An Introduction to SQL Injection
Attacks for Oracle Developers
MARCH 2007
Version 1.0 April 2003
Version 1.1 January 2004
Version 1.2 November 2005
Version 1.3 March 2007
Authors: Stephen Kost
If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions regarding this document, please send them via
e-mail to alerts@integrigy.com.
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Table of Contents
OVERVIEW ........................................................................................................................... 5
Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 5
SQL Injection Overview ..................................................................................................... 5
SQL Injection: Oracle versus Other Databases ....................................................................... 5
Application Development .................................................................................................... 6
SQL INJECTION .................................................................................................................... 6
Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 6
Categories of SQL Injection Attacks ..................................................................................... 6
What’s Vulnerable ............................................................................................................. 7
What’s Not Vulnerable ....................................................................................................... 7
SQL INJECTION METHODS ....................................................................................................... 8
SQL Manipulation .............................................................................................................. 8
Code Injection.................................................................................................................. 9
Function Call Injection ....................................................................................................... 9
Buffer Overflows .............................................................................................................. 11
PL/SQL ........................................................................................................................... 12
Overview........................................................................................................................ 12
Execute Immediate Statement ........................................................................................... 12
DBMS_SQL Package ......................................................................................................... 13
Dynamic Cursors ............................................................................................................. 15
JDBC .............................................................................................................................. 16
Overview........................................................................................................................ 16
PreparedStatement .......................................................................................................... 16
CallableStatement ........................................................................................................... 17
PROTECTING AGAINST SQL INJECTION ...................................................................................... 18
Bind Variables ................................................................................................................. 18
Input Validation ............................................................................................................... 18
Function Security ............................................................................................................. 18
Error Messages................................................................................................................ 19
COMMON EXCEPTIONS ........................................................................................................... 20
Dynamic Table Names and Where Clauses ........................................................................... 20
Like Clauses ................................................................................................................... 20
Dynamic Procedure and Function Calls ................................................................................ 20
ORACLE FUNCTIONS ............................................................................................................. 22
Determine Function Privileges ............................................................................................ 22
Restricting Access to Functions .......................................................................................... 22
Standard Functions .......................................................................................................... 22
Oracle Supplied Functions ................................................................................................. 22
Custom Application Functions ............................................................................................ 23
REFERENCES ....................................................................................................................... 24
ABOUT INTEGRIGY ............................................................................................................... 25
Integrigy An Introduction to SQL Injection Attacks for Oracle Developers
Most application developers underestimate the risk of SQL injections attacks against applications that
use Oracle as the back-end database. Our audits of custom web applications show many application
developers do not fully understand the risk of SQL injection attacks and simple techniques used to
prevent such attacks.
This paper is intended for application developers, database administrators, and application auditors to
highlight the risk of SQL injection attacks and demonstrate why web applications may be vulnerable.
It is not intended to be a tutorial on executing SQL attacks and does not provide instructions on
executing these attacks.
SQL injection is a basic attack used either to gain unauthorized access to a database or to retrieve
information directly from the database. The basic principles underlying SQL injection are simple and
these types of attacks are easy to execute and master.
Any program or application may be vulnerable to SQL injection including stored procedures executed
with a direct database connection, Oracle Forms applications, web applications, etc. Numerous SQL
injection vulnerabilities have been found in the standard Oracle Database packages such as
DBMS_DATAPUMP, DBMS_REGISTRY, and DBMS_METADATA (see Oracle Critical Patch Update January
2006). Web applications are at highest risk to attack since often an attacker can exploit SQL injection
vulnerabilities remotely without any database or application authentication.
Web applications using Oracle as a back-end database are more vulnerable to SQL injection attacks
than most application developers think. Our application audits have found many web applications
vulnerable to SQL injection even though well-established coding standards were in place during
development of many of these applications. Function-based SQL injection attacks are of most
concern, since these attacks do not require knowledge of the application and can be easily automated.
