Volume 262—No. 94 WedNesday, NoVember 13. 2019
www. NYLJ.com
t is common in most con-
struction contracts for there
to be a mutual waiver of con-
sequential damages. Owners,
however, should take caution
before agreeing to provide a broad
unqualied waiver to contractors.
Generally speaking, consequen-
tial damages in construction con-
tracts relate to indirect losses or
damages incurred by either the
owner or contractor arising from
a breach by the other, such as
lost income or increased nanc-
ing costs on the part of the owner
or loss of business opportunities
by the contractor. In both situa-
tions, the consequential damages
incurred by the non-defaulting par-
ty may be difcult to ascertain and
may be excessive in the context of
the overall value of the contract at
issue. This can be contrasted with
direct damages, such as the cost
to correct or complete the work by
the owner or the loss of prots on
the work by the contractor.
From the owner’s perspective,
a blanket waiver of consequential
damages, such as that contained
in various American Institute of
Architects (AIA) documents is
problematic on two levels. First,
the waiver will deprive the own-
er of a remedy for the financial
losses it will suffer if, for exam-
ple, the project is delayed by the
contractor and the owner loses
sales or rental income.
However, because of the cata-
strophic losses an owner may incur
as a result of delayed completion,
contractors will, as a matter of
course, demand the waiver and,
perhaps, offer in its place liqui-
dated damages designed to limit
the amount of damages the owner
may recover. (Liquidated damages
must, however, bear some rela-
tionship to the actual damages
KeNNeth m. blocK and Joshua m. leVy are mem-
bers of Tannenbaum Helpern Syracuse & Hirschtritt.
Owners Should Take Caution in
Waiving Consequential Damages
Kenneth M.
Joshua M.
WedNesday, NoVember 13. 2019
the owner will suffer for delay,
otherwise they would be consid-
ered an unenforceable penalty.)
Second, a blanket waiver may
impede the ability of the owner
to be indemnified for claims of
third parties seeking consequen-
tial damages against the owner
resulting from the activities of
the contractor, such as neighbors
who may have suffered property
damage or interference with their
businesses. This implicates the
contractor’s indemnication of the
owner and brings a slight detour
in our discussion.
Traditional indemnities in favor
of the owner, including those
found in AIA documents, deal,
essentially, with personal injury,
bodily injury and property dam-
age. They do not include indem-
nication for claims of third par-
ties seeking monetary damages,
such as unpaid subcontractors,
neighbors, or civil authorities.
Because of this, we have includ-
ed in our construction contracts
indemnities of owners for third-
party claims against the owner for
economic loss. While, invariably,
there is objection to this expan-
sion of the traditional indemnity
by contractor counsel, once it is
explained that we are only look-
ing for protection against third-
party claims for damages arising
from the contractor’s negligence
or breach of contract, the expan-
sion is generally accepted.
This brings us back to our
discussion of consequential
damages and the breadth of the
waiver. If a blanket waiver is giv-
en, arguably, the indemnity for
claims of third parties may be
lost, inasmuch as a claim by a
third party may be considered
consequential damages. In order
to remedy this possibility, in our
construction contracts, we rst
carve out from the waiver any
claims of third parties. We also
address other circumstances for
which a waiver of consequential
damages would not be appropri-
ate, such as where the contractor
is guilty of gross negligence or
willful misconduct; insurance is
available to the contractor for the
owner’s claim for consequential
damages; or it arises from defec-
tive or nonconforming work. The
latter point covers situations
where, for example, the owner
suffers a loss of income due to
repairs necessitated by defective
work, such as the closing of a
retail establishment while reme-
dial work is being performed.
The language we have crafted
addressing these carve outs is as
Contractor and Owner waive
Claims against each other for
consequential damages arising
out of or relating to this Agree-
ment, other than with respect
to (a) claims of third parties
against Owner, (b) claims that
arise due to Contractor’s and/
or Subcontractors’ gross neg-
ligence and/or willful miscon-
duct, or (c) claims by Owner for
consequential damages against
Contractor that are covered by
insurance or arise from defec-
tive and nonconforming Work.
While on the topic of consequen-
tial damages, we should close by
noting that, as to design profes-
sionals, we do not believe there
should be any waiver of conse-
quential damages by an owner,
for the simple reason that profes-
sional liability policies generally
cover architects and engineers for
all damages arising from errors
and omissions, regardless of the
characterization of such damages
as direct or consequential. While,
as with contractor counsel, there
is initial push back from counsel
for design professionals on this
point, once it is explained that
insurance is available, the demand
for the waiver is usually dropped.
We have included in our con-
struction contracts indemnities
of owners for third-party claims
against the owner for economic
Reprinted with permission from the November 13, 2019 edition of the NEW YORK
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