ASU Graduate College Format Manual- February 2022
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Thesis/Dissertation Format Requirements
Every page of your document must meet the margin requirements of 1.25 inches on
the left and right, and 1 inch on the top and bottom. All materials including
appendices, if you choose to include them, must meet the margin requirements.
Font and Size of Text
The Graduate College requires that students use one of the TrueType fonts listed
below. You should retain the same font and font size throughout your document
(preliminary, main text, back matter pages); the only exception is endnotes and
footnotes which may be in a smaller point size.
Arial 10pt
Century 11pt
Garamond 12pt
*Georgia 11pt
Sans Serif 10pt
Tahoma 10pt
*Times New Roman 12pt
*Verdana 10pt
*These fonts are designed for easy screen readability and are highly recommended.
There are multiple versions of Times New Roman font that vary slightly. If using
Times New Roman, make sure that only one version is used consistently throughout
entire document.
Line Spacing
All text must be double-spaced, except: block quotes, appendices, table/figure
captions, material in tables, footnotes, endnotes, reference citations, and the optional
biographical sketch. You must single-space individual footnotes and reference
entries, then double-space between each note and entry.
You should make every effort to apply formatting consistently, as indicated by your
style guide and this manual, throughout your document. Also, it is important to use
terms, abbreviations, word order, capitalization, and punctuation (i.e., hyphenation)
consistently in your preliminary matter, main text, and back matter.
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Contents and Order
Your document must be in the following order:
1. Title Page
2. Copyright page (if document is copyrighted, copyright fee must be paid)
3. Abstract
4. Dedication (optional)
5. Acknowledgments (optional)
6. Table of Contents
7. List of Tables (if tables appear in document)
8. List of Figures (if figures appear in document)
9. Other lists (e.g., nomenclature, definitions, glossary of terms, etc.)
10. Preface (optional; must be less than 10 pages)
11. Main Text
12. Notes (if you have elected to use endnotes)
13. References (AKA “Bibliography” or Works Cited”)
14. Appendices
15. Biographical Sketch (optional)
Title page is not paginated
All preliminary pages (title page to preface) are paginated with lowercase Roman
numerals, starting with “ion the abstract
Continue numbering consecutively on the preliminary subsequent pages up to the first
page of the main text
All main text and back matter pages are paginated with Arabic numerals consecutively;
starting with “1” on the first page (example: Chapter 1 is page 1)
Place all page numbers at the bottom of the page, centered between the left and right
margins and directly upon the 1-inch bottom margin
Continue numbering consecutively on the main text/back matter subsequent pages to
the end of the document (including appendices)
You may use a footer feature if your software provides one, but be sure that your page
numbers are the same font and size as the rest of your text and are set to begin at 1 inch
from the bottom edge of the page
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Headings and Subheadings
The format for headings and subheadings should be determined by your style guide; please
review it carefully.
Headings and subheadings should appear in the same font and size as the rest of the text,
even if a style guide makes such alterations.
Paragraphs and Indentation
All paragraphs of your text should be indented as indicated by your style guide or journal.
Indent consistently throughout your document. Indentation of block quotations and
reference entries should conform to your style guide or journal article.
Other Text Considerations
Justifying both margins is not recommended because it can cause a number of problems,
especially in the references. Many programs that justify your text at both margins add
spaces between words to stretch out a line, leaving awkward gaps in the text.
Widows and Orphans
Widow” lines occur when the last line of a paragraph appears alone at the top of a page.
“Orphan” lines occur when the first line of a paragraph, or heading or subheading, appears
alone at the bottom of a page. To fix a “widow or an “orphan,” move a line from the
previous page to accompany it or move the line onto the next page. You may allow more
than 1 inch at the bottom of a page in order to avoid “widow” and “orphan” lines.
Use good judgment in correcting such problems, but avoid placing text within the 1-inch
bottom margin.
Most word-processing programs, including Microsoft® Word, have a feature to prevent or
fix this error.
In-text Citations
You must identify all sources for other’s concepts, ideas, quotations, or paraphrased text
that you have used in your document. Ensure that the author name, publication date, or
page number (depending on your style and the type of source) are correct.
Follow your style guide for the treatment of in-text citations in terms of appearance, content,
punctuation, and placement.
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Wherever you elect to place your notes, they must be formatted consistently throughout the
document. All notes should be indicated in the text with corresponding superscript numbers
rather than here1), so that they are distinct from the text. Follow your style guide or
journal for the numbering and format of notes. You should single-space each note, and use
double-spacing between them. To format a document with endnote or chapter note
organization, begin the notes section on a new page. If you use notes, please choose word-
processing software that allows for superscripts.
Photographs and Graphics
Each photograph or graphic, like all figures, must be given a number and a caption and
must meet margin requirements, reducing the image if necessary. A “LIST OF
PHOTOGRAPHS” or “LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS” should also be included in the
preliminary pages to assist readers in finding the images.
