FY2024 Saltonstall-Kennedy Grant Recommended Project Summaries
Priority #1: Promotion and Marketing
Proposal #: 24AKR610-001
Project Title: Development and Marketing of an Alaska Seafood Pet Food Brand
Applicant: Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute
Priority Addressed Priority #1 Promotion and Marketing
Principal Investigator: John Burrows, ASMI Seafood Technical Director,
Amount: $500,000
Abstract: Created in 1981 by the Alaska state legislature, the Alaska Seafood Marketing
Institute (ASMI) is a non-profit agency of the State of Alaska within the state Department of
Community and Economic Development. The agency serves as a generic Alaska seafood
marketing commission for both domestic and export markets, working cooperatively with
private industry. ASMI represents 100% of the fishermen and processors involved in the Alaska
seafood industry. ASMI’s primary goal is to increase the value of the Alaska seafood resource. In
2022 the ASMI board of directors formally identified the strong potential for Alaska seafood
products in the pet food market and passed a motion to allow ASMI to promote in the pet food
market. US pet food manufacturers purchased $893 million in fisheries products for use in cat
and dog food. However, total agricultural products purchased for the sector reached $6.9
billion, meaning the seafood sector only holds a fraction of the market share in a highly
lucrative market. ASMI currently lacks resources to create a strategic marketing program
geared toward the pet food sector. This project would allow ASMI to create resources for the
Alaska seafood industry to use in order to target the valuable pet food sector. ASMI has over 40
years of experience creating marketing assets for the Alaska seafood industry’s use and has
identified marketing collateral items most important to establishing a brand: buyers guides and
quality specs, a brand logo with maximum consumer impact, digital assets such as photography
and video available in an online library, and sales sheets that explain the importance of using
brand differentiators.
Summary of potential benefits to the fishing community of the project results: The benefits of
this project will be realized differently across the sector, with the beneficiaries generally falling
into four categories: Large seafood processors, small and medium sized processors, established
independent Alaskan treat or pet food manufactures currently using Alaska seafood, and new
Alaskan treat or pet food companies.
Large processors who have already entered the market will see a rise in value for their raw
material due to marketing efforts and access to new customers at ASMI sponsored trade shows.
While many large processors already produce oil and meal, the majority produce for
commodity market, which primarily ships to China and is controlled by global market forces.
Shifting to production for the pet food market would add value.
Smaller processors or species groups that have not yet entered the pet food market, such as
herring, will be able to properly assess market potential, understand quality handling and food
safety requirements for this sector, address production costs by introduction to targeted
customers who can pay more for high quality ingredients rather than bulk products, and use
marketing collateral to help enter this market.
Current independent treat and pet food manufacturers who primarily use Alaska seafood
products will benefit from increased awareness of the value of Alaska seafood as an ingredient,
ability to use the logo and digital assets and see increased sales from ASMI’s generic advertising
and PR efforts.
With better access to the market and industry specs and regulations, new independent Alaska
companies will enter the treat and pet food market, increasing the value of the resource and
jobs in coastal Alaska.
In addition, coastal communities in which Alaska seafood is processed will realize broad
benefits. An estimated 87 shoreside facilities in Alaska process at least 100,000 pounds of
seafood annually and at least 70 facilities handle more than a million pounds each year.
Roughly 10 floating processors operate in various locations throughout Alaska. In addition to
thousands of jobs directly supported by processing activity, the inshore processing sector
provides markets to tens of thousands of Alaska fishermen. Hundreds of millions of dollars are
spent each year in Alaska communities on support services such as shipping and construction,
along with fuel, groceries, and other supplies. Processing activity supports vital infrastructure
such as docks and utilities while generating millions in tax revenue for local communities and
the State of Alaska annually. By providing additional markets, shoulder season work and higher
value for by-products, benefits from this project will be seen throughout coastal Alaska.
