Updated August 2023
Teacher Workforce: Inventory of Funded Programs
Educational research is clear that the most important school-based factor on student achievement is the effectiveness of
the teacher (followed closely by the effectiveness of the school principal). Research also tells us that all students benefit
from a racially diverse teaching workforce, and that students of color and American Indian students benefit even more.
For example, in a Learning Policy Institute research brief published April 2018, Desiree Carver-Thomas summarizes the
benefits of having teachers of color and American Indian teachers, including:
Students of color experience boosts to academic performance, including reading and math test scores,
graduation rates, and increased aspirations to attend college.
Students of color experience socio-emotional and nonacademic benefits such as fewer unexcused absences,
lower likelihoods of chronic absenteeism and suspension.
Students of color and white students report having positive perceptions of their teachers of color, including
feeling cared for and academically challenged.
In Minnesota, only 5.9 percent of our teacher workforce identify as a teacher of color or American Indian teacher
(TOCAIT) whereas 37.7% percent of our students identify as students of color or American Indian students. As a state,
we are working to increase and diversify the teacher workforce while supporting and retaining the teachers we have.
This document is a summary of available funded programs that could be leveraged to recruit, retain, and diversify the
teacher workforce at local levels. Some programs are explicitly about diversifying the teacher workforce (e.g., Grow Your
Own grants). Whereas, other programs include teacher workforce efforts as an allowable activity (e.g., Federal Title IIa).
Readers will also find links to more information about the programs as well as contact information for the state agencies
responsible for administration and support of these efforts. We encourage local leaders to explore these funded
programs as part of a broader conversation to diversify local educators as well as to support and retain the educators
you have.
Local leaders may also find value in the following resource toolkits from national organizations.
Alliance for Resource EquityThis organization outlines ten dimensions of equity, one of which is “teaching
quality and diversity”. Their materials include an overview of their ten dimensions, a diagnostic tool that local
leaders can use, and guidebooks that can be used in comprehensive needs assessment activities.
enter on Great Teachers & Leaders One of the branches of the American Institutes for Research (AIR), this
organization has several resources, toolkits and learning modules, including items dedicated to diversifying the
educator workforce.
Updated August 2023
The Teacher Journey
There are many terms in the literature to refer to the various stages in an educator’s career, including
“Talent/Workforce Development,” “Teacher pipeline,” and “Teacher pathways”. In Minnesota, we have adopted the
language developed by the Minnesota Education Equity Partnership’s (MNEEP) #MNTeach2020 campaign to provide a
plain language description of the pathway to teaching that they call the teacher’s journey.
“Explorerefers to opportunities offered in preK-12 career exploration experiences or through messages and
opportunities marketed to adults exploring other careers. How do I explore what it means to be a teacher? Where do I
go for accurate information? A great new resource has been released called Tiers Without Fear. This interactive tool can
help users with a quick way of navigating the tiered licensing process.
“Become” refers to participation in a traditional licensure program thro
ugh an institute of higher education, but it also
encompasses non-traditional or alternative pathways to licensure. How do I become a teacher? What are the pathways
available to me?
“Grow” refers to licensed and employed teachers during their first few years on the job. This is a unique time in a
professional’s career, and strong induction and mentoring programs have been shown to increase teacher retention
during the early career stage. How can I grow on the job? What supports are available to me?
“Thrive” refers to opportunities for veteran teachers to develop in their craft, step into leadership roles, and otherwise
expand their classroom practice and influence outside their classroom doors. How do I thrive as a professional? What
professional growth and leadership opportunities are available to me?
More information about the teacher journey can be found on MNEEP’s Imprint website.
Each funded program referenced in this document will be directly tied to one or more of these stages of the teacher’s
journey. The intent is to illustrate the flexibility of the funds while also mapping the strategies these programs fund to
this common language.
Updated August 2023
Funded Programs
Use the hyperlinks below to jump to descriptions of each program.
Program Title Eligibility Requirements
Achievement and Integration
Minnesota districts that are racially isolated and MN
districts with racially identifiable schools as defined by
the desegregation rules are required to be in the
MN districts adjoining racially isolated districts may join.
American Rescue Plan (ARP) ESSER III Award
Federal relief funds awarded by a formula to districts and
charters. Administered by MDE.
Collaborative Urban and Greater Minnesota Educators of
Color (CUGMEC)
Grant opportunity to increase the number of teacher
candidates who are of color or Indigenous for MN
colleges and universities with Professional Educator
Licensing and Standards Board (PELSB) approved teacher
preparation programs. Administered by PELSB.
