A Study on Why People Lack Dedication and Focus During Church Worship and Service
A Thesis Project Report Submitted to
the Faculty of the Liberty University School of Divinity
in Candidacy for the Degree of
Doctor of Ministry
Maxine White
Lynchburg, Virginia
October 2022
Copyright © 2022 by Maxine White
All Rights Reserved
Liberty University John W. Rawlings School of Divinity
Thesis Project Approval Sheet
Mentor Name &Title
Reader Name &Title
Maxine White
Liberty University John W. Rawlings School of Divinity, Date October 2022
Mentor: Dr. Darren Heryck
The researcher chose the topic of this thesis because members of Last Days Ministries
(LDM) lacked dedication and focus during church worship and service. The project aimed to
discover what caused LDM members to lack commitment and focus during worship and service
time and to find a way to alleviate the problem among LDM members. This thesis project
includes four themes from doing this project, of which three concern distractions. Those
distractions came from cell phones, spontaneous distractions, and satanic distractions. Cell phone
distraction was at the top of the list of distractions that disrupted the church and kept LDM
members from being dedicated and focused during worship and service time. Satanic distractions
mainly came from other members of the church, who allowed Satan to use them.
Spontaneous distractions, those noises that suddenly happen, interrupted the church
because LDM members allowed the distractions to distract them. When LDM members chose to
concentrate on God, spontaneous distraction lost its power over them. The final theme in this
project discussed how the Holy Spirit of God gives strength to believers who submit themselves
to Him. The researcher used the method of hosting a four-week workshop to find the four
themes. First, the researcher solicited participants from LDM to participate in the workshop,
which allowed them to input their feedback on the subject. Next, before the seminar took place,
the researcher interviewed each participant. After the workshop, the researcher interviewed the
participants again. The researcher used field notes during the interviews and the workshop.
Finally, the researcher analyzed the data to identify the themes.
Chapter 1: Introduction ..................................................................................................................1
Introduction ..........................................................................................................................1
Ministry Context ..................................................................................................................3
Getting into Ministry..................................................................................................3
Last Days Ministries ..................................................................................................5
Problem Presented ...............................................................................................................9
Purpose Statement ...............................................................................................................10
Basic Assumptions ...............................................................................................................11
Definitions .............................................................................................................................12
Limitations ............................................................................................................................17
Delimitations .........................................................................................................................18
Thesis Statement ..................................................................................................................18
Chapter 2: Conceptual Framework ...............................................................................................20
Literature Review ................................................................................................................20
Dedication and Focus .................................................................................................21
How Cell Phones Affect Church Worship and Service .............................................25
Christians Escape Plan ...............................................................................................26
Discipline ...................................................................................................................33
God’s Love and Grace ...............................................................................................34
The Church’s Responsibilities ...................................................................................35
Conclusion .................................................................................................................36
Theological Foundations .....................................................................................................37
The Holiness of God ..................................................................................................37
Learning From Jesus ..................................................................................................39
Why People Are Not Committed ...............................................................................41
The Benefits of Being Dedicated and Focused ..........................................................43
Commissioned By Jesus ............................................................................................46
The Importance of Prayers .........................................................................................51
Theoretical Foundations ......................................................................................................52
Chapter 3: Methodology..................................................................................................................59
Introduction ..........................................................................................................................59
Intervention Design ..............................................................................................................59
Implementation of the Intervention Design .......................................................................61
IRB Approval .............................................................................................................61
LDM Approval...........................................................................................................62
Recruit Participants ....................................................................................................63
Pre-Workshop Interviews ..........................................................................................63
Workshop ...................................................................................................................64
Post-Workshop Interviews .........................................................................................69
Analyze Data and Identify Themes............................................................................69
Reflection and Application ........................................................................................72
Chapter 4: Results............................................................................................................................75
Analysis Based on Pre-Workshop Interviews ...................................................................76
Analysis Based on Workshop ..............................................................................................78
Analysis Based on Post-Workshop Interviews ..................................................................79
Theme One: Cell Phones’ Distractions ..............................................................................80
Theme Two: Spontaneous Distractions .............................................................................83
Theme Three: Demonic Distractions .................................................................................86
Theme Four: The Holy Spirit Influence ............................................................................90
Chapter 5: Conclusion .....................................................................................................................96
Research Implications .........................................................................................................96
Research Application ...........................................................................................................101
Research Limitations ...........................................................................................................103
Future Research Work ........................................................................................................104
Conclusion ............................................................................................................................108
Bibliography .....................................................................................................................................110
Appendix A: Permission Request ...................................................................................................118
Appendix B: Permission Letter ......................................................................................................119
Appendix C: Recruitment Flyer .....................................................................................................120
Appendix D: Consent Form ............................................................................................................122
Appendix E: Pre-Workshop Interview Questions ........................................................................125
Appendix F: Workshop Outline .....................................................................................................127
Appendix G: Post Workshop Interview Questions .......................................................................129
Appendix H: Recruitment E-Mail ..................................................................................................131
Appendix I: Citi Program Certificate ............................................................................................132
Appendix J: Workshop Day One Handout ...................................................................................133
Appendix K: Workshop Day Two Handout ..................................................................................135
Appendix L: Workshop Day Three Handout ................................................................................136
Appendix M: Workshop Day Four Handout.................................................................................137
Appendix N: Practical Guidance for Becoming Dedicated and Focused ...................................139
Appendix O: IRB Approval Letter / Waiver Page .......................................................................140
3.1. Research Project Timeframe ..................................................................................................60
4.1. Gender, Age, Religious, and Educational Background of Participants .................................76
4.2. Participants’ Reasons for Lacking Dedication and Focus During Church ............................78
4.3. Reasons to Focus on God During Church Worship and Service ...........................................80
5.1. Additions for Future Seminars ...............................................................................................102
DMIN Doctor of Ministry
IRB Institutional Review Board
LDM Last Days Ministries
NDM New Deliverance Ministries
NIV New International Version
RDCOGIC Restoration and Deliverance Church of God in Christ
TOPC Tabernacle of Praise Church
TTCTLF The True Church of The Living Faith
Dedication and focus are things that every company manager would love for their
employees to possess. Everyone dedicates themselves to something or someone. This project will
discuss dedication as having a love and a commitment to God and His will. According to Jesus,
the first commandment given to His followers was to love God with their whole heart, soul,
mind, and strength (Mark 12:30). God should be everything. In today’s society, believers want
God, but they want Him to stay on the back burner until they need Him. They casually walk into
the church and bring the world with them. The world enters the church on a cell phone, in their
mind, heart, and being. This research will help the members of Last Days Ministries learn why
there is a lack of dedication and focus during church worship and service time.
The researcher of this thesis project is the pastor of Last Days Ministries (LDM) in
Atlanta, Georgia. The researcher has noticed that the members at LDM significantly lack
dedication and focus during church worship and service time. Therefore, in this research project,
the researcher hopes to discover why LDM members lack commitment and focus while in church
worship and service. Also, the researcher hopes to find enough information for a four-day
workshop. The researcher will share the finding with the membership of LDM. Additionally, the
researcher hopes to prove that the situation at LDM has been occurring in other places, such as
schools, churches, and jobs.
Furthermore, the researcher wants to prove that no one can have any spiritual discipline
without first having the Holy Spirit, which gives a person the help needed to be more dedicated
and focused during church worship and service. Some LDM members have tried to discipline
themselves. However, it has been complicated and burdensome for them. Pastor Richmond
Laney states, “Spiritual disciplines are not supposed to be a burden.
This action research will
show that when a person gets the disciplines of dedication and focus, that person gives their will
over to the Holy Spirit and allow Him to lead and guide them on how to be disciplined on the
things of God. Moreover, this research will show how everything starts with learning from Jesus,
mimicking Him, and being His disciple.
The researcher of this project assumes that LDM members will add three components to
their lives after this research. The first component is understanding God and the gifts He has
given them. The second is the importance of being dedicated and focused. The third component
is to show appreciation to God, which is due to Him for His goodness. Also, the researcher plans
to gain knowledge from the participants in this research. The researcher hypothesizes that this
research will cause LDM members to improve in being dedicated and focused. The researcher
will share some information from scholars, which will give a few reasons why the members of
LDM lack dedication and focus. Also, the researcher will show how members of LDM who
allow the Holy Spirit to take charge in their lives and discipline their behavior will gain all the
help they need to be dedicated and focused according to the Bible’s standpoint. In addition,
being disciplined will help LDM members have a more powerful spiritual experience in the
church so they can feel God's presence better and relate God's goodness to others. Scholar Scott
Lowry Willis stated, “people who study any spiritual disciplines using the Scriptures will allow
them a chance to enter into a conversation with God.”
This researcher will be studying several
spiritual disciplines of being dedicated and focused, given in the scriptures and others provided
by scholars who have paved the way.
Richmond Laney, Marriage as a Spiritual Discipline Principles and Benefits (DMIN diss., Liberty
University, 2014), 5, ProQuest Dissertation & Theses Global.
Scott Lowry Willis, Spiritual Disciplines for Men in a Medium-Sized Church (DMIN diss., Liberty
University, 2020), 10, ProQuest Dissertation & Theses Global.
Ministry Context
Getting Into Ministry
Being raised in a family that was comprised of Christian believers made it easy for the
researcher to become a believer at the early age of sixteen. The researcher's maternal
grandmother carried the researcher to church from birth to twelve years old. When the researcher
was between twelve and sixteen years old, the researcher did not go to church because the family
moved from the neighborhood where the grandmother lived. Although the researcher had spent
the first twelve years going to church, the researcher did not understand everything that went on
in the church. One day, some evangelists came into the neighborhood where the family was
living, and they talked about the love of God and invited the researcher into the family of God
through Jesus. The researcher said yes to having Jesus as Lord in her life and said the sinner’s
prayer. Although the researcher's grandmother taught the children in the neighborhood about
God and was a great teacher, the researcher had not learned much about Jesus.
Many years went by, and the researcher searched from church to church to understand
God, His Son, and God’s purpose for her life. Although the researcher had said the sinner’s
prayer in 1971, the understanding of God was not apparent until He began to lead the researcher.
In 1996, the researcher became a member of The True Church of The Living Faith (TTCTLF) in
Atlanta and stayed there for five years. The researcher sang on the praise team at the church and
was a prayer warrior. The leaders at TTCTLF were Bishop Samuel Christian and Pastor Ruby
Christian. They were great teachers. Being under Bishop Samuel and Pastor Ruby Christian
painted a more precise picture to the researcher of who Jesus is and why God sent Him to earth.
The researcher enjoyed the teaching at TTCTLF so much that it led the researcher to enroll in a
Bible college about three miles from her home. There the researcher obtained a Bachelor of
Theology. The researcher was happy to be learning so much about the Lord. The Holy Spirit led
the researcher to move to another church after five years as a member of TTCTLF. The
researcher joined the Restoration and Deliverance Church of God in Christ (RDCOGIC) because
it was conveniently in the researcher’s neighborhood.
According to what the researcher thought was a great church, NRCOGIC was it. While
attending that church, Pastor James Summer sent the researcher to an evangelist class, which
helped increase the researcher's knowledge about the Lord. Summer was so impressed by the
little knowledge the researcher had gained that he made the researcher a Sunday school teacher
and the person over all the Sunday school classes. The researcher was pleased to be working in
the ministry. The ministry work was short-lived at RDCOGIC. The Holy Spirit led the researcher
to move from there to another church after six months in that position. The researcher felt like a
church hopper and did not want to move. However, it was a call from God, and the move was
One day, while traveling home on a public transportation bus from work, the researcher
met Minister Dorothy Jackson, who became her friend. Minister Dorothy Jackson was the wife
of Pastor Freddie Jackson. Six months after they became friends, Minister Dorothy asked the
researcher to come out on their friends and family day. Once the researcher went and visited
New Deliverance Ministries (NDM), which was Jackson’s church, the researcher settled down at
that church. Was God leading the researcher to where He wanted her to be? The researcher had
uncertainty about where she was supposed to be. Paul said, “we know that in all things God
works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose
(Rom. 8:28, NIV). God had to work it out where He wanted the researcher to be. At NDM, the
researcher started doing more work in the ministry and continued learning. There the researcher
learned how to take the church out of the four walls of the building. The researcher discovered
how to jump in and give a helping hand wherever there was a need. This ministry was a
beginning. It taught the researcher how to get more involved in doing the will of God and answer
the call that God placed in the researcher’s life to do ministry work.
Last Days Ministries
Last Days Ministries is in Atlanta, Georgia, and the congregation is small, consisting of
fifteen regular members. When visitors are present, there could be an additional five to ten
participants in a service. The researcher has been a member of the New Deliverance Ministry in
Forest Park, Georgia, since 2004. However, in 2021, Pastor Freddie Jackson of NDM took a new
job at Temple Grove Baptist Church, SW Atlanta, Georgia, because their pastor died. Jackson
ordained the researcher in 2013 and gave his blessing for the researcher to go out and start a new
ministry. LDM was incorporated in 2006, and the researcher stayed at LDM until after he gave
his blessings in 2013 for her to move forward.
In August of 2006, when LDM was incorporated, the researcher felt a calling from God
to start the ministry. However, because no one recognized the degree the researcher had obtained
from a Bible college, the researcher had to wait on permission from God through Jackson. God
still had a lot to teach the researcher about what it would take to lead a ministry and how it had to
be according to His will. While waiting on God, LDM received willing vessels. LDM obtained a
treasurer, a secretary, and others ready to join a new ministry. All members who joined the
church were unchurched except two. The first person was Sister Paige, who would later be
instrumental in helping the researcher with the start of LDM. Sister Paige has a bachelor’s degree
in Christian counseling and was an ordained minister. Sister Marlene was the second person who
was instrumental in helping the researcher with the ministry. Sister Marlene had years of training
in children's ministry and driving a church van from her previous church.
Once the researcher got her pastor’s blessing, she felt unready to answer the call and step
into the ministerial calling. Therefore, the researcher registered at Liberty University in 2016 to
ensure her teaching aligned with the Bible. Having watched Jerry Falwell on television in the
1970s, 80s, and 90s, the researcher knew Liberty University was the place for her to learn.
According to the researcher, Falwell exuberated integrity because he would not allow greed to be
a part of his work for God.
Before entering Liberty University, the researcher got an invitation from Pastor Dr.
Virginia Bradshaw to speak at Tabernacle of Praise Church (TOPC) in College Park, Georgia, in
2015. As the researcher sat there observing the needs of that ministry while watching Bradshaw
work so hard in her church, the researcher decided to speak with the pastor at NDM about going
over and assisting her in the ministry. Jackson encouraged the researcher to go and help
Bradshaw two Sundays each month. On the other two Sundays in the month, the researcher was
still a part of NDM.
Bradshaw was instrumental in the researcher's growth, just as much as Jackson.
Bradshaw pushed the researcher to teach classes, write lesson plans, and help with record
keeping during the absence of the church administrator. Since Bradshaw's administrator is a
flight attendant, the researcher got a lot of record-keeping experience, which was beneficial for
training the staff at LDM. King David wrote, “The Lord makes firm the steps of the one who
delights in him; though he may stumble, he will not fall, for the Lord upholds him with His
hand” (Ps. 37:23-24, New International Version). God ordered everything concerning the
training the LDM pastor got, starting with the researcher going to a Bible college (whose credit
was not recognizable), being a member of NDM, and speaking at TOPC to entering Liberty
University. According to the Apostle Paul, “called people are not wise. However, God will equip
them to do the job He has called them to do” (1 Cor 1:26-29, translation). The researcher agrees
with Paul because feeling like a wise person was not the experience of this researcher. The
researcher just felt like a willing person.
LDM started in 2019, and although incorporated in 2006, it was 2019 when the
researcher obtained a recognizable bachelor’s degree from Liberty University. In addition, in
2019, the researcher was encouraged by Jackson to complete what was started and to finish what
was the will of God in the researcher’s life. Also, in 2019 it was not just Jackson's gentle push;
God was also using Bradshaw to encourage the ministry. LDM Church is now officially operated
by a pastor who has gained all the qualifications to conduct a church, and with God’s help, the
church members will learn about God's will for their lives.
At the beginning of 2022, LDM entered its third year of being a church. It started with
the researcher giving everyone in the church a one-year training class in ministry. Teaching the
course was a great experience because everyone learned together from the church’s launching
point. The researcher brought in Jackson and his wife to speak and share their knowledge. There
was a licensing service for ministers, deacons, and evangelists. In addition, the treasurer/admin
person and the secretary received certificates. The licensing board consisted of Pastor Freddie
Jackson, Pastor Dr. Virginia Bradshaw, Minister Dorothy Jackson, and Pastor Changa Solwazi of
The Great Church of God. Everyone was happy to help LDM get started. There were
encouraging words given by each person on the licensing board.
Once everyone was licensed, it was another year of hands-on experience. The licensed
individuals had a chance to minister, host a function at their homes, and invite others into the
ministry over the next year. Everything was starting to look up, but then the COVID-19
pandemic prevented LDM members from coming to church. The researcher used Bradshaw's
building for church on some Saturdays to have service. Unfortunately, after the COVID-19
pandemic, TOPC members had difficulty paying tithes and offerings, and Bradshaw could no
longer afford the building. LDM went online with church services; members were willing to
participate, to the researcher’s surprise. LDM lost only one member after going online because
that member developed some ongoing medical problems.
At the time of this writing, the members at LDM have an existing problem that the
researcher will address in this thesis. The researcher is praying and researching how to best
address the issue at LDM. So far, the researcher has discovered that the LDM problem has
existed in other churches. There is an ongoing conversation concerning believers lacking
dedication and focus during worship and service time at church. The question is: What causes
believers to lack commitment and focus during worship and service time? The researcher will
research why this problem exists and discover ways to alleviate the distraction. The researchers
acknowledge learning starts with Jesus by allowing His teaching and the Holy Spirit from God to
teach each person. When believers submit to the will of God and use spiritual disciplines, it
eliminates the problems. According to Laney, “Historically, Christians have used spiritual
disciplines to enhance their relationship with God,
which the researcher wants the members at
LDM to accomplish.
Laney, Marriage as a Spiritual Discipline Principles and Benefits, 4.
Problem Presented
The problem at Last Days Ministries in Atlanta, Georgia, is that the members lack
dedication, and focus, during church worship and service time. In March 2020, the pandemic of
COVID-19 hit the world, which closed the church's doors. Church services everywhere went to
online platforms. The pastor of LDM, the researcher, got with the members and decided to meet
online on Google Duo. Everybody was happy to have a way to communicate and participate
during the online church service. However, the praise and worship service did not get much
participation. There were only three members of LDM that worshipped God during worship
time. The rest of the members acted as if the church was not a church anymore. After a few
months, and the pandemic was still in effect, LDM members started to treat the church as a
conversation with their best buddy or girlfriend. Members would have their cameras on while
driving, eating, braiding hair, or doing other things a person would do when they were on a
simple phone call. There was no dedication when it came to worshipping and servicing God, nor
was there any focus on the word of God.
The researcher believes that when believers gather together in the name of the Lord, it
does not matter if the meeting is in a church building, online, or someone’s home; God is due
respect no matter where the church takes place. The Apostle Peter stated, “As you come to the
living Stone rejected by men, chosen by God and precious to Him, He constructs you into a
spiritual house like living stones to be a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable
to God through Jesus Christ” (1 Pet 2:4-5, NIV). This research will teach LDM members how
important it is to consecrate on the Word of God, be dedicated to Him, and stay focused during
worship and service time.
Purpose Statement
The Purpose of this DMIN action research is to find out what causes LDM members to
lack dedication and focus during worship and service time and find a way to alleviate that lack.
The researcher hopes to discover detailed information from other scholars from this research to
make LDM members aware of their lack of dedication and focus. Additionally, the researcher
wants to teach LDM members the importance of giving their undivided attention to God during
worship and service. After all, church time aims to show God's reverence through Jesus Christ.
According to Jesus, “God is seeking believers to worship Him in Spirit and truth” (John 4:23,
translation). The researcher believes that LDM members would not ignore church worship and
service if they truly understood how important it is to dedicate themselves to God. The
researcher read books, articles, and dissertations from numerous authors.
The researcher wants to have an opportunity to add additional information to the ongoing
conversation by doing thorough research to find out what causes LDM members to be distracted
during church worship and service time. This research will bring together notable scholars to
discuss the importance of being dedicated to God for years. Also, the researcher wants to use the
information gathered to prepare a four-week workshop for members of LDM so that they can
learn the effects of distraction and hopefully have a better level of dedication and focus during
worship and service time. In addition, the researcher hypothesizes that the members of Last Days
Ministries will have improved behavior once this research is complete. They will be aware of
who it is that they are not giving dedication and focus to. Also, the researcher hopes to gather
enough information from this research so other teachers at LDM who come behind her will be
able to use the information to help them in the same situation. This study will advance the
researcher’s hypothesis by providing several reasons that cause LDM members to be distracted.
The researcher will be talking to LDM members to get the results of their lack of dedication and
focus during worship and service. The researcher believes that the best answer in this research
will come from the focus group's participants.
The primary construct of this study is LDM members and scholars who dealt with the
subject in the past concerning having discipline that comes from the Holy Spirit. Another
primary construct of this study will be the Word of God. The researcher will incorporate
instructions given through the Word of God.
Basic Assumptions
There are assumptions that the information gathered in this research will make a
difference in the behavior of the members of LDM. The first assumption is that LDM members
will become aware of their lack of dedication and focus and display appropriate behavior in
church. The benefits would include LDM members enjoying church worship and service without
distractions. Also, they will have increased knowledge about being dedicated and focused and
what causes distraction. In addition, the researcher assumes this research will be educational
information for future new believers’ classes. This information will start with members of LDM
understanding who God is and why He deserves their attention while in service. Additionally, the
researcher assumes that LDM members will have an increased awareness after the workshop,
which will end with members teaching others from this project.
The second assumption of this action research is that the information gathered will help
bring glory to God's Kingdom. Visitors will leave glorifying God in the future because LDM
members and new believers will display appropriate church behavior. Also, this information will
guide other teachers at LDM who may face the same problem in the future. This project will give
them information on how to understand why they should give God their attention. For a teacher
to understand the student better, that teacher needs to discover what or who is behind a person’s
distraction. There is such a thing as adult ADHD, which could be one thing that can cause a
person not to be able to focus. Scholar Russell A. Barkley, Ph.D., stated, “ADHD is a real
condition that affects children and adults.”
Catechize: Teaching children the Word of God so they will grow up in fear of God.
Scholar Scot McKnight says teaching includes “evangelizing them and challenging them to make
a personal decision about Jesus early.”
This project uses this term to discuss how parents should
train their children in the Word of God so that they know how to be disciplined during worship
and service time at church when they are older.
Church Service: A gathering of Christians to worship and honor God. According to
theologian Walter A. Elwell, “the service was established by the Apostles and was a simple
service, with the climactic event of the weekly service on the Lord’s Day being the sacrament of
the Lord’s Supper.”
This project uses the term to establish a purpose for the Christian meeting.
Dedication: Being zealous about something or someone. The act of loyalty by a person to
a subject. According to scholar William Michael Beals, “dedication has some kind of value in
Russell A. Barkley, PhD., Taking Charge of Adult ADHD: Proven Strategies to Succeed at Work at
Home, and in Relationships, 2nd ed. (New York, NY: The Guilford Press, 2022), 2.
Scot McKnight, The King Jesus Gospel: The Original Good News Revisited, rev. ed. (Grand Rapids, MI:
Zondervan, 2016), 28.
Walter A. Elwell, Evangelical Dictionary of Theology, 2nd ed. (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic,
2001), 1301.
virtue of its relationship to robust integrity, but that it also has intrinsic value.”
The project uses
the term to discuss the importance of putting one’s heart into the worship and service of God.
Also, the word shows how being devoted to God will cause a person to dedicate themself to God.