Proposal #: 24AKR604-006
Project Title: Consumer Research and Promotion to Increase the Value of Alaska Flatfish
Principal Investigator: Pat Shanahan, Executive Director, pat.shanahan@shanahaninc.com,
Applicant: Wild Alaska Sole Association
Priority Addressed Priority #1 Promotion and Marketing
Amount: $419,590
Abstract: This project will help to provide consumer research data, marketing tools and
promotions for the first-ever marketing effort for Alaska flatfish. The Alaska flatfish fishery is
the largest flatfish fishery in the world and the second largest federally-managed fishery in the
state, but little marketing work has been done to realize the market potential and value of
these delicious, sustainable, and nutritious fish. This project will build on WASA’s existing
consumer attitude, usage and messaging research in the U.S. and UK, by conducting new
consumer messaging research in France, a key market for flatfish in Europe. The research will
determine the best messaging to drive consumer interest in and purchase of Alaska flatfish and
will also identify target audiences for that messaging. The research findings across the three key
markets will be used to create messaging toolkits for use in marketing efforts for Alaska flatfish.
Further, the project will utilize these messages in retail or foodservice promotions for Alaska
flatfish and measure the results.
Summary of potential benefits to the fishing community of the project results: This project
will build on WASA’s initial marketing efforts for Alaska flatfish by providing the data and tools
needed to increase awareness, positive perception and value of Alaska flatfish in the minds of
consumers. Increasing the value of Alaska flatfish will directly benefit fishermen and processors,
Alaska coastal communities and maritime industries, Washington maritime industries, the
states of Alaska and Washington, and the nation. Over time, the resulting higher prices and
market stability will allow an expansion of markets for Alaska flatfish fishermen, lessoning their
dependence on China and allowing growth of secondary processing of flatfish in the United
Proposal #: 24PIR705-019
Project Title: Increasing market value and presence of Hawaiian fishpond products
Applicant: Kauai Sea Farms LLC
Priority Addressed Priority #1 Promotion and Marketing
Principal Investigator: David Anderson, Kauaʻi Sea Farms LLC: [email protected]
Amount: $100,000
Abstract: Hawaiian fishponds once served a major role for food security and livelihood during
the period of the Hawaiian Kingdom. Modern efforts to restore these resources are underway,
but face issues involving pollution, overfishing, and challenges of integrating extensive
production systems into globalized seafood markets. Fishpond production is a multi-species
model that is highly sustainable, but produces relatively low volumes of individual species.
Consumers have come to expect uniformly shaped fish, cheap imported value-added products,
and have largely lost connection to the source of their seafood. The proposed project will
promote fishpond production of native species by targeting replacements for commonly
imported products. Harvesting and processing strategies will be investigated to maximize the
value of unpredictable harvests from fishponds, and market surveys will be conducted to gauge
consumer attitudes and preferences between imported seafood and fishpond products. Project
findings will be compiled along with related past research in a publication outlining
opportunities for promoting fishpond production. Production will focus on native species that
are well-adapted to fishpond culture. This publication will be written in a comprehensible
format intended for fishpond practitioners, and will include an outline of the permitting and
regulatory requirements for production, harvesting, and value-added processing of products.
Summary of potential benefits to the fishing community of the project results: Fishponds
traditionally offered a lifeline to fishermen when fishing was impossible or unsuccessful, and
could play a similar role in modern society. Restored fishponds offer direct benefits to the
fishermen who work around them, and indirect benefits in the form of serving as coastal
nurseries and breeding areas for wild fish stocks. Maximizing restoration efforts and production
from fishponds will require economically efficient strategies, utilizing many species that are not
currently widely consumed. Promoting valuable fishpond production will offer traditional
fishermen alternative jobs in the face of modern nearshore overfishing, and increase fishpond
restoration throughout Hawaiʻi.
Proposal #: 24WCR401-024
Project Title: A Sea-to-School Program for the Santa Barbara Channel
Applicant: Get Hooked Seafood LLC
Priority Addressed Priority #1 Promotion and Marketing
Principal Investigator: Victoria Voss, Co-Founder and Chief Operations Officer of Get Hooked
Seafood, victoria@gethookedseafood, 805-456-9681
Amount: $499,991
Abstract: There is no seafood on the school lunch menu currently at nearly all the K-12 schools
in Ventura County (CA), like in much of the U.S. The disconnect between U.S. fisheries and K-12
schools has negative implications for both children and fishers alike. Seafood represents a
sustainable, healthy option for youth consumption, and schools are a critical yet underutilized
high volume market opportunity for fisheries. In order to address this issue, Get Hooked
Seafood (a Community Supported Fishery) will create a successful, replicable Ventura County
Sea-to-School program which will connect K-12 school children with local seafood products
through their school lunch service. We will develop and school-test several affordable, kid-
friendly seafood products and deliver our most successful seafood products to 40 schools
within the 6 Ventura County school districts. In addition, we will create seafood preparation
trainings for school food service staff and an extensive classroom curriculum that includes
participation from local fishers to educate students about local fisheries and seafood. Our
ultimate goal is to increase market demand for U.S. fisheries by developing strategies, value-
added seafood products, and an educational campaign that stimulates demand for local and
regional seafood in educational food service settings and beyond.
