Commercial Mortgage Alert
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Computershare remained the dominant certicate adminis-
trator for private-label CMBS in the rst half, while ceding a
smidgen of market share to its rivals.
e Australia-based nancial-services rm served as cer-
ticate administrator for $38.46 billion of deals from January
through June, according to Commercial Mortgage Alert’s CMBS
Database. at was good for an 87.1% share of the U.S. market,
down from 98.5% for all of 2023.
Citigroup, meanwhile, increased its market share to 7.6%
aer winning $3.34 billion of certicate-administrator assign-
ments in the rst half, followed by Deutsche Bank, with $1.45
billion of league-table credit and a 3.3% share, and U.S. Bank
($915 million, 2.1%).
Computershare has a commanding lead as well in the less
lucrative eld of CMBS trustees, where it grabbed $27 billion
of deals, but its market share slipped to 61.2%, from 81.9% in
full-year 2023. Wilmington Trust, previously the longtime front-
runner among trustees, saw its share of the market increase
to 26.5%, followed by newcomer WSFS Bank (10.2%) and U.S.
Bank (2.1%). Long active in the residential-mortgage market,
WSFS this year began targeting trustee assignments in the
CMBS arena.
Computershare also led the eld of certicate administra-
tors in the CRE CLO market, which has remained in the dol-
drums even as CMBS issuance has surged this year. e rm
picked up league-table credit for three of the four deals that
priced in the rst half, for a market share of 86.4% of total issu-
ance volume, followed by U.S. Bank (13.6%).
Among trustees of CRE CLOs, Wilmington was out front
with three of the four deals, followed by U.S. Bank.
Computershare has topped the league table for certicate
administrators since 2022, aer purchasing Wells Fargo’s
dominant corporate-trust business.
“We are pleased with the overall growth in CMBS along with
our market share remaining consistent,” said Ron Feldman, a
senior vice president in Computershares corporate-trust divi-
sion. Acknowledging the dip in market share in the certicate-
administrator category, Feldman noted that banks primarily
name their own trustee unit on CMBS deals they run.
In the agency market, U.S. Bank continued to lead both the
certicate-administrator and trustee rankings aer grabbing
more than a third of Freddie Mac deals and most Ginnie Mae of-
ferings. It received league-table credit for $9.75 billion (47.9%)
of certicate-administrator assignments, followed by Deutsche
(16.2%) and Computershare (14.8%). e remaining credit was
split among Citi (9.7%), Fannie Mae (8.5%), Freddie (1.6%) and
BNY Mellon (1.2%).
e trustee of a securitization represents the interests of
bondholders, but the certicate administrator — while techni-
cally subordinate to the trustee — handles most of the work
and earns the bulk of the fees. Its duties include serving as cus-
todian of deal documents and helping to funnel bond payments
and accounting information to investors. us, the ranking of
certicate administrators is a better gauge of corporate-trust
shops’ standing in the CMBS market.
While a single shop oen takes both the trustee and certi-
cate-administrator roles, rules prevent banks from also taking
on trustee assignments if they act as master servicer or special
servicer on a deal. at long prompted Wells — one of the Big
ree in servicing — to hand o trustee assignments to Wilm-
Computershare, however, doesn’t participate in the servic-
ing business, so it was unhampered by such rules aer buying
Wells’ trustee business in November 2021.
Computershare Again Out Front in Certificate Administrator Race
July 26, 2024
Commercial Mortgage
Trust-Administration Providers in the 1st Half
1H-24 Market 1H-23 Market
Issuance No. of Share Issuance No. of Share ’23-’24
Certificate Administrators ($Mil.) Deals (%) ($Mil.) Deals (%) % Chg.
1 Computershare $38,461.3 53 87.1 $16,494.8 25 100.0 133.2
2 Citigroup 3,342.4 5 7.6 0.0 0 0.0
3 Deutsche Bank 1,451.0 5 3.3 0.0 0 0.0
4 U.S. Bank 915.0 2 2.1 0.0 0 0.0
TOTAL 44,169.7 65 100.0 16,494.8 25 100.0 167.8
1H-24 Market 1H-23 Market
Issuance No. of Share Issuance No. of Share ’23-’24
Trustees ($Mil.) Deals (%) ($Mil.) Deals (%) % Chg.
