Parent Conferences
All parent conferences are scheduled through the team leaders. Parents, students, and teachers may
conference during the teacher’s planning times or before school. Each grade level has different conference
times. Students are encouraged to participate in conferences with teachers and parents. Parents may call 573-
1060 or e-mail the teachers directly to schedule a conference.
Structured Movement
For the past four years, Jefferson Davis Middle School has implemented structured movement to ensure
safe and efficient movement on campus. Discipline data indicates a drastic reduction in discipline offenses
outside of the classroom since the implementation of structured movement. Students are expected to comply
with structured movement policies and cooperate with faculty and staff requests during structured movement.
Electronic Devices and Restricted items
Wireless communication devices may be brought to school, but must be out of sight and kept in an “off” mode
while on the school property during regular school hours. Use of a wireless communication device may include
the imposition of criminal penalties if the device is used in a criminal act.
The following items are considered restricted and are not permitted in school: CD players, cameras, game
systems, skateboards, skates, magic markers, playing cards, trading cards, MP3 players, iPods, and other objects
that do not promote academic progress. The above items are subject to confiscation to be picked up by a parent.
(Any student who chooses to bring a wireless communication device or restricted item to school shall do so at
his or her own risk. Neither the school, nor its employees will be liable for any restricted item or cell phone
that is lost or stolen).
NOTE: Violation of the conditions in this paragraph will result in confiscation of the device by school
officials, and may result in other disciplinary actions set forth in the Code of Student Conduct under Class II
Offenses. The confiscated device will be returned to the student’s parent/guardian only.
NOTE: During EOCs and other high stakes testing, students may not have any electronic or recording
devices such as cell phones or electronic games in their pockets, at their desk or anywhere they can reach
them before, during, or after the testing session. Possession of any electronic device that reproduces,
transmits, records, or calculates (except for one provided as applicable), will result in the student’s test being
Early Pick-Up
In order for a student to leave prior to the end of the school day, he/she must provide a dated, written note, with
parent’s signature, parent phone number, and the reason for leaving to their House Administration Office. The
parent must indicate how the student is to leave. If the student will leave by car, the person picking up the
student should come into the House Administrator’s Office to sign for the student’s dismissal. Picture I.D. must
be presented.
Hall Passes
1. If a hall pass on a clipboard is issued, it must include the time, date, destination, and teacher’s name.
2. No hall passes will be issued the first 15 minutes and last 15 minutes of any period and last 30 minutes
of each day.
3. Any student found in the hall without a valid hall pass (Orange Vest) or at the incorrect destination will
be sent immediately back to class. THE HALL PASS IS NOT THE CLIPBOARD.
Uniform Policy-Updated
In an effort to establish and maintain an orderly and safe learning environment, Jefferson Davis Middle adopted
a School Uniform last school year and will be going into year two of implementation in the 2014-15 school
year. All students are expected to wear the acceptable uniform to school each day. Wearing Uniform is a
NON-NEGOTIABLE at Jefferson Davis Middle School.
ALL JDMS STUDENTS are REQUIRED to wear the following: Khaki Pants, Khaki Knee Length Shorts,
or Khaki Skirts. The colors for the uniform shirts are: Forest Green, Black or White polo style collared
shirts. NO T-SHIRTS! Pants, shorts, or skirts are to be plain. For safety reasons, cargo pants are NOT
allowed. Pants and shorts must have belt loops and the belt must be worn at all times. Shorts and skirts should
be at the knee level and no more than 3’ higher than the crease at the back of the knee. All pants, shorts and
skirts must fit at the waist and be worn at that level. Hat, Hoods, bandanas, scarves, head ties or other head
coverings are not to be worn on school grounds. NO hoodies are allowed. When the temperature drops below
50 degrees, students may wear jackets/coats to school. These must be taken off once students are in the
Students will have until August 25
to get their uniforms. Students who are not in uniform by this date
will be assigned In- School- Suspension and parents notified. After the 3
offense, student will be written
on a discipline referral for a 2.25 offense for refusal to participate in other previously assigned discipline
relating to offense code 2.01 (as per the Student Code of Conduct, “Failure to follow directions relating to
safety and order in class, school, school-sponsored activities or the school bus”) and assigned In School
Suspension or Out of School Suspension (OSS).
Please reference the information below regarding other standard dress expectations per the Student Code of
Conduct for Duval County Public Schools.
