Graduate Coordinator’s
Revised September 2022
Graduate Coordinator’s Handbook, revised August 2022
Table of Contents
Preface ............................................................................................................................................ 5
I. Appointment and Role of the Graduate Coordinator ........................................................... 6
II. Graduate Admissions .............................................................................................................. 7
Applicants for Admission ......................................................................................................... 7
Entrance Test Scores ................................................................................................................ 7
Admission from Baccalaureate to Doctoral Program ........................................................... 8
Admission to Dual Degree Programs ...................................................................................... 8
Transcripts and Grade Point Averages .................................................................................. 9
Graduate School Admissions Guidelines ................................................................................ 9
Departmental Involvement in Admissions Record-Keeping................................................. 9
Departmental Admissions Recommendation ....................................................................... 10
Appeal Procedure.................................................................................................................... 10
Matriculation Date Changes .................................................................................................. 10
Provisional Admissions ........................................................................................................... 11
General Information ............................................................................................................... 11
Classification of Graduate Students. ................................................................................. 11
Residence Status for the Purpose of Paying In-State Tuition. ........................................ 11
Name or Address Change. .................................................................................................. 12
Admission Classification, Major, or Department Changes. ........................................... 12
Application Materials Provided by the Graduate School. .............................................. 12
Assistantship Letters for International Students ............................................................. 12
III. Enrolled Student Services .................................................................................................... 14
Graduate Enrollment Policy .................................................................................................. 14
Minimum Enrollment. ........................................................................................................ 14
Out-of-State tuition waivers. .............................................................................................. 14
Monitoring and Compliance. ............................................................................................. 16
Program Exemption............................................................................................................ 16
Student Registration ............................................................................................................... 17
Cross Registration. .............................................................................................................. 18
Payment of Tuition and Fees. ............................................................................................ 18
Procedures for Late Add after Drop/Add. ....................................................................... 18
Graduate Coordinator’s Handbook, revised August 2022
Course Withdrawals. .......................................................................................................... 18
Course Loads. ...................................................................................................................... 18
Course Registration Overloads. ......................................................................................... 19
Registration Flags. .............................................................................................................. 19
Records Maintenance ............................................................................................................. 19
Change in Degree Objective. .............................................................................................. 19
Identification Number, Name, and Address Change. ...................................................... 20
Letter of Good Standing. .................................................................................................... 20
Test scores and Transcripts from Other Institutions. ..................................................... 22
Transcripts from UGA. ...................................................................................................... 22
IV. Requirements for Graduate Degrees .................................................................................. 23
Advisory Committees.............................................................................................................. 23
Advising Members of Immediate Family. ........................................................................ 24
Non-Affiliated Persons on Advisory Committees. ........................................................... 24
Adjunct Faculty. .................................................................................................................. 25
Retired Faculty. ................................................................................................................... 25
Doctoral degrees. ................................................................................................................. 26
Programs of Study .................................................................................................................. 26
Non-degree Status. .............................................................................................................. 26
Master’s Degrees. ................................................................................................................ 26
Specialist in Education Degrees. ........................................................................................ 27
Doctoral Degrees. ................................................................................................................ 27
Course Challenge. ............................................................................................................... 28
Research Skills and Departmental Requirements ............................................................... 28
Foreign Language Examination. ....................................................................................... 29
Transfer Credit from Other Institutions .............................................................................. 29
Course Requirements for Transfer Credit (All Degrees). ............................................... 29
Transfer Credit for Master’s/Specialist Degrees. ............................................................ 29
Transfer of Credit for Completion of Degree Requirements. ......................................... 30
Transfer of Credit for Doctoral Degrees. ......................................................................... 30
Doctoral Comprehensive Examinations ............................................................................... 31
Professional Master’s/Specialist in Education Comprehensive Examinations ................. 32
Graduate Coordinator’s Handbook, revised August 2022
Admission to Candidacy (Doctoral Degrees Only) .............................................................. 32
Time Limit on Candidacy. ................................................................................................. 33
Dissertations and Theses ........................................................................................................ 33
Preparation. ......................................................................................................................... 33
Dissertation and Thesis Styles............................................................................................ 34
Master’s Thesis and Dissertation Defense. ....................................................................... 36
Approval by Advisory Committee. .................................................................................... 36
Master’s Degree Awarded while Pursuing a Doctoral Degree ........................................... 38
Graduate Areas of Emphasis ................................................................................................. 38
Graduation Process ................................................................................................................. 39
V. Disciplinary Actions and Appeals ......................................................................................... 42
Alleged Violations of University Conduct Regulations ....................................................... 42
Probation and Dismissal ......................................................................................................... 42
Appeals to the Graduate School ............................................................................................ 43
VI. Financial Support for Graduate Students .......................................................................... 44
Graduate Assistantship Administration ............................................................................... 44
Graduate School Assistantships ............................................................................................ 50
Student Travel ......................................................................................................................... 50
Regents’ Research Out-of-State Tuition Waivers ................................................................ 52
Work Loads, Course Loads, and Compensation for Graduate Students Error! Bookmark
not defined.
VII. Academic Common Market ............................................................................................... 55
Operations ............................................................................................................................... 55
Updating Program Offerings ................................................................................................. 55
Program Administration ........................................................................................................ 56
Graduate Coordinator’s Handbook, revised August 2022
The Graduate School Bulletin is the official source for policies and procedures approved
and established by the Graduate Council. The Graduate Coordinator’s Handbook is a supplement
to the Bulletin and is not intended to duplicate material provided in other published documents.
Graduate coordinators should refer to the Graduate School Bulletin for complete policies and
Graduate Coordinator’s Handbook, revised August 2022
I. Appointment and Role of the Graduate Coordinator
The dean of the Graduate School appoints the departmental graduate coordinator upon
recommendation and approval by the department head and the academic dean of that unit. The
graduate coordinator is an appointed member of the Graduate Program Faculty who serves as the
liaison between the department and the Graduate School with delegated authority of the
department head. It is the responsibility of the graduate coordinator to implement all policies and
procedures of the Graduate Council pertaining to graduate education at the University of Georgia
(UGA). Furthermore, the graduate coordinator works in conjunction with the Graduate Program
Faculty in the department to ensure that policies and procedures unique to the department are
These are the primary duties of the graduate coordinator:
Make recommendations concerning admission to Graduate School.
Make recommendations for Graduate School awards, scholarships, etc. and assist in
rating other applications for these competitions.
Maintain current records on all departmental graduate students.
Keep graduate students and faculty informed of deadlines, dates, and policies of the
Graduate School.
Recommend appointment of Advisory Committees for Master of Arts, Master of Science,
and doctoral students.
Notify the Graduate School of the date, time, and place of Oral Preliminary Exams and
Final Defenses of Doctoral Dissertations and Master’s Theses.
Make recommendations on all petitions submitted by a student in the program to the
Appeals Committee of the Graduate Council.
Countersign with the major professor on all requests for Degree Objective Changes,
Programs of Study, Recommended Changes in Programs of Study, Requests for Transfer
Credit, and Applications for Admissions to Candidacy.
Maintain and annually review a graduate program handbook that is publicly available on
the program website.
o Graduate programs shall have a program handbook for students that is publicly
available on the program website. Program expectations, timelines, and resources
Graduate Coordinator’s Handbook, revised August 2022
should be clearly stated in the handbook. This handbook can be modeled after the
Graduate School Program Handbook template (
staff/graduate-coordinators/ -- then select “Template for Graduate Student
Handbook”), and requirements should be, at minimum, consistent with the
Graduate School Handbook. Program handbooks should be reviewed yearly with
the date of last update clearly stated on the cover page of the document. The
Graduate School will request this updated link each academic year.
II. Graduate Admissions
The Graduate School Admissions Office is responsible for the admission of all graduate
students at UGA. The initial recommendation concerning the admission of an applicant for
graduate study is made by the academic unit in which the applicant plans to enroll. The final
decision on admission is made by the dean of the Graduate School. Abbreviated admissions
information follows.
Applicants for Admission
Applicants to graduate programs must hold a bachelor’s degree or higher from an
institution accredited by the appropriate U.S. regional accrediting association. Graduates of
international institutions must hold a degree equivalent to a U.S. bachelor’s degree from an
institution that is recognized by the appropriate government agency in the country. Each
applicant must file an online application with Graduate Admissions.
Entrance Test Scores
Entrance test scores are required for admissions to many degree programs offered at the
university. Currently the GRE, GMAT, and MAT are the standardized tests used by most
departments at UGA. The Graduate School no longer uses entrance test scores in award and
scholarship competitions and encourages departments to use holistic admission practices.
Departments that choose to use entrance tests can determine the most appropriate of these
standardized tests or sub-tests to use for admission to their programs with the approval of the
dean of the Graduate School. To change the established departmental entrance test requirements,
a request must be submitted to and approved by the dean of the Graduate School. Departments
may not substitute entrance test requirements for individual applicants. Test score reports must
Graduate Coordinator’s Handbook, revised August 2022
be sent directly to Graduate Admissions by the appropriate testing agency. Test scores are valid
for five years.
A test of English language proficiency (either the TOEFL, IELTS, or DuoLingo
examination) is required of all applicants whose primary language is not English. Applicants
who have received degrees from accredited institutions in the U.S. or from institutions in
countries where English is the primary language (e.g., the United Kingdom, Australia, New
Zealand) usually are not required to submit English language proficiency test scores. If such an
applicant received the degree more than two years prior to application to the Graduate School
and has been residing/working in a country where the primary language is not English, they must
submit current scores. Students who are currently enrolled, and have been enrolled at least one
year, at a regionally accredited U.S. institution may have the English language proficiency
requirement waived if their work shows a strong quality of performance. Some departments may
require English language proficiency test scores regardless of previous educational experience.
TOEFL, IELTS, and DuoLingo scores are valid for two years from the date of examination.
Applicants who have been previously admitted to a degree program and earned credit
toward that degree at UGA may submit the same test scores in support of an application for a
new degree program. In this case, the scores are not subject to the five-year time limit but must
meet the standards of the new program. Departments may require new scores.
Admission from Baccalaureate to Doctoral Program
All program of study requirements specified for doctoral students who hold the master’s
degree must also be met by students who bypass the master’s degree. In addition, the doctoral
program of study for a student who bypasses the master’s degree will contain at least 20 credit
hours, exclusive of hours for dissertation research (9000) and dissertation writing (9300), in
UGA courses open only to graduate students.
Admission to Dual Degree Programs
Current dual-degree program options are listed in the Graduate Bulletin. There are three
types of dual degree programs: professional /graduate; undergraduate/graduate; and
graduate/graduate. Applicants for dual degree programs must submit the required application
materials and fees for each program.
Graduate Coordinator’s Handbook, revised August 2022
Enrolled graduate students who intend to add a second degree objective should consult
with their major professor/program director before applying to the new program. Students will
have both programs listed in Athena, and clearances for registration will be available from either
academic department.