Should you wish to include photographs or illustrations, you have two options: (1) scanning
them; or, (2) reproducing them xerographically (provided that the resolution is clear
enough). Whichever method you choose, the resulting image(s) should be sharp with good
contrast quality.
Policy on using Previously Published/Publishable Works
Students who are planning to incorporate a previously published or publishable work in their
document should refer to the Policy on using Previously Published or Publishable Work in a
Culminating Experience Document.
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Title Page
Title: double-spaced, Title Case, center aligned
“by”: double-spaced; all lowercase letters, center aligned
Name: what is included in the ASU system
Clause “A Thesis Presented in Partial Fulfillment”: 5 single line spaces after
Description: single-spaced; insert name of degree only
Clause “Approved [Month] [Year] by the”: ten single line spaces after the
Date: month and year of your oral defense; no comma
Block 3: “Graduate Supervisory Committee” in title case followed by a colon (:);
insert names of committee members; comma and space before Chair and Co-
Date: month (either May, August, or December)
Note to Students in the School of International Letters and Cultures. Documents
produced to fulfill
the requirements of a Master of Arts degree, or a Doctor of Philosophy
degree may be written in the
language of the discipline. The foreign title should appear on
the title page. The following page, labeled
page i, should consist of the English translation
of the abstract. Pagination continues on the next page
with the abstract and rest of the
document written in a foreign language.
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Type ABSTRACT in all capital letters; not bolded, center aligned
One double-space between “ABSTRACT” and text
Double space all text following; no bold; no italics or underline (used only for
species, genre, book titles, musical compositions, or foreign words and
All acronyms or abbreviations must be written out fully at first
use with acronym/abbreviation in parenthesis
Must start on page i
Do not exceed 350 words in length
No first person plurals ‘we’, ‘our’, ‘us’
Do not include bibliographic citations
Note to Students in the School of International Letters and Cultures. If you compose
your document in the language of your discipline (e.g. Spanish, German, or French) then
you must include an extra abstract in English. See page 7 for more information.
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Dedication and Acknowledgments (Optional)
Generally, the dedication contains a more personal note to family, loved ones and those
who have helped students on their journey that may no longer be with us. While the
acknowledgments usually consist of professional and academic assistance, the dedication
and the acknowledgments should be on separate pages.
Please follow these guidelines:
The dedication and acknowledgments cannot exceed three pages combined.
Headings: The dedication does not require a heading, but ACKNOWLEDGMENTS”
should be in all capitals and centered between the margins on the
acknowledgments page.
Text: The text of the dedication may be centered vertically on the page. The text of
the acknowledgments should follow the indentation of paragraphs recommended by
your style guide.
The end of your acknowledgments is an excellent place to note sponsorship or
funding for your research, i.e., military, corporate, etc.
1. To my family, for their patience, encouragement, and understanding.
2. Thank you to my family for always being by my side. Without you and your encouragement, it
would be impossible for me to achieve my dream.
3. I would like to dedicate this achievement to my family for their unwavering support and love
throughout my doctoral education. No effort on my part will be enough to thank you for the sacrifice
you have made on my behalf.
1. As a student of ASU, I acknowledge that the Tempe campus sits on the ancestral homelands of
those American Indian tribes that have inhabited this place for centuries, including the Akimel
O’odham (Pima) and Pee Posh (Maricopa) peoples.
“In keeping with the design aspirations of the New American University, ASU seeks to embrace our
place, connect with tribal communities, and enable the success of each American Indian student.
We reaffirm the university’s commitment to these goals and acknowledge that everyone, the entire
ASU community, is responsible for their achievement. President Crow, August 31, 2015
2. I want to extend my gratitude to my committee for their guidance in my research and for taking the
time to serve as committee members.
3. I would like to express my gratitude to my advisor for the opportunity to work on my research
project and for their guidance and support throughout my doctoral journey. I would also like to
sincerely thank my committee members for helping me develop my research and for providing
valuable guidance and encouragement throughout my studies.
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Table of Contents
(Chapter Format)
Type TABLE OF CONTENTS in all capital letters; center aligned
List preliminary pages that follow table of contents in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS
Create headings “CHAPTER” and “Page” as shown below; include on subsequent
Indent subheadings; use title case for all subheadings
Double space
Add leader dots between headings/subheadings and page numbers
Use all CAPITAL LETTERS for chapter titles or sections headings
Right-align page numbers
No bold or underlined typeface (Italics may be used only for genus and species
names, , book titles, musical compositions, or foreign words and phrases)
write in
title case
all capital letters
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Table of Contents (Chapter Format) cont.
