In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of section 3 of the All India
Services Act, 1951 (LXI of 1951), the Central Government, after consultation with the
Government of the State concerned hereby makes the following rules, namely:-
1. Short title- These Rules may be called the Indian Administrative Service (Probation)
Rules, 1954.
2. Definitions- In these rules, unless the context otherwise requires,-
(a) ‘Academy' means
Lal Bahadur Shastri National Academy of Administration;
(b) `Commission' means the Union Public Service Commission;
(c) `Director' means the Director of the Academy;
(d) `Period of probation' in relation to a probationer means the period of probation
specified in rule 3;
(e) `Probationer' means a person appointed to the Service on probation;
(f) `Schedule' means a Schedule appended to these rules;
(g) `Service' means the Indian Administrative Service;
(h) `State' means the State to which a probationer is allotted or deputed for practical
(i) `State Government' means the Government of the State to which a probationer is
allotted or deputed for practical training and in relation to a probationer allotted to a
Joint Cadre, the Joint Cadre Authority.
Rule 3. Period of Probation
Every person recruited for the Service in accordance with-
(i) the Indian Administrative Service (Appointment by Competitive Examination)
Regulations, 1955;
(ii) Clause (a) regulation 3 of the Indian Administrative Service (Special
Recruitment) Regulations, 1956;
Principal Rules published vide GSR No.152(E) dated 08.09.1954
Substituted vide MHA Notification No.2/1/61-AIS-I, dated 05.06.1961
Substituted vide DP&AR Notification No. 9/3/73-AIS(III),dated 02.05.1974
Added vide MHA Note NO.4/36/75-AIS(II), dated 06.05.1969
Substituted vide DP&AR Notification No. 13/4/71-AIS (II), dated 11.01.1972
Substituted vide DP&T Notification No. 11037/3/86-AIS (III), dated 25.08.1986
shall be appointed to the Service on probation for a period of two years.
(2) Every person recruited to the Service in accordance with-
(i) the Indian Administrative Service (Appointment by Promotion) Regulations,
1955 or
(ii) the Indian Administrative Service (Appointment by Selection) Regulations,
shall be appointed to the Service on probation for a period of one year:
Provided that in the case of any person recruited to the Service in accordance
with the Indian Administrative Service (Appointment by Promotion) Regulations,
1955, any period for which he has been appointed to
a cadre post may, having
regard to his performance in such post, be counted towards the period of
Provided further that the Central Government may, in exceptional circumstances
of any case, after consulting the Commission, reduce the period of probation.
(3) The Central Government may, if it so thinks fit, in any case extend the period of
probation for a period of one year.
(3A) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-rule(3),
(i) if during the period of probation a probationer has not undergone the
requisite training course prescribed under sub-rule (2) of rule 5, the period of
his probation may be extended up to a maximum limit of two years, or
(ii) the period of probation may be extended for such period as the Central
Government may think fit in the circumstances of the case in respect of a
probationer who is;
(a) under suspension;
(b) against whom a charge sheet has been issued ;
(c) against whom disciplinary proceedings are pending; or
(d) against whom prosecution for criminal charge is pending.
4) In this rule, `cadre post' has the same meaning as in clause (b) of rule 2 of the
Indian Administrative Service (Cadre) Rules, 1954.
3-A Confirmation- Where a probationer has completed his period of probation to the
satisfaction of the Central Government, he shall, subject to the other provisions of these rules, be
confirmed in the Service at the end of his period of probation.
Substituted vide DP&T Notification No. 11037/3/86-AIS (III), dated 25.08.1986
Added vide MHA Notn. No 2/1/61-AIS, dated 05.06.1961
4. Execution of agreement- A probationer shall, on appointment to the Service, execute an
agreement in the form specified in the Schedule binding himself and one surety, jointly and
severally, in the event of his failing to comply with any of the provisions of these rules to the
satisfaction of the Central Government to refund any moneys paid to him consequent on his
appointment as a probationer:
Provided that the provisions of this rule shall not apply to probationers appointed to the
Service in accordance with the Indian Administrative Service (Appointment by Promotion)
Regulations, 1955 or the Indian Administrative Service (Appointment by Selection) Regulations,
5. Training.-
(1) A probationer referred to in sub-rule (1) of rule 3 shall, on appointment to the
Service, undergo such training in the Academy and the State for such period as the
Central Government may direct.
(2) A probationer referred to in sub-rule (2) of rule 3, shall within the period of probation
or the extended period of probation, as the case may be, undergo such training in
the Academy or in the State Training Institution or in any other recognised training
institution in the country for such period as the Central Government may consider
Provided that where a probationer does not undergo such training within the period
of probation or the extended period of probation, as the case may be, he shall be
reverted to his substantive post in the State Civil Service.
Provided further that a probationer who has less than four years of service for
retirement on superannuation at the time of his induction into IAS or has undergone
mid-career training programme category III after induction, may not be nominated
for induction training. in such cases, the first proviso of the aforesaid sub-rule shall
not be applicable
(3) The provisions of rules 6 to 9 shall not apply to a probationer referred to in sub-rule
[ ]
6. Record in Academy:-
(1) A probationer, under training, shall attend such lectures and undergo such
examinations, tests and exercises as the Director or the State Government,
as the case may be, may, from time to time, direct.