Transcripts and Grade Point Averages
Domestic and international applicants must submit one unofficial transcript/academic
record from each institution attended. See “Country-Specific Academic Credentials and
Requirements” on the Graduate School website for information regarding submission of
academic records for internationals applicants. If admitted to a degree program, students will be
required to submit official transcripts. Official documents must bear an original certification
from the appropriate school official or office. Photocopies of certified documents are not
Transfer credit posted on the records of other institutions, including UGA, is not accepted
in lieu of transcripts from the original institutions. This also applies to study abroad credit that is
posted on records as transfer credit to other institutions, if the academic program requires this.
The Graduate School will indicate receipt of transcripts in the Slate applicant portal.
Grade point averages (GPA) are calculated from the proof of degree transcript.
Graduate School Admissions Guidelines
Admissions guidelines suggested by the Graduate School (GPAs and entrance test scores)
are not absolute requirements; rather, they are suggested minimum guidelines. Departments may
determine their own admissions criteria. Departments are encouraged to consider applications
holistically before making admissions recommendations. Final decisions for admission are made
by the dean of the Graduate School.
Departmental Involvement in Admissions Record-Keeping
Initial applications are received by Graduate Admissions through the online application
system, Slate. A paid application is transferred into Banner. Departmental users can log in to
Slate to view application materials.
Graduate Coordinator’s Handbook, revised August 2022
Departmental Admissions Recommendation
After an applicant’s file is complete, the department can review the application materials
in the Reader section of Slate. A graduate coordinator can request reader or reviewer level access
for faculty within the forms section of Slate (select form: “Request to Add New User”). The
graduate coordinator or graduate coordinator assistant must submit a recommendation to admit
or refuse admission in the Slate Reader. Decisions are not processed the same day they are
Admissions recommendations must be submitted in a timely manner. Recommendations
should be made on domestic applications when the file is complete in the Graduate School
(unless recommended provisionally see below). Applicants’ files must be complete for an
acceptance or refusal letter to be mailed. Refusal letters will not be mailed after the drop-add
point of the semester of expected matriculation.
Admissions Appeal Procedure
If an applicant is refused admission by an academic department, any appeal on the part of
the applicant should be directed to the departmental graduate coordinator. The handling of the
appeal should follow policies adopted by the department.
If an applicant is recommended for admission by a department and is refused admission
by the Graduate School, the appeal should be directed to the office of the associate dean of the
Graduate School. The appeal should be made in writing within 30 days after receipt of the notice
that admission has been denied. See Section V of this handbook for the policy governing appeals
to the Graduate School.
Matriculation Date Changes
Admission is granted for a specific semester and is validated by registration for that
semester. Applicants wishing to defer admission to a subsequent semester may submit their
request to Graduate Admissions provided the request is received in writing or by email before
the start of the initial semester of acceptance. A deferred application must be reconsidered by the
department, and a new departmental recommendation must be forwarded to Graduate
Admissions. Applicants are allowed only one free request to change their matriculation date. If
any applicant wants to defer for a second time, the applicant will be required to submit a new
application and $25 application fee.
Graduate Coordinator’s Handbook, revised August 2022
Provisional Admissions
An applicant who is missing requisite test scores, transcripts, or other requirements for
admission, such as letters of recommendation, may be granted provisional admission for one
semester. A student who is admitted provisionally and satisfies the requirement within that
semester will be admitted as a prospective candidate for a graduate degree. Failure to remove
the provisional admission within one semester will result in the student being dropped from the
graduate program, and the student will not be allowed to register for courses.
If an applicant is admitted provisionally because of missing test scores, when the official
scores arrive the Graduate School will determine if the test scores meet the departmental
requirements and inform the department. Upon confirmation that the test scores meet the
departmental requirements, the Graduate School will process a degree objective change.
General Information
Classification of Graduate Students. Applicants may be considered for admission in
one of the following classifications:
1. Prospective candidate. An applicant who has met all requirements and is recommended
for admission is admitted as a prospective candidate for a graduate degree.
2. Provisional. An applicant who is missing an official document or test scores may be
admitted provisionally to a degree program, if recommended by the department and
approved by the dean of the Graduate School.
3. Non-degree. An applicant who does not intend to pursue a degree but wishes to take
courses for professional advancement, licensure, or certification purposes, and who holds
a baccalaureate degree or higher from a regionally accredited institution may be admitted
as a non-degree student.
4. Graduate transient. A student in good standing at another regionally accredited
graduate school may enroll for one semester at UGA with the submission of the
appropriate application, fees, and other required documentation. Students admitted in this
classification who later wish to enroll as prospective candidates for a degree must make a
formal application to the Graduate School.
Residence Status for the Purpose of Paying In-State Tuition. Decisions concerning an
applicant’s classification as a resident or non-resident of the State of Georgia are made based on
Graduate Coordinator’s Handbook, revised August 2022
the regulations established by the University System of Georgia Board of Regents. To be
considered a Georgia Resident for tuition purposes, an applicant must first select yes on the
application when asked “are you applying for in-state tuition? Additional questions regarding
residency will appear after selecting yes. A decision on Georgia residence status will be made
after the application is reviewed. Questions concerning residence status prior to matriculation
should be directed to Graduate Admissions. After matriculation, questions must be directed to
the Office of the Registrar.
Name or Address Change. If a person is in the admissions process, a request for a
change in name or address must be directed to the Graduate Admissions Office
([email protected]). Once a student has enrolled, requests for name or address changes should
be directed to the Office of the Registrar.
Admission Classification, Major, or Department Changes. A current applicant may
notify Graduate Admissions of their wish to change the proposed degree objective, major, and/or
department. These requests should be made by email to [email protected]. Changes must be
requested before the application deadline passes for the intended semester of enrollment.
Applicants requesting changes after the application deadline will be asked to defer their
application to a later term. Academic departments may, however, retroactively admit applicants
after an application deadline. The applicant is responsible for contacting the new department
regarding any supplemental departmental requirements.
Graduate School Application Materials. Both domestic and international applicants use
the same application materials. Admissions policies, forms, and directions are available in the
admissions section of the Graduate School website. All applications are submitted online.
Assistantship Letters for International Students. Programs must send a copy of the
departmental assistantship award letter to the Office of Global Engagement. This letter must
include a specific statement that the award is an assistantship, the dollar amount of the
assistantship, the start and end dates of the assistantship, and the percent appointment/work
expectation of the recipient (e.g., one-third time, etc.). The letter should also state whether tuition
will be waived or reduced. Visa documents will not be prepared for an applicant who has been
awarded an assistantship until the award letter is received.
Graduate Coordinator’s Handbook, revised August 2022
Graduate Coordinator’s Handbook, revised August 2022
III. Enrolled Student Services
Enrolled Student Services maintains graduate student files for registrations, degree
objective changes, grades, transcripts, test scores, registration flags, and all forms pertaining to
completion of degree requirements.
Graduate Enrollment Policy
Graduate students must register for a minimum of three credit hours during any semester
in which they use UGA facilities and/or staff time. A student who holds an assistantship must
register for a minimum of 12 hours of graduate credit during the fall and spring semesters and
nine hours of graduate credit during the summer semester. Other programs, offices, and agencies,
such as the Veterans Administration, Immigration and Naturalization Service, and the Office of
Student Financial Aid may have other minimum requirements for enrollment.
Minimum Enrollment. All enrolled students pursuing graduate degrees at UGA must
maintain continuous enrollment from matriculation until completion of degree requirements.
Continuous enrollment is defined as registering for a minimum of three credit hours in at least
two semesters per academic year (Fall, Spring, Summer) until the degree is attained or the
student leaves the program or transitions to non-degree seeking status. The Continuous
Enrollment Policy only outlines minimum enrollment requirements for maintaining status as a
degree-seeking graduate student; it does not supersede minimum enrollment requirements for
other programs, offices, or agencies.
Out-of-State tuition waivers. Doctoral students who are not classified as Georgia
residents for tuition purposes will automatically be granted an out-of-state tuition waiver by the
Graduate School when they reach candidacy, if they do not have an assistantship-based tuition
waiver. The out-of-state tuition waiver will be effective the semester following the semester in
which the student is admitted to candidacy. The student must be admitted to candidacy prior to
the last day of classes. Doctoral students on assistantship at the time of candidacy must submit
the request form if the waiver is needed after the student is no longer on assistantship.
Master’s students who are required to submit a thesis to the Graduate School are eligible
for the out-of-state tuition waiver after all courses on the program of study have received a grade,
with the exception of 7000 (thesis research) and 7300 (thesis writing). A program of study form
Graduate Coordinator’s Handbook, revised August 2022
must be on file in the Graduate School. All students in this category must submit the Application
for Waiver of Out-of-State Tuition to the Graduate School by the last day of classes for the
semester prior to the eligible semester. The form is available on GradStatus.
Leave of Absence. A leave of absence allows students experiencing unusual
circumstances to be temporarily exempt from the Continuous Enrollment Policy. A leave of
absence requires approval by the department’s graduate coordinator and the dean of the Graduate
School. A leave of absence will be granted only for good cause such as serious medical and
health-related issues, major financial and employment issues, pregnancy, childbirth, childcare,
elder care, other significant family issues, and other personal circumstances that interfere with
the ability to undertake graduate study.
An approved leave of absence stands in lieu of registering for the minimum of three
credit hours for each semester for which the leave of absence is granted. During a leave of
absence, students may not use UGA facilities, resources, or services designed or intended only
for enrolled students; receive a graduate assistantship, fellowship, or financial aid from the
University; or take any UGA courses related to their program of study. An approved leave of
absence for any reason other than pregnancy, childbirth, adoption, or military duty does not stop
the clock; time on leave counts towards UGA, Graduate School, and academic program time
limits pertaining to the degree being sought. An approved leave of absence for pregnancy,
childbirth, adoption of a child under the age of 6, or military duty will not count toward time
limits related to expiration of courses or candidacy governing a student’s graduate degree. Both
the duration of leave and extension(s) of time are subject to the overall time limits of the
prevailing Leave of Absence policy. It is not necessary to request a leave of absence for one
semester if it is the only semester a student will miss during an academic year.
Application. Applications for leave of absence should be submitted through GradStatus.
Student Responsibility. It is the student’s responsibility to apply for a leave of absence in
a timely fashion. An approved leave of absence from one program does not exempt students
from the enrollment requirements of other programs, offices, or agencies such as the Veterans
Administration, Immigration and Naturalization Service, and federal financial aid programs.
Please note that eligibility for certain types of financial support, including graduate
assistantships, require enrollment for more credit hours than the Continuous Enrollment Policy.
Graduate Coordinator’s Handbook, revised August 2022
Deadlines. A student may apply for a leave of absence before or during any semester in
which they are not registered for courses. The Application for a leave of absence must be
received by Enrolled Student Services on or before the last day of classes for the semester in
which is it requested. A leave of absence will not be granted retroactively after the end of a
Limits. A student may request a leave of absence for one, two, or three semesters.
Multiple semesters must be consecutive (including summer semester). There is a 12-month limit
for any one request for leave of absence. A student may submit multiple requests for a leave of
absence subject to these overall conditions:
(1) 3-semester limit for master’s students;
(2) 3-semester limit for doctoral students prior to advancement to candidacy; and
(3) 3-semester limit for doctoral candidates.