Fortunately, SQL injection attacks are easy to defend against with simple coding practices. However,
every parameter passed to every dynamic SQL statement must be validated or bind variables must be
Oracle generally fares well against SQL injection attacks as there is no multiple SQL statement support
(SQL Server and PostgreSQL), no EXECUTE statement (SQL Server), and no INTO OUTFILE function
(MySQL) all methods frequently used to exploit SQL injection vulnerabilities. In addition, the use of
bind variables in Oracle environments for performance reasons provides the most effective protection
against SQL injection attacks.
Oracle may have fewer attack vectors for SQL injection than other databases, however, Oracle-based
applications without proper defenses against these types of attacks can still be vulnerable and can be
easily exploited through SQL injection vulnerabilities.
Integrigy An Introduction to SQL Injection Attacks for Oracle Developers
Applications can be developed using many methods for connecting to an Oracle database some of
these methods are more vulnerable to SQL Injection attacks than others. This paper will focus on just
a few programming languages and application architectures that are commonly used for web-based
applications, although, the techniques described in this paper should be relevant for most
programming languages and application architectures.
This paper will focus on applications that use either Java and JDBC for connecting to an Oracle
database or PL/SQL as a programming language. We believe these are the two most common
programming methods for web-based applications using Oracle as the back-end database.
SQL injection attacks are simple in nature an attacker passes string input to an application in hopes
manipulating the SQL statement to his or her advantage. The complexity of the attack involves
exploiting a SQL statement that may be unknown to the attacker. Open-source applications and
commercial applications delivered with source code are more vulnerable since an attacker can find
potentially vulnerable statements prior to an attack.
There are four main categories of SQL Injection attacks against Oracle databases
1. SQL Manipulation
2. Code Injection
3. Function Call Injection
4. Buffer Overflows
The first two categories, SQL manipulation and code injection, should be well known to the reader, as
these are the most commonly described attacks for all types of databases (including SQL Server,
MySQL, PostgreSQL, and Oracle).
SQL manipulation typically involves modifying the SQL statement through set operations (e.g.,
UNION) or altering the WHERE clause to return a different result. Many documented SQL injection
attacks are of this type. The most well known attack is to modify the WHERE clause of the user
authentication statement so the WHERE clause always results in TRUE.
Code injection is when an attacker inserts new SQL statements or database commands into the SQL
statement. The classic code injection attack is to append a SQL Server EXECUTE command to the
vulnerable SQL statement. Code injection only works when multiple SQL statements per database
request are supported. SQL Server and PostgreSQL have this capability and it is sometimes possible
to inject multiple SQL statements with Oracle. Oracle code injection vulnerabilities involve the
dynamic execution of SQL in PL/SQL.
The last two categories are more specific attacks against Oracle databases and are not well known or
documented. In the vast majority of our application audits, we have found applications vulnerable to
these two types of attacks.
Integrigy An Introduction to SQL Injection Attacks for Oracle Developers
Function call injection is the insertion of Oracle database functions or custom functions into a
vulnerable SQL statement. These function calls can be used to make operating system calls or
manipulate data in the database.
SQL injection of buffer overflows is a subset of function call injection. In several commercial and
open-source databases, vulnerabilities exist in a few database functions that may result in a buffer
overflow. Patches are available for most of these vulnerabilities, but many production databases
remain un-patched.
An application is vulnerable to SQL injection for only one reason end user string input is not properly
validated and is passed to a dynamic SQL statement without any such validation. The string input is
usually passed directly to the SQL statement. However, the user input may be stored in the database
and later passed to a dynamic SQL statement, referred to as a second-order SQL injection. Because
of the stateless nature of many web applications, it is common to write data to the database or store it
using some other means between web pages. This indirect type of attack is much more complex and
often requires in-depth knowledge of the application.
