UCL, Bloomsbury and East London Doctoral Training Partnership ESRC Studentships: Application Guide for 2024 Entry Page | 1
ESRC Research Studentships at the UCL, Bloomsbury and
East London Doctoral Training Partnership (UBEL DTP)
Application Guide for 2024 Entry Full Application
Deadline for 2024 Entry
Full application
Due via Survey Monkey Apply by Tuesday 5 March 2024 23:59 (GMT)
This deadline applies to ESRC studentship applications in any of the DTP pathways at any of
the six DTP institutions, which are:
Birkbeck, University of London
London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine
SOAS, University of London
University College London
University of East London
University of Greenwich
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Applying for doctoral study at a DTP Institution .......................................................................................... 3
Your application for doctoral study ............................................................................................................ 3
Your Proposed Research .......................................................................................................................... 4
Related Data and Feasibility of the Study ................................................................................................... 4
Confirmation of Supervisors ..................................................................................................................... 4
References (Recommenders) .................................................................................................................... 5
Declaration and Submission ...................................................................................................................... 5
The outcome of your application ............................................................................................................... 6
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Applying for doctoral study at a DTP Institution
Your application for doctoral study
Doctoral study at the UCL, Bloomsbury and East London DTP is arranged in 30 pathways
organised into seven groupings across the six DTP institutions. Each pathway is led by one of
the six institutions but many of them have shared arrangements with the other DTP partner
As well as applying for an ESRC studentship, you will also need to apply for the relevant
doctoral programme of study at your chosen DTP institution, unless you are a current
doctoral student. In some cases, the application deadlines for these programmes may be earlier
than for the DTP studentship deadlines, so you will need to check with the relevant pathway
contact for your chosen programme (see https://ubel-dtp.ac.uk/eligibility/pathways/) or with the
relevant member of administrative staff, whose details are listed under Institutional Contacts
below. For 1+3 and 2+3 applications, you will usually need to make an application for both your
Masters and doctoral programmes, in accordance with the institution’s requirements.
For a very small number of 1+3 candidates, you might undertake your Master’s programme at
one of the DTP institutions and your MPhil/PhD at another this is due to shared pathway
arrangements across institutions in these cases. Administrative colleagues will be able to advise
if this is the case when you make your Master’s application.
Institutional Contacts (Administrative staff)
Birkbeck, University of London
Ben Raphael, Registry Officer - graduateresearchschool@bbk.ac.uk
London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine
LSHTM Scholarships Team - scholarshi[email protected]
SOAS, University of London
SOAS studentships - scholarships@soas.ac.uk
University College London
UBEL DTP Team - ubel[email protected]
University of East London
Richard Bottoms, Postgraduate Research Student Manager - r.bottoms@uel.ac.uk
University of Greenwich
Julie Webber, Executive Assistant - J.L.Webber@greenwich.ac.uk
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Full application for ESRC funding
Candidates who have been successful at the Preliminary stage will need to complete and
submit the Full application on the Survey Monkey Apply portal by Tuesday 5 March 2024 23:59
The Full application asks for your full research proposal, a detailed training plan and references.
There is also the opportunity to apply for Advanced Quantitative Methods (AQM) support at this
stage. If you will be using AQM in your research you must complete and submit the separate
AQM form, which is on the task list on the portal.
Your Proposed Research
You must upload your research proposal.
Your research proposal can be up to four A4 pages in length (single spaced text), irrespective
of the route you are undertaking. This is to give candidates plenty of room in which to describe
your research. Please ensure you include information about ethical issues that may arise during
your research and the steps that will be undertaken. If there are no ethical issues, please briefly
explain why. Footnotes and bibliographic material must be included within this four-page limit.
Please use Arial or Times New Roman font (minimum 10 point) with a minimum 1.5cm margin
on all sides.
Training Plan
You must provide details of the training you will undertake during your award if successful. The
academic panels will expect to see that your training needs are being met via courses and
programmes within your department and institution. In consultation with your supervisor(s) you
may also need to undertake training courses in other institutions.