Monitoring and Compliance. After the last day of classes each semester, any degree
seeking student who has not maintained continuous enrollment by registering for the required
credit hours or obtaining an approved leave of absence will lose their status as an enrolled
graduate student.
Students who wish to resume graduate study must reapply to the Graduate School for
admission and pay the required application fee. Readmission is not guaranteed and requires
approval of the student’s former program. Students will also be required to pay a re-instatement
fee equivalent to registering for three credit hours at the current in-state tuition rate for each
semester they were not enrolled, including summer, up to a maximum of nine hours.
Students may appeal actions resulting from violating the Continuous Enrollment Policy
or denial of a requested leave of absence by submitting a request in writing to the dean of the
Graduate School. The appeal should include documentation of unusual and extenuating
circumstances that could justify an individual exception to the policy. A negative decision by the
dean of the Graduate School may be appealed to the Appeals Committee of the Graduate
Program Exemption. A graduate program may apply for an exemption from the
Continuous Enrollment Policy if the program operates on an intermittent basis and does not
Graduate Coordinator’s Handbook, revised August 2022
provide graduate courses or opportunities for research and scholarship on a term-by-term basis.
For example, a program that offers graduate courses and other educational opportunities only one
semester per year may be eligible for an exemption. Cooperative programs between UGA and
partners such as federal and state agencies, corporations, non-profit organizations, and
international exchange programs may qualify for the exemption if the program requires extended
work or service off-campus by the graduate student for multiple semesters.
If granted, the exemption will apply automatically to all students enrolled in the program.
Students will not need to apply for an exemption. Program exemptions will be reviewed
periodically and may be rescinded if the program begins to offer graduate education
opportunities on a more continuous basis.
UGA employees pursuing graduate degrees under the Tuition Assistance Program and
students with non-degree seeking or transient status are exempt from the Continuous Enrollment
Students Finishing Incomplete Course Grades. Students who are only working
towards finishing incomplete coursework are exempt from the continuous enrollment policy if:
1) they have completed all other requirements for degree completion, and 2) the work required to
convert the incomplete grade does not require the use of University facilities, resources, and
faculty time aside from grading the work. This policy exception is meant to reduce tuition
burden for completion of a course for which the student has already paid tuition. This exception
would typically not be granted for students who receive incompletes in directed study, capstone
courses, thesis/dissertation credits or other courses involving significant continuing faculty time
and University resources. Students in this latter situation should register for GRSC 9270 in order
to convert their incomplete grade.
Student Registration
Graduate student registration is conducted via Athena on the days specified by the Office
of the Registrar. Before attempting to register, a student must be advised by his/her academic
advisor and cleared by the department in the registration system.
The online access to registration consists of three phases; see dates on the website of the
Office of the Registrar.
Graduate Coordinator’s Handbook, revised August 2022
1. Early registration Dates vary depending on the semester.
2. Registration Begins after the first tuition and fees payment deadline.
3. Drop/Add Begins the first day of classes and ends at midnight on the fifth day of
Cross Registration. Students may take courses at other institutions that are members of
the Atlanta Regional Council for Higher Education. This program gives students the opportunity
to broaden their academic experience. Students must be enrolled in at least one course at UGA to
participate in this program. Additional information can be found here.
Payment of Tuition and Fees. The deadline for fee payment during the registration
phase of each semester may be found on the Bursar and Treasury Services website. Failure to
make a payment by the due date may result in a late fee. Please contact the Bursar’s Office for
more information.
Procedures for Late Add after Drop/Add. If a student is registering for the first time or
adding additional courses to his/her current schedule after the drop/add period, they must receive
permission from the instructor, department head/director responsible for the course, and the dean
of the Graduate School. Such permission will be granted only under extenuating circumstances.
For additional information, please see the Registrar’s website.
Course Withdrawals. A graduate student may withdraw from a course in Athena. The
withdrawal deadline is two weeks after the midpoint of the semester. NOTE: A student holding
an assistantship must maintain the required minimum course load throughout the semester or
they will lose their tuition waiver. No refund will be issued for withdrawal from a course after
the drop/add period.
Course Loads. Students are required to enroll for a minimum of three credit hours during
any semester that they are using University facilities or resources, including faculty or staff time.
The maximum semester course load for any student is 18 credit hours per semester. For students
whose degree program officially requires more than 18 credit hours per semester, the students
will be limited to the program maximum. Course loads for which graduate students may enroll
are governed by the following:
Graduate Coordinator’s Handbook, revised August 2022
Minimum Semester
Maximum Semester
Students who do not have an assistantship
Graduate Assistants: (0.33 to 0.5 time)
The maximum course load for an eight-week summer thru session is 18 credit hours. The
minimum course load for any summer session is three credit hours. The maximum course load
during pre-summer session (Maymester) is six credit hours. For students on an assistantship, the
minimum course load across all summer sessions is nine hours. Students will not be permitted to
exceed the maximum credit hours during summer semester.
Course Registration Overloads. Generally, a request to exceed the maximum course
load will not be approved unless the student:
1) is a prospective candidate for a degree;
2) has a cumulative graduate GPA of 3.5 or better;
3) has no incomplete grades for any graduate courses; and
4) is not a first semester student.
The request for an overload must be sent to Enrolled Student Services ([email protected]) from
the graduate coordinator.
Registration Flags. Enrolled Student Services is responsible for the placement and
removal of most registration holds on graduate student records. Reasons for placement of a hold
include lack of proof of degree transcript, incomplete transcripts from other institutions,
extensions of time, probation or dismissal, transient status, non-completion of university
requirements (e.g., GradFIRST seminar) and out-of-compliance with the Continuous Enrollment
Policy. The holds will be removed when the condition for placement of the hold has been
Records Maintenance
Change in Degree Objective. A request to change a degree objective and/or major may
be submitted to the Graduate School via GradStatus if a student has been admitted to the
graduate program, is eligible to register, and is either changing degree status within the same
Graduate Coordinator’s Handbook, revised August 2022
department and/or changing from one major to another within the same department. When the
department recommends a degree objective change, the Graduate School checks the student’s
record for acceptable test scores, GPAs, previous degrees, and conditions of admission. If the
request is acceptable, the change is approved and processed in Banner.
A student admitted as a non-degree seeking student is not eligible to request a change of
degree objective. A student in this classification must submit a new application for admission to
be considered for a degree program. Non-degree students who are later admitted by the Graduate
School may apply a maximum of nine hours of course work taken while in a non-degree status
toward a graduate degree. The inclusion of such coursework on a program of study is subject to
approval of the major professor, the departmental graduate coordinator, and the dean of the
Graduate School.
Identification Number, Name, and Address Change. After a student enrolls in
graduate school, all name, address, and student identification number changes are processed by
the Office of the Registrar.
Letter of Good Standing. A letter of good standing may be requested by a graduate
student who wishes to enroll at another institution as a transient student. The request may be
made by email or letter to Enrolled Student Services. If the student is eligible to register, a letter
of confirmation is sent to the institution in which the student intends to enroll. A copy of the
letter is sent to the student and the student’s major professor. To be in good standing, the student
must have a 3.0 graduate course GPA or better. The student should seek approval of the major
professor or graduate coordinator prior to enrollment at another institution if the courses taken
are to be transferred onto a program of study at UGA.
Academic Probation and Dismissal. Students will be placed on academic probation if
they do not maintain a 3.0 GPA. Students with a cumulative graduate course GPA below 3.0 will
receive a warning letter from the Graduate School explaining the probation procedure. If a
student’s graduate course GPA is below 3.0 for two consecutive terms, the student will be placed
on academic probation by the Graduate School. The student must maintain a 3.0 graduate course
GPA each semester while on probation. Probation status ends when the student’s cumulative
graduate course GPA reaches at least a 3.0. If the semester graduate course GPA drops below a
3.0 while the student is on probation, the student will be dismissed from the Graduate School.
Graduate Coordinator’s Handbook, revised August 2022
When a student repeats a graduate course, the last grade will be utilized to calculate the
cumulative graduate course GPA that is used for probation, dismissal, admission to candidacy,
and graduation. Courses that are created as “repeatable” for additional credit constitute an
exception to this rule. Grades earned in these courses do not replace the previous grade.
Grades of S, U, I, and V will not be used in calculating the cumulative graduate course
GPA. However, when a grade of I converts to F, this may result in an action of probation or
dismissal for the semester when the conversion takes place, even if the student is not registered
for that semester.
Students who are dismissed by the Graduate School for academic reasons may appeal the
dismissal to the dean of the Graduate School. The appeal must be submitted to the dean within
30 calendar days following receipt of the notice of dismissal. Students subject to Graduate
School dismissal may, with the support of their department/program, take advantage of an
expedited review of their dismissal. Within two business days of the release of grades, the
Graduate School will contact the program of each student subject to dismissal, giving the
program two days to request an expedited review. (Any later review requests would go through
the normal appeals process.) Information concerning the appeal process may be found in the
Graduate School Bulletin.
Grade Scale Converted to Numerical Value.
Graduate Coordinator’s Handbook, revised August 2022
Not computed
Test scores and Transcripts from Other Institutions. All test scores and transcripts
received from graduate students after they enroll at UGA are filed with Enrolled Student
Services at the Graduate School. Copies of these materials are sent to the academic programs in
which the students are currently enrolled.
Transcripts from UGA. Transcripts from UGA may be obtained from the Office of the
Registrar. Current students may order a UGA transcript through Athena.
Graduate Coordinator’s Handbook, revised August 2022
IV. Requirements for Graduate Degrees
Advisory Committees
Master of Arts/Master of Science Committees. The advisory committee for the Master
of Arts and Master of Science must consist of a minimum of three members. The chair and at
least one other member must be members of the Graduate Program Faculty at UGA. The third
member may be a member of the Graduate Program Faculty or a person with a terminal degree
holding one of the following ranks at UGA: assistant professor, associate professor, professor,
academic professional, senior academic professional, public service assistant, public service
associate, senior public service associate, assistant research scientist, associate research scientist,
or senior research scientist. A UGA employee who holds one of these ranks and who holds a
terminal degree in his/her field may be appointed as a third member upon approval by the
departmental Graduate Program Faculty and the dean of the Graduate School. The third member
can also be a non-UGA faculty member with a terminal degree in his/her field of study (see Non-
affiliated Persons on Advisory Committees). No more than one non-UGA committee member
may be appointed as a voting member. If there are more than three members on the committee, a
majority must be members of the Graduate Program Faculty.
Professional Masters, Specialist Degree Committees. Committee requirements for
professional master’s and educational specialist degrees should follow the individual
department’s guidelines.
Doctoral Committees. The doctoral committee must consist of a minimum of three
members of the Graduate Program Faculty, including the student’s major professor, who will
serve as the chair of the committee. Additional voting members, with proper rank, may be
appointed to the committee, including no more than one non-UGA faculty, who must hold the
terminal degree in his/her field of study. If there are more than three members, more than 50%
must be members of the Graduate Program Faculty.
