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Job Seeker Orientation
Essential Tools for Job Seekers
Maximize Your Potential
Develop a Career Plan
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Thank You For Joining Us -
What to Expect
Job Seeker Orientation
Overview of the One - Stop
Center services, workshops,
programs and core partners
Review tools needed to find
your next job / career
Learn tips for a successful
job search
Discuss resume, cover letter
and references
Application process and
interview preparation
Job Seeker Orientation
Understanding IowaWORKS
IowaWORKS offers:
Employment Services, Workshops, Career Interest
Profiler, Skills Assessments, Career Guidance and
Counseling, Reasonable Accommodations
Collaboration between partner programs and agencies to
help individuals obtain and maintain employment
Job Seeker Orientation
Job Search and Career Development Services
Work Registration (
Skills Assessment
Job Search Assistance
Job Referrals and Leads
Help with Job Search and Applications
Career Exploration
Assistance with Resume and Cover Letters
Interviewing Skills (In-person & Virtual)
Job Seeker Orientation
Job Seeker Services
Veteran Services
Unemployment Services
Basic Computer Classes
Office Proficiency Assessment
Microsoft Applications
National Career Readiness Certificate
Job Readiness Workshops
Meet & Greets / Hiring Events (In-person & Virtual)
Job Seeker Orientation
Io w a
Ca n H e l p Yo u
Adult, Youth and Dislocated Worker
Pre-Apprenticeship (commonly through high schools)
Registered Apprenticeship (
Vocational Rehabilitation (IVRS)
Ticket to Work
Job Corps
Senior Community Service Employment Program
Re-Entry Career Planning
Go to for more resources
Job Seeker Orientation
VETERANS Priority of Service
Job Seeker Orientation
Re sou rces Ava ila ble a t Io w a
Wo r ks
One on one assistance with friendly, knowledgeable Career Planners
Resources to direct you to current job opportunities
Computer Lab, Fax, Scanner
Language Learning Opportunities - Rosetta Stone
Tips Sheets, Hiring events/ Job Fair info
Referrals to Community Resources and Partner Programs
*All services are free*
Job Seeker Orientation
Finding your Career Path
Text here
Job Seeker Orientation
Iowa Skills Jobs vs. La bor
Io wa is Exp e rie n cin g a Mid d le -Skill Jo b Ga p
Io wa 's Jo b s & Wo rke rs b y Skill Le ve l, 2019-2020
Job Seeker Orientation
Skills Assessment and Guidance
Assess the gaps you have in your skills set and determine
what is specifically needed to bridge the gap so that you
can access the right opportunities for success!
IowaWORKS can help you explore both providers and
funding opportunities needed to obtain education and
Job Seeker Orientation
Skills Assessment and Guidance
What specific skills or credentials are you currently lacking
that have proven to be a barrier in your job search?
High School or High School Equivalency
English Language Proficiency
Career Specific Skills / Credential / Certification
Technology Skills
Job Seeker Orientation
Na t ion a l Ca re e r Re a din e ss Ce rt ifica t e
A way to prove your skills
Nationally recognized skills assessments
Earn a certificate to add to your resume and keep in
your folder
100% free / No cost to Iowa residents
Job Seeker Orientation
Na t ion a l Ca re e r Re a din e ss Ce rt ifica t e
Workplace Documents
Graphic Literacy
Applied Mathematics
Job Seeker Orientation
Na t ion a l Ca re e r Re a din e ss Ce rt ifica t e
Certificate Levels
Job Seeker Orientation
Maximize Your Potential Workshops
Maintain a Positive
What is happening to me?
How do I handle stress?
What do I need to do to
move forward?
Get a new outlook on your
job search!
Job Seeker Orientation
Ma xim ize You r Pot e n t ia l
Develop a Career Plan
What are the skills needed for the job
that you want?
Do you need additional training to
achieve your employment goal?
Assess your current skills / Create a
plan / Discover tools to put the plan
into action and succeed.
