Unica Campaign Tuning Guide V12.0
Chapter 1. Unica Campaign performance configuration overview.....................................1
Chapter 2. Database tuning for Unica Campaign: ®...........................................................2
Use database load utilities................................................................................................... 2
Spread tablespaces across multiple disks..........................................................................3
Index databases.................................................................................................................... 4
Partition databases............................................................................................................... 5
Partition tables...................................................................................................................... 6
Perform database maintenance...........................................................................................6
Chapter 3. Setting in-database optimization to improve flowchart performance................ 8
Details about in-database optimization...............................................................................9
Chapter 4. Adjusting configuration properties in Unica Campaign to improve
performance.................................................................................................................... 12
Configuration properties that affect Unica Campaign performance............................... 12
Chapter 5. Troubleshooting Unica Campaign Performance..............................................26
Chapter 1. Unica Campaign performance
configuration overview
The purpose of this document is to improve performance of flowchart execution, which is
the core of the Unica Campaign application. The performance of Unica Campaign is tied
closely to database performance. Optimal settings of database-related parameters can
significantly improve overall Unica Campaign application performance.
Unica Campaign is a marketing campaign management application. An installation of
Unica Campaign consists of multiple components, including Unica Platform and Unica
Campaign. The installation also relies on other tools such as web application servers and
All of these components have properties, features, and settings that you can configure to
improve performance. Unica Campaign itself has a number of configuration properties
which you can use to tune your installation for best performance.
Defining "best performance" is difficult. Every environment and implementation has
different requirements. Unica Campaign performance can be affected by many factors,
including hardware, software, and network configuration.
The following environment was used as the basis for Unica Campaign performance
configuration testing:
Unica Campaign v11.1
AIX® (7.1)
DB2® (11.1)
Chapter 2. Database tuning for Unica
Campaign: DB2®
A good starting point for tuning your configuration is to use the DB2 AUTOCONFIGURE
command. This command generates values for parameters based on your responses to
questions about workload characteristics.
The AUTOCONFIGURE command calculates and displays initial values for the buffer pool
size, database configuration, and database manager configuration parameters, with the
option of applying these recommended values.
The following auto configuration script suggests the database current and recommended
parameter values based on the current workload. The insights can then be used to configure
the parameter values accordingly.
Use database load utilities
You can improve performance significantly by using a database load utility for all
datasources. Database load utilities are available from your database vendors.
The basic procedure to configure Unica Campaign for use with a database loader is
summarized below. Follow these steps for each datasource.
Note: These steps do not apply to every combination of database type and operating
system. For detailed instructions, along with troubleshooting advice, see the Unica
Campaign Administrator's Guide.
1. Create two load control file templates: one for adding records and one for appending
Unica Campaign Tuning Guide V12.0 | 2 - Database tuning for Unica Campaign : DB2® | 3
2. Create a script or executable to start the load utility. Examples are provided in the
Unica Campaign Administrator's Guide.
3. In Unica Campaign, go to Campaign|partitions|partition1|
dataSources|<datasourcename> and set the properties that begin with the word
Loader. These properties identify the control file templates and indicate the location of
the script or executable file.
Spread tablespaces across multiple disks
A table space is a logical unit of storage in a database. Generally speaking, spreading
database table spaces across multiple disks improves performance.
A table space can be System Managed Space (SMS) or Database Managed Space (DMS).
Each table space is a collection of containers. A container is a data storage location, such
as a file, directory, or device. DB2 spreads data across containers so you can store data on
multiple disks for greater speed and storage capacity.
Before you create the database, make sure that you have multiple disks to split the
table space containers. This approach helps to minimize I/O and improve overall
Keep database containers and LOG files in different locations.
Split table spaces across multiple disks and keep them separate from the LOG file disk.
Create a user temporary table space and split it across multiple disks.
The LOGFILESIZ parameter defines the size of each primary and secondary log file.
The default value of LOGFILSIZ is 1024, which might not be sufficient when deploying
the Unica Campaign application and populating the data into the tables. Consider
increasing the LOGFILSIZ, LOGPRIMARY, and LOGSECOND based on the number of
transactions that you anticipate.