Summary of potential benefits to the fishing community of the project results: This project
will benefit fishers by opening a high-volume market (primary and secondary schools) for
California groundfish, Oregon Pink Shrimp, Dover Sole, and Alaskan Salmon. Our recipes and
educational materials will be disseminated publicly to catalyze uptake of U.S. seafood by
schools nationwide, supporting economic opportunity for fishers by promoting seafood to the
next generation of consumers. We also aim to foster youth’s interest in seafood careers
through classroom visits by local fishers. Furthermore, this project supports the growth of a
women-owned and fishing family-owned Community Supported Fishery, Get Hooked Seafood,
by improving its processing efficiencies and market access.
Proposal #: 24WCR412-001
Project Title: A groundfish consumer packaged goods start-up accelerator program designed to
incentivize product innovation, expand the industry and grow demand for West Coast
Applicant: Positively Groundfish
Priority Addressed Priority #1 Promotion and Marketing
Principal Investigator: Jana Hennig (jana@positivelygroundfish.org), PG Executive Director
Amount: $497,641
Abstract: The West Coast groundfish fishery has experienced a remarkable ecological recovery
since its collapse in 2000. However, the fishery is now struggling with low market demand
which causes the fishery to be underutilized and undervalued. To unlock the full economic
potential of this fishery, we need to grow harvest volumes while also increasing average prices,
and strengthen groundfish’s presence in retail, which can all be achieved simultaneously by
developing more value-added branded products. Positively Groundfish thus proposes to run a
start-up accelerator program that entices US-domestic entrepreneurs to this fishery and
directly incentivizes them to develop innovative value-added products using West Coast
groundfish, and that supports these entrepreneurs with financial, educational, and promotional
resources to meaningfully boost their chances of success. The 20-month long project breaks
down into three sequential work tracks: 1) accelerator program development and recruitment
campaign; 2) a 6-month accelerator program for 5 select start-ups; 3) a post-accelerator
marketing support program.
Priority #2: Development, Infrastructure, and Capacity Building
Proposal #: 24AKR613-013
Project Title: Increasing Utilization and Value of Alaska Seafood Through High Value Side-
stream Production, Re-Shoring of Value-Added Processing, and Neutral Storage Facilities
Applicant: Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute
Priority Addressed Priority #2 Development, Infrastructure, and Capacity Building
Principal Investigator: John Burrows, ASMI Seafood Technical Director,
Amount: $500,000
Abstract: ASMI, the Alaska Fisheries Development Foundation (AFDF), the McKinley Research
Group (MRG), the Iceland Ocean Cluster (IOC), and University of Alaska-Fairbanks’ Alaska Blue
Economy Center (ABEC) will collaborate to evaluate existing value-added processing
methodologies currently active in the Iceland Ocean Cluster and determine which could be
applied to Alaska seafood processes and species. The framework developed in Iceland for full
utilization of seafood, known as the 100% fish initiative. A model that has been successfully
applied domestically in Iceland, and adapted for novel contexts (e.g. 100% Great Lakes project).
We will build upon the previous Specialty Product Report with updated information and
provide next steps for industry diversification, giving industry the ability to make more
informed decisions as they seek to enhance the value of their products through feasibility
analysis from both a scientific and business lens. Existing reports and information are
insufficient for most industry members to determine what products they could produce, what
challenges (and relevant solutions) may exist, and how best to implement them. We intend to
provide information to enhance value, reduce waste, and create new potential markets
Summary of potential benefits to the fishing community of the project results: Creation of
social innovation through diversification, making new markets accessible and allowing potential
for increase in availability of attractive employment related to and enabled by this diversity
(e.g. cosmetic and fashion are new avenues to support value creation, inclusion and
accessibility to the fisheries economy as in Iceland). • Attraction of technical specialists, new
technologies, and infrastructure to fishing communities. • Bring additional expertise and capital
to processing areas and allow greater value for the volume of harvest. Stimulation of the local
innovation ecosystem and economy for successful products. • Creation of additional value from
produced from the same volume of caught fish.
