Growing Minds is a program of ASAP (Appalachian Sustainable Agriculture Project).
306 West Haywood Street, Asheville, NC 28801
(828) 236-1282
Seed Tapes
Book to Read
The Tiny Seed
by Eric Carle
Students will learn proper seed spacing for planting in the garden.
Curriculum Alignment
Find a list of which Common Core State Standards and NC Essential Standards this lesson plan aligns with on the
lesson plan page at
-Paper towels (or other biodegradable paper)
-Cornstarch paste
-Q-tips or paintbrushes
Make the cornstarch paste the night before the activity. In a small pan, dissolve 1
tablespoon of cornstarch in 1 cup of cold water. Cook over a medium flame,
stirring constantly to prevent the mixture from getting lumpy. Once it starts to boil and turns into a translucent
gel-like mixture, remove it from the stove and let it cool to room temperature. Put the paste into a container
with the tight lid.
Cut paper towels into 2-3 foot long strips that are about 1/2 - 3/4“ wide. The amount of paper towel strips
needed will vary depending on how many seeds you are preparing for planting in your garden.
Use seed packets to show students that each seed has suggested spacing on the packet. Discuss why seeds need
space and what happens if there are too many seeds crowded together.
Make Seed Tapes
Step 1. Students choose which seed they would like to make a seed tape with. This works best if one seed
variety is used per paper towel strip.
Growing Minds is a program of ASAP (Appalachian Sustainable Agriculture Project).
306 West Haywood Street, Asheville, NC 28801
(828) 236-1282
Seed Tapes
Step 2. Determine correct spacing for the seed based on the information provided
on the seed packet. Students will use a pencil and ruler to mark correct spacing on
the paper towel for their seed type.
Step 3. Use a q-tip or paintbrush to spread small dots of cornstarch
paste on each of the pencil marks.
Step 4. Place 1-2 seeds on each dot of paste.
Step 5. If needed, cover the seeds with a little more cornstarch paste to make sure the seeds stick. Set them in a
place where they can dry.
Step 6. Plant the seed tapes in the garden. Using the planting depth directions on the seed packets, the entire
seed tape can be planted in the garden. The paper towel and cornstarch will decompose and the seeds will be
able to germinate.