McGraw Hill simplifies media asset
development and improves efficiency
with Smartsheet
Even before schools around the world took the majority
of their learning online, educational publisher McGraw
Hill dedicated significant time and effort to creating
digital learning products that feature media assets such
as artwork, photos, and videos. Tracking the development
and revision of those assets used to be difficult, as
metadata and permission information was scattered
among spreadsheets, email, and disconnected project
notes. Today, McGraw Hill uses Smartsheet to create a
single repository of media asset data, saving time and
making it easier to reuse existing material in new ways.
McGraw Hill creates thousands of media assets every year
for use in a wide range of digital and print learning products.
Working with contractors, Karen Pytel, design lead, Design
Operations and Strategy, and her colleagues outline the
specifications to identify, create, track and procure media assets
that will engage and delight students and teachers.
“The shift to digital for us has been big,” Pytel says. “For us that
means it’s important to be able to find and quickly repurpose
assets that exist already, without spending hours reinventing the
wheel every time, helping us work within budget and at scale.
Pytel says the process used to be “incredibly painful.” Records
of media assets werent always tracked in a single place, and
obtaining visibility into the work in progress required searching
through multiple emails and spreadsheets.
We needed visibility into what we were making,” Pytel says. “It
was really cumbersome to pull metrics or data out of 10 Excel
logs or an outdated database. Smartsheet gave us the reporting
McGraw Hill
Educational Publishing
Company Size
3,500+ employees
Customer Profile
McGraw Hill is a learning science company that delivers
personalized learning experiences that drive results
for students, parents, educators and professionals. The
company focuses on educational equity, affordability
and learning success to help learners build better lives.
Business Situation
McGraw Hill wanted to make its processes for
creating and tracking educational media assets
more efficient and accountable by leveraging
technology to bring information into a single place.
McGraw Hill uses Smartsheet to automate and
simplify the process of creating media assets for its
educational products, cutting time and effort out
of assigning work, entering data, and processing
vendor payment — improving efficiency by 50%.
A 50% improvement in efficiency through
automating and streamlining processes
A single place to organize critical information
from project details to teamwide resources
More time for brainstorming and creative
concepting & less time spent on administrative tasks
Completion of projects under shorter deadlines
with less human error
Smartsheet frees up our designers to spend time being creative, brainstorming, and
concepting big ideas with their team instead of spending hours on data entry, pulling metrics,
and chasing answers through emails. Smartsheet lets us focus on the fun stuff.
Karen Pytel, Design Lead, Design Operations and Strategy, McGraw Hill
functionality that we were
looking for to be able to spend
two minutes looking up key data,
rather than half a day.”
Tygre Morehart joined the Design
Operations and Strategy team as a
designer, and soon began meeting
with colleagues to share ideas
about how to improve project
tracking and processes. When a
colleague showed her Smartsheet,
Morehart immediately saw the
possibilities for streamlining
and improving efficiency across
internal and external teams.
Since beginning with the
company, I was a bit frustrated
that starting new projects seemed
like a new process every time,
Morehart says. “I knew we could
address most pain points and
be prepared for nearly every
aspect and need of a project.
Smartsheet enabled us to build
those templates and ask the right
questions so we could be more
efficient and scalable.
Today McGraw Hill uses
Smartsheet to manage creation
of educational media assets. From
automation to communications,
Smartsheet helps McGraw Hill
reduce human error and create
better educational products.
A streamlined process that frees
up time for creativity: Academic
designers write content and create
specifications for the media they
need. The specifications go into
a sheet, which can be shared
line by line with the appropriate
contractor to create each media
file. Metadata for assets is kept
up to date, and questions and
changes are communicated via
Smartsheet conversations and
update requests, streamlining
project communication and
reducing email clutter.
“Not only are we doing more with
less, but our project timeframes
are getting tighter,” Pytel says.
We used to have a development
cycle of a year or longer, and
now it’s getting crunched to
about nine months. Being more
efficient has really helped us keep
our workload manageable, keep
our hours manageable, and keep
our sanity.