Come Teach in Minnesota
Funding opportunity to recruit teachers of color and
Indigenous teachers from out of state by providing hiring
and retention bonus. Administered by MDE.
Early Childhood and Family Education Teacher Shortage
Grant opportunity to support individuals in earning a
PELSB-approved early childhood and family education
teacher preparation program required for parent
education licensure. Administered by OHE.
Federal Title IIPreparing, Training and Recruiting High-
Quality Teachers, Principals, and Other School Leaders
Formula grant based on census formula students and free
and reduced student count.
Grow Your Own Early Childhood Educators
Grant opportunity to help individuals earn a child
development associate (CDA) credential, an associate's
degree in child development/early childhood education,
or a bachelor's degree in early childhood and family
education studies or early childhood licensure programs.
Administered by MDE.
Grow Your Own - Teacher Diversity
Grant opportunity for MN school districts and charter
schools. Administered by MDE.
Introduction to Teaching Concurrent Enrollment Grant
Grant opportunity for MN school districts and charter
schools. Administered by MDE.
Licensing and Exam Fee Reimbursement
Funding to reimburse expenses incurred by teacher
candidates for their teaching license and exam fees.
Administered by MDE.
Minnesota Indian Teacher Training Program Grant
Grant opportunity for MN school districts partnering with
institutes of higher education. Administered by MDE.
Updated August 2023
Program Title Eligibility Requirements
Minnesota Student Teacher Grants Student Teachers in
Shortage Areas Grant
Individual teacher candidates enrolled in PELSB-approved
teacher preparation programs in MN leading towards
licensure in identified license field shortage areas or
those that intend to serve in a rural school district.
Administered by OHE.
Minnesota Student Teacher Grants Underrepresented
Student Teacher Grant
Individual teacher candidates of color and American
Indian teacher candidates enrolled in PELSB-approved
teacher preparation programs in MN. Administered by
Q Comp / Alternative Teacher Professional Pay System
Program funds for MN districts, charter schools,
intermediate districts, education cooperatives.
Staff Development
Required program for MN school districts related to
setting aside 2 percent of general revenue to support
staff development needs.
Special Education Teacher Pipeline Program
Grant funding to support employees to become a Tier 3
or 4 licensed special education teachers. Administered
by MDE.
Student Support Personnel Workforce Pipeline
Grant funding to support individuals to specialize or
pursue certification to be school counselors, nurses,
psychologists and social workers. Administered by MDE.
Teacher Mentorship and Retention of Effective Teachers
Grant opportunity for a school district, a group of school
districts, a school or coalition of schools, or a coalition of
teachers. Administered by PELSB.
Teacher Pathway Grants
Grant opportunity for school districts, charter schools,
service cooperatives, services cooperatives, and
partnerships between one or more teacher preparation
provider, school district, or charter school to support
teachers who hold a Tier 2 license obtain a Tier 3 license
by completing teacher preparation or the licensure via
portfolio process. Administered by PELSB.
Teacher Residency Program
Funding to support the development of teacher residency
programs in Minnesota. Administered by MDE.
Teacher Shortage Loan Repayment Program
Current teachers with outstanding eligible educational
debt providing classroom instruction. Administered by
Updated August 2023
Achievement and Integration
Description: Eligible districts develop plans and receive funding to increase racial and economic integration of students
and decrease academic disparities based on students’ diverse racial, ethnic, and economic backgrounds. Plans must
include a goal for increasing students’ equitable access to effective, more diverse teachers. Funds may be used to recruit
and retain teachers of color and American Indian teachers and for professional development to increase achievement of
all students, in addition to other studies.
Teacher Journey: Explore --> Become --> Grow --> Thrive
Example Activities:
Create a Grow Your Own program for paraprofessionals and other adults affiliated in the school to pursue a
teacher’s license, particularly focusing on BIPOC adults.
Develop or expand teacher mentoring programs, including unique programs developed by and for teachers of
color and American Indian teachers to meet their unique needs and experiences.
Training for human resources staff and hiring committees to identify and disrupt implicit bias in hiring practices.
Funding: $97 million
Statute Reference: Minnesota Statutes, section 124D.861 and 124D.862; Minnesota Rules, part 3535.0100-3535.0180
More Information: Achievement and Integration webpage
Program Contact: mde.integration@state.mn.us
[Back to Funded Program Table]
American Rescue Plan (ARP) ESSER III Award
Description: The American Rescue Plan (ARP) Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER III) funds are
provided to State educational agencies and school districts to help safely reopen and sustain the safe operation of
schools and address the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on the Nation’s students.