Example 1: User database
Unica Campaign Tuning Guide V12.0 | 2 - Database tuning for Unica Campaign : DB2® | 4
During performance testing, disk utilization on the User Database machine pertaining to I/O
is observed to go up to 100%. The database has a tablespace with containers spanned over
two disks. After tuning and spreading containers over a total of 8 disks, in certain cases
you may still see spikes but the average consumption is brought below 20% while running 5
concurrent complex flowcharts.
Example 2: System database server
There is a possibility of Disk I/O contention on the Unica Campaign System database
server as well. Depending on your flowchart, a large amount of data may be written to the
UA_CONTACTHISTORY table. For example, say you are running five multiple concurrent
complex flowcharts, which are writing a large amount of data to UA_CONTACTHISTORY
simultaneously. In this case, spreading database table spaces across multiple disks can
improve performance.
Generally speaking, spreading database table spaces across multiple disks improves
performance. Whenever possible, create a database having tablespaces with containers
spread across multiple disks at the time of the Unica Campaign installation.
Index databases
In general, the fastest way to access data from a database is to use an index. Indexes
increase the efficiency of finding a specific piece of data. Indexing provides an efficient and
fast way to identify the data (rows) in a table.
Unica Campaign Tuning Guide V12.0 | 2 - Database tuning for Unica Campaign : DB2® | 5
Index every primary key and most foreign keys in the database.
Always index audience ID fields.
Index columns that are joined in queries.
Index columns involved in ORDER BY and GROUP BY.
Index columns that perform sorting operations, including UNION and DISTINCT.
Consider indexing any attributes that are frequently referenced in SQL WHERE clauses.
Use an index for both equality and range queries.
When you use indexing, keep the following guidelines in mind:
Add indexes only when absolutely necessary. Indexes significantly impact INSERT,
UPDATE, and DELETE performance, and they require storage.
Avoid or remove redundant indexes. For example, two indexes that use the same
or similar columns make query optimization more complicated and consume more
Carefully choose one clustered index for each table.
Avoid indexing columns that consist of LONG character strings.
Partition databases
In the case of huge data (millions of records), consider partitioning databases and objects.
The DB2 database manager allows great flexibility in spreading data across multiple
database partitions of a partitioned database. You can choose how to distribute your data
by declaring distribution keys. To determine which and how many database partitions your
table data is spread across, you can select the database partition groups and table spaces
where you want to store the data.
Unica Campaign Tuning Guide V12.0 | 2 - Database tuning for Unica Campaign : DB2® | 6
Partition tables
Table partitioning can improve performance. Table partitioning is a data organization
scheme in which table data is divided across multiple storage objects called data partitions
or ranges, according to values in one or more table columns.
With table partitioning, each index can be placed in its own table space, regardless of the
table space type. Each data partition is stored separately. These storage objects can be in
different table spaces, in the same table space, or a combination of both.
Without table partitioning, all indexes for a particular table are stored in the same storage
object by default.
Perform database maintenance
For best performance, perform periodic maintenance activity on large tables by running a
command such as RUNSTATS.
The DB2 RUNSTATS command updates statistics in the system catalog about the
characteristics of a table and/or associated indexes, or statistical views. It is highly
recommended that you use the DB2 RUNSTATS command to collect current statistics on
tables and indexes, especially if significant update activity has occurred or new indexes
have been created since the last time the RUNSTATS command was run. This command
provides the optimizer with the most accurate information with which to determine the best
access plan.
runstats on table DB2INST2.UA_CONTACTHISTORY and detailed indexes all
Consider the case of a table that could have a large variation in the amount of data it
contains, at any given moment. The volatility or extreme changeability of this type of table
makes reliance on the statistics collected by RUNSTATS inaccurate. Statistics are gathered
at, and only reflect, a single point in time.
Unica Campaign Tuning Guide V12.0 | 2 - Database tuning for Unica Campaign : DB2® | 7
To generate an access plan that uses a volatile table can result in an incorrect or poorly
performing plan. For example, if statistics are gathered when the volatile table is empty, the
optimizer tends to favor accessing the volatile table using a table scan rather than an index
To prevent this type of issue, consider declaring the table as volatile using the ALTER TABLE
statement. By declaring the table volatile, the optimizer will consider using an index scan
rather than a table scan. Access plans that use declared volatile tables do not depend on
the existing statistics for that table.