Persons employed by UGA who hold one of the following ranks may serve on doctoral
committees: assistant professor, associate professor, professor, academic professional, senior
academic professional, public service assistant, public service associate, senior public service
associate, assistant research scientist, associate research scientist, and senior research scientist.
Graduate Coordinator’s Handbook, revised August 2022
Persons having the following ranks may not serve on doctoral committees, unless they have
Graduate Program Faculty status: instructors and lecturers.
A visiting professor or part-time or temporary faculty member may not serve on a
doctoral advisory committee unless that person is replacing a professor with sole expertise in a
designated area on the student’s program of study. The graduate coordinator must send a letter to
the Graduate School explaining the need for this replacement. Replacements for original
members of the advisory committee must be approved by the dean of the Graduate School prior
to their service in any capacity. A revised advisory committee form for showing the reconstituted
committee must be submitted to the Graduate School via GradStatus.
Co-major professors. Co-major professors, limited to two, may be appointed to an
advisory committee provided both parties are appointed members of the Graduate Program
Faculty. Co-major professors may comprise two of the three required members of an advisory
committee. Both co-major professors must sign all forms that require the signature of an
advisory committee chair.
Advising Members of Immediate Family. The nepotism policy defines member of the
immediate family as the following: spouse, parents, siblings, children, and in-laws of the same.
A faculty member may not serve as major professor or as a member of any committee that plans
a program of study or evaluates the educational progress of a member of their immediate family.
Non-Affiliated Persons on Advisory Committees. In addition to the regular committee
members, a person having no official relationship with UGA may serve as a voting member on
the advisory committee of a graduate student after nomination by the graduate coordinator and
approval of the dean of the Graduate School. When nominating a non-affiliated person, the
graduate coordinator must submit the nominee’s current resume/CV with an Advisory
Committee form and a letter addressed to the dean of the Graduate School explaining why the
services of the non-affiliated person are requested. A nominee must have a terminal degree in
their field and distinguished academic credentials in the field of study. A non-affiliated person
appointed to a graduate student’s committee must attend meetings associated with the
appointment. Compensation, if required, must be provided by the department that requested the
appointment. A graduate student may not contribute to the compensation of a non-affiliated
committee member.
Graduate Coordinator’s Handbook, revised August 2022
Adjunct Faculty. A faculty member who leaves UGA may apply for adjunct status
through the Office of Faculty Affairs. If a former Graduate Program Faculty member is approved
as an adjunct member of the general faculty, they may retain Graduate Program Faculty status.
Please note that Graduate Program Faculty status is not automatic and is not directly
linked to an adjunct appointment; program faculty must have separate votes on appointment
as adjunct and as Graduate Program Faculty. Once Graduate Program Faculty status is approved,
the faculty member may assume responsibilities normally performed by a regular Graduate
Program Faculty member. These responsibilities include direction of a student’s dissertation or
thesis, service on doctoral or master’s level committees, and teaching graduate level courses. An
adjunct member of the general faculty who is not a member of the Graduate Program Faculty
may serve on doctoral or master’s committees in positions where membership on the Graduate
Program Faculty is not required.
Retired Faculty. Membership on the Graduate Program Faculty terminates at the time of
retirement. The policy of the Graduate School concerning the participation of retired faculty in
graduate programs is:
1. The chair of a doctoral student’s advisory committee, who is retired, may continue in that
capacity if the student has been admitted to candidacy for the degree and if the student
and department wish for the relationship to continue. If the student has not been admitted
to candidacy at the time of the chair’s retirement, another chair must be selected
following regular procedures.
2. A retired professor will not assume the role of chair of an advisory committee for a
3. A retired professor may retain Graduate Program Faculty status and continue to serve as a
member of a doctoral committee provided that the student has been admitted to
candidacy and provided that the student and department wish for the relationship to
continue and the professor is in a position to perform the required services. If the student
has not been admitted to candidacy at the time of the member’s retirement, another
member must be selected following regular procedures.
4. A retired professor may be appointed to serve on a doctoral committee as a non-Graduate
Program Faculty member following regular procedures.
Graduate Coordinator’s Handbook, revised August 2022
5. A retired professor may continue to serve as student’s major professor for a master’s
degree providing that the program of study has been received by the Graduate school
prior to his/her retirement.
Consideration will be given to a request to waive any of the above policies upon petition from
the graduate coordinator of the academic unit to the dean of the Graduate School.
Doctoral degrees. The residence required for the Doctor of Philosophy degree and
Doctor of Public Health degree is 30 hours of consecutive graduate course work that is included
on the program of study. For the Doctor of Musical Arts, residence is interpreted as 20
consecutive hours of the minimum 30 graduate hours required on the program of study.
Residence for the Doctor of Education degree is interpreted as 20 consecutive hours if the
minimum 33 graduate hours on the program of study. Courses may be taken at a minimum of
three hours a semester to fulfill this requirement.
A break in residence is not incurred if the student elects not to register for the summer
term; however, if the student does register for a course on the program of study during the
summer, that course may be used toward the residence requirement.
Courses taken to fulfill research skills requirements or courses listed under the category
“Other Department Requirements” do not count as part of the residence requirement, but they do
not constitute a break in residence if they are the only hours taken during a given semester.
A maximum of three hours of dissertation writing (9300) may be included toward the
required residence. Dissertation research (9000) credits in excess of 15 hours do not count
toward the residence requirement, but these hours do not constitute a break in residence if they
are the only hours taken during a given semester.
Programs of Study
Non-degree Status. A maximum of nine hours of course credits taken in non-degree
status at UGA may be applied to a program of study after the student has been admitted as a
prospective candidate for any graduate degree.
Master’s Degrees. All Graduate School requirements for a master’s degree must fall
within a six-year time limit beginning with the first registration for graduate courses listed on the
Graduate Coordinator’s Handbook, revised August 2022
program of study and ending with the final semester of the sixth year. The program of study for
Master of Arts and Master of Science (thesis-writing) degrees must contain a minimum of 30
hours of graduate course work. A minimum of three hours must be 7300 (thesis writing), and at
least 21 hours must be of graduate course work exclusive of 7000 (master’s research) and 7300.
Twelve of these 21 hours must be courses that are restricted to graduate students. The remaining
six hours may be 7000 (master’s research), 7300 (thesis writing), or any other appropriate
graduate coursework. Courses not allowed on a program of study include 7005 (Graduate
Seminar), GRSC 7001, GRSC 7770, GRSC 9270, and LLED 7768/7769.
Specialist in Education Degrees. All Graduate School requirements for the specialist in
education degree must fall within the six-year time limit beginning with the first registration for
graduate courses listed on the program of study and ending with the final semester of the sixth
year. A program of study should be prepared by the student and the major professor during the
first semester of residence. The program for the degree shall consist of a minimum of 30
semester hours of study at the graduate school level beyond a master’s degree. A maximum of
six credit hours may be transferred from an accredited institution for inclusion on the program of
study with the approval of the major professor, the graduate coordinator, and the dean of the
Graduate School. Courses used for transfer credit must have been taken after the master’s degree
was awarded.
Doctoral Degrees. A preliminary program of study, developed by the student and major
professor and approved by a majority of the members of the advisory committee, must be
submitted to the graduate coordinator by the end of the student’s first year of residence (the
preliminary program of study is not submitted to the Graduate School).
The Graduate Bulletin describes the numbering of courses as follows:
1. 8000-9999 = advanced graduate courses and seminars that provide educational
experiences at the highest level;
2. 7000-7999 = techniques and professional courses;
3. 6000-6999 = fundamental knowledge courses.
Courses numbered 6000-7999 are normally taken early in the student’s program of study. Joint
undergraduate/graduate courses, numbered 4000-4999/6000-6999 and 5000-5999/7000-7999, in
Graduate Coordinator’s Handbook, revised August 2022
which undergraduate and graduate students are combined, are not normally used to fulfill the
core requirements of a graduate degree program. Based on this structure, a doctoral program of
study should consist of 16 or more hours of 8000- or 9000-level courses, exclusive of 9000
(doctoral research), 9300 (dissertation writing), directed study, or be accompanied by a letter of
justification as to the acquisition of fundamental knowledge, technique, or professional courses.
The final program of study must be submitted for approval of the dean of the Graduate
School by the time the notification of the preliminary oral comprehensive examination is given.
All courses on the program of study must fall within a six-year time limit. The six-year limit
begins with the semester the student was admitted into the program and registered for courses
and ends with the last semester before the beginning of the sixth year. For Doctor of Philosophy,
Doctor of Musical Arts, and the Doctor of Public Health degrees, the program of study must
carry a minimum of 30 hours of course work, three hours of which must be dissertation writing
(9300). A program of study for the Doctor of Education degree must include 30 hours of course
work in addition to three hours of 9300.
The doctoral program of study for a student who bypasses the master’s degree must
contain a minimum of 16 hours of 8000- or 9000-level courses and four additional hours of UGA
courses open only to graduate students. Courses not allowed on a program of study include
GRSC 9005 (Graduate Seminar), GRSC 7001, GRSC 7770, GRSC 9270, and LLED 7768/7769.
Course Challenge. Graduate courses listed on a program of study may not be fulfilled by
challenge, a process which allows a student the opportunity to receive resident credit for courses
by examination without attending the regular classes; however, courses taken for personal
enrichment or certification purposed may be challenged provided they are properly approved by
the designated officials. Information about the course challenge procedure is given in the UGA
Research Skills and Departmental/University Requirements
Undergraduate courses used to satisfy departmental research skills requirements may not
be counted as part of the basic program of study for any graduate degree. These and any other
departmental or university requirements, including GradFIRST seminars and any special
conditions noted in the admission acceptance letter, must be listed separately on the program of
Graduate Coordinator’s Handbook, revised August 2022
study form in the space provided for research skills, departmental requirements, and university
Foreign Language Examination. The Research Skills Foreign Language Exam is
offered to graduate students in the fourth week of every semester. Students may register at any
time, but registration closes for a given exam date two weeks prior to that date. Contact the
Senior Administrative Secretary of Romance Languages for deadlines to register and the exact
dates of exams. There is an exam fee to be paid (by check only) at the time of registration. For
fee amount, please check the Romance Languages website. The department notifies the Graduate
School of a successful completion of the exam, if it listed as a requirement on the program of
Transfer Credit from Other Institutions
Course Requirements for Transfer Credit (All Degrees). Courses to be transferred
onto a graduate student transcript must meet the following requirements:
1. taken at an accredited institution;
2. fall within the six year time limit;
3. received a grade of B or better; and
4. not used to fulfill requirements for another degree at UGA or another institution.
Transfer Credit for Master’s/Specialist Degrees. If graduate credit earned at an
accredited institution constitutes a logical part of the student’s program, transfer of credit may be
allowed when recommended by the student’s major professor and graduate coordinator, and
when approved by the dean of the Graduate School. Such transfer credit cannot exceed the
following scale and must fall within the time limit of the degree:
Program Credit Hours Transfer up to
30-39 6 credits
40-49 8 credits
50-59 10 credits
60-69 12 credits
Graduate Coordinator’s Handbook, revised August 2022
70+ 14 credits
A request for transfer of credit cannot be made until a student has been admitted to UGA as a
prospective candidate for a degree. The transfer credit must be included on the program of study.