Disciple: A person that learns from Jesus, denies themselves, takes up their cross, and
follows Him so that they can learn the things He taught about God. In addition, a disciple is
someone who shows love to others, allows the Holy Spirit to discipline them, and is willing to
make disciples (Matt. 16:24; 28:19-20; John 13:25; 16:13-15). Additionally, philosopher Dallas
Willard said, A disciple is a learner, a student, an apprentice, a practitioner, even if only a
The researcher uses this term to discuss those followers of Jesus who strive to mimic
His action in every way possible.
Discipleship: Gary Bredfeldt writes, A process of learning and growth. Living
interactively with Jesus’ resurrected presence (through His word, His presence, and other
believers) as we progressively learn to lead our lives as He would if He were here.
researcher of this project uses this term to discuss followers of Jesus teaching others to do those
things that Jesus taught.
Discipline: Having self-control over one’s life. Being able to be led by the Holy Spirit.
According to theologian Gary Bredfeldt, discipline is the ability to take action regardless of our
emotional state or personal desires.
This project uses this term to describe having self-control
William Michael Beals, "The Importance of Dedication," (Ph.D. diss., Stanford University, 2012), 4,
ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global.
Dallas Willard, The Great Omission: Reclaiming Jesus’s Essential Teachings on Discipleship (Nashville,
TN: Harper Collins Publishers, 2006), xi.
Ibid, 160.
Gary Bredfeldt, Great Leader, Great Teacher: Recovering the Biblical Vision for Leadership (Chicago,
IL: Moody Publishers, 2006), 110.
in worship in service at church. Also, it uses the word to describe the teaching obtained through
the Holy Spirit of God.
Divine: Having the attributes of the godhead with all the power of the Almighty God.
According to theologian John F. Walvoord, it is an attribute related to Deity or ascribed to the
Father or the Holy Spirit which attributes to Christ.”
This project uses the term to discuss the
Heavenly Father's attributes and those of the Son.
Focus: Give all of one’s attention to a subject without outside interference. According to
author Daniel Goleman et al., “focus means thinking about one thing while filtering out
This project uses the term to describe a profound meditation on God alone during
worship and service time and not allowing any other distraction to interfere with the mind.
General Revelation: Being able to recognize God through His creation. According to
theologian Millard J. Erickson, it is “God revealing of Himself at all times to every human
This project uses the term to discuss how the robust creation of God speaks to everyone
and can make known to them that God exists.
Grace: A gift God gives to all believers that is not earned (Eph. 2:8-9). The theologian
Matthew W. Bates stated, “Grace can be two things. First, it can be a one hundred percent gift.
Second, it can simultaneously summon the gifted person with an obligation, a heartfelt and
intentional duty, to respond in gratitude and behavior per the new social bond created by the one
John F. Walvoord, Jesus Christ Our Lord (Chicago, IL: Moody Bible Institute, 2008), 26, Logos.
Daniel Goleman et al., Focus: HBR Emotional Intelligence Series (Boston, MA: Harvard Business
Review Press, 2018), 3.
Millard J. Erickson, Christian Theology, 3rd ed. (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic, 2013), 122.
who gives the gift.
This project will use the term to describe how God provided a way out of
sin and selfishness through grace.
Nomophobia: Being addicted to a cell phone. Seungyeon Lee et al., describe nomophobia
“as fear and subset of anxiety that arises from not having access to one's mobile device.
project uses the term to discuss how people are addicted to cell phones.
Paraclete: The Helper. Theologian Thomas R. Schreiner said He is “the Spirit of Truth,
the advocate, the teacher, and the witness bearer.”
In this project, the researcher will use this
term to discuss the paraclete, the helper, who comes to bear witness of God so the believers can
know how to act before a Holy God.
Repentance: To have a change of heart and change the course of action of one’s behavior.
According to Erickson, repentance is based on a feeling of godly sorrow for our sin.
project will use the term to discuss how there is a need for believers to change their lives and
turn to God.
Reverence: Having respect for the creator God and a healthy fear of God will cause a
person to acknowledge His awesomeness. Author R. Kent Hughes says it means “to lift God as
worthy and ascribe great worth to him.”
The researcher uses this term to discuss how God
deserves respect and should have attention during church worship and service.
Matthew W. Bates, Salvation by Allegiance Alone: Rethinking Faith, Works, and the Gospel of Jesus the
King. (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Publishing Group, 2017), page number, Logos.
Seungyeon Lee et al., Addicted to Cellphones: Exploring the Psychometric Properties Between the
Nomophobia Questionnaire and Obsessiveness in College Students, National Library of Medicine 4, no. 11 (2018):
Thomas R Schreiner, The King in His beauty: A Biblical Theology of the Old and New Testaments
(Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic, 2013), 225.
Erickson, Christian Theology, 866.
R. Kent Hughes, Discipline of a Godly Man, updated ed. (Wheaton, IL: Crossway, 2019), 114.
Spiritual Discipline: The ability to allow the Holy Spirit to discipline an individual’s
actions. Theologian Donald S. Whitney said, “The Lord Jesus not only expects these biblical
Spiritual Disciplines of those who follow Him, but He is also the model of discipline for
This project uses the term to discuss when a person shows discipline; they use the
Holy Spirit's God-given strength to help them accomplish something they cannot do on their
Spiritual Formation: An action gotten by the transformation and the renewing of the
mind, which comes through the help of the Holy Spirit (Rom. 12:2). According to theologian
Paul Pettit, this “refers to the Holy Spirit in the context of forming, transforming, or conforming
a person’s life toward Christlikeness (‘until Christ is formed in you, Gal. 4:19b).
This project
uses the term to discuss how the Holy Spirit transforms the state of mind of a person.
Spirituality: The state of a person once the Spirit of God fills them. Scholar P. Adam
McClendon stated, “those who live under the Spirit of God are spiritual.”
The researcher uses
the term in this project to discuss how the Holy Spirit of God will change the state of mind of an
undisciplined person.
Transform: Changing someone into a different state of mind. Pettit said this " allows the
empowering presence of God to transform us into the image of Christ according to the will of the
Worship: Giving adoration unto God. Whitney said, “worship is sincerity to God in our
acts of worship. It is giving back to God by getting the heart involved and allowing the Holy
Donald S. Whitney, Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life, rev. ed. (Colorado Springs, CO: Tyndale
House Publishers, 2014), 14.
Paul E. Pettit, Foundations of Spiritual Formation (Grand Rapids, MI: Kregel Publications, 2016), 51.
P. Adam McClendon, Paul’s Spirituality in Galatians: A Critique of Contemporary Christian
Spiritualities (Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock Publisher, 2015), 1.
Pettit, Foundations of Spiritual Formation, 60.
Spirit to motivate the responses given according to the truth that comes out of the scriptures
about God.”
In this project, the researcher uses the term to discuss how worship gives adoration
to God when time is dedicated to Him during church and responding to Him in spirit and truth.
The researcher will use only the members of LDM in this project, and those affiliated
with LDM will be a part of the four-day workshop. This workshop will be at the church in
College Park, Georgia. Presently LDM only has access to the building one day a week on
Saturday. Therefore, the researcher will schedule the workshop weekly on Saturdays. COVID-19
is another barrier that can cause limitations. At this time, the Omicron variant is causing some
precautions for LDM members. Some members have ongoing health issues that prevent them
from being among others, while this pandemic faces another variant.
Next, there is the issue of ethnicity. Most of the community that LDM surrounds consists
of people from the black race. Although LDM is open to everyone from everywhere and every
ethnicity of people, so far, there is only one person from another ethnic group that has chosen to
be a member of LDM. The goal of LDM is to reach people from all ethnicities, races, and
backgrounds because this is what Jesus did during His ministry on earth. Also, it is what He
commissioned His disciples to do when He gave them their commission (Matt. 28:19-20).
Finally, since LDM is a tiny church, the research only covers a small percentage of the
neighborhood's general population where LDM exists, which does not cover the entire city of
Atlanta. The ministry is only three years old, and LDM is reaching out to everyone in the
community so they can know they exist. Many people are unaware of the church, which is why
Whitney, Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life), 89.
each member of LDM must understand the importance of church worship and service time. Each
one will be teaching someone after they have had the experience of learning from this workshop.
The researcher delimits the number of participants available to participate in this project
because the researcher will use only the members at LDM. The delimitation came about because
of the number of congregants at LDM and the fact that some members will naturally not be able
to attend the workshop. Also, the researcher has put an age limit on the participants, ranging
from eighteen to seventy-two-years-old. The research is open to many members of LDM willing
to participate in this project. Additionally, there is a delimitation of the time set for the
workshop. The researcher set a time delimitation because of the distance one couple at LDM
travels to get to the church. The workshop will be on Saturday for two hours and will take place
for four weeks. The researcher chose Saturdays to make it convenient for those who have to
work during the week. Furthermore, the workshop choice of Saturday is because the researcher
has access to the church building on this day.
Thesis Statement
If LDM members spend four weeks in a workshop on being dedicated and focused, they
will be less distracted during church worship and service. During the workshop, the researcher
and the participants will discuss why LDM members lack dedication and focus while church
worship and service are in session. Also, it will discuss reasons why LDM members should learn
from Jesus and reap the benefit from doing so, which will help them to know God better.
According to scholar Raul Moreno, “when Believers know God’s Son Jesus Christ, it allows the
Christian a chance to know God.”
Additionally, the researcher and participants will discuss and
learn from what Jesus demonstrated to his disciples about being dedicated and focused on God.
Whitney said, “growing more like Jesus helps understand why the time God gives and the
disciplined use of that time is important.”
The workshop teaching will include using God’s
time wisely by focusing on fulfilling His will.
It is a discipline and learned behavior to have dedication and the ability to focus.
However, LDM members struggle to understand how to be dedicated and focused because of so
many distractions in today’s world. Journalist Johann Hari says, “you cannot achieve the things
you want to achieve if you cannot pay sustained attention.”
LDM will discover, along with the
researcher, how every decision starts in the heart. Hughes discussed how love should be the
motivating factor behind a believer's decisions. According to him, “if you love God and want to
please him, you will tell yourself, I will do this to please God.”
This research will use
discussions from scholars like Hughes and will learn from LDM members what they know about
this topic concerning what the scriptures say about being dedicated and focused. In a four-week
workshop, LDM will have an opportunity to be a part of research that will bring awareness to
them about their lack of dedication and focus during church worship and service time.
Dr. Raul Moreno, First Love: Restoring Your Relationship With God (Orlando, FL: Moreno, 2021), 18.
Whitney, Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life, 160.
Johann Hari, Stolen Focus: Why you can’t Pay Attention and How to Think Deeply Again (Broadway,
NY: Crown Publishing Group, 2022), 13.
Hughes, Discipline of a Godly Man, 23.
This Doctor of Ministry project aims to discover what causes LDM members to lack
dedication and focus during church worship and service. The researcher will add to the
discussion what other scholars have discussed as to why people lack commitment and focus.
Also, the researcher will provide enough information to cover a four-day workshop for members
of LDM in the hope of helping them display appropriate behavior during worship and service
time. The researcher has designed this literature review to get qualifying information equal to the
source of other scholars discussing the topic. While studying this topic, the researcher has
discovered how scholars use the heart and mind together. According to scholars, the two must
work together to help believers focus on what is essential in their lives. In this conceptual
framework's theological and theoretical section, the information gathered will be compared to
discuss what God says concerning this topic.
Literature Review
Being dedicated and focused first comes from learning from Jesus and becoming His
disciple. Those who believe in Jesus, according to theologian Andrew Murray, “are called to
learn of Him, who is the only path to God.”
People are not born dedicated to God. On the
contrary, they were born to rebel against Him. This literature review will cover turning from
rebelliousness to shrewdness when worshipping and serving God. Disobedience and
insubordination originated in the garden of Eden (Gen. 3), which caused people’s inability to
dedicate their time and be focused on God. Walvoord said, “God saw the disobedience of Israel
to the law, and the worship of idols as their being spiritually unfaithful to her husband and a
Andrew Murray, Humility: The Beauty of Holiness (Nashville, TN: B&H Publisher Group, 2017), 33.
violation of her marriage vows (Isa. 54:117; Jer. 3:1, 14, 20; Hosea 2:123).”
The act of
disobedience seen in Genesis chapter three is one picture of who or what causes a person to lack
dedication and focus. The ability to overcome the act of disobedience came through the blood
Jesus shed on the cross. According to theologian J. Marcellus Kik, Thus the blood, which is a
vivid symbol of Christ’s violent death on the cross, restores harmony between sinful man and the
holy God.”
The blood that Jesus shed is more than a symbol. The act of Him shedding His
blood made it possible for the Holy Spirit to come down on the life of the believers. LDM
members can get strength and the ability in their lives to become more dedicated and focused
because of the blood Jesus shed. The power obtained in the lives of LDM members will teach
them what is appropriate during worship and service. Also, it is that same strength that will not
allow distractions to stop the flow of God during church service. This literature review will cover
how the grace of God makes it possible for believers to have disciplined behavior through the
Holy Spirit. Disciplined behavior comes when a person becomes a disciple of Jesus and receives
the Holy Spirit that works in them to help change their behavior to succumb to the will of God.
Dedication and Focus
The researcher will start by focusing on why worship and service are essential since this
research is about dedication and focuses on church worship and service time. Worship service is
a spiritual interaction that affects both unbelievers and believers. Theologian Jared C. Wilson
said, “the worship service conducted with the unbeliever in mind should keep the unbelievers in
Walvoord, Jesus Christ Our Lord, 250.
J. Marcellus Kik, Offense of the Blood,Christianity Today, publication date, 1957, 15.
Therefore, leaders at church should remember to keep both audiences in mind when
conducting service. Also, Wilson talked about how “in the biblical picture of the earliest church,
there is no indication that the worship gathering to be an event-oriented around the unbeliever’s
His use of 1 Corinthians 14:22-23, which spoke about tongues, gave a picture of
how believers should not be doing anything that would be confusing to outsiders during church
worship and service time. With this, church leaders and believers should concentrate on winning
those lost at all times for the kingdom of God. Newcomers watch the way members of the church
worship and participate in service. Newcomers also observe all church members' behaviors when
distracted and not focused during church worship and service.
The purpose of church service is so that believers can fellowship with each other while
showing dedication and focus to God. According to Elwell, “the service that the apostles
established was a simple service, and the climactic event of the weekly service on the Lord’s
Day was the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper.
Only the baptized believers were allowed to
participate in the sacrament. As Elwell discussed the purpose of the worship service, he stated,
It biblically is a gathering of Christians to enjoy God in communion with him and each other
with several elements to it, which are singing, praying, preaching, and eating.”
In Paul's
writing, he was concerned about some eating and drinking in the church during communion
because they humiliated those that could not afford to eat such elaborate meals. He said, What
shall I say to you? Shall I praise you? Certainly not in this matter!” (1 Cor. 11:22, NIV). The
Jared C. Wilson, The Prodigal Church: A Gentle Manifesto Against the Status Quo (Wheaton, IL:
Crossway, 2015), 63.
Elwell, Evangelical Dictionary of Theology, 1301.
Ibid, 62.
researcher agrees with Elwell and wants to add that the eating and drinking during communion
are for commemorating the Lord.
Next, it is important to address why being dedicated and focused is essential. Dedication
starts by being devoted to something or someone. Although there is no way to know a person's
heart or to tell when they have not dedicated themselves, some actions made by individuals will
signify that they lack dedication and focus. A person with no commitment to God will not devote
themself to anything. According to theologian Robert B. Chisholm Jr., “God wants the believers
to devote themselves to the good of others passionately, and to humbly (or perhaps carefully)
submit to the Lord’s standards in all areas of one’s life, before all else.
Once a person is
dedicated, they will gain focus on the things of God. Therefore, the two go hand in hand
together. Hughes stated, “devotion must culminate in a conscious yielding of every part of a
person's personality, every ambition, every relationship, and hope to God.”
When it comes to keeping focus, most people focus on what they have faith in and what
interests them. Theologian John Stott said, “the Christian faith and life should be focused on
Christ if they are authentic.
However, some believers cannot focus because they have issues
preventing them from concentrating. Numerous distractions in today’s world keep people from
focusing, such as increasing social media pages and higher expectations because of rising
technological developments. Also, humans are more complex today than ever before. Hari stated,
Robert B. Chisholm Jr., Handbook on the Prophets: Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations, Ezekiel, Daniel,
Minor Prophets (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic, 2002), 425.
Hughes, Discipline of a Godly Man, 118.
John Stott, Focus on Christ (Carlisle, CA: Langham Creative Projects, 2019), 3, ProQuest eBook
“social scientists cannot agree about what affects people’s ability to pay attention because of the
complexity of humans. It is hard to measure something as complicated.”
With the knowledge of the fact that it is impossible to measure the inability of people to
pay attention, the researcher of this project takes on the challenge of finding some help in
understanding if it is by choice or by life events that cause the problem. According to scholar
Joseph McCormack, “Our brains are hard at work, making it harder to focus and easier than ever
to get distracted.”
He listed a few things as a distraction: overflowing e-mail, smartphone
notifications, checking our device, social media streams, 24-hour connectivity, texting and
messaging, news-fed frenzy, and time spent online.”
The researcher discovered that the problem which causes people to lack focus has
everything to do with the issue of the increasing rise of technology and this world’s system. Hari
claims, “this is a systemic problem that stems from living in a system pouring acid on people's
attention every day, and people are blaming themselves.”
Acidic interruptions poured on
people today are the pandemic, the forces of technology, and the confinement of children.
According to Hari, systemic problems require systemic solutions.
The researcher perceives
family problems, long work hours, social activities, technological interests, and medical issues as
interruptions that cause LDM members to lack dedication and focus. This researcher aims to find
other reasons that distract LDM members, such as spiritual opposition to God.
Hari, Stolen Focus, 15.
Joseph McCormack, “Noise, Noise, So Much Noise,” in Noise: Living and Leading When Nobody Can
Focus (Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2020), 3.
Hari, Stolen Focus, 12.
Ibid, 13.
How Cell Phones Affect Church Worship and Service
In this section, the researcher will discuss the issue of cell phones and how improper
usage affects environments such as schools and churches. The distractions of cell phones and
other technological devices are known for interrupting church worship and service, which causes
church members to lose focus. According to authors Michael J. Berry and Aubrey Westfall,
“research has found substantial use of cell phones and the Internet during class time to be a
detriment to students’ learning and academic performance.”
They are also detrimental to
members of the church. Author Ed Cyzewski wrote, “disembodied technology can devastate
incarnate spirituality.”
Additionally, Berry and Westfall stated, “Another study estimated that
millennial students spent more time on social networking sites than they did working on
homework or completing class assignments.”
The distraction from cell phones can stifle a
person’s spiritual formation when they concentrate on their technological devices more than on
what is happening during church worship and service.
When a person’s cell phone is ringing or they answer a call in an educational setting, they
are disrupting the other people that are there to learn. In their research, scholars Jill T. Shelton et
al. discovered how ringing cell phones in the classroom led to significant disruption. They wrote,
students' memory of the information that presented was not obtained while the cell phone was
Also, regardless of some acceptable attitudes to a ringing cell phone in any
educational setting, it is distracting. According to Anastasia D. Elder, “Even though youth may
Michael J. Berry and Aubrey Westfall, “Dial D for Distraction: The Making and Breaking of Cell Phone
Policies in the College Classroom,” College Teaching 63 no. 2, (May 7, 2015): 63.
DOI: 10.1080/87567555.2015.1005040
Ed Cyzewski, Reconnect Spiritual Restoration from Digital Distraction (Harrisonburg, VA: Herald
Press, 2020), 23. Kindle.
Jill T. Shelton et al., "The Distracting Effects of a Ringing Cell Phone: An Investigation of the
Laboratory and the Classroom Setting" Journal of Environmental Psychology 29, no. 4 (2009): 519.
be more accepting of cell phone use in class, studies regarding the distracting nature of
simultaneous technology, such as that offered by cell phone use in courses, point to the harmful
nature of the activity. “
Christians Escape Plan
In this section, the researcher will discuss how God has given man an escape plan from
sin, which will assist man in the area of distractions. Christians who place their belief in God and
His Son, Jesus Christ, regardless of their nationality or ethnicity, can learn through the Holy
Spirit. The Holy Spirit was present when God created the first man. Theologian Jeremy M.
Kimble, in his discussion, said, “when God created man during the time of creation, under grace
and in love, He placed him at the top of creation by making him (man) in His image (Gen. 1:26-
The disobedience of Adam and Eve caused man to sin. It changed man's heart, and He
became corrupted by sin (Heb. 5:12). God's grace and love unselfishly gave the man who
became separated from God by sin an escape plan (John 3:16, Rom. 5:19). The escape plan
comes through the blood that Jesus shed on the cross. After Jesus shed His blood, rose again, and
ascended to heaven, He sent humans the Holy Spirit to be a helper in their time of need. Whitney
said, “The Holy Spirit’s office is to magnify Christ, and He gives the believer a desire to be like
Additionally, God gave humans the Bible as an instructional guide to help them. Authors
Howard G. Hendricks and William D. Hendricks said, “the Bible opens up the doors in your life
Anastasia D. Elder, “College Students’ Cell Phone Use, Beliefs, and Effects on Their Learning, College
Student Journal 47, no 4 (2013): 585.
Jeremy M. Kimble, 40 Questions about Church Membership and Discipline (Chicago, IL: Kregel
Publications, 2017), 14, ProQuest eBook Central.
Whitney, Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life, 137.
and provides a purifying dynamic to help you clean out sin and learn to conform to God’s
Therefore, there is hope for the distracted sinner through the blood of Jesus, the Holy
Spirit, and the Bible.
Christians worldwide have talked about the saving grace of God, which comes through
the blood that Jesus shed on the cross. However, not many speak about believers knowing God's
saving grace and acting as if they are still under the curse of sin and death. With many professing
Christians living as if Jesus did not die so they could have a relationship with God, this
researcher discusses how LDM members' lack of dedication and focus displays what many
people elsewhere are displaying. The researcher desires to help LDM realize that their lack of
commitment and focus is the enemy's work. Once a person acknowledges Jesus as Lord and
Savior, the next step is to ask the Holy Spirit into their life so they can have some help in
submitting their will over to God. Scholar Jim Wilder stated, “the tough road to follow is the
road where a person has their own will, which is a life alienated from God.”
Why would a
professing Christian want to be alienated from God? A person might not believe alienation fits
their description, but if they are not dedicated and focused on the things of God, they are going
down the rugged road, as Wilder testified.
Members of LDM and other Christians in the world do not have to go down the tough
road because they have a divine escape plan, which includes learning to become active in
worshipping and serving God. However, they lack the knowledge to submit everything about
their lives to God. Jesus taught His disciples how to discipline their lives. In addition, notable
scholars have discussed how learning from Jesus and becoming His disciples can help develop
Howard G. Hendricks and William D. Hendricks, Living by the Book: The Art and Science of Reading
The Bible (Chicago, IL: Moody Publishers, 2007), 25.
Jim Wilder, Renovated: God, Dallas Willard and the Church That Transforms (Colorado Springs, CO:
NavPress, 2020), 59.
believers spiritually. Scholar Christopher M. Johnson wrote, “the process of discipline comes
from the teaching and empowerment to others from the doctrine and lifestyle of Jesus.”
process is beneficial to the members of LDM. Just as Liberty University is training champions
for Christ, the pastor at LDM wants to produce winners for the ministry.
Having a disciplined life begins at the point of salvation for most Christians. However, it
takes longer for some Christians because they will not allow the Holy Spirit to take control of
their lives. The pastor at LDM believes all LDM members have given their lives to Christ, but
they lack spiritual formation. Pettit brought to the conversation what is meant by the term
spiritual formation and gave a biblical understanding. According to him, “taken from passages in
the Bible, it refers to the Holy Spirit in the context of forming, transforming, or conforming a
person’s life toward Christlikeness (‘until Christ is formed in you, Gal. 4:19b)."
When some new converts give up control in their life, it makes them feel like they are no
longer in charge of their destiny. Contrary to that thought, when new believers place their lives in
the hand of the Almighty God, their lives are transformed through their faith in Jesus Christ
through the work of the Holy Spirit. Scholars William F. Cox and Robert A. Peck discussed
Christian education of discipleship formation. They pointed out that “after Paul’s conversion, he
set the example of aligning his zealousness with the Holy Spirit.”