Chapter 3. Setting in-database optimization to
improve flowchart performance
Using in-database optimization can improve flowchart performance. When in-database
optimization is on, processing is done on the database server and output is stored in
temporary tables on the database server whenever possible.
You can apply in-database optimization in two ways: globally and for individual flowcharts.
The best practice is to turn off the global configuration setting and set the option at the
flowchart level.
To adjust the option globally, at the partition level:
a. Choose Settings > Configuration.
b. Choose Unica Campaign > partitions > partition[n] > server > optimization.
c. Set useInDbOptimization to TRUE (on) or FALSE (off).
To override the option for an individual flowchart:
a. Open a flowchart in Edit mode.
b. Open the Admin menu and select Advanced settings.
Select or clear Use In-DB optimization during flowchart run.
When you save and run the flowchart, in-database processing will be used whenever
possible, if you are using in-database optimization.
Unica Campaign Tuning Guide V12.0 | 3 - Setting in-database optimization to improve flowchart performance | 9
Note: In-database processing cannot be done if you specify any limitations on the
output cell size or if temporary tables are disabled for a process.
Details about in-database optimization
In-database optimization avoids copying IDs from the database to the Unica Campaign
server for processing whenever possible. This option can improve flowchart performance.
In-database optimization determines:
Whether operations are done on the database server or the local Unica Campaign
server; and
Where the results of operations are stored.
When in-database optimization is on:
Processing tasks such as sorting, joining, and merging data are done on the database
server whenever possible.
Output cells of processes are stored in temporary tables on the database server.
In-database optimization affects CPU consumption:
When in-database optimization is on, more CPU is consumed on the database server.
When in-database optimization is off, more CPU is consumed on the Unica Campaign
You can apply in-database optimization globally and override the global setting for
individual flowcharts. The best practice is to turn off the global configuration property (Use
in-DB optimization) and set the option at the flowchart level (Advanced Settings > Admin >
Use in-DB optimization during flowchart run ).
Important: In-database processing cannot be done if you specify any limitations on the
output cell size or if temporary tables are disabled for a process.
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Limitations of in-database optimization
In-database optimization is not supported for all databases.
Depending on the logic that is required, some functions are still performed on the
Unica Campaign server, even with in-database processing turned on. Some examples
are given below:
The query uses tables from different data sources.
For example, if a Select process queries different data sources, Unica Campaign
automatically stores the ID lists for those cases on the application server.
The query contains non-SQL macros or derived fields.
For example, to calculate a derived field, Unica Campaign evaluates the derived
field formula to see whether any part of the calculation can be performed with
SQL. If simple SQL statements can be used, the calculation is done in-database.
If not, temporary tables are created on the Unica Campaign server to handle the
calculations and persist the results from process to process within a flowchart.
Processing raw SQL in macros
Custom macros that consist of raw SQL statements can be processed in-database, within
the following guidelines:
All raw SQL custom macros must begin with select and contain exactly one from in
the rest of the text.
For databases that only support insert into <TempTable> syntax, you must map at least
one base table to the same data source at the same audience level as the raw SQL
custom macro. If the fields that are selected by the raw SQL custom macro are too
large for the fields of the temp table, a runtime error occurs.
If you use a raw SQL query in a Select process that has an input cell, you must
use the <TempTable> token to obtain the correct list of audience IDs. Also use the
<OutputTempTable> token to prevent audience IDs from being retrieved from the
database back to the Unica Campaign server.
Unica Campaign Tuning Guide V12.0 | 3 - Setting in-database optimization to improve flowchart performance | 11
If you use raw SQL with in-database optimization, you must code the raw SQL to join
with the temp table from the upstream process. Otherwise, the results are not scoped
by the results from the upstream process.
