The New Jersey Personal Preference Program (PPP) offers an alternative way for
NJ FamilyCare Plan A members who qualify for the Personal Care Assistant
(PCA) services benefit to remain in their home and active in their community, and
does not require the use of a home health care agency.
NJ FamilyCare Plan A eligibility is defined as:
Children 18 and under are eligible with higher incomes up to 355% FPL
($7,278/month for a family of four). Parents still need to renew the coverage
each year. Children age 18 and under who are lawfully admitted can be
eligible even if they have lived in this country fewer than five years;
Parents/Caretaker Relatives with income up to 138% FPL ($2,829/month for
a family of four) must have tax dependent children in their household in
order to be eligible under this category. The dependent children in the
household must be insured also. Immigrant adults must have Legal
Permanent Resident status in the US for at least five years in order to be
eligible for NJ FamilyCare;
Adults without dependent children with ages 19-64 and income up to 138%
FPL ($1,387/month for a single person and $1,868/month for a couple).
Immigrant adults must have Legal Permanent Resident status in the US for
at least five years in order to be eligible for NJ FamilyCare;
Pregnant Women up to 205% FPL ($4,203/month for a family of four).
Pregnant women who are lawfully admitted can be eligible even if they have
lived in this country fewer than five years;
Aged, Blind, Disabled programs including Long Term Care.
The PPP’s goal is to offer you a State Plan Medicaid PCA service option that you
direct and in which you manage a monthly budget and receive counseling services,
in lieu of traditional agency-delivered services.
The PPP allows you to direct and manage your activities such as bathing, feeding,
dressing, transferring, grooming, meal preparation, laundry and light
housekeeping. The PPP provides an alternative to traditional agency services and
allows you greater control of the services you receive. Please note that your
budget may not pay for or provide skilled professional medical services, such as
private duty nursing.
Through a monthly budget, you work with a financial consultant to develop a
monthly budget, through which you will decide the services you need and the
individuals and/or agencies you wish to hire to provide the identified services. If
you are cognitively impaired or unable to make decisions on your own, you can
choose an authorized representative to assist you.
The PPP also provides fiscal management services to assist you with the financial
aspects of the program. PCG Public Partnerships, LLC (PPL) is the fiscal
intermediary (FI) for the PPP, and is responsible for handling payroll
responsibilities, acting as a bookkeeping service, processing time sheets and
issuing paychecks to your workers.
The PPP requires greater individual responsibility, but in return, offers you greater
control, flexibility and choice over the services you receive.
The Personal Preference Program Allows You to:
Choose the home care services you want;
Hire workers, including people you know/trust such as friends, relatives and
Schedule services to meet your individual needs;
Exercise greater independence and control over your life.
Eligibility for Self-Directed Services:
Based on eligibility requirements for Medicaid PCA services determined by
the participant’s Managed Care Organization;
For NJ FamilyCare beneficiaries that require assistance with activities of
daily living;
For individuals currently receiving (or who are eligible to receive) Medicaid
PCA services from a home health agency;
Requires that participants have the ability to direct and manage services, or
elect a representative that can assist them with the program.
In Order to Qualify for PCA Services, Recipients Must:
Have NJ FamilyCare Plan A;
Obtain a doctor’s order to receive the service (do not have to be permanently
Live in a community-based residence, such as a private home, apartment,
rooming house, boarding home or group home, skill development home,
supervised apartment or other congregate living program where personal
care is not provided as part of the service package included in the living
Have a documented need for hands-on personal care; and
Require PCA services for at least six months.
You will have an assigned financial consultant, employed by PPL, who will help
you with navigating the program. Consultants serve as trainers, resource-locators
and advisors. Consultants regularly check-in and answer any questions you may
have for as long as you remain enrolled in the PPP.
PPL will assign a consultant that lives in your community and is familiar with the
program. Where possible, PPL will provide a consultant that is bilingual. However,
consultants may at times be reassigned as new consultants are hired, consultants
may move to new locations, or consultants change positions. If your consultant is
reassigned, you will be notified ahead of time, when possible. Your new consultant
will reach out to introduce themselves.
Role of the Financial Consultant:
Provide orientation, training and consultation services to you regarding the
program and with the development of the cash management plan or monthly
Respond to all critical incidents reported by you, the state program office or
PPL, and assist in the resolution of any problems in securing necessary care.
Provide training and support services to you in the areas of recruitment,
assistance with identifying equipment needs such as assistive technology,
and other purchases not otherwise covered by NJ FamilyCare, which would
reduce your need and increase your independence.
Interact with PPL as necessary to resolve issues with you and/or your
authorized representative.
Complete quarterly face-to-face visits with you to monitor your progress,
determine satisfaction and offer assistance.
Your MCO (Aetna, Amerigroup, Horizon NJ Health, UnitedHealthcare
Community Plan or WellCare) is responsible for authorizing the number of
Medicaid PCA hours you are eligible to receive, to provide you with options
counseling and to enroll you into the PPP.
The MCO uses the hours of service authorized from your initial PCA clinical
assessment (or most recent reassessment) as the basis for determining your
monthly budget. Your number of authorized hours is converted into a dollar
amount using the current reimbursement rate. A standard administrative deduction
is then calculated to cover the costs of counseling and bookkeeping services. The
remaining amount is available to you for purchasing services.
The financial consultant will assist you in developing a cash management plan to
help determine how best to spend your monthly budget to purchase services that
you need.
Purchases May Include but Are Not Limited to:
Employment of individuals, including family members, to provide personal
Cleaning services from private companies to clean your home’s personal
areas including bedroom, bathroom, kitchen, etc.;
Errand service to assist with banking, shopping, post office and other types
of routine tasks; and,
Laundry service from a laundromat or other provider.