(2) At the end of the period of training, the Director shall assess the record in the
Academy and in the State, of such probationer by awarding him such number
of marks out of a maximum of 900 marks in accordance with such
instructions as may be issued by the Central Government in this behalf;
Inserted vide Notification No. 11058/01/2002-AIS(III), dated 10.05.2011 (GSR No.379(E) dt. 11.05.2011)
10 Inserted vide Notification No. 11058/03/2014-AIS(III), dated 04.12.2014 (GSR No.873(E) dt. 04.12.2014)
11 Inserted vide DP&AR Notification No. 11037/7/76-AIS(III), dated 09.12.1976
[ ] Proviso deleted vide DP&AR Notification No. 11037/66/76-AIS(III), dated 17.09.1976
7. Final Examination:-Every probationer shall, during the course of training, appear at a final
examination to be conducted by the Director in accordance with such regulations as the Central
Government may, in consultation with State Governments and the Commission from time to time,
8. Failure to appear at the final examination in certain circumstances:-
Where a probationer is prevented, either through sickness or other cause over which he
has no control, from appearing at the final examination, the Central Government may allow him to
appear at a special examination which the Director may hold for the purpose, normally within a
period of three months from the last date of the final examination in which the probationer did not
9. Failure to pass the final examination - Where a probationer fails to obtain the minimum
number of marks prescribed for any subject, group of subjects or part of the final examination
under the regulations framed under rule 7, the Central Government may permit him to sit for re-
examination in the subject or subjects in which he failed:
Provided that the marks awarded to a probationer in such re-examination shall not be
taken into account in determining the seniority:
Provided further that this rule shall also apply to a probationer who was permitted to take
a special examination in the circumstances mentioned in rule 8.
10. Seniority of Probationers:-
(1) The Central Government shall prepare a list of all probationers who are recruited
to the Service under sub-rule (1) of Rule 3 and are assigned the same year of
allotment. Such list shall be arranged in order of merit, which shall be determined
in accordance with the aggregate marks obtained by each probationer:-
(a) at the competitive examination;
(b) in respect of his record in the Lal Bahadur Shastri National Academy of
Administration and in the State;
(c) and at the final examination, or the special examination in the circumstances
mentioned in Rule 8.
Provided that in determining such order of merit no account shall be taken of
marks awarded to a probationer in any subject specified under regulation 4 of the
Indian Administrative Service (Probation Final Examination) Regulation, 1955 in
which he is not able to obtain the minimum number of marks determined by the
Director with the previous approval of the Central Government appear to be
Provided further that if two or more probationers have secured equal number of
marks in the aggregate, their order of merit shall be the order of their dates of
Substituted vide DP&T Notification No. 11037/2/88-AIS(A), dated 23.06.1989
Substituted vide DP&T Notification No. 11037/2/98-AIS(III)-(A), dated 07.06.1999
(2) The seniority inter-se of the probationers who are assigned the same year of
allotment, shall be determined in accordance with the list prepared under sub-
rule (1).
(3) The provisions of sub-rule (1) and (2) shall not apply to probationers appointed to
the Service in accordance with the Indian Administrative Service (Special
Recruitment) Regulations, 1956,
and rule 7A of the Indian Administrative
Service (Recruitment) Rules, 1954.
11. Discipline and Conduct:-
(1) While at the Academy, a probationer shall be under the disciplinary control of the
Director and shall obey any such general and special orders as may be given by
him from time to time.
(2) The All India Services (Conduct) Rules, 1968 and the All India Services (Discipline
and Appeal) Rules, 1969 shall, so far as may be, apply to a probationer.
12. Discharge of a probationer:- A probationer shall be liable to be discharged from Service or,
as the case may be ,reverted to the permanent post on which he holds a lien or would hold a lien,
had it not been suspended under the rules applicable to him, prior to his appointment to the
Service, if-
(a) he fails to pass the re-examination under rule 9; or
(b) if the Central Government is satisfied that the probationer was ineligible for
recruitment to the Service or is unsuitable for being a member of the Service; or
(c) in the opinion of the Central Government he has willfully neglected his
probationary studies or duties; or
(d) he is found lacking in qualities of mind and character needed for the Service; or
(e) he fails to comply with any of the provisions of these rules.
Provided that except in a case falling under clause (a) above, the Central
Government shall hold a summary enquiry before passing an order under these
13. Salary during the period of probation.-
(1) A person referred to in clause (i) of sub-rule(1) of rule 3 shall receive salary in the
lowest stage of the junior time scale applicable to the Service during the first year
and at the second stage of that scale during the remaining period of probation:
Provided that, if the pay of the permanent post, on which a person, referred to
in clause (i), holds a lien or would hold a lien had it not been suspended under
the rules applicable to him prior to his appointment to the Service is, at any time,
Added vide MHA Notification No. 13/1/57-AIS(II)-E, dated 17.03.1958
Added vide MHA Notification No. 22/1/69-AIS(III)-A, dated 07.08.1969
Substituted vide DP&AR Notification No. 11037/3/86-AIS(III), dated 25.08.1986
Substituted vide DP&T Notification No. 9/7/80-AIS(I), dated 22.09.1972
more than the minimum of the junior time scale, he shall draw the pay of the
permanent post.
(2) A person referred to in clause (ii) of sub-rule (1) shall receive salary in the stage,
fixed for him, of the junior or senior scale as the case may be, and also draw
increments which may be due to him.
(3) A person referred to in clause (i) or clause (ii) of sub-rule (2) of rule 3 shall
receive salary in the stage fixed for him in the senior scale in accordance with
rule 4 of the Indian Administrative Service (Pay) Rules, 1954
and also draw
increments which may be due to him.
14. Travelling allowance.-
(1) A probationer shall be entitled to traveling allowance for the journeys which he
may undertake,-
(i) during the period of his training at the Academy, and
(ii) in connection with his practical training in the State, on the same scales
as may be admissible to a member of the Service on tour under the All India
Services (Travelling Allowances) Rules, 1954.
(2) A probationer shall not be entitled to any daily allowance during his halt at the
Academy or at various places to which he may be posted in the course of his practical
training in the State.
(3) (a) In respect of the journey from the Academy to the State on completion of
the first phase of training, a probationer shall, in addition to travelling allowance
on the same scale as admissible under sub-rule (1), be also entitled to an ad-
hoc transfer grant of Rs.100 and joining time as on transfer.