Proposal#: 24GAR234-079
Project Title: Co-produced Research to Control Invasive Blue Catfish in Chesapeake Bay
Applicant: Morgan State University
Priority Addressed Priority #2 Development, Infrastructure, and Capacity Building
Principal Investigator: Thomas F. Ihde, Assistant Research Professor, Senior Marine Research
Scientist, 10545 Mackall Road, St. Leonard, MD 20685; 443-885-5932;
Amount: $500,000
Abstract: The recent invasion of Blue Catfish (Ictalurus furcatus) throughout the Chesapeake
Bay system presents cross-jurisdictional challenges for sustainable management of multiple
commercially and recreationally important species impacted by the invader, as well as an
opportunity to develop profitable fisheries for the invasive species itself. The proposed work
brings stakeholders, fishery managers and scientists together in a professionally facilitated
dialogue to identify jurisdiction-specific preferred management approaches likely to be most
effective in controlling Blue Catfish, while also fostering the development of new, profitable
fisheries. A wide range of stakeholders with sometimes opposing interests are directly affected
by Blue Catfish. There is great potential to foster a new understanding of other stakeholders, of
the species, its impacts, and how we, as a community, might realize an improved future for a
region that now includes this aggressive species. Co-produced research is at the core of the
proposed work. Stakeholder-preferred management alternatives will be explored, and the
science team will visualize the likely ecological and regional economic impacts of the expanding
fisheries, and the effects of Blue Catfish on other important Chesapeake species. Stakeholders
will work together to identify their management preferences and will share their ideas with
fishery managers of each jurisdiction.
Summary of potential benefits to the fishing community of the project results: This project
provides an opportunity for stakeholders to develop a shared understanding of: (1) other
stakeholder perspectives, (2) how their management ideas are likely to perform compared to
alternative management strategies, (3) envision the long-term ecological effects and economic
impacts from the Blue Catfish invasion with and without current USDA regulation. The final
product a consensus document will enable jurisdictional managers to select from a suite of
management options, co-designed by fishery stakeholders, that strengthen existing fisheries
and benefit the fishing community, fully informed of trade-offs and stakeholder preferences for
the various outcomes.
Proposal #: 24GAR219-074
Project Title: Preparing the next ocean stewards: Fishermen's Development Training Program
Applicant: Cape Cod Commercial Fishermen's Alliance Inc
Priority Addressed Priority #2 Development, Infrastructure, and Capacity Building
Principal Investigator: Melissa Sanderson, Chief Operating Officer,
[email protected]; 508-945-2432 x103; 1566 Main Street, Chatham, MA 02633
Amount: $128,524
Abstract: The proposed project will provide beginning and existing fishermen with free training
they need to safely enter and advance in the commercial fishing industry, taught by fishing
captain partners and business skill experts. It will negotiate and secure agreements and funding
for future replication of the training program, and help ensure long-term economic growth in
the region. Findings and resource guides will be shared with fishing communities throughout
the country. The training curriculum is based on previous pilots, partner expertise, and a robust
training framework previously developed with Sea Grant funding. The specific objectives of this
project include:
1. Recruit a diversity of men and women into the training program, including veterans and
2. Educate beginning fishermen during two introductory training courses (once per year).
3. Educate existing fishermen during fourteen advanced training workshops (7 each year).
4. Retain the trainees in the fishing industry.
5. Integrate the training courses into the curriculum at Cape Cod Community College
and/or Cape Cod Technical High School and/or East Farm Commercial Fisheries Center
of Rhode Island.
6. Achieve long-term financial sustainability for training program.
7. Share project findings with fishing communities across the country.
Summary of potential benefits to the fishing community of the project results: During the
two-year project, an additional 30 new entrants from diverse backgrounds will be trained in
crew skills and maritime safety, providing a critical source of new, competent, and safe
employees to Cape Cod commercial fishing businesses with less turnover. At least 60 existing
fishermen will be empowered to advance their fishing career due to increased skills and
knowledge. The project will also develop plans, agreements, and future funding sources to
ensure these benefits can be replicated year after year with a sustainable training program.
