Journal of Student-Run Clinics
Original Study | J Stud Run Clin 8;1 | 1
CareMessage Text Usage Increases Appointment
Adherence in a Student-Run Free Clinic
Evan J Chen
; Peter Hoang
; Katherine Garcia
; Nicholas Richwagen
; Magdalena Pasarica, MD, PhD
University of Central Florida College of Medicine, Orlando, Florida, USA
Corresponding Author: Magdalena Pasarica MD, PhD; email: magdalena.p[email protected]u
Published: April 21, 2022
Introduction: Keeping Neighbors in Good Health Through Service Clinic is a student-run, multidisci-
plinary free clinic dedicated to providing healthcare to uninsured, low-income patients in Central Flor-
ida. A quality improvement project was performed to decrease the rate of patient no-shows via alter-
ing the patient appointment communication method.
Methods: A needs assessment was performed from June 2017 to March 2018 (n=104 patients). The
intervention was implemented over an 18-month period, from April 2018 to September 2019 (n=243
patients). The intervention changed the communication method with patients such that they re-
ceived appointment reminder texts two days before their appointments and responded to confirm or
cancel their appointments. Phone calls were used for rescheduling, confirming cancellations, or con-
tacting patients who had not responded to the CareMessage text. The Mann-Whitney U test was uti-
lized for comparison of appointment no-shows, number of phone calls made, and number of patients
scheduled per clinic between pre- and post-intervention groups.
Results: The needs assessment showed that the average number of no-shows was 0.80 per clinic,
while the average number of no-shows post-intervention was 0.26 per clinic (p=0.040). The average
number of patients scheduled per clinic pre- and post-intervention was 6.90 and 7.84 (p=0.370), re-
spectively. The average number of patients seen per clinic pre- and post-intervention was 5.93 and
6.74 (p=0.640), respectively. The average number of phone calls made weekly was 9.13 per clinic pre-
intervention and 3.23 post-intervention (p<0.001).
Conclusion: CareMessage is effective in reducing appointment no-shows and the number of follow-
up phone calls made for appointment reminders. This intervention is important for increasing patient
continuity of care, access to care, and clinic efficiency.
High numbers of patient appointment no-
shows adversely impact clinic efficiency, produc-
tivity, and patient care. The increasing use of mo-
bile technology, especially smartphones, has of-
fered physicians a rapid and automated ap-
proach to patient communication. Multiple stud-
ies have demonstrated that text messaging re-
minder services in healthcare can significantly
decrease the number of clinic appointment no-
For instance, a meta-analysis reviewed a
series of 18 randomized controlled trials and ob-
servational studies to assess patient attendance
rates. They concluded that the use of text mes-
sage reminders increased the likelihood of pa-
tient attendance by 50% when compared to con-
trol (no reminders).
When specifically examining
underserved communities, a 2016 study explored
the impact of text message reminders on ap-
pointment adherence in a community health
center. They concluded that patients who re-
ceived text message reminders had a lower pro-
portion of appointment no-shows compared to
those who did not.
However, there are only few
studies that assessed the use and impact of mo-
bile technology and text message reminder sys-
tems in free clinics serving low-income
Journal of Student-Run Clinics | CareMessage Text Usage Increases Appointment Adherence in a Student-Run Free Clinic | J Stud Run Clin 8;1 | 2
We sought to improve patient appointment
adherence in order to improve clinic efficiency at
the Keeping Neighbors in Good Health Through
Service (KNIGHTS) Clinic, a student-run multidis-
ciplinary free clinic that provides healthcare to
uninsured patients living 200% below the federal
poverty level in Central Florida. In the past, medi-
cal student care coordinators at KNIGHTS clinic
confirmed patient appointments through direct
phone calls. This mode of communication proved
to be ineffective due to discrepancies between
care coordinator and patient schedules, which of-
ten resulted in numerous patient no-shows and
last-minute cancellations. CareMessage (CM)
(2012, San Francisco, California) is a non-profit or-
ganization that developed a messaging platform
in 2012 aimed at improving patient-provider
communication in underserved healthcare set-
tings. The CM platform allowed student care co-
ordinators to reach patients with the Health In-
surance Portability and Accountability Act pro-
tection on any mobile device in English or Span-
ish languages. This manuscript aims to evaluate
the efficacy of the CM platform in improving pa-
tient scheduling and appointment confirmation
for underserved populations in Central Florida.
