We’ve designed these blog post templates
to help you write a variety of different articles.
Three. Two. Online
Hostinger’s Blog
Post Templates
How to Use the Templates
Glossary Blog Post Template
Template #1
Tutorial Blog Post Template
Template #2
Review Blog Post Template
Template #4
Listicle Blog Post Template
Template #3
General Blog Post Template
Template #5
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Table of Contents
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Hostinger’s Blog Post Templates
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Hostinger’s Blog Post Templates 2
This is the first section people will see when going through a business plan – it will sum up all of
the information presented in the plan into a one-page outline. Here are some aspects to include
in an executive summary:
How to Use These Blog Post Templates
Choose a blog post template that corresponds to the type of article you want to create.
See the description of each blog post below to figure out which template suits your needs.
Use the italicized instructions as your guide to fill in each section. Once you've filled the
sections with sufficient information, delete the italicized instructions.
Review your finished blog post. Once that’s done, it's ready to publish.
Adjust any headings or sections to fit your writing intent and targeted audience. The
template should serve as your guide, not as a restriction – feel free to alter the template
by deleting or adding anything you consider necessary. For example: create additional
subheadings if a subject requires a longer, more detailed explanation.
Copy the template, then paste it into a new document.
Replace the [bracketed copy] in the headings with text that is relevant to your blog post.
Thank you for downloading Hostinger's Blog Post Template
We’ve designed these blog post templates to help you write a variety of different articles.
Sometimes, you may find yourself stuck when writing a blog post, making it hard to churn out
the correct words. This is where blog templates come in, providing a structure that lets you
focus on the content and help you finish your piece faster.
This will cover five blog post templates to help you write great content more efficiently. We'll
also provide several tips or suggestions for each type of blog post. Let's get started.
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Glossary Blog Post Template
It's a "What is this thing?" article.
A glossary post informs users about products, technologies, practices, and so on. Besides providing
information about the definition of a subject, this type of post also explains how it works, what
readers can do with it, and its benefit for them.
What is a Glossary blog post
What Is JavaScript? A Basic Introduction to JS for Beginners
Progressive JPEG images: What Is It and How It Can Improve Website Performance
What Is Black Friday
Example of Glossary blog posts
Focus on delivering relevant and helpful information. If you think it's relevant to discuss the
background or reason why the subject was developed in the first place, go over it concisely.
Screenshots can also be a great way to help
explain things visually. For example, when you're
writing about reCAPTCHA, you can provide an
example of a reCAPTCHA image to make the
readers more aware of how a reCAPTCHA looks.
Use visuals to help readers understand the topic
better. For example, if you’re writing something like
"What is Image Formats?", provide images in your
article that would help readers tell the difference
between JPEG and GIF.
When you mention the features or characteristics
of the subject, make sure also to display its
benefits. That way, readers can see what exactly
the subject is used for.
Glossary Blog Post Template 3
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Start the article with an introduction to the topic. It can comprise of 2-4 short paragraphs,
which contain these points:
Explain why this topic is important for the reader. Let readers know whether this article
has the information they’re searching for.
Include the target keyword in the first sentence or first paragraph of this introduction.
If applicable, address who will find this article helpful to solve their problem. For example:
"If you seek to maximize your business performance on this upcoming Black Friday
season, you've come to the right place."
Explain what you will cover in this article. For example: "Here we're going to explain what
SEO is, why it's important and beneficial for your business, and provide five best tips to
kick start your new SEO strategies."
What is [X]?
Explain what X is – its purposes or functions.
Answer the question that becomes the title of this post immediately at the beginning of this
section. This practice will increase your chance of getting this post the featured snippet’s
position on the Google search engine results page. Immediate answers that use simple and
easily understood language can invite more people to check your post.
If relevant, concisely discuss the background/reason why X was developed in the first place.
That said, refrain from delving too deep into history.
If there's a similar concept to the subject, it can be a good idea to compare them – for
example, SEO and SEM. This will help readers understand the difference. Consider also
providing a comparison table of these two concepts.
If X has various types, explain them here. Depending on the topic, the explanation can be
short (using bullet points) or longer (using various headings).
Why should we use [X]?
Explain why X is important.
Mention the pros and cons of using X.
Highlight the benefit of the pros, and provide
solutions/substitutions for the cons.