Job Seeker Orientation
Ma xim ize You r Pot e n t ia l
Research Industry
What occupations are high
in demand in Iowa and
What skills training or
education do I need to work
in the industry?
Job Seeker Orientation
Ma xim ize You r Pot e n t ia l
Create a Great
Which type of resume is better for
you? (Chronological? Functional? Or
How to write Skills / Qualification
How to tailor resume to specific job?
This workshop gives you the
opportunity to craft a great Resume
Job Seeker Orientation
Ma xim ize You r Pot e n t ia l
Conduct a Job Search
Learn about:
Effective Job Search Methods
Master Application
Application Tips (
Online and paper
Personality Test and other
Assessments (Best Practices)
Sample Cover Letter
Job Seeker Orientation
Ma xim ize You r Pot e n t ia l
Interview and
Interviewing why is it so hard?
What questions will they ask?
How do I answer those questions?
STAR (Situation,Task, Action,Result)
How do I dress?
How do I follow up? When do I follow
How do I prepare for a virtual
Job Seeker Orientation
Re su m e Writ in g
1 page is best- 2 pages is the
Professional email address
Font size:10-12 pt (same font
throughout the document)
Arial, Calibri or Times New Roman
Use Bold or Italics for headings
Avoid technical jargon, slang and
Job Seeker Orientation
Cover Letters
Accompanies your resume
If given an option, always send a cover letter, when sending your resume
Make sure each cover letter, like your resume is unique to the job
Employer will likely review first
Demonstrate knowledge and interest to employer
Opportunity to explain potential negative aspects (gap due to pandemic)
Directs employer to particular parts of resume
New cover letter for each job application
Job Seeker Orientation
Separate page
Make sure you use managers / supervisors / co-workers
No more “References provided upon request” Must be able to provide at least 3
Consistent with formatting
Job Seeker Orientation
Fillin g ou t Job Applica t ion s
Create a professional
email address (especially
for online applications)
Resume specifically
tailored to match job
Resume (electronically saved
on Flash Drive or computer)
Quiet time to complete
application in one sitting
Be prepared to create
an account for that
specific employer
Job Seeker Orientation
Information you need to apply for jobs
Job Seeker Orientation
On lin e Job Se a rch a n d Applica t ion
Follow ALL directions exactly as described on each page
and that all appropriate materials have been uploaded
Proofread and pay attention to spelling and grammar
Everything with a red *, #, or another symbol are required
When submitting application, check email for confirmation
Keep track of User ID and Password for each site
(Passwords are usually case sensitive or a combination of
letters, numbers & special characters)
Be aware that some online applications "time out" -
consider having information printed for easy/timely access
Job Seeker Orientation
Mistakes to avoid on paper or online
a pplica t ion s
Not following directions
Misspelled words and poor grammar
Incomplete information or unanswered questions
Not applying for a specific position
Job Seeker Orientation
How Many Fs Do You Count?
Job Seeker Orientation
Incomplete work history or large unexplained gaps in
work history
Not checking entries on an online application when
uploading resume
Using words such as fired, terminated, let go
Application not submitted by the deadline
Mistakes to avoid on paper or online
a pplica t ion s
Job Seeker Orientation
Preparing for the Interview
Do your Homework
Learn the business and determine the following points:
Uniqueness of the industry
Know the culture of the company/organization
What is their reliance on technology (compared with your
technology skills)
Two questions to have answers to:
What do you know about us?
What about this job appeals to you?
Job Seeker Orientation
Te ll Me Abou t You rse lf
The Elevator Pitch
Timing:15-45 seconds to explain your value to a potential
Content: reveal what you’d bring to the table, what you can do
for them
Stick to no more than 3 most important positive points related
to your homework, the position and your experience related to
the position you are interviewing for
It should contain what you are passionate about and how do
your key strengths bring value to a potential employer
Delivery: practice, practice, practice
Job Seeker Orientation
Best Ways to Prepare for Interview
Do your homework!