KNIGHTS Clinic operates at Grace Medical
Home (GMH), an establishment that provides
comprehensive care for underserved patients in
Central Florida. GMH provides the facility as well
as necessary medical and laboratory supplies for
the student-run free clinic. A total of 347 low-in-
come, uninsured patients with scheduled pri-
mary care or specialty care appointments at
KNIGHTS Clinic were involved in this quality im-
provement study. Clinic sessions were held on a
bimonthly basis. During each clinic, up to 10 ap-
pointments could be scheduled. The study inter-
vention involved full implementation of the CM
text message system for confirmation of patient
appointments. Of the total study population, 104
patients were studied prior to intervention over a
10-month needs assessment period (June 2017-
March 2018), and 243 were studied post-interven-
tion over an 18-month period (April 2018-Septem-
ber 2019). The inclusion criteria of the study con-
sisted of established patients at KNIGHTS Clinic
who signed up for receiving CM texts on their
phones. No other opt-in process was required for
signing up for receiving CM texts. Exclusion crite-
ria consisted of patients who turned down or
opted out of receiving CM texts as well as patients
Figure 1. Sample view of the CareMessage system
Journal of Student-Run Clinics | CareMessage Text Usage Increases Appointment Adherence in a Student-Run Free Clinic | J Stud Run Clin 8;1 | 3
whose appointments were confirmed by staff of
GMH instead of KNIGHTS Clinic.
A KNIGHTS Clinic CM account was made on
the CM website. Patients were enrolled into the
system by GMH when they signed up to receive
CM texts. Appointment reminders were set up by
inputting a patient's phone number as well as ap-
pointment date, time, and location. Automated
appointment reminder texts were subsequently
sent to patients two days prior to their appoint-
ments as follows: “Your appointment is on [day
and date] at [time]. Text YES to confirm, NO to de-
cline, or STOP.” Patients whose primary or pre-
ferred language was Spanish received the re-
minders in the Spanish format. A status of “Go-
ing” seen next to the patient’s name on the CM
website indicated that the patient had confirmed
their appointment A status of “Not Going” indi-
cated that they had declined their appointment.
If a patient did not respond to the message, a sta-
tus of “No Response” was shown. A sample view
of the CM system is shown in Figure 1. Phone calls
were made via the Google Voice app (2019-2021,
Google, Mountain View, California), and were only
used for rescheduling, confirming cancellations,
or contacting patients who had not responded to
the CM text.
Patients’ appointment statuses were collected
directly from the KNIGHTS Clinic CM platform.
Appointment attendance was then verified via
the patient electronic medical records (EMR). The
outcome variables of the study for both the
needs assessment (pre-intervention) and post-in-
tervention included the following: 1) average
number of patients scheduled per clinic, 2) aver-
age number of patients seen during each clinic,
3) average number of appointment no-shows per
clinic, 4) average number of confirmed and can-
celed appointments via CM, and 5) average num-
ber of phone calls made to patients weekly. Data
for each variable were collected via reviewing of
the CM website and patient phone logs within
the EMR. They were subsequently entered into
Excel (Version 2203 Build 16.0.15028.20152, Mi-
crosoft, Redmond Washington) spreadsheets
where access was limited to only those who
needed it. No identifying patient information (e.g.
name, demographics) was collected.
The study data did not meet the assumptions
of normality based on the Shapiro-Wilk test;
therefore, a non-parametric test was used for
analysis. The Mann-Whitney U test was used for
comparison of appointment no-shows, number
of phone calls made, and number of patients
scheduled per clinic between the pre- and post-
intervention groups. All data were analyzed at the
conclusion of the data collection using Excel. An
of 0.05 was the threshold used to determine data
significance. A statistician from the University of
Central Florida College of Medicine was con-
sulted for data analysis. The University of Central
Florida Institutional Review Board office ap-
proved this study as not a human study research.