Back up the facts in this section
with statistics and links to external
Glossary Blog Paost Template 4
[Glossary Blog Post Title]
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How does [X] work?
Explain briefly how X works and how to apply it in your activities – no need to go into detail
since it’s not a how-to article.
If applicable, link it to other posts you have that go more in-depth about how to use X
step-by-step. You can also embed a video that explains how X works to provide an
audio-visual explanation of this subject.
Tips/Best Practices
Provide a selection of best practices or tips to apply X. It can also be a list of reminders of
what the readers should keep in mind while doing/applying X.
Keep it short so that the readers won't feel too overwhelmed by the amount of information.
Three tips are the ideal minimum, while five is the maximum.
Wrap up what the readers should’ve learned by rounding up the key takeaways.
Refer to other resources you have on your site so readers can visit them to learn more about X.
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Glossary Blog Paost Template 5
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[Tutorial Blog Post Title]
Start the article with an introduction to the topic. It can be comprised of 2-4 short paragraphs,
which contain these points:
Explain why this topic is important for the reader. Let the readers know whether this
article has the information they’re searching for.
Include the target keyword in the first sentence or first paragraph of this introduction.
Tutorial Blog Post Template 6
Tutorial Blog Post Template
It's a "How to set up/fix this thing?" article. A tutorial post informs readers about how to set
something up or solve a problem. It involves step-by-step instructions.
What is a Tutorial blog post
How to Make a Website in 2021: Creating Your First Website
How to Get Ready for Your Website’s Growth?
How to Create and Sell Digital Products: Guide With Product Ideas
Example of Tutorial blog posts
Provide the instructions in the form of short steps so that readers wouldn’t feel
overwhelmed and could be confident that they can complete the instructions.
Focus on providing helpful information for your readers. They will access your tutorial to
find an immediate solution for their problem and not for interesting trivial facts.
Use visuals to help readers understand the topic better. For tutorial posts, this means you’ll
have to provide screenshots throughout each step so that readers can check whether
they are executing a step correctly or not.
Tutorial posts are also an excellent opportunity to get a featured snippet – a section that
appears at the top of Google's search engine results page, highlighting a resource that
answers a specific question within a few dozen words. To increase the chances of your
tutorial post getting into this position, organize the instructional steps into subheadings.
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Why is [X] important?
Explain why X matters.
Back up the facts in this section with statistics and links to external resources.
How to [X]?
This section will make up most of the blog post.
Break the instructions into subheadings so that readers could clearly understand and execute
each step. This also makes for better article structure organization and search engine
When applicable, include visual aids for each step, such as screenshot images, GIFs, or
embedded videos. If you have screenshots, make sure not to show your personal information in
them. Edit them out using any image editor.
Keep each step concise and accurate. Try to only talk about a single action for each step so
that readers could follow the steps more easily. It's important to make the steps as clear as
possible – if the readers are confused this may result in them not achieving the desired results.
What is [X]?
Explain what X is – its purposes or functions. It's important to pose this first because some readers
may not fully understand what X is. Therefore, before they learn how to utilize it, it's better to help
them understand more about the subject.
If applicable, address who will find this article helpful to solve their problem. For example:
"Whether you’re building a personal brand or a business, a website is one of the most
effective ways to reach your audience and achieve your goals."
Outline what will be covered in this article. For example: "In this article, we'll explain what you
need to get started, help you choose the right platform, and illustrate the steps necessary to
build your first website."
Tutorial Blog Post Template 7
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Tips/Best Practices
Some tasks might be too complex for beginners. This may make some readers feel unsure
whether they can successfully handle the task. Therefore, provide a selection of best
practices or tips to do X. There may also be a list of reminders of what the readers should
keep in mind while doing X.
Keep it short so that the readers wouldn’t feel too overwhelmed by the amount of information.
Three tips are the ideal minimum, while five is the maximum.
Wrap up by revisiting the key takeaways or concisely reviewing the instructions again.
Refer to other resources you have on your site so readers can visit them to learn more about X.
Tutorial Blog Post Template 8
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Listicle Blog Post Template
It's a "Which option should our readers choose?" article. A listicle post aims to provide
practical information to help readers pick an option that best suits their needs.
It lists off products, resources, or examples related to a topic that your readers may have to
choose between. It serves as a round-up of the best available options, so all that the
readers need to do is to take their pick from the narrowed-down list.