SQL Statements using bind variables are generally protected from SQL Injection as the Oracle
database will use the value of the bind variable exclusively and not interpret the contents of the
variable in any way. PL/SQL and JDBC allow for bind variables. Bind variables should be extensively
used for both security and performance reasons.
Integrigy An Introduction to SQL Injection Attacks for Oracle Developers
There are four types of SQL Injection attacks, which work for Oracle databases. The first two types
SQL manipulation and code injection are well known and documented. However, function call
injection and buffer overflow attacks are not well documented and many applications are vulnerable to
these types of attacks. All of these types of SQL injection are valid for other databases including SQL
Server, DB2, MySQL, and PostgreSQL.
About the Examples in this Chapter
SQL statements are used in this chapter to demonstrate the different types of SQL injection methods.
In order to be programming language neutral, only the developer intended and attacker manipulated
SQL statements are presented. The portions in blue, italics is a sample of what input the programmer
is expecting and what an attacker might actually enter into a string field of the application.
The most common type of SQL Injection attack is SQL manipulation. The attacker attempts to modify
the existing SQL statement by adding elements to the WHERE clause or extending the SQL statement
with set operators like UNION, INTERSECT, or MINUS. There are other possible variations, but these
are the most significant examples.
The classic SQL manipulation is during the login authentication. A simplistic web application may
check user authentication by executing the following query and checking to see if any rows were
WHERE username = 'bob' and PASSWORD = 'mypassword'
The attacker attempts to manipulate the SQL statement to execute as
WHERE username = 'bob' and PASSWORD = 'mypassword' or 'a' = 'a'
Based on operator precedence, the WHERE clause is true for every row and the attacker has gained
access to the application.
The set operator UNION is frequently used in SQL injection attacks. The goal is to manipulate a SQL
statement into returning rows from another table. A web form may execute the following query to
return a list of available products
SELECT product_name FROM all_products
WHERE product_name like '%Chairs%'
Integrigy An Introduction to SQL Injection Attacks for Oracle Developers
The attacker attempts to manipulate the SQL statement to execute as
SELECT product_name FROM all_products
WHERE product_name like '%Chairs'
SELECT username FROM dba_users
WHERE username like '%'
The list returned to the web form will include all the selected products, but also all the database users.
Code injection attacks attempt to add additional SQL statements or commands to the existing SQL
statement. This type of attack is frequently used against Microsoft SQL Server applications, but
seldom works with an Oracle database. The EXECUTE statement in SQL Server is a frequent target of
SQL injection attacks there is no corresponding statement in Oracle.
In PL/SQL and Java, Oracle does not support multiple SQL statements per database request. Thus,
the following common injection attack will not work against an Oracle database via a PL/SQL or Java
application. This statement will result in an error
WHERE username = 'bob' and PASSWORD = 'mypassword'; DELETE FROM users
WHERE username = 'admin';
However, some programming languages or APIs may allow multiple SQL statements to be executed.
PL/SQL and Java applications can dynamically execute anonymous PL/SQL blocks, which are
vulnerable to code injection. The following is an example of a PL/SQL block executed in a web
BEGIN ENCRYPT PASSWORD('bob', 'mypassword'); END;
The above example PL/SQL block executes an application stored procedure that encrypts and saves
the user’s password. An attacker will attempt to manipulate the PL/SQL block to execute as
BEGIN ENCRYPT PASSWORD('bob', 'mypassword'); DELETE FROM users
WHERE upper(username) = upper('admin'); END;
Function call injection is the insertion of Oracle database functions or custom functions into a
vulnerable SQL statement. These function calls can be used to make operating system calls or
manipulate data in the database.
The Oracle database allows functions or functions in packages to be executed as part of a SQL
statement. By default, Oracle supplies over 1,000 functions in about 175 standard database
packages, although only a fraction of these functions may be useful in a SQL injection attack. Some
of these functions do perform network communication, which can be exploited. Any custom function
or function residing in a custom package can also be executed in a SQL statement.