During the needs assessment (pre-interven-
tion), a total number of 104 patients (n=104) were
scheduled for primary or specialty care appoint-
ments, with 89 patients seen at the clinic and 12
no-shows. After the intervention, a total of 243 pa-
tients (n=243) were scheduled, with 209 patients
seen and 8 no-shows. A total number of 137 and
100 phone calls were made to patients pre- and
post-intervention, respectively. The average
number of phone calls made per patient was 1.32
pre-intervention and 0.41 post-intervention, with
a 69% reduction in the number of phone calls
made per patient. The average number of phone
calls made weekly to patients was 9.13 pre-inter
Table 1. Data collected pre- or post-intervention
Number pre-intervention
Number post-intervention
Patients scheduled per day
Patients seen per day
No shows per day
Phone calls made per week
Journal of Student-Run Clinics | CareMessage Text Usage Increases Appointment Adherence in a Student-Run Free Clinic | J Stud Run Clin 8;1 | 4
Figure 2. The impact of CareMessage on the
number of patients scheduled and seen and
phone calls made per week
*** = p<0.050
Figure 3. The impact of CareMessage on patient
no-shows per day
*** = p<0.050
vention and 3.23 post-intervention (p<0.001) (Ta-
ble 1, Figure 2). The average number of patients
scheduled per clinic pre- and post-intervention
was 6.93 and 7.84 (p=0.370), respectively (Table 1,
Figure 2). The average number of patients seen
per clinic pre- and post-intervention was 5.93 and
6.74 (p=0.640), respectively (Table 1, Figure 2). The
average number of appointment no-shows pre-
intervention was 0.80 per clinic, while the aver-
age number post-intervention was 0.26 per clinic
(p=0.040) (Table 1, Figure 3). The data suggest a
67.5% decrease in the number of appointment
no-shows after the implementation of the CM
text confirmation system.
Over the 18-month intervention period, a total
of 223 CM text messages was sent to patients,
with 150 confirmations and 25 cancellations via
text. An average of 7.20 text messages were sent
prior to each clinic. The average number of con-
firmed texts was 4.84 per clinic, and the average
number of cancellation texts was 0.81 per clinic.
Many studies have assessed the effect of text
message reminder systems on clinic operations
and patient continuity of care in various clinical
settings. Text message reminders compared to
telephone reminders are more cost-effective and
have been shown to improve appointment at-
tendance rates thereby allowing optimal routine
However, few studies have specifically
assessed its application in underserved popula-
tions seen in student-run clinics. To the best of
our knowledge, there have been minimal studies
conducted by free or student-run clinics.
ous research conducted with underserved adult
patients in a community health center and low-
income, minority pediatric patients in commu-
nity-based clinics demonstrated significantly in-
creased attendance to their appointments with
text message appointment reminders.
Our pro-
ject explored the role of the CM text confirmation
system in reducing appointment no-shows
among underserved patients. The study findings
agree with those from other studies evaluating
text message-based reminders in other primary
and specialty care clinics.
In our student-run
free clinic, the implementation of a text-based re-
minder system effectively reduced the number
of appointment no-shows. In addition, the CM
system resulted in fewer phone calls to patients
Journal of Student-Run Clinics | CareMessage Text Usage Increases Appointment Adherence in a Student-Run Free Clinic | J Stud Run Clin 8;1 | 5
and more patients seen at the clinic each week.
These findings suggest the increased efficacy of
a text-based reminder system in comparison to
other methods of communication such as direct
phone calls and voicemails.
The observed increase in appointment compli-
ance is likely related to increased patient conven-
ience in responding to appointment reminders
and text messaging being a preferred method of
communication. Possible challenges with direct
phone calls included conflicts with patient work
schedules and subsequent inability to answer the
phone, as well as discrepancies in the call-back
numbers they received; some patients only had
the direct line to GMH instead of KNIGHTS Clinic’s
own Google Voice number. Although there are
multiple likely explanations, further study is re-
quired to explore reasons why patients prefer
text-based reminders to conventional phone
calls and voicemails. Additionally, a survey on pa-
tient satisfaction with the CM system could pro-
vide valuable information to optimize the plat-
form at KNIGHTS Clinic. Other variables that may
influence the reduction in appointment no-
shows may involve scheduled care types or sea-
sons. For instance, patients participating in fol-
low-up or specialty care may be more likely to
show up to their appointments due to the rela-
tionship they have established with the
healthcare provider and the acuity of their medi-
cal condition, respectively. Patients may also be
more likely to show up to appointments during
the flu season. However, these variables are less
likely confounders as the study data were col-
lected year-round.
The CM system substantially decreased the av-
erage number of phone calls made weekly to pa-
tients which allowed for additional clinic prepara-
tion time and more scheduled patient appoint-
ments per clinic. The number of patients seen at
each clinic did not change significantly; this could
be attributed to attending physician no-shows.
Additional research should be conducted to
identify other contributing factors. The reduction
in appointment no-shows enhanced patient con-
tinuity of care and access to care due to increased
patient attendance at our clinic. Increased pa-
tient continuity of care may also improve patient
care satisfaction; however, additional studies
should be performed to examine the relationship
between continuity of care and patient satisfac-
tion. The significant reduction in no-shows also
provided more learning opportunities for stu-
dents involved in patient care. Although not
quantitatively measured, the CM system may
also contribute to improved clinic workflow, as
student care coordinators were able to assist the
clinic staff with patient check-ins and registra-
tions. Further research on the impact of the CM
system on clinic workflow is necessary to support
this conclusion and to explore the relationship
between text reminders, enhanced patient out-
comes, and student education.