What is a Listicle blog post
Comparison: 10 Best eCommerce Website Builders to Build Your Online Store In 2021
Overview: What to Sell Online? 30 Trending Product Ideas
Overview: 16 Best WordPress Alternatives in 2021
Example of Listicle blog posts
There are two types of listicles – the ones that compare several items and the ones that
just overview several items. Decide at the beginning which type you want to work on since
they have different content structures.
If you choose to create an overview listicle, make sure that your list is not too short or long
– keep it more than five and up to a maximum of 20.
[Listicle Blog Post Title]
Start the article with an introduction to the topic. It can comprise of 2-4 short paragraphs,
which contain these points:
Explain why this list is important for the reader. Let readers know if this article has the
information they’re searching for.
Include the target keyword in the first sentence or first paragraph of this introduction.
If applicable, address whom this article is for. For example: "If you seek to maximize your
business performance on this upcoming Black Friday season, you've come to the right place."
Listicle Blog Post Template 9
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Explain what you will cover in this article. For example: "To help you find your footing and
give an idea of what’s possible, we’ll be going over 30 trending products to sell online."
Some listicles don't directly jump into the list right away. Maybe the topic is not familiar enough for
many people, or perhaps you want to provide several tips on choosing the most suitable option.
Either way, you can use this section to create one or two subheadings for these types of information:
"What is...?" section – Explain the purposes and functions of X and why it matters.
Example: "What is an HTML editor?"
Comparison with a similar concept – Help readers distinguish X from other
alternatives. Example: "CMS vs Website Builder: What Is the Difference?"
"Why does it matter?" section – While the subject may be already familiar for some,
others may not be aware of its benefits and the full potential of what it can do. Example:
"Why do you need a newsletter plugin?"
Selection strategies – Share a few tips on what to consider when the readers are
about to make their choice. Example: "How to Find Trending Products to Sell Online"
The [Number] best [X]
Create a subheading first to introduce your list of items. This will help your content structure
appear more organized and easier to grasp. It’s also good for performance in search engine
results – clearer structure helps your post get the featured snippet position.
Create a transitional sentence that contains the target keyword and points out the search
intent. This helps the search engine to read this as an immediate answer to the main question
posed by this article, which is good for SEO.
Provide a visual companion to showcase this item's visual identity. For example, for a "Best
Websites" listicle, you can provide the screenshots of each website's homepage, or for a
"Best Plugins" listicle, you can insert the plugin's banner.
Explain what this item is.
Determine how you want to present each item's details – by using paragraphs or by creating
bulleted lists for the rating, notable features, price, who it is best for, etc.
Highlight each item's unique features that differentiate them from the other items in the list.
Item number 1
Listicle Blog Post Template 10
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Wrap up by listing the key takeaways.
If the list is up to 10 items, you can write a summary of all the items. For example, item 1 is best
for beginners, item 2 works better for more advanced users, and so on.
Refer to other resources you have on your site so readers can visit them to learn more about X.
Listicle Blog Post Template 11
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Review Blog Post Template
It's a "What’s good and bad about this subject?" article. A review article aims to inform readers about
the benefits, ease of use, and value of a particular product or service. It doesn't try to sell, but rather
serves as the opinion of a professional who has already experienced using this product or service.
Readers search for review articles to find out if a product or service suits their needs or not. That's
why when writing a review piece, you must try to put yourself in the reader’s shoes. Provide
information related to decision-making factors that someone may think about when they're about to
pick a product or service.
What is a Review blog post
Zyro Review: Pros and Cons of This All-In-One Website Builder
Why Use WordPress? A Comprehensive WordPress Review
Weebly vs WordPress: Which Platform Should You Use to Build Your Website in 2021?
Example of Review blog posts
Readers can see it when you're being "salesy.” Customers are heavily dependent on product
reviews when making purchasing decisions, that's why they're looking for a professional opinion,
not a sales opinion. If they see your post is trying too hard to sell, they may immediately leave your
blog thinking it does not provide reliable, neutral reviews.
[Review Blog Post Title]
Start the article with an introduction. It can comprise of 2-4 short paragraphs, which
contain these points:
Explain what this review is about. Let readers know whether this article has the
information they’re searching for.
Include the target keyword in the first sentence or first paragraph of this introduction.
Explain what you will cover in this article. For example: "This X review will explain all there
is to know about the platform, including its benefits, drawbacks, and pricing plans."