ESRC is now funding an extra three months of time and funding for your development. Please
outline your proposed activities in addition to the standard training.
Please note: ESRC expects students to submit their thesis by the end of their funded period.
With this in mind, we strongly encourage students to consider the feasibility of their study within
the studentship timeframe. It is particularly important for applicants to provide information on
how you will mitigate any disruptions to your study.
You can identify training provision from your own institution’s provision, the Bloomsbury
Postgraduate Skills Network (BPSN), ESRC National Centre for Research Methods (NCRM) or
any other suitable provider.
Related Data and Feasibility of the Study
This question will not apply to a great number of candidates, but if your research relies on data
which has been generated by another project, the academic panels will need to know that this
has received ethical approval. This ensures that there are no delays to the student’s research
while such approval is received.
Confirmation of Supervisors
Please use this section of the form to confirm your supervisory arrangements. The form is
optional so does not need to be completed if the supervisors have remained the same since
your preliminary application. However, if your supervisory arrangements have changed or been
confirmed (for instance, if you did not have a subsidiary supervisor on applying at the
preliminary stage) please complete the details here.
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References (Recommenders)
Please note: the Survey Monkey Apply portal refers to referees as “recommenders”.
Applicants should invite two referees to provide references (for example, undergraduate tutor or
previous supervisor). It is preferable that at least one referee provides an academic reference.
Referees must be invited to make a reference before applicants can submit their full application
but referees will have one week following the deadline, to submit their reference (12
If your chosen referee/recommender was previously added to your preliminary application form
as a “Collaborator”, you may need to remove them as a “Collaborator” before they can submit a
Further guidance from Survey Monkey Apply outlined below and via the link here.
Applicants should fill in the details of the Recommender including the First Name, Last Name,
Email, and a brief message (optional) to send the recommender. The Recommender receives
an email with an invite to complete the recommendation. This will allow the recommender to
login to the site. Upon logging in they will be able to see the application in their recommender
When they click Start they will be asked if they wish to Accept or Decline the recommendation
request from the applicant. Upon Accepting, the recommender will be able to complete and
submit the recommendation for the applicant within the site.
Once the recommender has completed their recommendation, it will be marked as complete to
the recommender. However, on the applicant's side, within their application, the task will remain
In Progress, until the applicant confirms that they have received the recommendation and clicks
Declaration and Submission
You will need to sign the Declaration and confirm that you abide by the regulations of the ESRC
Postgraduate Funding Guide if your application is successful.
Please ensure that you press Submit once your application is complete. When all mandatory
tasks have been completed, you will be able to submit.
Note that the AQM form is an optional task; if you have selected YES for the AQM question in
section one of the preliminary application form, you will also need to submit an AQM application.
If you selected YES for the AQM question in the preliminary form but will no longer apply for this
enhancement at this stage, please email UBEL to let us know.
You will receive an automated email confirmation a short while after submitting your application.
If you do not receive an email within a few hours of submission, please contact ubel-
[email protected] and we will check your application status for you.
Selection process at the Full Application stage
When you submit your Full Application it will be routed to a Group Panel consisting of academic
colleagues in the DTP, depending on your choice of principal pathway. Your proposal will be
looked at by DTP staff outside of your specific field of study due to the collaborative nature of
the Group Panel review stage at UBEL. Important areas of consideration by the Group Panels
will be the quality of the research proposal and the supervisory team and expertise.
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Applications are then reviewed by the DTP Board, which makes the final decision on awards.
The outcome of your application
UBEL DTP endeavour to inform candidates (successful or unsuccessful) of the outcome of their
studentship application as soon as possible after the DTP Board meeting in May 2024.
All candidates will receive information as to whether their Full application has been successful
or unsuccessful. The notification will be made via email from the Survey Monkey Apply system
please ensure you check any junk email folders in case the message goes there. Successful
candidates will be sent an offer letter shortly after the confirmation of their award and will need
to confirm acceptance of their award via email.
Unfortunately, due to the volume of applications received, we are not able to provide feedback
about unsuccessful applications.