Background: Lumbosacral transitional vertebrae (LSTV) are a relatively common variant and have
been considered as one of the reasons for back pain. It is not unusual for clinicians to encounter
patients with LSTV who require caudal epidural block (CEB) for pain management.
Objective: We investigated the termination level of the dural sac (DS) and anatomical features
of the lumbosacral region relevant to CEB in patients with LSTV and compared these findings
between sacralization and lumbarization groups.
Study Design: A retrospective evaluation.
Setting: A university hospital with inpatient and outpatient LSTV cases presenting low back pain.
Methods: Four hundred ninety-four LSTV patients were included and categorized into sacralization
(n = 201) or lumbarization groups (n = 293). Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of all of the LSTV
patients were reviewed to determine the level of DS termination, the shortest distance between
the apex of the sacral hiatus and DS, and the presence and the caudal level of sacral perineural
cysts. Each lumbosacral vertebra column was divided into 3 equal portions (upper, middle, and
lower thirds). The MRI findings in both of the groups were compared and analyzed.
Results: The distribution frequency of the levels of DS termination demonstrated a significant
difference between the 2 groups. The mean caudal DS level in the lumbarization group was
significantly lower than the sacralization group (lower third of the S2 [131 {44.7%} of 293 patients]
vs. lower third of the S1 [78 {38.8%} of 201 patients]). The DS terminated at the S3 in more than
19% of the lumbarization group, whereas in only one case of the sacralization group. Although
the incidence of perineural cysts was not significantly different between the 2 groups, the mean
level of caudal margin of perineural cysts in the lumbarization group was significantly lower than
the sacralization group (middle third of the S3 [10 {35.7%} of 28 cases] vs. middle third of the S2
[11 {44%} of 25 cases]).
Limitations: This study reveals several limitations including the practical challenge of accurate
enumeration of the transitional segment and the constraints on generalizability posed by the
single-country study.
Conclusion: When planning CEB for patients with LSTV, pre-procedural MRI to check the
anatomical structures, including the level of DS termination and caudal margin of perineural cysts,
would be of great use for lowering the risk of unexpected dural puncture during the procedure,
especially in the lumbarization cases.
Key words: Termination of the dural sac, dural sac termination, lumbosacral transitional
vertebrae, transitional vertebra, caudal epidural block
Pain Physician 2018; 21:73-81
Retrospective Study
The Termination Level of the Dural Sac Relevant
to Caudal Epidural Block in Lumbosacral
Transitional Vertebrae: A Comparison between
Sacralization and Lumbarization Groups
Department of Radiology,
Gachon University, Gil Medical
Center, Republic of Korea;
Department of Neurosurgery,
Gachon University, Gil Medical
Center, Republic of Korea
Address Correspondence:
Yu Mi Jeong, MD
Department of Radiology,
Gachon University,
Gil Medical Center
21, Namdong-daero 774 beon-gil,
Namdong-gu, Incheon, 21565,
Republic of Korea
Disclaimer: There was no
external funding in the
preparation of this manuscript.
Conflict of interest: Each author
certifies that he or she, or a
member of his or her immediate
family, has no commercial
association (i.e., consultancies,
stock ownership, equity interest,
patent/licensing arrangements,
etc.) that might pose a conflict of
interest in connection with the
submitted manuscript.
Manuscript received: 01-11-2017
Revised manuscript received:
Accepted for publication:
Free full manuscript:
Ji Young Jeon, MD
, Yu Mi Jeong, MD
, Sheen-Woo Lee, MD
, Jeong Ho Kim, MD
Hye-Young Choi, MD
, and Yong Ahn, MD
Pain Physician 2018; 21:73-81 • ISSN 1533-3159
Pain Physician: January/February 2018; 21:73-81
We electronically searched the radiologic reports
for MRIs of the lumbar-sacral spine that were per-
formed from January 2000 to December 2016. The 3
keywords for the computer search were “transitional
vertebra,” “lumbarization,” and “sacralization.” This
initial search selected 665 images for assessment of
possible causes of lower back pain and radiculopathy.
