Fayette Square Financial Aid and Payment FAQ
Are my housing charges added to my UMB account?
No. Housing charges for Fayette Square are not added to your account with UMB (where your tuition and fees
are posted.) UMB Housing manages housing accounts separately from the university. This means any money
you pay directly toward your account with UMB will not be automatically paid toward your housing fees.
How do I pay for my housing?
You can pay for your housing in the UMB Housing Office. We accept check, electronic check, and credit/debit
card (we do not accept American Express). You can pay online using a debit/credit card or an electronic check
through your Resident Portal account. Any time you pay using a debit or credit card, there is a 2.5% processing
fee that goes toward our third party processing system in addition to your payment. You can also pay in person
in the office during business hours or drop off a check, after hours, in the locked rent box in the office.
You must choose one of two payment plans: the financial aid waiver or the installment plan. There is more
information on the financial aid waiver below. For the installment plan, you just make monthly payments and
do not have to provide any additional information or documentation to our office.
How do I pay for my parking?
You will pay for parking through the UMB Housing Office. These charges will also show up on your account with
our office and will be visible on your Resident Portal account. You do not need to pay for parking separately.
You can add the amount for parking to the check with which you pay for housing.
How do I view my account balance?
You can view your account charges on your Resident Portal account under the charges tab. Once again, you can
also make payments through this system. If you ever have any questions about your account charges, please stop
by the office, give us a call, or send us an email!
When is my housing payment due each month? How are late fees assessed?
If you are paying monthly using the installment plan, your monthly installments are due on the first of each
month with late fees assessed on the 10
of each month. (Note: For August, your first payment is due when you
move in, not on the first). Late fees are 5% and are added to your account.
Can I pay ahead or pay more than one month at a time?
Absolutely! If you are paying using the installment plan, you are required to pay at least for one month at a time,
but if it is easier to pay for a few months or for the full semester, please feel free to do so (just remember when
you will need to pay again to avoid late fees when that time comes!)
If you are paying using the financial aid waiver, you will be required to pay for the full semester (6 months of
housing) when you receive your financial aid refund. With the financial aid waiver, you cannot pay monthly.
I am planning to pay with financial aid. How does that work?
We offer what we call a “financial aid waiver” to students who wish to pay for housing using financial aid. This
allows for you to have a “grace period” to not have to pay for your housing until you receive your financial aid
refund. Remember, your housing charges will not be placed on your UMB billing account, so when you finalize
your financial aid, be sure to make sure you are receiving enough to cover your housing charges. The total
amount of housing charges will be listed on your housing license on page 10. Be certain to also factor in the cost
of parking, if you will need parking accommodations for your vehicle. Once your tuition and fees are paid from
your financial aid, you will be refunded any leftover amount. After receiving your refund, you will have 10 days
to make your housing payment for 6 months (you will do this for both the Fall and the Spring semesters).
In order to receive a financial aid waiver, you will need to provide our office with a copy of your SURFS report
(see more below). We will compare your report to the cost of your housing assignment to verify, prior to placing
the financial aid waiver on your account with us. You will be sent an email detailing how much you will owe for
each semester. With financial aid waivers, you cannot pay for housing monthly once the refund is given to you,
you must pay for the full semester (6 months) at a time. Because your financial aid refund will most likely not
be dispersed to you until closer to the start of classes (or possibly later because they release them in cycles), you
will not accrue late fees for that time, if approved for a financial aid waiver.
What is a SURFS report? Why do you need it and how do I get it?
Your SURFS report is simply your financial aid report, found on your SURFS account. It shows both your cost
of attendance and the amount of financial aid you have been awarded. You can obtain it through your SURFS
account, under the “financial aid” main tab and “award overview” sub-tab. We use this report to verify that if
you are paying using a financial aid waiver, the financial aid will be available to use for housing. We request that
you email a screenshot of this report to us at [email protected]u.
Is there an additional cost to have a pet?
Yes, all pets must be approved by UMB Housing and any roommates residing in the apartment before they are
allowed on the property. The housing office can provide a pet application. If approved, there is a $350 non-
refundable pet deposit and a $25 per month pet fee required.