(b) In respect of the journey from the State to the Academy for the second
phase of training, a probationer shall, in addition to travelling allowance on the
same scale as admissible under sub-rule (1), be also entitled to an ad-hoc
transfer grant of Rs. 300/-;
Provided that, where a probationer has a family, which term shall denote the
same meaning as applicable for purposes of travelling allowance in the case of
officers belonging to Central Service Class I, he shall, in addition, be entitled in
respect of the journey mentioned in this clause to the reimbursement of actual
railway fare not exceeding that of first class for each member of his/her family
for the distance beyond 400 Km from his/her home town to the place of his last
posting in the State to his/her home town or that for the distance beyond 400
Km from the said place of the posting to the Academy, whichever is less:
(4) In respect of the journey from the Academy to the State on completion of the second
phase of training, a probationer shall be entitled to such travelling allowance as may
be admissible to a member of the Service on tour
as well as joining time as on
Substituted vide DP&AR Notification No. 11037/3/86-AIS(III), dated 25.08.1986
Substituted vide DP&AR Notification No.22/2/71-AIS(III), dated 15.06.1974
Substituted vide DP&AR Notification No. 11037/12/75-AIS(III)-A, dated 30.06.1976
transfer and, where a probationer has a family, which term shall denote the same
meaning as assigned to it in the proviso to clause (b) of sub-rule (3) he shall, in
addition , be entitled to the reimbursement of actual railway fare not exceeding that of
first class for each member of his family for the distance beyond 400 KM from his/her
home town to the place of his posting, or that for the distance beyond 400 KM from
the Academy to the place of posting, whichever is less:
Provided that, where a probationer is posted to a place other than that from which he
had undertaken the journey mentioned in clause (b) of sub-rule (3), he shall be
entitled in respect of himself and his family to joining time and travelling allowance as
may be admissible to a member of the Service on transfer.
15. Saving:-Nothing in these rules shall be construed as limiting the power of the Central
Government, for good and sufficient reasons, to dismiss or remove at any time a probationer from
the service.
16. Interpretation:-If any question arises as to the interpretation of these rules, the Central
Government shall decide the same.
17. Repeal:-All rules corresponding to these rules in force immediately before the
commencement of these rules are hereby repealed:
Provided that any order made or action taken under the rules so repealed shall be
deemed to have been made or taken under the corresponding provisions of these rules.
Government of India's Decisions Under Rule 3
1. The amended rule takes effect from the 5th June, 1961, but the period of probation shall
be two years even in the case of candidates appointed on the 1st June, 1961, on the basis of the
combined competitive examination held in 1960, as, in their offers of appointment, two years,
probation had been indicated.
[G.I., M.H.A. letter No. 2/1/61-AIS(I), dated 11th September, 1961.]
2. Under the first proviso to sub-rule(2), only the officiating service in a cadre post after the
inclusion of the officer's name in an approved Select List is to be taken into account for the
purpose of computing the period of probation.
[G.I., M.H.A. letter No. 2/1/60-AIS(I), dated 11th September 1961 read with MHA Notification No.
16/28/65-AIS(III), dated 17th January, 1967.]
Government of India's Decisions: Under Rule 3-A
1. The confirmation of the probationers should be based on the assessment of the record
of the probationers during the period of training undergone in the State. Failure to pass
Departmental Examination may well be an indication of the generally unsatisfactory nature of the
officer’s work during probation and may be taken into account as such. It should not, however, in
the opinion of the Government of India operate automatically as a bar against such confirmation.
Substituted vide Notification No. 7/1/73-AIS(II)-K, dated 02.01.1975
It is the general assessment of the entire record, and not merely success or failure at the
Departmental Examination that should count in this respect.
I am, therefore, to request that the State Government may kindly consider these
circumstances while forwarding their recommendations about confirmations.
(Govt. of India MHA letter no. 11/2/57-AIS.I, dated 20.9.1957)
2.1 Delay in the Confirmation of probationers results in non-drawls of increments by them
on due dates vide Rule 13.
2.2 The State Government should, therefore, endeavor to forward assessment reports, as
soon as the probation period of the probationer is over and in any case not later than six weeks
after the last date of the probationary period with their recommendations.
[G.I., M.H.A. letter No. 23/2/64-AIS(III), dated 4th June, 1964.]
3. Confirmation of a probationer after completion of the period of probation is not automatic
but is to be followed by formal orders.
[G.I. M.H.A.letter No.16/3/65-AIS(I), dated 4th July, 1965.]
Government of India's Decisions under Rule 10.
1. It has been decided that, where for reason beyond his control and for no physical or
intellectual default of his, a candidate has not been allowed to join the Academy in time and could
not take the Probationer's Final Examination of his batch, his inter- se seniority should be decided
in accordance with this rule.
[G.I. M.H.A. letter No. 3/16/58-AIS(I), dated 19/2/1958.]
2. Government of India's Decision (1) above would apply also to cases, where, after joining
the Academy, a probationer is prevented from taking the final examination of his batch, due to
sickness or other reasons beyond his control.
[G.I., MHA F.No. 18/18/65-AIS(I).]
Government of India's Decisions Under Rule 13
1. A doubt has been raised whether an I.P.S. probationer, on appointment to one of the
posts specified in Schedule III to the I.P.S. (Pay) Rules, 1964 can be allowed to draw the pay
indicated for the post in the said schedule.
1.2. The I.P.S. (Probation) Rules, 1954, deal with all matters in relation to the I.P.S.
probationers to the extent specified therein. Salary during the period of probation is one of the
matters provided for in these rules. The special provision in the Probation Rules would prevail
over the other general provisions in the other rules, including the IPS(Pay) Rules, 1954 so long as
a person is on probation. On this principle, a probationer if appointed to a post in a post included
in Schedule III to the IPS (Pay) Rules, 1954, would not get anything more than what he is entitled
to as a probationer because his status as probationer is not in any way affected by the post which
he holds from time to time.
This applies to the Indian Administrative Service and the Indian Forest Service also.
[MHA letter No. 22/2/70-AIS(III), dated 14/4/70.]
2. Although sub-rule (3) is silent about increments, promoted officers are to be allowed
during the period of probation, increments from the dates on which they accrue.
[G.O.I. M.H.A. letter No. 2/1/61-AIS(I), dated 11/9/61, read with letter No.
920/71-AIS(III), dated 23/1/71.]