Chapter 4. Adjusting configuration properties
in Unica Campaign to improve performance
You can adjust configuration properties in Unica Campaign and Unica Platform to improve
1. To access the configuration settings, choose Settings > Configuration.
2. Adjust the following configuration properties.
Configuration properties that affect Unica Campaign
You can improve Unica Campaign performance by adjusting configuration properties.
Configuration category
This property determines whether Unica Campaign uses the not logged
initially SQL syntax when populating temporary tables in DB2.
A value of TRUE disables logging for inserts into temp tables, which improves
performance and decreases database resource consumption. When set to
TRUE, if a temp table transaction fails for any reason, the table will become
corrupted and must be dropped. All data previously contained in the table will
be lost.
If your version of DB2 does not support the not logged initially syntax, set
this property to FALSE.
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If you are using a DB2 11 user database on z/OS®, set this property to FALSE.
If you are using DB2 10.5 with the BLU feature ON for a user database, set
both DB2NotLoggedInitially and DB2NotLoggedInitiallyUserTables to FALSE.
Default value
Valid Values
Configuration category
This property specifies whether the Segment process consolidates multiple
SQL statements into a single SQL statement, when specific configuration
conditions are met.
Setting this property to TRUE results in significant performance improvements
when all of the following conditions are met:
Segments are mutually exclusive.
All segments come from a single table.
Criteria for each segment are based on the macro language.
In this case, Unica Campaign generates a single SQL CASE statement to
perform segmentation, followed by segment-by-field processing on the Unica
Campaign application server.
Default value
Valid Values
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Configuration category
Use this property to specify a complete SQL statement that Unica Campaign
runs immediately after the creation of a temporary table in a user data source
or in the system tables database. For example, to improve performance, you
can create an index on a temporary table immediately after its creation (see
examples below). To enable the creation of temporary tables in a data source,
the AllowTempTables property must be set to TRUE.
You can use tokens to substitute the table name (<TABLENAME>) and column
names (<KEYCOLUMNS>) in the SQL statement, because the values are
generated dynamically when the campaign runs.
This property is automatically added to the SQL expression without checking
its syntax. If you use this property, make sure that it is a legal expression. You
can enclose the string in quotation marks, but this is not required.
This property treats semicolons as delimiters to run multiple SQL statements.
If your SQL statement contains semicolons and you want it to run as one
statement, use a backslash as an escape character before the semicolons.
Note: If you are using stored procedures with this property, be sure that
you use the correct syntax for your database.
Tokens available to TempTablePostExecutionSQL are described below.
Token Description
<AMUSER> This token is replaced with the Unica
user name associated with the
Unica Campaign Tuning Guide V12.0 | 4 - Adjusting configuration properties in Unica Campaign to improve performance | 15
Token Description
flowchart for which temp tables were
<CAMPAIGNCODE> This token is replaced with the code
for the campaign associated with the
flowchart for which temp tables were
<CAMPAIGNNAME> This token is replaced with the name
of the campaign associated with the
flowchart for which temp tables were
<DBUSER> This token is replaced with the
database user name for the database
where the temp tables were created.
<FLOWCHARTNAME> This token is replaced with the name
of the flowchart associated with the
temp table creation.
<KEYCOLUMNS> This token is replaced with the temp
table column name(s).
<TABLENAME> This token is replaced with the temp
table name.
<USER> This token is replaced with the Unica
Campaign user name of the user
running the flowchart.
Default value
No default value defined.
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The following value creates an index on the temp table just after its creation,
to improve the data retrieval process: CREATE INDEX IND_<TABLENAME> ON
The following example for Oracle calls a stored procedure
and uses backslashes to escape the semicolon: begin
dbms_stats.collect_table_stats()\; end\;
Configuration category
This property specifies whether Unica Campaign creates temporary tables
in the database. Creating temporary tables can significantly improve the
performance of campaigns.
When the value is TRUE, temporary tables are enabled. Each time a query
is issued against the database (for example, by the Segment process), the
resulting IDs are written to a temporary table in the database. When an
additional query is issued, Unica Campaign can use that temporary table to
retrieve rows from the database.
A number of Unica Campaign operations, such as useInDbOptimization, rely
on the ability to create temp tables. If temporary tables are not enabled, Unica
Campaign retains the selected IDs in the Unica Campaign server memory. The
additional query retrieves IDs from the database and matches them to the IDs
in server memory. This can negatively impact performance.