Double space
Continue on subsequent pages if necessary
Ensure headers appear on subsequent pages
Include APPENDIX header in all capital letters before listing appendices
List appendices in all CAPITAL LETTERS
Do not include subheadings for appendices
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Table of Contents
(Alternative Format)
Create heading “Page” as shown below
Ensure headers appear on subsequent pages
Double Space
include this header
on subsequent pages
write in title
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List of Tables, List of Figures, and Other Lists
Follow same format as table of contents
Create headers reading “Table”/”Figure” and “Page”
Ensure headers appear on subsequent pages
Double space
No bold or underlined typeface (Italics may be used only for genus and species
names, book titles, musical compositions, or foreign words and phrases)
Use title case for captions
Other lists (terms, nomenclature, etc.) should be formatted similarly
include this header
on subsequent pages
write in
title case
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Tables and Figures
Refer to your style guide for the formatting of tables (including borders), table titles, and figure
captions, including placement, typeface, alignment, and wording. You may need to reduce the
size of a table or figure to meet the margin requirements, which may require using smaller size
type within the table or figure, As a general guide, you may refer to the figure below, a sample
table in Chicago style. Tables extending over multiple pages should be placed in an appendix.
For continued figures or tables, follow your style guide for treatment of captions/titles.
Place the figures and tables directly where intended for your document. Format Advisors do not
edit the format and layout of your document.
Make sure to check the layout of your document, especially in regards to placement of tables,
figures, and text throughout the format process. Avoid splitting a table or figure on multiple pages
if it can fit on one page by adjusting the spacing and layout of text.
Sample Table in Chicago Style
Note: You should follow the format of your selected style guide.
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Horizontal (Landscape) Table
Double space above page number
Notice page number placement
14 of 20
Style guides and journals vary widely in the treatment of references. Your comprehensive
list of references also may be called Works Cited” or “Bibliography,” but certain
requirements apply to the list regardless of its name. Your style guide determines the
format for all entries and their overall organization; therefore, you must be familiar with
the style of citations and references used by your journal or style guide, ensuring that it
addresses all of your source types. Please be aware that some style guides provide
more than one option for reference style, depending on the discipline (e.g., humanities or
sciences), so you will want to choose the option that is best suited to your discipline.
The reference list should be single spaced with one additional line space
separating each reference from another.
It is fine to have references listed after each chapter but a comprehensive
references page must also be included at the end of the document (before
Avoid splitting a reference entry between two pages.
Nation, K., & Snowling, M. (2004). Beyond phonological skills:
Broader language skills contribute to the development of reading.
Journal of Research in Reading, 27, 342356.
Riedel, B. (2007). The relation between DIBELS, reading
comprehension, and vocabulary in urban first-grade students.
Reading Research Quarterly, 42(4), 556-567.
Swanson, H., Rosston, K., Gerber, M. & Solari, E. (2008). Influence
of oral language and phonological processing on children’s
bilingual reading. Journal of School Psychology, 46, 413429.
doi:10.1016/ j.jsp.2007.07.002.
Wiley, T., & Wright, W. (2004). Against the undertow: The politics
of language instruction in the United States. Educational Policy,
18(1), 142168.
When you submit your document for format review, the advisor will check your citations
for consistency, but you must complete a more thorough check to guarantee the order of
references and the completeness of entries in relation to your style guide, and to ensure
that the information you provide to your readers is accurate and that you are not
plagiarizing per
academic-integrity. You will also want to verify that your reference list entries match any
coinciding in-text citations. You are ultimately responsible for the completeness and
accuracy of your references.
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Designate each appendix with a letter (“APPENDIX A”) or Roman numeral
Include a descriptive title in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS
Provide a separate cover page for each appendix (see figure below)
No bold, italics, underline
(used only for species, genre, book titles, musical
compositions, or foreign words and phrases)
List appendix titles in the table of contents (see table of contents page)
If your research includes human subjects or animal subjects, you must include the
appropriate approval documents in an appendix
Any copyright permission should also be included
If you are including non-print media/supplementary files as one or more appendices,
include a cover page for each element with the text “[Consult Attached Files]” below
the appendix title. If the supplementary file is an uncommon file type and requires a
specific software or operating system to access it, the following line should make a
note of it.
all capitals,
no bold
nothing else on
this page, start
contents on
next page
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Biographical Sketch (Optional)
Included if common in your discipline, recommended by your committee, or
important to you
One single-spaced paragraph; indent per style guide
Double space between heading and text
Present in a professional tone (see figure below); past tense is most commonly used
No bold or underlined typeface (Italics may be used only for genus and species
names, book titles, musical compositions, or foreign words and phrases)
one paragraph,
indent according to style
guide specifications
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Special Instructions
As a graduate student, copyrighting impacts you in two ways. First, as the writer, you
have legal rights concerning the contents of your thesis/dissertation. Second, as a
researcher, you must make every effort not to violate the copyrights of others.
Please visit for more information.
