JCSHESA Revise & Resubmit Cover Letter Template
[Name of Editor in Chief and/or Associate Editor, if known]
The Journal of Critical Scholarship on Higher Education and Student Affairs
School of Education, Higher Education Program
Loyola University
Chicago, IL
Dear [Name of Editor in Chief and/or Associate Editor] and Reviewers,
Thank you for the opportunity to revise and resubmit our manuscript, [title of manuscript]. Enclosed is
our revised manuscript for review. I appreciate immensely the feedback and opportunity to revise and
resubmit my manuscript. This letter details how I addressed the Associate Editors and reviewers’
feedback. I created a table that includes a detailed response to each suggestion or comment the reviewers
made. The table, specifically, details changes I made (or did not make) to the manuscript. [In the next
paragraphs, summarize the feedback that was provided by reviewers and explain how it made your
paper stronger.]
The first and second reviewers made suggestions that strengthened my literature review. In particular,
they asked me to strengthen the connection between XYZ and XYZ I identified recent studies on XYZ
and XYZ to help me set the context of XYZ. [All authors who receive an R&R are required to submit
a table that summarizes the reviewers’ comments and the author(s)’ responses. As such, these
paragraphs do not have to be long or too detailed, but you do want to include overall
comments/thoughts on what changes you incorporated, how those changes were incorporated, and
why these changes were pertinent to your paper. Since you already provide detailed responses in
your table, in the cover letter, you mainly want to focus on major revisions that significantly
strengthened your paper.]
One reviewer questioned the year of the data I used to link to my evidence because their concern was that
it was outdated. However, the reason we chose 2015 as our data is because…. Moreover, a discussion of
how data has changed overtime fell beyond the scope of this paper. [If you did not agree with a
suggestion made by a reviewer, this would also be a good place to provide a respectful and reasoned
explanation. If you believe a reviewer’s comment is disrespectful, harmful, or does not follow an
ethics of care, please contact the JCSHESA Associate Editor immediately.]
I believe my revised manuscript addresses reviewer(s) comments and is overall a stronger paper. I believe
that the following fruitful changes have improved my revised manuscript for publication. I hope these
changes have met the pertinent reviewer(s) needs and concerns.
I look forward to hearing from you soon regarding our revised manuscript. Thank you for your
consideration of this revised manuscript.
Author(s) of [Insert Manuscript Title] [IMPORTANT: Because reviewers’ have access to this cover
letter and table, we ask that no identifying information like author’s names or institution be
included in the R&R cover letter].
Table 1: Revise and Resubmit Response Table [Example]
Reviewer’s Feedback
Author(s) Response/Action
Reviewer 1
Page 4: [Include reviewer’s original
Page 5: [Include your response or the action
you took to address the reviewer’s feedback.
Give specific information on what changes
you incorporated and how those changes were
incorporated into your manuscript. If there
was a suggestion that you were unable to
revise or did not agree with, please explain
clearly your standpoint and why you believe
this suggestion is not appropriate or relevant
to the study’s purpose].
Reviewer 2
Page 20: [Include reviewer’s original
Reviewer 3
Page 6: [Include reviewer’s original