LEAs may use ESSER III funds for a number of COVID-19 response-related activities, including the State Education
Priorities. If surfaced during the needs assessment, LEAs can expand Grow Your Own opportunities, Teacher Mentoring
Programs, or enhance Educator Pathways.
Teacher Journey: Become --> Grow --> Thrive
Example Activities:
Create and implement a GYO program for school district employees or community members affiliated with a
school district to pursue a teaching license, particularly focusing on BIPOC adults
Develop and offer dual-credit postsecondary course options in schools for "Introduction to Teaching" or
"Introduction to Education" courses
Support future teacher clubs or service-learning opportunities that provide middle and high school students
with experiential learning that increases students' interest in pursuing a teaching career
Design or modify teacher mentoring or induction programs so that caring and qualified educators are retained
Funding: $1.18 billion
Statute Reference: American Rescue Plan Act, passed March 2021
More Information: MDE COVID Funding website
Program Contact: [email protected]s
[Back to Funded Program Table]
Updated August 2023
Collaborative Urban and Greater Minnesota Educators of Color (CUGMEC)
Description: The purpose of the CUGMEC grants is to increase the number of teacher candidates who are of color or
Indigenous and who complete a teacher preparation program and meet the requirements for a Tier 3 license. Public or
private colleges or universities are eligible to apply for the grants to use for direct financial assistance as scholarships or
stipends; recruitment efforts; provide advising, mentoring, or other supports; tutoring; and for program staffing
Teacher Journey: Explore --> Become
Funding: $5 million in FY 24 and $5 million in FY 25
Statute Reference: Minnesota Statutes, section 122A.635.
More Information: PELSB’s Grants webpage
Program Contact: Laura Dyer
[Back to Funded Program Table]
Come Teach in Minnesota
Description: The Come Teach in Minnesota Program provides funding for districts or charter schools to offer hiring
bonuses for teachers who are American Indian or people of color who move to Minnesota. Hiring bonuses can be
offered to teachers who: immediately qualify for a Tier 2 or higher Minnesota license, have moved to Minnesota, and
belong to a racial or ethnic group that is underrepresented among teachers, compared to students in the district or
school. Minnesota school districts, charter schools, intermediate districts or education cooperatives are eligible
employers that may apply for this program.
Teacher Journey: Grow Thrive
Funding: $200,000 in FY 24 and $400,000 in FY 25
Statute Reference: MN Statutes, section 122A.59
More Information: Come Teach in Minnesota (mn.gov)
Program Contact: Tamara Valmé
[Back to Funded Program Table]
Early Childhood and Family Education Teacher Shortage
Description: Grants to institutes of higher education to address early childhood and family education teacher shortage
Teacher Journey: Explore Become Grow
Funding: $500,000 in FY24 and FY25
Statute Reference:
More Information: TBD
Program Contact: info.ohe@state.mn.us
[Back to Funded Program Table]
Updated August 2023
Federal Title IIPreparing, Training and Recruiting High-Quality Teachers, Principals, and
Other School Leaders
Description: The purpose of Title II, Part A is to increase access to effective educators to improve learning for all
students. Title II fund can be used to support activities for professional development, recruitment and retention of
effective teachers and class size reduction.
Teacher Journey: Become --> Grow --> Thrive
Example Activities
Recruitment and Retention:
Initiatives to diversify the district educators to more closely reflect the diversity of the students.
Signing bonuses, relocation costs, recruitment materials, salary differentials or incentive pay in high-need
subjects or schools.
Stipend for induction and mentoring activities.
Courses related to improving instruction and teacher effectiveness.
Costs that supplement and not supplant state funds available for a Grow Your Own training grant.
Cost of state-approved paraprofessional training and assessment (such as the ETS ParaPro test, Master Teacher).
Professional Development:
Training to identify and address academic and nonacademic student needs.
Training to increase student attendance and engagement.
Training on teaching strategies for a culturally diverse classroom.
Funding: $26.7 million awarded by formula grant.