Review Blog Post Template 12
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Provide transitional sentences before jumping into the Pros list.
Pros of [X]
For each item in this list, explain the reasons why X is one of the best products/services
on the market. There are various ways to do this, for example:
Pros 1
Mention several standout features of X, then point out the benefits for users.
Mention the things that users can do by using X, then explain the benefits for users.
Point out what makes X different from other similar products/services and what makes
that beneficial for users.
Provide transition sentences before jumping into the Cons list.
Cons of [X]
For each item in this list, explain the downsides of X.
Try to provide the solution to tackle this downside. For example, if a website builder
that you review doesn’t allow template switching, point out that this website builder
offers good personalization options so that users can still tweak their site to their liking.
Cons 1
Use this section to inform readers about what they need to know before jumping into the
product/service's pros and cons. For example, for a WordPress review, you can create a
subheading that specifically talks about "What Kind of Websites Can You Make with
WordPress?" or briefly talk about how to use the product/service, such as "A Quick Look
at How to Use WordPress.”
If necessary, you can place multiple subheadings before jumping into the pros and cons.
What is [X]?
Explain what X is – its purposes or functions.
If there's any similar concept to X, compare them so that readers could tell the difference and
decide between the options – for example, WordPress.org and WordPress.com. You can also
provide a comparison table between these two concepts to make it clearer.
Review Blog Post Template 13
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If the product or service has multiple pricing plans, consider creating a table for easier
viewing. It also helps readers to compare each plan.
List the price, payment period, and key features that every plan gets.
List special pricing conditions, such as discounts that applied for yearly subscriptions or
whether there's a free trial.
Who is [X] Best Suited For?
Explain who this product/service is best suited for, based on its functions and benefits.
If applicable, suggest an alternative for people who may want to get similar benefits but
don't have the resources to do so. For example, provide a more affordable option or
suggest hiring a specialist.
Wrap up by listing the key takeaways.
Refer to other resources you have on your site so readers can visit them to learn more about X.
Review Blog Post Template 14
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General Blog Post Template
It’s a type of post that shares an idea or opinion with the readers in the form of narrative text. In
other words, it’s a post that does not specifically fall into any of the other categories above.
What is a General blog post
When Is A Startup No Longer A Startup?
Why We Believe .XYZ Domain is The New .COM
Reducing Energy Usage of the Website
Example of General blog post
Use headings to help readers quickly see what points are going to be discussed in your article.
Headings give a better organization to a long article, and it also improves the SEO performance as
search engines use headings to index blog posts. However, don't use too many subheadings as it
may make the structure messy and confuse your readers. Headings 1, 2, and 3 are enough to break
up your texts into smaller sections that are easier to consume, meanwhile going beyond heading 4
can create clutter for your text.
[General Blog Post Title]
Start the article with an introduction. It can comprise of 2-4 short paragraphs, which contain
these points:
Explain why this topic is important for the reader.
Include the target keyword in the first sentence or first paragraph of this introduction.
Body Section
Proceed to deliver and elaborate on your ideas in an order that is based on a reasonable
thought process. For example, in an article about Startup Culture, you can talk about this
topic in this order:
General Blog Post Template
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Subsection (optional)
Break down your blog post into subsections if your topic requires deeper explanations
of certain ideas. For example, for an article about Startup Culture, you can create these
The definition of a Startup
The concept of Startup Culture
The explanation on how to measure the culture
The suggestion on how to maintain the startup
culture while expanding
Wrap up by listing the key takeaways.
Refer to other resources you have on your site so
readers can visit them to learn more about X.
Back up your facts by linking them to relevant external sources, such as statistics
or research papers.
The definition of a Startup – First, let readers understand the literal meaning of a
startup. It may include the size limitations that differentiate a startup from a company.
The concept of Startup Culture – Next, let them know that there is also an idea of
Startup as a mindset and culture, not just the form of an emerging company.
The explanation on how to measure the culture – Now that your readers are aware of
the two previous ideas, elaborate by showing how readers can measure whether their
company is a startup in its scale, its culture, or both.
The suggestion on how to maintain the startup culture while expanding – As readers
are now able to measure whether their company has a startup culture, assist them in
figuring out how to maintain the entrepreneurial culture even when their venture has
already reached a more stable growth scale and revenue.
General Blog Post Template
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