Long term, we expect to increased resiliency, inclusivity, and capacity for Cape Cod’s fishing
Proposal #: 24GAR209-007
Project Title: Coastal Access Cohort: Future-Proofing Municipal Strategies to Support
Commercial Fishing, Intertidal Harvesting, and Aquaculture
Applicant: Maine Coast Fishermen's Association
Priority Addressed Priority #2 Development, Infrastructure, and Capacity Building
Principal Investigator: Monique Coombs, Director of Community Programs,
[email protected]; 207-807-5539 93 Pleasant St. Brunswick, ME
Amount: $487,702
Abstract: The Coastal Access Cohort will support eight coastal communities in Maine as they
complete working waterfront inventories and begin to incorporate results into municipal
planning. This work will help communities identify critical infrastructure upon which Maine’s
commercial wild capture fisheries, intertidal harvesting, and aquaculture depend. Towns gain a
better sense for how development pressures and climate change increase vulnerabilities of
scarce working waterfront resources and strategies to prioritize interventions to sustain coastal
access for diverse seafood businesses. Building relationships across municipalities will allow for
sustained peer-to-peer learning, sharing of experiences, and connections to industry, leading
academic and private sector research organizations, and private sector partners. Metrics will be
co-developed with cohort members to help prioritize assets and understand tradeoffs given
finite resources. A Future of Maine’s Working Waterfront Colloquium will be hosted to extend
learning beyond the initial cohort.
Summary of potential benefits to the fishing community of the project results: The working
waterfront that supports Maine’s seafood economy is a severely limited resource. The project
will help coastal communities build capacity to identify infrastructure investments and
interventions that are needed along the coast of Maine to sustain local fishery sectors. As a
result, Coastal Access Cohort participant towns will be equipped to make informed decisions in
the context of uncertainty and to implement strategies that better support coastal access by
commercial fishermen, intertidal harvesters, and aquaculturists. Seafood businesses will be
given more of a voice in the municipal planning processes.
Proposal #: 24PIR707-009
Project Title: Establishing a Supply & Training Program for Restorative Aquaculture Production
of the HI Red Seaweed, Limu Kohu (Asparagopsis taxiforms)
Applicant: University of Hawaii
Priority Addressed Priority #2 Development, Infrastructure, and Capacity Building
Principal Investigator: Bradley K. Fox, Aquaculture Extension Specialist, University of Hawai‘i
Sea Grant College Program, [email protected]
Amount: $500,000
Abstract: Limu Kohu (Asparagopsis taxiformis) is a native red seaweed that is culturally
significant to Hawaiʻi and its people. Limu (seaweed) is the third main component of the
traditional Hawaiian diet, alongside raw fish and taro. Limu Kohu, directly translated as the
“supreme seaweed,” was one of the favorite limu for aliʻi (Hawaiian royalty) and is still a
favorite for many people in Hawai‘i today. In recent decades, there has been a revitalization
and strengthening of Hawai‘i’s relationship with limu, particularly through traditional seaweed
practices and knowledge in response to the loss of cultural practices and the near extinction of
fluent speakers of ‘ōlelo Hawaiʻi (Hawaiian language) following colonization. Limu also serves as
a critical bioindicator of coastal health and ecosystem balance. This project aims to initiate Limu
Kohu restoration at selected locations across Hawai‘i in partnership with community
organizations involved in loko i‘a (Hawaiian fishpond) and limu restoration, while also
increasing understanding and awareness of Limu Kohu’s environmental and cultural
significance through education outreach activities. The commercial potential of this species will
also be explored through tank-based culture with partners. This limu restoration program will
be the first of its kind in Hawaiʻi that actively restores a depleted seaweed fishery through a
university-private-community partnership.
Summary of potential benefits to the fishing community of the project results: The
participation of community organizations involved in limu restoration efforts will take place
during all phases of the project and will be vital for effective and successful Limu Kohu
restoration in Hawai‘i. This project will provide these community organizations with the
opportunity to actively participate in the restoration of a depleted limu fishery. The project will
also examine the commercial potential of Limu Kohu which may also serve as an economic
opportunity for these community organizations and industry.
