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1) Application of Fiduciaries Form (attached)
o TESTATE (with a Will) Named Personal Representatives(s) in the Will should complete the
Application with their name as listed in the Will, adding an “AKA” if their name has changed,
and mailing address, the decedent’s name as listed in the Will, the last 4 digits of the decedent’s
social security number, the date of death, and the names and mailing addresses of all
beneficiaries/devisees. Included in this packet is an optional Waiver for Appointment of
Executor form. If someone is qualifying as Personal Representative who is not the first named
executor, waivers of administration are required from all named executors. The form is to be
notarized; the original returned to our office with a filing fee of $12.
o INTESTATE (without a Will) Administrator/trix should complete the Application with their full
name and mailing address, the decedent’s name, the last 4 digits of the decedent’s social security
number, the date of death, and the names and mailing addresses of all heirs-at-law, which will be
returned to you. Included in this packet is an optional Waiver for Appointment of Administrator
form. During the first 30 days after someone dies intestate, only the next of kin can qualify as
Administrator, but if there is more than one heir-at-law, waivers of administration are required
from all other heirs. The waiver is not required after the 31
day. The form is to be notarized; the
original returned to our office with a filing fee of $12.
2) Will (if applicable)
o The Will must be an original document (not a copy). It must be signed by the decedent, have two
witness signatures, and be notarized. Included in this packet is an optional Affidavit of
Decedent’s/Witness signature form, in case the Will is missing one or more witnesses or the
notary. Contact our office if the Will is a Holographic Will. A bond will be required unless the
Will states the personal representative can serve “without surety or bond,” see the form
referenced below. Mail the original Will to our office with a filing fee of $12 for up to 4 pages.
Contact us for the filing fee if the Will is over 4 pages.
3) Bond (if applicable)
o TESTATE (with a Will) if the Will doesn’t waive bond, or if someone is qualifying who is not
named an executor in the Will and is not the sole beneficiary, bond is required.
o INTESTATE (without a Will) bond is required if there is no Will, and there is more than one
o The Administrator completes the bond form with their name, Surety company name, decedent’s
name, and bond amount. The Administrator and the Surety representative sign the bond, the
Administrator's signature must be notarized. The Surety representative must seal or crimp the
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form, and include the original bond document from the bonding agency. Return the original,
notarized form to our office with a filing fee of $12 for up to 5 pages.
4) Appraisement 6.01 & 6.02
o Complete and return the signed, notarized appraisement forms, the instructions are attached. The
recording fee for the 6.01 is $12.00 if 5 pages or less, $1 per page for each additional page if 6
pages or more. You must return the completed 6.02 form if there are non-probate assets but it is
not recorded. We recommend you complete the 6.01 and 6.02 and return it with your
Application/Will/Bond so the Notice to Creditors can be advertised as quickly as possible. These
forms are required within 90 days from the date of your appointment.
1) AFFIDAVIT FOR SMALL ESTATE - $50,000 or less Personal Property, $100,000 or less Real
o TESTATE (with a Will) Executor can start the Small Estate Affidavit process 30 days after
death if no other probate has been opened. Complete the attached Affidavit, and send the
original, notarized Affidavit, Will, and death certificate by certified or overnight mail to our
office with the filing fee. The Affidavit is $12 for up to 5 pages, the Will is $12 up to 4 pages.
The death certificate will be returned to you with the Certificate and Authorization of Small
Estate. The fee for each Certificate requested is $2.50.
o INTESTATE (without a Will) Heir-at-law can start the Small Estate Affidavit process 60 days
after death if no other probate has been opened. Complete the attached Affidavit, and send the
original, notarized Affidavit and death certificate by certified or overnight mail to our office with
the filing fee. The Affidavit is $12 for up to 5 pages. The death certificate will be returned to you
with the Certificate and Authorization of Small Estate. The fee for each Certificate requested is
**All submissions must include a death certificate, which will be returned to you.
An overview of the probate process is included at the back of this packet. Please contact an attorney or CPA to
assist you if needed, our office can only give general guidance on the forms, not legal advice.
Return all original, notarized documents, and fees by certified or overnight mail to:
Monongalia County Clerk’s Office
Attn: Probate Dept.
243 High Street, Room 123
Morgantown, WV 26505
We accept original, e-recorded probate documents. Please contact your attorney for information.
We accept money orders or credit card payment of fees. No checks.