You must have appropriate privileges to write in the database to use
temporary tables. Privileges are determined by the database login that you
provide when you connect to the database.
Default value
Unica Campaign Tuning Guide V12.0 | 4 - Adjusting configuration properties in Unica Campaign to improve performance | 17
Note: Typically, you set AllowTempTables to TRUE. To override the value for a specific
flowchart, open the flowchart in Edit mode, select Admin > Advanced settings, click
the Server optimization tab, and select Disallow use of temp tables for this flowchart.
Configuration category
For performance reasons, it is best to keep this number low.
When the selected number of IDs is less than the value specified by the
MaxRowFetchRecords property, Unica Campaign passes the IDs to the
database one at a time, in separate SQL queries. This process can be very
time-consuming. If the number of selected IDs is greater than the value
specified by this property, Unica Campaign uses temporary tables (if allowed
on the database source), or it pulls down all the values from the table, not
including any unnecessary values.
Default value
Configuration category
This property implements SQL MERGE syntax to improve the performance
of the Track process in flowcharts. This property can be set to TRUE for DB2,
Unica Campaign Tuning Guide V12.0 | 4 - Adjusting configuration properties in Unica Campaign to improve performance | 18
Oracle, SQL Server 2008, and Teradata 12. It can also be used with other
databases that support the SQL MERGE statement.
Default value
TRUE (DB2 and Oracle) | FALSE (all others)
Valid Values
Configuration category
This property specifies the upper limit on the number of simultaneous queries
allowed to run against each database source from a single Unica Campaign
flowchart. Higher values generally improve performance.
Unica Campaign runs database queries using independent threads. Because
Unica Campaign processes run in parallel, it is common to have multiple
queries running simultaneously against a single data source. If the number
of queries to be run in parallel exceeds the MaxQueryThreads, the Unica
Campaign server limits the number of simultaneous queries to the specified
The maximum value is unlimited.
Note: If maxReuseThreads is set to a non-zero value, it should be greater
than or equal to the value of MaxQueryThreads.
Default value
Varies depending on the database
Unica Campaign Tuning Guide V12.0 | 4 - Adjusting configuration properties in Unica Campaign to improve performance | 19
Configuration category
It is used for internal locking of memory which prevents it from being swapped
as temporary files.
Set a value equal to (80% x available memory) / (number of expected
concurrent flowcharts). For example:
If available virtual memory on server = 32 GB
Number of concurrent flowcharts = 10
Set virtual Memory = ( 80 % x 32 ) / 10 = approximately 2.5 GB / flowchart
Default value
128 (MB)
maxVirtualMemory is a global configuration setting. To override the value for a specific
flowchart, open the flowchart in Edit mode, select Advanced settings from the Admin menu
, select the Server optimization tab, and change the Campaign virtual memory usage
Configuration category
To improve performance, set this property to TRUE. When this property is TRUE,
strategic segments create Segment temp tables in the data source rather than
creating binary files on the Unica Campaign server. You must specify at least
one data source in the Create Segment (CreateSeg) process configuration
Unica Campaign Tuning Guide V12.0 | 4 - Adjusting configuration properties in Unica Campaign to improve performance | 20
dialog to hold the temp tables. Also, you must set the AllowTempTables
property to TRUE to enable the creation of temporary tables in a data source.
Default value
Valid Values
Configuration category
This property enables and configures compression for HTTP responses from
the Unica Campaign web application to the client browser for flowchart-
specific messages. The Unica Campaign web application reads this property
only once for each partition. If you modify this property, you must restart the
web application for the change to take effect.
Compression can improve page load and interaction times by reducing the
amount of data that is sent over HTTP.
All responses that have a data length greater than or equal to the
httpCompressionForResponseLength value (in KB) are candidates for
compression. Any other responses are not compressed.