1. Extract of DOP letter No. 22/3/71-AIS.III, dated 13.7.72:
The Central Government have issued the following instructions covering the various
aspects relating to the probation and training of probationers for the guidance of the State
(i) A person is appointed on probation in order to assess his suitability for absorption in
the Service to which he has been appointed. Probation should not, therefore, be
treated as a mere formality. The powers under rule 12 of the Indian Administrative
Service (Probation) Rules, 1954, to discharge probationers should be used
systematically and vigorously so that necessity of dispensing with the services of the
members of the Service at late stages may arise only rarely. A probationer who is
found not to possess the basic qualities of character and ability essential in a member
of the Indian Administrative Service should be discharged early from the service. There
is little to be gained by continuing such a probationer in service for long. It would also
not be fair to the probationer himself.
(ii) It is not desirable that a member of the Service should be kept on probation for years
as happens occasionally at present. Save for exceptional reasons, the period of
probation should not, therefore, be extended by more than one year and no member of
the Service should by convention, be kept on probation for more than double the
normal period, that is four years. Accordingly, a probationer, who does not complete
the probationer's final examination within a period of four years, should ordinarily be
discharged from the service.
(iii) The decision whether a member of Service should be confirmed or the period of his
probation should be extended should be taken soon after the expiry of the initial
probationary period, that is, ordinarily within six to eight weeks thereof, and
communicated to him together with the reasons in case of extension. With a view to
enabling the Central Government to take a prompt decision in each case, the
assessment report in the prescribed form, covering the period of practical training in the
State should be sent to the Department of Personnel and Administrative Reform
immediately after the training is over.
(iv) A probationer, who is not making satisfactory progress or who shows himself to be
inadequate for the Service, in any way, should be informed of his shortcomings well
before the expiry of the original probationary period so that he can make special efforts
at self-improvement. This can be done by giving him a written warning to the effect that
his general performance has not been such as to justify his confirmation in the Service
and that, unless he showed substantial improvement within a specified period, the
question of discharging him from the Service would have to be considered. Even
though this is not required by the rules, discharge from the Service being a severe, final
and irrevocable step, the probationer should be given such an opportunity before taking
the drastic step of discharge.
(v) In order to make the practical training of the probationers really purposeful, it is
essential that the probationers are posted as far as possible both to rural and urban
districts so that they get variety of experience on land tenures, agricultural practices,
departmental programmes as well as problems relating to law and order, industrial
unrest and welfare.
(vi) The utilisation of the practical training will, to a great extent, depend on the choice of
the Collectors to whom the probationers are attached. Unless the Collectors give
proper guidance to the probationers, the probationers will not benefit from the training.
Great care should therefore, be exercised in selecting the Collectors to whom the
probationers are attached. The Collectors should be instructed to take personal interest
in the training of the probationers and to inculcate in them a positive attitude towards
the various problems facing the Administration. During the practical training, all relevant
acts, laws, codes and Five Year Plan documents with particular reference to the district
should be studied by the probationers. Reasonable facilities for accommodation etc.
may be provided to the probationers.
(vii) It should be ensured that the probationers take the training seriously. They should be
discouraged from taking long spells of leave, except for unavoidable reasons, as this
would affect their training.
{Deptt. Of letter No. 11037/11/1987-AIS-III of Government of India, Ministry of Personnel, Public
Grievances and Pensions,(Department of Personnel and Training),dated the 23 Dec, 1987}
2. SUBJECT: Confirmation of Probationers in the Indian Administrative Service under IAS
(Probation) Rules,1954-proposals regarding-
I am directed to invite your attention to the amendments carried out in this Department’s
notification No. 11037/03/1986-AIS.I dated 25.08.1986 in the IAS (Probation) Rules, 1954 and the
pronouncement in the Hon’ble Supreme Court on India in Civil Appeal 1237. of 1979 in State of
Gujarat Vs A.C. Bhargava and Others pronounced on 26.08.1987 and to say that in view on the
implications the said Judgement, it has been decided that the following guidelines should be
observed in dealing with matters relating to the probation and confirmation of IAS Probationers:-
(a) The LBSNAA shall recommend the continuance of probation of each and every IAS
probationer of a particular batch, who had attended the Foundational Course and
Professional Course and Professional Course (PH.I) Training at the Academy and
had appeared in the IAS (Probationers Final Examination) conducted at the end of
Phase I Training, on the basis of the performance of the officer during the
Foundational Course, Phase I Training, the Final Examination and the Director’s
Assessment of the Probationer during that period. Proposals in this regard shall
reach the Department of Personnel & Training latest by the month of October of the
year in which the Final Examination has been held. In case of any eventuality which
may occasion the postponing of the Final Examination, the Director, LBSNAA may,
nonetheless, send proposals in this regard without waiting for the holding of the final
Examination and in that event, the proposals may reach the Department of Personnel
& Training by the month of July of the year in which the Final Examination would
have been held but for the postponement. The recommendations of the Director,
LBSNAA may also be endorsed to the respective State Governments simultaneously.
(b) The State Governments shall hold the meetings of the Review Board in respect of the
IAS probationers undergoing training in the State immediately after the completion of
the State Training and send the recommendations of the State Government
regarding the confirmation or otherwise of the probationers concerned to the
Department of Personnel & Training latest by the month of June of the year in which
the District Training of the probationers has been completed. In case, the State
Government feel that a probationer deserves to be given further chance so as to
improve his performance, they shall specifically mention this in their recommendation
and make suggestions regarding the period up to which the probation is to be
extended but such extension shall in no case exceed six months in the first instance
beyond the normal 2 year period of probation as laid down in the rules.
(c) The performance of a probationer, during the extended period of 6 months in terms of
clause (b) above, shall be closely watched. During this period the probationer is
likely to be in the Academy for the second phase of the training for 10 weeks period.
The State Government shall hold a further review and in case the performance of the
probationer is required to be watched for some more time, proposal for extending the
probation for a further period of 6 months should be sent to the Department of
Personnel & Training at least one month prior to the completion of the first extended
period of 6 months.
