STEM OPT Extension
Online Workshop
The STEM OPT extension is a 24-month period of
temporary training that directly relates to an F-1
student's program of study in an approved STEM
(Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) major.
Eligible F-1 students with STEM degrees who finished
their program of study and are participating in their
initial 12-month of post-completion OPT have the
option to apply for a STEM OPT extension.
Please note: This workshop is for enrolled UCLA students
only and is specific to UCLA policies and procedures.
What is STEM OPT Extension
If you are applying based on your most recent UCLA STEM degree:
To be eligible, F-1 students:
Must have completed a STEM Designated Program (based on the Classification of
Instructional Program [CIP] code listed on page 1 of their current I-20)
Must be in their initial 12-month of post-completion OPT period (EAD card must not have
already expired)
Must not have exceeded 90 days of unemployment time during their initial 12- month
post-completion OPT period
Must have a bona fide employer-employee relationship with an employer enrolled in E-Verify
Must have a paid, full-time employment offer (20 or more hours per week) for a position
directly related to their major and appropriate for their degree level. Volunteer/unpaid
and self employment are not eligible.
Must be within the U.S. with F-1 status at the time they submit their STEM OPT
Extension application to USCIS
A student can only be authorized for the STEM OPT Extension twice in their lifetime.
STEM OPT Extension Eligibility Requirements
If applying based on a previously obtained STEM degree
Check USCIS STEM OPT Website for more information
STEM degree must have been completed within 10 years of the STEM
OPT Extension application submission date
Must have a paid, full-time (20 or more hours per week) employment
offer directly related to their STEM
degree with an E-Verified
Must submit copies of their previous STEM diploma or official
transcripts, and their most recent UCLA diploma or official transcripts
(in addition to the checklist documents)
STEM OPT Extension Eligibility Requirements
Paid Employment: A student must work at least 20 hours per week. Employers must be enrolled in E-Verify.
Multiple Employers: A student may work for more than one employer, but each employment must be at least 20
hours per week, paid, related to their degree program and all employers must be enrolled in E-Verify. Students must
submit a completed Form I-983 for each employer.
Work for Hire (Contractual): This is commonly referred to as 1099 employment, where an individual performs a
service based on a contractual relationship rather than employment relationship. The company for whom the student
is providing services must be registered with E-Verify. If requested by DHS, the student must be prepared to provide
evidence showing the duration of the contract period and the name and address of the contracting company.
Employment must be at least 20 hours per week.
Employment through Third Party Employers and Staffing Agencies: Employment must constitute a
bona fide employer-employee relationship. The Form I-983 must be signed by the E-Verified employer who is
providing the practical training experience. Employment must be at least 20 hours per week. The staffing
placement agency cannot complete and sign the Form I-983 as an employer unless:
The staffing placement agency is an E-Verified employer of the student, and
The staffing/placement agency provides and oversees the training (training experience may take place at a
site other than the employer’s principal place of business)
STEM OPT Extension Employment Types
STEM OPT Extension applications may be submitted to USCIS for processing
as early as (but no earlier than) 90 days before a student’s initial 12-month OPT
EAD card end date.
USCIS must receive STEM OPT Extension applications by the initial 12-month
OPT EAD card end date to be considered timely filed.
USCIS may take 3 months or more to approve STEM OPT Extension applications.
Visit theCheck Case Processing Times’ page for current USCIS processing times
(see “Form I-765” for “Potomac Service Center”).
Students with a timely filed STEM OPT Extension application may continue
employment for up to 180 days after their initial 12-month OPT EAD card end
date while their STEM OPT Extension application is pending with USCIS.
If you do not receive your STEM OPT Extension EAD card by your initial 12-month OPT EAD card end date, you will
have to update your I-9 with your employer to continue employment beyond your current EAD card end date while
your STEM OPT Extension application is pending. For information on how to update your I-9 with your employer,
please visit the USCIS Foreign Academic Students
page and discuss this with your employer.