Compression reduces network transfer, but it requires resources on the server
side. Therefore, compression makes sense only for large amounts of data,
when sufficient server-side resources are available. If you typically have
network delays that can slow large data transfers, you can analyze how much
time it takes to load a given amount of data. For example, suppose that some
of your HTTP requests are <100 KB in size, but most are 300 to 500 KB. In
this case, you would increase the value of this property to 500 KB so that only
responses >= 500 KB in size are compressed.
Unica Campaign Tuning Guide V12.0 | 4 - Adjusting configuration properties in Unica Campaign to improve performance | 21
To disable compression, set the value to 0.
Default value
100 (KB)
Valid Values
0 (disables compression) or higher
Configuration category
To improve performance, set this value to TRUE. When set to TRUE, this
property reduces multiple execution of queries on the Unica Campaign system
tables by caching the query results. When set to FALSE, query results are not
Default value
Valid Values
Configuration category
This property specifies whether Unica Campaign opens and closes the
flowchart log file each time a line is written to the log file.
A value of TRUE can improve performance of real-time interactive flowcharts.
When the value is TRUE, Unica Campaign opens the flowchart log file
only once, and closes it when the flowchart's server process exits. A side
Unica Campaign Tuning Guide V12.0 | 4 - Adjusting configuration properties in Unica Campaign to improve performance | 22
effect of using the TRUE value is that recently-logged messages may not
be immediately visible in the log file, as Unica Campaign flushes the log
messages to file only when its internal buffer becomes full or when the
number of logged messages equals the value of the logFileBufferSize
If the value is FALSE, Unica Campaign opens and closes the flowchart log file.
Default value
Valid Values
Configuration category
The loggingLevels property controls the amount of detail written to the Unica
Campaign server log file, based on severity.
Default value
Valid Values
LOW: represents the least detail (the most severe errors only)
ALL: includes trace messages and is intended primarily for diagnostic
Note: You may want to set loggingLevels to ALL during configuration and
testing. This value generates a large amount of data and therefore may not be
Unica Campaign Tuning Guide V12.0 | 4 - Adjusting configuration properties in Unica Campaign to improve performance | 23
advisable for production operation. Setting any logging level higher than its
default can adversely affect performance.
You can adjust these settings from within a flowchart by using Tools >
Logging options.
Configuration category
This property is used when keepFlowchartLogOpen is TRUE. Specify a value
to indicate the number of messages to buffer before writing to the log. If
the value is 1, every log message is written immediately to file, effectively
disabling buffering but having a negative impact on performance.
This property is ignored if keepFlowchartLogOpen is FALSE.
Default value
Configuration category
A value of TRUE improves performance of the cell code generation utility
during bulk creation of cell codes, because multiple cell codes are generated
with a single invocation of the cell code generator. This is more efficient and is
the recommended setting. A value of TRUE also improves performance when
copying flowcharts, templates, and process boxes.
When the value is FALSE, the cell code generator is invoked once for each
cell code generation. If cell code generation seems to take a long time
Unica Campaign Tuning Guide V12.0 | 4 - Adjusting configuration properties in Unica Campaign to improve performance | 24
for Segment, Sample, and Decision process boxes, or for the target cell
spreadsheet, set this value to TRUE.
The default setting is FALSE to support existing customized implementations.
If you are using a legacy custom-made cell code generation utility, leave this
setting at its default value of FALSE until you implement a new custom utility.
Then you can change its value to TRUE.
If you are not using a custom cell code generation utility, change the value to
TRUE to take advantage of the efficiency improvements.
Default value
Valid Values
Campaign | caching
Certain objects, such as offers, are cached in the web application server to improve
response times in the Unica Campaign user interface. The Campaign|caching configuration
properties specify the length of time that cached data is retained. Smaller values result
in more frequent cache updates, which can adversely affect performance by consuming
processing resources on both the web server and the database.
Client polling interval (ms)
Configuration category
Unica Campaign polls the Unica Scheduler for jobs at regular intervals,
specified in milliseconds by this value. The default value is 60 seconds. Avoid
setting this property to any value less than 10000 (10 seconds), because
doing so can decrease campaign performance.