Priority #3: Science or Technology that Enhances Sustainable U.S. Fisheries
Proposal #: 24GAR220-066
Project Title: Commercialization of "Ropeless" On-Bottom Sea Scallop Aquaculture in the Gulf of
Maine: Development of Spat Collection and Growout Protocols
Applicant: University of New Hampshire
Priority Addressed Priority #3 Science or Technology that Enhances Sustainable U.S. Fisheries
Principal Investigator: Michael Coogan, University of New Hampshire,
Amount: $497,723
Abstract: The Atlantic sea scallop, Placopecten magellanicus, shows great potential as an
aquaculture species in the Northeast United States. It is characterized by a fast growth rate,
high price, an established market both domestically and internationally and developed
aquaculture protocols in similar species abroad. The U.S. has the largest wild scallop fishery in
the world, with 43 million pounds of sea scallops valued at $670 million landed in 2021.
However, with a domestic market of over $1 billion USD, nearly half of scallops consumed in
the U.S. are imported, contributing to the $17 billion dollar trade deficit. Demand for scallops
far outstrips supply presenting a significant opportunity for aquaculture to capture a portion of
this share as well as mitigate some of the harmful ecological effects of wild scallop harvesting
including bycatch and destruction of benthic habitats. While commercial aquaculture has
existed in the region for decades, farmers face several challenges including competition from
foreign aquaculture and the domestic wild fishery, uneconomical growout methods, a lack of
hatcheries to provide seed, and changing oceanic conditions, including warming temperatures
and ocean acidification.
Summary of potential benefits to the fishing community of the project results: Scallops are
typically grown in either bottom gear, such as oyster condos, or suspended gear, including ear
hanging, lantern nets and pearl nets, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. Unlike
ear hanging which has high startup costs, lantern and pearl nets have a low initial expense but
become easily fouled leading to high labor costs. Suspended gear also poses a risk for marine
mammal entanglement, a key issue in the Northwest Atlantic where the Northern Right Whale
is critically endangered. With the availability of affordable and reliable acoustic release
technologies scallops can be cultured in bottom gear in ideal conditions without vertical buoy
lines thereby eliminating entanglement risk to whales and other marine organisms.
Proposal #: 24GAR225-097
Project Title: Genomic population structure of Atlantic herring in US waters to inform
sustainable fishery management
Applicant: Commonwealth of Massachusetts
Priority Addressed Priority #3 Science or Technology that Enhances Sustainable U.S. Fisheries
Principal Investigator: Dr. Micah Dean, Senior Fishery Biologist [email protected]
Amount: $321,213
Abstract: Atlantic herring in the US are assessed as a single unit, yet fishery managers divide the
annual catch limit (ACL) among four sub-areas to prevent overfishing of individual spawning
components. The distribution of total ACL among these areas is based on coarse estimates of
the size of each spawning component from the 1990s and some educated guesses on the
seasonal mixing rate between them. The fishery management plan acknowledges that little is
known about US herring population structure and migration patterns, and that these have likely
changed over time. Regardless, the area-based sub-ACL percentages have remained static since
the system was created. This project would partner with knowledgeable commercial fishing
captains to collect samples from each of the known herring spawning grounds in the US and
adjacent Canadian waters. Using low-coverage whole-genome sequencing, we will evaluate the
genomic population structure among these putative spawning groups. A panel of single
nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) will be identified that can reliably discriminate between the
sub-populations. This genomic tool would allow fishery managers to set area-specific quotas
that prevent unsustainable levels of fishing on each spawning component, thereby augmenting
the productivity and resilience of the overall herring population and fishery.
Summary of potential commercial benefits to the fishing community of the project results:
The productivity of the Atlantic herring stock has declined in recent years and in response,
fishery managers have drastically reduced allocations for commercial harvest. In the short term,
this project would provide significant compensation to multiple industry partners for
conducting sampling trips that result in minimal utilization of scarce quota. In the longer term,
this project will enable empirical observations of seasonal sub- population mixing rates, making
the area-based fishery management system more accurate and effective. Fishery yield will be
optimized by minimizing the risk of overfishing to unique spawning groups, thereby augmenting
the productivity and resilience of the herring stock
Proposal #: 24PIR708-033
Project Title: Aquaculture of native species to improve fisheries habitats and expand
opportunities for fishing communities
Applicant: University of Hawaii
Priority Addressed Priority #3 Science or Technology that Enhances Sustainable U.S. Fisheries
Principal Investigator: Maria Haws, Ph.D., Professor, Aquaculture. Pacific Aquaculture and
Coastal Resources Center, 1079 Kalanianaole St., University of Hawaii Hilo, Hilo, HI 96729.