Know ahead of time the details of job description
Create Elevator Pitch and practice
If virtual, assure area around you is clean, has appropriate
lighting and no extra noise in the background
Using the STAR method to frame your responses to
interview questions:
Identify a Situation
What was the Task?
What Action did you take?
What was the Result?
Job Seeker Orientation
Be h a viora l In t e rvie w Qu e st ion s
Situational Questions: “Tell me about a time when . . .”
Almost impossible to do well unless you have prepared in
Focuses on problem solving skills
Always use STAR method for your answer
Identify a Situation
What was the Task?
What Action did you take?
What was the Result?
Job Seeker Orientation
Dress for Success
Be confident
Dress one step up from what the occupation will likely
Prepare clothing well in advance of interview
Make sure clothing is clean and pressed
Wear clean and professional shoes
Personal appearance
Job Seeker Orientation
Appearance and First Impressions Matter!!!
Most interviewers make up their minds within the first 5
minutes of meeting you whether they are going to hire you.
A big part of this is how you walk into the room.
How did you greet the receptionist?
Did you make eye contact when introducing yourself?
Follow the lead of the employer, if they want to bump
elbows, shake hands or fist bump.
If virtual, be mindful of when you are muted.
Job Seeker Orientation
Leaving a Good Impression
1. Be prepared with your own list of questions related to the
position and or corporation.
a. How is the company planning for growth ?
b. How will this position assist in growth?
c. What are some of the challenges a person in this position will likely face?
2. Thank the interviewer for their time and follow the lead of
the employer, if they want to bump elbows, shake hands
or fist bump.
3. Send a follow-up email to thank the employer for their
time and the interview.
Job Seeker Orientation
Most Common Interview Mistakes
1. Not being prepared!
2. Dressing inappropriately
3. Failing to present a detailed resume
4. Lying about items during the interview/resume
5. Using negative comments when describing a former boss
or place of employment
6. Displaying a bad attitude
7. Chewing gum
8. Fidgeting, poor posture
9. Talking too much
10. Failing to follow up
Job Seeker Orientation
Job Se a rch in g a n d Socia l Me dia
According to a recent survey,
75% of employers are using
social media to screen prospective
employees during the hiring process.
It is critical to create,
develop and monitor your
image online.
Maximize Your Potential
Interview and Negotiate
We are here to help
Career Planners are available in your local IowaWORKS American Job
Centers to help you 1 on 1 with your job search! They can help identify open
job opportunities, craft your perfect resume, conduct a mock interview and
Schedule a time to meet with one of our skilled career planners either in
person or online! Contact your local center or schedule a virtual meeting by
logging into and going to Meetings on your Dashboard!
Find contact information for your
local center at
Job Seeker Orientation
We are here to help
Sending out resumes/applications and not getting
interviews? Attend Create a Great Resume workshop.
Getting interviews but not job offers? Attend Interview
& Negotiate then try a Mock Interview (In-person or
Not sure what your next step is? Check out Research
Industry Trends to learn about current trends and
occupations that match your interests.
Job Seeker Orientation
We are here to help
Sending cover letters that read like IRS tax forms? Join
us for the Conduct a Job Search workshop, which
explains cover letters, thank you notes, etc.
Reinvent Yourself: Don't become too attached to who you
think you should be. Let it go and try new things. That
may mean expanding your job skills and using them in
another way. Join us for Develop a Career Plan.
Let us help you! “Think outside the box” and
explore training and skill upgrading opportunities.
Maximize Your Potential
Interview and Negotiate
Wow Employers in 30 Seconds!
Mock Interviews
Secret Interviewing Tips and
Answering Tough Questions
Conflict in the Workplace
Bring Your A Game to Work
Make a Great Resume
Application Tips and Online
Make a Great Resume
Top Job Search Strategies
How to Keep a Positive
Attitude While Job Searching
Budgeting and Money
Let Us Know! Topics to Consider
We Are Here For YOU!
Questions or
Thank you for
attending today’s