Please contact us with any questions about forms or fees at: 304-291-7230 or
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 
Decedent's Full Name from Will or Death CertificateBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB
/DVWRI'HFHGHQWV'(')*BBBBBBBBBBB  BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB
Surety Company (if applicable)________________________________________
Amount of Bond (if applicable)_______________________
*2 '( 3   (   )   4  
    *'         '    22   
   *    532  * 6   )     * 2  )  *
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 2  '53' 2 8'(      * '*     )   
3 ) *(  2  (      )   3  . /2 
1 9!!4&4&!:;       )  '    3  . /2  1 9!!4&4# 
'  3    3 '() ')( *)(5<'2)
%HQHILFLDU\1DPHsas listed in Will with AKA or
NKA as needed; OR, ALL heirs-at-law, including
those who've pre-deceased
Relationship to
BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB_________________________________(Decedent's full name from Death Certificate or Will)
(Surety Co.)
   !    "      !   #   "
 $BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB(amount of bond)   '"       "  (  
#  (
"   '&        BBBBBBBBBGD\RIBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB
 ,-.-   ( !  /    (  BBBBBBBBBBBB_______BBBBBBBBBBBBB____
(name of administrator/trix)  0    BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB___(administrator/trix)    
(name of administrator/trix)   /!    1 /    //   '
3    " / " /"  1   (   /  BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB
(administrator/trix)  (!("/(&
Printed Administrator/trix Name and Fiduciary Title
Printed Name of Surety Company, and of $XWKRUL]HG$JHQWIRU6XUHW\&RPSDQ\
Name of Administrator/trix)
Estate: 6170
Notarized signature of
Notarized signature of
County of Monongalia, ss:
State of West Virginia
I, the undersigned Affiant, being over the age of 18 years, and after first being duly sworn upon oath
states that, I was personally acquainted with the decedent/witness__________________, during
his/her lifetime and I am familiar with the decedent handwriting and signature; and it is my opinion,
based upon a reasonable degree of certainty, that the signature of the decedent/witness as signed on
the decedent's Last Will and Testament is the true and genuine signature of the decedent/witness
And further Affiant saith not.
(Notarized Signature)
(Print Name)
Notary Public
My Commission expires: _______________________.
The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this _____ day of __________________, ________
by __________________________________________________.
STATE OF ________________________
COUNTY OF ______________________
Affidavit of Decedent/Witness’s Signature
County of Monongalia, ss:
State of West Virginia
Waiver For Appointment of Executor
Notary Public
My Commission expires: _______________________.
The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this _____ day of __________________, ________.
STATE OF ________________________
COUNTY OF ______________________
To the County Commission of Monongalia County, West Virginia, or the Clerk thereof in vacation or recess:
I, ________________________________________ named executor/rix in the Last Will and Testament of
____________________________________ who died testate on the ______ day of ___________________, 20___, hereby
waive my right to qualify as executor/rix of said estate.
Given under my hand this, the _____ day of __________ , ______.
Notarized signature
County of Monongalia, ss:
State of West Virginia
Waiver for Appointment of Administrator
To the County Commission of Monongalia County, West Virginia or the Clerk thereof in vacation or recess:
I, ______________________________, _______________ of ___________________________, who died
intestate on the ______ day of ___________________, 20____, hereby waive my right to qualify as
administrator/rix of his/her estate.
Given under my hand this, the _____ day of ______________________ , _________.
Notary Public
My Commission expires: _______________________.
The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this _____ day of __________________, ________.
STATE OF ________________________
COUNTY OF ______________________
Notarized Signature
RE: THE ESTATE OF ______________________
DOD: _____________________
STATE OF ________________,
COUNTY OF ______________, to-wit:
I, ______________________________, being a Successor of the Decedent identified
below, being first duly sworn, upon oath and under penalty of perjury, do depose and say to the
best of my knowledge and belief as follows:
1. My name is ______________________________, and my current address is
2. The Decedent, ______________________________________________, died on
_____________________ (date of death), a resident of ___________________ County, State of
West Virginia, with his/her usual residence being
A certified death certificate has been furnished herewith for filing in this County. I am a Successor
of the decedent as ______________________________ (state relationship).
3. TESTACY ( ) [Check if applies] or ( ) [Check if Not Applicable]
At the date of death, the Decedent died with an original Last Will and Testament of the
Decedent dated _____________________, without any codicil thereto ( ) or with codicil(s)
thereto dated ____________________ ( ) [Check if applies]. The aforesaid original Last Will
and Testament of the decedent, together with any codicil(s), is furnished herewith for recording in
this County as permitted by West Virginia Code § 44-1A-2(b).