Aligning a person's
zealousness with the Holy Spirit starts with discerning when the Spirit is talking to them. Author
Adele Ahlberg Calhoun stated, “Biblical discernment arises from a relationship with God in
Christopher M. Johnson, "4D's of Spiritual Growth: The Local Church’s Role in Spiritual Growth and
Discipleship" (DMIN diss., Asbury Theological Seminary, 2020), 36. ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global.
Pettit, Foundations of Spiritual Formation, 51.
William F. Cox Jr., and Robert A. Peck, "Christian Education as Discipleship Formation," Christian
Education Journal 15, no. 2 (08, 2018): 252.
Hopefully, the researcher and LDM members will practice aligning their zealousness
so future members can learn something about how to be dedicated and focused on God.
Therefore, this project will help bring about the knowledge needed for the pastor, so the
researcher can put more zeal into understanding the member, which will come after the four-day
training class.
LDM is a small congregation of twenty congregants, primarily from the black race,
whose education level ranges from high school education to a master’s degree. They are not slow
to learn at all. Most LDM members know more than the average Christian about God’s plan of
salvation. The problem of why they do not show dedication and focus during worship and
service time seems to have stemmed from a lack of knowledge of the importance of committing
to God. Christo Lombaard, a scholar in the field, discussed how “newcomers to a discipline tend
to be more susceptible to misconstruing, from their backgrounds, what the denotations and
connotations are implicit to the meaning of terms of the newly entered discipline."
The ability of a person not able to focus could result from not having the power to control
how their mind wanders. The power to keep their mind from wandering can come only through
the Holy Spirit. According to Goleman et al., “people should notice when their mind wanders
and bring it back to their desired point of focus.”
Their statement is not easy to accomplish
since there are many distractions today. LDM members need to know how to meditate on the
word of God so it will keep their minds from wandering. Whitney said, “meaningful meditation
requires a concentration which is not developed often in our fast-paced society filled with media
Adele Ahlberg Calhoun, Spiritual Disciplines Handbook (Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2005),
Christo Lombaard, "First Steps into the Discipline: On the ‘spirit’ in the Discipline of Christian
Spirituality,” Hervormde Teologiese Studies 75, no. 1 (2019): 2.
Goleman et al., Focus, 8.
Yet, the omniscient God knew this distraction would come before this time came.
Erickson stated, “God must know all things, and He cannot be ignorant of any matter if He is
God warned the believers about what was to come (2 Tim. 3:1-7). Being lovers of
pleasure is what got the people here. LDM members have been enjoying the fun of increasing
Discipline starts with discipleship. The leader of Christianity, Jesus, the son of God,
demonstrated and taught his followers how to be His disciples. Jesus is the only person who
lived on this earth that knows God. He is one with the Father and was here by the command of
God (John 3:17; 10:30). Theologian Reinhard Feldmeier stated, “Jesus made known what He
heard from God, which is not heavenly mysteries but love; as the gift and commandment of the
Every member of LDM is a disciple of Jesus, and they should know this. They should
learn of Jesus because of God’s love and Jesus, His gift to the world, that makes discipline
possible. Theologian Philip J. Noordmans talked about the body of Christ as being like an
orchestra. He wrote, “orchestra should focus on the one conductor; follow the right score; play
on key and play in time. In the typical church, some members ignore our conductor, Jesus
Only through Jesus can a human be one with God, the divine creator and maker of all
things. Feldmeier stated, “since what is involved is not the divine, but the union with a divine
Whitney, Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life, 208.
Erickson, Christian Theology, 194.
Reinhard Feldmeier, “As Your Heavenly Father Is Perfect: The God of the Bible and Commandments in
the Gospel” Interpretation 70, no. 4 (October 2016): 43.
Philip J. Noordmans, "Becoming Focused, Flexible Servants of Jesus Christ at Faith Reformed Church"
(DMIN diss., Fuller Theological Seminary, 1997), 9, ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global.
that is made possible for those who follow Jesus, which makes the biblical inheritance remains
If given a chance to study and learn everything from step one, becoming a
disciple of Jesus, to the last step, being disciplined in worship and service for the glory of God,
LDM would have improved discipline.
There is a role that each disciple of Jesus must play in the church. Scholar Michael
Truman Allums said, “As recorded in God’s inspired Word, all disciples of Jesus must submit to
his plan for their sanctification by living it out in the church context.
Submission will improve
LDM discipline because it will teach the members how learning from Jesus and submitting to
His plan for sanctification will help improve how they live out those practices that only the
submitted being can live in the church.
This researcher casually mentioned that the work of the Holy Spirit performs the work in
believers to give them discipline behavior. This section will discuss just how the Holy Spirit
works in a person to help them have improved discipline behavior. First, there are three steps that
a believer has to take before the Holy Spirit can take over their life. Step one is repentance. A
person should admit that they are a sinner and ask God to forgive them for sinning against Him,
believe in the name of the only begotten son of God, ask Him to accept them into the body of
God, and send the Holy Spirit into their life. Hughes talked about “how committing to the body
of Christ and living under the discipline of the Church’s leadership causes a corresponding
Feldmeier, “As Your Heavenly Father Is Perfect, 441.
Michael Truman Allums, "Developing a Church Discipline Strategy for Verbena Baptist Church,
Verbena, Alabama" (DMIN thesis, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2017), 16, ProQuest Dissertations
& Theses Global.
deepening to take place in your soul, which is something the uncommitted person could never
Step two is submitting to the will of God for one’s life. This step is crucial because God
cannot transform a person's life without a willing heart. A new believer must give up control of
their life. Afterward, the grace of God, which stems from the love of God, will begin to work
through each believer. Wherefore, new believers, whom church leaders teach about submission
to the will of God, will readily allow the Holy Spirit of God to teach them discipline. According
to author Jerry Bridges, “if we fail to teach that discipline is by grace, people will assume that it
is by performance.”
Doing this will allow the Holy Spirit to take over the new believer's life.
Step three is to become a disciple of Jesus. Since Jesus is a part of God just as the Holy
Spirit is a part of God, becoming His disciple is an assurance that the person is doing the will of
God. Scholar Joseph Mattera added, “when we think Christ’s thoughts after him, that is the only
way to break the strongholds that put you in internal prisons and limit your growth capacity (2
Cor. 10:3-5)."
How can a person think thoughts after Jesus? A person can train their mind to be
like Jesus by reading the gospel stories of Jesus and allowing the Word of God and the Holy
Spirit to transform their minds. Theologian D. A. Carson argued that “the attitude of Jesus and
the apostles is integral to Christianity, to the very nature of the gospel."
Once a person completes all three steps, the Holy Spirit can work according to God’s
will. The will of God through the Holy Spirit shows the new believer who they are and begins to
humble that person to the same state of humility that was in Jesus Christ. Murray wrote, “When a
Hughes, Disciplines of a Godly Man, 220.
Jerry Bridges, The Discipline of Grace (Colorado Springs, CO: NavPress, 2018), 73.
Joseph Mattera, The Jesus Principles: Lead a Life That Even Death Can't Stop (Chicago, IL: Charisma
House, 2019), 18, ProQuest Ebook Central.
D. A. Carson, The Enduring Authority of the Christian Scriptures (Grand Rapids, MI: William B.
Eerdmans Publisher, 2016), 481.
person is in Jesus and marked by Him with a divine humility, His secret life, His death, and His
exaltation; the one infallible test of our holiness will be the humility before God."
Humility is
the true spirituality of a Christian. The spirit of humility that Jesus had moved the believer in is
how their lives become disciplined.
The term discipline, according to theologian W. E. Vine, “derives from the Greek word
(σωφρονισμός) sōphronismos, which means an admonishing or calling to soundness of mind, or
The researcher discussed earlier that discipline comes through the Holy Spirit.
Therefore, soundness of mind can only come from God. Kimble agreed with Blue and White
when He said, “church discipline is when the body of Christ trains Christians in holiness and
calls them to follow their Lord more closely.”
Therefore, the church's calling is about training
believers on the importance of following Christ.
Believers have not trained accurately when the Lord is not put first in their hearts and
minds. Hughes said, “maintaining a pure mind is impossible if you are a television-watching,
internet-surfing, video-game-playing couch potato."
When you are busy doing the business of
the Lord, you will become disciplined. Also, unbelief could contribute to not learning about God
and a lack of discipline. Carson seems to agree with this because he said, “when people hardened
Murray, Humility, 55.
W. E. Vine, An Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson, 1985),
Kimble, 40 Questions about Church Membership and Discipline, 141.
Hughes, Discipline of a Godly Man, 41.
their hearts to Jesus’ word, it was because they did not want to hear it, which is what Jesus was
talking about when he said because I speak the truth, you do not believe me! (John 8:45)."
God’s Love and Grace
In this section of this Literature Review, the researcher reveals the person of God. It tells
who is behind the act of being disciplined in its entirety. If it had not been for God's grace and
love, man would not have any chance of being corrected. When Adam sinned in the garden of
Eden, his sin made it impossible for there to be any spiritual formation. When Jesus died, he not
only made it possible for humanity to form a union with God once again, but he promised the
Holy Spirit to His follower to be a guide into all truth (John 16:13). Bridges discussed how a
believer’s union was with Christ, and it was spiritual. He advised believers to “keep in mind that
the spiritual dimension is as real as the physical dimension.”
God, the creator, and Father of all creation made it possible for humankind to share in His
grace. Feldmeier discussed the multitude of God’s grace. According to him,
The complementary divine names “Most High” and “Father” are employed deliberately:
one who does not pay others back in their coin but does good deeds even to his or her
enemies, is living in accord with the superior kindness of the Lord of the world, who
behaves in keeping with his kindness even toward those who are ungrateful and evil.
That statement should make believers want to discipline their lives and thank God the Father.
All that God has done by His grace is because of His love. His love and grace work
together. God's love is so deep that after He sent Jesus into the world, He made it possible for
believers to connect as members of His family through the blood of His Son. In addition, He
sealed every believer with His Holy Spirit so that they would connect to Him. In the words of
Carson, The Enduring Authority of the Christian Scriptures, 1125.
Bridges, The Discipline of Grace, 66.
Feldmeier, “As Your Heavenly Father Is Perfect, 439.
Whitney, “nothing can separate us from His love because we are his adopted children.”
Therefore, Christian believers should give God and others He created love in return for His
goodness shown to them. As Whitney related, "our service should spring simply from our love
for God and others most of the time."
Furthermore, human beings' love for God should be filled
with so much gratitude that they will automatically discipline their lives. As stated by Calhoun,
“the decision to be disciplined enough to stitch our days together with the thread of gratitude is a
decision that guarantees to stitch us closer to God.”
The Church’s Responsibilities
The church is responsible for teaching the members how to develop a solid spiritual
formation that will help each believer in the church know who God is and what He has done for
them through His grace and love. Every new believer should learn the three steps to spirituality,
which should be in the form of a class. In the future, a discipleship training class will take place
for every new believer of LDM. Presently, no members of the church know the steps of
spirituality. The church’s responsibilities include discovering what stops a person from
developing a healthy spiritual formation and teaching the member how to eliminate the cause.
Such causes can come from distractions. The workshop classes will be the beginning for the
pastor of LDM to uphold the church’s responsibilities to its members.
The researcher is learning during the process of this research. Everything gathered in this
research and the three steps to spirituality will be used for the future training of new believers.
As the activity begins, the researcher will remember the words of scholar Dov Singer, who
Whitney, Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life, 158.
Ibid, 144.
Calhoun, Spiritual Disciplines Handbook, 32.
stated, “There are but few who devote thought and study to the perfection of Divine service, to
love, fear, communion, and all aspects of saintliness."
The researcher wants to be among the
few who teach others about Divine service's perfection, including being dedicated and focused
during worship and service. Church only lasts one to one and a half hours, which happens twice
a week. According to Singer, “using spiritual intelligence that helps perceive what is hidden and
awesome; makes the human intelligence sensitive to the notion of things with an inner
The literature used in this literature review will be beneficial for planning a four-day
workshop for the members of LDM to possibly help them have the proper behavior at church
doing worship and service time. The content of this project has provided information that led this
researcher to conclude that there are one of two reasons undisciplined believers exist in service.
First, they have unbelief in their heart. LDM must believe in Jesus before making Him Lord over
their life. After all, discipline starts with following Jesus and mimicking what He taught his
disciples. Second, the inability to be disciplined stems from a person not allowing the Holy Spirit
to take over their lives and teach them.
Humans are sinners because Adam, the father of all human beings, sinned against God in
the garden of Eden. God, who loves the world, reconciled the world to Him through Christ (2
Cor. 5:19). Therefore, humans who believe in Christ must learn from Christ through what He
taught his disciples. The researcher stated earlier that discipline is about following Jesus and
allowing the Holy Spirit to control one’s life. The researcher's action plan in the four-day
Dov Singer, "Service of God As A Unique Discipline," Tradition 52, no. 4 (Fall, 2020): 73.
Ibid., 76.
workshop will show the participants how any distractions that exalt themselves against the
learning that comes from God are not part of God’s will for the church.
This project was similar to other research work because scholars have been discussing for
years how believers are to be disciples of Jesus. Also, there is nothing new about the importance
of a believer mimicking Jesus by showing humility in everyday life. What is different in this
research work is the essential need of each believer to submit everything in their life to the power
of the Holy Spirit. Jesus told His disciples, “you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes
on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends
of the earth.” (Acts 1:8, NIV). As a believer who is a disciple of Jesus, the researcher believes
church members (LDM in particular) have not taken this statement as seriously as they should.
When believers understand Acts 1:8 and the importance of what Jesus said, they will allow the
power of the Holy Spirit to be that power that will make a difference in their behavior during
church worship and service time.
Theological Foundations
In this theological foundation, the researcher will show what the Scriptures say about
being disciplined and how a person should approach the presence of God. They should approach
God with reverence in their heart. In addition, the researcher will show how it is precedented
throughout the Bible for the chosen individuals to have dedication (commitment) and focus on
God. God has had a relationship with humans from the beginning of time. No action of a human
substantiated God’s relationship with His people. However, God’s relationship carried some
stipulations. God expects His creation to acknowledge His sovereign power by respecting Him
and devoting the time set aside for Him to be “His time.” In this theological foundation, the
researcher will incorporate Scriptures to show how discipline was essential throughout the Bible
and still is before the presence of God. Today, commitment to God is still important and a way to
express love to Him during worship and service.
The Holiness of God
God is holy, and believers should remember to approach Him as such. In Leviticus,
Aaron's two sons, Nadab and Abihu, were consumed by the fire from God because they offered
unauthorized fire before Him (Lev. 10:1-7). According to theologian Richard S. Hess,
“instructions given in preceding chapters of Leviticus and Exodus regarding the cult warned
against doing such. Therefore, it seemed unlikely that ignorance played a significant role.”
Believers must pay attention to God's instructions through His servants. Hess said, “Moses's
words in Leviticus 10:3 emphasize the holiness and dignity of God and his refusal to allow any
infringement on his sacred presence.”
Not focusing on God’s instruction was the mistake of
Nadab and Abihu. They were sons of Aaron, the priest, yet they acted as if they did not learn the
correct way to approach God. Today's church members at LDM should know there is a right and
wrong way to worship God. Scholar Timothy D. Price III stated, “Nadab and Abihu worshipped
the right God but in the wrong way.
When looking at a command given by Moses to the Israelites, it was evident that God
wanted humans to put Him first in their lives. Moses wrote, “Hear, O Israel: the Lord our God,
the Lord is one.
Love the Lord your God with all your heart and soul and strength (Deut. 6:4-5,
Richard S. Hess, Genesis-Leviticus, vol. 1, The Expositor’s Bible Commentary, ed. Tremper Longman III
and David E. Garland (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2008), 664.
Hess, Genesis-Leviticus, 664.
Timothy D. Price, III, "Assessing Cultural Influences in Worship." (DMIN diss., South University,
2020), 17, ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global.
translation). This saying of Moses is known among scholars to be the Jewish Shema. The Shema
was so important to the Israelites that Jesus repeated it in the New Testament as the first of the
two great commandments He gave (Matt. 22:37-39). God wanted a people set aside for doting
love upon Him. According to theologian Michael A. Grisanti, “Israel being set apart from the
world is one of the realities that came about because of the exclusive relationship they had with a
remarkable God.”
This remarkable God, the world's maker, requires man to love Him with all
their being. Theologian Matthew Henry said, “Our love of God must be sincere, and not in word
and tongue only, as theirs is who say they love Him, but their hearts are not with Him.”
God is still that same God today. Just as people were required to approach Him
respectfully, it is equally important today. God does not immediately put offenders to death
because now He sees the act of His Son on the cross. God is giving the world a chance to repent
through His love, grace, and Son (John 3:16-17), and gratitude is due Him. Theologian Andreas
J. Köstenberger wrote, “God’s love for the world is why He made eternal life available through
His Son.”
A person wanting to be in God’s Kingdom should repent first and believe in Jesus. In
John 3:16, Jesus told Nicodemus, Whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal
life.” This eternal life comes from believing in God's one and only Son.
God knew everyone would not accept and believe in His Son. Nevertheless, He loved
everyone and gave the world a chance to have salvation. Köstenberger said, “the blame is on the
person when they do not believe in the God-sent Son, who causes them to be tantamount to self-
Michael A. Grisanti, NumbersRuth, vol. 2, The Expositor’s Bible Commentary, ed. Tremper Longman
III, and David E. Garland (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2012), 556.
Matthew Henry, Matthew to John, vol. 5, Matthew Henry’s Commentary, 14th ed. (Peabody, MA:
Hendrickson Publishers, 2020), 263.
Andres J. Köstenberger, John, Bakers Exegetical Commentary on The New Testament (Grand Rapids,
MI: Baker Academic, 2004), 128.
Believers should realize that if it were not for God's grace and love, they
would not have inclusion as His people. Having God’s blessing and being a part of His family
should be enough to cause the new converts to want to give Him glory during church worship
and service time.
Learning From Jesus
Jesus came down and humbled Himself so that He could taste death for everyone. He did
it by the grace of God (Heb. 2:9 and Phil. 2:7). As On the morning after He walked on water,
Jesus conversed with a crowd and said, “I have come down from heaven not to do my will but to
do the will of him who sent me, which is that I shall lose none of those He has given me but raise
them at the last day. My Father’s will is that everyone who looks to the Son and believes in him
shall have eternal life. He promised to “raise them at the last day” (John 6:38-40, NIV). Jesus is
speaking to them about how to obtain eternal life. Also, He told them He would raise them on the
last day. Köstenberger stated, “the reason why Jesus certainly will receive those whom the Father
brings to Him is that He is committed to His Father’s will rather than His own.”
Jesus wanted
His followers to know that they must be committed to God the Father through Him, ensuring
they will have eternal life. He is still concerned about His followers’ lack of commitment
(dedication) and ability to focus when entering the church building. Christians must start by
being Jesus’s disciples, and then they can learn from Him how to be committed to God the
Today, many who call themselves Christians do not show the type of commitment like
those taught by Jesus. Learning from what Jesus taught and living by those sayings makes a
Ibid, 130.
Köstenberger, John, 212.
person His disciple. Jesus said, “If you hold to my teaching, you are my disciples. You will know
the truth, and the truth will set you free” (John 8:31-32). In saying this, Jesus is declaring that it
is what He taught that His disciples should learn. Also, according to His saying, only in His
teaching is the truth that will set His disciples free. Köstenberger stated, “the measure of any
disciple is the ability to hold to the master’s teaching.”
Holding to Jesus’ teaching would be to
obey His command in Matthew 28:19-20 and Acts 1:8. It would cause the person who genuinely
has His teaching to go out into the world and teach others what he commanded His disciples to
do. According to Henry, “only the ones who continue in Christ’s word, adhere to it without
partiality until the end shall be his disciples.”
The acts of being Jesus’ disciple give believers
the commitment to focus on Him as they enter His church services.
Again, by committing to God and learning as a disciple of Jesus, a person can begin to
have discipline. Therefore, obtaining correction comes from getting the heart and mind involved
in deciding to do God’s will. Dedication starts in the heart and goes through to the mind. An
excellent Scripture to look at to confirm how being dedicated begins in the heart can be seen in
the book of Daniel when Daniel decided that he would not defile himself with the King’s choice
of food (Dan. 1:8). According to Henry, “This was from a principle of conscience.”
God’s law is in a person's heart, their conscience will guide them into keeping a disciplined life.
The mind controls the conscience. Paul told Timothy, “train yourself to be godly (1 Tim. 4:7b,
translation). Having a disciplined life came about in Daniel’s life because he trained himself.
First, Daniel loved God in his heart. Next, he made up his mind and taught his mind not to defile
his body. Third, Daniel practiced what he trained his mind to do, and it became a principle of his
Ibid, 261.
Henry, Matthew to John, 801.
Matthew Henry, Isaiah to Malachi, vol. 4, Matthew Henry’s Commentary, 14th ed (Peabody, MA:
Hendrickson Publishers, 2020), 800.
conscience to continue doing the acts that would please God. When people teach themselves to
be godly, it will program their conscience, guiding them toward doing the will of God, which
would please Him.
Why People Are Not Committed
People cannot allow their flesh to control their minds. Paul said, “The mind governed by
the flesh is death, but the mind governed by the Spirit is life and peace” (Rom. 8:6, NIV).
According to theologian David Garland, “the desire of the flesh is opposed to the spirit's desires,
and each mindset exercises exclusive control.”
Therefore, a person who allows their flesh to
control their mind is a person who has no control over how they act, which could be a reason
why when that person enters the church during worship, and service, their behavior is distracting.
Additionally, some medically diagnosed problems could cause some believers to be
unable to focus during an educational setting. Concentration can be hard to have when the pain
of sickness is going through someone's body. Sickness is something that happens, and it does not
discriminate regardless of the background of the person. Most will experience it before they
leave this world. Being in church during this time could cause some distractions on the persons
part. It takes a person who can tolerate pain to sit still while in pain. Paul, who had a thorn in his
flesh given to him by Satan, said it was there so he would not be arrogant (2 Cor. 12:7).
According to theologian Murray J. Harris, “countless believers have been helped by Paul’s
reference; to his thorn.”
Paul’s thorn is why committed disciples of Jesus push themselves to
David E. Garland, Romans: An Introduction and Commentary (Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press,
2021), 167, ProQuest Ebook Central.
Murray J. Harris, Romans-Galatians, vol. 11, The Expositor’s Bible Commentary, ed. Tremper Longman
III, and David E. Garland (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2008), 533.
come to church in pain. They read and heard about Paul continuing his work while dealing with
his thorn in the flesh.
Furthermore, some believers cannot focus on the church service because of sleep
deficiency. Hari wrote, “there has been a lot of scientific investigation into sleep deficiency, and
a broad scientific consensus found that for people who sleep less, their attention will likely
Solomon said, “In vain you rise early and stay up late, toiling for food to eat, for God
grants sleep to those He loves” (Ps. 127:2, NIV). Theologian Willem A VanGemeren stated,
“laboring under the sun becomes toil when God’s blessing is absent.”
Believers who work long
hours to gain riches and do not love and trust God do not have God’s blessing. Solomon wrote,
Do not wear yourself out to get rich; do not trust your cleverness. Cast but a glance at riches,
and they are gone, for they will surely sprout wings and fly off to the sky like an eagle (Prov.
23:4-5n NIV). Theologian Allen P. Ross called this fleeting wealth because of the symbol of the
figure of the bird flying off.”
In addition, long hours at work can make a person so tired that when they get to bed, the
muscles will not relax right away, which will cause sleep deficiency; thus, it causes a person to
run late on church day and lack focus. The remedy would be to relax in God by holding to
knowledge and comprehending Jesus’ teaching. According to Solomon, people should “keep
wisdom and understanding in their sight and preserve sound judgment and discretion; they will
be life for them, as an ornament to grace their neck. They will go on their way in safety, and their
foot will not stumble which will cause the Lord to give them sweet sleep (Prov. 3:21-24, NIV ).