(d) Nothing in the above clauses shall be construed to mean that any restriction applies
either on the Director of the Academy or the respective State Governments to
recommend discharge of any probationer, if in his/their view such step is called for,
under the relevant provisions of the I.A.S. (Probation) rules in this regard, at any time
during the period of probation of a probationer.
(e) The Director, LBSNAA, shall, immediately on completion of the Phase II Training of
the IAS, send his further recommendations on the basis of assessment of the
performance of each probationer during his District Training as well as during the
Phase II Training, including the performance in the Regional Language Test by
special messenger, so as to reach the Department of Personnel and Training latest
within one week of the completion of the Phase II Training. It is essential that such
recommendations reach well before the completion of the 2 years normal period of
probation so that a decision can be taken, if need be, for extending the period of
probation of any probationer before the completion of the 2 year period.
(f) In case the probation period of any probationer has been extended during the 2 year
normal period of probation and subsequently by a total period not exceeding one
year over and above the original 2 years period of probation, the State Government
shall hold a review meeting in respect of the performance of the probationer during
the extended period of probation two months before the expiry of the extension and
send the recommendations of the State Government for confirmation of the
probationer or termination of the probation under the relevant provisions of the IAS
(Probation) Rules so as to reach the Department of Personnel & Training at least one
month before the expiry of the extended period of probation.
2. These instructions are to be followed strictly so as to obviate any legal claim on behalf of a
probationer at a later date, on his right to automatic confirmation after the completion of the
normal period of probation and any claim to the effect that an order of extension of probation is
void on the ground that at the point of time when such order has been passed, the concerned
probationer had put in the normal period of probation without any order having been passed
extending the period of probation within the normal period of probation.
[Copy of DP&T letter No. 11037/6/87-AIS(III), dated 2/2/88.]
[In supersession of MHA letter No. 16/3/69-AIS(III), dated 24/6/70.]
3. In view of the comprehensive amendments that have been carried out in the IAS(Probation)
Rules vide this Department's Notification No. 11037/3/86-AIS(III), dated 25/8/86 and revision in
the CR format of IAS officers, it has been decided in consultation with UPSC to revise the format
of Assessment Report in respect of the IAS probationers. The revised proformae (one for Direct
recruits and one for Promotees) are enclosed. It is requested that in future the assessment
reports may be furnished in the revised proforma.
(Extracts from DOP&T. O.M.No.11037/15/93-AIS-III , dated 3
December, 1993)
Instances have been brought to the notice of Government of IAS Lady Probationers
conceiving during their training period leading to disruption of their training schedule on account
of their inability to take up classes and examinations, specially in items like village visit, trek, P.T.
and Horse Riding etc. Representations for exemption are often received from probationers on this
2. There is need for stricter discipline and ensuring that the training of probationers is
completed in time, in their own interest. It is, therefore, essential that lady IAS Probationers take
necessary precautions to ensure against conception during their training period.
3. Probationers, as well as in the interest of their health and the health of the offspring, it has
been decided that:
i) Lady IAS Probationers should take all possible care/precautions to ensure
against conception during their training period.
ii) It will be obligatory on the part of the lady IAS Probationers to inform the Director,
LBSNAA in case they conceive during the period of their training in the Academy.
iii) The Director, LBSNAA, will not allow such probationers who conceive during their
training at the Academy, to continue with their training.
iv) Such probationers will be allowed to complete the remaining part of their training,
after one year, along with the batch that may be under training at the Academy at
that time. Their training will recommence from the beginning of the phase during
which it was discontinued originally (e.g., FC 1st or 2nd phase training in
LBSNAA/District Training as the case may be).
4. The period of absence from training will be treated as extra ordinary leave as provided for in
Rule 15 of the AIS (Leave) Rules, 1955 except for the period which can be treated as maternity
leave as provided for in Rule 18 of AIS (Leave) Rules, 1955 and the period of probation will be
extended accordingly. This will, however, not effect the seniority of the probationers in the IAS.
5. Director, LBSNAA may suitably inform all lady probationers on their joining the Academy.
[DP&T O.M. No. 11037/15/93-AIS(III) dated 3rd Dec., 1993.]
Subject: Leave to lady IAS (Probationers) during training period- Instructions regarding.
The undersigned is directed to refer to this Department’s O.M. No.11037/15/93-AIS (III),
dated 3.12.1993 regarding Lady IAS Probationer Officers conceiving during their training period.
2. This Department has been receiving verbal requests from Lady IAS Officers stating that
the existing instructions, especially that the Director, LBSNAA will not allow such probationers
who conceive during their training at the Academy, to continue with their training, are
discriminatory. After completion of training, they work in the field and undergo strenuous and
rigorous exercises which are more difficult and cumbersome, than the exercises to be performed
during the training period.
3. The proposal has been re-examined and it has been decided that Para 3 (iii) of this
Department’s letter dated 3.12.1993 be amended as under:
Lady IAS Officers who are capable of completing the training will be allowed to
complete the training. Those who require leave will be allowed to take leave as due and
admissible and will complete the training with the batch that may be training in Mussoorie at that
[ DoP&T O.M. No.11037/10/2004-AIS (III) dated 16.11.2004]
Subject: Making Induction Training’ compulsory for the officers inducted to Indian Administrative
Service by promotion/selection.
I am directed to invite your attention to the amendment carried out in this Department’s
notification No. 11058/01/2002-AIS-III in the Rule 5(2) of Indian Administrative Service
(Probation) Rules, 1954 and to say that a probationer referred to in sub-rule (2) of rule 3, shall
not be confirmed in the Indian Administrative Service, if he/she does not undergo such training in
the Academy or in the State training institution in any other recognised training institution in the
country for such period as the Central Government may consider necessary within the period of
probation or the extended period of probation, as the case may be.
2. It is further directed that induction training is to be provided to all officers promoted from
State Civil Services to Indian Administrative Service immediately on induction and in any case,
not later than one year after induction except in such cases where probation has been extended
as per rules.