When to Apply
1. Must report all of your post-completion OPT employment and contact information through the
SEVP Portal
2. Review in full this STEM OPT Extension Online Workshop
3. Pay $380 Dashew Center STEM OPT Administrative Processing Fee
4. Prepare and complete your STEM OPT Extension I-20 Request materials
5. Submit your completed STEM OPT Extension I-20 Request via MyBruin International
6. Receive your STEM OPT Extension I-20. Processing time can take up to 10 business days from
a completed request submission
7. Prepare your STEM OPT Extension Application for submission to USCIS for processing
(See STEM OPT Extension Application Submission Instructions
STEM OPT Extension Request & Application Procedures
To request a STEM OPT Extension I-20 from the Dashew Center, you must:
Report all post-completion OPT employment in your SEVP Portal account.
Complete the STEM OPT Extension I-20 Request and upload the following documents in MyBruin International
$380 STEM OPT Extension Administrative Processing Fee Payment Receipt
Completed Form I-983 (See Form I-983 Instructions)
1 copy of your I-94 Admission Record
Electronic I-94: Print record from CBP I-94 Website
OR Paper I-94: Copy both front and back sides
1 copy of your Travel History Page.
1 copy of your passport biographical page
1 copy of your Employment Authorization Document (EAD) card (front and back sides)
1 copy of your STEM degree diploma or official transcript indicating your degree was awarded
Recently dated employment verification letter from employer on official letterhead (must indicate: job title,
supervisor’s name, employer’s contact information, and employer’s
E-Verify ID)
STEM OPT Ext. I-20 Request Checklist
If Applying based on a Previous STEM Degree
If applying based on a previous STEM degree, please also submit (in addition to checklist
on the previous slide):
Copy of previous STEM degree I-20 (STEM degree must have been completed within 10 years
of the STEM OPT Extension application date)
Copy of previous STEM degree diploma or official transcripts indicating degree awarded
Copy of most recent UCLA diploma or official transcripts indicating degree awarded.
Combine into one PDF the following documents: Previous STEM degree I-20, previous STEM
degree diploma or transcripts, and your UCLA diploma.
Then, upload the combined PDF into the STEM OPT Extension I-20 Request eform in the
section STEM Degree Diploma or Official Transcript.
STEM OPT Extension I-20 Request Form
Log into MyBruin International Select F-1 Practical Training
What does the STEM OPT Administrative Processing Fee cover?
The Dashew Center STEM OPT Administrative Processing Fee pays for systems required
by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security to maintain a student’s F-1 SEVIS record
during their STEM OPT period.
SEVIS record maintenance is still required during a student’s STEM OPT Extension period
to allow the Dashew Center to process F-1 benefits such as travel authorization, I-20
requests, Cap Gap requests, and STEM OPT employment and address updates.
SEVIS maintenance fees are covered by UCLA for currently enrolled UCLA students. Since
students will not be enrolled at UCLA during their STEM OPT Extension period, they will be
charged a STEM OPT Administrative Processing Fee by the Dashew Center.
Students are required to pay the Dashew Center OPT/STEM OPT Administrative
Processing Fee each time they apply for Post-Completion OPT or the OPT STEM
$380 Dashew Center STEM OPT
Administrative Processing Fee
The Dashew Center OPT Administrative Processing Fee for the STEM
OPT Extension application is $380.
To Pay the fee:
Go to your Dashew Account, OPT Administrative Processing Fee Site on the
Dashew Center website
Log in using your Bruin Logon ID to access the payment site
Click on the ‘Pay’ link for ‘F-1 OPT: STEM Extension’
STEM OPT Administrative Processing Fee
STEM OPT Administrative Processing Fee
Follow the instructions on the payment site to pay the
STEM OPT Administrative Processing Fee by debit or credit
To review your payment submission, click on ‘My Payments’
and a record of your payment submission will appear.
STEM OPT Administrative Processing Fee
A receipt of your payment will be sent by UCLA Corporate Financial Services to
your email address reported in MyUCLA.
Please be sure that your email address is written correctly and valid.
A copy of your payment receipt or screenshot of payment history is required for
your OPT I-20 Request.
STEM OPT Extension Fee
If you cannot locate the payment receipt email, please provide us a screenshot
of the payment history screen from your Dashew Center account.