Copyrighting Your Own Work
All works under copyright protection and published in the United States on or after
March 1, 1989, are subject to mandatory deposit. Usually, the holder of the
copyright is required to submit two copies of the copyrighted work to the Copyright
Office. Section 704 of the Copyright Act states that these deposits “are available to
the Library of Congress for its collection, or for exchange or transfer to any other
library.” Circular 1 Copyright Basics and Circular 7d Mandatory Deposit of Copies
( provide useful information about the copyright process.
If you have questions, you may contact the Copyright Office Public Information
Office on the Internet at or by phone at (202) 707-3000. The form
used to register a copyright for most documents is Form TX. Certain documents in
the performing arts, such as musical scores or plays, may require Form PA. Contact
the Copyright Office if you are not sure which form to use. Application forms are
available online at
You can apply for a copyright through UMI/ProQuest when you submit your
document through ETD. If you plan on copyrighting your document, follow these
additional formatting instructions:
Place the copyright symbol (©) on the lower half of a second page after the title
page with the year and your name centered between the margins. The copyright
symbol meets the requirements of the Universal Copyright Convention to which the
United States and most European and Asian nations belong. You should also
include the statement “All Rights Reserved” below the copyright line. This statement
will afford additional protection under the Buenos Aires Convention, to which the
United States and most Latin American nations belong.
©2011 Your Full Name
All Rights Reserved
The copyright page will become your second page, between the title page and the
abstract. Please note that the copyright page does not change pagination; your
abstract will still be page ‘i’.
If you include a copyright page, then you must pay the copyright fee.
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Using the Copyrighted Work of Others
Copyrighted material includes tables, charts, graphs, maps, questionnaires, illustrations,
photographs, literary works, etc. It is against the law to reproduce copyrighted materials,
in full or in part, without permission of the copyright owner. If you need to include
copyrighted source material in your document, you must obtain written permission from
the copyright owner prior to its use. The written permission you secure from the
author or publisher to use copyrighted work in your document should be included
in an appendix.
Fair Use
Fair Use rights have the same legal standing in the law as the copyright owner's rights.
Fair Use allows for the limited use of copyrighted content (such as tables, maps, or
works of art) to create new works that benefit society. Before you complete your
document, consult:
Research Involving Human and Animal Subjects
Human Subjects
Research involving human subjects conducted under the auspices of Arizona State
University is reviewed by the University Human Subjects Institutional Review Board (IRB)
in compliance with federal regulations. Research involving human subjects concerns the
collection of data on subjects whose performance of any activity is required for the
of compiling data. This includes data obtained by observation, interview, questionnaire,
experiment, or a secondary source. Documents containing any data collection from
human subjects require that applications be submitted to the University Human
Subjects IRB for approval before data collection or recruitment of subjects is initiated.
For further information, contact the human research coordinator in the Office of Human
Research Administration at 480- 965-6788 or visit
Animal Subjects
Research involving the use of animals conducted under the auspices of Arizona State
University is reviewed by the University Institutional Animal Care & Use Committee
(IACUC) in compliance with federal regulations. Documents containing any data
collection from animal research require that applications be submitted to the University
Animal Care & Use Committee for approval. For further information, contact the IACUC
secretary in the IACUC Office at 480-965-4387 or visit
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Degrees with Exceptions and Special Format
Thesis/Dissertation Equivalents
Some graduate degree programs require students to produce written projects that are
not called “theses or “dissertations.” If you are pursuing a degree in one of these
programs, be sure to substitute the proper wording on the title page of your document
as indicated in the following table:
Table 1
Exceptions to “Thesis” and “Dissertation on the Title Page Degree Name of Document
Degree Name of Document
D.M.A in Conducting A Research Paper
D.M.A. in Music Performance A Research Paper
M.F.A. in Creative Writing A Practicum
M.F.A in Dance A Bound Document
Documents Containing Separate Studies or Papers where the Student
is the Author or Co-Author
Do not use the first person plural (i.e. “we,” “our,” or “us”) since theses and
dissertations may not be co-authored. For more information regarding
copyrights and permissions visit Copyright Library Guide. For more information
regarding the use of previously published/publishable collaborative work, refer to
the Policy on using Previously Published/Publishable Work in a Culminating
Experience Document.
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Supplemental Non-Print Files
Including Non-print Media with Theses/Dissertations
Supplemental non-print materials should be listed as appendices in your table of
contents. The appendix cover sheet must also be marked with a description of the
software and operating system (e.g., MAC or Windows XP) required to view the non-
print file if it is an uncommon file type.
You may upload supplementary files that accompany your document. Examples might be
sound clips or spreadsheets of research data. You can upload as many supplementary
files as you need. If you upload a set of files that are “zipped”, then that is how the
supplemental material will be distributed with the full text: as a zipped file.
Keep in mind that information or software included in supplementary files must not violate
any copyrights.