Pytel and her colleagues use
dashboards to track project
assets, progress toward project
completion, daily task scheduling
and past-due reporting.
Dashboards serve as project
information hubs, providing a
single place to capture contact
lists, project SharePoints, ISBN
numbers, and other details
crucial to the development of
educational products.
Cutting vendor invoicing from
three weeks to half a day: With
Smartsheet, McGraw Hill has
been able to cut the vendor
invoice review process from
three weeks or more to half a
day. That’s just one example of
time saved; Pytel says the team
has seen at least a 50% efficiency
gain, and is able to deliver against
an increased workflow and
tighter schedules.
“For me, our vendor invoicing
was the most painful process of
all of the steps we had to do in
managing assets,” Morehart says.
“Once I figured out how to track
and manage this process using
the key data we were already
tracking in Smartsheet, it was
such a relief! Both our internal and
external teams could save time by
utilizing what was already there.
I was able to take a process that
previously could take up to three
weeks and accomplish it in four
hours thanks to Smartsheet. Now,
we can also roll that information
to our department heads so they
can have better forecasting and
budget insight.
Automation to enable quick
problem-solving: Automation
has cut complexity and time out
of each project, especially the
licensing process. Each piece
of media must be reviewed by
a content licensing coordinator
to ensure that all necessary
approvals for use of the media
have been secured.
Previously, if usage rights were
denied for one media asset, it
could potentially impact the
delivery date of a project, sending
the designers scrambling to find
a replacement and make any
resulting design and content
changes. Now, if usage permission
is denied, an automated workflow
instantly sends an alert to
everyone who needs to know
about it, enabling designers to
react faster, with less impact to
the schedule.
“One day a colleague shared
an issue they had on a project
because of miscommunication
of an image being denied,
Morehart says. “It held up final
pass and created more stress
than necessary. I knew this was
the perfect use-case example of
how a simple step in Smartsheet
would benefit the entire team. It
would trigger an automation to
everyone required and immediate
action could be taken. The person
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denying the image does not have
to figure out who needs to receive
an email and what information
needs to be included — it's all built
into Smartsheet.
More interpersonal
communication, less human
error: One of the biggest benefits
to using Smartsheet is that
multiple people can collaborate
in one space, making it much
easier to communicate and solve
problems. Another is that the
platform provides a common
source of accurate information on
each project. That’s important for
new content being developed, and
for existing assets being reused in
new ways.
We have a lot less human error,
Pytel says. “I’m working on a
project now where I’m going
back to these older programs and
trying to dig up the data. That
data has a lot of holes because we
didn’t have a place where change
management could occur, and this
particular program went through
four reprints. I say every day that
I cannot wait till we get to a point
where every single program
has been tracked in Smartsheet
and we can just pull it out of the
archive, dust it off and use it as a
template for whatever new thing
we’re building.”
Morehart and Pytel also love
the fact that Smartsheet is
constantly adding new features
and functionality. When proofing
was introduced, Pytel says, “We
freaked out.” The team signed
up to beta-test the feature,
and continues to use it to keep
feedback in the Smartsheet
platform with the rest of the
project information. They’re
also looking forward to new
possibilities stemming from
Smartsheet’s acquisition of
Brandfolder, which they hope
will allow them to centrally store
large media files with all the other
project details, as well as avoid
exceeding their size allocations on
other file sharing systems.
“One of the biggest benefits is
the scalability and efficiency that
Smartsheet gives us,” Morehart
says. “We’re able to create a
workspace template that every
project can use to start from
scratch and yet adapt it to their
own unique needs. Before, I felt
like we were working in a thousand
different systems. Smartsheet has
brought all those together.”
About Smartsheet
Smartsheet (NYSE:SMAR) is a leading cloud-based platform for work execution, enabling teams and organizations to plan, capture,
manage, automate, and report on work at scale, resulting in more efficient processes and better business outcomes. Today over 95,000
customers, including more than 77,000 domain-based customers and over 70 percent of the companies in the Fortune 500, rely on
Smartsheet to implement, manage, and automate processes across a broad array of departments and use cases.
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