[ DoP&T letter No.11058/01/2002-AIS (III) dated 15.06.2011]
[SCHEDULE [See Rule 4]
The President of India
Whereas I
, a probationer in the Indian Administrative Service (hereinafter referred to as
"the probationer") being entitled, subject to compliance with the Indian Administrative Service
(Probation) Rules, 1954 to receive from the President (hereinafter referred to as the Central
Government) or from the Government of the State to which I may be posted, pay and allowances
during the period in which I am under training;(.)
Now, we, the probationer, and the Surety is requested to insert full name, address and
occupation (hereinafter referred to as ‘the surety ‘) jointly and severally, do hereby, in pursuance
of the said rules, promise and agree in the event of the failure of the probationer to complete
probation to the satisfaction of the Central Government to refund to the Central Government on
demand any moneys paid to him, including the pay and travelling expenses to join appointment.
The surety hereby agrees that his liability hereunder shall not be affected by the Central
Government extending the period of probation or giving the probationer an extension of time for
payment of or compounding the amount payable hereunder.
Stamp duty payable on this bond shall be borne and paid by the Government.
Dated this- day of
Signature of Probationer
Signed by the probationer in the presence of------------
Name of witness
Signature of the surety
Signed by the surety in the presence of-----------------
Name of witness
I, whose signature is appended to the above agreement as surety, do hereby declare that I am
(a) in the permanent service of the Government of--------------., or
(b) ordinarily resident in India and that I possess means which will enable me to repay to the
Central Government the sums of money referred to in the event of my being called
upon to do so in accordance with the terms of the agreement.
Signature of the surety
Signed by the surety in the presence of
Name of witness
[No. 4/1/54-AIS(II), dated 8/9/1954.]
1. Name :
2. Date of Birth :
3. Year of allotment :
4. Period of Probation :
5. Date of commencement of probation (i.e.date of joining) :
6. Due date of termination of probation :
7. Date of Termination of probation :
8. Extension, if any, with particulars. :
9. No. of days of leave taken during Probation :
10. Previous Service if any prior to joining the IAS :
Assessed by: Dated:
Approved by: Dated:
1. State of Health :
2. Mental Capacity :
(a) Efforts made to acquire knowledge relevant to job
(b) Analytical ability
(c) Power of Comprehension
3. Communication Skill :-
(a) Power of Expression:
(i) Oral
(ii) Written
(b) Ability to participate in discussions and seminars
4. Participation in class (Please comment on interest in work, punctuality, thoroughness and
whether methodical and orderly etc.)
5. Participation in Sports and Co-curricular activity :
6. Performance during village visit programme :
7. Performance during the Trek :
8. Marks obtained in the Foundational Course Examinations Phase I :
(a) Participation in class
(b) Participation in Sports and Co-curricular activities :
(c) Performance during
(i) Army attachment
(ii) Attachment in Public Sector Undertaking
(iii) Attachment with voluntary agencies
(iv) Tribal/village visit
(v) Parliamentary attachment
9. Inter-personal relations and team work : (Please comment on quality of relationship with
superiors and colleagues, ability to appreciate each others point of view and also on the
capacity to work as a member of a team and to promote team-spirit).
10. General Comments (general appraisal of the Officer's good and bad qualities in narrative form
particularly those related to character, integrity and ability to correct himself when faults are
pointed out.)
Signature :
Designation :
Remarks of the Reviewing officer :
Brief remarks indicating that the assessment of the Reporting Officer may be accepted or
rejected or otherwise modified
Signature of the Reviewing Officer :
Designation :
Training in the State Performance during the District Training
1. Efforts made to acquire knowledge relevant to the job :
2. Power of Comprehension :
3. Spirit of Enquiry :
4. Quality of output :
5. Work habits and attitude :
(i) Initiative :
(ii) Self-reliance :
(iii) Thoroughness :
(iv) Resourcefulness :
(v) Interest in work :
(vi) Punctuality :
(vii) Whether methodical and orderly :
6. Stability :
(i) Poise :
(ii) Fairness :
(iii) Dependability :
7. Whether independent charge was given and if so :
(a) Decision making ability :
(b) Ability to evaluate projects or schemes :
(c) Ability to plan and programme :
(d) Quality of judgement :
8. Efforts made to acquire sufficient knowledge of local languages:
9. Knowledge of revenue and other local laws for the time being in force.
10. Performance in State Training Institute (where applicable)
11. Efforts made to imbibe the ethos and culture of the State of allotment.
12. General comments (General appraisal of the officer's good and bad qualities in narrative form
particularly those related to character, integrity and ability to correct himself when faults are
pointed out).
Remarks of the Reviewing Officer :
Brief remarks indicating that assessment of the Reporting Officer may be accepted or rejected or
otherwise modified.
Signature of the Reviewing officer
1. Quality of District assignments :
2. Participation in District experience presentation :
3. Participation in class/Group syndicate sessions and seminars :
4. Participation in co-curricular activities :
Remarks of the Reviewing Officer :
Brief remarks indicating that the assessment of the Reporting Officer may be accepted or rejected
or otherwise modified.
Signature of the Reviewing Officer :
Designation :
Recommendation whether the probationer :
1) is fit for retention/confirmation :
2) Should be watched for another -----------months (here list what improvements are
required in the probationer).
3) Should be discharged from Government service (here give reasons for recommending
this course of action).
1) Outstanding
2) Very good
3) Good.
4) Satisfactory with some shortcomings.
5) Not satisfactory.
( Please put a ring round the appropriate grading)
Signature of Chairman
Reviewing Board/Committee
Orders of the Head of Department or the Administering/Controlling Department/Ministry.
Signature of Head of Deptt.
Administering Controlling
Name :
Date of Birth :
Post held :
(a) Record of Training Institute attended, if any (for officers under-going formal training)
(b) Nature of duties on which he has been employed e.g. duties requiring public relations and
field work, formulation of plans, general direction and execution thereof, Secretariat work of
general nature, supervision and control of subordinate staff.
(Please list the above duties in order of importance)
In the case of officers undergoing formal training at the Lal Bahadur Shastri National
Academy of Administration, please state in brief, the duties/activities, in which they were
expected to participate outside the class room.