Under the Last Will and Testament of the Decedent, the following person(s) is/are
nominated to be the personal representative(s) of the Estate:
a. Name:________________________________________________
Address: ________________________________________________
b. Name:________________________________________________
Address: ________________________________________________
Pursuant to the provisions of the above referenced Will of the Decedent, the following
persons are the named beneficiaries of the estate of the Decedent:
a. Name: _______________________________________________
Address: _______________________________________________
Relationship to Decedent: __________________________________
Share or percentage or particular item: ________________________
b. Name: _______________________________________________
Address: ________________________________________________
Relationship to Decedent: __________________________________
Share or percentage or particular item: ________________________
c. Name: ________________________________________________
Address: _______________________________________________
Relationship to Decedent: __________________________________
Share or percentage or particular item: ________________________
d. Name: _______________________________________________
Address: ________________________________________________
Relationship to Decedent: __________________________________
Share or percentage or particular item: ________________________
e. Name: ________________________________________________
Address: ________________________________________________
Relationship to Decedent: ___________________________________
Share or percentage or particular item: _________________________
(If more space is needed, attach additional page(s) to affidavit)
4. INTESTACY ( ) [Check if applies] or ( ) [Check if Not Applicable]
At the date of death, the Decedent died intestate with no known will. The Decedent left as
his/her heirs-at-law and distributees in accordance with the laws of intestate descent and
distribution of the State of West Virginia the following persons:
a. Name: ________________________________________________
Address: ________________________________________________
Relationship to Decedent: ___________________________________
Share or percentage: ______________________________________
b. Name: ________________________________________________
Address: _________________________________________________
Relationship to Decedent: ____________________________________
Share or percentage: ______________________________________
c. Name: ________________________________________________
Address: ________________________________________________
Relationship to Decedent: ___________________________________
Share or percentage: ______________________________________
d. Name: ________________________________________________
Address: ________________________________________________
Relationship to Decedent: ___________________________________
Share or percentage: _______________________________________
e. Name: ________________________________________________
Address: _________________________________________________
Relationship to Decedent: ____________________________________
Share or percentage: _______________________________________
(If more space is needed, attach additional page(s) to affidavit)
5. The Decedent’s entire personal probate estate, as of the date of the Decedent’s death,
wherever located, consists only of small assets and the aggregate fair market value of the small
assets does not exceed $50,000. The small assets of the Decedent are described and itemized
as follows:
(If more space is needed, attach additional page(s) to affidavit)
6. The Decedent did ( ) / did not ( ) [Check one which applies] die seized and
possessed of any probate real estate or interests in probate real estate in the state of West
Virginia. If the Decedent died seized and possessed of any probate real estate or interest in real
estate in the state of West Virginia, the aggregate fair market value of all of the real estate or
interests in real property situate in this state does not exceed $100,000 and the real estate of the
Decedent in West Virginia is as follows:
(If more space is needed, attach additional page(s) to affidavit)
7. ( ) [Check if applies] or ( ) [Check if Not Applicable] If the affiant is a Successor who
was nominated as a personal representative or executor under the provisions of the above Will
of the Decedent, at least 30 days have elapsed since the Decedent’s date of death and no
application for the appointment of a personal representative for the Decedent is pending or has
been granted in any jurisdiction;
( ) [Check if applies] or ( ) [Check if Not Applicable] If the affiant is a Successor who
was NOT nominated as a personal representative or executor under the provisions of the above
Will of the Decedent or if the Decedent died intestate without a will, at least 60 days have elapsed
since the Decedent’s date of death and no application for the appointment of a personal
representative for the Decedent is pending or has been granted in any jurisdiction, and no affidavit
of Small Estate has been filed by a Successor nominated as a personal representative or executor
under the provisions of the Will of the Decedent.
8. The undersigned Affiant will faithfully administer the small assets of the Decedent in
accordance with the law and pay or deliver the same to the Successor or Successors so entitled.
Witness my hand and seal this ____ day of __________, 20___.
Notarized Signature of Affiant/Successor
Taken, subscribed, and sworn to before me the undersigned authority by
_________________________________, this ____ day of __________, 20___.
My Commission expires: ______________________________
Notary Public
Contact information of Authorized Successor (address, phone, email):
Phone #