An F-1 student and their employer must obtain, complete and sign
the Form I-983 Training Plan before the student may apply for the
STEM OPT extension.
The formal training plan must clearly articulate the STEM OPT
student’s learning objectives and affirm the employer’s
commitment to helping the student achieve those objectives.
STEM OPT students and their employers are subject to the terms
and conditions of the 24-month STEM OPT extension regulations,
Form I-983 Instructions and the completed Form I-983, effective
as of the employment start date requested for the associated STEM
OPT period, as indicated on the Form I-983.
Form I-983
Make a copy of your completed Form I-983 to keep in your records
How to Complete Form I-983
Page 1
Enter your STEM OPT
period (starting the day after
your current EAD end date)
OPT End Date is 08/13/2024
STEM OPT Request Period:
Major and CIP code can
be located on page 1 of
your OPT I-20
USCIS # on
EAD Card
Answer “NO” if you are applying
based on your most recent
UCLA STEM degree
Answer “YES” if you are applying
based on a previous STEM degree
Sign and Date Here
(USCIS will accept an electronically
reproduced original signature.
Digital signatures or your name
typed in script font are not
OPT Administrative Processing Fee
How to Complete Form I-983
Page 1
(Example: Student is an employee of the UCLA Computer Science Department)
How to Complete Form I-983
Page 2
An EIN is different
than an E-Verify
Number. EINs are
used for tax
purposes and are 9
digits long:
Enter the date that you will
begin your STEM OPT
training with your
employer (usually the day
after your initial, 12-month
OPT EAD card end date)
Search your industry NAICS code here:
By signing Section 4, your employer
is obligated to provide on-site
supervision and training and report
any material changes to the Training
Plan, including a reduction in
compensation, hours worked, or
termination of employment.
How to Complete Form I-983
Page 2
Employer Official must provide all the information
requested for all fields then sign and date
(USCIS will accept an electronically reproduced
original signature. Digital signatures or names
typed in script font are not accepted).
Address of where you are physically
working for the employer (may be
different from address in Section 3)
If you are working remotely, please provide
the address where you would be working if
you were working on-site such as company
headquarter or office location.
Student Role: Describe what tasks and assignments the student will carry out during the
training and how these relate to the student’s STEM degree. The plan must cover a specific
span of time and detail specific goals and objectives.
Responses must include the name of your STEM degree and a description of the direct
relationship between your role and your degree.
Goals and Objectives: Describe the specific skills, knowledge, and techniques the
student will learn or apply; how the student will achieve the goals set out for their
training; and the training curriculum including the timeline.
Responses must include learning objectives and how they will be achieved.
How to Complete Form I-983
Page 3
Employer Oversight: Explain how the employer provides oversight and supervision of
students filling this position. If the employer has a training program or related policy in
place that controls such oversight/supervision, a description of the program/policy may
suffice to answer this question.
Responses must include description/method(s) of oversight and supervision.
Measures and Assessments: Explain how the employer measures and confirms whether
the student is acquiring new knowledge and skills. If the employer has a training program
or related policy in place that controls such measures and assessments, a description of
the program/policy may suffice to answer this question.
Responses must include a description of how knowledge and/or skills are assessed.
Section 5, continued
If the information provided does not fit in the given box, you may provide an additional
page as an appendix to your I-983 document. Combine the I-983 document and the
appendix into one PDF and upload them together in MyBruin International.
How to Complete Form I-983
Page 3
Evaluation on Student Progress
Leave Blank at the time of STEM
OPT I-20 Request submission
Leave Blank at the time of STEM
OPT I-20 Request submission
How to Complete Form I-983
Page 5
First evaluation due twelve
months after the STEM OPT
Extension start date
Second evaluation due at the
end of the STEM OPT
Extension period or when
ending employment
This page is to be left blank when initially
applying for the STEM OPT.
After you submit your STEM OPT Extension I-20 Request in the MyBruin International Portal,
your documents will be reviewed and a STEM OPT Extension I-20 will be issued if the
documents are sufficient.