Hari, Stolen Focus, 67.
Willem A. VanGemeren, Psalms, vol. 5, The Expositor’s Bible Commentary, ed Tremper Longman III,
and David E. Garland (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2008), 913.
Allen P. Ross, Proverbs, vol. 6, The Expositor’s Bible Commentary, ed Tremper Longman III, and David
E. Garland (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2008), 197.
Ross said, “A diligent disciple that preserves sound judgment and discernment can be confident
that the Lord will guide and protect him.”
Solomon's word of wisdom is a remedy for helping
believers get sweet sleep from God, which will be beneficial for focusing.
The Benefits of Being Dedicated and Focused
When congregants worship God and learn His Word in a church service, it pleases Him,
just like Daniel did as he took care of his body. In addition, Daniel pleased God by drawing near
Him daily by praying and giving thanks to Him three times a day. James said, “Come near God,
and he will come near you” (Jas. 4:8a, NIV). Therefore, the secret to God coming near is to go to
Him and stay before Him. The theologian George H. Guthrie says, “God Himself will respond to
a person who approaches Him in prayer.”
Therefore worship starts with prayer. After the
prayer, a latecomer who enters the church has missed an essential part of the worship service.
The same is true when a latecomer walks into church missing both the prayer and worship
service, they will get the word of God, but they will have missed the soup and salad of the meal.
It is like a person attending a party after a king gives them an invitation. The king will be
insulted because the person did not think enough to get to the party on time. Think about how it
makes God feel if an earthly king is unhappy with their delay; the King of kings is insulted by
the lack of dedication and focus.
According to the Scriptures, believers miss great benefits from God when they do not
discipline their time with Him. The Spirit of God is there to help a person discipline their time.
David said, “You make known to me the life path; you will fill me with joy in your presence,
Ross, Proverbs, 68.
George H. Guthrie, Hebrews-Revelation, vol. 13, The Expositor’s Bible Commentary, ed. Tremper
Longman III, and David E. Garland (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2006), 256.
with eternal pleasures at your right hand” (Ps. 16:11, NIV). Today, believers have something
David did not have: His Holy Spirit. VanGemeren, in his discussion of Psalm 16:11, stated,
“Hope of a lasting joy gotten in the presence of God goes beyond the present experience.”
would someone want to miss such an experience? Eternal pleasures make discipline in church
worship and service worth the effort. Although a person could experience joy during an isolated
time of worshipping by themself, there is a more excellent experience gained by listening to a
message God has given to His church. The most incredible experience comes from the Holy
Spirit of God leading a person during worship and service.
Children who grow up in a home with Christian parents have an advantage over those
who did not grow up in such an environment. Christians have a job of teaching discipline to their
children at home. The parents are the first to influence the life of their children. Therefore, they
should input a godly conscience into their minds and heart. Children's training should start at
home, according to Solomon (Prov. 22:6). If parents teach their children how to be dedicated and
focused during church worship and service time, they will learn how to respect the short time
they have before God in church. Henry wrote, “parents are to catechize their children by
initiating them and keeping them under discipline.”
That gives parents an excellent advantage.
There is still hope for those not raised in the Lord, which comes through Jesus and the Holy
In the book of John, Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the
Father except through me” (John 14:6, translation). When Jesus made this statement, He told His
followers that there was no other way, truth, or life that could be gotten, leading them to the
Father. Thus, to get disciplined, a person needs to change their heart by accepting Jesus the way
VanGemeren, Psalms, 192.
Henry, Job to Song of Solomon, vol. 3, Matthew Henry’s Commentary, 14th ed. (Peabody, MA:
Hendrickson Publishers, 2020), 754.
and giving their will over to His Holy Spirit. According to Henry, “He is the guide of our way as
the truth, and as the life, He is the true way to life.”
There is an excellent benefit for anyone
placing Jesus first in their lives. Learning from Him is understanding the proper discipline, which
leads to eternal life.
Commissioned By Jesus
When believers put Jesus in their lives, they are on their way as His disciples to obeying
His commands. In John 20, Jesus gave His disciples two assignments. Their first assignment was
to go into the world, and their second was to “receive the Holy Spirit(John 20:21, NIV).
Afterward, He breathed on them (John 20:22). The statements came after He had spoken peace
on them in verse 20. The Holy Spirit will not enter into a person’s life without them allowing
Him to enter. Köstenberger said, “peace is what the disciples would need to fulfill their
A person going out into the world to win souls for the kingdom without peace
of mind would be like a soldier going to war without weapons. Notice that Jesus did not say I
send you into the world, without speaking peace on them and telling them to receive the Holy
Spirit. He knew they were going to need power before going into the world. Also, Köstenberger
stated, “the present reference or receive the Holy Spirit was a symbolic promise of the soon to be
given gift of the Spirit, not the actual giving of it fifty days later at Pentecost.”
The researcher
wants to add that His breathing on them was the breath of new life that can only come through
Him and His Holy Spirit.
Henry, Matthew to John, 896.
Köstenberger, John, 573.
Ibid, 574.
Before Jesus ascended into heaven, He commanded His disciples to go out into the world
to make disciples (Acts 1:8). Jesus’ command in Acts included all Christian believers.
According to theologian Richard N. Longenecker, “this was a mandate that included the person
of Jesus, whose authority the church is to act, and the Holy Spirit, who is the source of
The power disciples would receive in Acts 1:8 makes it possible for them to go out
and proclaim the gospel. Unlike the commission in Matthew 28:18b-20 and John 20:22, Jesus
talks to the church and the bystanders by telling them they will receive power after the Holy
Spirit comes. In Matthew 28:18b-20, Jesus’ Great Commission was critical, and John 20:20 was
essential, but they could not obtain the Holy Spirit until He ascended into Heaven. In Acts 1,
Jesus was ascending into Heaven. Theologians Curtis Mitch and Edward Sri said this about
Matthew 28:18b-20, “this was a missionary mandate placed on the eleven, which included the
entire world as His mission field. The missionary mandate meant their evangelization no longer
was restricted to the house of Israel.”
This missionary mandate is still in effect today. When a
person is dedicated and focused, they will be about doing the will of God, which was
demonstrated to the church by Jesus. Therefore, believers must be ready to listen and participate
during worship and service so they can do God’s work as a disciple of Jesus by making other
disciples. Also, during worship, believers readily praise God because of the power the Holy
Spirit provides, and He is the one that does the disciplining.
Although the Holy Spirit does the disciplining, numerous Scriptures in the Bible will help
LDM members learn what it takes to become dedicated and focused during church worship and
service. Paul wrote several scriptures that talk about being disciplined. One particular Scripture
Richard N. Longenecker, Luke-Acts, vol 10, The Expositor’s Bible Commentary, ed Tremper Longman
III, and David E. Garland (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2007), 718.
Curtis Mitch and Edward Sri, The Gospel of Matthew, Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture
(Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic, 2010), 590, ProQuest Ebook Central.
is 1 Corinthians 9:24-27, where he compared getting disciplined to a person running a race and
going through strict training. Theologian Verlyn D. Verbrugge discussed how “the most
important part of any athletic training is to exercise discipline and self-control.”
researcher compares the time in church worship and service to strict training that teaches how to
be disciplined and to have self-control. Another scripture Paul wrote that teaches behavior is in
Colossians, where He said, “Once you were alienated from God and were enemies in your
minds because of your evil behavior. But now he has reconciled you by Christ’s physical
body through death to present you holy in his sight, without blemish and free from accusation,
you continue in your faith, established and firm, and do not move from the hope held out in the
gospel” (Col. 1:21-23a, translation). Paul told the believers that staying persistent in their faith
was the thing that would establish them. Also, he said their hope is in the gospel. Jesus is the
hope because He is the behavior-training hope. Such training starts by being Jesus's disciple.
In the book of 1 Timothy, Paul wrote and informed Timothy,
For the Spirit God gave us
does not make us timid but gives us power, love, and self-discipline (2 Tim 1:7, NIV). Self-
discipline is not in the King James Version of the Bible (KJV); instead, a sound mind” is used.
The Scripture Paul gave Timothy declares that the Holy Spirit will change the mind of Christians
who allow the Spirit to lead them. The first way the Spirit is leading is with power. Second, the
Spirit is leading with love. Third, the Spirit leads with self-discipline, which gives a sound mind.
Theologian Charles R. Swindoll discussed this verse: "The competence for ministry never arises
from the minister; it’s always the result of God’s Holy Spirit working in and through the man
and woman He has chosen.
The Holy Spirit of God is the one that does the discipline. He is
Verlyn D. Verbrugge, Romans-Galatians, vol. 11, The Expositor’s Bible Commentary, ed. Tremper
Longman III, and David E. Garland (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2008), 340.
Charles R. Swindoll, Insights on 1 and 2 Timothy, Titus, vol. 11, Swindoll's Living Insights New
Testament Commentary (Carol Stream, IL: Tyndale House Publishers, 2014), 168, ProQuest Ebook Central.
the same Holy Spirit that will alleviate LDM members' problem of lacking dedication and focus.
Therefore, the spiritual discipline within a person who trusts the Word of God should work while
they are in worship and service.
There is an excellent reward obtained by keeping one’s mind stayed on God. Isaiah said,
Lord, you will give perfect peace to those who commit themselves to be faithful to you. That’s
because they trust in you.” (Isa. 26:3, NIRV). A person whose mind is on God will not be
swayed by worldly distractions because of the peace that comes from God. They can stay
dedicated with their mind always focused on God because the Spirit trains their mind. Paul said,
Set your minds on things above, not earthly things” (Col. 3:2, NIV). As explained by theologian
Todd D. Still, “the mind was no small thing to Paul. He embraced the notion of mind over
Reading the Scripture is one way of setting one’s mind on the above things. God has
built every verse around His Son in the Bible, whose disciple every Christian should be.
A person’s mind and heart work together in their decision-making process. They are
motivated by what is treasured. Jesus said, “where your treasure is, your heart will also be there”
(Matt. 6:21, NKJV). Henry states, “the treasures are the value and esteem, where the desires and
pursuits control love and affection.”
People cherish and have affection for their possessions
and different human beings. Henry said, “the treasures that people layup with God will lift their
souls to Him.”
On the authority of Matthew 6:21 and Henry’s commentary, people do not
dedicate and focus their attention during church worship and service because their heart is not
with God. They do not value and esteem Him as being worthy of their love.
Todd D. Still, Ephesians - Philemon, vol. 12, The Expositor’s Bible Commentary, ed. Tremper Longman
III, and David E. Garland (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2006), 322.
Henry, Matthew to John, 64.
The Scriptures make it plain that God’s love and His grace made it possible for believers
to be able to be disciplined. Paul wrote the church in Ephesus and told them, “For it is by
grace you have been saved, through faith and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God not
by works so that no one can boast” (Eph. 2:8-9, NIV). This gift that God gave to human beings is
the same gift that the LDM members can draw from to help their behavior in church. However, it
requires trust in God. According to theologian William W. Klein, “this thing that God did for the
spiritually dead is something they cannot do for themselves. People cannot secure their
Jesus taught how the Holy Spirit disciplines a person's life in the book of John. There
Jesus informed His disciple about how the spirit of truth would be their guide and teacher. He
would glorify the Father and make the knowledge of God known (John 16:13-15). Köstenberger
used the Greek word ὁδηγέω when discussing how Jesus will guide them in all truth. He said,
“Guidance in all truth entails providing entrance to the revelatory sphere of God’s character and
Vine explained the same Greek term ὁδηγέω as guidance into the truth by the Holy
The Holy Spirit is the way sent by Jesus that leads His follower to the path of all truth,
which will glorify the Father. Since the Spirit is leading, He is also teaching discipline.
When it comes to the worship service, everyone should know whom they worship and
why. According to Jesus, “a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will
worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father
seeks.” (John 4:23, NIV). Köstenberger said, “true worship is paternal in focus (the Father),
personal in origin (the Son) and pneumatic in character (the Spirit) and is a matter of the heart
William W. Klein, Ephesians-Philemon, vol. 12, The Expositor’s Bible Commentary, ed. Tremper
Longman III, and David E. Garland (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2008), 70.
Köstenberger, “John, 473.
Vine, An Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words, 285.
and Spirit.”
Therefore a Christian’s focus on God should have God the Father in view. They
should be Jesus’ disciples, and the Holy Spirit will transform them. Once the mind and heart of
each believer understand and comprehend this precept, it will make a difference in their lives.
The Importance of Prayer
The researcher spoke earlier on how it was essential to be in prayer at the beginning of
the worship service. Prayer is the channel between humans and God. David said, “Come, let us
bow down in worship, kneel before the Lord, our Maker; for he is our God, and we are the
people of his pasture, the flock under his care” (Ps. 95:6-7, NIV). When believers come before
the Lord to worship Him, they should have only one thing in mind: dote love on Him.
VanGemeren said, “Worship is a concrete act of obeisance expressive of one’s devotion to the
One way to cement the act is to enter His presence with a ready heart, and there is no
better way than to have an open dialogue with God before entering the church service. Also,
praying in the Spirit will help prepare a person to worship God.
A good prayer for members of the church to request help from the Holy Spirit is like
what David prayed. In his prayer, David said, “Teach me to do your will, for you are my God;
may your good Spirit lead me on level ground. For your name’s sake, Lord, preserve my life; in
your righteousness, bring me out of trouble” (Ps. 143:10-11, translation). Praying this prayer is
another way of drawing near to God. God will be happy to teach believers through the Holy
Spirit how to do His Will when their hearts and mind are dedicated and focused on Him.
According to VanGemeren, “David believed that he would get God's guidance through The Holy
Köstenberger, “John, 157.
VanGemeren, Psalms, 791.
Spirit. Which would guarantee God’s protection.”
Jesus declared the Holy Spirit would lead
believers in all truth (John 16:13), making it easy to see how He will guide believers out of
danger. God knows what will happen ahead of time, and the Spirit is a part of Him who does the
Theoretical Foundations
Scholars have given theories concerning why people lack dedication and focus. This
theoretical foundation will discuss a few of those practical theories. It will discuss how to put
into practice what the scriptures stated about the importance of a person allowing the Holy Spirit
to discipline them to become dedicated and focused on the presence of an unchanging God.
Also, it will discuss how Christians learning from Jesus should do as Jesus did when they lack
dedication and focus on God. According to Whitney, “One principle we learn from Jesus’
example is this: Fasting is a way of overcoming temptation and of freshly dedicating ourselves to
the Father.
Distractions can sometimes come from something simple like work or school.
Whitney stated, “At the start of school or a new job or ministry, there may be new temptations,
or it may seem appropriate to dedicate oneself anew to the Lord.”
Therefore, it would be
practical for believers to put God first when faced with a new life challenge. If believers are
grateful to God for the new undertakings in their lives and praise Him for every detail, the Holy
Spirit in them will keep them from new temptations.
Additionally, the researcher wants to discuss how daily devotions can aid in the
possibility of a person improving on being dedicated and focused during church worship and
service. According to the scriptures, believers can discipline themselves to pay attention in
Ibid, 981.
Whitney, Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life, 213.
church by running the race for Jesus in the way Paul discussed in 1 Corinthians 9:24-27. They
will have to subject their mind to being disciplined by the Holy Spirit. After all, believers receive
the prize of eternal life by being dedicated and focused on doing God's will.
Bridges believe personal discipline and grace help a person pursue holiness. According to
him, “grace and holiness go hand in hand.”
He proved that the pursuit of holiness started with
Christ and was a gift by the grace of God that ends with discipleship with the help of the Holy
Spirit. Bridges wrote that when Paul urged Timothy to “be strong in the grace of Christ Jesus (2
Tim 2:1b), he was urging him to be strong in the power of the Holy Spirit.”
This researcher
wants to add to what Bridges said: what Jesus finished on the cross (John 19:30) was God’s love,
wrapped in grace. Grace is the power of God’s love, through the blood of Jesus, that gives the
Holy Spirit to all humankind. When they receive Him, they get the strength to be disciplined
(Rom. 5:3-6; 8:37). Additionally, the Holy Spirit is the hope God poured out in the believer’s
heart through His love” (Rom. 5:5, NIV).
Hughes is an author who has done work on being committed. He believes having a
disciplined heart is an exception that begins with the love people have for God. He said,
“discipline is God-centered, and it starts in the heart.”
Also, according to him, People must
wholeheartedly agree that without a saving relationship with Jesus Christ, all have no
Also, Hughes said, “a ministering heart passes from person to person.”
researcher agrees with his theory because what Hughes declared about the heart being the
determining factor in learning how to be disciplined is biblical. Paul wrote about how salvation
Bridges, The Discipline of Grace, 198.
Hughes, Disciplines of a Godly Man, 23.
Ibid, 209.
Ibid., 270.
starts with the mouth and the heart (Rom. 10:9-10). Therefore, there is no need to add or subtract
anything from his words. All believers need to do is make sure they keep their hearts God-
Next, McClendon believes the Holy Spirit is essential to helping believers become
disciplined. He took a biblical stand and discussed how the Spirit is a part of Christ. McClendon
stated, “there is evidence in the New Testament that shows that receiving Christ is to receive the
One place in the New Testament to confirm what McClendon said is in John 7:38,
where Jesus stated, Whoever believes in me, as Scripture has said, rivers of living water will
flow from within them (NIV). Jesus talked about the Holy Spirit, which would flow in the
individuals who believe in Him.
The Holy Spirit's power descended on the day of Pentecost
(Acts 2:1-4), and today God still gives His believers that same power to help them become
dedicated and focused on His presence.
Additionally, McClendon said, “First Cor 12:1331 explicitly declares that not to have
Spirit baptism is to not be in the body of Christ.”
All believers that accept Jesus as Lord and
Savior become one in the Spirit. Being one in the Spirit will put every believer of Jesus on one
accord. Paul said, “God composed the body, having given greater honor to that part which lacks
it, that there should be no schism in the body, but that the members should have the same care
for one another” (1 Cor. 12:24b-25, NKJV). Church leaders do not emphasize the essence of the
Holy Spirit received when someone believes in Christ. Leaders in the church are using Romans
10:9, which states, If you declare with your mouth, Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that
God raised him from the dead, you will be saved (NIV), which is a good scripture for leading a
person to Christ. However, someone who knows nothing about Jesus needs to learn more. They
McClendon, Paul’s Spirituality in Galatians, 52.
need to know about John 1:12, which tells them that once they receive Jesus as the Son of God,
they are members of the family of God. The researcher does not remember anyone saying
anything about receiving the Holy Spirit after the prayer of confession. Therefore, McClendon’s
information about the Holy Spirit is crucial for salvation. Furthermore, sin and the quenching of
the Spirit can keep the Holy Spirit from doing His job of disciplining individuals (Heb. 3:12-15;
Ps. 95:8; 1 Thess. 5:19).
The best way to practice removing self so the Holy Spirit can work would be to do what
Peter asked the people to do in Acts 2:38, “repent, be baptized in the name of Jesus, and receive
the Holy Spirit” (translation). Notice after repentance comes getting baptized. According to
Erickson, “baptism affects a transformation, bringing a person from spiritual death to life.”
Getting baptized is a spiritual act and a natural symbol of a person's willingness to comply with
an ordinance of the church. Erickson said, “baptism is the Holy Spirit’s work of initiating people
into the church.”
He used 1 Corinthians, where Paul stated, “For we were all baptized by one
Spirit to form one body whether Jews or Gentiles, enslaved person or free, and we were all given
the one Spirit to drink(1 Cor. 12:13, NIV). Therefore, members of the church are forming one
body drinking from one Spirit who transforms them into being dedicated and focused on church
activities. LDM members should remember that they are drinking from one Spirit. Also, that
Spirit comes from the immutable God.
In Acts 2:38, Peter said, Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus
Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit (NIV).
Once new believers repent and get baptized, they need to receive the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit
is the third person of the Trinity and a part of the unchangeable God. Because God is immutable,
Erickson, Christian Theology, 1018.
the researcher will add a couple of theories to this research. The first concept is that God does
not change. The Israelites were given the decalogue as a guide while in the wilderness (Exod.
20:2-17; Deut. 5:6-21). However, they did not keep them (John 7:19). Their inability to obey the
law did not change God because He does not change (Mal. 3:6; Num. 23:19; Isa. 40:8; Ps. 90:2).
The New Testament writer of Hebrews wrote, “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and
forever (Heb. 13:8, (NIV). As a testimony to this, the singer Tye Tribbett sings in his song, "If
He Did It Before (Same God), these words, if he did it before, he could do it again, same God
right now, the same god back then.”
Tribbett understands the concept. However, scholars and
preachers casually touch the surface concerning being disciplined during worship and service.
Also, they do not discuss God's awesomeness, which requires believers to approach Him
respectfully. It could be why some individuals are sitting in the church, not subjecting
themselves to the will of God. Everything starts with a Holy God. There are discussions on how
being disciplined starts in the heart and begins with the love of God, but there is still something
missing. That something begins with a God who was holy from the beginning of time and will
not change. Therefore, being disciplined requires believers to be holy and respect the excellent
divine presence of God.
In Hebrews 13:8, Paul tells the readers that Jesus Christ is unchanging. According to
theologian R.T. France, “Jesus Christ yesterday and today the same, and forever most likely are
to emphasize that He has proved unchanged so far (yesterday and today), and it assures that He
will remain the same.”
Since Jesus is unchanging and is part of the Triune God, believers
Tye Tribbett, If He Did It Before (Same God), track 12 on Greater Than, Amazon Music, 2013, CD.
R. T. France, Hebrews-Revelation, vol. 13, The Expositor’s Bible Commentary, ed. Tremper Longman
III, and David E. Garland (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2006), 322.
should worship Him as Isaiah worshipped and praised Him (Isa. 25:1). Only those dedicated to
God can focus on that type of worship and praise.
Furthermore, discipline during worship and service time is part of being holy, and the
researcher cannot emphasize it enough. The writer of Hebrews wrote, “make every effort to live
in peace with everyone and be holy; without holiness, no one will see the Lord” (Heb. 12:14,
(NIV). The researcher’s theory is that being holy brings about serenity, which will cause those
who truly worship and serve Him to be dedicated and focused during the one-and-a-half-hour of
church worship and service. This discipline attitude will spill over into the life of the believers
when they are not in church, and it will cause them to obey God's word by proclaiming God's
Word to all people and every nation around the world (Matt. 28:18-20).
Additionally, being dedicated and focused during worship and service bring about an
understanding of who God is because to worship Him in spirit and truth calls for a person to give
themselves to the Holy Spirit. Giving oneself to the Holy Spirit requires letting go of all the life
issues while in church or being along with God. It requires a spiritual formation from each
individual to have the proper behavior in church and their lives. As a witness to this, Pettit said,
spiritual formation is an important part of the Christian life for males and females alike.”
Spiritual formation is formed by meditating on God's word and receiving instruction through the
Holy Spirit. Willis stated, “The Holy Spirit reveals to those who meditate on God’s Word what
He desires them to receive.”
Both men recognized the importance of allowing the Holy Spirit
to control their lives and reveal the truth. Nothing is more important than this when it comes to
worship, service, and life discipline.
Pettit, Foundations of Spiritual Formation, 100.
Willis, Spiritual Disciplines for Men in a Medium-Sized Church, 48.
When the Holy Spirit is in control, there will be no constant interruptions of a phone
ringing, gum chewing, looking around, whispering, and other distractions during church worship
and service time. The researcher wants LDM members to trust God through the Holy Spirit, and
He will help each person become disciplined and dedicated during worship and service time
from one hour to one and a half hours of the church. Therefore, no one should be thinking about
those not in service at the time. God will control any situation that may arrive while the church's
worship and service transpire. What is vital in being dedicated and focused during church
worship and service is assembling to bring glory to God. Scholar Charles Folami said, “Bringing
people together to achieve or accomplish a goal in collaboration has rewarding results, which is a
daunting task, but the results of collaboration surpass the lack thereof.