Statute Reference: Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) of 1965 as amended (commonly known as Every
Student Succeeds Act or ESSA)
More Information: Minnesota’s Title II program webpage
Program Contact: mde.ese[email protected]s
[Back to Funded Program Table]
Grow Your OwnEarly Childhood Educators
Description: Minnesota-licensed family child care or licensed center-based child care programs, school district or charter
school early learning programs, Head Start programs, institutions of higher education, and other community partnership
nongovernmental organizations may apply for a grant to host, build, or expand an early childhood educator preparation
program that leads to an individual earning the credential or degree needed to enter or advance in the early childhood
education workforce.
Teacher Journey: Explore --> Become --> Grow
Example Activities: Provide scholarships and/or stipends that help interested individuals earn the child development
associate (CDA) credential, an associate's degree in child development, or a bachelor's degree in early childhood and
family education studies or early childhood licensures.
Funding: $2.5 million in FY 24 and FY25
Statute Reference: MN 122A.73
Program Contact: Kelly Kazeck
[Back to Funded Program Table]
Updated August 2023
Grow Your OwnTeacher Diversity
Description: Provides scholarships and/or stipends to school district employees or community members affiliated with
the district/charter to pursue a teacher license. Grant funds may also be used to establish innovative expanded GYO
programs that encourage secondary school students to pursue teaching.
Teacher Journey: Explore --> Become --> Grow
Example Activities:
Create and implement a GYO program for school district employees or community members affiliated with a
school district to pursue a teaching license, particularly focusing on BIPOC adults
Develop and offer dual-credit postsecondary course options in schools for "Introduction to Teaching" or
"Introduction to Education" courses
Support future teacher clubs or service-learning opportunities that provide middle and high school students
with experiential learning that increases students' interest in pursuing a teaching career
Provide direct support, including wrap-around services, for students who are of color or American Indian to
enroll and be successful in postsecondary enrollment options that would meet degree requirements for teacher
Offer scholarships to graduating high school students who are of color or American Indian to enroll in board-
approved undergraduate teacher preparation programs at a college or university in Minnesota
Funding: $25.0 million in FY 24 and 25 with funding available to award winners for 60 months.
Statute Reference: Minnesota Statutes 122A.73
More Information: MDE grow your own
Program Contact: mde.schoolsupport@state.mn.us
[Back to Funded Program Table]
Introduction to Teaching Concurrent Enrollment Grant
Description: The Minnesota Department of Education has funding available for grants under the Postsecondary
Education Options (PSEO) program to support programs that will increase and diversify the teacher workforce in the
state of Minnesota. Eligible organizations may apply for the following:
Grant funds are available to eligible applicants to develop Introduction to Teaching Concurrent Enrollment Programs
that encourage secondary school students, especially American Indian and students of color, to pursue teaching, by
developing and offering dual-credit postsecondary course options in schools for “Introduction to Teaching” or
“Introduction to Education” courses consistent with Minnesota Statutes, section 124D.09, subdivision 10.
Teacher Journey: Explore --> Become
Example Activities:
Provide training to instructors to lead concurrent enrollment opportunity for secondary students
Support program costs associated with implementing the concurrent enrollment opportunity
Funding: 0.5 million in FY 24 and 25
Statute Reference: Minnesota Statutes § 124D.09, subdivision 10
More Information: MDE concurrent enrollment webpage
Program Contact: Sally Reynolds
[Back to Funded Program Table]
Updated August 2023
Licensing and Exam Fee Reimbursement
Description: The Minnesota Department of Education has funding available to provide stipends to newly licensed
teachers for their licensing and exam fees. Business rules for this program are still in development at the time this
resource is being posted.
Teacher Journey: Become
Funding: $1.4 million in FY24 until expended
Program Contact: mde.schoolsupport@state.mn.us
[Back to Funded Program Table]
Minnesota Indian Teacher Training Program (MITTP) Grant
Description: Provides funding (scholarships or stipends) to assist American Indians in becoming teachers and to provide
additional education for American Indian teachers.
Teacher Journey: Explore --> Become --> Grow --> Thrive
Example Activities:
Provide scholarships to eligible American Indian students (note: 80% of grant funding must be used for this
Recruit students to the program and provide wrap-around supports
Funding: $2.2 million in FY 24 and $.6 million in FY25
Statute Reference: Minnesota Statutes, section 122A.63
More Information: MITTP webpage
Program Contact: mde.schoolsupport@state.mn.us
[Back to Funded Program Table]
Minnesota Student Teacher Grants Student Teachers in Shortage Areas Grant
Description: Postsecondary financial assistance to eligible students with low-incomes who intend to teach in an
identified license shortage area or rural school district (as defined in statute) after graduating and receiving their
teaching license. Students enrolled in a PELSB approved Minnesota teacher preparation program may receive an award
during one term in which the student is completing an eligible student teaching experience (12 weeks or more).