Once you receive your STEM OPT Extension I-20, please review it for accuracy and sign the
bottom of page 1 at the student attestation section in wet-ink:
Make a copy of pages 1 and 2 after signing it to include with your STEM OPT
Extension application materials to USCIS.
Prepare your STEM OPT Extension application materials for submission to USCIS by
following the STEM OPT Extension Application Submission Instructions
USCIS must receive your STEM OPT Extension application materials:
1. Within 60 days of your STEM OPT Extension I-20 issuance date (as indicated on page 1
of your updated I-20, next to your F-1 Counselor’s signature)
2. Before the current initial 12-month OPT end date
Next Steps After Submitting Your
STEM OPT Extension I-20 Request
Please note that the Dashew Center does not have step-by-step instructions for filing STEM OPT Extension
applications online, so please follow the instructions provided by USCIS if you choose to submit your
application online.
To file your application online, please visit and click on the blue ‘File Online’
button. The link will redirect you to a new page with instructions on how to create a USCIS account.
Once you have created a USCIS account, please select that you would like to file the I-765 Form to apply for
the STEM OPT Extension to be directed to the online I-765 Form. The questions on the online I-765 form will
match the questions on the PDF I-765 Form, but will appear in a different order. It is recommended that you
review the following slides of this workshop to prepare your I-765 Form, even if you will be submitting your
application online.
You must wait until you receive your STEM OPT Extension I-20 from the Dashew Center BEFORE submitting
application materials to USCIS, as the STEM OPT Extension I-20 is a required supporting document.
Once you submit your completed STEM OPT Extension application online, you will be issued an
application receipt number and will be able to access your application receipt notice through your USCIS
account. Your EAD card will be mailed to the U.S. mailing address provided on your I-765 Form.
USCIS Online Filing
USCIS Submission Options
Students can file their application online or by mail. USCIS recommends
online filing. Here are some of the benefits of filing online:
USCIS receives application materials
faster than mail application
Receive receipt notice of your
application immediately
Receive USCIS notices online, and sign
up for email/text notifications
Track and review your application after
Pay fees online
Respond to requests for evidence online
Send USCIS secure messages about your
Easy access to all USCIS correspondence
Upload additional documentation to
application after submission
Update your mailing and physical
Please type and
print the I-765 Form,
or if completing
by hand, use black
ink only!
I-765 Paper Form Page 1
Select “Renewal
of my
permission to accept
I-765 Paper Form
Page 1
Provide all other names
you have ever used,
including aliases, maiden
name, and nicknames
used on government/legal
documents; i.e. passport
Provide your full legal
name as shown on your
I-765 Paper Form
Page 1
The EAD card will be shipped to the
address you provide here.
The mailing address here must be valid for
at least 4 months into the future from your
STEM OPT application submission date.
This address must be an address in the U.S.
This address may be a residential,
commercial, or P.O. Box address.
If you listed a ‘U.S. Mailing Address’ that is
NOT your current, physical address, select
“No,” provide the name of someone who
resides at that address in the ‘In Care of
Name’ field, 5.a., and complete #7.a 7.d.
I-765 Paper Form
Page 2
If you answered “No” for
Question #6, please provide
your physical address here
I-765 Paper Form
Page 2
Enter your USCIS-
Number here (as
indicated on your initial,
12-month OPT EAD card)
I-765 Paper Form
Page 2
Enter your USCIS Online
Account Number (if
#10 and 11
Check “Yes.” You must
provide copies of your
previous EAD(s)
I-765 Paper Form
Page 2
Answer “Yes.”
Provide your Social
Security Number
(SSN) here.
I-765 Paper Form
Page 2
If you would like to apply for a
replacement Social Security
Card with your STEM OPT
Extension application, check
‘Yes’ for Questions #14 & 15
and complete #16.a. - 17.b.
If you are applying for a
replacement Social Security
Card, you will retain the
same Social Security
You will receive your
replacement Social Security
Card in the mail after you
receive your STEM OPT EAD
Check ‘No’ for Questions #14 &
15 if you do not want a
replacement Social Security
Card and skip #16 and 17.