Specialist in education prospective candidates must have been awarded the master’s degree prior
to taking courses for transfer credit. No grade below a “B” may be transferred and the courses to
be transferred may not have been used in a degree program at another institution. Transfer grades
are not used in calculating cumulative GPAs. All requests for transfer of credit, with
accompanying official transcripts, must be made in the Graduate School at least 30 days prior to
the time the student plans to graduate.
A student enrolled in a program leading to a Master of Arts or a Master of Science degree
may not use transfer credit to fulfill the requirement that 12 of the hours on the program of study
must be open to graduate students only. The following course requirements may not be satisfied
by transfer of credit: master’s research (7000), thesis writing (7300), or directed study courses.
Transfer of Credit for Completion of Degree Requirements. A student must be
registered for a minimum of three credit hours the semester in which degree requirements are
completed (12 graduate credit hours, if receiving an assistantship). Departments should advise
students of the existence of more stringent registration requirements for international students or
those receiving financial assistance. A student transferring a course from another institution to
complete degree requirements must be registered concurrently at UGA. If an official transcript
cannot be obtained from the institution from which the course is to be transferred in time for
graduation, the student’s graduation date will be moved to the following semester, but the
student will not be required to register. Only an official transcript may be accepted as proof of
completion of course work.
Transfer of Credit for Doctoral Degrees. No courses taken prior to a doctoral student’s
admission into his/her degree program at UGA are eligible for transfer. Doctoral students who
have enrolled into a degree program may take courses at other accredited institutions and have
up to nine semester hours of credit transferred to the UGA program of study. These courses must
constitute a logical part of the student’s program and must be recommended by the student’s
major professor and graduate coordinator for approval by the dean of the Graduate School. No
grade below a “B” may be transferred, and the courses to be transferred may not have been used
Graduate Coordinator’s Handbook, revised August 2022
in a degree program at another institution. Transfer grades are not used in calculating cumulative
GPAs. All requests for transfer of credit, with the accompanying official transcripts, must be in
the Graduate School at least 30 days prior to the time the student plans to graduate.
Courses transferred for the doctoral degree may not be used in fulfilling the following:
1. requirement that a minimum of 16 hours of 8000- or 9000-level courses be
included on the program of study; or
2. the university’s residence requirement.
Doctoral Comprehensive Examinations
A student must pass formal, comprehensive written and oral examinations before being
admitted to candidacy for the degree. These examinations are administered by the student’s
advisory committee.
The written comprehensive examination, although administered by the advisory
committee, may be prepared and graded according to the procedures and policies in effect in the
student’s department. The oral comprehensive examination will be an inclusive examination
within the student’s field of study. An examination of the student’s dissertation prospectus
(proposal) may precede or follow the oral comprehensive examination but may not take the place
of the oral comprehensive examination. All members of the student’s advisory committee must be
present simultaneously for the oral examination and prospectus (proposal) presentation.
The oral comprehensive examination is open to all members of the faculty and shall be
announced by the Graduate School. Attendance by other students is a program-level decision that
must be applied uniformly. Additional guidelines for oral comprehensive examinations may be
found in individual program graduate student handbooks.
The graduate coordinator must notify the Graduate School of the time and place of the
examination at least two weeks before the date of the examination. The student and committee
chair must appear in person for both components of the defense, but other committee members can
participate via teleconference or video conference, provided that the comments of all participants
can clearly and consistently be heard. If the major professor is not able to attend the defense in
person, they can designate a substitute chair who is a current member of the committee. Under
Graduate Coordinator’s Handbook, revised August 2022
extenuating circumstances with approval by the department head and graduate coordinator, a
defense can be held completely remotely.
Following each examination, written and oral, each member of the advisory committee will
cast an electronic vote of pass or fail on the examination. To pass each examination, the agreement
of the advisory committee is achieved with no more than one dissenting vote. An abstention is not
an appropriate vote for the comprehensive examination. The results of both examinations will be
reported to the Graduate School within two weeks following the oral examination.
Professional Master’s/Specialist in Education Comprehensive Examinations
The Graduate School must receive notification of the result of a comprehensive examination
if this is part of the requirements for graduation. The comprehensive examination follows the
completion of courses for the degree program. There is no standard form for reporting the result.
Departments may develop their own format provided the information includes the student’s
name, 81x number, department, degree, major, the result of the exams, and the signatures of the
major professor and graduate coordinator.
Admission to Candidacy (Doctoral Degrees Only)
Under ordinary circumstances, admission to candidacy for a doctoral student is requested
immediately after successful completion of the comprehensive oral examination. The following
is a complete list of requirements for admission to candidacy:
1. all prerequisites set as a condition of admission have been satisfactorily completed;
2. research skills requirements, if applicable, have been met;
3. the final program of study has been approved by the advisory committee, the graduate
coordinator, and the dean of the Graduate School;
4. a GPA average of 3.0 (B) has been maintained for all graduate courses taken and for
all completed courses on the program of study (no course with a grade below C may
be included on the final program of study);
5. written and oral comprehensive examinations have been passed and reported to the
Graduate School;
6. the advisory committee, including any necessary changes in the membership, is
confirmed and all members have been notified of their appointment;
7. a dissertation prospectus has been approved (if required by the department); and
Graduate Coordinator’s Handbook, revised August 2022
8. the residence requirement has been met.
The Application for Candidacy form must be submitted to the Graduate School as soon as
possible following the completion of these requirements. Candidacy begins on the date the form
is received in the Graduate School. The graduate coordinator must notify the Graduate School
should there be a reason to delay admission to candidacy as indicated on the comprehensive
examination report form.
After admission to candidacy, a student must register for a combined minimum of ten
hours of dissertation or other appropriate graduate credit during the completion of the degree
program. Students planning to graduate the same semester they enter candidacy must be admitted
to candidacy by the published deadline for candidacy during that semester and register for ten
hours. The student must also meet all other deadlines for graduation in that semester. A student
must register for a minimum of three hours of credit in any semester when using UGA facilities
and/or faculty or staff time.
Time Limit on Candidacy. The dissertation must be completed within five years
following the admission to candidacy in order to qualify for graduation. If a doctoral student’s
candidacy expires the first week of classes in the final semester of the fifth year, the student is
granted the remainder of the semester to complete degree requirements without special
permission of the dean of the Graduate School.
Dissertations and Theses
Preparation. Any student whose research will involve the use of human subjects must
apply to the Institutional Review Board (IRB) in the Office of Research. Any student whose
research will involve the use of animals must comply with the requirements of the Institutional
Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC). The dissertation is the final component of a series of
academic experiences which cumulate in the awarding of the doctoral degree. The dissertation
fulfills four major functions:
1. it presents original research or scholarship;
2. it demonstrates the student’s ability to understand and critically evaluate the literature of
the field;
3. it reflects the student’s mastery of appropriate research methods and tools; and
Graduate Coordinator’s Handbook, revised August 2022
4. it shows that a student can address a major problem, arrive at successful conclusions, and
report results in a literate fashion.
The findings of a dissertation should be worthy of publication in a refereed journal or other
scholarly medium. The thesis is a requirement for most master’s degrees and represents a more
modest contribution to knowledge than does a dissertation.
The dissertation or thesis must demonstrate unity and purpose. All parts of the
dissertation or thesis must contribute to the stated objectives of the research. The methods used
in the research must be described adequately to permit an independent investigator to replicate
the work.
All theses and dissertations must be submitted in electronic Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) format.
The dissertation or thesis format should conform to the instructions contained in a style manual
or scholarly journal approved by the department and the Graduate School.
The Graduate School guide for preparing the dissertation or thesis should be followed to
ensure that standards of uniformity and consistency are maintained. If a student receives
assistance to format the document, the student has a responsibility to see that this individual read
and follows the guide that is available on the Graduate School website. Any questions
concerning formatting or difficulties with electronic submission should be directed to Enrolled
Student Services ([email protected]).
Dissertation and Thesis Styles. The dissertation or thesis may be written in either the
traditional or the manuscript (journal article) style described below.
The dissertation or thesis must include an introduction and a literature review with the
purposes of defining the problem, presenting hypotheses or theories, stating objectives, and
thoroughly reviewing pertinent literature. There must also be a concluding chapter or section
which unites the preceding chapters or sections and may include a general discussion integrating
the major findings.
Traditional Style. In addition to an introduction, literature review, and conclusion, this
style may include materials and methods, results, discussion, literature cited, and figures and
Graduate Coordinator’s Handbook, revised August 2022
tables as appropriate to the student’s discipline. Documentation and format must be consistent
throughout the dissertation or thesis.
Manuscript Style. The practice of using the manuscript (journal article) style thesis or
dissertation format will be at the discretion of the department. In this style, the introduction,
literature review, and concluding chapter or section will be presented separately from their
briefer presentation in each manuscript to allow thoroughness not usually permitted by space
limitations in peer-reviewed journals.
The manuscript style permits, for the doctoral degree, the inclusion of two or more
manuscripts and, for the master’s degree, inclusion of one or more manuscripts submitted or
prepared to be submitted to scholarly journals as chapters or sections of the dissertation or thesis.
Each manuscript must be prepared in the style of the appropriate scientific journal, but
instructions specific to submission of manuscripts to editors must be eliminated. Each
manuscript must blend appropriately with the other parts of the dissertation or thesis, except for
the differences required by journals (e.g., literature citations, table designations). Numbered
lines, as required by some journals, must not be used. Captions must accompany each figure on
the same or preceding page of each manuscript. No reprints or photocopies of reprints will be
The names of all authors, in journal-submitted order, and the name of the journal (with
volume, page numbers, and date, if published) must be given as a footnote to the title on the first
page of each manuscript to indicate the current status of each manuscript. The student must be
the first author of each manuscript in this style. The Graduate School must receive proof of
permission to use articles that have been published or accepted for publication.
Continuous pagination is required throughout the dissertation or thesis. The usual
requirements for margins, consistency in chapter or section titles, and other mechanics as
specified in the Graduate School dissertation and thesis guide will apply.
A dissertation defense notification must be posted at least two weeks before the defense.
The notification includes the candidate’s name; date, time, and place of defense; list of
committee members; and the title of the doctoral dissertation. An electronic notification form is
available in GradStatus.
Graduate Coordinator’s Handbook, revised August 2022
Master’s Thesis and Dissertation Defense.