Integrigy An Introduction to SQL Injection Attacks for Oracle Developers
Functions executed as part of a SQL SELECT statement cannot make any changes to the database
unless the function is marked as “PRAGMA TRANSACTION”. Very few of the standard Oracle functions
are executed as autonomous transactions. Functions executed in INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE
statements are able to modify data in the database.
Using the standard Oracle functions, an attacker can send information from the database to a remote
computer or execute other attacks from the database server. Many Oracle-based applications
leverage database packages, which can be exploited by an attacker. These custom packages may
include functions to change passwords or perform other sensitive application transactions.
The issue with function call injection is that any dynamically generated SQL statement is vulnerable
even the simplest SQL statements can be effectively exploited. The following example demonstrates
even the most simple of SQL statements can be vulnerable. Application developers will sometimes
use database functions instead of native code (e.g., Java) to perform common tasks. There is no
direct equivalent of the TRANSLATE database function in Java, so the programmer decided to use a
SQL statement.
SELECT TRANSLATE('user input',
FROM dual;
This SQL statement is not vulnerable to other types of injection attacks, but is easily manipulated
through a function injection attack. The attacker attempts to manipulate the SQL statement to
execute as
FROM dual;
The changed SQL statement will request a page from a web server. The attacker could manipulate
the string and URL to include other functions in order to retrieve useful information from the database
server and send it to the web server in the URL. Since the Oracle database server is most likely
behind a firewall, it could also be used to attack other servers on the internal network.
Custom functions and functions in custom packages can also be executed. An example would be a
custom application has the function ADDUSER in the custom package MYAPPADMIN. The developer
marked the function as “PRAGMA TRANSACTION”, so it could be executed under any special
circumstances that the application might encounter. Since it is marked “PRAGMA TRANSACTION”, it
can write to the database even in a SELECT statement.
SELECT TRANSLATE('' || myappadmin.adduser('admin', 'newpass') || '',
FROM dual;
Executing the above SQL statement, the attacker is able to create new application users.
Integrigy An Introduction to SQL Injection Attacks for Oracle Developers
A number of standard Oracle database functions are susceptible to buffer overflows, which can be
exploited through a SQL injection attack in an un-patched database. Known buffer overflows exist in
the standard database packages as well as in standard database functions such as TZ_OFFSET,
A buffer overflow attack using TZ_OFFSET, TO_TIMESTAMP_TZ, BFILENAME, FROM_TZ,
NUMTOYMINTERVAL, or NUMTODSINTERVAL is executed using the function injection methods
described previously. By exploiting the buffer overflow via a SQL injection attack, remote access to
the operating system can be achieved. Additional information is widely available on executing and
preventing buffer overflow attacks.
In addition, some application and web servers do not gracefully handle the loss of a database
connection due to a buffer overflow. Usually, the web process will hang until the connection to the
client is terminated, thus making this potentially an effective denial of service attack.
Integrigy An Introduction to SQL Injection Attacks for Oracle Developers
Oracle database stored procedures can be called directly from either the PL/SQL Gateway or using
JDBC’s callablestatement. The PL/SQL Gateway (modplsql) is Oracle’s Apache extension that allows
web applications to be developed using database stored procedures. Modplsql is delivered with the
Oracle Application Server and is used by some commercial applications. SQL injection vulnerabilities
in database functions, procedures, and packages can also be exploited using a direct SQL*Net connect
through SQL*Plus or other database tools.
SQL statements can be executed four different ways in PL/SQL (1) embedded SQL, (2) cursors, (3)
execute immediate statements, or (4) the DBMS_SQL package. Embedded SQL statements and
static cursors are compiled and only allow bind variables, however, dynamic cursors may be
vulnerable to SQL injection attacks. Execute immediate and DBMS_SQL permit dynamic SQL, thus
may be vulnerable to SQL injection attacks if bind variables are not used.