I-765 Paper Form
Page 2
List all countries of citizenship,
as applicable. Use Part 6 of the
I-765 Form if you have more
than two countries of
Please submit copies of any/all
country passports if you have
more than 1 country of
Provide your birth
city/town/village and
List the name of the country as it was
named when you were born, even if
the name has changed
Make sure your Date of Birth is in the
correct format: MONTH/DAY/YEAR
(01/31/1998 not 31/01/1998)
I-765 Paper Form
Page 2 & 3
You can find your SEVIS
number on the top left
side of your current I-20
Your most recent U.S. entry
date can be found on your
paper or electronic
If your most recent entry
date on your I-94 and
admission stamp do not
match, please use the
date on the I-94
Admission Record.
For the place of your last
arrival into the U.S.,
please see your entry
stamp or Travel
Enter the information
directly from your passport
Enter your I-94
Number here.
status at your
last arrival and
status should be
‘F-1 Student’
This should match
the country of
citizenship on
your I-20 and I-94
Admission Record
Leave blank
I-765 Paper Form
Page 3
I-94 Number
Retrieve a copy of your
electronic I-94 Admission
Record on the
CBP Website: - /recent-search
Electronic I-94 Admission Record
Sample Travel History
Go to the I-94 Travel History page
The most recent entry in your travel history should match your I-94 Admission Record.
Skip questions 29 – 31.b.
Use the code (c)(3)(C)
for the STEM OPT
The E-Verify Identification
Number is different than
the EIN. E-Verify ID
numbers are 5-7 digits
I-765 Paper Form
Page 3
Provide your
information as
Select 1.a. to indicate
that you have read and
understood the
I-765 Paper Form
Page 4
Read the entire
Hand sign your name
in wet-ink and
provide the date of
the signature.
I-765 Paper Form
Page 4
Skip Parts 4 and 5
Part 4, Page 5
Parts 4, Page 5
Part 5, Page 6
I-765 Paper Form
Page 4, 5 & 6
Part 6 must be completed to report:
Your previous OPT authorization(s)
You do not need to report previous CPT
authorization periods or previously issued
SEVIS ID numbers.
Write or type all periods of previous OPT
authorization and include copies of all previous
OPT I-20s and EAD cards.
(you may need to contact your previous schools
if you are missing any of this information)
Enter your USCIS-Number here
(as indicated on your initial,
12-month OPT EAD card)
I-765 Paper Form
Page 7
Copy this page/part/item
number to report previous
OPT authorization(s)
You have completed the I-765 paper Form!
Review all the information on the form for accuracy. You
must submit ALL 7 pages of the I-765 to USCIS if you are
submitting your application by mail.
Make a copy of your completed I-765 application to keep in
your records, in case there is a problem with the application.
If you submitted your I-765 online, you can review a copy of
your submission at myUSCIS.
I-765 Paper Form
For applications submitted to USCIS by mail:
USCIS accepts the following payment methods for the STEM OPT Extension application fee:
Personal Check: Use a check from a U.S. debit/bank account. Funds will be drawn
directly from the bank account.
Note: Providing a personal check with insufficient funds or a check from a foreign bank (e.g.
Canadian banks) will result in the denial of your application.
Cashier’s Check: Go to your local bank (where you have your debit account) and request a
Cashier’s Check. A Cashier’s Check is a draft guarantee drawn from your bank’s own
funds. Your bank will withdraw funds from your personal account to create the Cashier’s
Money Order: A money order can be purchased at a U.S. post office, Western Union, or
CVS/pharmacy. Cash will need to be exchanged to obtain a money order for a specified
Do not write on the back of your check or money order
Note: The Dashew Center recommends using a Personal Check, Cashier’s Check, or a money order.
Personal checks and Cashier’s checks can be tracked and are secure payment methods since they are
guaranteed by a bank.
USCIS Filing Fee Mailed Application Fee
Note: Do not write on the
back of your personal check,
cashier’s check or money order
Josie Bruin
417 Charles E Young Drive West
Los Angeles, CA 90095
Pay to the order of:
U.S. Department of Homeland Security
### Hundred ### and 00/100
Name of Bank
Address of Bank
DOB: 12/31/1989
SEVIS ID#: N0000000000
Write your
Date of Birth
(MM/DD/YYYY) and
Your SEVIS ID # in the
memo section.