The defense of the master’s thesis or dissertation will be chaired by the student’s major
professor and attended by all members of the advisory committee simultaneously for the entire
defense period. The defense will consist of a public presentation followed by a private defense
during which only the student and advisory committee will be in attendance. The public
presentation is open to anyone who wishes to attend. The student and committee chair must
appear in person for both components of the defense, but other committee members can
participate via teleconference or video conference, provided that the comments of all participants
can clearly and consistently be heard. If the major professor is not able to attend the defense in
person, they can designate a substitute chair who is a current member of the committee. Under
extenuating circumstances, the defense can be held completely remotely if approved by the
graduate coordinator and the department head. The advisory committee must approve the
student’s dissertation and defense with no more than one dissenting vote and must certify their
approval in writing. An abstention is not allowable for the final defense. The results of the
defense of the dissertation must be reported to the Graduate School at least two weeks prior to
graduation for the current semester. If a University program would like to deviate from the above
policy, the following steps must be taken: (1) request approval from the Graduate School for the
revised policy that will be used for program level defenses, (2) documentation in the program’s
handbook on the revised policy approved by the Graduate School for the program. Such
deviations must be applied to all students in the program.
Approval by Advisory Committee. A dissertation will not be approved before
candidacy has been established. The graduate coordinator must notify the Graduate School at
least two weeks in advance of the defense of a dissertation. The defense will consist of a public
presentation followed by a private defense during which only the student and advisory
committee will be in attendance. The public presentation is open to anyone who wishes to attend.
The notification must include the date, time, place, list of committee members, and the title of a
doctoral dissertation. An electronic notification form is available on GradStatus. A dissertation
will not be approved before an approved program of study is on file in the Graduate School.
Graduate Coordinator’s Handbook, revised August 2022
The approval forms for the defense of a thesis or dissertation are available at the
Graduate School website. The Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Submission Approval Form
must be submitted at the same time in GradStatus.
The advisory committee must approve the student’s dissertation or thesis and defense
with no more than one dissenting vote and approve the final defense via the appropriate form in
GradStatus. The major professor’s/co-major professors’ vote of approval is required for the
student to pass the examination. An abstention is not an appropriate vote for the defense of the
dissertation or thesis. The committee, after having read the dissertation, should verify whether
human subjects were used in the student’s research and indicate this by verifying that the
appropriate box is checked on the approval form. If human subjects were used, the student must
provide the IRB protocol number and date of approval on the defense form. The defense
approval form must be submitted to the Graduate School before the corrected copy of the
electronic thesis or dissertation will be accepted as the final official copy. The deadline for this is
posted on the Graduate School website in advance for three semesters.
Submission of Dissertation or Thesis. The Graduate School will not accept a
dissertation until the student has been admitted to candidacy for the degree. The year on the title
page of the dissertation or thesis will be the same year in which the degree is conferred. The
theses or dissertation will not be forwarded to the University Library until the degree has been
First Format Check. One complete formatted copy of the thesis/dissertation must be
electronically submitted to the Graduate School by the established deadline for the student’s
graduate semester for a first format check. Instructions for formatting the thesis or dissertation
can be found here.
Final Format Check. All requirements for the thesis or dissertation must be completed no
later than two full weeks prior to graduation (see “Important Dates & Deadlines on the
Graduate School website). The final copy will not be accepted as the official copy until the
Graduate School has received the signed approval form for the thesis or dissertation defense and
the ETD submission approval form. These forms are due by the same deadline as the final copy
of the thesis/dissertation.
Graduate Coordinator’s Handbook, revised August 2022
The Graduate School will not accept theses or dissertations for any student graduating in
future semesters between the final copy submission deadline for the current semester and late
registration for the following term.
Master’s Degree Awarded while Pursuing a Doctoral Degree
Some departments allow students to complete requirements for a master’s degree in the
same department in which they are pursuing a doctoral degree. In such cases, the student will
need to contact the department for information on the departmental process. If the department
approves the request, the department (GC or GCA) must send an email to [email protected] to
indicate that the student will pursue the master’s in addition to the PhD. The student must apply
for Graduation by the deadline for the anticipated graduation semester for the master’s degree.
The student should notify the department and Graduate School immediately upon beginning the
PhD program. All other forms for the master’s degree must also be submitted by published
deadlines for approval by the dean of the Graduate School prior to the conferral of the master’s
degree program.
Graduate Areas of Emphasis
Departments may create official areas of emphasis within majors and have these placed
on a student’s transcript. The department must submit a change request (SGASTDN form) to the
Office of the Registrar to add an area of emphasis to a student’s record.
Areas of emphasis are not new majors or minors. Many degree programs already have
emphases within majors. For new areas of emphasis and those that already exist, the department
must go through the process described below to create a new code. If a department has areas of
emphasis, there may already be directors or coordinators managing them, but there will be no
additional graduate coordinators to manage areas of emphasis.
Creation of Official Areas of Emphasis. The creation of official areas of emphasis is
optional. Departments choosing this option must complete the “Proposal for Area of Emphasis
and submit it to the dean of the academic college for approval. The request must then be
submitted to the Graduate School for the graduate dean’s approval. The Graduate School will
submit it to the University Curriculum Committee. When approved, a code is created by the
Office of the Registrar. This can be done either before or after graduation. Areas of emphasis
cannot be assigned to a student’s record through the Graduate School’s admission process.
Graduate Coordinator’s Handbook, revised August 2022
Graduation Process
Application for Graduation. A student must apply for graduation no later than the
Friday of the second full week of classes in the fall and spring semesters and no later than the
Friday of the first full week of classes in the summer of the anticipated graduation date to permit
the Graduate School to review the student’s file. These deadlines are published on the Graduate
School website for three semesters in advance (see “Important Dates & Deadlines”). Students
must enroll for a minimum of three hours during the semester in which degree requirements are
completed. The application for graduation is submitted in Athena and requires no signatures.
Late Filing for Graduation. A student who misses a graduation deadline by failing to
file the Application for Graduation, Advisory Committee Form, and/or Program of Study Form
will have the option of paying a single fee of $50 (check or money order in U.S. dollars) for the
late processing of all required forms. A completed Late Filing for Gradation Form, all required
graduation forms, and the late fee payment must be submitted to Enrolled Student Services
within 45 calendar days of the original deadline. After the 45-day late period, no students will be
added to the commencement roster for the current semester.
Change in Graduation Date. If a student cannot complete degree requirements in the
semester for which a graduation application was submitted, the student should notify the
Graduate School by sending an email to Enrolled Student Services ([email protected]). The
major professor or graduate coordinator may also notify the Graduate School by e-mail of the
student’s intent. Once notified, the graduation record will be removed, and the student will have
to apply for a later term. If a student does not complete degree requirements for the term they
applied, Enrolled Student Services staff will remove the graduate record by the end of the term.
Doctoral Information for Commencement Program. Because the commencement
program contains dissertation titles and major professor names for all doctoral candidates,
doctoral candidates must submit this information via GradStatus by the deadline for the
graduation semester listed on the Graduate School’s Important Dates & Deadlines” page.
Clearance for Graduation. When all degree requirements have been successfully
completed, the student’s file will be cleared for graduation. Under ordinary circumstances, this
process occurs when the grades for the final semester have been received. Graduate students
must have a cumulative graduate GPA of at least 3.0 to graduate. This includes all graduate
Graduate Coordinator’s Handbook, revised August 2022
courses attempted, whether or not they are used on the program of study for the current degree.
A student will not be allowed to graduate with an incomplete grade on the transcript if
conversion of the incomplete grade to F will drop the student’s graduate GPA below a 3.0.
The grade of U as a terminal grade in 7300, 9300, or GRSC 9270 courses is not
acceptable. The same rule applies to courses entitled technical report, applied project, seminar,
special problems, internship, practicum, and research courses when these are degree
requirements. Under these conditions, The Graduate School cannot clear a student for
Completion Course: GRSC 9270. If a non-thesis master’s student or specialist in
education does not graduate during the expected graduation semester because they received an
incomplete grade, failed the final comprehensive exam, or were not able to schedule the final
comprehensive exam by the established deadlines for the graduation semester, they will be
required to enroll for a minimum of three hours during the semester in which these requirements
are completed. If no other course is needed to complete the program, the student must register for
GRSC 9270, the Graduate School’s requirement completion course. The graduate coordinator’s
office must notify the Graduate School in writing or by e-mail of the student’s name, the 81x
number, and the requirement to be completed. Graduate School staff will place the student on an
access list for the course and will assign a grade of “S” or “U” depending on whether the student
completes the requirement.
Students who are only working towards finishing incomplete coursework are exempt
from the continuous enrollment policy IF: 1) they have completed all other requirements for
degree completion, and 2) the work required to convert the incomplete grade does not require the
use of University facilities, resources, and faculty time aside from grading the work.
Petition Procedure
A student who wishes to petition for an exception to Graduate school policies may do so
by writing a letter to the dean of the Graduate School stating the nature of the request and
providing the reason to justify approval of the request. The major professor must review the
student’s request and write a letter to the dean stating approval or disapproval of the petition. The
graduate coordinator and department head must review the major professor’s recommendation
Graduate Coordinator’s Handbook, revised August 2022
and indicate their concurrence by writing an additional letter of recommendation, which they
should co-sign. If they do not concur with the recommendation, further information should be
provided by them in the letter to the dean.
Requests for an Extension of Time. A request for an extension of time must include
specific reasons that the student did not complete the requirements in the time allotted by
Graduate School Policy. A petition of this type must include a specific timeline for the
completion of requirement and must be accompanied by an advisory committee form, if required
for the degree, and by a proposed program of study, if one is not already on file in the Graduate
Graduate Coordinator’s Handbook, revised August 2022
V. Disciplinary Actions and Appeals
This section provides information concerning procedures to be followed for alleged
violations of university conduct regulation and appeals of Graduate School policies governing
admissions and academic matters. See Section VI for appeals related to assistantships.
Alleged Violations of University Conduct Regulations
Hearing on alleged violations of university conduct regulations fall within the jurisdiction
of Student Conduct in the Division of Student Affairs. Violations of conduct regulations include
but are not limited to academic honesty, falsification of university records, unauthorized entry
into or use of university facilities, and theft.
When instances of alleged misconduct arise, the faculty or staff member involved should
report the incident to his/her department head. The head of the department and the faculty or
staff member should contact Student Conduct regarding the alleged incident. Student Conduct,
following its own procedures, will hear the case and send written notification of the decision to
the department, the faculty or staff member, and the Graduate School.
Probation and Dismissal
Students may be dismissed by their department at the end of any semester if they have
not made sufficient academic progress to warrant continuance of study. Termination of students
will follow policies and procedures adopted by the department and the action will be reported to
the Graduate School. Dismissal by an academic department may be appealed to the dean of the
Graduate School after all avenues of appeal have been exhausted at the department and/or
college level. When students are terminated by a department, but not simultaneously by the
Graduate School, they may apply for admission to another graduate program.
No Clear Path to Degree Completion
In rare circumstances, graduate students who cannot identify a major professor
(excluding students on rotations) or who cannot form an advisory committee shall be placed on a
status called “No clear path to degree completion.” This status is distinct from “Not in good
standing,” which refers to academic status. Students will be given one semester after being
placed on this status by their unit/program to identify a major professor or form a committee.
Graduate Coordinator’s Handbook, revised August 2022
Graduate coordinators should work closely with the student to try to rectify the problem. If the
situation is not resolved during this semester, the student can be dismissed from the program.