Among them, 84 images were excluded from our study
owing to postoperative spine (n = 33), presence of
severe degenerative changes (n = 31), such as severe
scoliosis or central canal stenosis, metastasis in the
lumbosacral area (n = 2), and in patents where identi-
fication of the DS was difficult (n = 18). Patients under
the age of 16 years (n = 12) or those that did not get
lumbar radiographic series—anteroposterior (AP) and
lateral and with or without oblique views (n = 39) were
excluded. Patients who did not have available plain ra-
diographs or computed tomography (CT) images, such
as radiographs of the entire spine, rib series, thoracic
radiographs, or chest CT image, that enabled counting
of the number of thoracic vertebrae and correct identi-
fication of the L1 vertebral body, were further filtered
(n = 36) to determine the correct numeric assignment
of the LSTV. Finally, a total of 494 LSTV patients (mean
age of 55.05 years, range of 17–89 years; 236 men and
258 women), composed of sacralization (n = 201) and
lumbarization (n = 293) groups, were included in the
study (Fig. 1).
Image Analysis
All images were reviewed on picture archiving
and communication system workstations (G3, Infinitt,
Korea). All of the 494 lumbar radiographic series were
independently read by 2 radiologists (J.Y.J., 5 years of
experience and Y.M.J, 8 years of experience). All LSTV
patients were categorized into sacralization or lum-
barization groups. Since depending on the number of
thoracic vertebrae, the transitional vertebra can be in-
terpreted as a sacralized L5 segment (sacralization) or
a lumbarized S1 segment (lumbarization); we assume
the number of thoracic vertebrae to be 12 in all of the
patients, to gain consistency and reliability in determin-
ing the level of lumbar or sacral segment which locates
the caudal tip of the DS. This would be especially help-
ful in confusing situations when hypoplastic ribs from
transverse processes at the thoracolumbar junction or
11 and 13 pairs of ribs are seen.
Then, LSTV patients were classified according to
Castellvi et al (10) (Fig. 2) into one of 4 types. Type I
umbosacral transitional vertebrae (LSTV) are a
relatively common variant and can be seen in 25%
(range 15–35%) of the general population (1-3).
Morphologically, LSTV have intermediate characteristics
between the sacral and the lumbar vertebrae, and
the transitional segment shows an elongation of its
transverse process, with varying degrees of fusion.
LSTV can be defined as either sacralized L5, which
means “sacralization” of the lowest lumbar segment,
or lumbarized S1, which means “lumbarization” of
the most superior sacral segment of the spine (2,4).
Back and buttock pain can be associated with LSTV, as
shown by Lorenzo et al (2). Appreciation of anatomical
variations due to LSTV may impact safe performance of
caudal epidural steroid injection.
Caudal epidural block (CEB) is a relatively safe pro-
cedure which is used in a wide range of clinical settings
(5-8). It is used for intra and postoperative analgesia in
a variety of operations and has become one of the most
commonly performed interventions in pain practice for
those with low back pain and radiculopathy. Although
it is rare, the potential complication of dural puncture
during CEB could occur. Therefore, determining the
anatomical location of the sacral hiatus, the sacrococcy-
geal ligament, and the level of termination of the dural
sac (DS) are essential before performing CEB, to prevent
dural puncture (7-9). In this context, the questions could
arise whether the termination level of the DS of LSTV
patients would be significantly different from that of
others with similar clinical symptoms and furthermore,
within the LSTV group, the caudal level of the DS would
be different based on the type of transitional seg-
ment—sacralization and lumbarization.
Although there have been many studies regarding
the mean level of termination of the DS in patients with
low back pain and⁄or sciatica, there is a lack of publication
that evaluated the DS termination separately for LSTV
patients. Therefore, the purpose of the present study was
to investigate the level of DS termination in relation to the
spine in patients with LSTV, by using magnetic resonance
imaging (MRI), and to compare this position between the
sacralization and lumbarizaion groups. In addition, the
distance between the apex of the sacral hiatus and the
DS and the presence and caudal level of sacral perineural
cysts were also evaluated in our LSTV patients.