Sample Check
Note: Please check
the USCIS website for
the I-765 filing fee
U.S. Style Passport Photos
U.S. Style Passport Photos
Options to have your passport photo taken near UCLA:
Passport Photo Requirements
Please reference the Department of State passport photo tool here.
When filing online, please follow the instructions provided in the I-765 / MyUSCIS application portal.
If you mail your application, please write LAST NAME, First Name and SEVIS ID Number on back
side of the photos.
Campus Photo Studio
Ackerman Union A-Level
FedEx Office
1520 Westwood Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90024
1001 Westwood Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90024
USCIS Mailing Instructions
Once you have prepared all of your STEM OPT Extension application forms
and supporting documents using the STEM OPT Extension Application
Submission Instructions, please mail the STEM OPT Extension application
materials to USCIS to the appropriate address listed under “Foreign Students” on
this page:
Please ship your application to USCIS using a courier service with mail tracking
(USPS, FedEx, UPS, DHL). If you need USCIS’ phone number to process your
STEM OPT Extension application shipment, please use: 800-375-5283.
USCIS Mailing Instructions
For applications submitted to USCIS online:
The online STEM OPT Extension application will redirect you to to make your
USCIS filing fee payment.
USCIS accepts the following payment methods for the USCIS I-765 Form filing fee:
Withdrawal from a Checking or Savings Account: You will be required to provide your
account number and routing number.
U.S. Debit/Credit Card
USCIS Filing Fee (Online)
Applicants who mailed their STEM OPT Extension application to USCIS will receive an I-797
Notice of Action Receipt Notice from USCIS approximately 2-4 weeks from the date their STEM
OPT Extension application was received by USCIS.
Applicants who filed their STEM OPT Extension application online will be issued an
application receipt number within 24 hours of submitting their application and will be able to
access their application receipt notice through their my
USCIS account.
Applicants can check the status of their STEM OPT Extension application online using the
receipt number in their I-797 Notice of Action Receipt Notice on the USCIS Case Status Page
Applicants will receive the decision from USCIS approximately 3+ months from the date their
STEM OPT Extension application was received by USCIS.
Applicants will receive First Class mail containing their Employment Authorization Document
(EAD) card if the request has been approved by USCIS. Check your address at
the Zip-Code Lookup tool.
Next Steps After Submitting Your
Application to USCIS
Students with a timely filed STEM OPT Extension application with
USCIS may continue working beyond their initial, 12-month OPT
EAD card end date while their STEM OPT Extension application is
pending up to 180 days.
If you do not receive your STEM OPT Extension EAD card by
your initial, 12-month OPT EAD card end date, you will have to
update your I-9 with your employer to continue employment
beyond your current EAD card end date while your STEM OPT
Extension application is pending. For information on how to
update your I-9 with your employer, please visit the
Foreign Academic Students Page
What if I don’t receive a decision from
USCIS by my initial OPT end date?
After you receive your STEM OPT Extension EAD card,
upload PDF copies of the front and back of your card in
the MyBruin International Portal.
Sample Employment
Authorization Document (EAD)
Address and Mailing of EAD Card
We recommend that you provide a mailing address for your STEM OPT Extension
application that will be valid for at least 4 months from your application submission date.
If you move before receiving the EAD card you may risk losing your EAD card in the mail,
even if you file a change of address with USCIS after submitting your OPT application to
USCIS for processing.
U.S. Postal Service (USPS) does not forward federal mail, even if you request mail
forwarding services from USPS
If you must change address, you can file form AR-11 with USCIS online or login to your
account to do so.
What do I do if I lost my EAD card?
Apply for a replacement EAD card from USCIS online, which will require a new I-765 form,
filing fee, and supporting documents. Contact USCIS and USPS if lost in the mail, then
request a new EAD card from USCIS.
STEM OPT Unemployment
Students on the STEM OPT Extension have an additional 60
calendar daysincluding weekends and holidaysof
allowed unemployment time, in addition to any remaining
unemployment days from the initial 12-month OPT.