Experience prior to Appointment on probation :
Period of probation/trial ends on:
Number of days Leave (other than casual leave and Special Casual leave) :
Assessed by : Dated
Approved by : Dated
1. State of Health :
2. Mental Capacity :
(a) Efforts made to acquire knowledge relevant to job :
(b) Analytical ability :
(c) Power of Comprehension:
3. Work habits and attitude
(a) Self reliance :
(b) Thoroughness :
(c) Resourcefulness :
(d) Punctuality :
4. Quality of output :
5. Decision making ability :
6. Communication skill :
(a) Power of expression
(i) Oral
(ii) Written
(b) Ability to participate in discussions and Seminars :
7. Inter-personal relations and team work; (Please comment on quality of relationship with
superiors and colleagues, ability to appreciate each others point of view and also on capacity
to work as a member of a team and to promote team-spirit).
8. Relations with public: (Please comment on the officer's accessibility to the public and
responsiveness to their needs).
9. Stability :
(a) poise :
(b) Fairness :
(c) Dependability :
10. Ability to manage:
11. Knowledge of relevant laws and rules and regulations in the work entrusted to the officer.
12. Performance during training :
13. General comments (general appraisal of the officer's good and bad qualities in narrative form
particularly those related to character, integrity and ability to correct himself when faults are
pointed out)
Remarks of the Reviewing Officer :
Brief remarks indicating that assessment of the Reporting Officer may be accepted or rejected or
otherwise modified
Signature of the Reviewing Officer:
Designation :
Recommendation whether the probationer :
1) is fit for retention/confirmation
2) should be watched for another---------months (here list what improvements are required in the
probationer), or
3) may be tried for some other post (where such a course is permissible under the relevant
recruitment rules.), or
4) may be reverted to his substantive post (here give reasons for recommending this course of
action), or
5) should be discharged from Government service (here give reasons for recommending this
course of action).
1) Outstanding
2) Very Good
3) Good
4) Satisfactory with some shortcomings
5) Not satisfactory
(Please put a ring around the appropriate grading).
Signature of Chairman :
Review Board/Committee
Orders of the Head of Department or the Administering/Controlling Department/Ministry.
Signature of Head of Deptt.
or Administering Controlling Department/Ministry.
[Copy of Cab. Sectt. letter No.22/1/70-AIS(III), dated 16/9/70.]
Clarifications have been sought by some State Governments on the following points:-
(i) A column "Remarks and recommendations of the Reviewing Board/Committee" figures in
the assessment report. What should be the composition of the Board/Committee?
(ii) Should the assessment reports be prepared at the end of each calendar year or financial
2. The matter has been considered by the Government of India in consultation with the Union
Public Service Commission and it has been decided as follows:
(i) The Board/Committee may comprise the following namely:
(1) Chief Secretary.
(2) Financial Commissioner (The most senior among the holders of the posts of Financial
Commissioner, where there is more than one) or the Chairman, Board of Revenue or the
Secretary to the State Government in the Revenue Department.
(3) Development Commissioner or the most senior among the holders of the posts carrying pay
above the time scale of pay, other than those at (1) and (2) above.
(1) Home Secretary.
(2) Inspector General of Police.
(3) The most senior among the holders of the posts of Deputy Inspectors General of Police.
(ii) The practice followed in the case of confidential reports may be followed in the case of
assessment reports also.
3. These decisions may please be noted by the State Governments.
[Relevant extracts of the letter No. 16/33/69-AIS(III), dated 8/8/72.]
I am directed to state that the Government of India have been considering, in consultation
with the Governments of the States etc. the question of evolving a purely voluntary scheme for
the grant of financial incentives to the members of the All India Services to learn a language,
other than English, Hindi, Sanskrit, the mother-tongue and the principal official language of the
State of allotment. A draft of the scheme was circulated along with this Department's letter of
even number, dated the 28th August, 1972. The draft scheme has been modified after taking into
account the various suggestions received from the State Governments etc. and a copy of the
scheme so finalized is enclosed.
2. The Governments of Assam, Karnataka and Kerala have not agreed to participate in the
scheme. However, the Government of Kerala has agreed to arrange to hold the examination in
Malayalam for officers belonging to other State cadres. No reply has so far been received from
the Government of Jammu & Kashmir. Efforts are being made to persuade the Governments of
Assam and Karnataka to agree to similar arrangements, and to obtain the concurrence of the
Government of Jammu & Kashmir to the scheme, failing which alternative arrangements for
holding the examinations in Assamese, Kashmiri and Kannada will be made by the Central
Government through the Lal Bahadur Shastri National Academy of Administration, Mussoorie.
3. I am, therefore, to request that immediate steps for implementing the scheme, as
modified, may kindly be taken by all concerned, under intimation to this Department.
Enclosure to Deptt. of Personnel & A.R. Letter No. 22/4/70-AIS(II), dated 28/1/1974.
Scheme for the grant of financial incentives to the members of the All India Services to
learn a language, other than English, Hindi, Sanskrit, the mother-tongue and the principal official
language of the State of allotment.
1. The scheme shall apply to all the languages mentioned in the Eighth Schedule to the
Constitution of India and the subsidiary language(s) adopted by the State Governments for all or
any official purposes of the State, under Article 345 of the Constitution of India, except English,
Hindi, Sanskrit, the mother-tongue of the members of the All India Service concerned and the
principal official language of the State to which he is allocated.
1.1 In addition to the languages referred to in paragraph 1, the scheme shall apply to
Manipuri language also.
1.2 A member of the Service allocated to the Union Territories Cadre shall be eligible
for an award, subject to other conditions of the scheme, if he passes an
examination in any of the languages of the Union Territories other than Hindi, i.e.
Assamese, Malayalam, Marathi, Mizo, Tamil and Urdu. Provided it is neither his
mother-tongue nor the language in which he has passed the qualifying test as part
of the Probationers' Final Examination.