This retrospective study was approved by the
institutional review board and the requirement for in-
formed consent was waived. 75
Termination Level of Dural Sac Relevant to CEB in LSTV
Fig. 1. A flow chart of the patient selection.
Fig. 2. A schematic illustration of the Castellvi classification (10).
Pain Physician: January/February 2018; 21:73-81
exhibits dysplastic transverse processes, measuring at
least 19 mm in height (craniocaudal dimension). Type II
includes incomplete lumbarization or sacralization with
the enlarged transverse process(es) that has pseudoar-
throsis with the adjacent sacral ala. Type III describes
complete lumbarization or sacralization with the en-
larged transverse process(es), which has complete fu-
sion with the adjacent sacral ala. Type IV involves type II
on one side and type III on the other side. To minimize
the number of categories, we classified the cases into 4
basic types regardless of unilateral or bilateral findings
(2). Any discrepancies were settled by mutual consensus
between the authors. If there were additional available
CT scans covering the entire lumbosacral junction and
sacrum, the CT images were used to arbitrate a dis-
agreement between the readers (Fig. 3).
Fig. 3. Appearances of LSTV based on the Castellvi
classification (10). The white asterisks show enlarged
transverse processes in type I LSTV. The black asterisks show
pseudoarthrosis, whereas the black stars show osseous fusion.
As shown in types III and IV, additional CT images could be
used for confirmation of the classification of LSTV.
The anatomic level of the DS tip was determined
by using conventional lumbar MR images. Lumbar MR
images were acquired with 3.0 Tesla (T) MRI machines
(Skyra and Verio, Siemens Healthcare, Erlangen, Ger-
many) or 1.5-T scanners (Avanto, Siemens Healthcare,
Erlangen, Germany) using phased array spine coils in a
supine position. Sagittal images were acquired using a
slice thickness of 3.0 mm and a 0.3 mm interslice gap.
Routine scans consisted of T1-weighted sagittal and
axial images (TE range 3 – 13ms, TR range 450 – 704ms)
and T2-weighted sagittal and axial images (TE range 91
– 95ms, TR range 3200 – 5910ms). In some MRI studies,
sagittal short-tau inversion recovery (STIR) sequence (TE
range 55 – 81ms, TR range 2500 – 4310ms) of the whole
spine was available. The midsagittal sections for each
subject were used when possible to improve the reli-
ability for the measurement of the caudal end of DS.
Two radiologists independently reviewed the MR
images. To establish the caudal tip of the DS in rela-
tion to the lumbosacral spine, the L5 and each sacral
vertebra column was divided into 3 equal portions (up-
per, middle, and lower thirds [u, m, and l, respectively])
in considering the method of Saifuddin et al (11) (Fig.
4). By extending a line perpendicular to the long axis
of the dura at the most inferior convergence point of
the DS, the point where the perpendicular line crosses
the adjacent vertebrae was determined to be the most
caudal level of the DS. For statistical evaluation, each
lumbosacral vertebral regional level of the caudal DS
tip was assigned as numbers from one (lower third of
the L5) to 10 (lower third of the S3). The shortest dis-
tance between the upper margin of the sacrococcygeal
membrane and the DS was measured to estimate the
safe length of advancing the needle for CEB (Fig. 5).
The presence of a perineural cyst (Tarlov cyst) and its
caudal level were also investigated (8). The level of cau-
dal margin of perineural cysts were assigned as num-
bers in the same manner as described above. In cases
where there was a disagreement between the readers,
further discussion had been made to achieve consensus.
Statistical Analysis
All statistical analysis was performed using com-
mercial software SPSS Version 20.0 (IBM Corporation,
Armonk, NY). Descriptive statistics for baseline demo-
graphic data were calculated. Continuous variables are
presented as mean ± standard deviation and categori-
cal variables as frequency (percentages). For quantita-
tive and qualitative comparisons between the 2 LSTV
groups with lumbarization and sacralization, continu- 77
Termination Level of Dural Sac Relevant to CEB in LSTV
Fig. 4. The midsagittal section of a MR image of the
lumbosacral spine demonstrating our method for determining
the position of termination of the DS in relation to the
lumbosacral vertebrae (u: upper third, m: middle third, l:
lower third).