Exceeding the allotted days of unemployment will end the
STEM OPT Extension period and you must depart the United
States. Please schedule an appointment
with a Dashew
Center F-1 Counselor or email
to this happening to discuss options.
STEM OPT Unemployment
SEVP Portal Personal Information Updates
You can only update your personal information in your SEVP Portal account while on STEM OPT Extension.
Report any employment changes or updates to the Dashew Center through the MyBruin International Portal.
Resetting Portal Account
If you have been locked out of your SEVP portal account
and are prompted to contact your DSO, please submit an
SEVP Portal Reset Request in the
MyBruin International
1. Upload EAD card copies (front and back) upon
2. Every 6 months, submit the STEM OPT Validation
E-Form to confirm:
Legal name
U.S. residential address
Employer name and address
Status of current employment
Reporting Requirements
Reporting Requirements
3. Self Evaluations (required for 12 and 24-month
validation reporting)
4. Unemployment
5. Material Changes to an existing I-983 Training
6. Changing Employers
7. Employer Non-compliance
Students with STEM OPT Extension authorization must report the following information to maintain
valid F-1 status during their STEM OPT Extension period through MyBruin International
Reporting Requirements
Students engaging in the STEM OPT Extension must submit validation reports at the 6, 12, 18, and 24-
month marks of their STEM OPT Extension period. Your SEVP portal will indicate when your next
reporting requirement will be due.
To submit a validation report, please submit the STEM OPT Validation E-Form in MyBruin International
6-month: submit STEM OPT Validation E-Form and upload STEM OPT EAD card
12-month: submit STEM OPT Validation E-Form and 12-month self-evaluation (top half of only page 5
Form I-983)
18-month: submit STEM OPT Validation E-Form
24-month: submit STEM OPT Validation E-Form and final self- evaluation (bottom half of only page 5 of
Form I-983)
Reporting can be completed up to 30 days prior to the validation due date.
Validation requests should be submitted to the Dashew Center at least 10 business days before the
validation due date.
Validation Reporting Requirements
Reporting Requirements
STEM OPT Validation Form
Log into MyBruin International Portal Select F-1 Practical Training
Select which validation is due and you will be
prompted to upload any required documents
Page 5 of I-983 Evaluation Form
When submitting your evaluations, please ensure the “Range
of Evaluation Dates” are accurate.
For example:
12-Month Evaluation: 09/20/2023 09/19/2024
24-Month Evaluation: 09/20/2023 09/19/2025
12-Month Evaluation (top of page 5) 24-Month Evaluation (bottom of page 5)
Unemployment: Report unemployment by completing a final self-
evaluation (bottom half of page 5 of Form I-983) for your previous
employment and submitting the STEM Update Employment E-Form
within 10 days of your last day of employment.
Material Changes: Report material changes to an existing Form I-983
by completing an updated Form I-983 and submitting the STEM
Update Employment E-Form with any additional documents for the
material change within 10 days of the change
Material changes include (but are not limited to): any change in
student compensation, any change in hours per week that a
student engages in a STEM training opportunity, changes to the
employer’s commitments or student’s learning objectives as
documented on the Form I-983, employer address, supervisor, etc.
Reporting Requirements
Changing Employment
Students who change employment (or if the employer EIN changes)
during their STEM OPT Extension period must submit the following within
10 days of the change through the STEM Update Employment E-Form:
For previous employment, submit a final self evaluation (bottom half of
page 5 of
Form I-983) to report your previous employment end date
For new employment, submit a completed Form I-983 (pages 1-4) to report
your new employment start date
Employment verification letter from new employer on company letterhead
(must include: job title, supervisor’s name, employer’s contact
information, and employer’s E-Verify ID)
Reporting Requirements
STEM Update Employment Form
Select which employment update has occurred,
and you will be prompted to upload the required
Reporting Employer Non-Compliance
If a STEM OPT Extension student believes that their employer is not complying
with the terms and conditions of the 24-month STEM OPT Extension regulations,
the Form I-983 Instructions, and the completed Form I-983 on file with their
Designated School Official (DSO), the student may:
Contact the Student and Exchange Visitor Program (SEVP) at U.S. Immigration
and Customs Enforcement (ICE) by following the instructions found on
Report violations through the Homeland Security Investigations tip
submission form.