Parent/Student Statement of Understanding and Agreement
Jefferson Davis Middle School
I have read (or have had read to me) the dress code of Jefferson Davis Middle School and I fully understand what is
I willingly agree to abide by all of the stated dress code provisions at all times. I understand that the
dress code is non-negotiable here at Jefferson Davis Middle School. However, if there is an objection to
the dress code as to religion, I understand that I am required to bring proof of the requirement to
administration. This proof shall be from a recognized doctrine of faith, (i.e. the Bible, the Koran, etc.),
and include a letter of verification from my spiritual leader, and be a commonly recognized practice of
the faith.
I understand that I must be dressed under the Jefferson Davis uniform (dress code) policy both on
campus, and on the bus both morning and afternoon. I must be dressed before getting on the bus in the
I understand that I will not be allowed to go to class until I am in compliance with the dress code. I
understand that the amount of time spent out of class depends directly on how quickly I correct my dress
code violation.
I understand that if I am not compliant with the dress code my parents will be called to pick me up from
school or bring appropriate clothing and supplies. I understand that my required supplies are included in
my expected dress code compliance.
I understand that the uniform policy begins on the first day of school for all students attending Jefferson
Davis Middle School.
Parent Statement of Understanding and Agreement
As the parent of a Jefferson Davis Middle School student, I will support the uniform policy by:
I willingly agree for him / her to abide by ALL provisions of the dress code.
I understand that this is a non-negotiable policy and the dress code applies to all students.
I understand that if my child is inappropriately dressed at any time, I will be contacted by the school each
time the student is not incompliance with the uniform policy.
I understand that my child will not be allowed to go to class until in compliance.
I understand that my child will be expected to go to class when he/she becomes compliant with the dress
I understand that if my child is not compliant with the dress code, I will be required to come to the
school to either bring appropriate clothing / supplies or to remove my child from the campus. I
agree to comply with this requirement should the school call and inform me that my child is out of
compliance with the dress code.
I further agree to supply the school with current information on how to reach me.
______________________________ ______________________________
Parent Student
Student Dress and Grooming (Uniform Policy)
Administrators and teachers of the Duval County Public Schools shall enforce dress and grooming guidelines that
promote the successful operation of the schools.
The site administration shall be the final judge as to neatness and
cleanliness of wearing apparel and whether or not such apparel is appropriate, disruptive, distracting, or in violation
of health and safety rules.
Each student has the responsibility to dress appropriately for the school environment. Apparel, jewelry (such as body
piercing(s) ornaments), hair, and general appearance shall not disrupt the classroom atmosphere, shall not be unusually
provocative, and/or shall not violate health and safety rules of the school.
These guidelines for dress and grooming are provided to assist parents and shall apply to all students in Duval County
Public Schools. Student dress and grooming shall be neat and clean, and follow the general guidelines below.
Shoes must be worn with closed heels or back straps. However, bedroom shoes, slippers, and flip flops shall not be worn.
Halter-tops, tank tops, backless tops, tops with thin or no straps or tops that show the midriff or expose the body are
See-through or mesh garments shall not be worn without appropriate undergarments.
Form-fitting or overly tight clothing shall not be worn without appropriate outer garments.
Properly hemmed outer garments such as shorts, divided skirts, and dresses may be worn, provided they are not disruptive
or distractive.
Garments including, but not limited to, such items as boxer shorts, traditionally designed as undergarments, may not be
worn as outer garments.
Clothing and accessories shall not be worn if they display profanity, violence, lewd and obscene messages, sexually
suggestive phrases or advertisements, phrases or symbols of alcohol, tobacco, drugs, or any other symbols, phrases or
advertisements that would be offensive to common propriety or decency.
Head coverings, including but not limited to caps, hats, bandannas, hair curlers, and/or sunglasses, shall not be worn on
school property unless required by a physician or authorized by school personnel.
The waistband of shorts, slacks, skirts, and similar garments shall not be worn below the hips.
Underwear, midriff skin, and back skin may not be exposed. If belts, suspenders, and straps are worn, they shall be worn in
place and fastened.
Any articles of clothing or jewelry that may cause injury to oneself or to other students are not allowed.
Wearing apparel, jewelry (such as body piercing ornaments), hair, and general appearance shall not disrupt the classroom
atmosphere, shall not be unusually provocative, and/or shall not violate health and safety rules of the school.