When looking at other scholarly theories concerning the works of the Holy Spirit and
how He disciplines the lives of believers, this project brings a bonus to their views. That
additional bonus is believers cannot expect the Holy Spirit to work on His own without them
giving their total submission to Him. They must surrender every part of their life to the Holy
Spirit. According to Paul, “this is your true and proper worship,” offering your body to God as a
living sacrifice (Rom. 12:1). Once a person accepts Jesus as Lord and Savior and surrenders all
to the Holy Spirit obeying the great commission will be an easy task.
Charles Folami, The Worship Battle Reaching Generation Z and Alpha in American-Based Nigerian
Pentecostal Churches” (DWS diss., Liberty University, 2022), 24, ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global.
This chapter expounds on the researcher's actions to determine why LDM members lack
dedication and focus during worship and service time at church. It will give a step-by-step
approach to the researcher's methods to complete this project. The researcher's primary focus is
to discover detailed information provided by scholars and the participants, so participants lacking
dedication and focus behavior would be better. While pondering on an action plan, the researcher
decided to conduct a workshop that the researcher would facilitate to discuss the information
gathered from scholars and the Bible on why the problem exists. The researcher gives a step-by-
step method she will use in this project below. Once the project is complete, the researcher will
analyze the data, observe the participants for any apparent changes and report the project's
Intervention Design
This intervention is to research why LDM members lack commitment and focus during
worship and service time at church. The researcher started this intervention by gathering
information and looking at what scholars have said about why people lack dedication and focus.
This section will show how the participants are allowed to participate, which is crucial because
they are the ones who can help with the discovery of why the problem exists. There will be
several steps in completing this intervention, starting with the researcher following the direction
of the DMIN handbook. The researcher will share what the researcher did to accomplish the
requirements in the Implementation of the Intervention Design section.
The workshop will start on Saturday, May 7, 2022. Initially, the workshop was to begin
on May 14, 2021. However, some participants had a vacation set to start in June. Therefore, the
researcher changed the date so the workshop would accommodate everyone's schedule while still
realizing that time and chance could happen to prevent someone from being in every workshop
meeting. Figure 3.1 shows the estimated time the researcher will take to accomplish this project.
Table 3.1. Research Project Timeframe.
Research Project Step
Send a letter to the Chairman of the Board
1 Week
Pass out flyers
1 Week
Wait on response
1 Week
First interview of the participants
1 Week
4 Weeks
The second interview of the participants
1 Week
Observation and Writing Time
4 Weeks
Total Time Needed
13 Weeks
This project will start immediately once the researcher has received a response from the
Institutional Review Board (IRB). The researcher will not waste any time completing this
project. A fair trial period to evaluate the effectiveness of the intervention would be thirteen
weeks. The thirteen weeks will allow the time needed to complete all the steps in this project.
The workshop will provide answers for alleviating the problem. It will help to alleviate
the issue by bringing awareness to the participants of how their lack of dedication and focus
causes a distraction to others during church time. The activities will occur at the church in
College Park, Georgia.
Implementation of the Intervention Design
In this section, the researcher will discuss the steps that were required before the
researcher could implement the intervention. The intervention could not occur before the
researcher took IRB's required steps. The researcher will give details of how the implementation
came to be in the following sections.
IRB Approval
The first step in this intervention started when the researcher completed the required
training classes issued through the Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI) Program.
The training took about five and a half hours to complete. There were five modules that the
researcher was required to take. At the end of each section was a required test. The researcher
took each test and passed each section with a score that met the required standard to get the
certificate before applying for approval from the IRB. Once the researcher had completed the
training, a copy of the certificate was printed (see Appendix I). The researcher was ready to
apply to IRB to get their approval.
The researcher went to the student portal, found the application to apply to IRB for
approval, and completed the necessary steps. The researcher went to the web page to apply for
IRB approval and found it was impossible to get on the web page because an IRB staff had to
first create a student profile in Cayuse. All of this was a learning process for the researcher. Once
the researcher followed all protocols for approval, the researcher got the IRB’s permission. The
IRB governs what is ethical in the process of doing research. Theologian Tim Sensing said,
“Ethics in research is an issue of accountability.”
The researcher realized that all research
work needed to be governed by the IRB.
LDM Approval
The second step for the researcher was to get the chairperson of the board's approval at
Last Days Ministries (LDM). The researcher wrote a permission request letter to the board’s
chairman to get the church's approval to proceed with the research (see Appendix A). This step
was necessary because the researcher wanted to include members of LDM as participants, and
the researcher was required to get prior approval from the board's chairperson first. Sensing
stated, “The researcher’s role as a minister is a sacred trust.”
Therefore, getting permission
from the board's chairperson was necessary for keeping a sacred trust with the members of LDM.
The board chairperson at LDM returned the permission letter (see Appendix B) to the
researcher two days later via e-mail. Once the researcher received the permission letter, the
researcher proceeded with the research. The researcher remembered what Sensing said about the
role of a researcher: “the researcher's role is as a co-participant in the project and requires them
to view the context and the people not as objects to be studied, but as people deserving of
respect, dignity, and reciprocity.”
Therefore, the researcher respected all participants' privacy
with the dignity they deserved.
Tim Sensing, Qualitative Research: A Multi-Methods Approach to Projects for Doctor of Ministry
Thesis (Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock, 2011), 31.
Ibid, 41.
Recruit Participants
The recruitment phase was step three of the process of doing the research. It occurred
after the board chairperson at LDM had given her approval. The researcher recruited participants
by passing out flyers to the members of LDM (see Appendix C). The information passed out
informed the participants why the research was taking place. The researcher e-mailed a letter to
those not at church to invite them to participate (see Appendix H). After LDM members agreed
to participate in the research, the researcher gave them a consent form to sign (see Appendix D).
The consent form informed them once again of the study. Also, it told them that agreeing to
participate in the research was their decision alone. According to Sensing, “Informed consent
means the knowing consent of individuals to participate as an exercise of their choice, free from
any element of fraud, deceit, duress, or similar unfair inducement or manipulation.”
participants signed consent forms and were ready to participate in the research at the end of week
Pre-Workshop Interviews
The researcher did a pre-workshop interview individually with each participant. Each
participant met with the researcher as scheduled, and the researcher used the interview questions
prepared ahead of time (see Appendix E). Each participant met the researcher at a different time
because each person's answer was confidential.
During the interview, the researchers recorded what the participant said. According to
author Ernest T. Stringer, “using a tape recorder gives the advantage that allows the researcher to
Sensing, Qualitative Research, 34.
record detailed and accurate participants' words.”
Also, using a tape recorder was beneficial
because it allowed the researcher a chance to go back later and complete the writing. During the
interviews, the researcher was still writing chapter three, and starting a new chapter right away
would have been a little hectic and out of order.
The intervention was a four-week workshop held on Saturdays and lasted two hours each
week. The workshop was the step of the intervention that allowed the researcher an opportunity
to teach the participants. Additionally, it allowed the participants to discuss the importance of
being committed to God. Participants learned from scholars and the Bible about the importance
of being dedicated and focused during church worship and service. The information covered the
scholar’s hypothesis and the Bible instructions about being committed and focused while in the
presence of God. According to Sensing, “in the methodology chapter, the researcher explains the
design of the intervention and employs the individual methods.”
Therefore, the researcher
employed individual methods during this stage of the intervention.
The researcher wrote an outline of what was taught on each workshop day (see Appendix
F). Also, the researcher wrote handouts for each day of the workshop so the participants could
follow along during the workshop (see Appendices J, K, L, and M). Each day, there were
discussions covering the material on the handouts, and the researcher conversed with the
participants to get their feedback on what they understood.
The researcher started workshop week one with prayer. Afterward, the researcher
discussed the creation, the fall of man, general revelation, God’s love for man, and repentance.
Ernest T. Stringer, Action Research (Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, 2014), 110.
Sensing, Qualitative Research, 26.
The researcher laid a foundation concerning who God is. The researcher believes that building a
foundation will help make a convincing case for the importance of having dedication and focus
while being before God. As illustrated in the Day One handout, the researcher discussed
humanity’s ability to perceive what was made by God through His creation. Also, the researcher
discussed general revelation, as scholars know it. According to Pettit, “ God’s general revelation
should affirm what He made before examining His special revelation in the Bible.”
Under the
topic of repentance, the researcher talked about what the Bible says about repentance and how
believing in the Word of God plays a big part in accepting Jesus as Lord and Savior. The
researcher elaborated on the word repentance and its meaning. Theologian Ronald F.
Youngblood wrote that repentance is “feeling remorse and regret of past conduct. Also, it is
turning from sin, disobedience, and rebelliousness and turning to God.”
Workshop week two started with a prayer before the researcher began covering the day’s
topics. The topics covered on this day were Jesus and Being His disciple, The Holy Spirit,
and The Transforming Power of the Holy Spirit. The researcher used twenty-five minutes to
discuss Jesus and being His disciple. During this time, the researcher elaborated on the
importance of knowing Jesus and becoming His disciple. According to a declaration by Jesus, He
is the way, and no one can come to the Father unless they come to Him first (John 14:6). Jesus’
declaration reveals that He is a part of the unchangeable God (see Appendix K).
The topic on the Holy Spirit included how it was Jesus who asked the Father to send the
Holy Spirit to His follower (John 14:16). The Holy Spirit is Him who makes it possible for
believers to become disciples of Jesus. Since that is the case, participants learned about the Holy
Pettit, Foundations of Spiritual Formation, 32.
Ronald F. Youngblood, Nelson’s Illustrated Bible Dictionary, new and enhanced ed. (Nashville, TN:
Thomas Nelson, 2014), 975.
Spirit's roles. Once the participants discussed the importance of being disciples of Jesus, the
researcher discussed with them how when they give their will over to the Holy Spirit by allowing
Him to take control, they will get the help needed to change. Paul told his followers, “Whatever
you have learned or received or heard from me or seen in me, put it into practice. And the God of
peace will be with you” (Phil. 4:9, NIV). Paul was a teacher but was not the ultimate teacher. He
clarified to his followers that they should imitate him while he imitated Christ (1 Cor. 11:1),
which the researcher discussed with the participants.
As the researcher elaborated on the Holy Spirit, the discussion arose about individuals
submitting and permitting Him to take control of their lives. Also, the information on the Holy
Spirit showed how giving up control in one’s life allows believers to get the power they need to
transform their life from an undisciplined one to someone whose life can be more disciplined.
The scriptures of 2 Corinthians 3:17-18 were excellent for teaching how a person should be in
Christ before a transformation occurs. According to Bates, “when we turn our eyes and minds to
Jesus, he renews them as part of the transformative process in which he is working (Rom. 12:1
The researcher told the participant how that transformative process could change their
The researcher designated one hour to discuss the transforming power of the Holy Spirit
because the participants had to understand that the Holy Spirit is Him who does the changing.
This section was an essential part of the day’s discussion. Also, the researcher painted a picture
of how the Holy Spirit is the Helper that Jesus promised to send to His disciples to help them.
According to Schreiner, “the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of truth, the teacher, the witness bearer, and
Bates, Salvation by Allegiance Alone, 161.
the advocate.”
The Holy Spirit comes into the disciple's life to be the helper needed to
discipline their lives. Although God is a loving God, He cannot tolerate sin. The researcher drove
home her crucial point: God is the same God who put Adam and Eve out of the Garden of Eden
because of their sin. He has not changed. The researcher talked about how He is the same God
who will not tolerate humans who sin in His presence. Malachi wrote, “For I am the Lord, I
change not” (Mal. 3:6a, KJV).
Additionally, the researcher discussed how Paul talked about how God gave those who
rebelled against His will over to a reprobate mind. According to him, they ignored the invisible
qualities of His divine power (Rom. 1:20-28) because they did not consider obtaining God's
knowledge worthwhile. The researcher shared how the information about the Holy Spirit is the
power that can help the participant learn how to be dedicated and focused during church worship
and service time.
The researcher shared a comment written by Murray on how humility allows believers to
have the power which works by the fullness of God’s grace through the works of the Holy Spirit.
Murray wrote, “The Holy Spirit is not only the Spirit of Power that works in believers, but it
dwells in them in the fulness of God’s grace and comes about through humility. Also, the Spirit
communicates Himself to the converts for a life of power, holiness, and steadfastness.”
are some of the scriptures the researcher discussed to communicate how the Spirit gives
Christian believers the power to live holy (John 14:16, 26; 15:26; Acts 1:8; Rom. 8:26; 2 Pet.
1:3). Also, the researcher used what Moses said in Deuteronomy 6:4-6 concerning how God
commanded the Israelites to love Him. The researcher told the participants how Jesus reiterated
that commandment as the greatest of all commandments (Mark 12:29-30). The researcher talked
Schreiner, The King in His beauty, 225.
Murray, Humility, 70.
about how doing such would require believers to be committed to Him. When a person obeys the
greatest commandment and submits to the work of the Holy Spirit, they can easily dedicate
themselves to giving God the respect due Him.
The researcher started workshop week three off with prayer. During week three of the
workshop, the researcher built on the foundation from day one and discussed the purpose of
worship and church service. The researcher turned the discussion toward what could be the
possible reasons why LDM members lack dedication and focus during church worship and
service time. The participants were a large part of this discussion because only they could tell the
researcher what they believed or had perceived to be the answer.
The researcher shared the importance of prayer and why God is worthy of being
worshipped. The researcher discussed what Paul said about “offering your bodies as a living
sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God which would be the true and proper worship” (Rom. 12:1,
translation). Also, there was a discussion of how as a believer, participants should offer their
bodies as a sacrifice during worship. The researcher believes that if the participants gave their
minds to God through the Holy Spirit, their minds would not drift during church service as the
Word of God is going forth. They would be able to meditate on the Word of God as Joshua
instructed the Israelites to do (Josh. 1:8). The handout given on this day references everything
covered (see Appendix L).
On the workshop's final day, the researcher shared the information discovered in the
research about possible reasons believers lack dedication and focus during worship and service
time. The researcher started with a prayer, as usual. Afterward, the discussion began with
scholars' views on why people lack dedication and focus. The researcher compared biblical
information to scholarly information and gave her theory on the subject (see Appendix M).
Post Workshop Interview
Immediately after the workshop, the researcher did a post-interview with the participants
(see Appendix G). According to Stringer, “interview processes make it possible for the people to
reveal the issues and agendas and think deeply about the nature of events that concern them.”
The participant shared with the researcher what they learned in the workshop. Also, the
participants shared with the researcher how they planned to apply their learning to their lives.
Additionally, the post-workshop interview allowed the participants to discuss with the researcher
any solutions they had for rectifying the problem of not being dedicated and focused during
church worship and service.
Analyze Data and Identify Themes
Data analysis and identification of themes was the final step of the research. According to
scholars John Swinton and Harriet Mowat, “this process is like a searchlight roaming back and
forth across an inky black sea trying to understand some of what lies beneath.”
As the
researcher took all the data gathered in this research, the researcher examined it to find the
themes and interpret them so others could understand them. Stringer said, “Qualitative analysis
requires some creativity, for the challenge is to place the raw data into logical, meaningful
categories, holistically examine data, and find a way to communicate the interpretation to
Stringer, Action Research, 127.
Harriet Mowat and John Swinton, Practical Theology and Qualitative Research 2nd ed. (Norfolk, UK:
SCM Press, 2016), 268.
Also, author Reginald O. York states, “The task of data analysis is to make sense of
the words by applying a protocol of qualitative data analysis to the words.”
The themes came from how participants answered their questions during pre- and post-
workshop interviews. Also, the researcher compared scholars' hypotheses to that of the
participants. The researcher’s goal was to discover not a remedy but information that could be
applied as knowledge to alleviate some of the distractions at LDM because of the membership’s
lack of dedication and focus.
The evaluation process of this research told the researcher how this project would
positively affect LDM members. Both the participants and the researcher were learning together.
The evaluation provided the researcher with information that shows how LDM members
understood why it was necessary to dedicate themselves to God during church worship and
service. Members of LDM demonstrated by their answers and input on what they had learned
from this research. God gave them, through His grace, the power of the Holy Spirit to overcome
issues in their lives which is an excellent help to improve their ability to be dedicated and
focused while in His presence.
The successful outcome of this intervention, as the researcher sees it, is members of LDM
being aware of their previous actions during worship and service time at church. Also, the
researcher perceives an increased ability of participants wanting to be disciples of Jesus and
teach others the Word of God. The evaluation process shows the workshop outcome and the
results. The researcher believes that charity begins at home. According to Paul, when a person
does not take care of their home first, they are “worse than an unbeliever” (1 Tim. 5:8,
Stringer, Action Research, 194.
Reginald O. York, “Social Work Research Methods: Learning by Doing,” Sage Publication, Inc.,
(2020): 227.
translation). Not disciplining oneself in worship and service is like being an unbeliever because
God requires a person to have control in their life. Also, He is worthy of LDM members'
undivided attention.
Now that the workshop was over, the researcher evaluated to see if it was effective by
looking at what was said, thinking about how it would make a difference, and observing the
participants' actions to see if they would line up with their words. Stringer states, “evaluation is a
cycle in the look, think, act process. It requires the researcher to formally examine or review the
processes in which everyone involved has engaged.”
The researcher did this intervention because of the previous lack of dedication and focus
shown by LDM members during church worship and service and to find ways to alleviate such a
lack of commitment and focus among LDM members. The process of interviewing participants,
holding a workshop, and doing the post-workshop interview was how the researcher determined
the effectiveness of this research. Also, the researcher weighed scholars' hypotheses on why
people lacked dedication and focused on measuring this project's effectiveness. However, the
participants’ words during the post-workshop interview showed the researcher what the
workshop accomplished. Furthermore, what the participants will be doing in their lives helps to
give the outcome of this intervention. The researcher observed the participants for changes in
their behavior during the last phase of this intervention. So far, the researcher had noticed that
participants who initially arrived late to worship and service came to church at least five minutes
before church started. Also, the researcher saw that participants were not talking during church
as before the intervention.
The researcher looked at every process stage while analyzing the data and identifying the
themes. According to Sensing, it is crucial to gather the data, look for what participants
Stringer, Action Research, 205.
experienced: their reactions, behavior changes, and how it impacts the organization,
which in
this case applies to LDM. Therefore, in observing the participants, the researcher was watching
the participants’ reactions, behavior changes, and how the differences impacted the church.
Reflection and Application
The researcher reflected on where participants were at the start of this project and
compared it to improvements shown by their actions after participating in this research. The
practical guide (see Appendix N) given to the participant by the researcher at the end of the
workshop was a help because their behavior changed. The guide was not a mandate put on the
participant by the researcher. It was a guideline to help participants as they practiced showing
dedication and focus to God. Everything is about giving God the respect due Him and knowing
how to approach Him. According to Hughes, “today's culture is a flip-the-channel culture, and
reverence is especially needed to characterize our approach to God.”
The application state is the phase that produces the effectiveness of this project.
Everything in this research would be null and void without the application stage because this is
the stage that told the researcher what the participants in this study learned, and it is the stage
where they said to the researcher how they would apply the learning to their lives. Sensing
stated, “The purpose of action research is to apply a specific solution to a particular problem.
The participant could accomplish some tasks during the application stage without effort, whereas
others required concentration. However, the application stage was essential for measuring
Sensing, Qualitative Research, 71.
Hughes, Discipline of a Godly Man, 113.
Sensing, Qualitative Research, 215.
As mentioned earlier in this thesis, discipline starts with being disciples of Jesus. The
researcher previously believed that once LDM members learned to be disciples of Jesus,
everything would begin to change with the help of the Holy Spirit. The members of LDM were
not the only participants in this research. This project was a learning process. The researcher was
a participant with the members of LDM. The researcher learned a valuable lesson from this
project and has been able to see from the participants' behavior that they, too, discovered
information from this project that they are applying to their lives. Jesus said, “with God, all
things are possible (Matt. 19:26b, NIV).
What was true regarding the problem stated was that LDM members gather together to
worship God and lack dedication and focus during church worship and service time. Also, what
was true regarding the issue is some individuals were unaware of the power of the Holy Spirit
and how it frees them and transforms them into the Lord’s image (2 Cor. 3:17-18). The Holy
Spirit is indeed a part of the Triune God with all the power of God needed to transform believers'
lives. Jesus commanded His disciples to teach (Matt. 28:20). Therefore, this intervention
happened so the researcher would introduce the participants to the transforming Spirit of God,
which would help the members of LDM live a better-disciplined life when they are in worship
and service at church.
The researcher discovered from this project how much the participants loved God and
wanted to give Him the praises he deserved. Paul said, “
Now to him who can do immeasurably
more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory
in the church and Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever! Amen” (Eph. 3:20-
21, NIV). Finally, the researcher's belief that this project would cause a change in the
participants' lives has shown that the information from this project can be used in the future for
new believers' training classes at LDM. It is because the researcher did everything so God could
get the glory that allows the participants to understand and make changes in their lives. The
researcher is glad that the workshop gathering represented the name of Jesus. Jesus said, “For
where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them” (Matt. 18:20, NIV).
Isaiah wrote, “my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty,
but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.” (Isa. 55:11, NIV).
The Bible is the written Word, just like the prophets were God's spoken Word. There was a raffle
held immediately after the workshop on the last day of the workshop. It was an incentive for
those who participated in this project. When it was over every participant acted as if they had a
million dollars because the researcher ensured there was no loser at the end of the day.
This chapter will discuss the results gleaned from the workshop, field notes, and the data
obtained from doing this project. According to Sensing, “field notes work because implications
for theory only become visible as one observes and records, over time, particular practices of
The researcher will paint a picture of the discovery obtained from this research. The
information includes the heart of twelve participants (it started with twelve and ended with
eleven) and what they said about being dedicated and focused. For the sake of the participant's
privacy, all names in this project are pseudo names. The researcher began this project to discover
why members of LDM lack dedication and focus during church worship and service. This
chapter will discuss what was found by the researcher while doing the research. The researcher
started by finding some answers from scholars and the Bible on the subject. Next, the
researcher's intervention in the workshop was with the members of LDM. It started with teaching
them about being dedicated and focused before God. The researcher shared the discovery from
both scholars and the Bible with them. Before beginning, the researcher did pre-workshop
interviews with every participant to determine what members of LDM (see Appendix E) already
knew about why they lacked dedication and focus during worship and service time at church.
During the interviews, the researcher observed each participant. The researcher used a
tape recorder to record the interviews and wrote field notes during the interview. The process of
taking field notes was necessary, according to Sensing. He said, “Taking notes before, during,
and after the ministry intervention collects your observations and initial interpretations.
4.1 includes background information about each participant.
Sensing, Qualitative Research, 181.
Table 4.1. Gender, Age, Religious, and Educational Background of Participants.
Sister Angel
Full Gospel
High School
Sister Leah
High School
Sister Maria
High School
Sister Tina
Full Gospel
High School
Sister Maggie
High School
Sister Paige
Sister Bernice
Full Gospel
High School
Sister Joyce
High School
Sister Marlene
High School
Sister Kathy
Full Gospel
High School
Brother Drew
High School
Sister Ashley
High School
Analysis Based on Pre-Workshop Interview
The researcher did this analysis based on how the participants responded during the pre-
workshop interview. The researcher discovered three facts after interviewing and observing the
participants during this. The first fact was how much the participants knew about being dedicated
and focused. Next, the researcher found out some members of LDM needed to recommit
themselves to God. The third fact discovered by the researcher concerned how participants are
distracted by cell phones and other members of LDM. After learning these facts from the
participants, the researcher made every effort to proceed with the workshop by doing everything
possible so the planned lessons would include a discussion on the abovementioned facts. The
researcher prayed each day that the words and teaching of her mouth and the meditation of her
heart be pleasing in God’s sight (Psalm 19:14).
The interviews of each participant took place at either the researcher’s residence or the
church. Everyone was on time for their appointment, which told the researcher that LDM
members believed in being prompt. The researcher learned that most LDM members previously
thought to be not dedicated and focused were committed to being on time. It was apparent they
valued the researcher's time. It was an eye-opening experience for the researcher from the first
pre-workshop interview.
