The Tiny Seed
Book Quiz - Year 1, Week 5, Summer 2
This lesson explores The Tiny Seed by Eric Carle.
It should be completed before the science lesson.
Children will need pencil and paper.
This is our book this week.
What do you think it will be
Why is it a tiny seed?
What do you predict
will happen to it?
It is by Eric Carle. Do you know
any other books by him?
Listen to Mrs Ridley read the story.
You will need
paper and a
The story starts in
What signs of
Autumn can you see
in the picture?
The tiny seed flies over the icy mountain, ocean
and desert.
Why can’t the seeds grow in these places?
Can any plants grow in the sea?
Can any plants grow in the desert?
There are lots of words in the book that tell us how
things are moving. These are called verbs.
Which would be the best choice for….
A bird
The wind
An autumn leaf
A boat
Can you
show each
action with
your body?
A simile
compares one
thing with
another thing.
Listen to this
page about
Can you spot
the simile?
Now it is
What clues
can you see in
the picture
that show it
is summer?
Listen carefully to this page.
All summer long the birds
and bees and butterflies
come visiting. They have
never seen such a big and
beautiful flower.
Which words use alliteration?
What do you think will happen to the seed at the
end of the story?
How would you change Mrs Ridley’s picture to show this?