Fig. 5. The midsagittal section of a MR image of the
lumbosacral spine showing how the distance (double arrow)
between the upper margin of the SCM and the DS was
ous variables were compared by using the analysis of an
independent samples t-test, and categorical variables
were compared by using a chi-square test. For all tests,
P < 0.05 was considered to be indicative of a statistically
significant difference.
Demographic data and cross-tabulation of imaging
findings, other than the level of DS termination of all
LSTV patients (n = 494), sacralization group (n = 201),
and lumbarization group (n = 293), are outlined in
Table 1.
No significant difference was found in age be-
tween the sacralization and lumbarization groups (P
= .364). There were significantly more women (133 of
201) than men (68 of 201) in the sacralization group,
whereas there were more men (168 of 293) than
women (125 of 293) in the lumbarization group (P <
.001). The 494 patients with LSTV were placed into 4
Castellvi classification subgroups: 101 patients (20.4%)
had LSTV type I, 194 patients (39.3%) had LSTV type II,
141 patients (28.5%) had LSTV type III, and 58 patients
(11.7%) had LSTV type IV. LSTV type I was significantly
more common in the lumbarization group than in the
sacralization group (92 [31.4%] of 293 patients vs. 9
[4.5%] of 201 patients, P < .001), whereas LSTV type III
and IV were significantly more common in the sacraliza-
tion group (84 [41.8%] of 201 patients for type III and
36 [17.9%] of 201 for type IV) than in the lumbarization
group (57 [19.5%] of 293 patients for type III and 22
[7.5%] of 293 for type IV) (P ≤ .001).
In our study population, 53 cases (25 [12.4%] of the
sacralization group and 28 [9.6%] of the lumbarization
group) of sacral perineural cysts were seen. The inci-
dence of perineural cysts was not significantly different
between the 2 groups (P = .375) (Table 1).
The mean shortest linear distance between the up-
per margin of the sacrococcygeal membrane (SCM) and
the DS showed no significant difference between the
sacralization (31.1 mm) and lumbarization groups (27.9
mm) (P = .232) (Table 1).
The level of DS termination was extending from
the lower third of the L5 to the lower third of the S3.
The level of termination of the DS in all of the LSTV
patients was most commonly the lower one-third of
the S2 (in 26.9% of the total population). In comparing
by groups, however, the distribution frequency of the
levels of DS termination on MR images demonstrated
a significant difference between the sacralization and
lumbarization groups. The mean caudal DS level in the
Pain Physician: January/February 2018; 21:73-81
Table 1. Demographic data and results of cross-tabulation of findings
(n = 494)
Sacralization Group
(n = 201)
Lumbarization Group
(n = 293)
Age (years)*
55 ± 17.8 53.7 ± 18.2 55.9 ± 17.6 0.364
< 0.001
Male 236 68 168
Female 258 133 125
LSTV type I 101 (20.4) 9 (4.5) 92 (31.4) < 0.001
LSTV type II 194 (39.3) 72 (35.8) 122 (41.6) 0.223
LSTV type III 141 (28.5) 84 (41.8) 57 (19.5) < 0.001
LSTV type IV 58 (11.7) 36 (17.9) 22 (7.5) 0.001
Perineural Cyst
Presence 53 25 28
Absence 441 176 265
Shortest Distance Between SCM
and DS (mm) *
29.1 ± 24.5 31.1 ± 24.5 27.9 ± 24.4 0.232
LSTV = lumbosacral transitional vertebrae, SCM = sacrococcygeal membrane, DS = dural sac
*Data are the mean ± standard deviation
Table 2. Incidence of caudal level of the DS in LSTV patients and comparison between the sacralization and lumbarization groups
Caudal Level of DS Total (n = 494)
Number of LSTV Patients (%)
Sacralization Group
(n = 201)
Lumbarization Group
(n = 293)
Lower third of L5 5 (1) 5 (2.5) 0 (0) 0.011