Phone (808) 333-2529. Email: [email protected]
Amount: $500,000
Abstract: Molluscan and seaweed aquaculture offer significant untapped potential for
economic and environmental benefits for Hawaiʻi and the U.S.-Affiliated Pacific Islands, but
technical and business models are required to realize this potential. This work builds on the
initial twelve years of efforts to establish bivalve grow-out in Hawaiʻi by developing new species
and building capacity for the first aquaculture cooperative in Hawaiʻi. The near absence of
native seaweed aquaculture will also be addressed through development of culture methods
for high-value species at the “Limu Ark” (seaweed repository). Key activities include:
● developing operational protocols for the Hilo Aquaculture Pilot Site (HAPS), the first open-
water shellfish/seaweed aquaculture farm in the state;
● build business and managerial capacity for the Hilo Aquaculture Cooperative (HAC);
● conduct marketing studies for the species cultured by the HAC/PACRC teams at the HAPS;
● develop high-value native bivalve and seaweed species;
● lessen potential impacts of non-native bivalve species through polyploid creation; and;
● acquire key data needed to scale up restorative aquaculture.
The work will strengthen three facilities and build capacity for at least ten stakeholder groups.
Equally important, this work makes progress towards implementing restorative aquaculture for
direct benefits to fishers and working waterfronts.
Summary of potential benefits to the fishing community of the project results: This work lays
the foundation to expand molluscan and seaweed aquaculture which represent untapped
economic potential for existing and new producers, including fishing communities. Operational
and economic models will be developed that can be replicated. These species are also the most
feasible candidates for restorative aquaculture, rendering multiple benefits such as fisheries
habitat provision, stock enhancement, and water quality mitigation. Technical support to the
first aquaculture cooperative in the state enables direct participation by fishers and provides a
model for others. Critical research and training facilities will be expanded and made
sustainable. Capacity building will enable stakeholders to begin mariculture.
Proposal #: 24SER309-036
Project Title: A FARMS Approach to Address Oyster Mortality and Improve Production in the
South's Emergent Off-bottom Oyster Aquaculture Industry
Applicant: Oyster South Company
Priority Addressed Priority #3 Science or Technology that Enhances Sustainable U.S. Fisheries
Principal Investigator: Bethany Walton, Executive Director, beth@oystersouth.com
Amount: $499,198
Abstract: This project addresses Priority #3, Science or Technology that Enhances Sustainable
U.S. Fisheries by assessing sudden spring/summer unusual unexplained oyster mortalities (S3
U2 Ms events) through a coordinated network of collaborative research with twenty
commercial oyster farmers in the southern US across nine states: Farms for Aquaculture
Research and Monitoring of Shellfish (FARMS). Through collaborative, on-farm research, we will
test the effect of ploidy (diploid and triploid) on oyster performance across a range of
environmental conditions and different cultivation practices over a complete production cycle.
We hypothesize that by implementing a monitoring and assessment plan at multiple
commercial farm sites, important relationships between key environmental factors and the
survival and health of cultured oysters will be better understood and lead to solutions
promoting more reliable oyster production.
Working with industry partners, this project will develop an industry-wide network to 1)
monitor, assess, and understand environmental, biological, and management factors that can
drive production successes and failures, 2) refine management practices that may mitigate
environmental and handling stressors, and 3) provide tools and baseline data to allow growers
to make informed management decisions and share results with the southern oyster
aquaculture community.
Summary of potential benefits to the fishing community of the project results: One of the
most pressing challenges to the growing off-bottom oyster aquaculture industry in the southern
US is the ongoing issue of sudden spring/summer unexplained unusual mortalities
(SUMs). The project results will provide the most comprehensive study across this region of this
problem and provide potential methods for growers to reduce the likelihood of these
mortalities. In addition, this project will create a formal network of 20 commercial oyster
farmers across the southern US that will enhance communication amongst these growers and
establish a platform that could potentially host other research projects.