From a SQL injection perspective, there is little difference between DBMS_SQL and execute
immediate both statements are equally vulnerable. The DBMS_SQL package is an older method for
dynamic SQL and is being replaced by the execute immediate statement. Some applications use a
combination of DBMS_SQL and execute immediate statements.
For more information on dynamic SQL, see the chapter “Native Dynamic SQL” in the Oracle Database
PL/SQL User's Guide and Reference.
The execute immediate statement is used to execute dynamic SQL in PL/SQL code. The statement
fully supports bind variables, but also can be executed using a concatenated string.
The syntax for execute immediate is
EXECUTE IMMEDIATE dynamic_string
[INTO {define_variable[, define_variable]... | record}]
[USING [IN | OUT | IN OUT] bind_argument
[, [IN | OUT | IN OUT] bind_argument]...]
[{RETURNING | RETURN} INTO bind_argument[, bind_argument]...];
An execute immediate statement subject to SQL injection attacks may be written like
sqlstr VARCHAR2(1000);
code VARCHAR2(100);
sqlstr := 'SELECT postal-code FROM states WHERE state-name = ''' || name || '''';
IF code = 'IL' THEN ...
Integrigy An Introduction to SQL Injection Attacks for Oracle Developers
Some readers may question if the SELECT statement in the above code example would be meaningful
in a SQL injection attack. It cannot be readily exploited by using set operations (e.g., UNION) or by
concatenating another SQL statement as this is not permitted by execute immediate unless a
PL/SQL block is used (i.e., BEGIN...END). Manipulating the outcome of the WHERE clause probably
won’t accomplish much. However, this statement can easily be exploited by inserting standard
database functions (i.e., UTL_HTTP) or known functions that may cause buffer overflows.
To prevent SQL injection and to improve application performance, bind variables should always be
sqlstr VARCHAR2(1000);
code VARCHAR2(100);
sqlstr := 'SELECT postal-code FROM states WHERE state-name = :name';
IF code = 'IL' THEN ...
Execute immediate can be also used for anonymous PL/SQL blocks. Anonymous PL/SQL blocks are
more vulnerable to SQL injection attacks since an attacker can insert multiple PL/SQL commands and
SQL statements.
-- vulnerable
EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'BEGIN updatepass(''' || value || '''); END;';
-- not vulnerable
cmd := 'BEGIN updatepass(:1); END;';
The DBMS_SQL package allows execution of dynamic SQL statements. DBMS_SQL is more
complicated than execute immediate, but basically performs the same function.
Just as with execute immediate, bind variables should always be used instead of concatenating the
SQL string together.
Integrigy An Introduction to SQL Injection Attacks for Oracle Developers
This procedure uses DBMS_SQL and is vulnerable to injection attacks
cursor_name INTEGER;
rows_processed INTEGER;
sqlstr VARCHAR2(150);
code VARCHAR2(2);
sqlstr := 'SELECT postal-code FROM states WHERE state-name = ''' || name || '''';
cursor_name := dbms_sql.open_cursor;
DBMS_SQL.PARSE(cursor_name, sqlstr, DBMS_SQL.NATIVE);
DBMS_SQL.DEFINE_COLUMN(cursor_name, 1, code, 10);
rows_processed := DBMS_SQL.EXECUTE(cursor_name);
The same procedure that uses bind variables is not open to attack
cursor_name INTEGER;
rows_processed INTEGER;
sqlstr VARCHAR2;
code VARCHAR2;
sqlstr := 'SELECT postal-code FROM states WHERE state-name = :name';
cursor_name := dbms_sql.open_cursor;
DBMS_SQL.PARSE(cursor_name, sqlstr, DBMS_SQL.NATIVE);
DBMS_SQL.DEFINE_COLUMN(cursor_name, 1, code, 10);
DBMS_SQL.BIND_VARIABLE(cursor_name, ':name', name);
rows_processed := DBMS_SQL.EXECUTE(cursor_name);
Integrigy An Introduction to SQL Injection Attacks for Oracle Developers
PL/SQL allows static and dynamic cursors. Cursor SQL statements can be dynamically generated just
as execute immediate or DBMS_SQL statements can. Dynamic cursors are not regularly used,
therefore, they may be overlooked in code reviews.