Teacher Journey: Explore --> Become
Example activities:
Reach out to partner teacher preparation programs to ensure expected students teachers have applied for all
available financial aid.
Check with participants in other district or school sponsored initial teacher preparation programs (Grow-Your-
Own, MITTP, etc.) to be sure they have applied for this program.
ng: $1.261 million/year
Statute Reference: Minnesota Statutes, section 136A.1275
More Information: Minnesota Student Teacher Grants
Program Contact: info.ohe@state.mn.us
[Back to Funded Program Table]
Updated August 2023
Minnesota Student Teacher Grants Underrepresented Student Teacher Grant
Description: Postsecondary financial assistance to eligible students with low-incomes who belong to a racial or ethnic
group underrepresented in the Minnesota teacher workforce. Students enrolled in a PELSB approved Minnesota teacher
preparation program may receive an award during one term in which the student is completing an eligible student
teaching experience (12 weeks or more) needed to obtain a Tier 3 license.
Teacher Journey: Explore --> Become
Example activities:
Reach out to partner teacher preparation programs to ensure expected students teachers have applied for all
available financial aid.
Check with participants in other district or school sponsored initial teacher preparation programs (Grow-Your-
Own, MITTP, etc.) to be sure they have applied for this program.
Funding: $1.867 million/year
Statute Reference: Minnesota Statutes, section 136A.1274
More Information: Minnesota Student Teacher Grants
Program Contact: [email protected].us
[Back to Funded Program Table]
Q Comp / Alternative Teacher Professional Pay System
Description: Approved programs may include: 1) hiring bonuses for teachers working in high-need or hard-to-fill
positions or otherwise hard-to-staff schools; 2) incentives for teachers to obtain masters or other advanced certification;
or 3) funds for a Grow Your Own new teacher initiative. Note: Due to a funding cap, there are no funds available for new
Q Comp programs at this time.
Teacher Journey: Grow --> Thrive
Example activities:
Create local grow your own programs for paraprofessionals and other adults who wish to become teachers,
particularly in hard to staff areas
Develop hiring bonuses to entice teachers to work in high-need or hard-to-fill positions or at hard-to-staff
Provide incentives to help teachers obtain masters degrees or other advanced certifications including additional
Funding: $88.118 million
Statute Reference: Minnesota Statutes, sections 122A.414 and 122A.415
More Information: MDE Q Comp webpage
Program Contact: mde.q-comp@state.mn.us
[Back to Funded Program Table]
Staff Development
Description: Funds may be used to provide mentoring and peer coaching programs for all staff and may be used to fund
specific programming for teachers, non-instructional licensed personnel, and support staff of color and American Indian
Teacher Journey: Grow --> Thrive
Example Activities:
Design and implement a teacher mentorship program
Updated August 2023
Attend activities to effectively meet the needs of a diverse population
Provide an inclusive curriculum for a racially, ethnically, linguistically, and culturally-diverse student population
Provide opportunities for teacher-to-teacher mentoring
Funding: Each district reserves 2 percent of general revenue to support staff development
Statute Reference: Minnesota Statutes, sections 122A.60 and 122A.61
More Information: MDE Staff Development webpage
Program Contact: mde.schoolsupport@state.mn.us
[Back to Funded Program Table]
Special Education Teacher Pipeline Program
Description: Grant funding is available for districts, charters, collaboratives, and joint eligible applicants to develop a
pipeline of trained, licensed Tier 3 or 4 special education teachers. The first round of grants will prioritize Tier 1 and Tier
2 teachers, and future rounds will also include paraprofessionals and other nonlicensed employees. Funding must be
used to support employees who demonstrate a willingness to be a special education teacher after completing the
Teacher Journey: Become Grow Thrive
Example Activities:
Provide tuition assistance (scholarships) or stipends for participants
Provide supports for participants, including mentoring, licensure test preparation, and technology support
Recruiting participants
Funding: $20 million in FY24, $10 million in FY25, 0 in FY26, and $10,000 base in FY27
Statute Reference: 122A.731
More Information: MDE Equitable Access to Excellent and Diverse Educators
webpage (content coming soon)
Program Contact: mde.schoolsupport@state.mn.us
[Back to Funded Program Table]
Student Support Personnel Workforce Pipeline Program
Description: A grant program to develop a student support personnel workforce pipeline focused on increasing school
psychologists, school nurses, school counselors, and school social workers. The program seeks to remove the financial
barriers of obtaining licensure or professional respecialization. Generally, funds will be used to provide scholarships,
support respecialization, recruitment and retention, with providers of color and Indigenous providers prioritized.