Appeals to the Graduate School
An applicant/student who submits an appeal to the Graduate School concerning
admission to graduate study or completion of an academic program may have the petition
considered by the Appeals Committee of the Graduate Council. The Appeals Committee will
consider appeals of administrative decisions by the dean of the Graduate School or appellate
bodies at the department/school/college level involving academic matters. It will also hear
appeals of decisions by the dean of the Graduate School or appellate bodies at the
department/school/college level to (a) deny admission to graduate study, (b) deny a request for a
change in degree objective, or (c) dismiss a student for academic reasons.
An applicant/student who wishes to appeal a decision must initiate the process within 30
calendar days after receipt of an adverse decision by the dean of the Graduate School or by an
appellate body at the department/school/college level. The appeal must be written and addressed
to the dean of the Graduate School stating the nature of the appeal, the decision desired, and
reasons why the appeal should be granted. The petition should include the current mailing
address, telephone number, and email address of the applicant/student. An applicant/student
submitting an appeal to the dean of the Graduate School has the right to appear in person before
the Appeals Committee on the scheduled hearing date to present his/her views on the matter
under consideration. More information on the appeal process can be found on the Graduate
School website.
Graduate Coordinator’s Handbook, revised August 2022
VI. Financial Support for Graduate Students
Graduate Assistantship Administration
The primary goal of a graduate assistantship is to permit orderly progress, academically
and financially, through a graduate degree program. The assistantship may be a component of the
total academic program of a student, along with coursework, a project or thesis, a practicum, and
examinations. While graduate assistants progress toward an advanced degree, they also receive
practical experience and apprenticeship under the supervision of faculty mentors.
Graduate assistants occupy dual roles they are both students and temporary employees
of the university. In the former role, graduate assistants are expected to concentrate on their
studies under the direction of faculty mentors as a means of developing knowledge of their field
of study and professional skills. As temporary student employees of the university, graduate
assistants are expected to meet the obligations assigned, whether they involve teaching, research,
or other support work. At all times, graduate assistants are to work under the supervision of
faculty who are experienced and knowledgeable in their field. Supervision of graduate assistants
includes providing appropriate training prior to and during the assistant’s assumption of
responsibility for assigned tasks.
Types of Graduate Assistantships. Academic units of the university may employ
graduate assistants in four classifications. The type(s) of graduate assistant(s) to be employed
depends on the needs of the academic units, the availability of funds, and the qualifications of the
students involved. The four classifications may be described as follows:
Graduate teaching assistants (GTAs) are students enrolled in the Graduate School who
are assigned instructional responsibility for a course or lab section. Graduate laboratory
assistants (GLAs) are students enrolled in the Graduate School who are assigned teaching
responsibilities for a laboratory section that is part of a regularly scheduled course. GTAs/GLAs
must meet all criteria set forth in the TA Policy prior to assuming instructional responsibilities.
GTAs/GLAs may have autonomy for teaching and assigning grades as per UGA policy on
Instructors of Record, BOR policy, and SACSCOC criteria for teaching faculty. Contact the
Office of Faculty Affairs with questions about Instructor of Record requirements for GTAs and
GLAs. Prior to assuming responsibility for a course, GTAs and GLAs are required to work under
Graduate Coordinator’s Handbook, revised August 2022
the supervision of experienced faculty members as a means of developing teaching skills in the
academic discipline.
Graduate research assistants (GRAs) are students enrolled in the Graduate School who
are assigned to assist one or more faculty members with research projects. In most instances,
GRAs are assigned duties such as literature review searches and laboratory experiments under
close supervision of faculty members.
The term graduate assistant (GA) encompasses all other graduate students receiving
assistantship stipends not covered by the three previously mentioned categories. Duties assigned
to GAs may include gathering, organizing, and analyzing data, and assisting academic faculty.
Whenever possible, the duties assigned to GAs should be relevant to the graduate program and
the professional goals of the student.
Qualifications for Appointment. To be eligible for an assistantship, students must have
been admitted to the Graduate School and be pursuing a graduate degree. Non-degree-seeking
students do not qualify for assistantship funding support or an assistantship tuition waiver.
GTAs, GLAs, and GRAs must have substantial academic work in the field in which they receive
their appointment. They should have achieved a strong academic record and must be enrolled as
full-time students in their degree program. Additionally, GTAs must meet minimum English
language requirements, as outlined in guidance from UGA’s Center for Teaching and Learning.
Training for Graduate Teaching Assistants. All departments must conform to the
UGA TA Policy. These guidelines provide that all new graduate teaching assistants must attend a
university-wide workshop held for graduate teaching assistants prior to the beginning of fall
semester classes. Graduate students who have no prior successful teaching experience at the
college level must enroll in GRSC 7770 or participate in an equivalent departmental training
before or concurrent with being assigned teaching responsibilities.
Appointment Procedures. Graduate Assistants are appointed by the head of the relevant
academic unit and must be approved by the dean of the college/school in which the academic
unit is located and the dean of the Graduate School. The head of the academic unit offering the
assistantship is responsible for making the offer of appointment in an official letter. The letter
should provide full information on the terms of the assistantship, including:
Graduate Coordinator’s Handbook, revised August 2022
1. title, hours of work per week required, and length of appointment;
2. stipend level and remission of the non-resident fee and reduction in tuition fee;
3. minimum and maximum course load;
4. description of duties;
5. name and position of supervisor;
6. evaluation procedures;
7. procedure and timing of reappointment;
8. any contingencies, including the availability of funding;
9. deadline for acceptance; and conditions under which the assistantship may be withdrawn.
For your convenience, samples of assistantship offer letter templates are located on the Graduate
School website.
At the time assistantship offers are accepted, the heads of the appointing units should
provide recipients with a copy of departmental policies relating to graduate assistants. Those
students who have been assigned teaching or laboratory duties should also be provided a copy of
the Center for Teaching and Learning’s Handbook for Graduate Teaching & Laboratory
Assistants New graduate assistants (GTA, GLA, GRA and GA)
Length of Appointment to an Assistantship. All graduate students must be registered
for classes prior to the first day of classes for each semester. Failure to do so may result in the
loss of the assistantship. In some instances, appointments may be made for one semester only. To
be eligible for reappointment, graduate assistants (GTA, GLA, GRA and GA)must maintain a
3.0 average on all graduate course work and must have received acceptable performance
evaluations from their immediate supervisor.
Condition of Service. Graduate assistants are expected to make uninterrupted progress
toward completing requirements for the degree. Students cannot hold an assistantship(s) that
requires more than one-half time service (a maximum of 20 hours of work each week). Students
holding assistantships requiring one-half time service may not accept additional employment
from any institution within the University System of Georgia during the fiscal year.
Graduate assistants who hold assistantships r a minimum of 12 graduate-level credit
hours during fall and spring semesters and 9 graduate-level credit hours during the summer
Graduate Coordinator’s Handbook, revised August 2022
semester. Graduate assistants may not register for more than 18 credit hours. Exceptions to the
maximum course load may be obtained with written approval of the major professor and the
dean of the Graduate School.
Responsibilities. Graduate assistants are responsible for being informed about
and adhering to departmental, college, and institutional regulations. Regardless of the work
assignment, graduate assistants (GTA, GLA, GRA and GA)are obligated to maintain standards
of academic honesty and integrity and to report violations of these to their faculty supervisor.
Recognizing that the assistantship is a temporary position, GAs should keep careful records of
work assignments and should leave records in such a condition that decisions can be traced,
results verified, and incomplete work finished after the assistantship ends.
Privileges. Graduate assistants have access to the privileges available to all graduate
students, such as health care, counseling and psychological services, libraries, and access to
computing and internet resources. In addition, they should be assigned appropriate space and
equipment, including copies of textbooks and other supplies, to enable the effective execution of
their responsibilities.
Rights. Graduate assistants must be notified in writing of all decisions that affect their
status as a temporary student employee. They should be given advanced notice of evaluation
procedures and must receive notice of reappointment procedures in time to permit preparation of
their assistantship applications. If a graduate student will not be reappointed, they should be
given advance notice so that they may seek other funding opportunities.
Graduate students who are placed on academic warning may not have their assistantship
removed unless it is deemed by the major professor (if applicable), in consultation with the
graduate coordinator and unit head, that the activities associated with the assistantship are
contributing to the student’s impaired academic performance. In this case, an alternative source
of funding that will allow the student to focus on academic performance should be considered. If
a student is subsequently placed on probation, the decision to change the source of or remove an
assistantship shall be determined by the major professor (if applicable) in consultation with the
graduate coordinator and unit head.
Graduate Coordinator’s Handbook, revised August 2022
Graduate assistants have access to appeal and grievance procedures available at the
university. Appeals resulting from academic decisions are usually directed to the unit responsible
for the decision. An unfavorable ruling may be appealed to successive levels within the
university and ultimately to the Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia.
Information about appeals of academic matters can be found on the Graduate School website.
Complaints of discrimination on the basis of race, sex (including sexual harassment and
pregnancy), gender identity, sexual orientation, ethnicity or national origin, religion, age, genetic
information, disability or veteran status. should be reported to the UGA Equal Opportunity
Evaluation. The performance of all GAs in each academic unit must be evaluated
annually following written policies and procedures adopted by the unit. Evaluation is to be made
by the immediate supervisor(s) of the GA and monitored by the head of the academic unit.
Evaluation results must be reported in writing to GAs, and the report should identify strengths
and weaknesses of their performance.
Ongoing informal evaluations should occur in addition to the annual evaluation. If these
informal evaluations identify a weakness, the GA should be advised in writing of the weakness
and a notation of the evaluation should be entered in their personnel records. A plan of
improvement should be devised by the GA and his/her immediate supervisor(s). If the
performance of a GA fails to improve in accordance with the plan, further action should be
taken. In situations where continuance of the assistantship would be detrimental to the effective
operation of the academic unit, termination of the assistantship should be considered with the
assistance of UGA Human Resources Department. When an assistantship is terminated, the
student must be advised in writing of the termination and of the appeal procedures. Appeals of
terminations, unless they include charges of NDAH or title IX violations, will be heard through
the channels established for academic decisions. The appeals must be in writing and must specify
the grounds on which they are based.
Annual Stipend Rates. Annual stipend rates for GAs will be established by the dean or
director of each college or unit prior to the beginning of the fiscal year.