sqlstr VARCHAR2;
sqlstr := 'SELECT * FROM states WHERE state-name = ''' || name || '''';
OPEN cursor_states FOR sqlstr;
FETCH cursor_states INTO rec_state
EXIT WHEN cursor_states%NOTFOUND;
CLOSE cursor_status;
Just as with execute immediate and DBMS_SQL, a bind variable would eliminate any possibility of
SQL injection.
Integrigy An Introduction to SQL Injection Attacks for Oracle Developers
JDBC (Java Database Connectivity) is a standard Java interface for connecting from
Java to relational databases. JDBC is used by most Java development architectures to connect to
Oracle databases. Java Server Pages (JSP), Java Servlets, and Enterprise Java Beans (EJB) all use
JDBC for database connectivity, as well as many other Java application architectures.
By definition, all SQL statements in a JDBC application are dynamic. Dynamic SQL is executed with
the Statement interface, specifically the CallableStatement and PreparedStatement subinterfaces.
From a SQL injection perspective, both the CallableStatement and PreparedStatement interfaces
can be vulnerable to SQL injection. In Oracle, only a single SQL statement will be executed by a
PreparedStatement call. Other databases (e.g., SQL Server) may support multiple SQL statements
in a single call.
The PreparedStatement interface is used to execute dynamic SQL statements. The standard JDBC
PreparedStatement interface may be used or OraclePreparedStatement may be used if Oracle
specific data types or other Oracle extensions are required.
A PreparedStatement that is vulnerable to SQL injection may look something like this
String name = request.getParameter("name");
PreparedStatement pstmt =
conn.prepareStatement("insert into EMP (ENAME) values ('" + name + "')");
To prevent SQL injection, a bind variable must be used
PreparedStatement pstmt =
conn.prepareStatement ("insert into EMP (ENAME) values (?)");
String name = request.getParameter("name");
pstmt.setString (1, name);
Integrigy An Introduction to SQL Injection Attacks for Oracle Developers
The CallableStatement interface is used to execute PL/SQL stored procedures and anonymous
PL/SQL blocks. The standard JDBC CallableStatement interface may be used or the
OracleCallableStatement may be used if Oracle specific data types or other Oracle extensions are
CallableStatement has two basic forms
Stored Procedure and Function Calls
prepareCall( "{call proc (?,?)}" );
Anonymous PL/SQL Block Calls
prepareCall("begin proc1(?,?); ? := func1(?); ...; end;");
The anonymous PL/SQL block call is much more vulnerable to SQL injection attacks since multiple SQL
statements and PL/SQL commands can be inserted.
A vulnerable anonymous PL/SQL block is
String name = request.getParameter("name");
String sql = "begin ? := GetPostalCode('" + name + "'); end;";
CallableStatement cs = conn.prepareCall(sql);
cs.registerOutParameter(1, Types.CHAR);
String result = cs.getString(1);
An attacker could alter the SQL statement from what the developer anticipated
begin ? := GetPostalCode('Illinois'); end;
to either of the following statements or many other possibilities
begin ? := GetPostalCode(''); delete from users; commit; dummy(''); end;
begin ? := GetPostalCode(''||UTL_HTTP.REQUEST('')||''); end;
The simple fix is to use a bind variable
String name = request.getParameter("name");
CallableStatement cs = conn.prepareCall ("begin ? := GetStatePostalCode(?); end;");
cs.setString(2, name);
String result = cs.getString(1);
Integrigy An Introduction to SQL Injection Attacks for Oracle Developers
SQL Injection attacks can be easily defeated with simple programming changes, however, developers
must be disciplined enough to apply the following methods to every web accessible procedure and
function. Every dynamic SQL statement must be protected. A single unprotected SQL statement can
result in comprising of the application, data, or database server.