Teacher Journey: Explore Become Grow
Example Activities:
Funds to provide scholarships and wrap around supports to students who are enrolled in accredited programs
Funds to provide training, coaching, and technical assistance to licensed professionals seeking respecialization to
work in the school settings
Funds to support practica or other school setting experiences
Paid positions directly related to training of support personnel
Funds to support recruitment and retention to enroll and hire a designated trainee
Funding: $5,000,000 in both FY24 and FY25
Statute Reference: Minnesota 2023 Session Laws, HF 2497, Article 5, section 64, subdivision 15
Updated August 2023
More Information: TBD
Program Contact: Sarah J Weiss
[Back to Funded Program Table]
Teacher Mentorship and Retention of Effective Teachers
Description: Grant opportunity for a school district, a group of school districts, a school or coalition of schools, or a
coalition of teachers interested in developing, sustaining, or expanding a mentorship program. This grant prioritizes
funding programs that support teachers of color and Indigenous teachers.
Teacher Journey: Grow --> Thrive
Example Activities:
Stipends as incentives to mentors who are of color or who are Indigenous.
Financial supports for professional learning community affinity groups across schools within and between
districts for educators from underrepresented racial and ethnic groups to come together throughout the school
year. For purposes of this section, "affinity groups" means groups of educators who share a common racial or
ethnic identity in society as persons who are of color or who are Indigenous.
Programs for induction aligned with the district or school mentorship program during the first three years of
teaching, especially for teachers from underrepresented racial and ethnic groups.
Professional development focused on ways to close opportunity and achievement gaps for students of color and
American Indian students for teachers of color and Indigenous, graduate courses toward a first master's degree
in a field related to their license or toward an additional licensure field.
Funding: $3.4 million in FY 24 and $3.4 million in FY 25
Statute Reference: Minnesota Statutes, section 122A.70
More Information: PELSB’s Grants webpage
Program Contact: Laura Dyer
[Back to Funded Program Table]
Teacher Pathways Grant
Description: This grant provides funding to support teachers who hold a Tier 2 license obtain a Tier 3 license by
completing teacher preparation or the licensure via portfolio process. School districts, charter schools, service
cooperatives, services cooperatives, and partnerships between one or more teacher preparation provider, school
district, or charter school are eligible to apply. Funds can be used to offer professional development, mentorship, and
coursework aligned to required licensure standards.
Teacher Journey: Grow --> Thrive
Example activities:
Professional development, mentorships, and coursework aligned to required licensure standards
Funding: $388,000 in FY 24 and $388,000 in FY 25
Statute Reference: Minnesota 2023 Session Laws, HF 2497, Article 5, section 65, subd. 7
More Information: PELSB’s Grants webpage
Program Contact: Laura Dyer
[Back to Funded Program Table]
Updated August 2023
Teacher Residency Program
Description: Funding to incentivize the creation of teacher residency programs. At the time of publication, the
operational details of this program have not been determined.
Teacher Journey: Become --> Grow
Example Activities: TBD
Funding: $3 million in both FY24 and FY25
Statute Reference: Minnesota 2023 Session Laws, HF 2497, Article 5, Section 64, Subdivision 16
More Information: TBD
Program Contact: Tyler Livingston
[Back to Funded Program Table]
Teacher Shortage Loan Repayment Program
Description: Student loan repayment assistance of up to $1,000 a year (max of 5 annual awards for an individual) to
eligible teachers who belong to a racial or ethnic group underrepresented in the Minnesota teacher workforce, provide
classroom instruction in a license field shortage area in Minnesota, or provide classroom instruction in a rural school
district. License field shortage areas are identified by PELSB in coordination with OHE and rural school districts are
defined in statute as school districts with fewer than 30 resident pupil units per square mile.
Teacher Journey: Become --> Grow --> Thrive
Example activities:
Provide details about the program to current teachers and newly hired teachers.
Contact OHE to be sure someone at your organization is on our contact list for this program so you know when
the application is available each year and can share that with teachers.
Funding: $0.970 million/year
Statute Reference: Minnesota Statutes, section 136A.1791
More Information: Minnesota Teacher Shortage Loan Repayment Program
Program Contact: info.ohe@state.mn.us
[Back to Funded Program Table]