Possible Additional Uses of the Monthly Allowance:
Services from a home health agency;
Equipment, small appliance, technology or other items that increase
independence (e.g., microwave oven or washing machine); and,
Supplies and equipment that promote or enhance independence that are not
covered by Medicaid.
If you are unable to manage the responsibilities of directing and supervising your
own personal care needs, you will be required to have an authorized representative
to act on your behalf.
An authorized representative may be your legal guardian, a family member, or any
other individual identified who willingly accepts responsibility for decision-
making on your behalf. They must reside in New Jersey. An authorized
representative must demonstrate a personal commitment to you and be willing to
follow your wishes and respect your preferences, while using sound judgment. The
authorized representative receives no monetary compensation for this service and
may not serve as your worker. If you desire to have an authorized representative
but cannot identify a person to serve in that capacity, the financial consultant will
assist you in identifying an appropriate individual to serve as an authorized
To best protect and serve individuals in the PPP, all participants are required to
complete a Risk Assessment Profile during their initial home visit with their
financial consultant. The profile determines your level of risk in case of an
emergency, such as a worker calling out or a natural disaster situation. The Risk
Assessment Profile will include three possible levels of risk, “High,“Moderate,”
or “Minimal.” This profile is required to be completed before you can create your
cash management plan.
The Risk Assessment Profile will determine what type of back-up system, if any,
will be required to participate in the PPP. If the profile indicates that you have
“Minimal” or “Moderate” level of risk, a back-up plan is optional. In these cases,
the financial consultant will discuss possible risks with the participant and suggest
a viable back-up plan to be included in the cash management plan. The decision to
include a back-up plan is entirely up to you. However, if the profile indicates you
have a “High” level of risk, you are required to include a back-up plan. The
financial consultant will work with you, and/or your authorized representative, to
help identify an appropriate back-up plan.
A Back-Up Plan Can Include:
A back-up worker, someone who is able to work when a regular worker calls
out or is unable to work; or,
An accredited home care agency that you contract with privately to fill-in
when your worker is unable to work.
Your financial consultant will continue to monitor for potential risk throughout
your participation in the PPP and you are required to complete a new Risk
Assessment Profile each year. If the potential for risk changes to “High,” you will
be required to revise your cash management plan to include a back-up plan.
PPL serves as the fiscal intermediary (FI) for the Personal Preference Program and
issues your budget on a monthly basis. Your budget is deposited into an account
established by PPL. You then direct the PPL to make payments through your cash
management plan, as you see fit. PPL serves as your agent and handles all payroll
responsibilities, tax deductions, workers’ compensation and withholding
obligations. PPL provides you with a detailed financial statement, showing all
payments and charges issued.
NJ FamilyCare members who qualify can choose to receive Personal Care
Assistant services from an individual employed by an agency in their MCO’s
network of providers OR to self-direct these services through the PPP, by selecting
and employing their own direct care workers. While PPP may not be the choice for
all participants, it is an available option to consider.
Under the PPP, you will have new responsibilities and more choice and freedom in
the services you receive. You will be the employer of record making decisions,
managing and supervising workers just as a small business.
Agency Provided Personal Care
Assistant (PCA) Services
Self-Directed Personal Care
Assistant Services Through PPP
The participant’s MCO uses an
agency from their network of
Good for NJ FamilyCare members
who want to choose how to direct and
manage their personal care services
and exercise greater control over their
The agency hires, trains, supervises,
schedules and dismisses their
workers, if needed.
The participant can hire people they
know and trust (i.e. spouse, friends,
relatives and neighbors).
The agency is responsible for workers
timesheets and payment. A
participant’s NJ FamilyCare MCO is
responsible for payment to the
The participant (or authorized
representative) is responsible for
approving timesheets and payment for
services authorized in the
participant’s cash management plan.
The agency conducts supervisory
visits to ensure program compliance.
The participant has supervisory
control over their worker and how to
handle tasks.
The agency is responsible for
providing a backup plan.
The financial consultant will work
with the participant to help identify a
backup worker.
The agency is responsible for how the
services are provided.
The participant decides how their
worker(s) will provide the services.
The service is available only where
the agencies are located in the
participant’s MCO.
Available statewide.
The Financial Consultant will conduct
an initial enrollment visit and
schedule quarterly visits as well as
visits at the participant’s or authorized
representative’s request.
Decision making power is increased. Participation through the traditional
agency delivered service model limits your control; however, self-directing
provides more independence in directing your own care needs. Professional
advice from your financial consultant is available to aide you in making your
own informed decisions about the type of services necessary to meet your
Support of informal caregivers is increased. You may prefer to choose a
family member or friend to assist you. The PPP allows these chosen
individuals to be paid for this service. This could enable a relative to stay at
home and care for a spouse, parent or child, and receive payment for their
Appropriate and selective services. The PPP allows you and your family
to decide what services are most appropriate.
Interested NJ FamilyCare members may contact their MCO and request options
counseling or tell them they are interested in applying for the PPP to begin the
enrollment process. The MCOs Care Managers help provide options counseling,
and can complete the initial enrollment packet to be forwarded to PPL.
Contact Information for NJ FamilyCare
Managed Care Organizations (MCOs)
Aetna 1-855-232-3596
Amerigroup 1-855-661-1996
Horizon NJ Health 1-855-465-4777
United Health Care 1-800-645-9409
Well Care 1-855-642-6185
For More Information:
Please call the PPP State Program Office Helpline Number: (609) 631-2481
NJ Department of Human Services
Personal Preference State Program Office
Division of Medical Assistance and Health Services (DMAHS)
P.O. Box 712
Trenton, New Jersey 08625-0712