After you report the sexual harassment to your employer, whether in person or in writing, your
employer is supposed to quickly and eectively end the harassment. However, sometimes
employers either do not try to x the harassment or the employer’s eorts are not enough. And,
sometimes, an employer will retaliate against an employee for reporting sexual harassment even
though retaliation is illegal. If the harassment did not end after you reported it or if you have been
retaliated against, you may want to report to your employer again. Or, if you initially complained
to your supervisor but your supervisor has not xed the problem, you may want to complain to
Human Resources or another manager.
Your complaint should include a description of the sexual harassment, who you have complained
to about it, and what their reaction was. You also should include any steps you have taken to try
to x the situation. Then, be sure to describe any harassment that happened after you reported,
including who the harasser was, what happened, when it happened, and where it happened.
If anyone has mistreated you or retaliated against you after you reported, it is important to
include specic information about who was involved, what happened, when it happened (even
approximately), and where it happened.
Do not forget to keep a copy of your complaint!
The Sample Letter Reporting Continuing Sexual Harassment and/or Retaliation is a ll-in-the-
blank example of how to report continued sexual harassment and retaliation to your employer.
There is also an example letter that uses the Sample Letter to report further harassment after the
employee’s initial complaint and retaliation by her supervisor.
Sample Employer Notification Letter 2:
Reporting Continued Sexual Harassment or
Retaliation to Your Employer
1) When did you rst complain? ____________________________________________________________
2) Who did you originally complain to? _____________________________________________________
3) What is your harasser’s name? ___________________________________________________________
4) Who are you now writing your complaint to? ____________________________________________
Your First Complaint
5) How did the person to whom you originally complained respond? Describe any promises
to investigate the harassment or provide accommodations. Describe any unacceptable
responses, such as victim-blaming comments, telling you to “work it out” with the harasser,
or saying the company couldn’t do anything.
6) How have you tried to x the problem? Describe any steps you have taken to resolve the
situation, such as ling a complaint with your employer, participating in your employer’s
investigation, etc.
Responses to the Harassment So Far
First, answer these questions to collect the information that you should include in your
letter to your employer. Next, you will use your answers to ll in the letter on the
following pages.
Continued Harassment
Has your harasser continued to harass you after you rst reported the harassment?
7) If no, please go to the next section. If yes, please describe what happened. Describe any
verbal comments, visual harassment, or physical conduct. For examples, see “Sample Letter
to Report Sexual Harassment” on pages 36-39. Please be as detailed as possible.
8) When did this happen? Did it happen once, more than once, or often? Do you remember
the date or approximate date(s) that it happened?
In this section, you will describe any retaliation you have experienced since you complained
about the harassment. Please be as specic as possible about what happened and when it
happened. For an explanation of retaliation, see page 49.
Have you been retaliated against? YES NO
You have the opportunity to describe what you would like to happen to x this problem.
For example, you can request that your employer investigating the harassment, scheduling
your harasser on dierent work shifts than you, disciplining the harasser, assigning you a
new client or work team, implementing anti-harassment trainings for all employees, and/or
correcting a negative performance evaluation you received due to the harassment.
Resolving the Problem
It is ok if you have not yet told your harasser to stop. However, if you have, that information
is important.
Have you asked your harasser to stop? YES NO
9) If no, please go to the next section. If yes, please describe what happened. Who retaliated
against you? What did they say or do? (For example: “My supervisor reduced my number of
shifts per month from 10 to 2;” “I was issued a performance warning two days after reported
the sexual harassment;” or “[Harasser’s name] told our co-workers that I’m a ‘slut,’ that I’m
‘just bitter’ and that HR needed to look into ‘my oce relationships.’”)
10) When did this happen? Did it happen once, more than once, or often? Do you remember
the date or approximate date(s) that it happened?
16) What would you like your employer to do to x the problem?
17) When would you like your employer to respond to your letter? (For example: “soon” or
“in 1 week”).
To #4 Name of Human Resources director, supervisor, program director, or other manager:
On or around #1 Date that you reported the harassment (or your best estimate), I notied
#2 Name of the company employee you reported the harassment to [in person/by email/by
phone] that I was sexually harassed by #3 Harasser’s Name(s).
Re: Reporting Continued Sexual Harassment [and/or Retaliation]
Today’s date
Using your answers to the questions above, write your letter using this template. When you see
blue italicized text, replace it with the answers you wrote.
Reporting Continued Sexual Harassment and / or Retaliation
Sample Letter 2:
#2 Name of the company employee you reported the harassment to told me that #5 Describe
the response of the person you reported to, including any promises to x the problem and any
negative responses.
Since then, I have attempted to resolve the situation by #6 Describe any steps you have taken
to resolve the situation.
However, #3 Harasser’s Name(s) continues to harass me such that it is dicult for me to do
my job. Under the law, an employer must take all reasonable steps necessary to promptly
correct and remedy harassment and prevent its recurrence.
#7 & 8 Describe any continued harassment.
On or around #10 Date that retaliation occurred (or your best estimate) I was subjected to
retaliation for my sexual harassment complaint when #9 Describe the retaliation.
Under California law, it is unlawful for an employer to retaliate or discriminate against an
employee for reporting sexual harassment. Please tell me what Company Name will do to
comply with the law by stopping the harassment [and retaliation], ensuring the harassment
does not reoccur in the future [if applicable: “and remedying the retaliation”]. #11 Describe
any actions you wish your employer to take.
I expect to hear from you #12 List when you would like a response.
Your name
Re: Reporting Continued Sexual Harassment and Retaliation
August 20, 2019
To Human Resources Director:
On or around July 10, 2019, I notied my supervisor, Jose D., in person that I was sexually
harassed by Charlie T. and David S.
Jose D. told me that he would make sure that I did not have any shifts with Charlie T. and
David S. He also told me that it was ultimately my responsibility to work it out with Charlie
T. and David S.
Since then, I have attempted to resolve the situation by ling a complaint with Human
Resources on July 19, 2019.
However, Charlie T. continues to harass me such that it is dicult for me to do my job. Under
the law, an employer must take all reasonable steps necessary to promptly correct and remedy
harassment and prevent its recurrence.
Since I reported, Charlie T. saw me in the employee parking lot as I was coming in for my
shift. He came over to my car and blocked me with his body from being able to get out of
my car. He said that he missed me and that he dreams about me naked. I was scared he
Reporting Continued Sexual Harassment and Retaliation
Example Letter 2:
This is an example of a completed second complaint.
was going to hurt me.
On or around August 15, 2019, I was subjected to retaliation for my sexual harassment complaint
when my supervisor, Jose D., said that he had to cut my shifts from 6 per week to 3 per
week to make sure that I did not work with Charlie T. and David S.. This does not make
sense because he was able to keep our shifts separate for one month without cutting my
shifts. Jose D. also did not cut Charlie T. and David S.’s shifts to make sure that we do not
overlap, only mine.
Under California law, it is unlawful for an employer to retaliate or discriminate against an
employee for reporting sexual harassment. Please tell me what XYZ Store will do to comply with
the law by stopping the harassment and retaliation, ensuring the harassment does not reoccur in
the future, and remedying the retaliation. I would like you to discipline Charlie T. and David S.
and ensure that Jose D. is no longer my supervisor.
I expect to hear from you by the end of the week.
Rosa B.