Proposal #: 24SER327-008
Project Title: Collaborative Research and Capacity Building in the U.S. Caribbean via
Investigating Queen Conch Life History and Resolving the Conch Age Conundrum
Applicant: University of South Carolina
Priority Addressed Priority #3 Science or Technology that Enhances Sustainable U.S. Fisheries
Principal Investigator’s: Jesús Rivera Hernández, Fish/Fisheries Conservation Lab/ BIO/GEO,
USCA Marine Sciences, University of South Carolina, RIVERAHE@email.sc.edu; Dr. Virginia
Shervette, Fish/Fisheries Conservation Lab, Department of Biology and Geology, University of
South Carolina Aiken [email protected]
Amount: $398,944
Abstract: Queen conch is indisputably critically important to commercial fisheries throughout
the U.S. Caribbean yet is still considered an extremely data-poor species. In Puerto Rico (PR)
and St. Croix (STX), conch ranks as the second most important commercial fishery and
commands one of the highest economic yields-per-effort, averaging > $12/lb of meat. In USVI,
queen conch is harvested commercially from waters of STX, but St. Thomas/St. John and STX
rely on the STX fishery to supply conch for USVI territorial needs. SEDAR14 included a review of
queen conch for assessment and concluded no assessment could be performed “due to a lack
of adequate data.” In September 2022, NOAA-Fisheries proposed to list queen conch as
threatened under the Endangered Species Act. Our understanding of life history strategies of
fisheries species is informed by key biological processes, such as growth, survival/mortality,
recruitment, and sexual maturation, used to characterize fishery species stocks (populations).
This collaborative study between conch fishers and scientists seeks to document current,
region- specific life history information for queen conch from STX and PR; understanding basic
life history characteristics of queen conch is critical to making informed decisions regarding
sustainable harvest of this species in the U.S Caribbean.
Summary of potential benefits to the fishing community of the project results: U.S. Caribbean
fishers expressed their extreme concern to NOAA personnel about listing conch as threatened.
Fishers emphasized that no current, U.S. Caribbean-specific information was utilized in the
process and no engagement with local fishers occurred in preparation for the listing. Fishers
noted the critical need to investigate queen conch population attributes in the region and their
willingness to collaborate on obtaining this information. Therefore, the focus of our
collaborative study is to collect essential life history data for queen conch in STX and PR waters
to ensure that management decisions regarding sustainable harvest of this species utilize
current, region-specific information.
Proposal #: 24SER322-010
Project Title: Optimizing Atlantic Croaker Reproductive Performance for Fisheries Conservation
and Aquaculture
Applicant: Live Advantage Bait LLC
Priority Addressed Priority #3 Science or Technology that Enhances Sustainable U.S. Fisheries
Principal Investigator: Nicole Kirchhoff, Ph.D., CEO Live Advantage Bait LLC,
Amount: $99,697
Abstract: Atlantic Croaker, native to the Atlantic and Gulf State regions, has a high potential for
multi-purpose aquaculture development, including live baitfish, food fish, and restoration.
Demand for Atlantic Croaker has soared in recent years, with live bait prices exceeding $3-$5.50
each in Florida, imitating fisheries management measures. Aquaculture, not increased wild
catch, is, therefore, the best method to increase market value and fulfill demand in this fishery
without threatening wild stocks. While commercial quantities of spawn (eggs) can now be
achieved both in and out-of-season, the percent fertilization is still very low and unpredictable.
For commercial aquaculture to be economically successful, egg quantities and quality must be
predictable and, if possible, year-round hatchery production achieved. This project aims to
optimize fertilized egg production year-round in Atlantic Croaker through (a) altering in-tank
water velocity (b) sex-ratio manipulation and (c) further describing spawning seasonality in
Florida. These objectives will be trialed in tanks on a commercial aquaculture farm, with
production output such as number of eggs, percent fertilization, perfect hatch, and survival to
first feeing recorded. Results will be presented in numerous formats to both commercial and
academic audiences with an aim to promote development and expansion of the industry.
Summary of potential benefits to the fishing community of the project results: Bait sales
throughout the US account for an approximate $2.3 billion across the economy and are under
increasing pressure to be managed fisheries. This project will significantly impact the
effectiveness and speed which management can respond to the rapidly increasing demand for
Atlantic Croaker across the Gulf and Atlantic regions. In addition, expansion of the availability of
croaker as live bait can directly result in an $290 million per year expansion of the live baitfish
industry and associated supply chain market. Employment opportunities would be generated in
aquaculture, bait transport, retail, charter fishing and beyond.