THIS PARKING SPACE LEASE AGREEMENT (this “Agreement”) is dated as of
________________ and is between ____________________ (“Lessor”) and _______________
WHEREAS, Lessor owns or manages the following described property (“Parking Area”):
___________________________________ [insert address, name or description of Parking Area]
WHEREAS, Lessor desires to license, let and allow Lessee to use the Parking Space
within the Parking Area, as set forth herein, and Lessee desires to license, let and use same.
NOW THEREFORE, for the consideration provided herein, and for other good and
valuable consideration the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the parties
hereby agree as follows:
1. Designation and Use of Parking Space. Lessor hereby lets, licenses and allows Lessee
to use the following described parking space(s) within the Parking Area (whether one parking
space or more, the “Parking Space”):
____ Number of Parking Space(s) allotted under this Agreement
Check Applicable Box Below:
Assigned Parking Space.
Insert Parking Space Number(s):___________
Parking Space is not assigned. Lessee may park in any open parking space
within the Parking Area.
Parking Space is restricted to the following area(s) within the Parking
Insert description: __________________________________________
2. Applicable Dates; Term. Lessee may begin parking in the Parking Space on the
following date: ___________________________________________________ [insert start date].
Check Applicable Box Below:
Month-to-Month. This Agreement is on a month-to-month basis. Either
party may terminate this Agreement on 30 days prior written notice to the
other party. Lessee is responsible for Rent through the expiration of such
30-day period.
Term of _____________ months. This Agreement is for the Term
mentioned. Lessee is responsible for Rent each month throughout the Term.
After the expiration of the aforementioned Term, this Agreement converts
to month-to-month status. During the month-to-month status, either party
may terminate this Agreement on 30-days prior written notice to the other
party. Lessee is responsible for Rent through the expiration of such 30-day
3. Vehicle Parking Only. Lessee shall only use the Parking Space for vehicular parking.
Residential use and overnight camping or sleeping are absolutely prohibited in all cases. Storage
of bicycles, household items, combustibles, contraband, furniture, tools, boxes, and other personal
effects is hereby expressly prohibited.
Check Applicable Box(es) Below. The following types of vehicles are permitted:
Non-commercial passenger vehicles and motorcycles
Commercial vehicles
Other specific restrictions on type of vehicle which may be parked in
Parking Space. Describe: ___________________________________
Unless otherwise expressly specified in Section 8 below, all vehicles in the Parking Space
must be functioning and in working order.
4. Rent; Deposit. Lessee shall pay the following amount per month to Lessor, as monthly
Rent under this Agreement: ________________________________ per each individual Parking
Space. Rent is due on or before the ______ day of each month throughout the term of this
Agreement, and is not subject to demand, reduction or offset, and is payable in US Dollars. Rent
for any partial month shall be prorated.
Lessee shall provide a security deposit to Lessor on or before commencement of this
Agreement, in the following amount: $___________________. [Insert amount of insert N/A]
Lessor shall have the right to use and apply the security deposit (if any) towards any
delinquent or unpaid Rent or other monetary obligations hereunder and/or to repair any damage to
the Parking Space or Parking Area caused by Lessee. The security deposit (if any), or the remaining
balance of it, as applicable, shall be refunded to Lessee promptly after the termination of this
Agreement. If Lessor sells its property and transfers the security deposit to the new property owner,
then Lessee shall only look to the new owner for a refund of the security deposit.
5. Legal Requirements; Vehicle Condition; No Maintenance or Repairs Allowed on
Site. Lessee shall ensure that any vehicles in the Parking Spaces at all times throughout this
Agreement have at least minimum required insurance and are properly registered and titled. Lessee
shall comply with all legal requirements and shall not use the Parking Space for any illegal activity
or purpose. Lessee shall not park or store stolen vehicles, stolen goods, firearms, live animals,
contraband, illegal drugs, any combustible item, or hazardous substances in the Parking Space,
and no vehicle parked in the Parking Spaces may contain any of the aforementioned items. Lessor
at all times has, and hereby reserves the right to impose additional requirements, limitations, and
prohibitions, upon prior notice to Lessee; provided, however, such prior notice shall not be required
in the event of an emergency or dangerous situation.
Vehicles shall not be on blocks. Unless otherwise specified in Section 8 below, dead or
non-functioning vehicles shall not be parked or stored in the Parking Space or anywhere in the
Parking Area. Vehicle maintenance and repair, including without limitation oil changes and
changing tires, shall not be done in the Parking Space or Parking Area. If a vehicle requires repair,
Lessee shall tow the vehicle, at Lessee’s sole cost and expense, off premises to a suitable location
to effect such repairs. Lessee shall not load/unload in the Parking Area and shall not block any
aisles, other (non-assigned) parking areas, or other areas within the Parking Area.
6. Right to Tow Vehicle. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, Lessor
reserves the right to tow or have any vehicles towed due to nonpayment of Rent or violation or
breach of any other term or provision of this Agreement. Lessor shall first provide five (5) days
advance written notice to Lessee’s last known contact information of upcoming towing; provided,
however, if any vehicle is parked illegally, is blocking an aisle or other parking spot, is parked in
the wrong assigned space, presents a hazardous threat or danger, or as otherwise required by law
enforcement, prior notice of towing shall not be required.
7. Indemnification. Lessee shall be responsible for, and hereby agrees to indemnify,
defend at Landlord’s option, and hold harmless Landlord (and Landlord’s owners, affiliates,
employees, contractors and assigns) from and against any and all cost, liability, claim, demand or
expense, including without limitation relating to personal injury, property damage, fines, tow
charges, significant leaked oil stains and vehicle impound and storage fees, caused by or
attributable to Lessee, in regard to Lessee’s use of the Parking Space or Parking Area and this
8. Other Terms and Provisions: The following additional terms and provisions apply:
[Insert additional terms and requirements, or insert N/A]: _______________________________
_______________________________ ______________________________
_______________________________ ______________________________
_______________________________ ______________________________
9. Contact Information. Any notices under this Agreement shall be provided to the parties
at the following addresses and contact information (which addresses/contact information may be
changed or updated by either party from time to time by written notice to the other party):
Lessor: Lessee:
Ph: ___________________________ Ph: __________________________
Email: _________________________ Email: ________________________
10. Non-Liability of Lessor. Lessor shall not be liable for any damage or theft to any
vehicle or the contents of any vehicle, including any smashed windows. Lessor recommends that
Lessee keep its vehicle locked at all times and that Lessee does not maintain any item of value or
sentiment in the vehicle, particularly in areas of the vehicle that are visible or accessible, such as
the cabin or truck bed.
11. Miscellaneous. Lessee shall not assign or sublease this Agreement or the Parking
Space. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the
state in which the Parking Area is located. This Agreement shall not be amended unless in writing
and signed by both parties.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned execute this Agreement as of the date
set forth above:
By: ________________________________________
Print Name: _________________________________
Title: ______________________________________
By: _________________________________________
Print Name: __________________________________
Title: _______________________________________
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