All students attending Jefferson Davis Middle School must adhere to the adopted uniform policy for the
2014-2015 school year. In addition, all students must adhere to these minimal guidelines for acceptable apparel and
appearance. In order to maximize instructional time, students will be given an opportunity to immediately correct
dress code violations.
Physical Education
Students are required to dress in their P.E. attire and participate each time they attend class. In order to
receive credit for the day, students must dress in a plain white t-shirt with black shorts. No other attire will be
acceptable for participation in the physical education classes.
Media Center
Hours: 9:00 a.m. to 4:15 p.m.
The Media Center is available for students to use to do research for class assignments, locate
information on subjects of interest, and find books to read for pleasure. Books may be checked out for a two-
week period. Computers are available for research purposes. The use of the Media Center is a privilege. See the
Media Specialist if you need any assistance.
Student Behavior: No gum, candy, drink, or other items of food are to be consumed in the media center. All
students must return to class 15 minutes before the period ends, unless an arrangement is made with the teacher.
Overdue Book Notices: Notices of overdue books will be distributed through the homeroom teacher. Please
return library materials on time or renew them to avoid a five cents per day fine. Failure to pay overdue fines
will lead to suspension of Media Center privileges. Students will not be allowed to attend extracurricular
activities, such as end of year field trips, dances, and the 8
grade social if they have overdue items.
Lost/Damaged Items: A student will be charged a fee to replace a book that is lost. A student may be charged
fees for damages to books (torn pages, writing in, water damages). Failure to pay these fines will lead to
suspension of Media Center privileges.
Team Up
Team Up is an after school safety net program designed to enhance student academic performance in
language arts, science, and math, while providing cultural enrichment and social activities. Students receive
academic assistance in their core subjects. Team Up begins at 4:00 p.m. and ends at 7:00 p.m. The academic
component of the program runs from 4:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Monday through Thursday. A daily snack and
dinner is served to all students who are enrolled each day. Transportation is provided. If you have any
questions or need more information, please call 573-1060.
The Cornell Notetaking System
What are the
Three Advantages
1. It is a method for mastering information, not just recording facts.
2. It is efficient.
3. Each step prepares the way for the next part of the learning process.
materials are
1. Loose-leaf paper to be kept in binder.
2. 2-1/2 inch column drawn at left-hand edge of each page to be used for questions or
summary statements.
How should
notes be
During class, record notes on the right-hand side of the paper:
1. Record notes in paragraphs, skipping lines to separate information logically.
2. Don't force an outlining system, but do use any obvious numbering.
3. Strive to get main ideas down. Facts, details, and examples are important, but they're
meaningful only with concepts.
4. Use abbreviations for extra writing and listening time.
5. Use graphic organizers or pictures when they are helpful.
How should
notes be
After class, refine notes:
1. Write questions in the left column about the information on the right.
2. Check or correct incomplete items:
• loose dates, terms, names
• notes that are too brief for recall months later
3. Read the notes and underline key words and phrases.
4. Read underlined words and write in recall cues in the left-hand column (key words and
very brief phrases that will trigger ideas/facts on the right). These are in addition to the
5. Write a reflective paragraph about the notes at the bottom of the page.
6. If possible, compare notes with a study buddy.
What are the
ways to recite
Recite notes three ways:
1. Cover up right side of page. Read the questions. Recite information as fully as possible.
Uncover the sheet and verify information frequently (single, most powerful learning tool!)
2. Reflect on the organization of all the lectures. Overlap notes and read recall cues from
the left side. Study the progression of the information. This will stimulate categories,
relationships, inferences, personal opinions/experiences.
Record all of these insights!
3. Review by reciting, reflecting, and reading insights.
What are the
five steps of
this system?
This system in brief:
1. Record lectures in the main column.
2. Refine lectures with questions, corrections, underlining, recall cues, graphics and
3. Recite by covering main column and expanding on recall cues - then verify.
4. Reflect on organization by studying all cues.
5. Review by repeating recite and reflect steps.
Mary Catherine Swanson, 2002, reproducible for classroom use.
Class Notes / Learning Log / Textbook Notes
Remember to REVIEW these notes
daily so you will be ready to participate
in class discussion the next day. This
practice of daily review will also prepare
you for future assessments.
(From Accel. Math)
Teaching Obj.:
(Student friendly)
Essential Question:
(From Learn. Sched.)
Summary, Reflection, Analysis