Default value
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Status polling interval
Configuration category
Platform|Scheduler|Schedule registrations|[Product]|
[Object type]
For Unica Campaign flowcharts, the path for this property is Platform|
Scheduler|Schedule registrations|Campaign|Flowchart
The Unica Scheduler polls the product at regular intervals to obtain the run
status of scheduled objects (for example, flowcharts or mailings) that have
not reported a status. The interval is specified in milliseconds. The default
value is 10 minutes. A more frequent polling interval (a smaller value) can
negatively affect system performance. A less frequent polling interval (a
larger value) reduces the load on the system. For Unica Campaign, set a less
frequent polling interval when you have a large number of Unica Campaign
flowcharts that take more than 10 minutes to complete.
Default value
Chapter 5. Troubleshooting Unica Campaign
Performance depends on many factors, including your database and web server
configuration, network connectivity, and Unica Campaign and Unica Platform
The following list provides a number of suggestions that may help to improve performance.
Use this list to quickly identify possible areas for improvement, so you can make
adjustments and rule out possible causes. In cases where more information is available,
each suggestion points to the appropriate guide where you can find detailed information.
Web application server
If you are using WebSphere, check the JVM heap size specified in the WebSphere
profile. Typically, an initial setting of 512 and a maximum of 1024 (or depending on the
server configuration) should suffice.
If you are using WebLogic, set the JVM memory heap size parameters to 1024 by
adding the following line to the setDomainEnv script: Set MEM_ARGS=-Xms1024m -
Xmx1024m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m
Under certain circumstances, deploying older legacy interactive channels or interactive
channels with large deployment histories can stress the system and require 2048mb or
greater of Campaign designtime and/or Interact runtime Java heap space.
System administrators can adjust the amount of memory available to the deployment
systems via the following JVM parameters:
-Xms####m -Xmx####m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m
Where the characters #### should be 2048 or higher (depending on their system load.)
Note that a 64-bit application server and JVM are usually necessary for values greater
than 2048.
If you are using WebLogic, depending on which version of Campaign you are running,
you may need to apply a patch (for Weblogic 10gR3). Or, for WebLogic 11gR1, you may
need to explode the campaign war file, make certain changes, then rebuild the war file.
Unica Campaign Tuning Guide V12.0 | 5 - Troubleshooting Unica Campaign Performance | 27
For details, see the Installation or Upgrade Guide for the version of Unica Campaign
that you are running. Also, see the Unica Recommended Software Environments and
Minimum System Requirements.
Check with your DBA to see if your database is heavily loaded with other applications.
Perform database tuning, as described in the Unica Campaign Tuning Guide.
Configure database load utilities, as described in the Unica Campaign Administrator's
If you created a new audience level, then your DBA created a table in the Unica
Campaign system database to store response history for that audience level. Be sure
the new table is indexed to improve performance.
Unica Campaign tools
Delete orphaned temp files and tables on the application server. You can use the Unica
Campaign cleanup utility (unica_acclean) to identify and then delete all orphaned
temporary files and database tables in the current partition. The cleanup utility can
be used on both the Unica Campaign system tables database and on user tables
databases. For instructions, see the Unica Campaign Administrator's Guide.
Use the Unica Campaign Server Manager (unica_svradm) to see if any unnecessary
unica_acsvr processes are running in the background. The Status command
identifies disconnected or orphaned processes. The kill command (kill -p processid#)
removes the unnecessary processes. For a list of available commands and syntax, use
the Help command or see the Unica Campaign Administrator's Guide.
Confirm that the logging level is not set to DEBUG in the log4j.properties file for
Unica Campaign (<Campaign_home>/conf/campaign_log4j.properties) and
Unica Platform (<Platform_home>/conf/log4j.properties).
Unica Campaign Tuning Guide V12.0 | 5 - Troubleshooting Unica Campaign Performance | 28
Confirm that the configuration property Campaign|partitions|partition [n]|
server| logging|loggingLevels is not set to ALL. This setting generates a large
amount of data and therefore is not advisable for production operation.
Setting any logging level higher than its default can adversely affect performance.
Examine the Unica Campaign log files to identify possible issues. For example,
look for warnings that occur repeatedly. There are log files for listeners, the web
application, web connections, flowcharts, sessions, and other areas of the application.