The most powerful protection against SQL injection attacks is the use of bind variables. Using bind
variables will also improve application performance. Application coding standards should require the
use of bind variables in all SQL statements. No SQL statement should be created by concatenating
together strings and passed parameters.
Bind variables should be used for every SQL statement regardless of when or where the SQL
statement is executed. This is Oracle’s internal coding standard and should be your organization’s
standard also. A very complex SQL injection attack could possibly exploit an application by storing an
attack string in the database, which would be later executed by a dynamic SQL statement (referred to
as a second-order attack).
The previous chapters on PL/SQL and JDBC demonstrated how to effectively use bind variables to
eliminate SQL injection vulnerabilities. The use of bind variables is simple, but does require at least
one more line of code per variable. Since a typical SQL statement may be using 10-20 values, the
additional coding effort may be substantial.
There are a few rare occasions when a developer must dynamically create a SQL statement these
exceptions are detailed in the next chapter.
Every passed string parameter should be validated. Many web applications use hidden fields and
other techniques, which also must be validated. If a bind variable is not being used, special database
characters must be removed or escaped.
For Oracle databases, the only character at issue is a single quote. The simplest method is to escape
all single quotes Oracle interprets consecutive single quotes as a literal single quote.
The use of bind variables and escaping of single quotes should not be done for the same string. A
bind variable will store the exact input string in the database and escaping any single quotes will
result in double quotes being stored in the database.
Standard and custom database functions can be exploited in SQL injection attacks. Many of these
functions can be used effectively in an attack. Oracle is delivered with hundreds of standard functions
and by default may have grants to PUBLIC. The application may have additional functions which
perform operations like changing passwords or creating users that could be exploited.
All functions that are not absolutely necessary to the application should be restricted.
Integrigy An Introduction to SQL Injection Attacks for Oracle Developers
Chapter 8 provides detailed information on determining the functions a database user may access and
the functions that should be restricted.
If an attacker cannot obtain the source code for an application, error messages become critically
important for a successful attack. Many Java applications do not return detailed error messages, but
testing and analysis should be performed to determine if the application returns detailed error
messages. Rather than returning detailed database error messages to the user, this information
should be written to a log file.
PL/SQL Gateway (modplsql)
The PL/SQL Gateway can be configured to display varying levels of error messages. The more
information returned in an error message, the more useful the message is to an attacker. All PL/SQL
Gateway applications should be designed to return an application generated error page when an
Oracle error is encountered rather than allowing the gateway to return an error message.
However, some errors like procedure not found must be returned by the gateway. The ERROR_STYLE
setting in the “wdbsvr.app” configuration file determines the level of information returned to the user.
Since these types of errors are most likely caused by an attacker rather than errors in normal
application processing, only minimal or no information should be returned. The ERROR_STYLE
parameter should be set to “WebServer” instead of Gateway” or “GatewayDebug”. ERROR_STYLE
can be set at either the global or DAD level, so both sections of the configuration file must be checked.
Integrigy An Introduction to SQL Injection Attacks for Oracle Developers
Bind variables should be used for all dynamic SQL statements in PL/SQL and Java. Although, on rare
occasions bind variables cannot be used, such as dynamically including table or column names.
When generating a dynamic SQL statement, bind variables cannot be used for table names or column
names. For most applications, valid database object names (i.e., table and column names) can
contain only alphanumeric characters and the underscore (_), dollar sign ($), and pound sign (#).
Single quotes and other special characters are not valid.
Any dynamic table or column name should be validated and all invalid characters should be stripped
from the string, especially single quotes.