Graduate Coordinator’s Handbook, revised August 2022
Tuition Waivers for Graduate Assistants. In accordance with the University System of
Georgia Board of Regents Policy, GAs may be eligible for a tuition waiver. Graduate
assistants on a ≥13 hours/week appointment will qualify for a reduction of tuition to $25 per
semester. In order to request a tuition waiver, each department must submit the student’s
information to the Graduate School Business Office via GradStatus prior to the registration
period. The information must include the student’s name, 81X student identification number,
percentage time employed, residency, type of service, and duration of assistantship. The DPAS
and GSAS codes roll-forward from fall to spring semesters. All other codes must be entered each
Graduate Assistants receiving a tuition waiver are expected to work for the entire
semester and maintain full-time registration (12 graduate credit hours). Failure to work for the
period of time covered by the program’s semester or failure to maintain 12 graduate credit hours
will result in the removal of the tuition waiver and reversal of the tuition reduction. Ensuring that
the student works the required number of hours associated with their assistantship and maintains
full-time enrollment is the shared responsibility of the academic program, the hiring unit, and the
student. If a student is unable to complete the time commitment required by their assistantship
for a justifiable reason, the graduate coordinator may file a request for exemption with the
Graduate School. The Graduate School will conduct audits to ensure that academic programs
comply with this policy. Academic programs or units that violate this policy may be required to
reimburse tuition waivers. However, if it is determined that the student is responsible for failing
to meet the work or enrollment expectation, then the student may be required to pay the tuition.
Receipt of a graduate assistantship affects student financial aid eligibility.
Work Loads, Course Loads, and Compensation for Graduate Students
The maximum course load for which a graduate assistant may enroll is 18 semester
hours. To exceed the maximum course load, a student must obtain written approval from the
major professor and the dean of the Graduate School. The department head or the graduate
coordinator may approve the overload request in the absence of the student’s major professor.
Audits will not be counted in the computation of maximum and minimum course load
Graduate Coordinator’s Handbook, revised August 2022
To be eligible to receive the reduced tuition fee of $25/semester, a student holding an
assistantship must:
1) Perform at least one-third service (13 hours per week) for the University;
2) Be paid at the approved rate for a graduate assistant in the particular school, college, or
department offering employment; and
3) Be employed at 100% of the class days of the semester for which the waiver is requested.
Exemptions can be requested from the Graduate School dean for justifiable reasons e.g.,
meeting graduation requirements before the end of the semester.
Implementation of Policies. The dean of the Graduate School has responsibility for the
proper implementation of these policies and is delegated the authority by the Office of the Senior
Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost to obtain compliance from all units in the
university, regardless of funding source.
Graduate School Awards
In addition to providing block grants to schools and colleges for assistantships, the
Graduate School provides competitive funding awards to students from disciplines across the
University. By directive of the President, the dean of the Graduate School is to ensure that these
awards are used to recruit exceptionally qualified students, to further international exchange
programs, to support a diverse student body, and to facilitate the timely degree completion of
enrolled students. Graduate School supplemental awards, which augment departmental
assistantships, include the Presidential Graduate Fellows Program (doctoral only), Graduate
School Doctoral Fellows Program (doctoral only), and Graduate School Master’s Fellows
Program (masters only). The Graduate School also provides competitive Dissertation
Completion Award and SEC Emerging Scholar assistantships (both doctoral only) to students in
their final year of study. For more information on these awards please see the Graduate School
Student Travel
The Graduate School has limited funds to assist graduate students when traveling to
present papers at professional conferences. Therefore, travel funds will be used primarily for
doctoral students who are at advanced stages in their graduate programs and are presenting
results of their dissertation research. All requests for travel assistance (domestic or international)
Graduate Coordinator’s Handbook, revised August 2022
should be submitted to the dean of the Graduate School via GradStatus. The Graduate School
awards travel support based on available funding.
International Travel. A student receiving an invitation to present a paper at an
international conference may submit a travel request to the Graduate School. The request must
be endorsed by the student’s major professor/department head and be accompanied by a copy of
the invitation to participate in the conference. Each request will be evaluated based on its merit
and in accordance with the guidelines for foreign travel support.
Students seeking travel assistance must be registered during the semester in which the
request is submitted and in the semester for which the trip is scheduled. Assistance will not be
granted if the travel was undertaken prior to receiving written approval from the Graduate
Domestic Travel. A student receiving an invitation to present a paper at a professional
meeting within the continental United States may submit a travel request to the Graduate School.
Each request form must be accompanied by evidence that the student’s research has been
accepted for presentation and by an abstract of the research to be presented. The following
guidelines will be used in considering all such requests:
1) First preference will be given to doctoral students or students pursuing the terminal
degree in their discipline (MFA or MLA). A request from a master’s student will be
considered only if the department does not offer a doctoral degree.
2) Applicants should be reporting results of their dissertation or thesis research and should
be primary author of the publication or presentation.
3) The meeting should be of regional or national importance.
4) The student must possess a minimum GPA of 3.50 based on at least five semesters of
full-time graduate enrollment at UGA.
5) The student cannot have any grades of incomplete (I) or unsatisfactory (U).
6) Funding will not be provided to students employed as instructors or classified employees.
7) The applicant must be in one of the following categories: (a) registered for full-time
graduate study during the semester of his/her travel, (b) doctoral students admitted to
candidacy (minimum 3 credit hours), or (c) a thesis-writing master’s student who has
satisfactorily completed all required courses (exclusive of 7000 and 7300). If a student is
Graduate Coordinator’s Handbook, revised August 2022
traveling between semesters, he/she must also be in one of these categories during the
semester following travel.
8) The student must submit the following: abstract, acceptance, and “Request for Authority
to Travel” form from their department. The department will review each student to verify
if they meet the criteria, then forward the application to the Graduate School. Please
include the name and number of the departmental contact for questions.
9) Travel support provided by any other party (department) must be listed on the Travel
Authority form submitted to the Graduate School.
All requests should be thoroughly reviewed at the department level before submission to
the Graduate School. This review should include an assessment of the quality of the research to
be presented, the stature of the organization to which the presentation will be made, and review
of the student’s academic record to ensure that they meet all of the criteria stated. Each
department’s request(s) for each semester must be received by the Graduate School’s Business
Office as a group. Deadlines for applying for travel funding can be found on the Graduate School
The amount of the award for an individual will be based on factors such as prevailing
costs at the meeting site, cost of travel, whether the meeting is national or regional, and the
availability of funds. It is possible that students will be awarded an amount that is less than their
Regents’ Research Out-of-State Tuition Waivers
The Graduate School has been authorized by the USG Board of Regents to award a
limited number of out-of-state tuition waivers to non-resident graduate students. Most of the
waiver recipients are chosen from a pool of departmental nominees.All nominations originate in
the department, and students should not make direct requests to the Graduate School for out-of-
state tuition waivers.
General Policies. The following general policies and criteria have been established for
awarding Regents’ Research Out-of-State Tuition Waivers:
1) Out-of-state tuition waivers available through the Graduate School are awarded only to
students admitted to a graduate program.
Graduate Coordinator’s Handbook, revised August 2022
2) The criteria for selection are applied uniformly to masters and doctoral students
regardless of college or department in which they are enrolled.
3) Out-of-state tuition is waived for one semester; however, the waiver will be automatically
continued in succeeding semesters for one academic year, provided the student earns a
minimum graduate GPA of 3.0 each semester. All out-of-state tuition waivers awarded by
the Graduate School are terminated at the end of summer semester.
4) Out-of-state tuition waivers will not be granted to students who have an incomplete on a
graduate-level course at UGA.
5) Each recipient of an out-of-state tuition waiver is required to register for a minimum of
12 graduate-level credit hours each fall and spring semester of the academic year. A
recipient must register for a minimum of nine graduate-level credit hours during the
summer semester. If a recipient of an out-of-state tuition waiver fails to register or
registers for less than the required hours of graduate credit, the award is forfeited
Criteria for Awarding Out-of-State Tuition Waivers. The following criteria are
utilized in awarding out-of-state tuition waivers:
1) An applicant should have a 3.5 graduate GPA.
2) An applicant who has not completed graduate coursework should have a 3.3
undergraduate GPA.
Each spring semester, graduate coordinators will nominate students through GradStatus.
Award letters will be sent via email and students will accept the award through a link in the
award letter.
The Graduate School has a limited number of out-of-state waivers to award each year.
Nominations should be:
1) No more than three percent of the full-time graduate enrollment in the department in the
preceding fall semester; and
2) Ranked to indicate departmental preference in awarding out-of-state tuition waivers.
Graduate Coordinator’s Handbook, revised August 2022
Academic departments may nominate students for out-of-state tuition waivers at any time
during the academic year; however, no department should have more than three percent of the
full-time department enrollment of the previous fall semester on the waiting list at any one time.
Student Hourly Employees. To be eligible for employment by UGA on an hourly basis
(student assistant), a graduate student must be registered for a minimum of three semester hours.
Student hourly employees should keep their major professor and/or graduate coordinator
informed about their workload each semester.
Financial Aid and Veterans’ Benefits. To qualify as a full-time graduate student for
financial aid and veteran’s benefits, a student must enroll for a minimum of nine hours per
semester. A student must be enrolled at least five hours per semester to be considered half-time.
In the summer term, six hours is considered full-time.
Graduate Coordinator’s Handbook, revised August 2022
VII. Academic Common Market
At its 1972 annual meeting, the Southern Regional Education Board (SREB) created the
Commission on Regional Cooperation to explore and develop new areas of interstate sharing of
educational programs and facilities among states in the South. One of the first undertakings of
the Commission was the establishment of a regional Academic Common Market.
The Common Market, first operational in 1974, is an interstate agreement for sharing
academic programs across state lines. As a result, students have access to selected programs not
offered in their home states without having to pay out-of-state tuition.
SREB employs a staff member to coordinate the activities of the Commission on
Regional Cooperation, including the Academic Common Market. Each of the 14 states
participating in the Common Market has a designated state coordinator for the program. In
addition, each institution, which has one or more academic programs in the Common Market,
has named an institutional coordinator as a contact person for that institution. At UGA, this
person is the dean of the Graduate School.
Responsibilities of the Institutional Coordinator include:
1) Maintaining a record of all students certified to enter academic programs at the institution
through the Academic Common Market;
2) Facilitating the enrollment process for Common Market students by waiving out-of-state
tuition; and
3) Publicizing the Academic Common Market to the student body at large.
Updating Program Offerings
One of the primary functions of the Academic Common Market is to assist states in
offering together what they cannot offer individually. Programs may be added to and removed
from the Market on an annual basis to reflect the changing needs of participating states.
Throughout the year, states are asked to indicate to SREB the types of programs that are
unavailable through their own institutions and to which they would like to have access to in other
states. This information is shared with other states, which can then determine if they have
programs which would be appropriate for the Common Market. On this basis, states recommend
Graduate Coordinator’s Handbook, revised August 2022
programs from their own institutions to be included in the Common Market. These
recommendations are compiled and circulated among the states. If one or more states select a
given program, it is included in the Market for residents of the state(s) that selected it.
Information concerning the programs offered by UGA through the Academic Common Market is
available in the Graduate School.
Program Administration
A student desiring entrance to a program offered through the Common Market should do
the following:
1) The student must first be accepted into a degree program accessible through the
Academic Common Market.
2) The student must then contact the coordinator in the home state and request resident
certification to be supplied to the participating institution. Each state has developed its
own forms and procedures for certifying students.
3) After certifying the residence of an applicant, the state coordinator sends a copy of the
completed residence form to the student, the institutional coordinator at the receiving
institution, and to SREB.
4) The institutional coordinator then coordinates with the appropriate officials at the
participating institutions to ensure the student is not charged out-of-state tuition and fees.