Table 4.2 gives the top reasons given during the pre-workshop interviews by the
participants for why LDM members lacked dedication and focus during church. There were ten
out of twelve participants that stated participants are not committed to God and do not know
Him. Seven out of twelve participants believe some members need to recommit themselves to
God. Finally, according to the participants, five out of eleven said cell phones cause participants
to be distracted. All of the pre-workshop interviews went well, which started the research work
off great. The researcher went into the workshop enthusiastic about teaching the participants
about God, the sacrifice made by His Son, the help provided by the Holy Spirit, and the salvation
provided by God through Jesus.
Table 4.2. Participants Reasons For Lacking Dedication and Focus During Church.
Participant’s Top
Reasons Why LDM
Lack Dedication
and Focus During
Reason # 1
Some Members
Do Not Know God
and Are Not
Reason #2
Some Participants
Need to Recommit
Themselves to God
Reason #3
They Are Distracted by
Their Cell Phones
Sister Angel
Sister Leah
Sister Maria
Sister Tina
Sister Maggie
Sister Paige
Sister Bernice
Sister Joyce
Sister Marlene
Sister Kathy
Brother Drew
Sister Ashley
Analysis of the Workshop
The participants all participated during the workshop. The researcher covered everything
that was prepared ahead of time for each week (see Appendix F). Because of the participants'
eagerness, they enjoyed the learning process. During week one, the researcher did most of the
talking. However, during weeks two, three, and four, everyone was willing to provide their input.
As the researcher started the conversation about being disciples of Jesus, it was like someone
suddenly lit a candle, and the participants wanted to participate in the discussion. The researcher
was pleased with the participation.
Isaiah wrote, “My Word will not return to me empty but will accomplish what I desire
and achieve the purpose for which I sent it” (Isa, 55:11b, NIV). The Bible is the written Word,
just like the prophets were God's spoken Word. The Bible backed up most of the knowledge
obtained during this workshop. The raffle was held immediately after the seminar on the last day
of the workshop. All the participants acted as if they had won a million dollars when it was over
because the researcher ensured there was no loser at the end of the day.
Analysis Based on Post Workshop Interview
As the researcher finished the workshop and began doing the post-workshop interview
immediately, the researcher became a student because the participant's answers were very
enlightening to her. Each participant brought their knowledge to the post-workshop discussion
and the knowledge they had learned in the workshop. After the workshop, when the participant
discussed how they would apply their learning to their lives, they gave four top reasons why
LDM members should dedicate themselves to God. This information came from post-workshop
question number twelve. Sister Angel said, “it is God’s will for the believers to keep their mind
on Him.” Also, Sister Angel provided Isaiah 26:3 as her supporting Scripture. Sister Maria
stated, “God is a jealous God, and He does not want His follower focusing on cell phones and
other distractions more than Him.”
Other answers came from other participants, such as Sister Maggie, who said, God gave
His Son through love so we could have life is reason enough why people should focus on God.
On a similar note, Brother Drew shared, “although God wants us to focus on doing His Will, he
gave us free will. The researcher noticed participants gave reasons why LDM members should
dedicate themselves to God by answering questions never asked. In table 4.3 are the top four
reasons participants gave for why they should commit themselves to God and the church service,
according to the post-interview questions (see Appendix G).
Table 4.3. Reasons to Focus on God During Church Worship and Service.
Reasons why
LDM members
should Focus on
God During
Church Worship
and Service
Reason 1
It is the Will of
God for believers
to Focus on Him
and Put Him
Reason 2
Distraction is A
Trick of The
Reason 3
God sent the
Holy Spirit to
Help Believers
Stay Focused
Reason 4
God is Loving,
and He Gave His
Son To Die For
Our Sins
Number of
participants who
gave the reasons
Theme One: Cell Phone Distractions
During the post-workshop interview, question number three asked; According to what
participants said during the workshop’s discussion, what were the top two reasons believers
cannot focus during church worship and service time (see Appendix G)? Sister Angel said,
“People are talking to others or paying more attention to their cell phones.” In her opinion, “they
are only coming to church to please either a family member or a friend. According to Sister
Tina, “they do not want to be there, so they pay more attention to their cell phones.” The
problem of cell phones being a distraction was also one of the answers from Ashley, Leah,
Maria, and Kathy.
In week four of the discussion, cell phone usage during church was addressed and
compared to students using a cell phone at school while a teacher is teaching. The participants
expressed their views on how they expected their children to pay attention in school and church.
Brother Drew stated, “children are in school to learn and should not be using cell phones if there
is no emergency, and since people are learning in church, they should not be using cell phones in
church. Sister Bernice expressed the same sentiment: "cell phones should not be in school, and
people should turn them off in the church's parking lot.” Sister Bernice was the only one present
during the fourth week’s workshop who felt the cell phones should stay at home or in the car.
Sister Paige, who missed the fourth week’s workshop during her post-interview question about
cell phones in school, stated the same thing that Sister Bernice said. Sister Paige stated, “cell
phones should not be allowed in the classrooms because they are a distraction. According to
Sister Maggie, a “cell phone is instrumental in helping children learn in school, especially when
solving math problems. Sister Angel said, “some people use cell phones in the church to read
their Bible.
While looking to see what scholars had to say on the topic, the researcher found that
some scholars wrote about cell phone distractions. Author Summer Dawn Dupont wrote,
“Students in high school classes with cell phones and access to social media and other cellular or
web-based outlets spend less time on their tasks. Spending less than an adequate amount of time
can be detrimental to learning.”
The researcher agrees that cell phones are a distraction; the
same is true with cell phone usage during church. Social media and other web pages are
distractions that cause participants to spend less time learning about the will of God. People are
too dependent on cell phones. According to scholars Jessica S. Mendoza et al., “some people
experience fear and discomfort when they do not have access to their mobile device. This cell
phone dependency phenomenon has become more recognized in the literature on cell phones,
known as nomophobia.”
Just as earthly parents expect their children to pay attention during school, the heavenly
Father desires His children to pay attention in church. LDM members focus not on God when
they are busy looking at their cell phones. Sister Maria said, when I look at my phone and see
messages, it takes my focus away from the church.” At least Sister Maria was honest. Sister
Summer Dawn Dupont, “High School Teachers’ Perceptions of Student Cell Phone Use in the
Classroom a Case Study (EdD diss., Liberty University, 2021), 29, ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global.
Jessica S. Mendoza et al., The effect of cellphones on attention and learning: The influences of time,
distraction, and nomophobia, Computers in Human Behavior 86 (2018): 53,
Maria is only eighteen, and young adults are more prone to being distracted by cell phones. They
become addicted to cell phones at a very young age. According to authors Deborah Kirby
Forgays, Ira Hyman, and Jessie Schreiber, “The amount of texting is related to age, specifically
young adult. The younger the adult, the more texts sent and received.
Sister Maria said, “I
will turn my phone off in the future because if it is on, I will look at it because I know my friends
will be texting me.”
The church is a school for those that are learning about Jesus. Also, just as there will be a
graduation ceremony from school one day, there will be a graduation ceremony for the disciples
of Jesus in church. The children will one day complete their schooling, enter the work world, and
be productive. So, will the dedicated and focused disciples go into the work field and win more
disciples for the Kingdom of God? Paul said, “For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ
Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do” (Eph. 2:10, NIV).
Therefore, cell phones, according to the participants of this research, are a distraction.
Sister Paige said, “cell phones interrupt when the Holy Spirit is moving. Some people are
in church because they are hurting and need a word from the Lord.” Sister Paige was among the
nine participants who said the phone should be silent before a person enters the church. The
researcher agrees with Sister Paige because LDM members seem to be relying increasingly on
their cell phones to the point that they cannot seem to give them up for an hour and a half,
interrupting a person's spirit when the Holy Spirit is moving. Authors M. Sapacz, G. Rockman,
and J. Clark said, “Their study hypothesized that an individual would experience an elevation of
Deborah Kirby Forgays, Ira Hyman, and Jessie Schreiber, "Texting Everywhere for Everything: Gender
and Age Differences in Cell Phone Etiquette and use," Computers in Human Behavior 31, (2014): 319.
temporary anxiety when they had some degree of restricted access to their cell phone.”
However, the participants in this study said they are just a distraction that prevents LDM
members from getting what they need from the Lord.
The discussion about cell phones was very enlightening. Now that LDM members are
aware of the distractions caused by cell phones, they have promised to change what is done with
their cell phones when they are in church. Sister Maggie said, “I will not only turn my phone off,
but I also plan to ask the person next to me if they could please turn their phone off.” Sister
Marlene, Sister Maria, Sister Tina, Sister Bernice, and Sister Paige also said they would turn
their phone on silent or off before entering the church. If the participants complied with what
they said, that would eliminate the constant interruption of cell phones. The researcher
understands that sometimes an emergency arises and believes LDM members in the church
should have their phones on silent, allowing them to step out and either answer their phones or
call the person back.
Theme Two: Spontaneous Distractions
Sometimes distractions can be unplanned and can be something that happens
spontaneously. According to Sister Tina, there have been times when her phone caused
distractions during church. Sister Tina said, “I was ashamed because I forgot to put my phone on
silent, and it went off. Everyone turned around to see from where the noise came. I grabbed it
and turned it off immediately.” Although Sister Tina’s incident could have been an example of
someone causing distractions during church service, it caught her off guard. Therefore, it was
M. Sapacz, G. Rockman, and J. Clark, "Are we Addicted to our Cell Phones?" Computers in Human
Behavior 57, (2016): 155.
spontaneous. Sister Tina vowed, saying, “in the future, I will make sure my phone is on silent
before entering the church.”
Another example of spontaneous distraction is when a baby starts yelling because they
are hungry, need changing, or is sleepy. Nothing will prevent such interruptions from happening.
Therefore, the distraction has nothing to do with a person's lack of dedication and focus during
church worship and service. Sister Bernice, a grandmother, said, “spontaneous distractions
caused by children are the type that causes me to go into my room and close the door when I am
trying to dedicate time to God at home and my grandchildren are visiting. Sister Bernice
understood some noise made by children was unavoidable because she said, “children will be
children.The researcher agrees with sister Bernice. Also, older adults’ consecration is reduced
by any distraction. Scholar Pamela A. Smith said, “normally aging adults will often demonstrate
a reduced ability to complete cognitive tasks in distraction compared to younger individuals.”
Another example of a spontaneous distraction is when something suddenly drops by
mistake. Brother Drew said, “I know that interruption comes sometimes. However, I can focus
on God when the noise happens.” Similarly, Sister Tina said, I know distractions come to get
my focus off God and steal my attention. Therefore, I will stay focused on God.” Sister Maggie
said, “such distractions can only steal your attention if you allow it.” The researcher agrees with
Tammy and Melissa because the book of James states, “Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist
the devil, and he will flee from you” (James 4:7, NIV).
Other spontaneous distractions happen during church worship and services, such as
someone going to the restroom, coughing, a plane flying by, a train on the track, and LDM
members entering the building late. Sister Marlene stated, “Noise does not bother me during
Pamela A. Smith, Ageing, Auditory Distraction, and Grammaticality Judgement, Aphasiology 24, no.
11 (2010): 1343, DOI: 10.1080/02687030903490533.
worship and service time as long as I can hear the Word of God. However, I am bothered when
the noise keeps me from concentrating on the Word.” Not everyone, like Sister Marlene, Sister
Kathy, and Brother Drew, can easily tune the noise out. Sister Bernice stated, people need to
keep their mind on God and meditate on every word that comes out of the mouth of the person
who is teaching or preaching His Word. Calhoun said, “Christian meditation opens us to the
mind of God and His world and presence in the world.
The researcher could not have said it
This project concerns LDM members being more dedicated and focused during church
worship and service. The lesson from this theme is to stay focused on God and not on
distractions, whether spontaneous or carelessly made. Paul wrote, “Since then, you have been
raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of
God” (Col. 3:1, NIV). Paul’s statement is essential to remember and goes along with Sister
Bernice's statement about being focused. Sister Bernice said, “if you are not focused, any
distraction will throw you off.”
The researcher has discovered from this project that not every participant was disturbed
by every little interruption during church worship and service. However, spontaneous
distractions do affect some participants during church worship and service. When noise occurs in
the church, it causes all participants to be distracted for a moment, but not everyone will pay
attention to the disruption. Some LDM members will keep their minds stayed on the Word of
God. Sister Kathy said, “I can focus on God no matter who I am around or the noise that can
suddenly happen, and when people try to distract me, I tell myself I have to stay focused on
God.” Sister Kathy's statement goes along with the Scripture quoted by Sister Angel during the
post-workshop interview: You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast
Calhoun, Spiritual Disciplines Handbook, 192.
because they trust in you” (Isa. 26:3, NIV). This project has proven that the participants who got
distracted by disruptions do not necessarily lack dedication during church worship and service.
They are like members everywhere. Some choose to give God their attention and are focused no
matter what, while others are learning to stay focused. According to scholars Nicholas Gaspelin
and Steven J. Luck, attention may refer to several different cognitive phenomena. Attention can
be selective.”
The participants have proved that it is their choice whether to pay attention or
The researcher's final question in the post-workshop interview asked: How will you apply
what you have learned from the workshop to your life? Sister Tina said, “I will stay focused on
God during church worship and service no matter what distractions come my way.” Sister Maria
stated, “I will stop being distracted and give my time to God during church worship and service.
Sister Maggie said, since it is my job to lead others to Christ, I will make sure I am on time for
church, and once there, I will stay focused. The other participants gave similar answers as the
researcher continued doing the post-workshop interviews. Therefore, the researcher concludes
that LDM members have committed to being dedicated and focused while in church worship and
Theme Three: Satanic Distractions
A distraction will take a person's focus from a subject via an interruption. Bredfeldt said,
distractions have a way of diverting our focus from the essential to the peripheral.”
According to the participants, it is the devil who causes distractions. In the post-workshop
interview, question number fourteen asked: Do distractions steal the time you have set aside to
Nicholas Gaspelin and Steven J. Luck, The Role of Inhibition in Avoiding Distraction by Salient
Stimuli, Trends in Cognitive Sciences 22. no. 1 (2018): 80,
Bredfeldt, Great Leader, Great Teacher, 31.
worship and serve God? Why, and does the enemy have anything to do with the distraction?
Sister Maggie stated, “the enemy uses people to distract you and steal your time if you allow
them. You cannot allow the enemy's tricks to sidetrack you through people and various
methods.” Sister Kathy said, “in the past, distractions stole fifty percent of my time through
people's cell phones, their talking during church, children playing, and my mind wandering due
to my inability to understand the message. Now it is only taking five percent of my time because
immediately after the tricks come, I dismiss them and refocus on God.”
According to Sister Bernice, “those who cause distraction do not know God and cannot
commit to God because the concept of being devoted to Him is foreign.” The researcher agrees
that without knowing who God is, there could be no dedication given to Him because a person
should believe God exists and Jesus is the begotten Son who died for the world's sins. According
to Sister Leah, “knowledge of the existence of God and His Son is only half of the equation. You
must have faith in your heart.” Sister Leah said, “God knows everything, and nothing is
unrevealed to Him. He rewards you because He knows if you truly have faith in your heart.” On
the same topic, Sister Angel notes, “those who come to church to please someone else are the
ones who play on their phone to pass the time and talk to members of the church. They do not
know God.” Distractions can sometimes be deliberate because of a lack of knowledge and
satanic influences. Knowledge comes from God (James 1:5). Sister Maggie said, “It is important
to love God with your whole being, which would make it easy to put God first in your life.”
Sister Maggie stated, “dedication to God is thinking of Him first when you wake up in the
morning. Nothing or no one should infiltrate the mind of a believer before God.” The researcher
agrees with Sister Maggie because Calhoun said, “God is the oxygen of our soul, and we need to
breathe Him all day long.”
There could be no better way to do that than to wake up thinking of
Him and praising Him for His goodness, leaving no room for demonic distractions.
LDM members that study the humility of Jesus can learn how to be dedicated and
focused during worship and service. Murray wrote, “people need to study the humility of Jesus,
the very essence of His redemption, and the very blessedness of the life of the Son of God, which
is the only true relation to the Father. The reward is obtaining a part with Him.”
Jesus said, “I
am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me” (John 14:6,
translation). God is three persons, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and they are equal in
co-existence. The belief of Christian faith is a belief that God is a trinitarian being. Theologian E.
Calvin Besnier stated, “For Peter to call Jesus the Son of the living God, therefore, almost
certainly means Peter thought of Jesus as having the same nature as God.”
It was evident by
how the participant spoke about God that someone taught them about the Trinity. Another one of
the post-workshop interview questions the researcher asked the participants was How did God
show His love toward us? Everyone except Sister Ashley responded by saying He gave His only
begotten Son so we may have life. The researcher was astonished that the participants were using
the words His only begotten Son. According to theologian E. Calvin Beisner, “the use of the
term begotten spells out how Jesus possesses an eternal divine nature of God.”
Demonic influences sometimes disguise themselves as mental disorders. Sister Marlene
said, “some demonic influence disguised as mental disorders give people a reason to do what
they want without being blamed for their actions.” Also, Sister Marlene noted that some who
have been diagnosed with certain mental disorders are tricks of the devil. Sister Marlene said,
Calhoun, Spiritual Disciplines Handbook, 233.
Murray, Humility, 29.
E. Calvin Beisner, God in Three Person (Eugene, Oregon: WIPF & Stock Publisher, 1984), 14.
Ibid., 35.
“the church and family members can pray and ask God to help remove any demonic influence
from the person's life, and it will make a difference.” Sister Marlene was right about believers'
ability to pray and ask God for His help in removing any demonic influence. According to Jesus,
sometimes there is a need to “fast and pray to drive out demonic spirits (Mark 9:29). Sister
Angel said, “servants of God need to push back the plate, fast, and pray, to come against the
forces of the enemy that comes to steal kill and destroy.”
The enemy distractions come in different ways. Question fifteen of the post-workshop
interview asked, What are a couple of things you can do to stop the enemy from stealing your
attention during worship and service time? Sister Tonya stated, “I will focus more on God by
ignoring everything around me during church time and the time I set aside to be with God.”
Sister Maggie said, “I will pray and ask God to help me eliminate the distractions.” Finally,
Sister Kathy stated, “the trick is to stay focused on God when people try to distract her during
church worship and service.” Sister Angel was all about coming against the forces of the enemy.
On this note, Sister Angel said, “the enemy causes people to be insensitive to the Word of God
because they reject Him.” Erickson stated, “sins produce insensitivity. A person continuing in
sin, who rejects God’s warnings and condemnations, becomes less responsive to conscience's
promptings and the stirrings by the Word and the Spirit.”
Sister Maria stated, “when a person
repents and receives the Holy Spirit, He will come and convict them of sin and let them know
when they are doing something wrong by touching their heart.” The researcher agrees with Sister
Maria because the Holy Spirit is sensitive to sin and cannot allow sin to go unnoticed. The next
section below will elaborate on the influence of the Holy Spirit.
Erickson, Christian Theology, 563.
Theme Four: The Influence of the Holy Spirit
The researcher talked about distractions that kept LDM members from being dedicated
and focused during church worship and service in the first two themes. It appeared that some
members were inconsiderate of others. Next, the researcher discussed how distractions could be
spiritual distractions that come from Satan in what are called satanic distractions. In this section,
the researcher will share a spiritual influence that, according to the participants, can change them
from lacking dedication and focus to being dedicated in church during worship and service and
in their everyday lives. Scholars Anna C. Brady, Yeo-eun, Kim, and Jessica Cutshall discussed
distraction's positive and negative sides. They said, “Negative self-interruptions included
obstructions, exhaustion, and frustration, while positive self-interruptions included
reorganization, exploration, and stimulation.
In discussing the influence of the Holy Spirit,
the researcher will be sharing how the Holy Spirit enhances the positive self.
First, what does it mean to have dedication during church worship and service?
According to the participants during the post-workshop interview, commitment to church had
everything to do with God and how they allow the Holy Spirit to lead them. Question nineteen
asked What is the role of the Holy Spirit in the life of believers? Sister Angel said, “the role of
the Holy Spirit is to teach us to comfort us when we are down, to lead us, and to show us how we
should act as well as to guide us to all truth.” Sister Angel paraphrased a statement of Jesus (John
14:26). On this subject, Sister Kathy said that a person with the Holy Spirit living in them will
get help for every area of their life, which would teach them how to act; during church worship
and service.”
Anna C. Brady, Yeo-eun Kim, and Jessica Cutshall, The What, Why, and How of Distractions from a
Self-Regulated Learning Perspective, Journal of College Reading and Learning 51, no. 2 (2021): 155,
DOI: 10.1080/10790195.2020.1867671.
The Holy Spirit is part of the Triune God, who knows God's will (Rom. 8:27). According
to Erickson, “The teaching ministry of illumination by the Holy Spirit was not merely for that
first generation of disciples, but also includes helping believers today to understand Scripture.”
Also, the teaching ministry of the Holy Spirit will help believers understand God's will for their
lives. According to Paul, once believers are members of God’s family through Christ, “In Him,
we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of
God’s grace that He lavished on us. With all wisdom and understanding, ” (Eph. 1:7-8, NIV).
The wisdom from the Holy Spirit will keep believers from being distracted by the enemy. Jesus
gave His disciples power over all unclean spirits, to cast them out, and heal all kinds of sickness
and disease” (Matt. 10:1, translation). Therefore, Satan cannot distract a person with that kind of
power. Also, the Holy Spirit will turn the participants into teachers. Question eighteen of the
post-workshop interview asked What can you teach others about being dedicated and focused?
Sister Maria said, I can teach them to be dedicated and focused by setting an example. I cannot
live one way one day and another way the next day.” Also, Sister Angel said, “I can teach by
example, just as Jesus taught His disciples.” According to them, Jesus, the master teacher, sets
the example of teaching and living what one preaches. Sister Leah stated, “I would teach others
to give themselves to God and do His work. Also, Sister Paige said, "I will teach the people by
examples of how to do the will of God because people are always watching to see what you are
doing, which is the best way to teach.” None of this is possible without the indwelling of Christ
and the leading of the Holy Spirit. According to Murray, “when the truth of an indwelling Christ
Erickson, Christian Theology, 796.
takes place in the experience of believers, then the Church can put on her beautiful garments, and
church teachers and members show humility as the beauty of holiness.
When it comes to following Christ, everyone will not be on board. According to the
participants, the Holy Spirit will guide and lead them if someone who will not follow Christ is
trying to teach them wrong, and they will reject that person. During the post-workshop interview,
several participants said not everyone that comes to church had received salvation. Sister Angel
insisted from the beginning that some church members do not know God, and her persistence did
not change during the post-workshop interview. Sister Marlene said, “they cannot focus because
they do not understand the message, and the service is too long because they are not interested.”
The researcher will add that LDM members choose to learn when they are interested in a subject,
and when they are not, they will not listen. Jesus said, “The one who rejects Me and does
not accept My teachings has one who judges him: the word which I spoke. That will judge him
on the last day.” (John 12:48, NIV). Accepting Jesus’ Word is to accept the love of God.
According to Brother Drew, “to love God is to follow His commandments and obey His laws by
doing what the Bible tells us to do, which is to love the people God created. That love would
include praying for the people.” The researcher agrees and will add that the disciples of Jesus
will start praying immediately on behalf of the person who rejects Christ. Maybe God will soften
their hearts so they can receive salvation and not be among those who have to give an account to
Jesus for not accepting Him. According to Whitney, “God still intends for each of His followers
to find ways to share the gospel with unbelievers.”
The Holy Spirit will come over a person to lead and guide them. During the workshop,
there was a discussion on the role of the Holy Spirit in the believer's life. To the researcher’s
Murray, Humility, 43.
Whitney, Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life, 129.
surprise, the participants knew much about this topic. The researcher learned from the
participants that when a person submits to the leading of the Holy Spirit, He will lead, guide,
teach, and convict them when they are out of the will of God. The researcher understood that the
Holy Spirit lived in a person from the time of salvation. He was deposited and dwelled inside a
person, and that is where He stayed, according to 2 Timothy 1:14. However, participants
discussed how the Holy Spirit comes over them. They could feel His presence when He came.