In PL/SQL, the TRANSLATE function can be used to easily removed invalid characters from an object
translate(upper(<input string>),
'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890_#$@. `~!%^*()-=+{}[];":''?/><,|\',
Bind variables are valid in a LIKE clause and should be used. % and _ characters should be directly
appended to the string rather than concatenating the SQL statement.
The following concatenation should not be used
String name = request.getParameter("name");
conn.prepareStatement("SELECT id FROM users WHERE name LIKE '%" + name + "%'");
Rather multiple statements and a bind variable are required to properly create the SQL statement
String name = request.getParameter("name");
name = query.append("%").append(name).append("%");
pstmt = conn.prepareStatement("SELECT id FROM users WHERE name LIKE ?");
pstmt.setString (1, name);
When generating a procedure or function call dynamically, a bind variable cannot be used for the
procedure or function name. For most applications, valid database object names (procedure and
function names) can contain only alphanumeric characters and the underscore (_), dollar sign ($), and
pound sign (#). Period (.) and at sign (@) are used to specify package names and database links.
Single quotes and other special characters are not valid.
Any dynamically called procedure or function should be validated and all invalid characters should be
stripped from the string.
Integrigy An Introduction to SQL Injection Attacks for Oracle Developers
In PL/SQL, the TRANSLATE function can be used to easily removed invalid characters from an object
translate(upper(<input string>),
'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890_#$@. `~!%^*()-=+{}[];":''?/><,|\',
Integrigy An Introduction to SQL Injection Attacks for Oracle Developers
By default, Oracle supplies over 1,000 functions in about 175 standard database packages that
potentially can be exploited in a SQL injection attack. Many of these functions have PUBLIC grants.
All the available functions for PUBLIC can be found with the following query
select *
from dba_tab_privs p, all_arguments a
where grantee = 'PUBLIC'
and privilege = 'EXECUTE'
and p.table_name = a.package_name
and p.owner = a.owner
and a.position = 0
and a.in_out = 'OUT'
order by p.owner, p.table_name, p.grantee
Access to specific functions within a package can not be restricted only access to the entire package.
To revoke PUBLIC access to a package use the following SQL command as a privileged database user
REVOKE EXECUTE ON <package_name> FROM public
As an example, to revoke access to the UTL_HTTP package the command is
REVOKE EXECUTE ON sys.utl_http FROM public
Buffer overflows have been discovered in three standard Oracle database functions: BFILENAME,
functions reside in the STANDARD database package and there is no way to restrict access to these
functions. To fix known buffer overflows in standard Oracle database functions, you must apply a
recent Oracle Critical Patch Update.
Oracle supplies hundreds of functions in standard database packages. Most of these packages are
prefixed with DBMS_ and UTL_.
The following packages should be reviewed. If the package is not used by the application, access
should be restricted.
Integrigy An Introduction to SQL Injection Attacks for Oracle Developers
Additional information regarding the Oracle supplied packages can be found in the Oracle Database
Supplied PL/SQL Packages Reference.
Functions and functions within packages written for the application can also be exploited by a SQL
injection attack.
Access to all custom functions should be reviewed to determine
1. Does the web application need access to this function?
2. If the function is exploited, what is the impact to the application?
3. Is the function marked as “PRAGMA TRANSACTION”? These functions can be executed
and write to the database from a SELECT statement.
Integrigy An Introduction to SQL Injection Attacks for Oracle Developers
Using Database Functions in SQL Injection Attacks
OWASP Guide to Building Secure Web Applications
Additional Information on SQL Injection Attacks
Oracle Database Security Checklist
Integrigy Corporation (www.integrigy.com)
Integrigy Corporation is a leader in application security for large enterprise, mission critical
applications. Our application vulnerability assessment tool, AppSentry, assists companies in securing
their largest and most important applications. Integrigy Consulting offers security assessment
services for leading ERP and CRM applications.
Integrigy Corporation
P.O. Box 81545
Chicago, Illinois 60681 USA