To: Kathy Catanzaro, Interim Assistant Director, Income Support
CC: ALL Income Support Managers and Staff, UI Administrative Staff
From: Scott R. Jensen, Director, Department of Labor and Training
Date: June 08, 2020
Unemployment Insurance Notice – Employer Responsibility
1. Purpose
This Memorandum sets out the Department’s requirement that employers notify employees of the
availability of unemployment compensation at the time of separation from employment.
2. Requirement
(a) It is the policy of the Department that, to meet the purposes and obligations set forth in Rhode
Island Gen. Laws § 28-42-2, all employers must provide notice to separating employees of the
availability of unemployment compensation at the time of the employee’s separation from
(b) Notice must be provided individually to separating employees.
(c) Significant flexibility is afforded to employers in fulfilling this requirement and providing the
required notice; notice may be given in a number of formats, including but not limited to: a flyer,
text, email, letter, or other communication provided to an employee upon separation.
(d) Employers may, but are not required to, use the attached sample language to supply the content
of the notice to separating employees.
3. Duration
This policy shall remain in effect until revoked.
Sample Notice Language
Unemployment Insurance (UI) benefits are available to workers who are unemployed and who
meet the requirements of state UI eligibility laws.
You may file a UI claim in the first week that employment stops or work hours are reduced.
For assistance or information about filing a claim, visit dlt.ri.gov/ui..
You will need to provide the Rhode Island Department of Training (DLT) with some or all of the
following information in order for the state to process your claim:
1. Your full legal name;
2. Your Social Security Number; and
3. Your authorization to work (if you are not a US Citizen or resident).
To file a UI claim by phone, call: (401) 415-6772
To file a UI claim online, visit: dlt.ri.gov/ui
If you have questions, you can call the DLT at (401) 415-6772