By default, most log files are in <Campaign_home>/logs and <Campaign_home>/
partitions/partition [n]/logs. If you have a clustered listener configuration,
additional log files are in the equivalent directories under <campaignSharedHome>.
For more information, read about logging administration in the Unica Campaign
Administrator's Guide.
Adjust the performance-related configuration settings as described in the Unica
Campaign Tuning Guide.
Look at the configuration properties in the Campaign|caching category (for example,
offerTemplateDataTTLSeconds) to see how often the cache is refreshed. The default
value is 600 (10 minutes). Smaller values result in more frequent cache updates, which
can adversely affect performance by consuming processing resources on both the
web server and the database. Configuration properties are described in the Unica
Campaign Administrator's Guide.
If you have Cognos reports on your dashboards, be aware that reports require additional
processing resources. Performance can become an issue when many users access
dashboards that contain many reports on a regular basis. Cognos report portlets are the
most resource-intensive.
For improved performance, use Cognos to schedule reports, then configure the portlet in
Unica Platform so it uses the schedule. For more information, read about Cognos report
performance considerations in the Unica Platform Administrator's Guide.
Unica Campaign Tuning Guide V12.0 | 5 - Troubleshooting Unica Campaign Performance | 29
Use in-database optimization, as described in the Unica Campaign Tuning Guide.
Adjust configuration settings that affect flowchart performance, as described in the
Unica Campaign Tuning Guide.
Consider using the Extract process to select fields from one table and write them out to
another table for subsequent processing. The Extract process is designed to pare down
a large amount of data to a manageable size for subsequent operations, which can
result in performance improvements. For more information, see the Campaign User's
Use the Unica Scheduler instead of the Schedule process in flowcharts. The Unica
Scheduler is more efficient, as it does not consume server system resources when the
flowchart is not running.
Use throttling to manage performance when many processes are likely to place high
demands on the system. Throttling is based on scheduler groups that you set up on
the Settings > Configuration page. You assign a throttling threshold to a group, and
associate schedules with that group. For more information, see the Unica Platform
Administrator's Guide.
Avoid profiling fields whose values are mostly unique, such as the Audience ID field.
The Profile feature is more efficient (and useful) on fields with a smaller number of
distinct values.
Table mapping
Map an audience's segment membership table only if you plan to use that audience
in flowcharts or Optimize sessions that use strategic segments. Strategic segments
are persistent segments that can be used in multiple flowcharts or sessions. You
create strategic segments by running the CreateSeg process in a session flowchart and
saving the results. If you are not using strategic segments, do not map the segment
membership table. Using strategic segments in Unica Campaign flowcharts or
Optimize sessions is optional. If you map the segment membership table, Unica
Campaign or Contact Optimization updates the table each time that you run the
flowchart or Optimize session. This is unnecessary processing overhead if you
Unica Campaign Tuning Guide V12.0 | 5 - Troubleshooting Unica Campaign Performance | 30
are not using strategic segments. For more information, see the Unica Campaign
Administrator's Guide.
When you map user tables, be aware that the Allow real-time profiling option requires
a database query each time a user clicks Profile, which can potentially degrade
performance. The Allow real-time profiling option applies to all table fields, not just the
checked ones. You can remap a user table to change the profiling characteristics. For
details, see the Unica Campaign Administrator's Guide.
Network and components
Use network monitoring tools to identify potential issues. For example:
netstat (network statistics) is a command line tool that displays network connections
(both incoming and outgoing), routing tables, and network interface statistics. This
utility is available for use on both UNIX and Linux operating systems.
tracert (Windows) / traceroute (UNIX) is a network diagnostic tool for displaying route
paths and measuring delays of packets across a network.
Windows Performance Monitor can generate reports on processor, memory, disk and
network utilization.
If you are using Interact, there is a performance cost if you configure any part of
Interact to communicate using SSL. does not recommend configuring Interact to use
You may want to look into the speed of the storage devices or appliance (at both
the WebSphere or WebLogic and Application server levels) as this plays a role in
As with any application, problems can often be resolved by restarting the software and
hardware. Try restarting the listener. Also try restarting the web application server. In
some cases, you may need to reboot the physical servers as well.