Friday 16th September 2022
Autumn Term
Volume 1
Great North Run
Mrs Clappison and I would like to say a HUGE
to everyone who supported us in our quest to complete the
GNR. Aer the dicult circumstances surrounding the event,
it was a privilege to be part of an event that marked the
passing of Her Majesty so respecully whilst remaining a
vibrant and excing day. We have been overwhelmed by the
donaons and the pledges of support, the morale boosts on
the day itself and the screams of support from the side lines.
At the me of wring we have
raised £2000 for the Bursary Cam-
paign . Big respect to all who
ran including (but not
limited to) Mr Stanford,
Mrs Smalley, Mrs Black,
Mr McMinn and Chair of
Governors Mr Fletcher.
Mr M and Mrs C
Junior School Bulletin
Assembly – The Magic Book
In our rst full assembly of the year I took great delight
in welcoming everyone back to schoolthe shiny
shoes, the smart hair, the prisne blazers all on show at
9.15am. Ill leave you to judge if that is how the kids
looked by 3.30pm!
The focus of the assembly was responsibility. We
agreed that it is the sta who are responsible for most
things, not least creang excing learning opportunies
and for keeping the children safe and happy. However,
my 4 volunteers all had an important job. When
presented with the Magic Book and asked, who is
responsible for your atude in lessons?Joshua
opened the rst page to see a picture of himself
starring back – wow! The book was handed over to
Tom who was asked, who is responsible for your eort
in sports?”…and he saw a picture of himself smiling
back – wow! And so it connued for E and Emily who
both, amazingly, saw a picture of themselves starring
back when asked who was responsible for how kind
they are and how well they listen!
These volunteers were selected at random so how
could I have possibly known which pictureto put in
the book? Why dont you ask your child(ren) to
enlighten you…?!
On a serious note, we, the sta, are here to ensure the
children have the most excellent experience and I am
keen for them to understand they have a large role to
play in making the most of being at RGS. We love the
children dearly and want them to amplify their skills,
knowledge and aributes by understanding our (high)
expectaons of them.
James Miller, Head of Junior School
Guest Superpower for September/
Octoberyet to be announced .
I am in the process of updating the Junior School medical
records for students with ongoing medical issues e.g.
allergies, asthma. Please email me as soon as possible
([email protected]) if your child:
has a medical condition that we dont know about and/or
requires medication whilst at school (please give details of the
condition and details of any required medication and the care
has a medical condition that has not changed - simply tell us,
no change’;
has a medical condition that has changed e.g. they no
longer require medication/treatment or their medication/dosage
has changed etc.
For children who require medication, please bring it into school
as soon as possible and hand it to a member of office staff.
Please ensure that all medication is clearly
labelled with your childs name and class.
Many thanks
Miss A Noble (Lambton House School Office)
We have a couple of rare spaces for
piano lessons sll available.
If interested, please contact Jill Graham
([email protected] for more informaon.
Spooky Friday Cafe!
Calling all monstrous musicians to perform at our next
Friday Cafe, on Thursday 13
October (I know...its a
Thursday, not a Friday!)
As we will be approaching Halloween, the café will
have a spooky theme (but you do not have to perform
a spooky piece).
So - this is your moment - all you violin-playing
Vampires, piano-playing pumpkins, guitar-playing
ghosts (and all other spooky musical alliteraons that
you can think of!)
All ages and abilies are warmly encouraged to
perform at this very relaxed and friendly café. It is a
perfect opportunity for a rst performance or a slightly
hesitant performer, as well as those more
accomplished, seasoned performers amongst us.
I will need to limit the performers to around 24 ghouls
and goblins so please let me know as soon as possible
if you are keen to perform.
[email protected]
Katherine Clappison, Assistant
Head (Academic) Junior School
Head of Junior Music
Naonal Counes Chess Championship
The Final of the Naonal Counes Chess
Championship took place in Darlington on
Saturday 2
July, between Northumberland and
Yorkshire. Players had 2 hours and 15 minutes
each for the game, plus 15 seconds extra per
move. So some games lasted 5 hours, a lot longer
than when RGS junior school pupils play!
I am delighted to say that Northumberland won the
match and the trophy. This is the rst me we
have won the compeon in its 100 year
history. The score line was actually a very ght 8-8
over 16 boards, but we won since the ebreak was
winning more games on higher boards. I managed
to beat a fellow Internaonal Master on board
2. There was a large RGS conngent in the
team. In the photo from le to right, you can
see: Ravi Wariyar, Paul Dargan, Mr Eggleston,
Zheming Zhang, Will Robinson and Ed Dodds. Paul,
Zheming and Ed also managed to win their games.
Ravi, Zheming and Paul are former RGS
pupils. Paul was a part of the Senior School team
that won the Naonal Schools U19 Championship
way back in 1984 and his sister Anne taught in the
Junior School for many years. Will is currently in
year 12 and Ed is the father of Jake and Ellie, who
are currently in year 4. Former pupil James Moreby
played in previous rounds, but
was unable to make the nal.
Mr Eggleston
This weeks Puzzle:
Please submit your answer, along with any of your own,
real-life puzzles (and answers!), to me:
Thank you.
Mr Lloyd
A few weeks ago, Vivienne
aained the Silver Brownie
Award for her brownie
badge achievements. She
is now only just “20 mins
of pack acvityaway from
achieving the nal Golden
Brownie Award- the high-
est award that can be
Lucy Mc (Y3), Rena V (Y3), Praneel T (Y3), Malda A (Y3),
Maya D (Y3) Rheeya C (Y3), Charlie J (Y3), Sulaiman S (Y3),
George L-H (Y3), Yechu C (Y3), Cormac K (Y3), Alexander L
(Y3), Adi G (Y3), Eva O (Y3), Grace L (Y3), Noah J (Y3), Ishaal S
(Y3), Jai A (Y4), Deepa S (Y4), Bhavya B (Y4), Rae O-S (Y4),
Madhavi V (Y4), Albert G-G (Y4), Sophier L (Y4), Elena Z (Y4),
Alessandro B (Y4), Sebasan F (Y4), Ben G (Y5), Ishaan D (Y5),
Keren A (Y5), Tiree R (Y5), Oorja C (Y5), James B (Y5), Ethan R
(Y5), Millie M (Y5), Jessica N (Y5), Aryan N (Y5), Amrit J (Y6),
Arun J (Y6), Evie F (Y6), Darcey N (Y6), Vivienne P (Y6),
Shloka S (Y6), Radha S (Y6), Florence B (Y6), Jaya B (Y6),
Adam H (Y6) …. who all celebrated birthdays during the
Insiyah J (Y4), Yannick H (Y5), Lyla S (Y5),
Harry G (Y6), Jinan C (Y6)
Yogam had a busy summer from helping in
The Peoples Kitchen to enjoying acvies
at The Chill Factor ...
Here we have some Y6 artwork produced this week to honour the Queen.
Mrs McCulloch