Sister Leah noted, the Holy Spirit comes over me, and I start praising God more." Sister Ashley
stated, “the Holy Spirit comes over me. Sister Kathy said, “the Holy Spirit came over me to shut
my mouth up when I talked too much.” The researcher wanted to say He does not come over
you; God deposited Him in you from the time of salvation. The researcher took advice from what
Sister Kathy said and kept her mouth closed because this was a learning experience for the
researcher. After all, Jesus told His disciples, “you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has
come upon you” (Acts 1:8a, NASV).
The participant's clear statement that the Holy Spirit is a teacher agrees with what Jesus
said. According to Jesus, But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my
name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you.” (John
14:26, NIV). According to Sister Marlene, “the Holy Spirit teaches the believer how to lead other
people to church.” The researcher agrees with Sister Marlene. The Holy Spirit is a part of the
Triune God, and He knows God's will for the participant’s lives (Rom. 8:27). Also, Erickson
said, “The teaching ministry of illumination by the Holy Spirit was not merely for that first
generation of disciples, but also includes helping believers today to understand Scripture.”
Sister Maggie stated, “the Holy Spirit teaches us to worship Him, to praise Him, and to dedicate
our study time to Him.” The researcher agrees with Sister Maggie's statement. Also, Sometimes
Erickson, Christian Theology, 796.
wisdom and understanding through the Holy Spirit can come through our intuition. According to
scholar Deborah R. Chilcote, “intuition has been operationally defined as the affective element
of critical thinking in which a nonanalytic process of knowing can be expressed through
physical, emotional, and spiritual connections.”
In addition, author Donald Dorr stated, “Our
intuitions can, at best, be inspirations from God and a fruitful channel through which the Holy
Spirit can get through to us.
Some participants discussed the Holy Spirit as the voice from God that gives warning to
them when God wants to provide them with protection. Sister Bernice said, The Holy Spirit
would warn believers of danger when it is near. The warning would undoubtedly be considered
an act of help. Some may say it is a gift of prophecy because prophecy comes to reveal to God’s
people things that are coming. Amos said, “Surely the Sovereign Lord does nothing without
revealing his plan to his servants, the prophets (Amos 3:7, NIV). In addition to God revealing
His plan, the Holy Spirit will warn believers of impending danger, according to Erickson. He
said, “sins produce insensitivity, and a person continuing in sin and rejecting God’s warnings and
condemnations, become less responsive to the promptings of conscience, and the stirrings by the
Word and the Spirit.”
Therefore, focusing during church includes relying on the Holy Spirit to
do as the participants said to convict one of sin and help do God's will. Focusing on the Word of
God will help LDM members pay attention during church worship and service.
The participants are willing to make a change in their lives by allowing the Holy Spirit to
help them as they transform into the person that God wants them to be. Bernice said, “I want to
Deborah R. Chilcote, Intuition: A Concept Analysis,” Nurse Forum 52, no. 1 (2017): 63, https://doi-
Donald Dorr, “The Holy Spirit as Source, Power and Inspiration for Spiritual Practice,” Practical
Theology 10, no. 1 (2017): 12, DOI: 10.1080/1756073X.2016.1273642.
Erickson, Christian Theology, 563.
be with Jesus one day, so I will serve Him by giving the church worship and service the respect it
deserves because I do not want to die and go to hell.” The researcher was discussing the love of
God when sister Bernice said this. Sister Kathy stated, “when other people try to distract me, and
the praise team is up worshipping God from now on, I will stay focused on God. Also, Sister
Marlene stated, “I will turn my phone off and dedicate myself to listening to the Word of God
while in church worship and service. God is good. He will not allow His Word to return to Him
empty but will accomplish what He desires and achieve the purpose for which He sent it (Isa.
This research aimed to determine why people lacked dedication and focus during church
worship and service. There was a need in the ministry of LDM to do this research because it was
clear the members of LDM did not understand why they came to church. This research
contributed to the literature review on why people lack commitment and focus while in church
worship and service. Also, the results found in chapter four are from the participants who agreed
to participate in this study. Doing this research has been educational for the researcher because it
gave the researcher some reasons why the problem existed. Also, it was educational for the
participants and will be for any future members of LDM. The church learned about why
distractions occurred and hindered them from being able to concentrate during church worship
and service. The participants learned how to focus by submitting to the Holy Spirit. Scholars
Patrick Sörqvist and John E. Marsh believe concentration can shield against distraction. They
said, “We believe people notice their background environment less when they concentrate
This study has been administered to LDM’s lack of dedication and focuses during
church worship and service. Now that the research is complete, the researcher is ready to
implement the discovery obtained as a part of LDM’s future training.
Research Implications
First, the usage of cell phones during church time caused a technological interruption,
according to the participants. They talked about how others used their cell phones in a way that
was detrimental to church worship and service. Cell phone distractions were more offensive to
participants than any other distraction discovered in this research. It is sad to say participants said
Patrik Sörqvist, and John E. Marsh, “How Concentration Shields Against Distraction, Current
Directions in Psychological Science 24, no. 4 (August 2015): 268,
using their cell phones was taking more of their attention than satanic distractions during worship
and service time. According to scholars Jamie Pinchot, Karen Paullet, and Daniel Rota, “ten to
twenty percent of students feel that it is all right to answer their cell phone in a movie theatre,
church, or funeral.”
The usage and interruption of cell phones are not coming from students
alone because scholars Veronica V. Galván, Rosa S. Vessal, and Matthew T. Golley stated,
“People spent an estimated 2.30 trillion minutes using their wireless devices over the year of
God is still a jealous God and does not want His children to worship other gods (Exod.
34:14). When LDM members cannot separate themselves from their phones, that phone becomes
a god to them.
On a positive note, the mobile phone, causing so much distraction in the church today, is
still one of the best inventions of all time. When church leaders use them to record live church
services, cell phones are instrumental in allowing believers who cannot attend church service for
whatever reason to experience it wherever they may be. Theologian Heidi Campbell said, “in the
past ten years, numerous studies have considered how religious users responded to and used the
internet for various religious rituals and to form spiritual communities.”
Also, when discussing
mobile phones, specifically smartphones, author Geoffrey Miller said, “Smartphones are not just
Jamie Pinchot, Karen Paullet, and Daniel Rota, "How Mobile Technology is Changing Our
Culture," Journal of Information Systems Applied Research 4, no. 1 (2011): 39.
Veronica V. Galván, Rosa S. Vessal, and Matthew T. Golley, The Effects of Cell Phone Conversations
on the Attention and Memory of Bystanders, PloS one 8, no. 3 (2013): e58579,
Heidi Campbell, "Texting the Faith: Religious Users and Cell Phone Culture," in The Cell Phone
Reader: Essays in Social Transformation, ed. Anadam Kavoori and Noah Arceneaux (New York, NY: Peter Lang,
Inc., 2006), 145, Google Books.
cool cell phones with e-mail; they are powerful computers small enough to hold up to your head
when you want to make phone calls.
The facts remain that LDM members need to practice using cell phones less in worship
and service. According to the participants, the users keep other members from having a great
experience. After all, it is a matter of respect. Scholar John C. Webb talked about teaching
children the virtue of holiness. In his dissertation, he stated, “Parents should instill holiness in
their children to guide their use of cell phones and social media beginning with the virtue of
In addition to parents’ responsibilities of training their children, it was established
earlier in this project that the church is responsible for teaching members the will of God for
their lives. As Paul wrote, “everything should be done in a fitting and orderly way” (1 Cor.
14:40, NIV). It would include cell phones to be used in that manner.
Secondly, spontaneous distractions, which happen suddenly without warning, caused
participants to lose concentration during worship and service. Scholars Brian S. Rothman, Sandy
Bledsoe, and Mark J. Rice said, “Distractions involve a thing that prevents someone from giving
full attention to something else or something that makes it difficult to think or pay attention.”
According to the participants, sudden distractions cause a loss of concentration on what is
happening in worship and service. Participants could not focus on what God was doing through
the process of the church service when spontaneous distractions happened. However, the
researcher learned from this project that believers choose if they will concentrate or not during
Geoffrey Miller, “The Smartphone Psychology Manifesto, Perspectives on Psychological Science 7,
no. 3 (May 2012): 223,
John C. Webb, "Equipping Parents at Broadmoor Baptist Church to Lead their Children to a Safe and
Biblically Guided Use of Cell Phones and Social Media" (DMin, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2020),
66, ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global.
Brian S. Rothman, Sandy Bledsoe, and Mark J. Rice, “Turn Your Attention to Distractions, Anesthesia
& Analgesia 134, no. 2 (2022), 266, DOI: 10.1213/ANE.0000000000005836.
church worship and service, which is why focusing less on sudden noises in the church will be
beneficial to members at LDM.
Third, distractions during worship and service can come from a spiritual being that the
eyes cannot see. Those distractions come from Satan. Participants in this study discussed how
Satan brings about distractions during worship and service to stop believers from accomplishing
the Will of God (John 10:10). Satan knows why the church exists. Still, he does not want the
believers to understand why they are there. Under ‘Satanic Distractions,’ participants talked
about how focusing more on God kept Satan from distracting them, so they could be about why
the church exists. The church got started by the apostles of Jesus (Acts 2:41). The apostle’s
purpose for creating the church was so the people could come together to learn about Jesus, be
baptized, lift one another, sing songs unto God, give Him the glory, and worship Him (Col. 3:16;
Ps. 34:3; Acts 2:38; Matt. 18:20; Eph. 5:19). According to theologian Offiong O. Asuquo,
Church refers to a group or association of professing Christians and to the building in which
they worship.
The researcher would not include the church to be the building because the
church does not have to be in a building. When the apostles got the church started, they went
outside the walls of the building (Jas. 5:20; Matt. 28:16-20; Acts 1:8). The church is the place
wherever there are two or more people gathered in the name of the Lord (Matt. 18:20).
Theologian Rick Warren said, “Until believers know why their church exists, they have no
foundation, motivation, and direction for ministry.
A satanic distraction is an act of Satan that
interrupts the flow of the ministry of God.
Offiong O. Asuquo, "The Role of Mass Media in Church Development in the Twenty-First Century,"
PhilPapers (2018): 2, ASUTRO-2.pdf (
Rick Warren, The Purpose Driven Church (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 1995), 81, ProQuest Ebook
Fourth, the Holy Spirit, a spiritual being that can be felt and not seen, is sent from God to
enable believers to be committed to God through their humility and with all the keeping power
needed. The Holy Spirit gives hope and helps believers to receive from God the ability to live
according to His Will. According to theologian Fuchsia Pickett, “Only the convicting work of the
Holy Spirit can bring us to a realization of our sinfulness, causing us to turn to Christ and cry for
This project introduced a valuable lesson to the participants and the researcher. After
completing this research, the researcher has some explanations for why LDM members lacked
dedication and focus during church worship and service. The four-week workshop helped the
participants learn how to pattern their lives according to the examples given by Jesus on how to
present themselves before God.
Finally, it was implicated in this project that when a person acted attentively in church,
they were spiritually mature. The researcher is aware that there is no way to measure their
dedication or focus because some people could be sitting still, acting attentively in the church but
still not focusing on the worship and service. Their mind could still be miles away. What is
important is they are not disrupting church worship and service. However, they are open to the
enemy's tricks if they are not alert. Peter wrote, “Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy, the
devil, prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour” (1 Pet. 5:8, NIV).
The researcher believes a spiritually mature person should know how to behave in church
and be respectful of the other members of the church as well as the presence of God through the
Holy Spirit. According to Paul, “we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good
works, which God prepared in advance for us to do” (Eph. 2:10, NIV). As the handiwork created
in Christ, believers should be doing His good work which does not include making and receiving
Fuchsia Pickett, Walking In The Anointing of the Holy Spirit (Lake Mary, FL: Charisma House, 2015),
6, ProQuest Ebook Central.
phone calls during church. The distractions caused by devices such as cell phones affect teachers,
according to authors Ali I. Azad, Michele R. Papakie, and Theresa McDevitt. They stated, “This
is the ultimate effect of distractions because if the teacher gets distracted, all of the class will be
affected because the teaching attention is often shifted to the distraction that the ringing cell
phone caused.”
Such distraction can hinder the work God is doing in the worship and service,
wherefore it becomes a satanic distraction.
Research Application
The researcher will apply the discovery from this research by keeping the findings from
this project before the participants, so they will not forget what they have learned. The researcher
has planned to follow up on the work done during this project. The participants have shown
tremendous improvement in their behavior since the workshop. However, the researcher
questions if participants will continue putting God first by being dedicated and focused on God
during worship and service. With observation over time and additional training in the future,
members of LDM can prove what they learned from this project through their behaviors.
Otherwise, it is impossible to say what will happen in the future. Scholars Alan Strathman and
Jeff Joireman said, “Time is the backdrop upon which life plays itself out.”
The researcher has observed the participants over the past two months and seen some
behavior changes. Everyone who participated in this project demonstrates how it is possible to be
in worship and service and not allow the distractions discussed in this project to distract them.
Azad I. Ali, Michele R. Papakie, and Theresa McDevitt, "Dealing With the Distractions of Cell Phone
Misuse/Use In the Classroom - A Case Example," Competition Forum 10, no. 2 (2012): 226,
Alan Strathman and Jeff Joireman, Understanding Behavior in the Context of Time: Theory, Research,
and Application (Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associate Publishers, 2005), 27, ProQuest Ebook Central.
However, the researcher will do a yearly one-day seminar to remind participants of what they
learned during this project. May of 2023 will be the month of the first seminar. The one-day
workshop will be a reminder so the participants will not forget the importance of being
committed to God and focused on Him when in His presence in the church. Without the project's
yearly reminders, everything would have been in vain because people learn by repetition.
During the refresher course, the researcher will ask additional questions. Once the
researcher had completed the research, the researcher realized that other questions would
enhance the participants' learning in the future. One question in particular that was absent was:
How would you handle a problem of church members lacking dedication and focus during
church worship and service? Another question missing was: What can be done in the future to
help members concentrate better during church worship and service? Some other questions were
not included, which would have enhanced the results. There is a saying that hindsight is always
more precise than sight along the way. Missionary L. Nelson Bell said, “There are many things
that we learn by experience or observation. Others we discover by experimentation, reason, and
deduction. “
Also, corrected errors make a better future.
The following section outlines the yearly seminar that the researcher plans to conduct to
keep the participants and LDM new members up to date on being committed and focused on
Table 5.1. Additions for Future Seminars.
1. Pray that God will be a part of all future seminars, and do not allow oneself to be the
2. The researcher will start new research in January to see what is unique about the subject
that is unknown to the church.
3. The researcher will notify LDM members about the upcoming seminar by the middle of
L. Nelson Bell, “A Layman and His Faith,” Christianity Today International, no 1 (1957): 19.
4. The researcher must give the date of the seminar (May 2023).
5. When the researcher sends out notifications for the event, it will include the address for
the place of the seminar.
6. The invitation for the seminar will include LDM members and all new members.
7. There will be an outline of the discussion given out with the invitation.
8. The researcher will make copies of the outline to pass out during the seminar to those
who may not have it.
9. The researcher will follow up in April with those who have agreed to participate in the
10. The researcher will make it happen and hold the seminar in May 2023.
In addition to the yearly seminars, the researcher will include in the messages at LDM
once a month the importance of respecting others and God to keep before LDM members what
they learned from this project. Peter said, “be like-minded, sympathetic, love one another, be
compassionate and humble” (1 Pet. 3:8, NIV). The believers who find themselves obeying what
Peter wrote will begin to be like Christ (Phil. 2:8). Also, the researcher is willing to have
seminars two to four times a year at another church to teach others who are eager to listen on the
importance of reverencing God and having respect for others. Hopefully, the researcher will have
the opportunity to hear from other ethnic groups in another demographic area about why they
believe people lack dedication and focus.
Research Limitations
This research had limitations, just as any other analysis dealing with predicting human
behaviors. According to author Hermann R. Muelder, “the business of predicting human
behavior is no science. It is plain common sense which requires learning from experience or
Observation is one of the tools the researcher used to determine the results of the
participant's behavior and time-limited the outcome. Scholar Anne Mulhall said, “Often, the
Hermann R. Muelder, “Predicting Human Behavior, American Association of Industrial Nurses
Journal 5, no. 5 (May 1957): 20,
primary reason for using observational methods is to check whether what people say they do is
the same as what they do.”
Another limitation of this research is that LDM church members consist of one race of
people. There was no way to determine how another ethnicity of people would have answered
the questions during the interview or what they would have said during the participation time
during the workshop. The results from this research come solely from LDM members, who were
all from the black race, except for one person. Future research done with people from different
ethnicities may bring different results.
The final limitation of this research is the inability to measure the dedication and focus of
the church members. The researcher believes that although observation indicates whether LDM
members are dedicated and focused during church worship and service, they can seem to be
focused and will not be so. What is evident through observation is the behaviors of people when
they so easily demonstrate that they are deliberately giving their attention to something other
than what is going on during church worship and service.
Future Research
There are several themes that researchers can look into in the future to continue the
research work on why people lack dedication and focus during worship and service. The
researcher will give five suggestions of what future researchers can do in the future on this topic.
The first suggestion for future researchers is to study how the word of God disciplines the life of
believers. When people are genuinely committed to the word of God, they will be willing to
allow the changes that would come about from His word. The second suggestion for future
Anne Mulhall, “In the Field: Notes on Observation In Qualitative Research,Journal of Advance
Nursing 41, no. 3 (2003), 307.
researchers would be to find ways to show how to resist satanic distractions in church.
Suggestion three for future researchers would be to build on the effect of cell phone distractions
during church worship and service. The fourth suggestion for future research would be to look
into what causes people to lack dedication and focus during church worship and service
according to a different ethnic group. Finally, the last future research work that the researcher
will suggest is a study on how the influence of the Holy Spirit helps to keep people dedicated and
focused during worship and service. The researcher hypothesizes that a future researcher that
decides to study and build on this subject will gain additional knowledge that will benefit the
church. The knowledge gained by any future research would help other churches, racial groups,
and demographic locations.
First, future researchers could benefit from studying how the Word of God can discipline
the life of believers to be dedicated and focused. This will be beneficial because it was
discovered the participants were not reading the Word of God regularly. Reading the word of
God gives believers power that they cannot get from any other source (Heb. 4:12). According to
theologian Robert Kolb, “A definition of being Christian which was redefined by Luther
characterize the believer’s life as a life initiated by God’s address to rebellious sinners and
conducted under the power and direction of God’s speaking to the faithful through oral, written,
and sacramental forms of the Word, which the Scripture outlines.
Hearing the word builds
faith in believers (Rom. 10:17). Also, the Word will give light to the believer as a lamp in
darkness (Ps. 119:105). Being dedicated to God can only come from reading and hearing His
Word (2 Tim. 3:17). The researcher can go on with the benefit of reading the Word of God daily.
However, this topic is for future research work.
Robert Kolb, "The Enduring Word of God, in Wittenberg," Lutheran Quarterly 30, no. 2 (Summer,
2016): 194.
The second suggestion of a study for future researchers would be to discover how to
resist satanic distractions in church. This research has stated how Satan distracts people during
worship and service time. Satan’s distractions come from people whom believers never thought
he would be able to go through. Any human being can be used by Satan, whether they are a
believer or non-believer. According to writer William Charlton,
There are human beings who tempt others into misbehaving. They cause distractions that
keep others from behaving well. Also, there are theological difficulties in the idea that
there are non-physical persons that are enemies of humankind and are allowed by God to
wander throughout the world (as Job puts it) to tempt human beings while bringing
accusations against them.
LDM needs to learn how to fight Satan and stop him in his track when he enters the church.
According to James, believers should Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he
will flee from you. (Jas. 4:7, NIV). Future researchers can build on that subject.
Suggestion three for future researchers would be to build on the effects of cell phones
during worship and service at church. The researcher touched the surface of this topic. A future
researcher could dig into the impact of cell phones and learn more about how they affect worship
and service time. According to scholars T. J. Lipscomb et al., cell phones affect our lives in
both positive and negative ways. Cell phones are looked at with scorn as an intrusion into
society, yet, these devices offer us security, safety, accessibility, and other benefits.
researcher sees a good research topic for someone who wants to dig into how cell phones break
the attention span of believers when they are in the presence of God. Paul said, “if you live
according to the flesh, you will die; but if by the Spirit, you put to death the misdeeds of the
body, and you will live” (Rom. 8:13, NIV). When a person allows their cell phones to be a
William Charlton, Temptation: Reflections on Matthew 6:13,” New Blackfriars 99, no 1081 (January
2018): 280.
T. J. Lipscomb et al., Cellular Phone Etiquette Among College Students, International Journal of
Consumer Studies 31, no. 1 (January 2007): 47,
distraction during worship and service, that person acts selfishly and does not respect other
people's rights. Indeed, cell phones are convenient in an emergency, but on the other hand, those
addicted to them disrespect worship and service because they cannot separate themselves from it.
Therefore, future researchers can build on this topic by discussing how a cell phone can
disrespect God and believers who want to enjoy Him through church worship and service.
The fourth suggestion for future research would be to look into what causes people to
lack dedication and focus during church worship and service according to a different ethnic
group. The participants in this study were all women except for one male. Everyone who
participated was from the same ethnicity except one person. Also, most of the participants in this
study were unchurched before becoming a member of LDM, except for two people. They were
learning church etiquette along with being a part of this research. If some did this research
among others who had been in church for many years or a different ethnicity of people, the
results would be undoubtingly different.
The fifth suggestion of a study for future researchers would be to build on the influence
of the Holy Spirit and how it can help believers to experience a more excellent church service
beginning with worship. The discovery obtained from the participants of how they did not
submit to the Holy Spirit was the root of why they were not dedicated and focused during
worship and service time. Dedication unto God can only come from allowing the Holy Spirit to
enable believers to yield to God’s will. Theologian Joel R. Beeke wrote, “The Spirit supplies
what we lack so that we press toward the mark. He enables us as believers to yield obedience to
God by the life and death of Jesus Christ.”
Participants who submit to the Holy Spirit gain
benefits. Jesus said, when He, the Spirit of truth, comes, He will guide you into all the truth. He
Joel R. Beeke, “Spiritual Disciplines for Holiness in the Life of a Minister, Unio Cum Christo 7, no 2
(January 2021): 143.
will not speak on his own; He will speak only what He hears, and He will tell you what is yet to
come. (John 16:13, NIV). Future researchers of LDM who decide to research the incredible
power of the Holy Spirit and how it enables believers to be dedicated and focus on God during
church worship and service could gain knowledge to use in the church by learning more about
this subject.
The final suggestion for future research would be to work with a control group of
participants devoid of cell phones, tablets, and iPad during church while doing a “media fast.” It
would be interesting to see how participants would deal with doing research that omits the use of
their modern-day technology. Also, it would be interesting to see how many participants in a
control group would honestly give up cell phones, tablets, and iPad during church and go on a
media fast while participating in research.
The researcher did this research because God led them to seek answers from the members
at LDM on why they lacked dedication and focus during church worship and service. It was
discovered from the participants that there were distractions that were blocking their minds while
they were in church. Those distractions that entered the church have been stealing their time
away from God and other members of LDM during church worship and service. When God
created man and women, He made them in His image to worship Him, which would include their
undivided attention. Also, Jesus gave the great commission in Matthew 28:16-20, which
commanded His follower to go out and make disciples. Making disciples can be and has been,
hindered in today’s society mainly by an obsession and addiction to technological devices. When
church members are not dedicated and focused, they lose sight of what is essential: being His
witness so all can come to know God and His Son and feel the love shown through them.
Doing this research work was profitable for the work of the ministry at LDM, and the
research work has taught the researcher and those that participated in it to go back and recommit
their lives to God. The researcher's goal for LDM was to learn how to be humble and committed
to God during worship and service time. The researcher accomplished part of the goal by
discovering from the participants what distractions kept their attention during church worship
and service. The researcher acknowledges that although measuring whether people are dedicated
and focused during church is hard to measure, specific behavior patterns will prove they were not
attentive in church. The researcher used observation to see how the members of LDM behavior
changed. Observations are important. However, there are times when what we see does not
reflect reality.