2. The Government of States, on cadre of which the member of the Service is borne, shall
give a cash award of Rs.1000 to a member of an All India Service who passes an examination in
one of the languages referred to in paragraph 1 above with a minimum of 60% marks in the first
2.1 The cash award shall be given only once to a member of the Service.
2.2 The Cash award shall be admissible to a member of the Service only if he passes
the examination within a period of ten years from the date of his appointment to the
3. The Government which shall be responsible for the setting and the evaluation of the
papers in the various languages are as shown in Annexure-I.
4. The standard of the examination shall be the same as that of the departmental
5. Where an oral test has been prescribed in the departmental examination referred to in
paragraph 4, the State Government on whose cadre the member of the Service, who wishes to
take the language examination, is borne shall, in consultation with the State Government
concerned with the language, decide whether the oral test may be given through an officer
knowing that language in the former State or by sending the officer either to the capital of the
latter State or to a place where such test is to be conducted.
6. Where a member of the Service wishes to avail himself of the Scheme, he shall inform
the Chief Secretary to the Government of the State on the cadre of which he is borne about the
particular language in which he proposes to take the examination. The Chief Secretary to the
Government of the State which is concerned with that language (as shown in column 2 of the
Annexure I) will thereupon be required to forward the question papers set for the departmental
examination in the concerned language to the Chief Secretary to the Government of the State on
the cadre of which the member of the Service is borne, who shall make the necessary
arrangements for holding the examination.
7. The examination shall be held on the same day on which the departmental examination
in the language is held by the State Government responsible for the setting and the evaluation of
the papers.
8. The answer books(s) shall be sent to the Chief Secretary of the State Government
concerned with the language for evaluation. The result shall be communicated by the State
Government to the Chief Secretary of the State Government on the cadre of which the member of
the Service is borne.
9. The member of the Service shall be treated as on duty on the day(s) he takes the
examination (s). If he has to undertake some journey to take the examination (s) he shall be
treated as on duty for the actual journey period and he shall be paid travelling allowance as on
tour for the journey with no daily allowance for the period of halt.
Language State Government/Union Territory Concerned
1. Assamese Assam (Provisional)
2. Bengali West Bengal
3. Gujarati Gujarat
4. Kannada Karnataka (Provisional)
5. Kashmiri Jammu & Kashmir (Provisional)
6. Malayalam Kerala
7. Manipuri Manipur
8. Marathi Maharashtra
9. Mizo Mizoram
10.Nagamese Nagaland
11.Nepali Sikkim
12.Oriya Orissa
13.Punjabi Punjab
14.Tamil Tamil Nadu
15.Telugu Andhra Pradesh
16.Urdu Uttar Pradesh
Copy of D.P. & A.R. Letter No. 26/1/74-AIS(III), dated 19/10/74:
The Scheme for the grant of financial incentives circulated to the State Governments in
this Department's letter No. 22/4/70-AIS(III), dated the 28th January, 1974, will also be applicable
to the State Service officers appointed to the All India Services by promotion. The condition of ten
years laid down in paragraph 2.2 of the Scheme will be computed from the date of appointment of
a State Service officer to the All India Service concerned.
Copy of letter No. 11037/1/98-AIS.III of Govt. of India, Ministry of Personnel, P.G. & Pensions
(Department of Personnel and Training) dated 19. June, 1998.
SUBJECT: Exemption from Passing Departmental Examination
For the IAS Officers who change their cadre – reg.
It has been brought to the notice of this Department that where an IAS officer gets his
cadre changed, he is often required, by the State Government of the cadre which he joins, to
pass the Departmental examinations irrespective of whether he has already passed the
Departmental examinations in his previous State cadre and irrespective of whether he is already
confirmed in the service.
2. Normally, the Departmental Examinations held by the State Governments are a part
of the training of an officer and even in respect of confirmation, it has been clarified earlier that
the confirmation of a probationer after completion of two years training is based on the general
assessment of the entire record of the probationer during the period of training and not merely on
success or failure at the Departmental Examination, failure to pass the Departmental Examination
should not operate automatically as a bar against such confirmation (vide G.I. MHA letter No.
11/2/57-AIS.I dated 20.9.1957)
3. It is in view of this that failure to pass at the Departmental Examination, whether
before cadre change or after cadre change, cannot be operated automatically as a bar against
promotions also.
4. At the same time, it is appreciated that an IAS officer should fully acquaint himself with
the local language and the local bye laws. In case of a cadre change, at any point of time of his
career, he cannot be effective in the new place of posting unless he immediately acquires
knowledge of the local bye-laws and the local language of the State to which he is allotted after
cadre change. In such a situation, the State Government concerned may resort to sub-rule 1 of
Rule 6 of IAS (Pay) Rules, 1954 which empowers the State Government to withhold, for such
time as it may deem fit, increment due to any member of the service if the latter has failed to pass
the Departmental Examination or Examinations within such time as the State Government may
prescribe by general or special order but the withholding of such increments shall not have
cumulative effect. A period of two years after cadre change should be sufficient for passing such
departmental examinations. State Governments may accordingly prescribe the period within
which such officers should pass the said departmental examinations. The prescribed period may,
of course, be extended by the State Government in appropriate cases.
5. The State Government may also take appropriate steps under AIS (CR) Rules, 1970,
by virtue of which the reporting authority may record his remarks in part- III of the ACR format
against the items “Knowledge of sphere of work” and “Communication Skill” as well as for the
item “General Assessment in Part - IV. It would be within the competence of the State
Government if the promotion to any grade is withheld on the basis of the remarks in this respect
in the ACR of the officer after he has been given sufficient time (as mentioned in para 4 above )
for passing the departmental examination. These will be sufficient to ensure that the member of
the Service takes interest in passing the Departmental Examinations in the new State Cadre.
6. If any promotion is, however, due to an officer within a period of two years from the date of the
cadre change, he should not be deprived of the same only in view of the fact that he has not
passed the departmental examination in the new state cadre, provided he has already passed
such examination in the previous State cadre. This is so in view of the fact that the officer needs
sufficient time to learn the local language and the local laws and pass the departmental
examination in the new State cadre. Failure to pass such examinations may be taken into
account only in respect of promotions which are due after the period mentioned in paragraph 4
7. State Governments may issue suitable instructions accordingly to the concerned officers.