Upper third of S1 22 (4.5) 22 (10.9) 0 (0) < 0.001
Middle third of S1 48 (9.7) 47 (23.4) 1 (0.3) < 0.001
Lower third of S1 83 (16.8) 78 (38.8) 5 (1.7) < 0.001
Upper third of S2 75 (15.2) 38 (18.9) 37 (12.6) 0.073
Middle third of S2 71 (14.4) 8 (4.0) 63 (21.5) < 0.001
Lower third of S2 133 (26.9) 2 (1.0) 131 (44.7) < 0.001
Upper third of S3 43 (8.7) 1 (0.5) 42 (14.3) < 0.001
Middle third of S3 12 (2.4) 0 (0) 12 (4.1) 0.002
Lower third of S3 2 (0.4) 0 (0) 2 (0.7) 0.516
LSTV = lumbosacral transitional vertebrae, DS = dural sac
lumbarization group was significantly lower than the
sacralization group (lower third of the S2 [131 {44.7%}
of 293 patients] vs. lower third of the S1 [78 {38.8%}
of 201 patients], P < .001). The caudal end of the DS
terminated above the S2 vertebra in only 2% of the
lumbarization group (6 of 293 patients), while in more
than 75% of the sacralization group (152 [75.6%] of
201 patients). The DS was found to terminate at the
S3 in more than 19% of the lumbarization group (56
[19.1%] of 293 patients), whereas in only one case of
the sacralization group (one [0.5%] of 201 patients)
(Table 2) (Fig. 6).
The mean level of caudal margin of perineural cysts
in the lumbarization group was significantly lower than
in the sacralization group (middle third of the S3 [10
{35.7%} of 28 cases] vs. middle third of the S2 [11 {44%}
of 25 cases], P ≤ .001) (Table 3).
It has been known that back pain correlates with
LSTV (2,12-15). Therefore, it is not uncommon to en-
counter patients with LSTV in the process of back and
buttock pain management such as epidural steroid
injection or epidural adhesiolysis. Although the cau- 79
Termination Level of Dural Sac Relevant to CEB in LSTV
Table 3. The vertebral level of caudal margin of perineural cysts, seen in 53 of 494
LSTV patients
Caudal Margin
of Perineural
Number of Patients with Perineural Cysts (%)
LSTV Group
Sacralization Group
(n = 25)
Lumbarization Group
(n = 28)
Lower third of S1 1 (4.0) 0 (0) 0.285
Upper third of S2 9 (36.0) 2 (7.1) 0.016
Middle third of S2 11 (44.0) 0 (0) < 0.001
Lower third of S2 3 (12.0) 4 (14.3) 1.000
Upper third of S3 1 (4.0) 6 (21.4) 0.104
Middle third of S3 0 (0) 10 (35.7) 0.001
Lower third of S3 0 (0) 6 (21.4) 0.016
LSTV = lumbosacral transitional vertebrae
Fig. 6. A bar chart of the information in Table 2; the comparison of caudal
levels of the DS between the 2 LSTV groups.
dal approach to the epidural space is a
relatively safe procedure, extension of
the dura to a lower-than-expected sacral
level as a simple anatomic variant could
increase the risk of dural puncture or
inadvertent spinal anesthesia during
procedure (6,8,16). Hence, our study
investigated the level of termination of
the DS in a group of patients with LSTV
and demonstrated that the mean level
DS termination was significantly lower
in the lumbarization group than in the
sacralization group.
We found that the level of DS ter-
mination in all of the LSTV patients was
most commonly the lower third of the S2.
This finding is in agreement with previous
cadaveric studies (17,18) and MRI studies
with the living population, revealing that
the mean level of the DS tip in adults lies
at the lower border of the S2 (19,20). In
our study, the caudal tip of the DS was
found at the S3 in about 19% of cases of
the lumbarization group, with a higher
rate than earlier reports by Aggarwal et
al (9), Cilliers et al (21), and Senoglu et al
(8). It has been reported that the termi-
nation of the DS at the S3 might result
in a higher rate of dural puncture than
at the S2 (6,8,9). Therefore, more caution
should be taken to the LSTV patients
with lumbarization when using the cau-
dal approach.