(A period of student unemployment, caused by an employer’s failure to comply
with program requirements, on its own will not affect the STEM OPT student’s
status so long as the student reports changes in employment status and
adheres to the overall unemployment limits.)
Reporting Requirements
The Dashew Center does not recommend traveling outside of the U.S.
while their STEM OPT Extension application is pending with USCIS.
Traveling outside the U.S. prior to STEM OPT Extension approval could
result in application being delayed or denied.
Documents required to re-enter the U.S. in valid F-1 status AFTER STEM OPT
Extension has been approved and STEM OPT EAD card received:
Valid Passport (with at least 6 months validity from re-entry date)
Valid F-1 Visa
Endorsed STEM OPT Extension I-20 (each travel authorization signature is valid for 6
months from the date it was last signed and must be valid at the time of entry to the U.S.)
STEM OPT Extension EAD Card
Proof of Employment or Offer Letter (Verification document from an employer verifying
your job title, job duties, duration and start date of employment written on company letterhead)
Travel Abroad During STEM OPT
F-1 students engaging in STEM OPT Extension will still hold F-1 status
in the U.S.
The Dashew Center will still maintain and update an F-1 student’s
SEVIS record while the student engages in the STEM OPT Extension.
Dashew Center services such as advising appointments, support
letters, and travel authorization requests are still available to F-1
students engaging in STEM OPT Extension.
F-1 students engaging in STEM OPT Extension are still required to
obtain a travel signature from the Dashew Center on their I-20 to re-
enter the U.S. in valid F-1 status after traveling abroad.
Visa Status During STEM OPT Extension
Updated I-20 Requests
Students may request an updated I-20 from the Dashew Center after they receive their
STEM OPT Extension EAD card in the mail. An updated I-20 is not required to maintain
F-1 status but is highly recommended if a student will be traveling internationally and
re-entering the U.S. after their initial 12-Month OPT end date.
The updated I-20 will show a student’s STEM OPT Extension status as ‘APPROVED’
on page 2 and will include employment information that has been reported in the
SEVP Portal.
To request an updated I-20, please:
Verify that the SEVP Portal is up-to-date and accurate
Submit copies of the front and back of your STEM OPT EAD card in MyBruin
Complete an I-20 Update Request Form in the MyBruin International Portal
I-20 Update Request Form
Log into MyBruin International Portal Select F-1 Student Services
Select the reason “OPT / STEM OPT Approved”
Cap Gap I-20: Transition to H-1B
Cap Gap a period in which a student’s F-1 status and STEM OPT
Extension authorization is automatically extended by USCIS to
bridge the gap between the end of their F-1 status and the start
of their H-1B status.
The most common situation occurs when a student’s STEM OPT
Extension ends in the Spring or Summer and their F-1 status
expires 60 days later, leaving a gap of several weeks or months
before the start of the student’s H-1B status begins on October 1.
If granted by USCIS, the Cap Gap will automatically extend a
student’s F-1 status and STEM OPT Extension authorization
without requiring a new EAD card. Students should request an
updated I-20 indicating they have Cap Gap approval.
Cap Gap I-20 Request
The Cap Gap is available to F-1 students are engaging in STEM OPT Extension with pending or approved cap-subject H-1B
To request a Cap-Gap I-20:
1. Report any/all STEM OPT Extension
employment to the Dashew Center to
update your SEVP Portal
and verify the
portal is correct
Complete all necessary validation
reporting requirements or material
2. Ensure that you have submitted copies
of the front and back of your STEM OPT
Extension EAD card in MyBruin
3. Submit a Cap-Gap I-20 Request in
MyBruin International
Upload a copy of the H-1B Receipt
Notice or Approval Notice from
USCIS (I-797A or I-797C)
You have now completed the STEM OPT Extension
STEM OPT Application: Preparation and
Mailing Instructions
MyBruin International
$380 OPT Administrative Processing Fee
USCIS’s Processing Times
Contact the Dashew Center:
Schedule a Counseling Appointment
Email us: