Proprietary School Guidebook
for Document Requirements
Office of Employment and Training
Table of Contents
Introduction ....................................................................................................................................... 3
Fire Inspection or Certificate of Occupancy (CofO/COO) ............................................................. 4
Proposed Advertising ....................................................................................................................... 6
Surety Bond ....................................................................................................................................... 8
List of Equipment ............................................................................................................................ 10
Drawing of the Instructional Facility ............................................................................................. 12
Position Descriptions ..................................................................................................................... 13
Proof of Accreditation, if applicable .............................................................................................. 15
Health Inspection, if applicable ..................................................................................................... 17
Medical Waste Producing Facility Registration, if applicable ..................................................... 17
Other, If Applicable ......................................................................................................................... 17
After referring to the Decision Tree, if you determine that the school you intend to open meets
the requirements for a proprietary school, the next steps are to familiarize yourself with the
requirements, the application process, and responsibilities associated with operating such a
school. Whether you anticipate conducting education and training in-person or virtually, your
proprietary school must be ready for student instruction prior to applying. To familiarize
yourself with the requirements and application process, you will need to review this
Proprietary School Document Guide, the Proprietary Schools Act, Public Act 148 of 1943 and
corresponding Administrative Rules. The Proprietary Schools Act is the law that governs
proprietary schools in Michigan, and the Administrative Rules provide further clarification.
There will be several documents you will need to submit as a part of the application. Most
documents are required for all schools, but there will be additional documents required for
schools that offer specific programs which may also need to meet the requirements of
another State of Michigan department. You can find this information in the Specialized
Licensing Requirements document on our home page.
While this guide provides basic information about Michigan and federal business laws, you
should not consider it legal advice. If you have specific questions about your business’ legal
compliance, consult an experienced attorney. You may also want to consult a certified public
accountant (CPA). A CPA can assist with choosing a legal structure for your business, advise
you about financial strategies for entrepreneurs, and help make sure you don’t run into
trouble with the IRS.
Fire Inspection or Certificate of Occupancy (CofO/COO)
What is the difference between a Fire Inspection or Certificate of Occupancy?
A Fire Inspection is conducted by fire departments to assess the potential fire safety hazards
in a building. Fire inspectors detect fire hazards, recommend prevention measures, ensure
compliance with state and local fire regulations, and investigate causes of fires. They
evaluate commercial and residential buildings to identify fire hazards and ensure these
structures comply with the necessary local, state, and federal fire codes.
A Certificate of Occupancy is a legal document issued by a local authority certifying that a
building meets building-code requirements and is suitable for occupancy. It is also known as
the use-and-occupancy certificate. It indicates that the building complies with the plans and
specifications that have been submitted to and approved by the local authority. It also
adheres to all safety standards.
Why do I need a Fire Inspection or Certificate of Occupancy?
Pursuant to R390.562 of the Administrative Rules, all housing and facilities shall conform to
standards specified by the appropriate local and state authorities. Beyond being a statutory
requirement, the purpose of requiring a fire inspection or certificate of occupancy is to protect
the school’s students and staff.
How do I obtain a Fire Inspection or Certificate of Occupancy?
Contact your local Fire Department or LARAs Bureau of Construction Codes Building
Section. We cannot accept fire inspections, COOs with unresolved violations, nor can we
accept fire extinguisher or sprinkler reports, or inspections made by private contractors.
Sample Fire Inspection
Sample Certificate of Occupancy
Avoid Fire Inspection/COO rejections!
What are some common inspection/COO errors?
Spelling of the name or
name of the school is
The name of the school on the fire inspection or certificate
of occupancy must match the exact legal name of the
school as it appears on the school’s application and the
name filed with the Licensing and Regulatory Affairs
(LARA) Corporations Division
Address does not match
The address on the documentation does not match the
school’s address on the application. This should be the
physical location where the instruction shall occur.
Inspection completed by
Private Company
We cannot accept reports that are completed by private
contractors. You must submit a fire inspection or certificate
of occupancy completed by a local state, city, township,
municipality, or local authority.
Submitted incorrect type of
You may have submitted a similar document such as a fire
extinguisher report, sprinkler report, or inspections made
by private contractors. We cannot accept any documents
in place of the fire inspection or certificate of occupancy.
Submitted document with
unresolved violations
You may have uploaded an inspection document with
unresolved violations noted.
Proposed Advertising
Why do I need to provide Proposed Advertising?
Michigan law requires that all advertising for each proprietary school shall convey only true
meaning, relationships, and conditions supported by facts and statistics about the school, its
management, instruction, offerings, and opportunities. The sample advertising confirms that
the school only offers programs submitted for approval on the application at the specific
location listed on the application and are not promising students things the school is not
approved to offer.
What advertising should I include with the initial application?
You must provide the content of all proposed advertising, illustrations, diagrams, and
pictures, signage, and copy of all pages of school’s website. These shall convey only true
meaning, relationships, and conditions supported by facts and statistics about the school, its
management, instruction, offerings, and opportunities pursuant to R 390.566 of the
Administrative Rules.
How should the Proposed Advertising look?
The advertising and signage can be as simple or elaborate as you would like. However, the
signage must be visible at the entrance of facility or classroom where training is located. The
information on all advertising must exactly match the name and address on the application,
including the suite or unit number, and only offers programs listed on the application that
have been approved by our office.
Sample Advertising
Avoid advertising rejections!
What are some common advertising errors?
Spelling of the name or name of the
school is incorrect
The name of the school on the application
and advertising must match the exact legal
name of the school as it appears on the
application and on the school’s corporate
papers filed with the Licensing and
Regulatory Affairs (LARA) Corporations
Division (
Address does not match
The address on advertising does not match
what is on the application. This should be
the physical location where the instruction
shall occur. The address listed on the
application must match.
Information in advertising is incorrect or
The address on advertising does not match
what is on the application. This should be
the physical location where the instruction
shall occur. The address listed on the
application must match.
Claims without evidence
All information on the advertising and
website should be backed by facts or
evidence in addition to not being misleading.
If you make a claim about your school or the
programs, and you cannot produce
evidence to support your claim.
Surety Bond
What is a surety bond?
A surety bond is a legal document that guarantees a proprietary school will deliver on its
obligations. It is written to provide a financial guarantee to protect students in case their
education is interrupted due to a school closure.
Why do I need to obtain a surety bond?
Michigan law requires that each proprietary school must obtain a surety bond before being
licensed and while legally operating in the state. Failure to have a valid surety bond voids the
How do I obtain a surety bond?
Contact your insurance agent to see if they can write surety bonds or if they can refer you to
a company that does.
Sample Surety Bond
Surety Bond Tips
Avoid surety bond rejections!
What are some common surety bond errors?
Spelling of school name or
name of the school is
The name of the school must match the exact legal name
of the school as it appears on the school’s application as
well as the corporation name, assumed name, or doing
business as (d.b.a.) name filed with the Licensing and
Regulatory Affairs (LARA) Corporations Division
Name of school/owner is
When a school includes “Inc.” or “LLC” in their name, the
owner is automatically the corporation or limited liability
corporation (LLC) rather than an individual.
Address is incorrect
The address listed on the application is the physical
location where the instruction shall occur.
Period of surety bond is
State law requires all licenses be renewed by July 1st
annually. The surety bond period therefore should reflect
the active year of July 1 through June 30
each year.
Signature or date not
Either the Principal (provider/ applicant) or Surety
(representative of the surety company) did not sign, the
name is not typed, and/ or the date was not provided for
either field.
One bond for multiple
Each school must obtain and upload a bond for that
school and campus. If schools have multiple campuses,
each campus must have a separate bond written for that
List of Equipment
What items should be included in this list?
This list will vary depending on the type of programs you intend to offer. You will need to
provide a list of all equipment that will be supplied by the school for the students use, which
may include desks, chairs, tables, white boards, or components the students will practice on.
If any portion of your training is conducted online, the training platform must be listed (e.g.
Blackboard, Google Classroom, D2L).
Why do I need to provide a list of equipment?
Pursuant to R 390.566 of the Administrative Rules requires that you must provide a complete
list of the available training equipment supplied by the school.
How should I provide list of the equipment?
List all equipment on a word document or similar file type. You will also need to collect photos
of the equipment to include with your application.
Sample List of Equipment
Avoid equipment list rejections!
What are some common equipment list errors?
List of equipment was not
Pursuant to R 390.566 of the Administrative Rules,
Michigan law requires that you must provide a complete
list of the available training equipment supplied by the
Equipment List in
The list may be determined to be insufficient based on the
modality of training and type of program. You should
procure appropriate equipment to offer instruction that
meets standards of trade and business practices.
List does not match pictures
The list you provided has items missing from the pictures
of the equipment uploaded.
Drawing of the Instructional Facility
Why do I need to submit a drawing of the facility?
Pursuant to R 390.566 of the Administrative Rules requires that you must provide illustrations,
diagrams, and pictures of the school facilities if any instruction or training takes place in-
What should be included in drawing of the facility?
You will need to obtain a floor plan detailing each room of the training facility including
instructional areas, classrooms, common areas, clinical areas, and laboratories. Each room
must display measurements and dimensions, such as square footage.
Sample Drawing of the Instructional Facility
Avoid facility drawing rejections!
What are some common facility drawing errors?
Drawing did not include all
If the drawing is missing a room or area, you will need to
include the missing area(s).
Drawing did not include
The drawing should include the measurements of all
instructional areas, including dimensions, such as square
Purpose of rooms was not
The purpose of each room may not be included on the
floor plan.
Position Descriptions
What information should the Position Description include?
The Position Descriptions must include the following five items for each position:
1. Name of position.
2. Main duties of position.
3. Minimum type and amount of education required for position.
4. Minimum type and amount of work experience required for position.
5. Whether a license or certification is required for the position.
How should the Position Description be formatted?
The format and information should be comparative to job postings you would find on any job
board website like Indeed, LinkedIn, or ZipRecruiter; the position description should be
general enough that if the person originally hired for that position leaves, the position
description would still be valid for the next person you hire for that position. Instructors who
prepare students for an occupation that requires a license or certification must also possess
the same credential.
Why do I need to provide Position Descriptions?
Per the Administrative Rules, your school must meet certain Standards of Operation.
Evidence of information ensuring the education, training, and experience of administrative,
supervisory, and instructional staff must be submitted.
Sample Position Descriptions
Avoid position description rejections!
What are some common position description errors?
Submitted a personal
You must submit general position descriptions for each
administrative, supervisory, and instructional position at the
school. We cannot accept individual resumes, personalized
position descriptions, or internally specific information. The
position description needs to be generalized.
Position Description is
too vague
The position description should include the 5 items
mentioned previously.
Position Description did
not contain all required
The position description should include the 5 items
mentioned previously.
Proof of Accreditation, if applicable
What is accreditation?
Accreditation is an extensive peer review evaluation process, known as recognition,
conducted by a third-party organization known as an accrediting agency recognized by the
United States Department of Education (USDE) to determine whether a school and/or its
programs have met required criteria to be considered accredited.
Does my school have to be accredited?
No, your school does not have to be accredited.
How do I become accredited?
You will need to contact an accrediting agency recognized by the United States Department
of Education. In most instances, you will need to be in operation for at least 2 years before
you are able to start the accreditation process. To find out more about accreditation visit
College Accreditation in the United States-- Pg 1.
Sample Proof of Accreditation
Avoid proof of accreditation rejections!
What are some accreditation errors?
Accredited was selected but
school is not accredited
You will have to start the application again to access the
correct application. You must notify our unit that a
correction is needed via
Incorrect document was
A document may have been provided stating that the
institution has accreditation but was provided by a non-
USDE agency approved or certifying body.
Agency not recognized by
You may have misunderstood and thought that a certifying
body or some other agency would be considered an
accrediting agency. Only schools accredited by
accrediting agencies recognized by the USDE can be
considered as an accredited school.
Health Inspection, if applicable
You must obtain this documentation if the school you are opening plans to offer programs
including, but not limited to: tattooing, microblading, food preparation, or has a swimming
pool. You can obtain this documentation from the local county health department.
Sample Health Inspection
Medical Waste Producing Facility Registration, if applicable
You will obtain this documentation if the school you are opening plans to offer programs such
as phlebotomy, dental assisting, paramedic, tattooing, microblading, and food preparation as
well as others. The Medical Waste Producing Facility License must be issued by the Michigan
Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE). Please reference MCL
333.138 and R 325.154.
Sample Waste Producing Facility Registration
Other, If Applicable
You will obtain this documentation in this section if your school needs to submit any
supplemental documentation or approvals. Some instances include:
Selling Goods and Services: Schools applying will provide verification the school is
providing written notification to the customer purchasing goods or services that the individual
producing the goods or providing the services is a student at the school. This is often
required of schools that offer massage therapy programs or animal grooming programs,
where students must practice on individuals from the public to obtain adequate experience to
complete their program and graduate.
Secondary Agency Approval: If additional approval is required by another office for
specialized training programs, you will provide documentation like an approval letter or
document stating the other agency has approved your program or school to offer a
specialized program. You may find a list of schools on our website, LEO - Postsecondary
Schools (, under the Proprietary Schools - Trade & Career section titled
School Licensing Requirements (
You are now prepared to access the MIPSS system to apply for your proprietary school
license. Should you have any further questions, contact our office at