Since cystic structures such as pos-
terior sacral meningoceles or perineural
cysts extended to the lower sacrum
could cause unexpected dural puncture
(5,6,22), we also investigated the preva-
lence of these cystic structures in our LSTV
population. Perineural cysts were seen in
about 10% of all patients and no cases of
posterior sacral meningoceles were seen.
The higher prevalence of perineural cysts
in our study (10%) compared to previous
studies (1.3 – 4.6%) (6,8,22) may be partly
explained by a difference in the patient
population selected for the studies, see-
ing as this study was designed based on
LSTV cases. As expected, the mean level
of caudal margin of perineural cysts in
the lumbarization group was significantly lower than in the sacraliza-
tion group, since the DS terminal was located more distally in the for-
mer group. However, unlike previous reports, perineural cysts below
the S3 were not found in any group of LSTV patients (6,8).
With regards to the type of LSTV, the incidence of each subtype of
LSTV was significantly different between groups. In particular, the ma-
jority of type 1 LSTV patients was found in the lumbarization group,
therefore we could assume that sacralization of transitional vertebra
is more inclined to form pseudoarthrosis or complete osseous fusion
with the sacral ala.
During the caudal approach, it is also necessary to know the dis-
tance between the apex of the hiatus and the end of the DS for deter-
Pain Physician: January/February 2018; 21:73-81
mining the length of the needle to be introduced into
the canal (5,7,8). Aggarwal et al (9) found the mean
distance between the apex of the hiatus and the end of
the DS to be 31.6 ± 12 mm (range 5.76 – 60.0 mm). We
found a similar mean distance of 29.1 mm, considering
measurement error, with a similarly large range of dis-
tances 3.7 – 85 mm. Since the minimum value was less
than 5 mm, the needle should be advanced carefully
from the sacrococcygeal ligament during a caudal ap-
proach to prevent dural puncture in patients with LSTV,
as applied to other patients.
However, there are several limitations to the cur-
rent study. First, it is possible that some cases of LSTV
could be missed because we had performed text
searches of radiologic reports of lumbosacral MRI for
the initial patient selection. These missing data might
have influenced the results. Second, for accurate
numbering of a transitional segment, we selected all
LSTV cases that were possible to identify the entire tho-
racic segments and to correctly assign the L1 vertebral
body— for example, patients who had radiographs of
the whole spine or thoracic spine. However, in local clin-
ics, as it is more common to have lumbar spine radio-
graphs alone without other available imaging, accurate
enumeration of the transitional segments could not
always be possible. Third, since this was a single-center,
single-country study, it may have limited the generaliz-
ability. Multi-center, multi-country studies with a larger
number of LSTV cases are warranted to consolidate our
findings. Fourth, in the subtype classifications, we did
not make a distinction between unilateral and bilateral
pseudoarthrosis and fusion. Since it is beyond our scope
to compare the difference of LSTV subtypes seen in the
sacralization and lumbarization groups, it was unneces-
sary to make the model complicated by increasing the
4-level outcome to an 8-level outcome. Finally, mea-
sures of interrater agreement were not obtained about
imaging data; however, analysis of the raw data did not
reveal a big difference between the readers.
Consequently, as the main result, our study demon-
strated a difference in the DS termination level between
groups of transitional vertebra with lumbarizaion and
sacralization, which means that the position of the DS
tip in the lumbarization group was significantly lower
than in the sacralization group, and in the lumbariza-
tion group, the proportion of cases that the DS tip was
located at the S3 was greater than that in the previously
reported general population studies. Therefore, when
planning caudal procedures for pain management
in patients with LSTV, especially in the lumbarization
cases, pre-procedural MR imaging to check the termina-
tion level of the DS, the distance between the upper
margin of the SCM and the end of the DS, and the pres-
ence of incidental cystic structures would be of great
use for lowering the risk of unexpected dural puncture
during the procedure.
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