The researcher is thankful to God for the knowledge obtained in this research, which has
been very enlightening. The researcher became a student and learned a lot from the participants
during this research. Now that the researcher is over, the researcher discovered the distractions
that have been taking the attention of LDM members were something that the member was
unaware of. Now LDM members are aware of what they will need to do in the future to glorify
God during church worship and service time. The researcher prays to God that the discoveries
obtained during this project will stick to all who participated. Also, the researcher wants future
members of LDM to reap the benefits received during this project. Additionally, the researcher
hopes that some members of LDM will be future researchers who will look into doing future
research using one of the suggested topics.
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March 21, 2022
Melissa Tolbert
Chairman of The Board
Last Days Ministries, Inc.
153 Skyland Drive, E.
Locust Grove, Georgia 30248
Dear Melissa,
As a graduate student in the Rawling School of Divinity at Liberty University, I am conducting
research as part of the requirements for a Doctor of Ministry degree. The title of my research
project is A Study of Why People Lack Dedication and Focus During Church Worship and
Service Time and the purpose of my research is to find out what causes people to lack
dedication and focus during worship and service time and find a way to alleviate such a lack of
dedication and focus among LDM members.
I am writing to request your permission to conduct my research in Last Days Ministries name. I
will be contacting members of Last Days Ministries to invite them to participate in my research
Participants will be asked to contact me to schedule an interview and to participate in a 4-week
workshop, which will be once a week on Saturdays for two hours. The data will be used to help
the researcher understand why people lack dedication and focus during church worship and
service time. Participants will be presented with informed consent information before
participating. Taking part in this study is completely voluntary, and participants are welcome to
discontinue participation at any time.
Thank you for considering my request. If you choose to grant permission, please provide a
signed statement on official letterhead indicating your approval. A permission letter document is
attached for your convenience.
Maxine White
Pastor of Last Days Ministries
March 22, 2022
Maxine White
Last Days Ministries, Inc.
1374 Murphy Avenue, # 2021
Atlanta, Georgia 30310
Dear Pastor Maxine White:
After careful review of your research proposal entitled A Study of Why People Lack Dedication
and Focus During Church Worship and Service Time, I have decided to grant you permission to
conduct your study at Last Days Ministries. Also, you are permitted to invite members to
participate in the study.
Check the following boxes, as applicable:
I will provide our membership list to Maxine White, and Maxine White may use the list to
contact our members to invite them to participate in her research study.
I grant permission for Maxine White to contact the members of Last Days Ministries to invite
them to participate in her research study.
I will not provide potential participant information to Maxine White, but I agree to send her
study information to the members of Last Days Ministries on her behalf.
I am requesting a copy of the results upon study completion and/or publication.
Melissa Tolbert
Chairman of the Board
Last Days Ministries, Inc.
A Study of Why People Lack Dedication and Focus During Church Worship and Service Time
Are you 18 years of age or older?
Are you willing to participate in research on being dedicated and focused during
worship and service time at church?
If you answered yes to each of the questions listed above, you may be eligible to
participate in a research study.
The purpose of this research study is to discover why people lack dedication and focus
during church worship and service time.
Participants will be asked to spend 2 hours on Saturday in a seminar for four weeks. The
Seminar will begin at 11:00 am and will end at 1:00 pm on each day.
Participants will not be compensated for participating in this study. A direct benefit that
participants will gain from this research is knowledge to help advance the Kingdom of
God. Also, Participants will be entered into a raffle for one of 4 visa gift cards, (the first
gift card will be $100.00, the second gift card will be $50.00, and there will be 2 gift
cards of $25.00) which will take place on day three.
If you would like to participate, please contact the researcher at or through
one of the two email addresses or
Research Participants Needed
A consent document will be given to you within one week after you agree to participate in this
Maxine White, a doctoral candidate in the John W. Rawling School of Divinity at
Liberty University is conducting this study.
Please contact Maxine White at or for more
Liberty University IRB 1971 University Blvd., Green Hall 2845, Lynchburg, VA 24515
Title of the Project: A Study of Why People lack Dedication and Focus During Church
Worship and Service Time.
Principal Investigator: Maxine White, Doctoral Candidate, Liberty University
Invitation to be part of a Research Study
You are invited to participate in a research study. To participate, you must be 18 years old or
older and be affiliated with Last Days Ministries and be available on the dates of the seminar.
Taking part in this research project is voluntary.
Please take time to read this entire form and ask questions before deciding whether to take part in
this research.
What is the study about and why is it being done?
The purpose of the study is to find some answers to why people lack dedication and focus while
in church worship and service. This research will not only look into what causes people to lack
dedication and focus during church worship and service time, but it will also find a way to
alleviate some of the problems from the distractions. The research will show that people who are
dedicated and focused during the time set aside for worshipping and serving God are those who
worship Him in Spirit and Truth and wants to demonstrate their love for Him.
What will happen if you take part in this study?
If you agree to be in this study, I will ask you to do the following things:
1. Be available to meet once a week on Saturdays for four weeks during the hours of 11:00
am and 1:00 pm.
2. Participate in the application section on the last day of the workshop by giving your input
on how this research work can be applied to your life.
3. Be okay with the use of a recorder during the interview.
How could you or others benefit from this study?
Participants should not expect to receive a direct benefit from participating in the seminar.
However, Participants will be entered into a raffle for one of 4 visa gift cards (the first gift card
will be $100.00, the second gift card will be $50.00, and there will be 2 gift cards for $25.00).
Benefits to society include the ability to use the information from this research for the betterment
of ministry concerning being dedicated and focused during worship and service time at church.
What risks might you experience from being in this study?
The risks involved in this study are rare to none, which means they are equal to the risks you
would encounter in your everyday life.
How will personal information be protected?
The records of this study will be kept private. Research records will be stored securely, and only
the researchers will have access to the records. Data collected from you may be shared for use in
future research studies or with other researchers. If data from you is shared, any information that
could identify you, if applicable, will be removed before the data is shared.
Participants' responses will be anonymous. Participants’ responses will be kept
confidential. Interviews will be conducted in a location where others will not easily
overhear the conversation
Data will be stored on a password-locked computer and may be used in future
presentations. After three years, all electronic records will be deleted.
The interviews/question and answering section will be stored on a password-locked
computer for three years and then erased. Only the researcher will have access to these
Any published reports will not include confidential information that was shared by
participants and will not disclose participant identities. Also, the only limit to
confidentiality; while discouraged, is other participants in the seminar may share what
was discussed with persons outside of the group.
How will you be compensated for being part of the study?
Participants will not be compensated for participating in this study. However, participants will be
entered into a raffle for one of 4 visa gift cards (the first gift card will be $100.00, the second gift
card will be $50.00, and there will be 2 gift cards for $25.00). The raffle will take place at the
end of the seminar.
What are the costs to you to be part of the study?
To participate in the research, you will need to pay for gas to and from the seminar.
Does the researcher have any conflicts of interest?
The researcher serves as a doctoral candidate at Liberty University. To limit potential conflicts
the study will be anonymous, so the grading authority will not know who participated. This
disclosure is made so that you can decide if this relationship will affect your willingness to
participate in this study. No action will be taken against an individual based on his or her
decision to participate or not participate in this study.
Is study participation voluntary?
Participation in this study is voluntary. Your decision whether or not to participate will not affect
your current or future relations with Liberty University or with the Researcher. If you decide to
participate, you are free to not answer any question or withdraw at any time without affecting
those relationships.
What should you do if you decide to withdraw from the study?
If you choose to withdraw from the study, please inform the researcher that you wish to
discontinue your participation, and do not submit your study materials. Your responses will not
be recorded or included in the study.
Whom do you contact if you have questions or concerns about the study?
The researcher conducting this study is Maxine White. You may ask any questions you have
now. If you have questions later, you are encouraged to contact her at , or
. You may also contact the researcher’s faculty sponsor, Dr. Darren
Hercyk, at .
Whom do you contact if you have questions about your rights as a research participant?
If you have any questions or concerns regarding this study and would like to talk to someone
other than the researcher, you are encouraged to contact the Institutional Review Board, 1971
University Blvd., Green Hall Ste. 2845, Lynchburg, VA 24515 or email at [email protected].
Disclaimer: The Institutional Review Board (IRB) is tasked with ensuring that human subjects
research will be conducted in an ethical manner as defined and required by federal regulations.
The topics covered and viewpoints expressed or alluded to by student and faculty researchers
are those of the researchers and do not necessarily reflect the official policies or positions of
Liberty University.
Your Consent
By signing this document, you are agreeing to be in this study. Make sure you understand what
the study is about before you sign. You will be given a copy of this document for your records.
The researcher will keep a copy of the study records. If you have any questions about the study
after you sign this document, you can contact the study team using the information provided
I have read and understood the above information. I have asked questions and have received
answers. I consent to participate in the study.
The researcher has my permission to video me as part of my participation in this study.
Printed Subject Name
Signature & Date
1. Tell me about your earliest church memories.
2. How relaxed was the atmosphere in the church?
3. What type of things did you witness in the church?
4. Was there full participation when it came to the worship service?
5. Was your previous pastor a teacher, and if so, could you understand his teaching?
6. How dedicated were you during the worship and service time?
7. Could you focus during worship and service time?
8. Can you tell me why you believe some LDM members lack dedication and focus during
church worship and service time?
9. Who would you say is the recipient of your dedication and focus during worship and
service time? Why do you say that?
10. When you think of the word focus, what comes to mind?
11. How does it make you feel when members get to the church late, walk, talk, chew gum,
and keep their ringer on during church worship and service time?
12. Tell me in your words, what does it mean to experience good church worship and service
13. Since you have been a part of Last Days Ministries church, have you had a good worship
and service experience? If not, how can you have a better worship and service
14. What are some benefits gotten from participating in church worship and service?
15. Whose job is it to make new disciples and make sure they experience God through the
worship and service at church?
16. Do you have a leadership role at LDM? If so, what is your job function?
17. What is a disciple of Jesus?
18. What is the Holy Spirit's role in a believer's life?
19. What does it mean to have a mighty move of the Holy Spirit?
20. Do you believe having dedication and focus during church has anything to do with your
growth in doing the things required by God for you to do?
Week One
11:00 am to 11:05 am Make sure everyone has signed a consent form
11:05 am to 11:30 am Creation, and The Fall of Man
11:30 am to 12:00 pm General Revelation and Man’s Ability to Perceive God’s
12:00 pm to 12:30 am God’s love for man
12:03 pm to 1:00 pm Repentance
Week Two
11:00 am to 11:30 am Jesus and Being His Disciple
11:30 am to 12:00 pm The Holy Spirit
12:00 pm to 1:00 pm The Transforming Power of The Holy Spirit
Week Three
11:00 am to 12:00 pm Why There is Church Worship Time
12:00 pm to 1:00 pm Why The Church Meet and Have Service Time
Week Four
11:00 am to 11:30 am Lack of Dedication and Focus during Church Worship and
11:30 am to 12:00 pm Cause and Effects From Lack of Dedication and Focus and How
Others and The Word of God Address Such Things
12:00 pm to 12:45 pm Applying the Knowledge of This Research to Your Daily Lives
(The last 15 minutes of this section are open for discussion and ideas from LDM
members concerning what is applicable from this research that they can use in their lives)
12:45 pm to 1:00 pm Draw names out of Raffle Jar and give out Visa Gift cards to
winners whose names come out of the Jar.
1. What was the most impactful lesson that you learned from the workshop?
2. Will you make any changes in your life based on the information that impacted you
during this workshop?
3. According to the workshop’s discussion, what were the top two reasons LDM members
cannot focus during church worship and service time?
4. Should cell phones be put on silent while a person is in church? If not, will a cell phone
distract you and keep you from enjoying church?
5. What did you learn about dedication during church worship and service time from this
6. What scripture/s taught in this workshop instructs participants on being dedicated to
worshiping and serving God?
7. When you send your children to school, should they be dedicated and focused while the
teacher is teaching, or should they be concerned about keeping their cell phones on so
they can hear from their family and friends during that time?
8. What things would an earthly boss do if they discovered you were not dedicated and
focused while doing that job?
9. What is the job of a believing Christian?
10. In what way is God different from an earthly boss regarding dedication and your focus on
the job?
11. What does it mean to you to be devoted to God or someone?
12. Is God concerned with LDM members’ ability to focus? Why or why not?
13. Who comes to steal, kill, and destroy?
14. Do distractions steal the time that you have set aside to worship and serve God? Why and
does the enemy have anything to do with the distraction?
15. What are a couple of things you can do to stop the enemy from stealing your attention
during worship and service time?
16. What does it mean to love God?
17. How did God show His love toward us?
18. What can you teach others about being dedicated and focused?
19. What is the role of the Holy Spirit in the life of believers?
20. How will you apply what you have learned from this workshop to your life?
Dear Minister Dorothy Jackson:
As a graduate student in the School of John W. Rawling School of Divinity at Liberty
University, I am conducting research as part of the requirements for a Doctoral of Ministry
degree. The purpose of my research is to study why people lack dedication and focus during
church worship and service time, and I am writing to invite eligible participants to join my study.
Participants must be 18 years of age or older, be a member of Last Days Ministries, or be
affiliated with Last Days Ministries. Participants, if willing, will be asked to be available once a
week on Saturdays for four weeks for a workshop. The workshop will last 2 hours from 11 am to
1 pm. Also, I will need to schedule two interviews with you. The first interview with you will
occur before the date of the workshop, and it will last 30 minutes. The second interview will
occur two weeks after the workshop, and it too will last for 30 minutes. It should take
approximately 7 weeks to complete the project from the interview date to the workshop dates,
and the completion of the second interview. Participation will be completely anonymous, and no
personal, identifying information will be collected.
To participate, please contact me at or by email at
for more information and to schedule an interview.
A consent document is attached to this email. The consent document contains additional
information about my research. If you choose to participate, you will need to sign the consent
document and return it to me at the time of the interview. Contacting me to set up an interview
time will indicate that you have read the consent information and would like to take part in the
Participants will be entered in a raffle to receive one of 4 Visa gift cards. The first gift card will
be for $100.00, the second gift card will be for $50.00, and there will be two gift cards for
Maxine White
Workshop Day One Handout
Genesis 1:1-2:7, John 1:1-5
Facts About Creation
1. God is the creator (Gen. 1:1-2:7)
2. The Word of God (Jesus) was with Him from the beginning (Gen. 1:1; John 1:1-3).
3. God created a dwelling place before He created man (Gen. 1:3-19).
4. God created vegetation before He created man Gen. 1:11-13).
5. God created animals before He created man (Gen. 1:20-25).
6. God Created Man in His image and after His likeness (Gen. 1:26-27).
7. God communicated with the first man. (Gen. 1:28-30; 2:16-17; 3:9, 11-19, 22).
8. God expected the first man to obey Him and worship Him as the supreme Being (Gen.
2:16-17, 28; 3:9-19, and Isa. 45:18).
Worship - Giving adoration unto God. Whitney said, “worship is sincerity to God in our acts
of worship. It is giving back to God by getting the heart involved and allowing the Holy
Spirit to motivate the responses given according to the truth that comes out of the scriptures
about God.”
The Fall of Man
1. Adam and Eve disobeyed God’s command (Gen. 3:1-19)
2. God separated Himself from humans because of their sin (Gen. 3:24; Rom. 5:12)
General Revelation
General Revelation- The ability God gave man to perceive His existence through His creation.
According to Erickson, “the general revelation of God has been found in three areas: nature,
history, and humanity.
Scriptures References On General Revelation
1. Nature Revealing of God (Ps. 19:1-4; Rom. 1:18-20 and Acts 14:17).
Whitney, Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life, 89.
Erickson, Christian Theology, 121.
2. History Revealing of God (Heb. 1:1-3; Rom. 15:4; Amos 3:7).
3. Humanity Revealing of God (Gen. 1:26-27; 1 Cor. 2:16).
God’s Love For Man
1. God’s promise to Abraham (Gen. 17:4-7)
2. God’s promise to David (2 Sam. 7: 11b-16)
3. God’s love for humanity (John 3:16-17).
4. Salvation through the grace of God (Eph. 2:8-9)
5. Justification through Jesus (Rom. 5:18-19)
Repentance To have a change of heart and change the course of action of one’s behavior.
Erickson said, “It stresses the importance of a conscious moral separation, the necessity of
forsaking sin and entering into fellowship with God.”
Why Repent
1. Sin caused death to be a penalty for all human beings (Rom. 5:12; 6:23).
2. The Blood of Jesus (Heb. 9:22; 1 John 1:7).
3. Confession that Jesus is Lord (Rom. 10:9-10; Acts 2:38).
4. The human’s heart is wicked (Mark 7:21-23).
5. A change of heart (Rom. 10:10).
6. Jesus preached repentance (Matt. 4:17, Luke 5:32).
Erickson, Christian Theology, 866.
Workshop Day Two Handout
Jesus and Being His Disciple
1. Jesus is the Alpha and Omega (Isa. 44:6, 48:12; John 1:1-3; Rev. 1:8, 2:8, 21:6-7).
2. Jesus is the Son of God (Matt. 3:17, 17:5; John 1:14, 14:13; Mark 5:7).
3. Jesus the Redeemer (John 1:29; Gal. 4:5; Eph. 1:7)
4. Being a Disciple of Jesus (Matt. 16:24; Mark 9:31; Matt. 28: 16-20; Matt. 9:37).
Disciple: This is a person who learns from Jesus, denies themselves, takes up their cross, and
follows Him, so they can learn the things that He taught about God. Dallas Willard states, “A
disciple is a learner, a student, an apprentice, a practitioner, even if only a beginner.”
The Holy Spirit
1. The Spirit is the third person of the Trinity (1 John 5:7; 2 Cor. 3:17)
2. The Spirit is the teacher (John 14:25-26; 1 John 2:27).
3. The Spirit is the one who speaks through you (Matt. 10:20; Luke 12:12).
4. The Spirit is the power and help from above (Acts 1:8; John 14:16).
The Transforming Power of the Holy Spirit
Transform: The act that causes a person to change their mind from one state to another. Pettit
stated that this is “allowing the empowering presence of God to transform us into the image of
Christ according to the will of the Father.
1. The Holy Spirit changes the mind (2 Cor. 3:18. 5:17; Rom. 12:2; Eph. 4:22-24).
2. The heart is changed (Eph. 3:16-17; Gal. 4:6; Ps. 33:21; Matt. 22:37).
3. A behavior change comes through the Spirit (Gal. 5:22-23; Eph. 5:18-20; Phil. 2:13).
Willard, The Great Omission, xi.
Pettit, Foundations of Spiritual Formation, 60.
Appendix L
Workshop Day Three Handout
The Church Worship Time
Worship: Giving adoration unto God. Whitney said, “worship is sincerity to God in our acts of
worship. It is giving back to God by getting the heart involved and allowing the Holy Spirit to
motivate the responses given according to the truth that comes out of the scriptures about
1. Give Adoration to God (Isa. 65:3; 1 Chron. 16:29; Ps. 29:2; Hab. 2:20).
2. Love the Lord with all your being (Deut. 6:5, 10:12, 11:1; Matt. 22:37; 2 John 1:6).
3. Meditate on the Word of God (Isa. 26:3; Col. 3:2; Matt. 6:33; Heb. 3:1-2; Josh. 1:8).
4. Worship God through music (Ps. 95:1, 150:1-6; Col. 3:16; Heb. 13:15).
Church Service: A gathering of Christians to worship and honor God. According to Walter A.
Elwell, “the service was established by the Apostles and was a simple service, with the climactic
event of the weekly service on the Lord’s Day being the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper.”
1. Why do people participate in church rituals (Heb. 10:25; Ps. 133:1-3; Matt. 16:18, 28:16-
20; Heb. 2:12)?
2. The church is a hospital for the sick (Mark 2:17; James 5:14-16; Matt. 15:30).
Whitney, Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life, 89.
Elwell, Evangelical Dictionary of Theology, 1301.
Workshop Day Four Handout
Dedication: Being zealous about something or someone. The act of loyalty by a person to a
subject. According to Beals,“ dedication has some kind of value in virtue of its relationship to
robust integrity, but that it also has intrinsic value.”
1. Dedicated disciples (1 John 5:3; Acts 2:42; Luke 10:39; Mark 4:1-9)
2. Dedicated to learning by asking questions (Luke 11:1; Matt. 18:1; Luke 2:46).
3. Dedication to the church (1 King 8:61; James 1:22; Prov. 16:3)
4. Dedicated to Serve (Col. 3:17, 23; Gal. 6:9)
Focus: Give all of one’s attention to a subject without outside interference. According to Daniel
Goleman, Grant, Jen Su, Hougaard, and Thomas, “focus means thinking about one thing while
filtering out distraction.”
1. Be focused on God alone (Matt. 6:24; Rom. 12:2; Matt. 6:33; 1 Chron. 16:11; Matt.
2. Focus on the Word of God (Ezra 7:10; 2 Tim. 2:15; Acts 17:11; Ps. 25:15; Heb. 4:12;
John 6:63; Matt. 4:4).
Why LDM Members lack Dedication and Focus
1. Satan steals the attention of believers (John 10:10; 1 Pet. 5:8; Eph. 10:11-12)
2. Believers have temptation because of their desires (James 1:14; Rom. 8:5-7).
Beals, "The Importance of Dedication," 4.
Goleman et al., Focus, 3.
3. Each person will be asked to fill in the blank. LDM members lack dedication and
focus during church worship and service because _______________________.
Open Discussion
Please answer the two questions below regarding the information discussed over the last four
1. How would you apply the information from this worship to your life?
2. As a disciple of Jesus, can you genuinely say that you are ready to fulfill the great
commission? If so, what would be your first steps in making disciples?
Raffle Drawing
Practical Guidance For Becoming Dedicated and Focus
1. Pray and read your Bible Daily.
2. Try to get into the church 5 to 10 minutes before the time for service so you can speak to
other members before the start of the service. This way, you can give God the glory due
to His Name (Ps. 29:2).
3. When someone comes into the service late, do not allow that to distract you from the
worship and service time (1 Cor. 7:35). Keep your mind focused so you can praise God
with your whole heart (Ps. 103:1-4)
4. Please place your cell phone on silent during worship and service time so it will not
distract other church members (Eph. 4:32).
5. Please go to the restroom before the service start. If you are a person who has kidney
problems and has to use the bathroom constantly, please sit as close to the aisle as
possible so you can easily access the restroom.
6. Please consider others who want a good worship experience (Phil. 2:3). If you are late for
church, tiptoe in as quietly as possible.
7. Please carry your children out of the service if you have to discipline them. Do not
exasperate them during service (Eph. 6:4).
8. Remember to worship God in Spirit and Truth (John 4:24).
9. Remember, the Word of God tells us we should know how to conduct ourselves in the
House of the Lord (1 Tim. 3:15).
10. Through His Holy Spirit, God can accomplish discipline in you so He can get the glory
(Eph. 3:20-21). Therefore, allow the Holy Spirit to guide you.
TO: Maxine White, Maxine White, Darren Hercyk
FROM: Liberty University IRB
DATE: Apr 5, 2022
RE: Notice of Receipt of Initial Submission on Apr 5, 2022 4:02:01 PM EDT
STUDY #: IRB-FY21-22-923
STUDY TITLE: A Study on Why People Lack Dedication and Focus During Church Worship
and Service Time
Your IRB submission for the above-referenced study has been received by the Liberty University
IRB via Cayuse IRB. You will be notified if further information is needed.
Once an analyst is assigned to review your study, it will be listed as “in pre-review” in Cayuse
until it is ready for approval. A pre-review status does not mean that our review has not begun.
Please note, both our preliminary and subsequent reviews may take 15-20 business days to
Please see our website for information on how to revise your study once it is returned to you.
Thank you,
Research Ethics Office
Liberty University | Training Champions for Christ since 1971