1 Computershare $27,042.9 40 61.2 $15,239.8 22 92.4 77.4
2 Wilmington Trust 11,698.9 14 26.5 1,255.0 3 7.6 832.2
3 WSFS Bank 4,512.9 9 10.2 0.0 0 0.0
4 U.S. Bank 915.0 2 2.1 0.0 0 0.0
TOTAL 44,169.7 65 100.0 16,494.8 25 100.0 167.8
1H-24 Market 1H-23 Market
Issuance No. of Share Issuance No. of Share ’23-’24
Certificate Administrators ($Mil.) Deals (%) ($Mil.) Deals (%) % Chg.
1 Computershare $2,703.4 3 86.4 $879.7 2 41.6 207.3
2 U.S. Bank 425.0 1 13.6 1,234.6 2 58.4 -65.6
TOTAL 3,128.4 4 100.0 2,114.3 4 100.0 48.0
1H-24 Market 1H-23 Market
Issuance No. of Share Issuance No. of Share ’23-’24
Trustees ($Mil.) Deals (%) ($Mil.) Deals (%) % Chg.
1 Wilmington Trust $2,703.4 3 86.4 $879.7 2 41.6 207.3
2 U.S. Bank 425.0 1 13.6 1,234.6 2 58.4 -65.6
TOTAL 3,128.4 4 100.0 2,114.3 4 100.0 48.0
July 26, 2024
Commercial Mortgage
Trust-Administration Providers in the 1st Half
Agency CMBS
Fannie Freddie Ginnie 1H-24 1H-24 Market 1H-23 1H-23 Market
Issuance Issuance Issuance Total No. of Share Total No. of Share ’23-’24
Certificate Administrators ($Mil.) ($Mil.) ($Mil.) ($Mil.) Deals (%) ($Mil.) Deals (%) % Chg.
1 U.S. Bank $0.0 $5,107.5 $4,643.5 $9,751.0 41 47.9 $9,029.4 37 39.2 8.0
2 Deutsche Bank 0.0 3,288.9 0.0 3,288.9 5 16.2 2,652.0 3 11.5 24.0
3 Computershare 0.0 3,006.3 0.0 3,006.3 5 14.8 4,005.5 5 17.4 -24.9
4 Citigroup 0.0 1,981.7 0.0 1,981.7 3 9.7 5,225.0 6 22.7 -62.1
5 Fannie Mae 1,735.7 0.0 0.0 1,735.7 4 8.5 1,301.0 4 5.6 33.4
6 Freddie Mac 0.0 323.3 0.0 323.3 2 1.6 0.0 0 0.0
7 BNY Mellon 0.0 0.0 253.2 253.2 4 1.2 841.6 6 3.7 -69.9
TOTAL 1,735.7 13,707.7 4,896.8 20,340.2 64 100.0 23,054.4 61 100.0 -11.8
Fannie Freddie Ginnie 1H-24 1H-24 Market 1H-23 1H-23 Market
Issuance Issuance Issuance Total No. of Share Total No. of Share ’23-’24
Trustees ($Mil.) ($Mil.) ($Mil.) ($Mil.) Deals (%) ($Mil.) Deals (%) % Chg.
1 U.S. Bank $0.0 $5,107.5 $4,643.5 $9,751.0 41 47.9 $9,029.4 37 39.2 8.0
2 Deutsche Bank 0.0 3,288.9 0.0 3,288.9 5 16.2 2,652.0 3 11.5 24.0
3 Computershare 0.0 3,006.3 0.0 3,006.3 5 14.8 4,005.5 5 17.4 -24.9
4 Citigroup 0.0 1,981.7 0.0 1,981.7 3 9.7 4,422.7 5 19.2 -55.2
5 Fannie Mae 1,735.7 0.0 0.0 1,735.7 4 8.5 1,301.0 4 5.6 33.4
6 Freddie Mac 0.0 323.3 0.0 323.3 2 1.6 0.0 0 0.0
7 BNY Mellon 0.0 0.0 253.2 253.2 4 1.2 841.6 6 3.7 -69.9
Wilmington Trust 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 802.3 1 3.5 -100.0
TOTAL 1,735.7 13,707.7 4,896.8 20,340.2 64 100.0 23,054.4 61 100.0 -11.8