An important limitation of this study is that no
patient demographic data was collected since
this study was originally a quality improvement
project. An additional study incorporating pa-
tient demographics would allow for the assess-
ment of the reproducibility of the results of this
study and external validity. The CM platform does
not indicate whether a patient has read the text
message or not. Therefore, it could be difficult to
determine whether a patient had a recent
change in phone number, leading to loss to fol-
low-up. The CM platform also does not show the
percentage of patients who had opted out of re-
ceiving text messages, and no data was collected
to indicate the percentage of patients who had
opted in to receive text messages. Therefore, fur-
ther evidence for the utility of this technology for
most patients cannot be confirmed, but this can
be addressed in future studies. Another im-
portant limitation of this study is the difference in
sample size between the pre- and post-interven-
tion groups. To address this limitation, a future
study should enroll more patients and run for a
longer duration to obtain more data. Further data
collection and analysis would also increase the ef-
fect size of the study. Finally, although the study
data demonstrated statistical significance in the
reduction of appointment no-shows, the clinical
significance of this result may be questionable as
both pre- and post-intervention groups averaged
<1 patient no-show per clinic day. However, the
study data demonstrated both a statistical and
clinical significance in the reduction of phone
calls made weekly to patients.
The CM text message system is a simple appli-
cation interface that sends scheduled and auto-
mated appointment reminder messages to
Journal of Student-Run Clinics | CareMessage Text Usage Increases Appointment Adherence in a Student-Run Free Clinic | J Stud Run Clin 8;1 | 6
patients and allows for monitoring of patient re-
sponses. Clinics hoping to implement such a
platform should keep in mind the following: 1)
they must register patients for receiving CM texts
on their phones; 2) they must verify that the pa-
tient’s number is a mobile number and not a
landline; 3) patients may opt out of receiving CM
texts at any time by replying “STOP” to the text
message system; 4) the clinic staff may com-
municate with patients directly in real-time to
help address any concerns; 5) the system only
provides automated messages in the English or
Spanish language, thus messages sent to pa-
tients who are non-English or non-Spanish
speaking must be individualized to their respec-
tive languages; and most importantly, 6) the el-
derly population may not have sufficient techno-
logical literacy, and proper education, such as via
handouts, on operating text messaging applica-
tions on their phones must be provided to them
if needed. Although beyond the scope of this
study, the CM system also provides other forms of
patient communication, including the ability to
do the following: 1) deliver pre-appointment in-
structions such as fasting for laboratory blood
draws; 2) collect patient satisfaction surveys re-
garding the use of the CM platform; 3) provide ed-
ucational information to patients such as dietary
restrictions appropriate for managing their blood
pressure or smoking cessation; and 4) update pa-
tients on the status of their specialty referrals. The
CM system could be used in the future at
KNIGHTS Clinic to serve in other forms of patient
communication, such as prescription pick-up
and specialty referral reminders; additional stud-
ies should explore these potential uses.
Our quality improvement study demonstrates
that implementing text-based clinic appoint-
ment reminders reduces the amount of time
spent attempting to contact patients directly via
phone calls, thereby creating additional clinic
preparation time. More importantly, text mes-
sage reminders decrease no-shows, thereby en-
hancing overall appointment adherence and pa-
tient access to care. While this finding has been
studied in several clinical scenarios, our project is
the first to explore the use of the CM system in
the context of a low-resource patient demo-
graphic seen at a student-run clinic. Overall, the
CM system may positively impact patient care
satisfaction, student learning, and clinic work-
flow; and further studies examining the relation-
ships between the CM system and these factors
are encouraged. We recommend this communi-
cation platform to other student-run free clinics
that are looking to increase clinic efficiency and
improve patient continuity of care.
The authors would like to acknowledge the UCF College of
Medicine, Diebel Legacy Fund at Central Florida Foundation
for funding the clinic activity, Grace Medical Home, Marvin
Hardy M.D., UF College of Pharmacy, and the countless phy-
sician and student volunteers who have made this project
possible. Also, Dr. Judith Simms-Cendan for her time, men-
torship, and direction as our faculty advisor.
The authors have no conflicts of interest to disclose.
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